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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pojetí smrti v existencialistickém myšlení / The concept of death in existentialist mean

NAGYOVÁ, Andrea January 2012 (has links)
The main question of this work is which view existentialists philosophers have about the death. The main intentension of this work is to demonstrate the different kinds of understanding the death by individual authors. We look for the answers of the questiones, if we can find the different forms of the death. The questiones, which way authors akcept the dead in their works, or if being of the death affect their work. At the end I want to refer of the question of life after the death. If authors belived in the life after the dead or if they didn´t. The work is written with consciousness, that the death has its own secret, that is hardly to answer.

NÄR LIVET TAR EN NY VÄNDNING : En litteraturstudie om upplevelser efter en stroke

Sandström, Oxana, Irklei Lloyd, Julia January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Stroke är en av de största folksjukdomarna i Sverige och årligen drabbas cirka 30 000 personer av stroke. Sjukdomen är en livshotande händelse och kan medföra funktionsnedsättningar i olika grad som påverkar på personers liv. Det kan även påverka på de anhörigas liv som tar hand om sin familjemedlem som har insjuknat. Syfte: Att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att leva med funktionsnedsättningar det första året efter en stroke. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie av vårdvetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats enligt Evans beskrivande syntes. Resultat: Upplevelser som framkom i resultatet delades in i två teman: förlorad kontroll över kroppen och återfå kontroll över livet. Utifrån dessa teman framkom sex underteman: att bli instängd, att bli orkeslös, att leva med förlorad identitet, att leva med förändrad sinnesstämning, att anpassa sig till funktionsnedsättningar och att uppleva hopp. Slutsats: Att leva med funktionsnedsättningar efter en stroke påverkar på patienters kropp, själ och ande samt leder det till ett nytt och annorlunda liv. Sjuksköterskan bör uppmärksamma upplevelser som medförs av funktionsnedsättningar och anpassa vården efter detta. Att kunna lyssna, ge stöd och använda sin kunskap vid bemötande av patienter efter en stroke medför att kvalitén på omvårdnaden kan förbättras. / Background: Stroke is one of the most common widespread diseases in Sweden and approximately 30 000 people suffers each year. The disease is a life-threatening experience and can lead to disabilities and affect the patient’s lifestyle. It can also affect the lives of the relatives who take care of their family member who has been diagnosed with a stroke. Aim: To describe patient’s experiences of living with the disabilities the first year after a stroke. Method: A systematic literature study of nursing research articles with qualitative approach according to Evans descriptive synthesis. Results: Experiences, which were identified in the result, were divided into two themes: Lost control of the body and regain control of their life. Based on the themes six sub-themes appeared: To be trapped, to be decrepit, to live with lost identity, to live with altered mood, to adapt to the disabilities and to experience hope. Conclusion: Living with disabilities after a stroke affect a patient’s body, mind and spirit, and lead to a new and different life. Nurses should pay attention to victim’s experiences of the disabilities and adapt the nursing accordingly. Being able to listen, provide support and use their knowledge in the treatment of patients after a stroke can improve the quality of healthcare.

