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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pr??diction des taux de d??composition des liti??res v??g??tales par les traits fonctionnels agr??g??s

Tardif, Antoine January 2014 (has links)
Sommaire : Comprendre le fonctionnement des e??cosyste??mes est un enjeu crucial, en particulier dans un contexte de changements globaux. Afin de mieux pre??dire les processus e??cosyste??miques, j???ai teste?? la pre??cision et les limites des hypothe??ses du biomass-ratio de Grime (HBMR) et de l???annulation idiosyncratique (HAI), cette dernie??re e??tant une hypothe??se originale de cette the??se. Pour cela, j???ai applique?? le principe du biomass-ratio aux traits fonctionnels, en employant la me??thode des traits agre??ge??s en communaute??, pour estimer la re??ponse globale des espe??ces en me??lange. La de??composition des litie??res plurispe??cifiques constitue un bon mode??le biologique, pour lequel je me suis pose?? les questions suivantes : (1) est-ce que l???HBMR pre??dit bien les taux de de??composition en me??langes plurispe??cifiques ? ; (2) est-ce que le degre?? de variabilite?? de ces taux diminue pour des raisons biologiques avec l???augmentation de la richesse spe??cifique (RS) des me??langes (HAI) ? ; (3) est-ce que la variabilite?? des taux entre me??langes diminue quand les conditions abiotiques du site deviennent plus limitantes ? ; (4) conside??rant que les me??langes plus contraste??s fonctionnellement sont susceptibles de de??velopper plus d???interactions, est-ce que la de??viation a?? la pre??diction augmente avec la dispersion fonctionnelle des me??langes (?? FDis ??, Laliberte?? & Legendre 2010) ? Cette the??se inclut deux expe??riences de de??composition en sachets a?? litie??res : (1) a?? Sherbrooke (QC, Canada) avec des microcosmes, impliquant des litie??res de six espe??ces d???arbres, de??composant seules et en me??langes et (2) sur trois sites au climat contraste?? dans la re??gion de Clermont-Ferrand (France) avec des litie??res de quatre espe??ces d???herbace??es, de??composant seules et en me??langes. Les re??sultats montrent des de??viations positives et ne??gatives par rapport aux taux pre??dits, mais l???HBMR de??crit bien la re??ponse moyenne des litie??res plurispe??cifiques. Bien que l???HAI ait e??te?? rejete??e, les re??sultats montrent une convergence des taux observe??s vers les taux pre??dits quand (1) la RS des me??langes augmente, (2) l???e??chelle spatiale augmente et (3) le climat est plus limitant pour la de??composition. Enfin, malgre?? des corre??lations entre FDis et interactions entre espe??ces dans les litie??res, cette relation n???est pas ge??ne??ralisable et l???hypothe??se de corre??lation positive entre FDis et de??viation a?? l???HBMR a e??te?? rejete??e. // Abstract : Understanding ecosystem functioning is a key goal in ecology, especially in the context of global changes. To better predict ecosystem processes, I tested the accuracy and the limits of Grime???s biomass-ratio (BMRH) hypothesis and a novel idiosyncratic annulment (IAH) hypothesis. I applied the biomass-ratio to functional traits, using the community-weighted means (CWM) to estimate the global response of species in mixtures. I studied the decomposition of litter species mixtures as a biological model and asked the following questions : (1) does the BMRH predict well the decomposition rates of mixed species litters? ; (2) does the degree of variability of these rates decrease with increasing species richness (SR) beyond that expected from purely mathematical causes (IAH)? ; (3) does the variability of rates between mixtures decrease with less favourable abiotic conditions for decomposition? ; (4) as more functionally contrasted mixtures are expected to develop more interactions, does the deviation from prediction increase with increasing functional dispersion in mixtures (?? FDis ??, Lalibert?? & Legendre 2010)? This study involves two decomposition experiments using litterbags: (1) at Sherbrooke (QC, Canada), in microcosms, involving litters from six tree species, decomposed alone and in mixtures and (2) in three climatically contrasted sites in the region of Clermont-Ferrand (France) with litters from four herbaceous species, decomposed alone and in mixtures. Despite both positive and negative deviations from expectation occurring at all levels of SR, the BMRH well described the average response of mixed species litters. Although I rejected the IAH, the results showed a convergence to the predicted values based on CWM with (1) increasing the SR in mixtures, (2) increasing the spatial scale of the study and (3) a less favourable climate to decomposition. Finally, although there was a correlation between litter interactions and functional divergence, this relationship was not generalizable and I rejected the hypothesis of a positive correlation between FDis and the deviations from BMRH.

