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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

West coast style : modern homes and lifestyles in Canada, 1945-1995

Shaw, Nancy (Nancy Alison), 1962- January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Salud física y estilos de vida de estudiantes de Medicina Humana de 1° Y 2° año en una universidad privada de Lambayeque, 2020 – 2021

Fernandez Fernandez, Sheyla Giselle January 2024 (has links)
Objetivo: Establecer las características de la salud física y estilos de vida de los estudiantes de 1° y 2° año de la carrera de Medicina Humana durante la pandemia COVID -19 de una Universidad Privada, 2020-2021. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, no experimental; muestreo no probabilístico. Muestra conformada por 84 estudiantes a los que se les aplicó un cuestionario elaborado con 4 instrumentos ya validados para los parámetros propuestos: IPAQ para valorar la actividad física; BEDS, para la alimentación; COS, para el sueño; OMS - ASSIST V3.0, para el consumo de sustancias nocivas. Resultados: 46,49% llevan hábitos de vida saludables respecto a la actividad física que realizan; 71,4% tienen hábitos alimenticios no saludables; 73,8% no tienen hábitos de sueño saludables; más del 80% son saludables respecto al no consumo de tabaco y tranquilizantes, pero 54,8% no lo son en cuanto al consumo de alcohol. Conclusión: la población analizada ha llevado en su mayoría, estilos de vida no saludables respecto a los parámetros analizados. / Objective: To establish the characteristics of physical health and lifestyles of 1st and 2nd year students of Human Medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic at a private university, 2020-2021. Methodology: A descriptive, cross-sectional, non-experimental study was conducted; non-probabilistic sampling. The sample consisted of 84 students to whom a questionnaire elaborated with 4 instruments already validated for the proposed parameters was applied: IPAQ to assess physical activity; BEDS, for diet; COS, for sleep; WHO - ASSIST V3.0, for the consumption of harmful substances. Results: 46.49% have healthy lifestyle habits in terms of physical activity; 71.4% have unhealthy eating habits; 73.8% do not have healthy sleep habits; more than 80% are healthy in terms of not consuming tobacco and tranquilizers, but 54.8% are unhealthy in terms of alcohol consumption. Conclusion: most of the population analyzed had unhealthy lifestyles with respect to the parameters analyzed.

Exploring Impact of Climate Change and Environmental Toxins on Human Health and lifestyle in Nordic Countries

Baral, Sudiksha January 2024 (has links)
Nordic Nature is unique with long coastline, deep forest, mountains, rivers, and valleys, fromthe Arctic tundra of North to warm parts in south. Climate change is one of the major problemsthe Nordic countries are facing. The threat climate change is creating on the environment hascreated a consequence in Health, lifestyles, diverse society, and a whole ecosystem. Theseenvironmental toxins are creating significant risk on human health as well as wellbeing causingvarious acute, Chronic as well as autoimmune diseases. In this recent time Nordic Countrieshave been experiencing forest fires, floods, droughts, precipitation, hotter, colder, and windydays. The climate in recent years has been showing some noticeable variations. The Nordiccountries are considered as the leader in climate change moderations, but the above issues arecreating changes and slowly hampering health and lifestyles of people living there. Thesehuman induced climate changes are already creating many health problems such as allergies,asthma, many other respiratory problems, giardiasis, encephalitis, cardiovascular diseases,endocrine diseases, fertility issues and autoimmune diseases. WHO (World HealthOrganization) is also concern about the rise in the temperature in Artic region as result ofclimate change and sharing measures to prevent from these hot flushes. This thesis topic usuallyshows the connection between climate change and environmental toxins. Moreover, itunderlines how these toxins create impacts on human health and measures taken by Nordiccountries to overcome it. Thus, in this thesis we are using integrative literature review to studyhow climate change and environmental toxins are creating human health and lifestyle in Nordicregion. We took a few cases of scientific journals and articles which show how climate changeand environmental creating hazardous diseases, creating environmental pollution, and howNordic countries are taking initiatives to control them. During the research ethicalconsideration was also followed strictly. We wanted to highlight this topic to make peopleaware as climate change and environmental toxins do not look like serious issues for now, butit is like “Slow Poisons.”

Livet i ekobyn : En mall för ett framtida hållbart levnadssätt? / Life in the eco-village : A template for future sustainable living?

