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Enseigner les stratégies de lecture littéraire au secondaire : une recherche développement autour du roman Nikolski de Nicolas DicknerBeaudry, Marie-Christine January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Doubles-jeux de Sophie Calle : le livre comme espace ludiqueThibault, Kathleen January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Vstup do dramatické výchovy prostřednictvím literární výchovy / Access to education through dramatic literary educationSmejkalová, Olga January 2013 (has links)
12 Abstract My thesis "Access to education through dramatic literary education" focuses on creative educational process of literary education which uses the methods and principles of drama education at the level of primary school education. The theoretical part deals with a possibility to integrate the area of human knowledge, interdisciplinary relationships and the presence of creative component into RVP. Theoretical part also points out the effectiveness of linking drama education with literary education. In the main part (practical part) we can find an ensemble of literary-drama lessons which analysis creatively a different literary genres. Well thought through lessons provides students with deeper understanding on literary work (text) not only in term of rational meanings, but emotional as well. The set of lessons is in line with the new concept of primary education (vis. RVP) which goal is child development in cognitive area (especially acquisition of tools for exploring and developing thought flow), in skill area, attitudes and values. The set of lessons emphasizes on interdisciplinary relationships and creativity. Part of the lessons was tested (reflected) with children in primary school during the school year 2012/2013
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Akutagawa Rjúnosuke a jeho úvahy o literatuře / Akutagawa Ryūnosuke and His Considerations on LiteratureBedáňová, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on a literary theoretical debate between two outstanding Japanese writers: Akutagawa Ryunosuke and Tanizaki Junichiro. As a reaction to this debate, Akutagawa wrote a literary critical essay Bungeitekina, amarini bungeitekina (Literary, All Too Literary) which contains Akutagawa's considerations on literature and which is analyzed in this thesis. I have also devoted my thesis to other literary theoretical essays written by Akutagawa. The goal of this thesis is to follow the influence of Akutagawa's literary considerations of his works and also to set his work into the wider context of Japanese literature. Hermeneutics is the methodology chosen for this work. To achieve the set-out goal, biographies on Akutagawa and other literary studies focused on Akutagawa were studied.
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Jazykový management v procesu recepce literárních textů: perspektiva rodilého a nerodilého mluvčího češtiny / Language management in the process of reception of literary texts from the perspective of a native and a non-native speaker of the Czech languageReuter, Magdalena Antonia January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis explores the possibility of mapping the reception of a literary text in terms of language management processes and in succession unveils the main differences in the perception of a literary text by a native opposed to a non-native speaker. The first three chapters treat the research methodology, which is based on Language Management Theory, Neustupný's approach to literary criticism through this concrete theory and single elements from formalism and structuralism. The research, which is described in chapters four to seven, focuses on the different moments of noting, evaluation and problem solving strategies realised by two readers of a modern Czech short story (one native and one non-native speaker). These processes are identified and analysed by the means of follow-up interviews. The aim of the thesis is to establish a complex methodology of identifying, describing and interpreting management processes which occur during the reception of a literary text and further to investigate the main characteristics that distinguish this process in the case of a native and a non-native recipient of the text.
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[pt] De primeira hora, no calor da hora: a crítica brasileira de literatura infantil nas décadas de 1970 e 1980 estuda a produção da crítica literária brasileira dos anos 1970 a 1980 sobre literatura infantil, com ênfase nas contribuições seminais nestas décadas, período divisor de águas, considerado o boom da nova literatura infantil e juvenil brasileira. A tese se desenvolve a partir da revisão bibliográfica das publicações de críticos literários brasileiros de literatura infantil selecionadas a partir de três pontos de produção significativa durante o período estudado: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Região Sul do Brasil, apontando aproximações e distanciamentos teóricos entre suas contribuições. Ao investigar em que medida esta crítica brasileira se constitui como elemento fundador de uma nova literatura infantil e juvenil brasileira a partir da década de 1970, a tese discute como estes autores de crítica literária definiram a literatura infantil e juvenil brasileira como objeto teórico na forma que hoje reconhecemos, demonstrando, assim, o papel desta geração de críticos como criadora mesma da literatura infantil brasileira ao lado de seus autores de ficção, e não mera repetidora. / [en] In the heat of the moment: Brazilian children s literature criticism in the 1970 s/80 s is the title of the present thesis about Brazilian literary criticism studies between 1970 and 1980 about children s literature. The thesis analyzes the key role of the theory authors during those remarkable decades known as the boom of the Brazilian children s literature. Adopting the bibliographical review method, the thesis investigates theory authors from Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and the south part of Brazil, where significant theoretical studies about children s literature were produced back in the 1970 s and 1980 s. The thesis demonstrates how this particular generation of literary critics contributes as founder of the new Brazilian children s literature, side by side with the fiction writers of the same period.