Leva vidare

Costache, Camelia Teodora, Gazivoda, Svetlana January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Organtransplantation ger nytt hopp och nytt liv till sjuka patienter. Njursvikt är en kronisk, försvagande sjukdom som påverkar många aspekter av patienternas liv. Den effektivaste behandlingen mot kronisk njursvikt är transplantation. Forskning visar hur patienterna upplever livet efter njurtransplantation.Syfte: Syftet är att sammanställa vetenskapliga artiklar som belyser patienters upplevelse av livet efter njurtransplantation.Metod: Litteraturstudie med tematisk analys av tio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats.Resultat: Studiens resultat visade att en del av patienterna upplevde många positiva förändringar men det fanns också en del som upplevde ett antal begränsningar. Att leva med en ny njure ledde till en känsla av frihet, glädje, lycka och en möjlighet till att kunna planera mer långsiktigt. Rädsla och oro över att den nya njuren kunde stötas bort, skuld över att ta emot någon annans njure, livslångbehandling och för höga förväntningar ledde till ett begränsat liv. Resultatet visade inte på någon tydlig skillnad mellan kvinnor och mäns upplevelser av livet efter njurtransplantationen men vissa variationer kunde urskiljas.Konklusion: I studien framkom olika aspekter kring hur patienterna såg på livet efter en njurtransplantation. Före uppsatsen förväntade vi oss att patienterna skulle vara lättade då de tidigare varit på gränsen till döden. Men även om patienterna upplevde att de hade en högre livskvalitet efter transplantationen kom det ändå stunder då de misströstade och trodde att förbättringarna endast var tillfälliga. / Background: Organ transplantation gives new hope and new life to patients. Renal failure is a chronic, devastating disease that affects many aspects of the patients' lives. The most effective treatment for chronic kidney failure is transplantation. Research shows how patients experience life after kidney transplantationAim: The aim is to collect scientific articles that highlight the patient's experience of life after transplantation.Method: Literature study with thematic analysis of ten scientific articles with qualitative approach.Results: The study results showed that some of the patients experienced many positive changes, but there were also some who experienced a few limitations. Living with a new kidney led to a sense of freedom, joy, happiness, and opportunity to be able to plan more over a long term. The fear and concern that the new kidney could be rejected, guilt over receiving someone else's kidney, life-long treatment and high expectations led to a limited life. The results showed no significant difference between women’s and men's experiences of life after kidney transplantation, but certain variations could be discerned.Conclusion: The study revealed different aspects of the experience of life after renal transplantation. Before this study was expected only the good aspects and believed that it would only be a relief for patients as the previously lasted on the verge of death. Even if patients feel that they had a better life than before the transplant there are times when they despair, and think that the improvements they experience only temporary.

Mediální heroizace slavných po smrti / x

Masarčíková, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the media heroization / construction of dead celebrity icons. The introduction focuses on the explanation of the process of becoming an icon and its interpretation in certain fields and theoretical concepts, for example in the context of semiotics and sociology. A separate chapter is devoted to the role of media in the process. I attempt to reveal the media's influence on this process by studying the theory of media construction of reality and the ctreation of culture industry. The second chapter also explains the phenomenon of celebritization, which is crucial due to the applied example of dead celebrities. Based on the specific analysis I try to identify trends that are reflected in media representation of dead celebrities afterlife, and these further put in a wider context. The aim of the master thesis is to find out what trends are reflected in media representation of celebrities after their death, how the media work to maintain dead celebrities "alive", and what are the specifics of this "life". The content analysis was determined to show the character of media coverage. The semiotic analysis on the other hand to show what myths are constructed around the famous dead celebrities.

Moterų po krūties onkoplastinės bei radikalios modifikuotos mastektomijos gyvenimo kokybės įvertinimas / Evaluation of women quality of life after breast oncoplasty and radical modificated mastectomy

