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Impacts on teachers' lives of a capacity building course: A case study in rural Rajasthan, India.Andersson, Malin, Svensson, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
This case study is conducted on teachers working in Non-Formal Education centers (NFE's), for the Non-Governmental Organization Seva Mandir, in the Udaipur district in Rajasthan, India. The setting for the study is remote rural villages around the small city Udaipur, with one million inhabitants. The purpose of this case study is to investigate what impact the capacity building course that Seva Mandir offers the teachers, the NFE certification course, have had on the teacher’s lives. The aim is to get a picture of the overall impact of the course on a professional level and on the individual NFE teachers’ personal life. The case study was conducted on a sample of eleven out of 50 NFE teachers working for Seva Mandir in the Jhadol block. The empirical data was collected through qualitative interviews conducted in the NFE schools. The NFE centers that are run by Seva Mandir are a complement to malfunctioning government schools in areas where most of the children are first generation learners. The schools aim to keep children from working or starting to work, through giving them an educational base. The teachers have no previous teachers training and are having an average prior education of 8th to 10th class. The general findings of the study are that a majority of the teachers felt an increase in self-confidence after participating in the course. They generally had more concrete and ambitious future plans after the course than before it, and they were highly dominated of plans for further education for themselves and their children. It was also found that the teachers felt major changes in their teaching approach after the course. They had learnt new teaching strategies and seemed to have changed their attitude against the children. The teachers used activities like games, songs and stories in their teaching as well as taking help of the local surroundings when teaching.
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Escritas à deriva: testemunhos efêmeros sobre os tempos da escola nas comunidades do Orkut / Written to the drift: ephemeral testimonies on the times of the school in the communities of orkutRobson Fonseca Simões 21 November 2012 (has links)
Se na tentativa de evocar o passado escolar, abrirmos com disposição as páginas das redes sociais virtuais, poderemos também nos surpreender com as memórias dos usuários encontradas nas comunidades do Orkut; nas tramas das histórias escolares, os scraps digitais exibem os relatos dos ex-alunos, numa verdadeira exibição do eu. Este estudo traz para a discussão os posts encontrados nas comunidades do Orkut do Colégio Militar do Rio de Janeiro, do Colégio de São Bento do Rio de Janeiro e do Colégio Marista São José do Rio de Janeiro, procurando dar visibilidade a essas escritas autobiográficas virtuais sobre a vida escolar como fontes para a história da Educação. Como esses usuários narram as suas histórias escolares? Quais os relatos mais frequentes? Estas questões me instigam a pensar que o registro das experiências escolares possibilita ao sujeito desnudar-se. No tempo das tecnologias digitais, o usuário move-se sobre teclados, telas, deixando registros de uma vida, que são examinados pelos moderadores. Mas quem são estes sujeitos nas comunidades escolares? Será que eles cumprem os mesmos papéis desempenhados pelos editores? As escritas memorialistas comandam, imperativamente, novas relações com a escrita; essas narrativas não se esgotam numa tipologia textual persuasiva; observam-se laços de ideias e afetos, aproximando os ex-alunos dessas redes sociais virtuais. Quais são os temas mais recorrentes encontrados neste espaço virtual? Estas postagens constituem elos do tecido das lembranças dos sujeitos que não se intimidam em contar as suas histórias nesses novos suportes de escrita. Talvez, a saudade e a solidão busquem acolhimento e companhia nos cliques dos usuários, remetendo-os aos acontecimentos passados; os ex-alunos compartilham experiências, sentimentos e saberes, borrando fronteiras entre o público e o privado; nesse sentido, percebe-se que essas escritas autobiográficas nas comunidades escolares do Orkut também constroem esses sujeitos no suporte digital. Assim, este trabalho procura ampliar a discussão sobre os lugares de memórias da escolarização, buscando contribuir para os estudos da história da Educação. / If in the attempt of evoking the school memories, we open with excitement the pages of the virtual social nets, we will also be able to surprise us with the users' memoirs found in the communities of Orkut; in plots of the school histories, the digital scraps exhibit the former-students' reports, in a true themselves exhibition. This research brings for the discussion the scraps found in Orkut communities of the Colégio Militar do Rio de Janeiro, of the School of São Bento do Rio de Janeiro and of the School Marista São José do Rio de Janeiro, trying to give visibility the those virtual autobiographical narratives about the school life as sources for the history of the Education. How do those users narrate their school histories? Which the most frequent testimonies? All those issues puzzle me about the experiences registered in the virtual communities and how those subjects to undress. In the digital technologies, the user moves on keyboards, screens, leaving registrations of a life, turning, therefore, their visible school histories. The writing, as representation of ideas or words, in the most several supports, it is integral part of a social reality; the subjects also create systems to aid them in the interaction with the other, making possible to think that those written commands, new relationships with the writing; those narratives don't become exhausted in a persuasive textual typology; bows of ideas and affections are observed, approximating the former-students of those virtual social nets. In that sense, those postages constitute links of the memories that are not frightened in counting their histories in those new writing supports. Maybe the longing and the solitude looking for reception and company in the users' clicks, sending them to the last events; therefore, it is possible to think that the former-students share experiences, feelings and you know, blotting borders between the public and the private; in that sense, it is noticed that those autobiographical writings in the communities of Orkut, it shows those subjects in the digital support. Like this, this search to enlarge the work on the places of memoirs of the education, looking for to contribute for the studies in history of the Education.