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Les Vies d’écrivains français : développement et mutations d’un genre (1570-1770) / The Lives of French writers : development and transformations of a genre (1570-1770)Bénard, Élodie 30 January 2015 (has links)
On a souvent considéré qu’au cours du XVIIIe siècle s’opérait une mutation dans l’histoire du genre biographique, qui se manifestait par le passage des « Vies » aux « biographies ». Pourtant d’importantes transformations affectent la manière de raconter la vie dès la fin du XVIe siècle. Ces changements sont particulièrement sensibles dans un sous-genre de la biographie, la Vie d’écrivain. En effet, outre l’affaiblissement de la pression rhétorique qui touche les pratiques narratives dans leur ensemble, celle-ci est modifiée par une nouvelle habitude éditoriale qui consiste à inclure une Vie de l’auteur en avant-propos de l’oeuvre et par l’évolution du statut de l’écrivain qui commence à se différencier des autres hommes de lettres. Pour comprendre la spécificité du genre, il convient de définir les conditions de production de la Vie d’écrivain, liées aux nouvelles exigences de l’historiographie et au développement de la culture mondaine, en particulier de l’art de la conversation. La Vie d’écrivain permet, par ailleurs, de mesurer l’évolution du régime de l’exemplarité, à travers la régression des modèles éthiques traditionnels, l’apparition de nouveaux modèles, mais aussi la recherche de plus en plus affirmée d’une singularité de l’auteur. Il faudra enfin s’interroger sur l’apport particulier des Vies d’écrivains à l’histoire littéraire, en relation avec la place accordée à la narration, qui constitue l’évolution majeure du genre au XVIIIe siècle. Ces différentes questions, rencontrées au fil de notre travail, nous aideront à mieux comprendre les ressorts d’une démarche inhérente à la biographie d’écrivain : le va-et-vient entre la vie et l’oeuvre. / It has often been considered that, throughout the 18th century, there took place a profound change in the history of biographical genre, expressed by the shift from “Lives” to “biographies”. However, important transformations have affected the way of telling life as far back as the end of the 17th century. The changes are particularly noticeable in one subgenre of biography, the Lives of writers. Actually, besides the weakening of the rhetorical pressure which concerns the narrative practices, as a whole, it is altered by a new editorial habit which consists in including a Life of the author as a preface to the works and by the evolution of the status of the writer who, then, starts differing from other men of letters. So as to understand the specificity of the genre, it is advisable to define the conditions of production of the Lives of writers, linked to the new demands of historiography and to the development of society culture, particularly the art of conversation. Furthermore, the Lives of writers allows to assess the evolution of the system of exemplarity, through the regression of traditional ethical models, the appearance of new models, but also the search – more and more emphasized – for the writer’s peculiarity. At last, we shall have to wonder about the particular contribution made by the Lives of writers to literary history, in relation to the place granted to narration, which constitutes the major evolution of the genre in the 18th century.These different questions, raised throughout our work, will help understand the motives of a process inherent in biographies of writers, namely, going back and forth between life and works.