Protopopova, Asta 17 June 2008 (has links)
Tikslas: įvertinti moterų po radikalios modifikuotos mastektomijos bei krūties onkoplastinės operacijos gyvenimo kokybę. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrime dalyvavo trys grupės moterų. Pirmajai grupei priskirtos moterys, kurioms atlikta onkoplastinė krūties operacija KMUK, Chirurgijos klinikoje. Antrąją grupę sudarė moterys, kurioms atlikta radikali modifikuota mastektomija, Kauno medicinos universiteto klinikų (KMUK) filiale, Onkologijos ligoninėje. Kontrolinę grupę sudarė moterys, kurios nesirgo krūties vėžiu ir buvo atsitiktinai atrinktos iš apsilankiusių profilaktiškai pasitikrinti krūtis KMUK. Pirmos ir antros grupės moterys apklaustos praėjus trims metams po operacijos. Rezultatai. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad bendra sveikatos būklė blogiausia moterų po onkoplastinės operacijos (68,49 (19,02) balo). Nesirgusių moterų bendra sveikatos būklė geriausia. Jos surinko 30,63 (19,97) balo. Fizinė sveikata buvo blogesnė moterų, kurios nesirgo krūties vėžiu lyginant su tomis, kurioms atlikta mastektomija ir onkoplastinė krūties operacija. Socialinė funkcija blogesnė „sveikų“ moterų (87,32 (27,74) balo). Onkoplastinės grupės moterų socialinė funkcija prastesnė (78,79 (27,72)balo) nei grupės, kurioms atlikta radikali modifikuota mastektomija (69,75 (34,3) balo). Nuovargis didžiausias buvo moterų, kurioms atlikta radikali modifikuota mastektomija (41,15 (28,38) balo). Moterys, kurios nesirgo krūties vėžiu mažiausiai skundėsi nuovargiu (38,65 (18,7) balo) (p=0,018). Seksualinės funkcijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The objective. To assess women quality of life after radical modified mastectomy and oncoplastical operation for breast. Method of research. Three groups of women attended in the research. First group composed of women, who were after oncoplastical operation for breast in the KMUK, surgery department. Second group composed of women, who were after radical modified mastectomy in the KMUK branch, oncology hospital. The pilot group composed of women, who weren’t ill breast canser and selected casually from women who came to check profilactic their breast in the KMUK. Women were asked two years after operation from first and second group. Results. The research found out, that general state of health was worest thous women, who were after oncoplastical operation (68,49 (19,02)). Women, who were healthy, their general condition was best. They polled 30,63 (19,97) of points. Physical health was wors thous women, who weren’t ill breast cancer neither thous, who were after mastectomy or after breast oncoplastical operation. Social function was worse for “healthy” women (87,32 (27,74)). Social function of oncoplastical group of women was worse (78,79 (27,72)), neither group of radical modified mastectomy (69,75 (34,3)). The fatigue of mastectomy group was the worst (41,15 (28,38)). Women, who weren’t ill breast cancer felt fatigue the least (38,65 (18,7)) (p=0,018). Sexual function was the best thous women, who were in the group of oncoplasty (36 (31,43)). Sexual satisfaction of... [to full text]

Otázky bez odpovědi, odpovědi bez otázek / Questions without answer, answers without questions

VYHNALÍK HRUŠKOVÁ, Monika January 2013 (has links)
This diploma work consists of two parts ? theoretical and practical. The theoretical part concerns on questions which accompany man since his childhood till the end of his life. It looks for answers for questions from different points of view. It looks at the problems from religious, scientific and historical points of view. It connects questions in the historical context. It gives ideas how to make these questions accessible for children. It uses digital photos for displaying the pictures which are further adjusted by using the computer graphics. It thinks over the texts and visual works dealing with the questions which accompany a man and with looking for answers. It focuses mainly on questions about life, the meaning of life, death, life after death, violence and the end of the world. It explains the term ? artist?s book?, it is concerned with the history of this visual media and main representatives dealing with making of artists? books. The aim of this work is to make an author?s book which would be stimulation for thinking of the questions and looking for the answers for them. This book would be created with the help of graphic techniques and on the basis of theoretical knowledge and comparing different points of view.

