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Thug Life: The hate U give little infants fucks everybody : Rasism och polisvåld i samtida afroamerikansk ungdomslitteraturFogelström Johnsson, Matilda January 2018 (has links)
This study examines how racism and police brutality are illustrated in The hate U give and Dear Martin, which are two bestselling novels that emphasize the importance of resistance, and willingness to fight back against abuse of power and the oppression of African Americans in the US. Through the use of critical discourse analysis, power structures and race relations in the US are analyzed by means of postcolonial and power theory as well as by means of narrative theory. Moreover, the textual elements that are of importance to the analysis are the study of characters, motives and themes, specifically how the characters are affected by harmful stereotypes and forced into silence by the legal system in an attempt to justify police brutality. The analysis presented here indicates a colonial discourse, where the power structures in America are designed to work against African Americans. The characters’ actions and reactions to police brutality and oppression are therefore of importance in my study to depict how the novels creates a meaning for resistance and for finding a way for “the other” to be heard. My conclusion is that the characters’ voices are their weapons against police brutality, abuse of power, and oppression. To fight with one’s voice is to prove the stereotype, “thug”, wrong about African Americans, a stereotype that is often used by the police and the media to justify police brutality.
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A estética da montagem em vídeos produzidos por celular: análise de sete vidas (2008) e 5#calls (2010)Silva, Aline Lisboa da 03 June 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-06-03 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This research aims to examine the principles of the aesthetics of editing in films produced by mobile phone. The paper analyses two short films awarded in festivals, #5calls (2010) directed by Giuliano Chiaradia and Seven Lives (2008), by Gabriel Bortolini. The proposal is to observe how these latest productions are being reconfigured in face of the audiovisual scene, from the technical and aesthetical point of view, also relating these aspects to the fragmentation of contemporary life and its cybrid context. Since it is a modern and multifaceted language, which provides experimental art tendencies, the research aims to look into the mounting of this type of production, not only as a technical operation, but mainly analysing the aesthetic implications presented. At first, under the technological perspective, the language of handheld devices and new art-media poetics, some discussions will be fomented by authors such as Lucia Santaella (2007), observing new hybrid audiovisual formats; Giselle Beiguelman (2011), discussing the artistic practices arising from the use of mobile technologies and Arlindo Machado (2007), with the expansion of the concept of cinema. In a second moment, we propose to observe the types of mounting, according to the approach of Vincent Amiel (2007) - narrative, discursive and by correspondence - as well as some of its peculiarities, among which the articulations and relations between the plans; the principles of merging and transmission; the representation of the world and the dominant aesthetic procedures, using authors like Jacques Aumont (2011), Ismail Xavier (2011) Sergei Eisenstein (2002) and André Bazin (2014) to point relevant issues in mounting theories. As a method, we used the analysis of the image, as of Martine Joly (2010), highlighting three crucial steps towards aesthetic comprehension: decomposing the videos into parts to be analyzed; establishing relationships between the decomposed elements and, finally, interpreting them according to aesthetic theory of the assembly, based on Vincent Amiel (2007). The analysis, which is the last chapter, brings up relevant discussions of current videographic practices through the selection of eight short films – all produced using mobile phones, and more specifically the assembly of these productions, in an aesthetic perspective. The focus, however, are the short films of Bortolini and Chiaradia, which are examined in more detail, dialoguing directly with the issues raised in chapters one and two of this research. / A pesquisa trata de examinar princípios da estética da montagem em filmes produzidos por celular. O trabalho analisa, inicialmente, oito curtas, selecionados a partir de critérios específicos: resultados realizados em sua totalidade com celular e que estão inseridos na rede, desde plataformas como Youtube/Vimeo ou sites dos próprios Festivais, como Cel.U.Cine. em seguida passamos à