Carlsson, Erik, Andersson, Filip January 2024 (has links)
I en värld som pressas allt hårdare av människans utarmning av naturresurser är behovet av förändring större än någonsin. Nya alternativa hållbara levnadsätt där både beslutsfattare och civilsamhället driver utvecklingen är avgörande för hur människan kan leva ett liv inom planetens resursgränser. En utstakad väg mot ett sådant levnadssätt kan påstås finns rakt framför våra ögon. Ekobyar uppkom som en del av den gröna vågen på 1970-talet som en motreaktion på den starka urbaniseringen och det rådande kapitalistiska systemet. Ett system som bygger på att den tillväxtorienterade fria marknaden har svaren på de klimatrelaterad problem som vi står inför. Ekobyar framställs som en mer hållbar väg då de ställer sig mot dessa marknadsprinciper och verkar för hållbara metoder genom lokal matproduktion, energisnåla bostadshus, sociala gemensamhetsytor och en hög grad av naturkontakt. Studien avser därför att undersöka hur detta hållbara levnadssätt visualiseras och praktiseras, samt drivkrafterna bakom dessa bosättningars uppkomst. För att studera detta fenomen har två olika ekobyar i södra Sverige valts ut. Dem båda har varit etablerade sedan en tid tillbaka men skiljer sig en aning gällande aktörer som drivit projekten i dess planeringsfas. För att få en inblick i hur de boende i respektive ekoby lever under hållbarhetens fana har kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med fyra olika personer. I samband med intervjuerna har även platsbesök gjorts i dem båda ekobyarna då två av intervjuerna genomförts i respondenternas bostad. Avslutningsvis vill studien mena att ovärderlig kunskap kring hållbara levnadssätt finns inom dessa bosättningar, däremot behöver denna kunskap uppmärksammas, utnyttjas och breddas i större utsträckning. / In a world increasingly pressurised by human depletion of natural resources, the need for change is greater than ever. New alternative sustainable lifestyles, driven by both policy makers and civil society, are crucial to how humans can live within the planet's resource limits. A pathway to such a way of life is arguably right before our eyes. Eco-villages emerged as part of the green wave in the 1970s as a counter-reaction to rapid urbanization and the prevailing capitalist system. A system based on the belief that the growth-oriented free market has the answers to the climate-related problems we face. Eco-villages are presented as a more sustainable path as they oppose these market principles and promote sustainable practices through local food production, energy-efficient housing, social community spaces and a high degree of contact with nature. The study therefore intends to investigate how this sustainable way of life is visualized and practiced, as well as the driving forces behind the emergence of these settlements. To study this phenomenon, two different eco-villages in southern Sweden have been selected. Both have been established for some time but differ slightly in terms of actors who have driven the projects in their planning phase. To gain an insight into how the residents of each eco-village live under the banner of sustainability, qualitative semi-structured interviews have been conducted with four different people. In connection with the interviews, site visits have also been made to both eco-villages, as two of the interviews were conducted in the respondents' homes. In conclusion, the study argue that invaluable knowledge about sustainable lifestyles exists within these settlements, however, this knowledge needs to be recognised, utilised and broadened to a greater extent.

The development, implementation and evaluation of a training intervention for primary health care providers on brief behaviour change counselling, and assessment of the provider’s competency in delivering this counselling intervention.