The impact of selective beech (Nothofagus spp.) harvest on litter-dwelling invertebrates and the process of litter decomposition

Evans, Alison January 1999 (has links)
Minimising the potential impact of forest management requires an understanding of the key elements that maintain forest diversity and its role in ecological processes. Invertebrates are the most diverse of all biota and play important roles in maintaining forest processes. However, little is known about invertebrates in New Zealand's beech forests or the degree to which selective beech harvest might impact on their diversity and ability to carry out ecosystem processes. Studying ecosystem responses to disturbance is considered vital for understanding how ecosystems are maintained. One of the main objectives of this research was to assess whether litter-dwelling invertebrates were susceptible to the impacts of selective harvest and, if so, whether they could be used as indicators of forest health. Changes in invertebrate diversity could have important implications for nutrient cycling and primary production in forests. Litter-dwelling invertebrates contribute to the process of decomposition by increasing the surface area of the leaves, mixing soil organic matter and by infecting leaf particles with soil microbes. This investigation into the function of invertebrates in beech forest was carried out in the context of ecological theories which relate diversity to ecosystem stability and resilience. A replicated study was established in Maruia State Forest (South Island, New Zealand) to assess the potential biotic and abiotic impacts of sustainable beech harvest. Litter-dwelling invertebrates and environmental factors were monitored during 1997, before harvest, to determine how much variability there was between study sites. Specifically, litter pH, light intensity, litter fall, litter temperature, moisture as well as invertebrate abundance and diversity were compared before and after selective harvest. On 17 January 1998, two to three trees were selectively harvested from three of the nine study sites. On 15 February 1998 a similar number of trees were winched over or felled manually to create artificial windthrow sites. The remaining three undisturbed sites were used as controls. Invertebrates belonging to the detritivore guild were assessed from litter samples and a series of litter-bags containing pre-weighed leaf litter which were placed in each of the sites to assess rates of litter decomposition. Millipedes (Diplopoda: Polyzoniidae, Schedotrigonidae, Dalodesmidae, Habrodesmidae, Sphaerotheridae), earthworms (Oligochaeta: Annelida), tipulid larvae (Diptera: Tipulidae), weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), moth larvae (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae, Tortricidae and Psychidae), slaters (Isopoda: Styloniscidae), Oribatid mites (Acarina: Cryptostigmata) and landhoppers (Crustacea: Amphipoda) were extracted from the litter-bags and their abundance and diversity was compared between the three treatments. Weight loss from the litter-bags and the carbon and nitrogen content of litter were used to measure the rate of decomposition in each treatment. An additional study investigated whether exclusion of invertebrates from leaf litter resulted in reduced rates of decomposition. The results indicated that there was an increase in light intensity and a small increase in temperature following selective harvest and artificial windthrow. There was no significant difference in litter moisture or the amount of litter fall between the treatments. Invertebrate abundances were significantly affected by season but did not appear to be affected by selective harvest or artificial windthrow. The diversity of invertebrates remained relatively constant throughout the year, as did the rate of decomposition. When invertebrates were excluded from the leaf litter there was no consequential effect on the rate of litter decomposition. This suggests that there may be compensatory mechanisms taking place between the trophic levels of the food web to maintain processes and that direct links between invertebrates and decomposition are relatively weak. In conclusion, it appears that the effects of selective beech harvest on forest-floor processes were minimal and are comparable to those created by natural windthrow disturbance. It also appears that macroclimatic effects such as seasonal climatic effects have a large effect on forest biota. As none of the invertebrates studied appeared to be detrimentally affected by selective harvest and as there was no direct link demonstrated with decomposition, it was considered inappropriate to advocate the use of this group of invertebrates as indicators of sustainable forest management. The results from this study provide information which may help inform decisions on the future management of diversity in beech forest ecosystems.

Fuel load characterisation and quantification for the development of fuel models for Pinus patula in South Africa