análise dos dois vídeos, foco da pesquisa, 5#calls (2010), do diretor Giuliano Chiaradia e Sete vidas (2008), de Gabriel Bortolini. A proposta é observar como essas produções vêm se reconfigurando diante do cenário audiovisual, sob o ponto de vista técnico e estético, relacionando ainda esses aspectos à fragmentação da vida contemporânea e ao seu contexto cíbrido. Por se tratar de uma linguagem atual e multifacetada, que propicia tendências a uma arte experimental, a pesquisa tem como objetivo observar a montagem desse tipo de produção, não apenas como operação técnica, mas, sobretudo, analisando as implicações estéticas apresentadas. Em um primeiro momento, sob o prisma tecnológico, da linguagem dos dispositivos portáteis e novas poéticas da arte-mídia, algumas discussões serão fomentadas por autores como Lúcia Santaella (2007), observando novos formatos audiovisuais híbridos; Giselle Beiguelman (2011), que discute as práticas artísticas em decorrência do uso das tecnologias móveis e Arlindo Machado (2007), com a expansão do conceito de cinema. Em um segundo momento, examinamos tipologias da montagem, de acordo com Vincent Amiel (2007) – narrativa, discursiva e por correspondências –, como também algumas de suas especificidades, dentre elas, as articulações e relações entre os planos; os princípios de junção e de transmissão; a representação do mundo e os procedimentos estéticos dominantes, utilizando autores como Jacques Aumont (2011), Ismail Xavier (2012), Sergei Einsenstein (2002) e André Bazin (2014) para pontuar questões relevantes das teorias da montagem. Como método, utilizamos a análise da imagem, a partir de Martine Joly (2010), destacando três etapas cruciais no sentido de compreensão estética: decompondo os vídeos em partes a serem analisadas; estabelecendo relações entre os elementos decompostos e, por fim, interpretando-os de acordo com a teoria estética da montagem, embasada por Vicent Amiel (2007). A análise, que constitui o último capítulo, traz à tona discussões pertinentes acerca das práticas videográficas atuais, através da seleção de oito curtas – todos produzidos com celular, e mais especificamente da montagem dessas produções, numa perspectiva estética. O foco da análise, no entanto, são os curtas de Bortolini e Chiaradia, os quais são examinados de forma mais detalhada, dialogando com os temas levantados nos capítulos um e dois desta pesquisa.
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Vivências de discriminação racial na escola pública de um grupo de jovens negros / Situations racial segregation at public school of a young black people groupsAdriana Cristina Guimarães 08 September 2010 (has links)
Esse trabalho de pesquisa teve por objetivo estudar o fenômeno da discriminação racial presente no ambiente escolar, para que assim, pudéssemos compreender como as práticas educativas reforçam ou não, esse processo. Optou-se por uma abordagem qualitativa na modalidade história de vida, como instrumento de coleta de dados. Foram entrevistados dez jovens negros que freqüentaram em suas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental uma mesma escola pública situada em um conjunto habitacional popular de Ribeirão Preto. Nessas entrevistas eles relataram as vivências de discriminação racial ocorridas durante sua trajetória escolar. Os resultados obtidos apontaram a maneira como a discriminação racial, enquanto um fenômeno social se manifesta no interior da escolar. Procuramos identificar, a partir da representação dos próprios jovens participantes, como as práticas racistas presentes no cotidiano escolar impactaram as relações interpessoais entre estes e os demais estudantes. A ausência de ações pedagógicas planejadas pela escola como forma de mediar os conflitos raciais também foi alvo de problematização de nossa pesquisa. / This research job has as objective the racial segregation phenomenon present in school ambient in order to understand if the educational practices reinforce this process. It was chosen a qualitative boarding considering their lives history as data collection. It was interviewed ten young black people who attended the same public school on their first classes of the fundamental teaching, placed in a popular condominium in Ribeirão Preto. On these interviews they mentioned their racial segregation experiences occurred during their school path. The achieved results indicate the manner how the racial segregation, as a social phenomenon is manifested in the interior of the school. We tried to identify, from the representation of the own participant young people, how the racist practices present on the school quotidian caused impact on the interpersonal relationship between them and the other students. The absence of pedagogical actions planed by the school as a manner of mediate the racial conflicts was also the target of our research.