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"He wouldn't have hurt that many students with a knife" : The Gun Control Paradox, Political Opportunities, and Issue Framing: A case study of the Never Again movement in Parkland, FloridaGöthberg, Rosalind January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Every revolution has a soundtrack : étude des contributions de cinq artistes rap activistes au mouvement social Black Lives MatterDecault, Clément 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Histórias, memórias e viveres de trabalhadores em São Francisco/MG (1970-2010)Silva, Eduardo Rodrigues da 28 February 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In this research, the memories of games are the starting point to get to what really interests us, that is, the people of the city of San Francisco, MG, with their lives, their memories, their stories and their understanding of the lived reality. In São Francisco, the memories and stories of these people, full of social experiences lived in the city, are not incorporated or registered in the books or newspapers that \"tell\" the story taken as official in the city. In these productions, the São Francisco River, it‟s navigation, urban interventions and political and economic history are highlighted, ignoring the socio-cultural practices of the residents. These dominant and candied versions disqualify social processes experienced by people transform the Rio into a character, agent of a founding myth, giving it just economic values. Therefore, worried about bringing other stories and another city other than that already established by the dominant memory, I consider the meanings sought by other historical actors printed on the city of São Francisco, emphasizing their social experiences and their differentiated memories, not seeing them only as statistics, numbers or graphs, but as people active in the production process of the city. In this movement, I seek to value and, at the same time, to produce other memories and stories that allow reflection on the social value assigned to Rio São Francisco and also to the life in São Francisco, through the prism of historical subjects that built it. In facing this challenge, we are committed to open space for other versions in order to draw attention to what is not evident. / Nesta pesquisa, as memórias sobre brincadeiras são o ponto de partida para se chegar ao que realmente nos interessa, isto é, aos sujeitos da cidade de São Francisco, MG, com seus viveres, suas lembranças, suas histórias e seu entendimento sobre a realidade vivida. Em São Francisco, as memórias e histórias dessas pessoas, carregadas de experiências sociais vividas na cidade, não se encontram inseridas ou registradas nos livros ou jornais que contam a história tida como oficial da cidade. Nessas produções, o Rio São Francisco, a navegação, as intervenções urbanas e a história política e econômica são destacadas, desconsiderando as práticas socioculturais dos moradores. Essas versões dominantes e cristalizadas desqualificam os processos sociais vividos pelas pessoas, transformam o Rio em personagem, agente de um mito fundador, atribuindo a ele apenas valores econômicos. Então, preocupado em trazer outras histórias e outra cidade diferente daquela já consolidada pela memória dominante, busquei considerar os significados imprimidos por outros agentes históricos sobre a cidade de São Francisco, enfatizando suas experiências sociais e as suas diferenciadas memórias, não os enxergando apenas como estatísticas, números ou gráficos, mas como pessoas ativas no processo de produção da cidade. Nesse movimento, busco valorizar e, ao mesmo tempo, produzir outras memórias e histórias que permitem refletir sobre o valor social atribuído ao Rio São Francisco e também aos viveres em São Francisco, sob o prisma dos sujeitos históricos que os constroem. Ao enfrentar esse desafio, assumimos o compromisso de abrir espaços para outras versões no intuito de chamar a atenção para o que não é evidenciado. / Mestre em História
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Escritas à deriva: testemunhos efêmeros sobre os tempos da escola nas comunidades do Orkut / Written to the drift: ephemeral testimonies on the times of the school in the communities of orkutRobson Fonseca Simões 21 November 2012 (has links)