Ross, Timothy Ian 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScBosb)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The characteristics and total fuel load of the forest floor (FF) and harvest residue (HR) are needed to develop tools that can be used for fuel load management, fire risk analysis and fire behaviour prediction for P. patula grown in the summer rainfall area of South Africa (SA). Forest floor depth, mass and ash-free mass were measured and there was generally a greater range in depth under sawtimber (ST) stands than under pulpwood (PLP) stands. Forest floor loads, prior to ashing, ranged from 21 - 168 t ha-1 and 27 - 72 t ha-1, for ST and PLP stands, respectively and loads increased linearly with stand age. Sawtimber and PLP stands were analysed together, which resulted in a significant correlation between depth and mass (r2 = 0.78, n = 31). A loss on ignition procedure carried out on sub-samples of the FF improved the relationship between the FF depth and the ash-free mass for the different stands, and provided a more accurate model for the prediction of mass from depth. A multiple regression analysis revealed that age, altitude and mean annual precipitation (MAP) provided the best subset and accounted for 72% of the variation in the FF mass observed. The effect of increasing FF load and increasing moisture content on the fireline intensity (FLI) was examined using the fire behaviour prediction programme, BehavePlus. Harvest residue was quantified and characterised in terms of fuel size classes, under current silvicultural regimes for ST and PLP, for the development of fuel models for this species over its planted range in SA. An investigation into the proportion (by mass) of the 1- (0.0 - 0.6 cm), 10- (0.6 – 2.5 cm), 100- (2.5 – 7.6 cm) and 1000-hr (> 7.6 cm diameter) fuel classes of the total HR mass indicated that there was a significant difference between the mass of the 1-, 10- and 1000-hr fuel classes of the two silvicultural regimes, and no significant difference for the 100-hr fuel class. Two fuel models for P. patula HR and two models for standing timber were developed using the new model (NEWMDL) programme of BEHAVE and tested in BehavePlus. Nutrient concentrations were used with FF layer and HR size class load data to estimate the quantities of nutrients held in the fuel and to describe nutrient distributions in the fuel complex. Significant differences in the nutrient concentration of the FF layers and fuel components were observed which has important implications for fuel management. The concentration of N determined in this study, relative to that determined in other similar studies on P. patula was low. Forest floor loads were predicted and nutrient pools calculated for typical ST and PLP stands at both low and high altitude to provide insight into the nutrient distributions within the fuel complex. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die karaktereienskappe en totale brandstoflading van die bosvloer (FF) en kaalkap oorskot (HR) word benodig om instrumente te ontwikkel wat gebruik kan word vir brandstoflading bestuur, brandgevaar ontleding en brandgedrag voorspelling vir P. patula, wat in die somer reënvalgebied van Suid-Afrika groei. Die bosvloer diepte, massa en asvrye massa is gemeet en daar was oor die algemeen ‘n groter variasie in diepte onder saaghout (ST) opstande as onder pulphout (PLP) opstande. Die bosvloerladings, voor verassing, het varieer van 21 – 168 t ha-1 en 27 – 72 t ha-1 vir ST en PLP opstande respektiwelik. Ladings het linieêr vermeerder met opstand ouderdom. Saaghout en PLP opstande is saam geanaliseer en het tot ‘n betekenisvolle korrelasie gelei tussen diepte en massa (r2 = 0.78, n = 31). ‘n Verliestydens- ontbranding prosedure is uitgevoer op die FF monsters en het die verhouding tussen FF diepte en die asvrye massa van die verskillende opstande verbeter. Dit het ook gelei tot akkurater model vir die voorspelling van massa vanaf diepte. ‘n Veelvoudige regressie analise het aan die lig gebring dat ouderdom, hoogte en gemiddelde jaarlikse reënval (MAP) die beste sub-groep verskaf, en het 72% van die variasie in die FF massa verklaar. Ondersoek is ingestel op die effek van toenemende FF lading en toenemende voginhoud op die brandlyn intensiteit (FLI) deur die brandgedrag program, BehavePlus, toe te pas. Die kaalkap oorskot is gekwantifiseer en gekarakteriseer volgens brandstof grootteklasse, onder die huidige boskultuurstelsels vir ST en PLP, vir die ontwikkeling van brandstofmodelle vir hierdie spesie oor die betrokke groeistreek in SA. ‘n Ondersoek in die verhouding (volgens massa) van die 1- (0.0 – 0.6 cm), 10- (0.6 – 2.5 cm), 100- (2.5 – 7.6 cm) en 1000-uur (> 7.6 cm deursnee) brandstofklasse van die totale HR massa het aangedui dat daar ‘n betekenisvolle verskil is tussen die massas van die 1-, 10- en 1000-uur brandstofklasse van die twee boskultuurstelsels, en geen betekenisvolle verskil vir die 100- uur brandstofklas nie. Twee brandstofmodelle is ontwikkel vir P. patula HR en twee modelle vir staande hout deur gebruik te maak van die nuwe model (NEWMDL) program van BEHAVE en getoets in BehavePlus. Voedingstof konsentrasies is gebruik, tesame met die FF laag en HR klasgrootte ladingdata, om die voedingstof inhoud van die brandstof te skat en om die voedingstof verspreiding te beskryf in die brandstofkompleks. Betekenisvolle verskille is waargeneem in die voedingstof konsentrasies van die FF lae en brandstof komponente wat belangrike implikasies inhou vir brandstofbestuur. Die konsentrasie wat vir N in hierdie studie bepaal is, was laag relatief tot ander soortgelyke studies vir P. patula. Die bosvloer ladings is voorspel en voedingstofpoele bereken vir tipiese ST en PLP opstande vir beide lae en hoë hoogtes om insig te verkry, sodat insig verkry kon word in die voedingstof verspreidings binne die brandstofkompleks.

