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Participatory video and well-being in long-term careCapstick, Andrea, Ludwin, Katherine, Chatwin, John, Walters, Elizabeth R. 01 1900 (has links)
Yes / Film-making is an effective way of engaging people with dementia and
improving their well-being. Andrea Capstick and colleagues explain how
‘participatory video’ gave one group an opportunity to tell their own story in film.
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Migrationserfarenheter : Före detta asylsökandes flyttningsmönster i SverigeDahl, Sara January 2015 (has links)
This paper explores the individual meanings behind the patterns of residential mobility of former asylum seekers in Sweden. While there are numerous studies of residential segregation and migration patterns amongst natives and immigrants alike, fewer have asked the actual patternmakers what driving forces lie behind their decisions to resettle. This study aims to put light on former asylum seekers’ specific experiences of their resettlements and whether the asylum process in itself affect later migration patterns during the life-course. Through in-depth interviews seven respondents told their life stories with focus on how and why they resettled during their time inSweden. The study showed how the structural factors that initiated their general migration patterns of frequent resettlements gave way over time to less frequent moves where life-course events were the main factors. The results indicate that the asylum process may indeed affect subsequent resettlements in so far that the first own accommodation type of area seem to be important to future residential area choices throughout the life-course. The findings should be of interest for further studies on a greater scale and to policy makers trying to counteract segregation in the metropolitan areas of Sweden in a time of increased refugee flows.
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Främjandet av personcentrerad omvårdnad med stöd av modellen de 6 S: N / Promotion of person centered care with the support of the model the 6 sJernberg, Pia, Zakrisson, Camilla January 2016 (has links)
For the elders to age with dignity and with an old age that consist of comfort and self-determination, care should be person-centered. A person-centered care sees the person as an individual and not to the disease and diagnostics of the person. A person-centered care is based upon the free individuality of every person and that the need of care is individual. The role of the nurse in a person-centered care is to through its managerial, make sure that the staff have the right knowledge and lead the staff based on the patient’s perspective. The nurse and the staff should build a relationship with both the patient and its relatives, for a better possibility to take part of the patient’s life story. A life story has a large meaning because the person gets to be the focal point and not the disease. The patient story also contributes to the basis of a united perspective within care. The framework of qualification that has been used is the 6 S which is a model for a person-centered palliative care. By using a person-centered approach already when moving to a nursing and care homes may care tailored to individual needs and preferences. The purpose of this study was to clarify the advance of person-centered care with the support of the 6 S model. The method chosen for this study was literary study. Thirteen scientific articles were chosen and examined. The articles were searched in two databases, PubMed and Cinahl, where search words were leading the searches. The result shows that the life story may contribute to a percept higher life quality by following the wishes of the person. The conclusion in this study shows that a person-centered care gives the possibility of a higher life quality for the elderly. The conclusion also shows that a person-centered care provides an opportunity for increased quality of life and promotes the opportunity for a dignified life for the older man. To make this possible for older people it is important that health care staff are attentive to the elderly person's integrity and support the elderly in creating a meaningful life / För att äldre ska kunna åldras med värdighet och med en ålderdom som innefattar välbefinnande och självbestämmande bör omvårdnaden vara personcentrerad. En personcentrerad omvårdnad ser till personen som individ och inte till personens sjukdomar och diagnoser. Personcentrerad vård utgår från att varje person är en fri individ och att omvårdnadsbehovet är individuellt. Sjuksköterskans roll i en personcentrerad omvårdnad är att genom sin arbetsledande funktion omse att personalen har kunskap samt att leda personalen i att utgå från patientens synsätt. Sjuksköterskan och personalen bör bygga upp en relation både med den boende och med dennes anhöriga och närstående för att få möjlighet att ta del av patientens livsberättelse. En livsberättelse har stor betydelse för att personen och inte sjukdomen står i centrum. Livsberättelsen bidrar också till att lägga grunden för ett gemensamt synsätt inom omvårdnaden. Referensramen som använts är De 6S:n som är en modell för personcentrerad palliativ vård. Genom att använda ett personcentrerat synsätt redan vid inflyttning på vård och omsorgsboende kan omvårdnaden anpassas till personens behov och önskemål. Syftet med studien var att belysa främjandet av personcentrerad omvårdnad med stöd av modellen De 6 S:n. Till denna studie valdes som metod en litteraturstudie. Tretton vetenskapliga artiklar valdes ut och granskades. Artiklarna söktes i två databaser, utifrån relevanta sökord i Cinahl och PubMed. Resultatet visade att genom att utgå från personens önskemål och införliva livsberättelsen som en del i den personcentrerade vården ökade den upplevda livskvalitén hos den äldre människan. Slutsatsen visar även att en personcentrerad vård ger en möjlighet till en ökad livskvalité och främjar möjlighet till ett värdigt liv för den äldre människan. För att göra detta möjligt för äldre människor är det viktigt att vård och omsorgspersonal är lyhörda för den äldres integritet och stödjer den äldre i att skapa en meningsfull vardag.