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Pe/anser la langue : langue littéraire et imaginaire linguistique de l’avant-garde post-structuraliste, 1965-1985 / Engaged Language : literary Language and Linguistic Imaginary of post-structuralist avant-garde, 1965-1985Drigny, Juliette 30 January 2018 (has links)
Les écrivains d’avant-garde des années 1970 (P. Guyotat, D. Roche, P. Sollers, C. Prigent...), souvent qualifiés d’illisibles, présentent de nombreux points communs tant dans leur pratique stylistique que dans leurs conceptions du langage. Si le « textualisme » de la seconde moitié des années 1960 ainsi que le « post-modernisme » du début des années 1980 sont bien connus, les expérimentations verbales de 1965-1985 sont peu étudiées dans leur spécificité et leur cohérence. Ce travail, qui s’appuie sur un corpus d’auteurs gravitant autour de trois revues (Tel Quel, Change et TXT) et de textes aussi bien théoriques que littéraires, entend donc prouver la consistance d’une langue littéraire propre à l’avant-garde d’une période que l’on pourrait qualifier de « post-structuraliste », héritant du structuralisme mais le déplaçant vers des enjeux plus littéraires. Cette langue littéraire ne saurait être envisagée sans être mise en relation avec l’imaginaire linguistique de l’époque – une pensée de la langue – dont les principales caractéristiques sont d’une part la conscience du caractère réducteur de la langue nationale et d’autre part la remise en question de la linguistique saussurienne. L’obscurité des textes, la déconstruction de la syntaxe et du lexique, la multiplication des néologismes ou des jeux de mots qui, en apparence, portent atteinte à la langue française, illustrent en réalité une volonté de panser la langue, de l’enrichir par la mise en valeur du signifiant, par l’emprunt aux langues étrangères ou encore par le rythme. L’œuvre de Guyotat, en particulier, condense ces enjeux, articulant un imaginaire de la langue et un travail langagier tout à fait singuliers. / The Francophone avant-garde writers from the 1970s (P. Guyotat, D. Roche, P. Sollers, C. Prigent...), often said to be unreadable, are quite similar both in their stylistical praxis and in their conception of language. If the “textualism” from the late 1960s and the “post-modernism” of the early 1980s are rather well-known, the verbal experimentations of the 1965-1985 period have not been much studied as a specific and coherent whole. This work, based on a corpus of authors linked to three journals (Tel Quel, Change and TXT) and on literary as well as theoretical texts, wishes to prove the consistency of the specific literary language shared by the avant-garde of a time that could be labelled “post-structuralist”, i.e. inheriting from structuralism but focusing more on literary issues. This literary language cannot be analyzed without taking into account the linguistic imaginary of the time, i.e. how language was thought. That linguistic imaginary is mainly characterized by a consciousness of how reductive the national language is and by questioning Saussure's linguistics. The obscure texts, the deconstructed syntax and lexicon, the multiple neologisms and puns, which seem to violate the French language, actually illustrate a desire to improve the language (and not only to think it), to enrich it by emphasizing the signifier through borrowed foreign words or rhythms. The work of Guyotat particularly condenses these issues as it articulates most singular linguistic imaginary and work on language.
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A recepção crítica de Harold Bloom no meio acadêmico brasileiro /Lima, Luiz Fernando Martins de. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: João Luís Cardoso Tápias Ceccantini / Banca: Sílvia Maria Azevedo / Banca: Alice Áurea Penteado Martha / Resumo: Harold Bloom (1930) é, para muitos, o crítico norte-americano de maior destaque nos estudos literários da atualidade. Sua teoria da influência, além de possuir sua própria retórica, resgatou à literatura seus aspectos mais subjetivos. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo empreender uma leitura de dissertações e teses acadêmicas brasileiras que tenham lançado mão da teoria da angústia da influência e seu mapa de desleitura, ou que discutam temas como o cânone literário, tão usualmente associado à figura do professor de Yale, enfático debatedor desse assunto. Para esse propósito foi feito o levantamento do corpus por meio de uma pesquisa nos principais sites e bancos de dados científicos brasileiros, como a Plataforma Lattes e o Banco de Tese da CAPES, e estabelecido os critérios de análise com base nas teses e dissertações que compõem esse corpus. A leitura desses trabalhos acadêmicos buscou identificar em que medida o crítico norte-americano está sendo lido no meio acadêmico brasileiro e compreender qual a amplitude dessas leituras. Por conseguinte, esta dissertação tem o intuito de entender qual a relevância das idéias de Bloom para o intelectual brasileiro da área de Letras. / Abstract: Nowadays, Harold Bloom (1930) is, to many, the North-american critic of major projection in literary studies. His theory of influence, besides to have its own rhethorics, brought back to literature its more subjective aspects. The present work has as its objectives to engage in a reading of Brazilian academic dissertations and thesis which have made usage of the theory of anxiety of influence