Perheenlisäys isien kokemana – fenomenologinen tutkimus

Mesiäislehto-Soukka, H. (Helinä) 17 May 2005 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this research is to describe fathers' experiences in the context of family life after the birth of a baby. The approach to the topic is phenomenological. The data were collected in two stages from partners or husbands of women who had given birth to a child in a central hospital. First, 30 fathers were interviewed in 1999, three months after the child's birth. Three years later, in the spring and summer of 2002, 15 out of the 30 fathers were selected for a second interview on the basis of their ample talking and subsequent ability to express their experiences best. There were both first-timers and more experienced fathers among the informants. The open, conversational interviews yielded 650 pages of material, which was analyzed by the phenomenological method developed by Amadeo Giorgi and further developed by Juha Perttula in Finland. The study produced 15 individual situational meaning structures concerning the fathers' experiences. These individual meaning structures were used to create a general situational meaning structure concerning the fathers' experiences of family life after the birth of a baby. The family life after the birth of a baby involved the meaning of obtaining and building a home. It produced joy, happiness, but also responsibility and concern. The wife's pregnancy, the delivery and the new child entailed growing as a father and developing as a man. It also called for adjusting to the changed situation. The fathers' experiences of family life after the birth of a baby were influenced by their own childhood experiences and upbringing, by their growth into fatherhood and by their actions as fathers. The atmosphere of the home was based on the relationship between the husband and wife. The fathers appreciated the professionals' way of meeting and caring for the expectant family, but felt that the approach was mother-oriented and ignored the fathers. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa kuvaillaan isien kokemuksia perheenlisäyksen yhteydessä. Tutkimuksen lähestymistapa on fenomenologinen. Keräsin keskussairaalassa synnyttäneiden äitien avo- tai aviomiehiltä aineiston kahdessa eri vaiheessa: vuonna 1999 haastattelin kolmen kuukauden kuluttua synnytyksestä 30:tä perheenlisäyksen kokenutta isää ja kolmen vuoden kuluttua ensimmäisestä haastattelusta valitsin heidän keskuudestaan 15 isää, jotka puhuivat riittävästi ja ilmaisivat näin kokemuksiaan parhaiten. Nämä isät haastattelin kevään ja kesän 2002 aikana uudelleen. Isät olivat vaihtelevasti joko ensimmäisen lapsen isiä, tai joissakin perheissä oli useita lapsia. Tutkimusaineistona olivat isien avoimet keskustelunomaiset haastattelut, joita kertyi kaikkiaan 650 sivua. Analysoin aineiston Amadeo Giorgin kehittämällä ja Juha Perttulan edelleen kehittämällä analyysimenetelmällä. Tämän tutkimuksen tuloksena muodostui 15 yksilökohtaista situationaalista merkitysrakennetta isien kokemuksista perheenlisäyksen yhteydessä. Niiden avulla tämän tutkimuksen tuloksena muodostettiin yleinen situationaalinen merkitysrakenne isien kokemuksista perheenlisäyksen yhteydessä. Koettu perheenlisäys merkitsi isille kodin rakentumista ja rakentamista. Se tuotti iloa, onnea ja myös vastuuta sekä huolta. Vaimon raskaus, synnytys ja uusi lapsi merkitsivät kasvamista isänä ja kehittymistä miehenä. Perheenlisäys merkitsi sopeutumista uuteen muuttuneeseen tilanteeseen. Isien kokemuksiin perheenlisäyksestä vaikuttivat lapsuuden kokemukset, isäksi kasvaminen, kasvatus ja isänä toimiminen. Miehen ja vaimon välinen parisuhde oli perusta kodin ilmapiirille. Odottavan perheen kohtaaminen ja hoito koettiin äitisuuntautuneeksi ja arvokkaaksi mutta isät ohittavaksi.

Motivy sebevražedného terorismu / Motives of Suicide Terrorism

Mensatorisová, Martina January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the master thesis is to identify factors on which a motivation of individual, rather terrorist organization is based for committing of suicide attacks as a social phenomenon, that appears to be a priori incomprehensible in the context of European culture setting. The secondary aim of the thesis is to distinguish an eventual difference of motivation between female suicide attackers and male suicide attackers. For these purposes, two terrorist organizations have been analysed within two separately designed case studies, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and Hamas for those the suicide attacks have represented the real "modus operandi" and simultaneously engaged women to their suicide missions. These terrorist organizations have been systematically analysed in terms of cultural, political, economic and organizational and social-psychological factors. The levels of analysis used, represent a synthetized reflection of existing theoretic treatment of suicide terrorism issue. The resulting findings confirm, first of all, the fact, that suicide terrorism phenomenon constitutes considerably complicated social phenomenon, whose central motive appears to be political, more precisely nationalistic. However its strength and effectiveness are largely interconnected with other motives, both cultural,...