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Regard exploratoire sur les composantes relationnelles entre une personne qui vit dans la rue et un animal de compagnie pouvant influencer le processus de désaffiliation socialeLeblanc, Caroline January 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche exploratoire et qualitative porte un regard sur la réalité des personnes qui vivent dans la rue avec un chien comme animal de compagnie. Sachant que le milieu de la rue est un environnement stressant et rempli d’épreuves à surmonter, il est possible de croire que d’y vivre avec un animal de compagnie peut influencer le quotidien d’une personne.
Bien que seulement 10 % des personnes en situation d’itinérance vivent avec un animal de compagnie (Irvine & al. 2012 ; Irvine.2013), il est important de cerner le sens qu’elles attribuent à leur relation et comprendre leur contexte situationnel afin de saisir leur réalité. Pour ce faire, cette recherche met en lumière les bénéfices et les contraintes qu’engendrent cette présence et l’influence de ces aspects relationnels sur le processus de désaffiliation sociale dans lequel la personne se situe lorsqu’elle vit dans la rue. / Abstract : This qualitative research explores the reality of street people who share their lives with a dog as a companion. Knowing that the street is a stressful environment filled with hardships, it is possible
it is contemplated that living on the street with a pet can considerably influence someone’s life.
Considering that it is about 10% of people that live on the street who are having a pet (Irvine 2013),
it is important to identify the meaning they attribute to their relationship. To understand their
situational context, this research highlights the benefits and constraints of this presence and the
influence of these relational aspects on the social disaffiliation process of a person who live on the
street with animal.
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Exploring hybridity in the 21st century : the working lives of South Asian ethnic minorities from a British born generation in BradfordRifet, Saima January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores the working lives of British Born South Asian Ethnic Minorities (BB SAEMs), critiquing the homogenous identities ascribed to them in previous research. Its methodology is life-story interviews analysed using Nvivo. This identified four hybrid categories emerging from two cultures. I fitted myself neatly into just one. However the reflexive analysis required in good qualitative research led me to realise that I fitted into not one, but all four categories, and into others not yet recognised. At this point, my thesis had to take a new turn. An auto-ethnographic, moment-by-moment study led to an ‘unhybrid categorisation of hybridities’ acknowledging ‘fuzziness and mélange, cut ‘n’ mix, and criss and crossover’ where identity is a complex-mix, always in flux. I conclude not only with this new theory of identity formation in the working lives of BB SAEMs, but also by arguing that by imposing the requirement to categorise, research methods lead to over-simplification and misunderstanding.
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Exploring the sexual lives and sexual health of transnational Filipino youth in southwestern British Columbia, CanadaSerpa-Francoeur, Jenny Rose 19 December 2017 (has links)
This research addresses how transnational Filipino youth living in southwestern British Columbia negotiate their sexual lives and sexual health decisions, and how they do so within the context of individual, familial, and community dynamics. The research explores how youth contest and negotiate notions of sexuality that are discursively constructed and constituted through familial expectations, religious ideals, peer expectations and pressure, societal expectations, and sexual education curricula.
Sexual subjectivities are shaped by the social and geographic locations individuals inhabit. My interviews with youth explored dynamic ways in which these youth enacted their sexual lives in the context of their position as transnational Filipino youth, and in turn how their positions as transnational Filipino youth interacted with and impacted their sexual subjectivities. I argue that while opinions and expectations of friends and family, as well as cultural norms and religious expectations impact youth's sexual subjectivities, youth nonetheless perceive themselves as the primary decision-makers in their sexual lives. This research shows dynamic ways in which youth enact their agency and control their sexual decisions and sexual lives.