Learners' environmental awareness, effects on home and school practices towards littering : an action research case

Matsekoleng, Tsebo Kgoto 10 1900 (has links)
The presence of pre-packed items contributes toward littering in schools and at home milieu. Most people particularly, and learners’ discard packages of pre-packed wrappers on the ground, thus contribute to littering. This study is intended to help all relevant stakeholders to plan activities that could reduce littering. The study is grounded within the critical theory and living paradigm exploring the effect of household and school practices on learners’ environmental awareness (EA) towards littering. This case study employed action research as a methodology to unpack the problem. Fourteen learners, who are referred to as co-researchers in this study, were selected randomly from seven classes and their parents were inevitably included in the study. Three cycles were conducted with the co-researchers. Five data collection methods are used to collect data. Tables, score total percentages and coding used to analyse data. The results of the study show that environmental activities could be useful within home and school setup and continued practice of environmental activities will in the end conscientise learners towards littering if approached through action research. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Environmental Education)

Effects of the biographic factors and religious convictions on littering to enhance waste management in Pretoria city, South Africa

Mathe, Ronald 03 1900 (has links)
The economic and population growth have led to the increased volumes of municipal solid waste in South Africa, hence more pressure to the waste management facilities. Municipal solid waste management is a by-product of everyday living, this is the reason why there is an environmental burden caused by waste to the environment. This study was conducted in Pretoria within the three sampled areas, namely: Garsfontein, Marabastad and Pretoria Central Business District (CBD). The rationale of the study was to establish the influence and effects of biographic factors (age, marital status, educational background, gender) and religious conviction on littering. This project constitutes both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. About 150 of the questionnaires were administered to each of the three sampled areas. Therefore, the overall proportion of the respondents was 450. Visual inspection was done in all the three sampled areas to observe the littering status quo and waste management situation in these particular areas. The visual inspection uncovered very interesting findings. It was established that Marabastad was cleaner in the morning than in the late hours while Garsfontein was clean throughout the day. Another problem that was discovered, amongst others was that of the condition of the bins in Marabastad and Pretoria Central Business District (CBD) which was bad compared to Garsfontein. From the questionnaire, it was found that the 72% of elderly respondents (< 36 yrs) are more environmental conscious than the young people (18-35 yrs) who 83% of them claim to litter when there is no bin. Further, among young people, 78% said litter cigarette butts and 93% of these said better street cleanliness would help reduce littering. 72% of adults said religious convictions would help reduce littering. The chi-square and correlation coefficient statistical data analysis methods were used to establish the relationship between different biographic and religious variables. Gender, marital status, monthly income, age and religious conviction were all found to have significant effects on issues regarding littering in the city. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)

Ecological and Edaphic Correlations of Soil Invertebrate Community Structure in Dry Upland Forests of Eastern Africa

Mauritsson, Karl January 2018 (has links)
Natural forests are characterised by great vegetation diversity and create habitats for a major part of Earth’s terrestrial organisms. Plantation forests, which are mainly composed of a few genera of fast-growing trees, constitute an increasing fraction of global forests, but they only partly compensate for loss of area, habitat and ecological functions in natural forests. Plantation forests established near natural forests can be expected to serve as buffers, but they seem to be relatively poor in invertebrate species and it is not clear why. This bachelor’s degree project aimed at establishing the ecological and edaphic factors that correlate with soil invertebrate diversity in dry upland forests and surrounding plantation forests in eastern Africa. Some aspects of the above-ground vegetation heterogeneity were investigated since this was assumed to influence the heterogeneity of the soil environment, which is considered as critical for soil biodiversity. The obtained knowledge may be valuable in conservation activities in East African forests, which are threatened by destruction, fragmentation and exotic species. The study area was Karura Forest, a dry upland forest in Nairobi, Kenya. Three different sites were investigated; a natural forest site characterized by the indigenous tree species Brachylaena huillensis and Croton megalocarpus, and two different plantation forest sites, characterized by the exotic species Cupressus lusitanica and Eucalyptus paniculata, respectively. For each forest type, six plots were visited. Soil invertebrates were extracted from collected soil and litter samples by sieving and Berlese-Tullgren funnels. The invertebrates were identified, and the taxonomic diversity calculated at the order level. The ecological and edaphic factors, measured or calculated for each plot, were tree species diversity, ratio of exotic tree species, vertical structure of trees, vegetation cover, vegetation density, litter quality, soil pH, soil temperature and soil moisture. One-way ANOVA was used to compare soil invertebrate diversity and other variables between different forest types. Akaike’s Information Criterion and Multiple Linear Regression were used to establish linear models with variables that could explain measured variations of the diversity. There was some evidence for higher soil invertebrate diversity in natural forests than in surrounding plantation forests. The abundance of soil invertebrates was also clearly higher in natural forests, which indicates that natural forests are more important than plantation forests for conservation of soil invertebrate populations. Soil invertebrate diversity (in terms of number of orders present) was found to be influenced by forest type and litter quality. The diversity was higher at places with high amounts of coarse litter, which here is considered as more heterogenous than fine litter. The dependence on forest type was partly a consequence of differences in soil pH since Eucalyptus trees lower soil pH and thereby also soil biodiversity. No relation to heterogeneity of above-ground vegetation was found. For future conservation activities in Karura Forest Reserve it is recommended to continue removing exotic plant species and replanting indigenous trees, to prioritize the removal of Eucalyptus trees before Cypress trees, to only remove a few trees at a time and to establish ground vegetation when doing so.