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[pt] O tráfico de pessoas vem ocupando o debate nacional e internacional,
expressando a preocupação de diversos países através da criação de legislações e
políticas de enfrentamento e combate a este crime de violação de direitos
humanos. As mulheres aparecem como as principais vítimas em estatísticas
oficiais e em diversos estudos e pesquisas, que divulgam dados alarmantes, o que
vem subsidiando a criação de aparatos de repressão a este crime transnacional,
mas também de ações de proteção e de controle sobre as mulheres quando em
deslocamento. Em nome da proteção e prevenção ao tráfico de mulheres, acaba-se
reproduzindo relações de poder, que recolocam a mulher, no processo migratório,
como vulnerável, submissa e indefesa, deixando invisível sua autonomia, anseios
e desejos, como protagonista na construção de sua própria identidade e história. A
mulher aparece ora como vítima, o que não necessariamente lhe garante efetiva
proteção, ora como subversiva, quando identificada ou associada à prostituição
voluntária ou a migração irregular. Este estudo vem trazer à reflexão o
conhecimento já construído sobre o tráfico de mulheres, mas também lacunas,
divergências e ambiguidades, mediante a análise dos diferentes paradigmas
presentes no debate e nas ações contra o tráfico. A interseção entre as temáticas do
tráfico de mulheres e a migração feminina internacional, permite situar o tráfico
não como fenômeno isolado. Ao contrário, o tráfico ganha nova dimensão quando
pensado dentro dos processos migratórios contemporâneos, no contexto da
globalização e da reestruturação produtiva, que impulsionam milhares de pessoas
e em específico, mulheres, a se deslocarem pelo mundo à procura de melhores
oportunidades de vida e trabalho. Esta visão mais ampla permite a compreensão de aspectos econômicos, políticos, culturais e sociais que irão favorecer a
existência e permanência do tráfico de mulheres. A pesquisa de campo realizada
trouxe a trajetória de cinco brasileiras e suas experiências de emigração, desde a decisão de migrar até o retorno ao Brasil, identificando a diversidade de situações,
expectativas, sonhos, amores e desamores, temores e sofrimento diante de
situações de violência, inclusive do tráfico. O objetivo da pesquisa de campo foi
investigar como estas mulheres percebem e resignificam sua história de
deslocamentos, identificando a existência de fatores que as colocaram em
situações de risco pessoal e social e de violação de direitos. Outro aspecto
observado foi como estas mulheres percebem as ações dos diversos sujeitos
(Estado, organizações da sociedade civil, família, amigos, grupos criminosos e
outros) e as estratégias utilizadas por elas na superação das dificuldades e nas
interrupções das violações. Por fim pretendeu-se com este estudo repensar certos
conceitos e ações no enfrentamento ao tráfico de mulheres, evitando a construção
de verdades, e a reiteração de alguns estereótipos, entre eles o da mulher
vítima em perigo ou fora de lugar, perigosa, porque deslocada do universo da
família, da casa, da pátria, das redes de apoio e proteção nas quais a mulher
poderia idealmente experimentar sua condição de gênero. Ao contrário, a intenção
foi de trazer algumas ambiguidades presentes no tratamento da complexidade
deste tema, a fim de subsidiar novos debates. / [en] The trafficking in people has been occupying the national and international
debate, expressing the concern of many countries through the creation of laws and
policies of confrontation and combat this crime of violation of the human rights.