This research was conducted between August 2016 and March 2017 in southwest British Columbia (BC) in two main locations, the Southern Vancouver Island (SVI) region and the Vancouver/Greater Vancouver Area (GVA). I conducted a series of in-depth, semi-structured interviews and engaged in informal personal engagement activities (i.e. "deep hanging out") with ten transnational Filipino youth between the ages of 19 and 25 who live and study at the post-secondary level in SVI. I also conducted interviews with adult community members, experts in the sexual health field, scholars working with Filipino youth, and staff from migrant youth organizations in SVI and the GVA. / Graduate
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Narrations héroïques : des inventions romanesques du XVIIe siècle aux récits factuels du XVIIIe (1630-1760) : principes de composition, écriture et réécriture de la vie de Philippe de Macédoine, d’Épaminondas de Thèbes et de Scipion l’Africain / Heroic narrations : from the 17th century Romanesque inventions to the 18th century factual Tales (1630-1760) : principles of composition, writing and re-writing of the Lifes of Philip of Macedonia, Epaminondas of Thebes and Scipio AfricanusKokkomelis, Nicolas 31 January 2015 (has links)
Le présent travail explore un ensemble de textes peu étudié. L’hétérogénéité générique et chronologique de cet ensemble étant évidente, l’objectif visé est d’aller au-delà des différences formelles et de se concentrer sur les interférences entre les deux grands genres narratifs du XVIIe et du XVIIIe siècle : le roman, premièrement, et l’histoire, en tant qu’élément constitutif de la codification du sous-genre des Vies, secondement. À ce titre, les outils analytiques de la théorie de l’écriture romanesque et de l’historiographie y sont mobilisés simultanément et, parfois même, se recouvrent. Ainsi, au lieu de privilégier une étude thématique, philologique ou historico-biographique, l’analyse menée consiste en une étude parallèle des deux genres narratifs, des principes de leur composition et de leur rapport avec la tradition écrite antique. Car il n’y a pas de doute que ce qui est homogène dans les textes tient essentiellement à leur ascendance gréco-romaine, voire à leur attachement à une vision du monde « traditionnelle » et « héroïque » – d’où, finalement, leur qualification en tant que « narrations héroïques ». Autosuffisants au niveau sémantique et symbolique, les protagonistes des textes étudiés obéissent à une vision du monde selon l’idée, accueillante à leur héroïsme ontologique. C’est la raison pourquoi, même si les Philippe, Épaminondas et Scipion mis en récit ne se fixent pas les mêmes objectifs, ils remplissent la même fonction. / The present work explores a corpus of texts that has been very little studied. The generic and chronological heterogeneity of these texts being evident, the objective of this study is to go further than the mere formal differences and to focus on the interferences between the two prominent narrative genres of the 17th and 18th centuries: on the one hand, the novel and on the on the other, history as a constituent element of the codification of the subgenre of Lifes. For the accomplishment of this task, the analytical auxiliaries of Romanesque writing theory and historiography are simultaneously mobilised, in some cases overlapping each other. Hence, instead of a thematic study, philological or historico-biographical, the analysis followed consists in a parallel study of the two narrative genres, of their composition principles and their relations with the ancient writing tradition. For, most probably, what is homogeneous in these texts derives essentially, from their Greco-Roman ascendance, and more precisely from their attachment to a “traditional” and “heroic” vision of the world – from which their qualification as “heroic narratives” is finally derived. Self-sufficient as far as the semantic and symbolic levels are concerned, the texts studied here present heroes who obey to a vision of a world based on the idea of their ontological heroism. This is the reason why even though the tales of Philip, Epaminondas and Scipio do not set the same objectives, the heroes nevertheless do fulfil the same functions.
