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Jean Paulhan après la guerre : reconstruire la littérature / Jean Paulhan after the War : rebuilding LiteratureKoskas, Camille 21 November 2017 (has links)
L’ensemble des interventions réalisées par Paulhan dans l’après-guerre peut se lire à l’aune de ce programme : comment reconstruire une communauté littéraire menacée par les dissensions héritées de la guerre ainsi que par la politisation accrue des enjeux ? Comment redéfinir les valeurs qui permettent de la rassembler à un moment de renouvellement profond des acteurs et des institutions qui en constituaient les références, mais aussi des usages et des pratiques de lecture ? Ce sont ces questions que nous entendons examiner. Une large part de notre travail est consacrée à l’activité revuiste de Paulhan : en effet, Les Cahiers de la Pléiade, comme La N.R.F., sont conçus par celui-ci comme un moyen privilégié pour ressouder une communauté littéraire éclatée et pour tenter de reconfigurer les hiérarchies qui structurent le champ littéraire. Nous proposons d’abord un récit chronologique de la renaissance de La N.R.F. dès 1953, en nous appuyant sur un important ensemble d’archives inédites. Nous abordons ensuite la question de la place du roman dans la revue : quel paysage romanesque la revue donne-t-elle à voir ? Est-elle à même de promouvoir de jeunes romanciers et de dessiner des directions au sein du champ littéraire des années 1950 ? On s’intéresse enfin aux réflexions théoriques de Paulhan sur la valeur littéraire. Nous examinons la position de Paulhan face à trois phénomènes décisifs qui modifient en profondeur la définition de cette valeur : la renégociation des rapports entre littérature légitime et non légitime, avec l’exemple de la défense de la littérature érotique ; la relève générationnelle ; le constat d’une crise du jugement critique. / All the interventions made by Paulhan in the post-war period could be understood in the light of this programme: how do we rebuild a literary community which unity is threatened by the divisions inherited from the war and by an increased politicization of its challenges ? How do we redefine its binding values in a time when the actors and the institutions that used to constitute its main references, as well as our reading practices, are profoundly renewed ? Those are the issues which will be discussed here. An important part of our work is devoted to Paulhan’s activity as a reviewer : He indeed conceived Les Cahiers de la Pléiade, as well as La N.R.F as a privileged way to reunite a fragmented literary community and to try reconfiguring the hierarchies which structure the literary field. We will first offer a chronological narrative of the rebirth of the N.R.F from1953, on the basis of a large set of unpublished archives. We will then consider the status of the novel in the journal: Which perspective does it reveal on the situation of the novel ? Is it able to promote young novelists and to suggest directions within the literary field of the 1950’s ? At last, we will study Paulhan’s theoretical reflections on literary value. We examine his positions on three crucial phenomena that radically modify the definition of this value: the renegotiation of the relationship between legitimate and non-legitimate literature, with the example of his support of erotic literature ; the handing over to the next generation ; the acknowledgment of a crisis of critical judgment.
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Využití literární výchovy v pedagogice volného času / The use of literary education in pedagogy of leisure timePĚNIČKOVÁ, Dominika January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with possibilities of using literary text under the pedagogy of leisure time when mainly working with children in the elementary school. The theoretical part deals with key concepts of the research particularly in literary education, literary text, choice of text and literary education in leisure time. This part presents also the suitable methodical procedures when working with literary text in the school environment and leisure time activities focused on achieving esthetical experiences and development of key competencies. The practical part includes characteristics of chosen standard and activating educational methods. These methods represent the practical side of specific examples of children's and youth literature. The other part of thesis is also anthology of literary works, which can be used by leisure time teachers in educational process.