Women appear as the main victims in official statistics and in various studies and
researches, which disseminate alarming data, which has been subsidizing the
creation of apparatuses of repression in this transnational crime, but also to
actions for protection and prevention and control over women when in
displacement. In the name of protection and prevention to trafficking of women, it
is reproducing power relations, which put the woman in the migration process, as
vulnerable, submissive and defenseless, leaving invisible her autonomy, desires
and wishes, as the protagonist in the construction of her own identity and history.
The woman appears sometimes as a victim, which does not necessarily ensures
effective protection, now as subversive, when identified or associated with the
voluntary prostitution or irregular migration. This study comes to bring the
reflection the knowledge already built on the trafficking of women, but also the
omissions, discrepancies and ambiguities, through the analysis of different
paradigms present in debate and in actions against trafficking. The intersection,
between the themes of trafficking of women and international female migration
allows be trafficking not as an isolated phenomenon. On the contrary, the
trafficking wins a new dimension when thought within the contemporary
migratory processes, in the context of globalization and productive restructuring,
which drives thousands of people and in particular, the women, to move the world in search of better opportunities in life and work. This boarder vision allows an
understanding of economic, political, cultural and social which will promote the
existence and permanence of the trafficking of women. The field research carried
out, brought to the trajectory of five Brazilian women and their experiences of emigration since the decision to migrate to the return to Brazil, identifying the
diversity of situations, expectations, dreams, loves and disappointments, fears and
suffering before situations of violence, including the trafficking. The objective of
the field research was to investigate how these women perceive and reframe their
histories of dislocations, identifying the existence of factors that have placed them
in a situation of personal and social risk and violation of rights. Another aspect is
how these women perceive the actions of the various subjects (State, civil society
organizations, family, friends, criminal groups, and others) and the strategies used
by them, the overcoming difficulties and the interruptions of the violations. In the
end, it was intended with this study, rethink some concepts and actions in dealing
with the trafficking of women, thus avoiding the construction of truths and the
reiteration of some stereotypes among them, the victim woman, in danger or out
of place, dangerous, because once moved from the realm of family, from home
and homeland, the networks of support and protection, in which women could
ideally try their condition of gender. On the contrary, the intention was to bring
some ambiguities present in the treatment of the complexity of this topic, in order
to subsidize new debates.
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O tempo e as histórias de vida: contribuições para a pesquisa interdisciplinarCasadei, Silmara Rascalha 11 December 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T14:31:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Silmara Rascalha Casadei.pdf: 3117122 bytes, checksum: e893505a5fe05919f050a58ad47f2c3b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-12-11 / This paper aims to present contributions to interdisciplinary research from studies and
reflections on life stories and their relationship to interdisciplinarity in order to understand the
degree of importance of their insertions in research processes. Using a metaphor of the
butterfly metamorphosis , the route will be used in the methodology itself to unveil the history
of literary life and teaching of the author of this thesis , showing that behind each search ,
there is the world of the researcher , which often gets locked in his cocoon of external studies
did not allow time to investigate internally and not to make known . The study also reflects
on the use of time in the movements of humanity performing a flight on the concepts of time
in the western world , from Greek mythology to the present day , understanding that it is
essential we analyze the temporal contexts which we operate to meet the opportunities and
gaps of light that allow us to envision new times for personal and professional development .