Communautés natives des fourmis de la litière en forêts naturelles de Guyane française et impact de la conversion forestière en plantations monospécifiques / Native communities of leaf-litter ant communities in natural forests of French Guiana, and impact of forest conversion in monocultural tree plantations

Groc, Sarah 09 December 2011 (has links)
Les fourmis sont des organismes cibles appropriés pour les études environnementales. Au cours de notre étude, nous nous sommes focalisés sur les fourmis de la litière via l'application de deux méthodes de récolte complémentaires selon le protocole all (ants of leaf litter). Dans les forêts naturelles de Guyane française, l'hétérogénéité environnementale et les perturbations structurent les communautés de fourmis de la litière en influençant la richesse, la diversité, l'abondance et la densité en espèces ainsi que les compositions taxonomique et fonctionnelle. Chaque type de formation végétale possède une communauté spécifique. La fragmentation et la conversion des forêts en plantations ont entrainé une altération plus ou moins profonde des communautés; cette variabilité est fonction du type d’agriculture et des espèces d'essences cultivées. Bien que l'altération des communautés se soit révélée maximale dans la plupart des monocultures, les plantations de cacaoyers ont un potentiel de conservation réel. Enfin, dans un contexte ou il est urgent de simplifier l'intégration des arthropodes dans les études de conservation, de contrôle et de suivi de la santé des écosystèmes terrestres, la méthode des réseaux de neurones est apparue comme un outil puissant pour mettre en évidence et analyser les patrons des communautés de fourmis. / Ants are reliable and relevant target organisms for environmental surveys. In our study, we focused on litter-dwelling ants through the use of two complementary sampling methods that were implemented according to the ants of leaf litter (all) protocol. In pristine forests of french guiana, leaf-litter ant communities are structured by environmental heterogeneity and natural perturbations - which influence species richness, diversity, abundance and density, as well as taxonomic and functional composition. This results in habitat-specific communities for each vegetal formation. Forest fragmentation and conversion into monocultures have led to a more or less deep alteration of the ant communities; this variability depends on the type of agricultural system and cultivated tree species. Although the intensity of community alteration peaked in tree monocultures, cocoa plantation exhibited a real potential for native species conservation. Finally, in the current context where simplifying the integration of arthropods into conservation programs as well as into surveys designed to monitor and manage the environment is critical, the use of neural networks appears to be a powerful tool for reliably highlighting and analyzing ant communities patterns.

Habitats coralliens dans les canyons sous-marins du Golfe de Gascogne : distribution, écologie et vulnérabilité / Coral habitats in submarine canyons of the Bay of Biscay : distribution, ecology and vulnerability