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Considerações sobre estudos literários em meados de 1970 / Considerations on literary studies in the mid-1970sLaura Penna Alves 19 February 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho examina os estudos literários que se seguem, publicados em meados de 1970: A perversão do trapezista: o romance em Cornélio Penna (1976), de Luiz Costa Lima; Verso Universo em Drummond (1975) de José Guilherme Merquior; Ao vencedor as batatas (1977), de Roberto Schwarz; Fundamentos da investigação literária (1974), de Eduardo Portella e Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1976) de Silviano Santiago. Nosso objetivo é investigar de que modo a produção do conhecimento sobre literatura e a produção do valor literário se deram nesses trabalhos, bem como indicar algumas transformações no campo literário naquele período. / This academic work examine the literary studies that follows, all published in the mid-1970s: A perversão do trapezista: o romance em Cornélio Penna (1976), by Luiz Costa Lima; Verso Universo em Drummond (1975), by José Guilherme Merquior; Ao vencedor as batatas (1977), by Roberto Schwarz; Fundamentos da investigação literária (1974), by Eduardo Portella e Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1976), by Silviano Santiago. Our purpose is to investigate how the production of knowledge about literature and the production of literay value is given in this work, as well as indicate somes changes in the literary field in that period.
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Al-Ḥaǧǧāǧ b.Yūsuf al-Ṯaqafī : entre histoire et littérature / Al-Ḥaǧǧāǧ b.Yūsuf al-Ṯaqafī : between history and literatureEl Yamani, Mohamed Saad Eddine 13 December 2014 (has links)
Al-Ḥaǧǧāǧ b. Yūsuf al-Ṯaqafī est considéré par l’historiographie médiévale musulmane comme l’archétype de l’homme de pouvoir tyrannique. Ayant fait face avec succès à de nombreuses révoltes, il a posé un problème moral aux historiens musulmans, dans la mesure où il est mort de mort naturelle, sans avoir été puni par Dieu. Comment donc rendre compte de sa période mouvementée, de ses actions, de sa défiance vis-à-vis des symboles religieux, des massacres qu’il a commis ? Nous tentons de démontrer qu’en recourant entre autres à la satire et à l’ironie, les historiens et les hommes de lettres qui ont écrit sur lui ont répondu, chacun à sa manière, à cette question épineuse, en dressant de lui un portrait noir, qui touche à tous les aspects de sa personne. En nous appuyant sur les projets de Paul Ricœur et surtout de Hayden White, nous démontrons également que les historiens musulmans intervenaient de façon notable dans la composition de leurs œuvres pour orienter leurs récits selon leur conception morale et « idéologique » propre, offrant ainsi des portraits différents d’al-Ḥaǧǧāǧ. Le résultat en est des lectures sceptiques (al-Ṭabarī), ironiques (al-Balāḏurī) ou satiriques et très pro-‘alide (al-Mas‘ūdī). Le contre-point offert par l’étude de trois textes non historiques permet d’élargir cette vision et de prouver si besoin est la proximité entre histoire et adab à l’époque médiévale. Par la même occasion, nous pensons avoir trouvé de nombreux exemples réfutant la thèse d’une histoire canonique écrite sous le califat ‘abbaside. / Al-Ḥaǧǧāǧ b. Yūsuf al-Ṯaqafī is considered by Islamic medieval historiography as the archetypal man of tyrannical power. Having successfully dealt with many revolts, he posed a moral problem to Muslim historians, to the extent that he died of natural causes, without being punished by God. How then to account for his turbulent times, his actions, his distrust vis-à-vis religious symbols, massacres he committed? We are trying to demonstrate that by using satire and irony, historians and writers who have written about him have responded, each in its own way, this thorny issue by drawing a black portrait of him, touching on all aspects of the person. Building on the accomplishments of Paul Ricœur and especially Hayden White, we also show that Muslim historians intervened significantly in the composition of their works to guide their narratives according to their moral conception and “ideological” own, offering portraits various al-Ḥaǧǧāǧ. The result is skeptical (al-Ṭabarī), ironic (al-Balāḏurī) or satirical and very pro-‘alide (al-Mas‘ūdī) readings. The study of three non-historical texts broadens the vision and demonstrate if necessary proximity between history and adab in medieval times. At the same time, we believe we have found many examples refuting the thesis that a canonical history was written under the Caliphate Abbasid.