The survey will cover mainly the historical panorama of life histories in the academies ,
through a literature review that will dialogue with the possibilities of interdisciplinary
activities in conjunction with FAZENDA , PIENAU , JOSSO , FREIRE , DE LA TORRE ,
ESPÍRITO SANTO , leading theorists and presented with the works of CASADEI ( author of
this thesis ) . To discuss and propose the relationship between interdisciplinarity , personal
history , life history in academies and resizing the use of time , the study The study proposes
that it is of fundamental importance to the entrance of life stories , not only in universities but
in all levels of education , which will allow more real , whole and humane approaches ,
because being who saw themselves more clearly see each other and when they met , they may
look at the world in an interdisciplinary way to work with the best proposals for the well
collective. The thesis concludes that it is necessary to reconfigure the schools and universities
as spaces not only intellectual, but also existential , thus becoming little islands of peace ,
centers pollination of life / O presente trabalho busca apresentar contribuições para as pesquisas interdisciplinares a partir
de estudos e reflexões sobre histórias de vida e suas relações com a interdisciplinaridade,
objetivando compreender o grau de importância das suas inserções nos processos de pesquisas.
Utilizando como metáfora a metamorfose da borboleta, o percurso se utilizará da própria
metodologia para desvelar a história de vida literária e docente da autora desta tese,
demonstrando que por detrás de cada pesquisa, há o mundo do pesquisador, que muitas vezes
fica fechado em seu casulo de estudos externos não se permitindo tempos para investigar-se
internamente e nem para se dar a conhecer. O estudo refletirá ainda, sobre a utilização do tempo
nos movimentos da humanidade realizando um voo sobre os conceitos do tempo no mundo
ocidental, desde a mitologia grega até os dias atuais, compreendendo que é fundamental
analisarmos os contextos temporais os quais estamos inseridos para encontrarmos as
oportunidades e as brechas de luz que nos permitem vislumbrar novos tempos para a formação
pessoal e profissional. A pesquisa percorrerá, principalmente, o panorama histórico das
histórias de vida nas academias, por meio de uma revisão teórica que dialogará com as
possibilidades de ações interdisciplinares em conjunto com FAZENDA, PIENAU, JOSSO,
FREIRE, DE LA TORRE, ESPIRITO SANTO, principais teóricos apresentados e com as obras
de CASADEI (autora desta tese). Ao discutir e propor a articulação entre a
interdisciplinaridade, história pessoal, história de vida nas academias e o redimensionamento
do uso do tempo, o estudo conclui que é de fundamental importância a entrada da histórias de
vida, não só nas universidades, mas em todos os níveis da escolaridade, o que permitirá
aproximações mais verdadeiras, inteiras e humanizadas, porque o ser que viu a si, vê com mais
clareza o outro e, ao se encontrarem, poderão olhar o mundo de modo interdisciplinar para
atuarem com melhores propostas destinadas ao bem coletivo. A tese conclui que é preciso
reconfigurar as escolas e universidades como espaços de formação não só intelectual, mas
também existencial, tornando-se assim pequenas ilhas de paz, centros de polinização da vida
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Forma??o inicial de professores: um estudo sobre os impactos do PIBID no processo formativo dos licenciados do curso de Ci?ncias Biol?gicas da UFRRJ / Initial education of teachers: a study of the impacts of PIBID on the formative process of the graduates in the course of biological sciencesAguiar, Lenir lemos Furtado 21 October 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2016-10-25T10:42:01Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
2015 - Lenir Lemos Furtado Aguiar.pdf: 4153607 bytes, checksum: 734b2bf741e5324bb4b0a2544b91d049 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-25T10:42:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2015 - Lenir Lemos Furtado Aguiar.pdf: 4153607 bytes, checksum: 734b2bf741e5324bb4b0a2544b91d049 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-10-21 / This study aims to evaluate the contributions of the Institutional Program of teaching initiation
grant (PIBID) in the formation process of the undergraduate course of Biological
Sciences at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), searching to understand
how participation in this program may be constituted as an epistemological space formation,
through which knowledge necessary to carry out teaching are built and reinterpreted. Adopted
as a methodological way, the story of life, using tools of the autobiographical method and the
narratives of formation, to meet / rescue through texts (email, letter) the historicity of this
moment in the formation and how this contributes / marked the trajectory of these graduates.