Malan, Johanna Elizabeth 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Unhealthy behaviour is a key modifiable factor that underlies much of the South African (SA) burden of disease and primary care morbidity. Chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, lung diseases and some cancers are linked to underlying behavioural issues such as tobacco smoking, alcohol abuse, physical inactivity and unhealthy eating. Evidence shows that brief behaviour change counselling by primary care providers can be effective in helping patients to change risky lifestyle behaviours. However, the capacity of South African primary care providers to educate and counsel patients on lifestyle modification is generally poor. The need for primary care provider training in lifestyle counselling, is stated as a critical objective in ‘re-orientating’ the primary health care system to effectively address NCDs in the National Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Control of NCDs and their risk factors in SA. The overall aim of this research was to develop, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of a training intervention for primary care providers in the South African setting, which is based on teaching best practice, behaviour change counselling (BBCC) methods that can be used for patients with risky lifestyle behaviours associated with non-communicable diseases (NCDs). “Effectiveness” relates to the effect of the training on PCPs adoption of a patient centred approach, and skills acquisition after the training, and not the effectiveness in changing, or improving patient outcomes. The sequence of the abstracts of the four articles that were published from this research, gives an overview of the process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ongesonde lewenstyl kan gekoppel word aan die meeste chroniese siektes wereldwyd, en dra grootliks by tot die las van primere sorg morbiditeit, asook in Suid Afrika. Rook, ongesonde dieet, fisiese onaktiwiteit, en alkohol misbruik word beskou as die onderliggende risiko faktore wat verantwoordelik is vir die ontwikkeling van kardiovaskulere siektes, tipe 2 diabetes, respiratoriese siektes, sowel as sommige kankers. Navorsing het bewys dat primere gesondheidsorg werkers effektief kan wees om pasiente te help om hierdie gewoontes te bekamp. Nieteenstaande hierdie bewyse, is die huidige kapasiteit van primere sorg dokters en verpleegsters in Suid-Afrika nie voldoende om sodanige diens te verskaf nie. In die Nationale Strategiese Plan vir die beheer van chroniese siektes, word opleiding vir primere gesondheidsorg werkers geprioritiseer as n kritiese uitkomste vir die beheer van chroniese siektes, en die onderliggende risiko faktore. Dit is dus duidelik dat daar n behoefte is om sodanige opleidingprogramme te ontwikkel. Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om n bewysgebaseerde opleidingsprogram te ontwikkel, te implementeer, en die effektiwiteit daarvan te evalueer in ons unieke primere gesondheidsorg sisteem in Suid-Afrika. Die opleidingsprogram moes ontwikkel word, vir beide primere sorg dokters en verpleegsters, sodat dit hulle in staat kan stel om pasiente te beraad oor enige van die vier risiko faktore.