Van den Beld, Inge 20 February 2017 (has links)
Les habitats de coraux d’eau froide formés par des scléractiniaires coloniaux, des gorgones, des antipathaires et des pennatules sont des hotspots de biodiversité et de biomasse. Ils fournissent des fonctions importantes, comme des refuges et des zones d’alimentation, pour d’autres organismes. Mais, ils sont également vulnérables aux activités humaines, parce qu’ils sont fragiles, croissent lentement et atteignent des records de longévité. Dans les canyons sous-marins, le relief tourmenté, l’hydrodynamisme et l’hétérogénéité des substrats offrent des conditions environnementales propices au développement des habitats coralliens. Dans le Golfe de Gascogne, les coraux d’eau froide sont connus depuis la fin du 19e siècle, mais leur distribution, leur densité et leur rôle fonctionnel avaient été très peu étudiés.Pour augmenter cette connaissance, 24 canyons sous-marins et 3 sites sur l’interfluve/haut de pente contiguë aux canyons adjacents ont été visités par un ROV et une caméra tractée pendant 46 plongées au cours de 7 campagnes océanographiques. Les habitats coralliens définis par le système de classification CoralFISH ont été cartographiés à partir des images prises par les engins sous-marins puis la faune associée, les types de substrat et les déchets ont été annotés.Onze habitats coralliens et 62 morphotypes de coraux ont été observés dans les canyons sous-marins du Golfe de Gascogne hébergeant 191 morphotypes de faune associée, dont 160 morphotypes uniques. Les patrons de distribution à l’échelle locale et à l’échelle régionale pourraient être liés aux régimes hydrodynamiques et sédimentaires. Le type de substrat était important pour les assemblages de coraux et leurs faunes associées, distinguant les habitats biogéniques, sur substrat dur et sur substrat meuble. Les assemblages de coraux étaient similaires entre habitats biogéniques et habitats sur substrat dur, mais la faune associées était plus abondante et diversifiée sur les habitats biogéniques. La diversité-alpha, -beta et –gamma étaient étonnement élevée sur les habitats coralliens sur substrat meuble, égalant ou dépassant la diversité des habitats biogéniques.Les déchets marins étaient abondants et principalement composés de plastiques et de matériels de pêche. Ces déchets pourraient impacter les habitats coralliens : ils ont été trouvés à des profondeurs similaires et les déchets étaient piégés par des reliefs créés par des structures biologiques et géologiques. L’ocurrence des récifs de coraux préférentiellement sur les pentes plus abruptes des canyons sous-marins tandis que les débris de coraux sont plus fréquents sur des aires plus plates de l’interfluve ou du haut de pente, pourraient indiquer un impact de la pêche.Cette étude a contribué à l’initiative en cours de création d’un réseau Natura 2000 qui protégera à terme l’habitat « récif » dont les habitats coralliens biogéniques et sur substrat dur, mais pas les habitats coralliens sur substrat meuble. Pour ces derniers, un complément d’étude et d’autres stratégies de préservation seront nécessaires. / Cold-water coral (CWC) habitats formed by colonial scleractinians, gorgonians, antipatharians and sea pens are biodiversity and biomass hotspots that provide important functions, such as shelter and feeding grounds, to other organisms. But, they are also vulnerable to human activities, because they are long-lived, grow slowly and have a low resistance. Submarine canyons may offer the environmental conditions needed for CWC habitat development, due to their steep topography, complex hydrodynamics and substrate heterogeneity. In the Bay of Biscay, which margin is incised by hundreds of canyons, CWCs are known to exist since the late 19th century, but their distribution, density and functional role remained largely unknown, which impaired their preservation.To increase this knowledge, 24 canyons and three locations between adjacent canyons were visited with an ROV and a towed camera system during 46 dives on 7 cruises. Images were analysed for CWC habitats using the CoralFISH classification system. Within these habitats, corals, associated fauna were identified and substrate cover measured. Litter was identified in 15 out of 24 canyons.Eleven coral habitats constructed by 62 coral morphotypes were observed in the canyons of the Bay of Biscay hosting 191 associated megafaunal morphotypes, including 160 unique morphotypes. The distribution patterns at regional and local scales could be linked to hydrodynamics and sedimentary regimes. Substrate type was an important driver for coral and associated faunal assemblages, distinguishing biogenic, hard substrate and soft substrate habitats. Coral assemblages were similar between biogenic and hard substrate habitats, but the associated fauna was more abundant and diverse on biogenic habitats. The alpha, beta and gamma diversity was surprisingly high on soft substrate habitats, equalling or exceeding that of biogenic habitats.Marine litter was abundant and was mainly composed of plastic items and fishing gear. Litter could co-occur with CWCs and impact them: litter and most CWC habitats were observed at similar water depths and litter was more abundant in areas with a seafloor relief created by biological or geological features. Observations of coral reefs on steeper areas in the canyons and coral debris on flatter areas on the interfluve/upper slope may indicate a potential impact of the fishing industry. This study supports the ongoing effort to create a Natura 2000 network that will protect biogenic and hard substrate habitats, but also points out the need to develop a framework for the preservation of coral habitats on soft substrate.

Restoration of Black Oak (<i>Quercus velutina</i>) Sand Barrens via three different habitat management approaches

Kriska, David J. 03 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Embryo cryopreservation and transfer to rederive a paternal rabbit line after 18 generations. Evaluation of growth and reproductive traits