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Literárne pole a literatúra v ranom povojnovom období na Taiwane (1945-1949) / Literary Field and Literature in Early Post-war Period Taiwan ( 1945-1949)Dluhošová, Táňa January 2013 (has links)
Literary Field and Literature in Early Post-war Period Táiwān (1945-1949) Abstract The aim of this thesis is to analyze the literature and literary field of early post-war Táiwān (1945-49). This period, when Táiwān was politically reintegrated into China after 50 years as a Japanese colony, exerted a crucial influence on later historical events and developments. During these years, measures for the sinicization of Táiwānese society were implemented, but intellectuals also articulated views of distinctively Táiwānese as opposed to Mainland Chinese cultural features that were revivified by proponents of the Táiwānization (běntŭhuà) move- ment in the 1980s. As laid out in chapter 1, the methodology of the thesis is based on the theory of the literary field formulated by the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. The literary scene is understood as a structure created by relationships between various agents who aim to attain the dominant position in the field by accumulating the largest amount of symbolic capital. This is defined as prestige by Bourdieu but should be understood as a combination of prestige and political clout in the Táiwānese context, as this dissertation will argue. To occupy the do- minant position enables agents to define Táiwānese identity, culture, and literature (especially vis-à-vis China)....
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Performativity, subjectivity and gender: an inquiry into the applicability of theoretical concepts to "Muriel at metropolitan"Barker, Derek Alan 06 1900 (has links)
The dissertation presents and explores a mode of literary studies, which bypasses the question of literary value, and instead aims to assess how and where creative writing challenges hegemonic norms (that is, its political value). In so doing, it reflects on the practice of literary studies per se, and the mechanism(s) by which discourse can impact on subjecthood. The exploration entails the application of certain theoretical tools (concepts) in a reading of a literary work. The primary concepts employed are: performativity, subjectivity and gender. The dissertation seeks to read Muriel at Metropolitan (Tlali 1994) as a performative act, that is, a discursive event which re-enacts the practice of fictional writing and thereby extends (and possibly changes} the convention of crealive writing. If it is true that creative writing is performative, that it partake in the making of the individual, then it is important to study such writing in order to discover the consequences for the subject / English Studies / M.A. (English)
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A critical assessment of B.K.M. Mtombeni's creative worksNkuzana, K. J. 11 1900 (has links)
This critical assessment is a study of B.K.M. Mtombeni's literary achievements in the
Tsonga literature. The literary trend which persists throughout his novels Mibya ya
nyekanyeka and Ndzi tshikeni, his volumes of short stories Ndzhaka ya vusiwana and
Mavala ya yingwe and his plays Malangavi ya mbilu, Vuhlangi bya vuhlangi and
Mihizo ya kayivela, was identified. Mtombeni has been a successful writer, who
through his thematic patterns, plot, characterization, language and style, was able to
bring out his ideas and thoughts to his readers effectively.
Each chapter of this study dealt with special literary issues which contributed to the
accomplishment of the research. The first chapter is a general introduction setting out
the aim of the research: a biographical sketch; definitions of key terms of the topic
and the literary approaches; the motivation behind the selection of the topic; the
method of research; and the scope and composition of subsequent chapters.
The thematic patterns of Mtombeni's works and his attitude to life are handled in
chapter two, whilst the focus of the third chapter is on conflict, which is a major
element of plot. Reference is also made to the other elements of plot such as climax
and denouement.
Chapter four addresses characterization with the aim of determining the lifelikeness,
plausibility and. credibility of characters in Mtombeni's works.
Chapter five analyses Mtombeni's language and style, the focus being on diction,
whilst syntactic patterns, preambles or introductory paragraphs, imagery, proverbs and
idioms, tone and dialogue form chapter six.