and his map of misreading, or which discuss themes as the literary canon, so usually associated to the professor of Yale's figure, an emphatic debater of this subject. With this purpose in mind it was made the survey of the corpus through a research in the main Brazilian scientific websites and databases, like Plataforma Lattes and CAPES thesis database, and it was established the criteria of analysis based upon the thesis and dissertations which compound this corpus. The reading of these academic works sought to identify in what extent the North-American critic is been read in Brazilian academic environment and comprehend how wide have been these readings. Therefore, this dissertation has as its aim to understand how relevant to the Brazilian scholar of Language and Literature the ideas of Bloom area. / Mestre
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O conto em Lima Barreto: oscilação editorial e hibridismo estético / The short story in Lima Barreto: editorial oscillation and aesthetic hybridismRosa, Alexandre Juliete 30 October 2017 (has links)
A presente dissertação busca fazer uma análise da obra em contos do escritor Afonso Henriques de Lima Barreto (1881-1922), que se encontra publicada em diversas coletâneas; algumas organizadas pelo próprio autor, outras publicadas por pesquisadores e editores. Foi constatado ao longo de nossa pesquisa que a contística barretiana se encontra, atualmente, em situação bastante problemática. Do ponto de vista da crítica literária, ela tem sido pouco estudada e, com relação à situação editorial, a obra em contos de Lima Barreto tem apresentado inúmeros casos de negligência. Outro dado levantado por nossa pesquisa apontou que um número elevado de textos do autor se encontra presente simultaneamente em coletâneas destinadas aos gêneros conto e crônica. Tal oscilação se constitui como índice de uma problemática ainda maior, que deságua na pouca atenção dispensada pela crítica a esta parcela de sua prosa ficcional. O método utilizado ao longo deste trabalho partiu do entendimento apresentado pelo próprio Lima Barreto sobre a função social da literatura, sintetizada na ideia de literatura militante. Além deste, a pesquisa se pautou pelas discussões travadas pelo autor em torno das questões de gênero literário e pelo próprio contexto no qual o autor produziu, conhecido pela denominação de \"pré-modernismo\". A partir da constatação de que os romances de Lima Barreto já apresentam as marcas de uma diluição nas fronteiras tradicionais entre os gêneros literários, o objetivo da dissertação foi o de tentar demonstrar que esta característica também está fortemente presente em seus contos, sobretudo no aspecto híbrido que apresentam, tais como conto e ensaio; conto e crônica; conto e anedota; conto e diálogo. Além do hibridismo, encontra-se na prosa ficcional curta do autor, de forma mais acentuada que nos romances, a questão da oralidade e da escrita jornalística. Estas, por sua vez, se configuram como prenúncios da modernidade estilística da prosa brasileira que se consagraria pelo século XX afora. Muitas questões ainda restam em aberto, embora a pesquisa tenha conseguido identificar algo que unifique, ainda que precariamente, a totalidade dos textos escritos pelo autor dentro deste gênero literário, qual seja: a diversidade estilística e o hibridismo estético. / This paper intends to make an analysis about Afonso Henriques de Lima Barreto\'s short stories (1881 - 1922) that have been published in many collections. Researches and editors published these collections and some of them were organized by the own author. Through this survey, it was observed that the short stories are on a difficult situation. From a literary criticism point of view, this kind of situation is not been studied as much as it should be. From a editorial perspective, the Lima Barreto\'s short stories have various negligence cases. There is another relevant aspect observed through this survey. There are a lot of Lima Barreto\'s texts in collections about short stories and chronicles and this kind of variation reflects a big problem: the literary criticism has given insufficient attention to the fictional prose work of the author. The method used to develop this research was based on Lima Barreto understanding about the social function of literature, summarized in the activist literature idea. In addition to this, the research was based on the discussions held by the author around issues of literary genre and by the context in which the author produced his work, known as the \"premodernism\". The traditional borders between literary genres are more fluids on Lima Barreto\'s novels. Based on the above, the objective of this paper was to show that this characteristic is also in his short stories, foremost with its hybrids aspects as short story and essay; short story and chronicle; short story and jokes; short story and dialogue. Besides the hybrids aspects, there are the orality issue and a kind of writing based on journalism found on the author\'s short fictional prose. This kind of prose is like an omen of stylistic modernity of Brazilian prose, which would be established on XX century and forward. Although the research identified (even in a poor way) something that could unify the texts made by the author in literary genre that involves stylistic diversity and aesthetic hybridism, there are many issues to solve.
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