For this understanding, we try to sort and organize texts highlighting / separating the
following categories for analysis: 1) PIBID Importance of training; 2) Impact of school routine
training; 3) dissociation theory and practical training; 4) practical importance on training /
performing activities. According to the analysis of these categories, we can point to for licensing
this program has meaning and can be motivator in choosing the teaching profession, as it
was also considered important to the practice of teaching practice. It is a program that provided
the methodological innovation and provided a list of interaction between school / university / Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as contribui??es do Programa Institucional de Bolsa
de Inicia??o ? Doc?ncia (PIBID) no processo formativo dos licenciandos do curso de Ci?ncias
Biol?gicas da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), buscando entender
como a participa??o neste programa pode se constituir como um espa?o epistemol?gico de
forma??o, por meio do qual conhecimentos necess?rios ao exerc?cio da doc?ncia s?o constru?dos
e ressignificados. Adotamos como caminho metodol?gico, a hist?ria de vida, utilizando
ferramentas do m?todo autobiogr?fico e das narrativas de forma??o, para conhecer/resgatar
atrav?s de textos (mensagens eletr?nicas, cartas) a historicidade deste momento na forma??o e
como este contribui/ marcou a trajet?ria destes egressos. Para tal compreens?o, procuramos
classificar e organizar os textos destacando/separando as seguintes categorias para an?lise: 1)
Import?ncia do PIBID na forma??o; 2) Impacto do cotidiano escolar na forma??o; 3) Dissocia??o
teoria-pr?tica na forma??o; 4) Import?ncia da pr?tica na forma??o/realiza??o de atividades.
De acordo com as an?lises destas categorias, podemos apontar como para os licenciandos
este programa tem significados e pode ser motivador na escolha da profiss?o
docente, como ele tamb?m foi considerado importante para o exerc?cio da
pr?tica docente. Um Programa que proporcionou a inova??o metodol?gica e proporcionou
uma rela??o de intera??o entre escola/universidade.
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”Oh shit, kan jag få skägg?” : -Bexelius Parijs, Ann-Catrine, Wand, Isabella January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to explore transsexuals’ identity formation and experiences related to cross-sex hormone treatment, as well as to become absorbed in the narrative approach. To be able to participate in transsexuals’ identity formation, life stories were well suited as a theoretical approach. Life stories can be seen as socially situated actions according to Mishler, where individuals’ identity formation can be seen as both identity performances and identity claims. These narratives are seen as identity performances, where we construct and perform our identities. The stories are viewed as co-constructed between the respondent and the co-constructors in a relational context, where the interviewers are seen as visible subjects. The results showed that hormone treatment, contributing especially growth of male beard, as an important factor for the respondent in passing as biological male in heterosexual contexts. The respondent’s identity expressions also showed that his identity claims and identity performances as male varied depending on relational and social contexts. The findings in the empirical data also showed that gender roles and gender stereotypes, played an important part in what identity claims and identity performances the respondent chose to portrait.</p>
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Människan och lärarprofessionen : En livsberättelseOdqvist, Eva January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this essay is to get a deeper understanding of a teachers' profession and to get knowledge of how earlier experiences can influence you as a teacher. I have interviewed a female teacher, Pia to get this understanding. As a tool to get the teacher's whole story I used the life story method. In her profession she is influenced by her own importance of security as a child.</p><p>Her own needs of security has given her an deeper understanding for pupils like herself during the childhood; insecure and afraid. Her understanding for all kinds of behavior among the children has increased by her own experiences.</p><p>The story shows that Pia is frustrated by the fact that she can't control her own working time. There are many factors of vital importance that determine a teachers time in school, for example the alteration of society and the teachers' role in school.