Mtombeni's use of patterned language in his plays is treated in the seventh chapter,
whilst the last chapter is the general conclusion of the study, with recommendations
for future research. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)
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Crossing boundaries : gender and genre dislocations in selected texts by Samuel R. DelanyHope, Gerhard Ewoud 02 1900 (has links)
This dissertation offers an examination of Delany's critical trajectory from
structuralism to poststructuralism and postmodernism across a gamut of
genres from SF to sword-and-sorcery, pornography, autobiography and
literary criticism. Delany's engagement with semiotics, Foucault and
deconstruction form the theoretical focus, together with his own theories
of how SF functions as a literary genre, and its standing and reception
within the greater realm of literature. The impact of Delany as a gay, black
SF writer is also examined against the backdrop of his varied output. I have
used the term 'dislocation' to describe Delany's tackling of traditional
subjects and genres, and opening them up to further possibilities through
critical engagement. Lastly, Delany is also examined as a postmodern
icon. A frequent participant in his own texts, as well using pseudonyms
that have developed into fully-fledged characters, Delany has become a
critical signifier in his own work. / English Studies / M. A. (English)
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Књижевна дисперзија Борислава Михајловића Михиза / Književna disperzija Borislava Mihajlovića Mihiza / “Literary dispersion of Borislav MihajlovićMihiz”Plavšić Maja 27 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Autorka ovog rada ima nameru da prikaže delo<br />književnog kritičara Borislava Mihajlovića<br />Mihiza u okviru jedne celine jer su njegovi<br />kritičarski radovi, uglavnom, i dalje rasuti po<br />književnim časopisima. Poseban akcenat je na<br />šestogodišnjem delovanju u časopisu “Nin”<br />(1951-1956) kada je ovaj kritičar stekao<br />reputaciju oštrog kritičara koji afirmiše dobru<br />književnost koja se tek rađala u posleratnoj<br />Jugoslaviji. S obzirom na to da su ovom<br />kritičaru godinama osporavali postojanje<br />poetike i dublje kritičke misli, cilj ove<br />doktorske disertacije jeste da dokaže suprotno i<br />da se delo ovog kritičara sagleda u kontekstu<br />savremene srpske književnosti u čije temelje je i<br />sam utkao svoj pozamašan literarni opus.</p> / <p>Author of this paper has intention to present<br />opus of literary critic Borislav Mihajlović Mihiz<br />within one place because his critically opus is<br />still scattered in literary magazines. Special<br />focus will be on six years time when he wrote<br />for magazine ‘Nin’ (1951-1956) and he earned<br />reputation of strict critic who likes very good<br />literature which has been written and published<br />in Yugoslavia after World War II. Lots of critics<br />were denied that Borislav Mihajlović Mihiz had<br />his poetic and serious critical approach so the<br />aim of this PhD theses is to prove the opposite<br />and to illuminate work of this writer in light of<br />modern Serbian literature in which foundation<br />he put his large opus.</p>
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A different mimesis : the fantastic in Italy from the Scapigliati to the postmodernReza, Matthew January 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates the literary fantastic in Italy from the late nineteenth century to the second half of the twentieth century. The purpose is to analyse the way in which the fantastic functions in a story—its ʻmechanicsʼ—and to see how the fantastic evolved structurally over the first century of its existence in Italy. This investigation is carried out by the development of a new theoretical methodology together with the close reading of a selection of texts from four key Italian authors of fantastic literature. The thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is a historical overview of the emergence of the fantastic in Italy in the late nineteenth century up to the second half of the twentieth century; it examines the obstacles the fantastic has faced and some of the thematic and structural characteristics of texts which emerge. The second chapter is a literature review of the theoretical models used to analyse and understand the fantastic, followed by an outline of a new model, entitled Different Mimetics, which looks at the internal logic of the fantastic. In the following four chapters Different Mimetics is applied to the study of a selection of fantastic texts by four authors. Chapter three focuses on Ugo Tarchetti, and shows that his stories are defined by coexistence and coincidence in both historical and thematic terms. Chapter four demonstrates how Giovanni Papini reverses the mechanics one might expect, and how his stories are structured as internal narratives. Chapter five looks at how Dino Buzzatiʼs stories are characterised by instability and stretched narrative paradigms; and finally, chapter six looks at how Italo Calvinoʼs narratives focus on world creation and paradox and how they question the stability of narrative paradigms.
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