Se na tentativa de evocar o passado escolar, abrirmos com disposição as páginas das redes sociais virtuais, poderemos também nos surpreender com as memórias dos usuários encontradas nas comunidades do Orkut; nas tramas das histórias escolares, os scraps digitais exibem os relatos dos ex-alunos, numa verdadeira exibição do eu. Este estudo traz para a discussão os posts encontrados nas comunidades do Orkut do Colégio Militar do Rio de Janeiro, do Colégio de São Bento do Rio de Janeiro e do Colégio Marista São José do Rio de Janeiro, procurando dar visibilidade a essas escritas autobiográficas virtuais sobre a vida escolar como fontes para a história da Educação. Como esses usuários narram as suas histórias escolares? Quais os relatos mais frequentes? Estas questões me instigam a pensar que o registro das experiências escolares possibilita ao sujeito desnudar-se. No tempo das tecnologias digitais, o usuário move-se sobre teclados, telas, deixando registros de uma vida, que são examinados pelos moderadores. Mas quem são estes sujeitos nas comunidades escolares? Será que eles cumprem os mesmos papéis desempenhados pelos editores? As escritas memorialistas comandam, imperativamente, novas relações com a escrita; essas narrativas não se esgotam numa tipologia textual persuasiva; observam-se laços de ideias e afetos, aproximando os ex-alunos dessas redes sociais virtuais. Quais são os temas mais recorrentes encontrados neste espaço virtual? Estas postagens constituem elos do tecido das lembranças dos sujeitos que não se intimidam em contar as suas histórias nesses novos suportes de escrita. Talvez, a saudade e a solidão busquem acolhimento e companhia nos cliques dos usuários, remetendo-os aos acontecimentos passados; os ex-alunos compartilham experiências, sentimentos e saberes, borrando fronteiras entre o público e o privado; nesse sentido, percebe-se que essas escritas autobiográficas nas comunidades escolares do Orkut também constroem esses sujeitos no suporte digital. Assim, este trabalho procura ampliar a discussão sobre os lugares de memórias da escolarização, buscando contribuir para os estudos da história da Educação. / If in the attempt of evoking the school memories, we open with excitement the pages of the virtual social nets, we will also be able to surprise us with the users' memoirs found in the communities of Orkut; in plots of the school histories, the digital scraps exhibit the former-students' reports, in a true themselves exhibition. This research brings for the discussion the scraps found in Orkut communities of the Colégio Militar do Rio de Janeiro, of the School of São Bento do Rio de Janeiro and of the School Marista São José do Rio de Janeiro, trying to give visibility the those virtual autobiographical narratives about the school life as sources for the history of the Education. How do those users narrate their school histories? Which the most frequent testimonies? All those issues puzzle me about the experiences registered in the virtual communities and how those subjects to undress. In the digital technologies, the user moves on keyboards, screens, leaving registrations of a life, turning, therefore, their visible school histories. The writing, as representation of ideas or words, in the most several supports, it is integral part of a social reality; the subjects also create systems to aid them in the interaction with the other, making possible to think that those written commands, new relationships with the writing; those narratives don't become exhausted in a persuasive textual typology; bows of ideas and affections are observed, approximating the former-students of those virtual social nets. In that sense, those postages constitute links of the memories that are not frightened in counting their histories in those new writing supports. Maybe the longing and the solitude looking for reception and company in the users' clicks, sending them to the last events; therefore, it is possible to think that the former-students share experiences, feelings and you know, blotting borders between the public and the private; in that sense, it is noticed that those autobiographical writings in the communities of Orkut, it shows those subjects in the digital support. Like this, this search to enlarge the work on the places of memoirs of the education, looking for to contribute for the studies in history of the Education.