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Du canon artistique à la norme industrielle : une forme sculpturale au coeur du quotidien / From aesthetic canon to industrial norms : a sculptural form at the heart of everyday lifeDenuit, Alban 06 July 2015 (has links)
Ce sujet a pris forme à partir de ma propre pratique d’artiste. Celle-ci a comme base une réflexion sur les normes industrielles qui définissent les formats et les dimensions des espaces standardisés constituant notre quotidien. Ces éléments sont rationnalisés afin de rendre leur production, leur transport et leur usage les plus économiques et efficaces possibles. Cette réflexion m’a notamment amené à une compréhension quant au fonctionnement de ces normes ; les objets composant notre cadre de vie entretiennent entre eux des rapports de proportion. Ceux-ci sont généralement fondés sur un module commun servant de base à l’élaboration de ces formats. Ce système paraît dès lors se rapprocher de celui qui caractérisa les canons artistiques. Ces derniers renvoyaient, de façon générale, à des principes mathématiques ou géométriques déterminant des rapports de proportions et assurant une cohésion entre les dimensions d’une œuvre ou d’un bâtiment. Les canons artistiques et les normes de l’industrie partageraient donc un même fonctionnement et diverses analogies. L’exemple le plus probant est celui de la feuille de papier de série A (A3, A4...) dont le format rectangulaire est construit selon le principe de la « porte d’harmonie » qui fut avec « la divine proportion » des canons artistiques. Ma recherche consiste donc à saisir et à mettre en pleine lumière le caractère profondément sculptural des normes en l’associant à l’étude d’une histoire artistique à laquelle se rattachèrent les canons de proportion. De plus, cette réflexion peut alors nous conduire vers deux autres questions. La première concerne l’idée que les normes de l’industrie construisent virtuellement une forme sculpturale au cœur même du quotidien de par les liens de dimensions qu’elles prescrivent entre les standards. La seconde souligne la résurgence d’un langage sculptural spécifique dans des pratiques artistiques ayant comme intentions celles d’interroger et de manipuler la réalité et le fonctionnement même des éléments usinés. / The topic of this doctoral thesis has been shaped by my own artistic work; my work is based on a reflection upon industrial norms that define form and dimensions of standard spaces in our everyday lives. These components are rationalised so that their production, transportation and consumption is as economical and efficient as possible. Through this work I have thus come to an understanding of how these norms work; the objects which make up our everyday surroundings maintain a relationship of proportions. Most of these proportions are based upon a common module that functions as a norm for the creation of these formats. In many ways, this system is similar to that of art’s bygone canons. A canon generally reflected mathematical or geometrical calculations, equally based on a module that determined the proportions and guaranteed a cohesive principle between the various sizes of the artwork or building. Thus artistic canons and industrial norms operate in a similar way, they also share a common vocabulary and analogy. The A series sheet of paper (A4, A3…) whose rectangular format obeys similar proportions to those of the golden ratio, maybe art’s most famed canons. My research therefore aims to understand and shed some light on the sculptural nature of these norms whilst combining it with the study of art history where canon proportions already existed. This reflection will lead towards two new questions. The first question being the idea that industrial norms build a virtual sculptural form at the heart of everyday life thanks to the dimension links which exist between standard objects. The second one underlines the resurgence of a specific sculptural language used in artistic practices to interrogate and manipulate reality and the operating system of the elements it produces.