Die lewenstyltipering van 'n impulsiewe studente-aankoper

Roux, L. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Lifestyles offer a comprehensive view of behaviour and the motives that underlie many of the purchases made by consumers. Impulsive buying behaviour is a complex phenomenon, and it has not yet been actively researched within a South African context. The aim of this study was to investigate the lifestyle of an impulsive student buyer, and to compile a lifestyle profile of such a buyer. A total of 499 respondents from the particular tertiary institution participated in the study. The sample population reflected young consumers in the age group 17 to 33 years. The students were mostly undergraduates studying in a full-time capacity. This study was exploratory and descriptive in nature. An electronic web-based survey was used as the method of data gathering. The survey was programmed and posted for a period of three weeks on the student portal of the tertiary institution where the survey was conducted. The validation of participation in the electronic survey was done in accordance with the requirements of the sample selection criteria. The questionnaire was tested during a pilot study. Factor analysis and Cronbach’s coefficient alpha was used to assess the validity of the questionnaire and to determine its internal consistency. Mean scores and standard deviations were computed to divide the data into three groups. To determine the current lifestyle dimensions of the students, the Activities, Interests and Opinion statements (AIOstatements) were factor analyzed. The factor matrix was rotated by means of an oblique rotation of axes, making use of the Direct Oblimin rotation technique. This resulted in a solution of five activity and interest factors, and two opinion factors. Mean scores and standard deviations were computed for all the valid life style characteristics. The frequency of impulsive shopping was measured through frequency distribution. Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient analysis was performed between the differentiating variables, namely lifestyle and impulsive shopping behaviour to establish the relationship between these variables. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and univariate (one way) analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to determine differences between the groups. The five activity and interest factors that were identified, included clothes shopping/clothing specific lifestyle, social interaction, media usage, fashion oriented clothes shopping/fasion oriented clothing lifestyle, and cultural activities and interests. The two opinion factors identified, were positive vision for the future and importance of training/education. However, the opinion factors did not differ in terms of statistic significance between the groups, and was therefore not used in the consequent typology of the groups. Three groups of student consumers were identified based on the respondents’ perceptions of their activities and interests, and impulsive shopping behaviour. The students were categorized into the following three groups: Group 1: Non-impulsive shoppers – Non-impulsive Conservatives/ Traditionalists Group 2: Low impulsive shoppers – Moderates Group 3: High impulsive shoppers – Impulsive Trendsetters The three groups differed in terms of their activities and interests, and impulsive shopping behaviour. The following activities and interests characteristics were considered important: clothes shopping/clothing specific lifestyle, social interaction and media usage. The activities and interests factors that are responsible for differences between the groups could provide retailers with valuable means to identify market segments, and to satisfy their specific needs. Young South African consumers should not be considered as a homogeneous group of consumers. The South African market is a highly competitive environment providing a wide variety of shops and products to consumers which can be targeted at a specific segment to exert an impact on shopping and specifically impulsive shopping. Therefore the retailer and marketer ought not to underestimate this type of shopping behaviour. Implications for retailers and marketers are stated and recommendations for future research are suggested in order to encourage further investigation in a scientific manner in the field of impulsive shopping behaviour, and lifestyle. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Lewenstyl bied ‘n uitgebreide en omvattende beeld van verbruikers se gedrag en die motiewe onderliggend aan die aankope van verbruikers. Impulsiewe aankoopgedrag is ‘n komplekse fenomeen en ‘n studierigting waarin beperkte navorsing in Suid- Afrika gedoen is. Hierdie studie poog om ondersoek in te stel na die lewenstyl van ‘n impulsiewe studente-aankoper en om dan gevolglik ‘n lewenstyltipering van hierdie student te doen. ‘n Totaal van 499 respondente het aan hierdie studie deelgeneem. Die steekproef is uit jong verbruikers in die ouderdomsgroep 17 tot 33 jaar geneem. Die studente was meerendeels voorgraads voltyds ingeskrewe studente. Hierdie studie was verkennend en beskrywend van aard. Data is deur middel van ‘n elektroniese webgebaseerde-opname versamel. Die vraelys is tydens ‘n loodsstudie getoets. Die vraelys is geprogrammeer en vir ‘n tydperk van drie weke op die portaal van die studente aan die betrokke tersiêre instansie geplaas. Die vraelys het uit vier afdelings bestaan. Die kontrole van die deelnemers aan die elektroniese opname is in ooreenstemming met die steekproefseleksiekriteria opgestel. Faktorontleding en Cronbach se koëffisiënt alfa is gebruik om die geldigheid en interne konsekwentheid van die vraelys te ondersoek. Deur gebruik te maak van gemiddelde tellings en standaardafwykings is die data in drie groepe verdeel. Om die bestaande lewenstyldimensies van die studente te bepaal, is die Aktiwiteite, Belangstellings en Opinie-stellings (AIO-stellings) aan faktorontleding onderwerp. Die faktormatriks is volgens die skuinsas-rotasietegniek met behulp van die Direct Oblimin-metode geroteer. Vyf aktiwiteite-en-belangstellingsfaktore en twee opiniefaktore is uit die data verkry. Gemiddelde tellings en standaardafwykings is vir al die geldige lewenstyleienskappe bereken. Die frekwensie van impulsiewe aankoopgedrag is deur middel van frekwensieverspreiding gemeet. Pearson se produk-moment korrelasiekoëffisiënt-ontleding is op die data toegepas om die korrelasies tussen die onderskeie veranderlikes, naamlik lewenstyl en impulsiewe aankoopgedrag, te bepaal. Meervoudige ontleding van variansie (MANOVA) en enkelvoudige ontleding van variansie (ANOVA) is gebruik om verskille tussen die groepe te bepaal. Die belangrikste aktiwiteite-en-belangstellingsfaktore wat geïdentifiseer is, sluit klereaankope/klere-spesifieke lewenstyl, sosiale interaksie, mediaverbruik, modieuse klereaankope/modieuse klere-lewenstyl en kuns en kulturele aktiwiteite en belangstellings in. Die belangrikste opiniefaktore sluit positiewe toekomsvisie en belangrikheid van opleiding in. Die opiniefaktore het egter nie statisties beduidend tussen die groepe onderskei nie en is gevolglik nie in die tipering van die groepe gebruik nie. Drie groepe studenteverbruikers is geïdentifiseer, gebaseer op die respondente se persepsie van hul lewenstyl en impulsiewe aankoopgedrag. Die drie groepe is soos volg gekategoriseer: Groep 1: Nie-impulsiewe kopers – Nie-impulsiewe Konserwatiewes/ Tradisioneles Groep 2: Lae impulsiewe kopers – Gematigdes Groep 3: Hoë impulsiewe kopers – Impulsiewe Tendensaanwysers Die drie groepe het volgens hul impulsiewe aankoopgedrag en aktiwiteite en belangstellings verskil. Die volgende aktiwiteite en belangstellingseienskappe is oor die algemeen die hoogste aangeslaan: klereaankope/klere-spesifieke lewenstyl, sosiale interaksie en mediaverbruik. Die aktiwiteite en belangstellings wat beduidend tussen die groepe onderskei, kan moontlik aan kleinhandelaars waardevolle inligting bied om marksegmente te identifiseer en om aan die behoeftes van die onderskeie verbruikersgroepe te voldoen. Jong Suid-Afrikaanse verbruikers behoort nie as ‘n homogene groep verbruikers beskou te word nie. Die Suid-Afrikaanse mark is hoogs kompeterend met ‘n wye reeks winkels en produkte wat op ‘n spesifieke segment gerig kan word om sodoende ‘n impak op aankope en spesifiek impulsiewe aankope uit te oefen. Die kleinhandelaar en bemarker behoort derhalwe nie hierdie tipe aankoopgedrag gering te skat nie. Implikasies vir die kleinhandelsektor en bemarker is gestel en aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing word gemaak ten einde toekomstige navorsing op ‘n wetenskaplik gefundeerde wyse op die gebied van impulsiewe aankoopgedrag en lewenstyl aan te moedig.