Stanna eller flytta? : Påverkar Norrbotniabanan studenters arbetsmöjligheter och planer att stanna i regionen efter examen? / Should I stay or should I go? : Does the Norrbotnia railway affect students' job opportunities and plans to stay in the region after graduation?

Sterner, Edit, Berglind, Mira January 2024 (has links)
Kollektivtrafiken underlättar resor för utbildning, nöje och arbete. Norrbotniabanan byggs för att förbättra förbindelser, minska utsläpp och möta transportefterfrågan i Norrland. Utveckling av järnvägsinfrastruktur är avgörande för hållbar tillväxt. Det behövs mer forskning om hur infrastrukturinvesteringar påverkar studenters uppfattning om arbetsmöjligheter och deras beslut att stanna kvar eller flytta efter examen. Studien undersöker därför om Norrbotniabanan påverkar hur studenter vid Umeå universitet uppfattar arbetsmöjligheter och upplevd sannolikhet att stanna i regionen efter examen. En blandad metod användes, med enkäter och fokusgruppintervjuer. Analysen inkluderade deskriptiv statistik med data från en webbaserad enkät och en tematisk analys för data från fokusgruppsintervjuer. Den teoretiska referensramen omfattar tillgänglighet, restid, kollektivtrafik och studenters rörlighet efter examen. Majoriteten av studenterna är osäkra eller vill inte stanna kvar i regionen efter examen, främst på grund av bristande arbetsmöjligheter och långa avstånd till familj. Jämfört med män, är kvinnor mer optimistiska till att Norrbotniabanan kan generera positiva effekter på arbetsmöjligheterna. Förbättrad kollektivtrafik anses vara en nyckelåtgärd för att främja ekonomisk tillväxt och underlätta för studenter att stanna kvar eller pendla till arbetsplatser utanför sin hemort. Trots att studenterna trivs i Umeå, skapar bristen på arbetsmöjligheter och bostäder osäkerhet i regionen, vilket driver dem att söka sig söderut. För att studenterna ska stanna kvar krävs regional tillväxt, och Norrbotniabanan framhålls som ett steg i rätt riktning. / Public transportation facilitates travel for education, leisure, and work. The Norrbotnia Railway is being constructed to enhance connections, reduce emissions, and meet transportation demand in Norrland. The development of railway infrastructure is crucial for sustainable growth. There is a need for more research on how infrastructure investments affect students' perceptions of job opportunities and their decisions to stay or move after graduation. Therefore, the study investigates whether the Norrbotnia Railway influences how students at Umeå University perceive job opportunities and their likelihood of staying in the region after graduation. A mixed method approach was used, including surveys and focus group interviews. The analysis involved descriptive statistics using data from a web-based survey and thematic analysis for data from focus group interviews. The theoretical framework includes accessibility, travel time, public transportation, and students’ mobility after graduation. The majority of students are uncertain or do not want to stay in the region after graduation due to lack of job opportunities and long distances from family. Compared to men, women are more optimistic about the potential positive effects of the Norrbotnia Railway on job opportunities. Improved public transportation is considered a key measure to promote economic growth and facilitate students' ability to stay or commute to workplaces outside their hometown. Despite the students thriving in Umeå, the shortage of job opportunities and housing creates uncertainty in the region, prompting them to seek opportunities elsewhere. Regional growth is necessary to retain students, and Norrbotniabanan is seen as a step in the right direction.