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Pinheirinho entre o sonho e a realidade : experiências em uma ocupação urbana na cidade de São José dos Campos - SPPedro Henrique Faria Machado 25 February 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo conhecer as experiências sociais vividas por exmoradores da Ocupação urbana conhecida como Pinheirinho - ocorrida entre os anos de 2004 e 2012 na cidade de São José dos Campos SP, através dos significados atribuídos aos usos que faziam da cidade, compreendendo os motivos que levaram os sujeitos a optarem por uma ocupação urbana irregular, suas experiências cotidianas e como eram endereçadas suas necessidades sociais junto aos Poderes Públicos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa; de natureza básica; do ponto de vista dos objetivos, descritiva e exploratória; e do ponto de vista dos procedimentos técnicos, pelo fato da pesquisa ter sido realizada após a desocupação da Ocupação, Ex-Post-Facto. Dada a constante polarização das análises acerca da Ocupação, principalmente por parte da grande mídia, restringiu-se a amostra de entrevistados àqueles que não faziam parte da Liderança da Ocupação, tampouco dos Governos Municipal, Estadual ou Federal. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se a metodologia da História Oral, orientada por um roteiro, definido em cinco eixos. Tal metodologia possibilitou um aprofundamento nas histórias dos sujeitos, possibilitando a redução da amostra. Dessa maneira, apesar da Ocupação contar com aproximadamente seis mil pessoas, tem-se uma amostra de dez sujeitos, sendo analisados em profundidade, através de uma perspectiva analítica pautada na Teoria Social Crítica, seis deles. A análise dos dados foi subsidiada interdisciplinarmente por diversos autores, dentro os quais se destacam David Harvey, Francisco de Oliveira, Vera Telles e Zygmunt Bauman. Coube ao pesquisador dialogar as entrevistas, repletas de subjetividades, com os teóricos, como os acima citados, além de outras fontes de dados, como jornais e revistas, dentre outros. Como resultado, revelam-se histórias e experiências do cotidiano na cidade. Experiências cheias de vida: do trabalho precário, da luta pela moradia, das práticas do espaço, do despertar de uma consciência política, de acertos, erros, afetos, solidariedade, violência, enganos, desenganos etc. São relatos de pessoas comuns que compartilham a experiência de terem residido em uma ocupação urbana irregular. Relatos de vidas refletidas por políticas públicas mal feitas. Vidas
marcadas pela precariedade do trabalho, que determinam pontos de inflexões, criando novos usos da Cidade, em uma constante disput com poderes públicos e privados para transformála conforme sua necessidade, resultando em um constante movimento de criação de acessos e bloqueios. / This research aims to understand the social experiences of former residents of the urban occupation known as Pinheirinho, which existed between 2004 and 2012 in the city of São José dos Campos, SP. It was analyzed the significant attributes of those who created the occupation, the reasons that led the subjects to opt for an irregular urban occupation, their everyday experiences, and how their social needs were addressed by the public authorities. This research is qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory, with basic objectives, from the point of view of technical procedures, and Ex-Post-Facto, because the survey was conducted retrospectively after the Occupation was vacated. Given the constant polarization of the analysis about the Occupation, especially by the mainstream media, the sample was restricted to those respondents who were not part of the leadership of the Occupation nor the Municipal, State, or Federal Government. For collect data, it was used Oral History methodology, guided by a script, which focused on five main topics. This methodology enabled the collection of in-depth histories of the subjects, permitting a reduced sample. Thus, although the occupancy contained about six thousand people, our samples has only ten subjects, which were analyzed in depth, through an analytical perspective guided in Critical Social Theory, six of them. Data analysis was supported by several authors across disciplines, such as David Harvey, Francisco de Oliveira, Vera Telles, and Zygmunt Bauman. The investigator who conducted the interviews, which were
subjective, used the theorists mentioned above as well as other data sources, such as journals and newspapers. The result is a portrait of stories and experiences of everyday life in the city. Life experiences are described such as job insecurity, the struggle for housing, the practices of space, successes, failures, affections, solidarity, violence, misunderstandings, deceptions, etc. It is a report of common people who share the experience of having lived in an irregular urban occupation. The report reflects the bad public policy. Their lives have been marked by job insecurity, which determine inflection points, creating new practices for the City that is in constant dispute with public and private powers to transform as needed, resulting in constant movement that creates access and obstacles.
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Bike-Sharing Management System Using IoTLuna, Renato Mercado, Soto, Gabriel Benavente, Oliden, Daniel Subauste, Padilla, Alfredo Barrientos 01 January 2021 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / Nowadays, due to climate change and many other facts affecting daily life a trend to use eco-friendly transportation ways has arisen, and from them the one mostly used and with the highest acceptance is biking. Therefore, several companies have emerged offering bike-sharing systems, and those systems have been greatly accepted in the different metropolises around the world. The generalization of these systems has created a new need: to manage them efficiently. Consequently, in this work, we propose a software architecture and the implementation of a bike-sharing management system using the Internet of things (IoT). / Revisión por pares
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