Juárez Moreno, Jorge Daniel 01 September 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Para evaluar los efectos del proceso de selección en una línea paterna de conejos, se compararon los rasgos de crecimiento y rendimiento reproductivo de la descendencia actual (generación R36) en similar ambiente con una población control rederivada de embriones de una generación anterior (R18). Para reducir/evitar el efecto del proceso de criopreservación sobre los rasgos fenotípicos se rederivaron embriones de la generación actual (R36) y obtener una 3ra población (R37V). Capítulo 1, se compara la R37V y la descendencia de la R36 nacida por inseminación artificial (R37). Hubo diferencias en rasgos de crecimiento postnatal en las 3 generaciones evaluadas, pero no en el crecimiento fetal, componentes del tamaño de la camada y rasgos reproductivos. Así, los procesos de criopreservación y transferencia de embriones causan cambios en rasgos de crecimiento de poblaciones reconstituidas que influyen en las siguientes generaciones, sin producir cambios en los reproductivos. En los siguientes capítulos, para reducir/evitar los efectos del proceso de rederivación, la deriva genética y factores ambientales sobre los rasgos fenotípicos, se usó sólo poblaciones rederivadas para comparar los rendimientos reproductivos y de crecimiento. Capítulo 2, al ser los machos usados para producir dosis seminales en centros de inseminación y granjas, se evaluó si el programa de selección modificaba los rasgos seminales, el proteoma del plasma seminal y de espermatozoides, y la fertilidad del semen al usarla en inseminación artificial. Se analizó el proteoma del plasma seminal y espermatozoides de machos maduros de c/grupo y se prepararon dosis seminales para inseminación. Sólo el porcentaje de espermatozoides anormales mostró diferencias, presentando los R21 menos espermatozoides anormales que los R39. El análisis discriminante (DA-PLS) mostró efecto de la generación para el proteoma plasmático y espermático. En plasma seminal, se reportaron 64 proteínas diferencialmente expresadas y 56 sobreexpresadas en R39 (87,5%). Del proteoma de espermatozoides 132 diferencialmente abundantes y 89 sobreexpresadas en R39 (67,4%). A pesar de las diferencias en importantes proteínas relacionadas con la capacitación, la motilidad, la inmunoprotección de espermatozoides y la fecundación, no hubo diferencias en fertilidad y prolificidad con las dosis seminales para inseminación. Capítulo 3, se analizó el efecto de la selección por ganancia media diaria de peso (GMD) post-destete después de 37 generaciones. Tras 2 generaciones post rederivación (R21 vs. R39), todos los caracteres evaluados mostraron progreso resultado de la selección, y no afecta a los parámetros estimados de la curva de crecimiento de Gompertz. Los resultados demuestran que el programa de selección mejoró la GMD sin variar el peso corporal adulto, pero tras 37 generaciones de selección, este carácter parece agotado. Capítulo 4, comparamos los parámetros reproductivos de conejas entre las poblaciones rederivadas y control. Los rasgos de desarrollo prenatal y los componentes del tamaño de camada se midieron en la 2da generación post rederivación (R20 y R38). Así la selección por GMD no tiene efectos adversos sobre los componentes del tamaño de la camada, y el área del saco fetal al día 12 de gestación, área de la placenta fetal y la longitud cráneo-rabadilla del feto al 19 de gestación fueron mayores en R38. Resultados muestran que la selección por GMD no afecta negativamente el rendimiento reproductivo. Conclusión, el estudio demuestra que los efectos de la criopreservación sobre los rasgos de crecimiento persisten dos generaciones post rederivación. Además, la línea muestra signos de agotamiento del progreso genético quizás por el bajo rendimiento reproductivo y elevada mortalidad postnatal. La selección por GMD influyó en cambios del crecimiento fetal y del proteoma del eyaculado, sin afectar al rendimiento reproductivo de hembras ni la fertilidad y prolificidad de las dosis seminales de machos. / [CA] Per avaluar els efectes del procés de selección en una línia paterna de conills, es van comparar els trets de creixement i el rendiment reproductiu de la descendència de la generació actual (R36) sota el mateix entorn amb una població control derivada dels embrions emmagatzemats d'una generació anterior (R18). Per reduir/evitar l'efecte del procés de criopreservació embrions de la generació actual (R36) es van criopreservar i transferir (rederivar) per obtenir una 3a població (R37V). Capítol 1, es compara la generació R37V i la descendència de la 36a generació nascuda per inseminació artificial (R37). Hi ha diferències en els trets de creixement postnatal a les tres generacions avaluades. Tot i que el creixement fetal, els components de la mida de la ventrada i els trets reproductius no van mostrar diferències. La rederivació provoquen canvis en els trets de creixement de les poblacions reconstituïdes que influeixen en les generacions següents, sense canvis en els trets reproductius. En els capítols següents, per reduir/evitar els efectes del procés de rederivació, la deriva genètica i els factors ambientals sobre els trets fenotípics, es van utilitzar les poblacions rederivades per comparar els rendiments reproductius i de creixement. Capítol 2, ja que els mascles s'utilitzaven per produir dosis de semen en centres d'inseminació i granges, es va estudiar si un programa de selecció per guany mitja de pes diari pot canviar els trets seminals, el proteoma del plasma i dels espermatozoides i la fertilitat del semen en la inseminació artificial. Només el percentatge d'espermatozoides anormals mostra diferències significatives, R21 presentant menys espermatozoides anormals que R39. L'anàlisi discriminant (DA-PLS) mostra efecte de la generació al proteoma del plasma i dels espermatozoides. En plasma seminal, 64 proteïnes es van expressar de manera diferent, 56 sobre-expressades en R39 (87,5%). El proteoma de l'esperma 132 proteïnes diferencialment abundants, 89 sobre-expressades en R39 (67,4%). Tot i observar diferències en proteïnes importants relacionades amb la capacitat, la motilitat o la immunoprotecció dels espermatozoides i la fecundació, La fertilitat i la