Individual risk factors that modify the short-term effects of air pollution on mortality: a population-basedstudy of Chinese population

Ou, Chunquan., 欧春泉. January 2008 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Community Medicine / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

消費者生活型態、生活風格與智慧型手機品牌形象關聯性研究 / A Study on Relationship among Consumer Life Style and the Brand Image of Smartphone

王彥荏, Wang, Yen-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來隨著通訊費率調降、無線網路發展進步及平價化等因素,智慧型手機已融入民眾生活,不僅是通訊工具,也同時反映著使用者的生活風格與型態,並具有形象傳達的功能;透過文獻回顧,本研究以「生活型態」、「生活風格」和「品牌形象」等相關論述作為理論依據,研究目的旨在探討並建構台灣地區智慧型手機使用者的生活風格樣貌,以期對智慧型手機採用現象有進一步了解,並且根據所得結論,提出智慧型手機銷售廠商未來行銷策略上的相關建議。   本研究針對台灣地區消費者以網路問卷的形式調查,共得到有效問卷1085份,以因素分析將生活型態量表萃取出「流行時髦」、「樂活主義」、「積極進取」、「傾慕他國」、「挑戰創新」和「資訊需求」等六大因素;智慧型手機使用者的生活風格量表則可區分出:「擁有手機的渴望」、「設計美感的愉悅」、「享樂主義的體驗」、「特定品牌的偏好」、「個人風格的彰顯」及「流行廣告的吸引」等六大因素;品牌形象量表則有三大因素:「功能型」、「象徵型」和「經驗型」。   本研究經由集群分析將受訪者分為四大集群,依據該集群在生活型態因素、生活風格因素、品牌形象因素及人口變項上的差異與特徵命名,有獨鍾iPhone體驗娛樂的「風格玩樂學生族」、務實堪用不追時髦的「保守穩健踏實族」、愛用國貨排斥韓流的「支持國產創新族」和趕搭熱潮喜愛洋牌的「追求時髦熟女族」,並發現不同生活風格樣貌的消費者間,所偏好的手機品牌有顯著差異。   此外研究亦發現智慧型手機各品牌之間的品牌形象,與不同智慧型手機品牌偏好消費者,在本國中心主義傾向上均有顯著差異。最後,本研究針對不同集群下的智慧型手機消費者,根據本研究所論述之生活型態、生活風格和品牌形象等因素,提出相關行銷建議與策略。 / Smartphone have gained considerable popularity in daily life because of the cheap cell phone plans and the Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) convenience. While many people use smartphone to make and receive calls, a great segment of society has view smartphone as a stylish device conveying the their own lifestyles and personal image. Previous studies show that the lifestyle and the lifestyles of users as well as the brand image of smartphone are the three reasons that guide the consumer choice of smartphone. To understand consumer buying decision process and the factors affecting consumer choice, this study conducted a questionnaire survey to investigate Taiwan mobile users’ habits and preferences.   The survey asked respondents for their smartphone usage behaviors by online questionnaires. One thousand and eighty-five questionnaires were returned. Six factors of the lifestyle scale are extracted by the factor analysis, including pursuing fashion trends, demanding for health and sustainability, proactive for new products, having challenges and creations, and searching for information. Six factors of the lifestyles scale include the desire to own a smartphone, the attraction of the best design smartphone, the experience of pleasures, the preference of brand, and the attraction of commercial. Brand image scales include three factors: Functional, Symbolic, and Experiential.  The respondents are divided into four clusters by the three reasons and the population characteristics, including stylish teenagers, function-orientated consumers, domestic products embracers, and fashion-orientated women. The results showed that four clusters of respondents have significant different preferences between the mobile phone brands.   In addition, the brand images and consumers with different preferences of smartphone brands have significant difference in ethnocentrism tendencies. This study would conclude consumer buying decision process and the factors affecting consumer choice to address the marketing strategies of smartphone.