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Vidas secas, do livro ao filme: estudo sobre o processo de adaptação / Barren lives, from book to film: study on the adaptation processJulio Cesar Borges Bomfim 02 May 2011 (has links)
A dissertação Vidas secas, do livro ao filme se propõe a fazer um estudo da estrutura e da questão narrativa das obras Vidas secas, livro de Graciliano Ramos e do filme homônimo de Nelson Pereira dos Santos, levando-se em consideração as diferenças entre os dois meios, os fenômenos decorrentes da adaptação, as circunstâncias de produção e a distância temporal entre as duas obras. A adaptação é mais uma questão de diálogo e admiração do que de diferenças fundamentais entre os autores. Mais do que ser apenas a adaptação de uma obra-prima da literatura nacional, a leitura cinematográfica que Nelson Pereira dos Santos fez de Vidas secas de Graciliano Ramos quis também ser uma intervenção na conjuntura política contemporânea, nesse caso como parte do debate então vigente sobre a reforma agrária e a estrutura social brasileira na década de 1960. O que pretendemos com esta dissertação é, valendo-se de diversos embasamentos teóricos ligados aos Estudos Comparados e à Literatura Comparada, chegar a uma leitura analítica focada na compreensão da construção das duas formas narrativas de Vidas secas: romance (livro / narrativa original / linguagem literária) e filme (produto final de uma releitura audiovisual / linguagem cinematográfica / The dissertation Barren Lives, from book to film aims to comparatively study the structure and the issue of narration in Graciliano Ramoss book Vidas secas and in Nelson Pereira dos Santos film Vidas secas, taking into consideration the differences between literature and film, the patterns created by the process of adaptation, the circumstances within which the two works were produced and the temporal lap between the two pieces. Adapting a book into film is, in our opinion, much more a matter of admiration and dialogue than of establishing differences between one piece of work and the other. More than an adaptation of one of the Brazilian contemporary literatures masterpieces into film, the cinematic reading of Vidas secas made by Nelson Pereira dos Santos also aimed to intervene in its contemporary Brazilian political life, especially in the debate concerning the land ownership and the Brazilian social structure in the 1960s. In this dissertation, our aim is to build up an analytical reading of these two works, based on some concepts from Comparative Studies and Comparative Literature, trying to better understand the two pieces different structures, the books original literary narrative and the films cinematic narrative, considering the latter a result of an audiovisual comprehension and re-creation of the first.
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The Worst First CitizenPassannante, Sarah Nicole 29 July 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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L'information algorithmique en physique : émergence, sophistication et localité quantiqueBédard, Charles Alexandre 01 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse explore des aspects du monde naturel par la lentille de l'information algorithmique. La notion de l'émergence, intuitivement reliée à tant de phénomènes naturels, se voit offrir une définition cadrée dans le domaine plus spécifique des statistiques algorithmiques. Capturant toutes deux l'organisation non triviale d'un objet, la sophistication et la profondeur logique sont relativisées à un objet auxiliaire puis remises en relation. Enfin, des modèles proposant une description locale des systèmes quantiques sont démontrés équivalents, ont leur coût de description quantifié et sont généralisés aux systèmes continus. / This thesis explores aspects of the physical world through the lens of algorithmic information. The notion of emergence, intuitively linked to many natural phenomena, is offered a definition framed in the field of algorithmic statistics. Both capturing non-trivial organization of an object, sophistication and logical depth are compared once relativized to an auxiliary object. Finally, models proposing a local description of the quantum systems are shown equivalent, have their description cost quantified and are generalized to continuous systems.
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Představování Západu: Marginalita a možné životy na předměstí mexického města / Imagining the West: Marginality and Possible Lives at the Outskirts of a Mexican CityHeřmanová, Marie January 2018 (has links)
PhD Thesis Summary: Imagining the West: Marginality and Possible Lives at the Outskirts of a Mexican City Mgr. Marie Heřmanová The thesis aims to develop various results of a long-term fieldwork in the city of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México, where rural-urban migration was pervasive since the 1960s. The research concentrated on the second generation of Tzotzil and Tzeltal migrants living at the suburbs of the city. Young indigenous people, whose parents came to the city to seek jobs, are now completely bilingual (they speak their maternal language - mostly Tzotzil as well as spanish they have learned in the school in the city). They mostly work in the same areas as the first generation migrants - as shop-keepers, souvenirs sellers or street-food vendors. They are thus in everyday interaction with both tourist and expats in the city centre. These interactions and meetings are in the context of the thesis seen as a consitutive element to imageries of mobility, modernity and Western lifestyles developed by the the young indigenous people from the suburbs. The concept if "Imaginary West" (Yurchak 2005) is central in the thesis, an unseen and yet ever-present homeland of the tourists and most importantly a place where "better lives" happen. The text explores how the search for...
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