</p> / <p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att få en fördjupad insikt i en lärares arbete och att få kunskap om hur tidigare upplevelser kan påverka arbetet som lärare. För att få denna förståelse har jag intervjuat en kvinnlig lärare, Pia, som varit yrkesverksam i 10 år. Genom att använda livsberättelsemetoden har jag fått tagit del av hennes berättelse. I berättelsen framkom att betydelsen av trygghet var en upplevelse som har påverkat hennes yrkesutövning. Det egna behovet av trygghet har gett en förståelse i första hand för elever som är oroliga och rädda precis som hon själv var under skoltiden. Den egna upplevelsen och erfarenhet har gjort att förståelsen utökats till att omfatta alla barn.</p><p>Genom berättelsen framkommer Pias frustration över att inte själv styra över arbetstiden. Det framkommer att det finns många faktrorer som är avgörande för hur en lärares tid fördelas och vad som styr den tiden. Exempel på sådana faktorer är samhällsförändring och en förändrad lärarroll.</p><p> </p>
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”Oh shit, kan jag få skägg?” : -Bexelius Parijs, Ann-Catrine, Wand, Isabella January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore transsexuals’ identity formation and experiences related to cross-sex hormone treatment, as well as to become absorbed in the narrative approach. To be able to participate in transsexuals’ identity formation, life stories were well suited as a theoretical approach. Life stories can be seen as socially situated actions according to Mishler, where individuals’ identity formation can be seen as both identity performances and identity claims. These narratives are seen as identity performances, where we construct and perform our identities. The stories are viewed as co-constructed between the respondent and the co-constructors in a relational context, where the interviewers are seen as visible subjects. The results showed that hormone treatment, contributing especially growth of male beard, as an important factor for the respondent in passing as biological male in heterosexual contexts. The respondent’s identity expressions also showed that his identity claims and identity performances as male varied depending on relational and social contexts. The findings in the empirical data also showed that gender roles and gender stereotypes, played an important part in what identity claims and identity performances the respondent chose to portrait.
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Människan och lärarprofessionen : En livsberättelseOdqvist, Eva January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to get a deeper understanding of a teachers' profession and to get knowledge of how earlier experiences can influence you as a teacher. I have interviewed a female teacher, Pia to get this understanding. As a tool to get the teacher's whole story I used the life story method. In her profession she is influenced by her own importance of security as a child. Her own needs of security has given her an deeper understanding for pupils like herself during the childhood; insecure and afraid. Her understanding for all kinds of behavior among the children has increased by her own experiences. The story shows that Pia is frustrated by the fact that she can't control her own working time. There are many factors of vital importance that determine a teachers time in school, for example the alteration of society and the teachers' role in school. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att få en fördjupad insikt i en lärares arbete och att få kunskap om hur tidigare upplevelser kan påverka arbetet som lärare. För att få denna förståelse har jag intervjuat en kvinnlig lärare, Pia, som varit yrkesverksam i 10 år. Genom att använda livsberättelsemetoden har jag fått tagit del av hennes berättelse. I berättelsen framkom att betydelsen av trygghet var en upplevelse som har påverkat hennes yrkesutövning. Det egna behovet av trygghet har gett en förståelse i första hand för elever som är oroliga och rädda precis som hon själv var under skoltiden. Den egna upplevelsen och erfarenhet har gjort att förståelsen utökats till att omfatta alla barn. Genom berättelsen framkommer Pias frustration över att inte själv styra över arbetstiden. Det framkommer att det finns många faktrorer som är avgörande för hur en lärares tid fördelas och vad som styr den tiden. Exempel på sådana faktorer är samhällsförändring och en förändrad lärarroll.
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