Associations entre port du casque, comportements sécuritaires à vélo et habitudes de vie

Champagne, Geneviève 04 1900 (has links)
Introduction : La promotion du port du casque à vélo exige une bonne connaissance des déterminants du port du casque. Objectifs : Estimer l’association entre les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et le port du casque à vélo dans la population des cyclistes de Montréal et examiner les associations entre le port du casque et les comportements sécuritaires à vélo ainsi que les habitudes de vie. Méthode : Le devis est transversal à mesures répétées, via trois sondages téléphoniques complétés entre 2009 et 2010. L’échantillon analysé comprend 3309 Montréalais de 18 ans et plus ayant fait du vélo au cours des douze derniers mois. Des informations sur le port du casque, les caractéristiques sociodémographiques, les autres comportements sécuritaires à vélo, les habitudes de vie et l’environnement routier ont été recueillies. Des analyses de régression logistique, bivariées et multivariées, ont été réalisées. Résultats : Le port du casque est significativement associé à un revenu et un niveau d’éducation plus élevés, au lieu de naissance (Canada vs hors Canada), à d’autres comportements sécuritaires à vélo, à certaines habitudes de vie (non-fumeur, boire une ou deux consommations alcoolisées quotidiennement vs ne pas boire, ou boire trois consommations ou plus quotidiennement) et à l’absence d’une station de vélo en libre-service proche du lieu de résidence. Conclusion : Le port du casque s’inscrit dans l’ensemble des comportements permettant aux cyclistes de se protéger. La présence d’inégalités sociales devrait être prise en compte dans les interventions de promotion du port du casque. / Background: Cyclists are vulnerable road users. Helmet use may reduce injury severity. Yet, its promotion requires a good knowledge of the determinants related to helmet use. Objectives: The objectives are to estimate the association between sociodemographic characteristics and helmet use among cyclists’ from Montreal and to examine associations between helmet use and safe cycling behaviours as well as lifestyles behaviour. Methods: We used a cross sectional design with repeated measures through three telephone surveys completed in 2009 and 2010. The sample includes 3309 Montrealers aged 18 years and over, who had cycled in the previous 12 months. Information on sociodemographic characteristics, safe cycling behaviours, lifestyles and road environments were collected. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted. Results: Results show associations between wearing a helmet and income, higher level of education, being born in Canada, other safe cycling behaviours, some lifestyles (non-smoking and drinking one or two alcoholic beverages daily vs not drinking, or drinking three alcoholic beverages or more daily) and the absence of public bicycle share docking stations near one’s dwelling. Conclusions: Helmet use is one of the behaviours allowing cyclists to protect themselves. Social inequalities should be considered when developing interventions to promote helmet use among cyclists.

The Comparison of High-Intensity Interval Exercise vs. Continuous Moderate Exercise on C1q/TNF-Related Protein-9 Expression and Flow-Mediated Vasodilation

Unknown Date (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of acute high-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) vs. continuous moderate-intensity exercise (CME) on serum CTRP9 and brachial FMD responses in obese and normal-weight subjects. Sixteen participants (9 obese and 7 normal-weight) completed HIIE and CME in a randomized fashion. Our results showed a significant time effect for CTRP9 immediately following acute HIIE and CME in both groups. Furthermore, both significant treatment by time and group by time interactions for FMD were observed following both exercise protocols, with greater CME-induced FMD response in obese subjects than normal-weight subjects. Additionally, a positive correlation in percent change (baseline to peak) between CTRP9 and FMD was observed following acute CME. These findings support acute CME for improvement of endothelial function in obesity. Furthermore, the novel results from this study provide a foundation for additional examination of the mechanisms of exercise-mediated CTRP9 on endothelial function. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

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