Des jeunes contrevenants discutent de leur connaissance et perceptions des gangs, membres de gangs et activités de gangs

Nadeau, Josée 02 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire s’inscrit dans une lignée de recherches ayant pour thème les gangs de rue. L’objectif de cette recherche est de préciser comment les jeunes contrevenants perçoivent l’univers des gangs de rue et ses composantes, à savoir le gang lui-même, un membre de gang, les activités de gang, qu’elles soient délinquantes ou autres, que veut dire être un ancien membre de gang et comment se dessine la vie après le gang. Pour se démarquer des autres recherches, réalisées le plus souvent à partir d’entrevues individuelles, nous avons réalisé des groupes de discussion impliquant 13 jeunes contrevenants hébergés dans les unités de réadaptation du Centre jeunesse de Montréal-Institut universitaire. Ces participants, appartenant ou non à un gang de rue, ont partagé leurs représentations et leurs perceptions de l’univers des gangs et de ses composantes. À la lumière de l’analyse du contenu des entrevues de groupe, une communauté d’idées s’en dégage. Les jeunes partagent des représentations et perceptions semblables quant aux gangs de rue et ses composantes. Les gangs de rue sont, selon eux, un groupe de jeunes qui commettent des délits, avec violence ou non, et qui s’identifient à leur gang par l’entremise d’un chiffre, d’une couleur, d’un quartier... Pour repérer un membre de gang de rue, il faut faire partie de ce milieu. De l’avis des répondants, ils sont, bien souvent, sur-identifiés par les instances policières et les autres intervenants en raison des critères utilisés. Bien que les activités criminelles fassent partie intégrante de leur mode de vie, il ne faut pas négliger les activités positives et agréables qui font partie de leur quotidien. Pour quitter cet univers, il suffit d’en informer son gang. Aucune démarche spécifique ne doit être faite et les menaces de représailles s’actualisent rarement. Toutefois, les membres de gangs ennemis et les policiers continuent souvent à identifier comme membre actif ces jeunes qui tentent de s’en sortir et de se refaire une vie, compromettant ainsi leur réinsertion sociale, qui ne se fait par ailleurs pas sans embûches et obstacles. Les jeunes ont mentionné avoir besoin de ressources qui peuvent les supporter et les épauler à travers ce processus de changement. D’où l’importance de mettre à jour nos connaissances et faire un portrait plus actuel sur le sujet avec la possibilité de les partager avec les différents intervenants, concernés par la problématique, pour qu’ils puissent en tenir compte dans leurs interventions auprès de cette clientèle, ceci notamment dans les centres de réadaptation où le besoin de s’exprimer librement sur le sujet et d’être écouté a été nommé haut et fort par les jeunes interviewés. / This report joins in a lineage of researches having for theme street gangs. The objectives of this research is to define and to specify how the young offenders perceive the universe of the street gangs and its constituents, these last ones being the perceptions that have the participants of a street gang of street, a member, activities (delinquent or other), ex-member and the life after the gang. To distance itself from the other researches, we realized focus group with 13 young offenders currently doing time in the units of rehabilitation of the Centre jeunesse de Montréal-Institut universitaire. These participants, belonging or not to a street gang, shared their representations and their perceptions on the universe of gangs and his constituents. In the light of the analysis of the contents of the focus group, a community of ideas gets free of it. The young people share representations and similar perceptions as for the street gangs and its constituents. The street gangs are, as for them, a group of young people who commit offences, with violence or not and who becomes identified with something. To identify a member it is necessary to be a part of this middle. They are very often to be over identified by the police authorities and other participants because of the used criteria. Although criminal activities made integral part of their lifestyle, we should not neglect the positive and pleasant activities which are a part of their everyday life. To leave this universe, it is enough to inform its gang about it. No specific things must be made. However, the enemies and the police continue to identify as member these young people who try to take out and continue their life. This stage is not made without trap and obstacles. With updating our knowledge and making a more current portrait on the subject gives the possibility of sharing them with the various participants, the police and other, so that they can take into account in their interventions with this youths. In particular in the centres de réhabilitation, where the need to express himself freely on the subject and to be listened to was named loud and clear.

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