prolificitat es van detectar quan es van utilitzar dosis seminals comercials per a la inseminació. Capítol 3, vam avaluar l'efecte d'una selecció a llarg termini per a l'augment de pes mitjà diari (ADG). Després de dues generacions d'ambdues poblacions rederivades (R21 vs. R39), tots els trets avaluats mostra algun progrés. Aquesta resposta no sembla afectar els paràmetres estimats de la corba de creixement de Gompertz. Resultats demostra que el programa de selecció havia millorat l'ADG sense variacions en pes corporal adult, però després de 37 generacions de selecció, aquest tret sembla esgotat. Capítol 4, compara els trets reproductius entre poblacions femenins entre ambdues poblacions (rederivades i control). El desenvolupament fetal i els components de la mida de la ventrada es mesura els trets a la segona generació després de la rederivació (R20 i R38). Resultats suggereix que la selecció per ADG no té cap efecte advers sobre els components de la mida de la ventrada i la zona del sac fetal el dia 12 de gestació i la zona de la placenta fetal i la longitud de la corona-gropa del fetus el dia 19 de gestació eren més grans a la R38. La selecció per ADG no afecta negativament els components de la mida de la ventrada, el creixement fetal i el rendiment reproductiu. Nostre estudi proporciona més proves dels efectes de la criopreservació sobre els trets de creixement que persisteixen dues generacions després de la rederivació. La línia va mostrar signes d'esgotament del progrés genètic per baix rendiment reproductiu i l'alta mortalitat postnatal. La selecció per ADG va influir en els canvis en el creixement fetal i en el proteoma ejaculat, però no va afectar el rendiment reproductiu de les femelles ni la fertilitat i la prolificitat de les dosis seminals dels mascles. / [EN] To evaluate the effects of the selection process in a paternal line of rabbits, growth traits and reproductive performance from the offspring of the current generation (R36) were compared under the same environment with a control population rederived from embryos stored of a previous generation (R18). To reduce or avoid the effect of the cryopreservation process on phenotypic traits embryos of current generation (R36) were cryopreserved and transferred to obtain a third population (R37V). In chapter 1, R37V generation and offspring of 36th generation born by artificial insemination (generation R37) were compared. Differences in postnatal growth traits were observed in the three generations assessed. Although foetal growth, litter size components and reproductive traits did not show significant differences. In conclusion, cryopreservation and embryo transfer processes cause changes in growth traits of reconstituted populations that influence the following generations, without changes in reproductive traits. In the following chapters, to reduce or avoid the effects of the rederivation process, genetic drift and environmental factors on phenotypic traits, only the rederived populations were used to compare reproductive and growth performances. In chapter 2, considering that males were used to produce semen doses at insemination centres and farms, we studied whether a programme of selection by daily gain changed the seminal traits, plasma and sperm proteome and the fertility of semen when used in artificial insemination. Seminal plasma and sperm proteome from mature males of each group were analysed and semen doses were used to inseminate females. Only the percentage of abnormal sperm showed significant differences, R21 presented fewer abnormal sperm than R39. The discriminant analysis (DA-PLS) showed an effect of the generation for plasma and sperm proteome. In seminal plasma, 64 proteins were differentially expressed, 56 were overexpressed in R39 (87.5%). Sperm proteome reported 132 differentially abundant proteins, 89 were overexpressed in R39 (67.4%). Despite differences in important proteins related to capacitation, sperm motility or immunoprotection and to the fertilization process, no differences in fertility and prolificacy were detected when commercial seminal doses were used for insemination. In chapter 3, we evaluated the effect of a long-term selection for post-weaning average daily weight gain (ADG) over 37 generations. After two generations of both rederived populations (R21 vs. R39 generations), all evaluated traits showed some progress as a result of the selection. This response does not seem to affect the estimated Gompertz growth curve parameters. Results demonstrated that the selection programme had improved ADG without variations in adult body weight but, after 37 generations of selection, this trait seems exhausted. In chapter 4, we compared female reproductive traits between both rabbit populations (rederived and control). Foetal growth and litter size traits were measured in the second generation after rederivation (R20 and R38 generations). Our study suggests that selection for growth rate has no adverse effect on litter size components and the foetal sac area at day 12 of gestation, and foetal placenta area and crown-rump length of the foetus at day 19 of gestation were higher in the R38 generation. These results show that selection for growth rate does not adversely affect on reproductive performance. In conclusion, our study provides further evidence of the effects of cryopreservation on growth traits persisting two generations after rederivation. Moreover, the paternal line showed signs of genetic progress exhaustion due to low reproductive performance and high postnatal mortality. Selection by daily weight gain influenced changes in foetal growth and ejaculate proteome, but did not affect the reproductive performance of females or the fertility of seminal doses of males. / This research was supported by AGL2017-85162-C2-1-R research project funded by Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MICINN, Spain). Funding for open access charge: CRUE- Universitat Politècnica de València. / Juárez Moreno, JD. (2022). Embryo cryopreservation and transfer to rederive a paternal rabbit line after 18 generations. Evaluation of growth and reproductive traits [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/185071 / Compendio

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