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"We Don't Want Another Black Freedom Movement!" : An Inquiry into the desire for new social movements by comparing how people perceived both the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Power Movement versus the Black Lives Matter MovementHicks, Isaiah Deonte 06 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Policejní brutalita v knihách pro mladistvé / Police Brutality in Young Adult LiteratureSvobodová, Markéta January 2021 (has links)
The aim of a master thesis called Police Brutality in Young Adult Literature is to analyze the portrayal of police brutality in three young adult books, whether it reflects the reality and thus conveys a credible picture of the situation to teenage readers. The three books used for the analysis are The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas, Dear Martin by Nic Stone and Ghost Boys by Jewel Parker Rhodes. The analysis is based on three key areas and their analysis: the environment, language, and the act of police brutality in connection to racial stereotypes. To do so, the theoretical knowledge from the first three chapters of this thesis is applied. This part covers the concepts of police brutality and applies it to the case of the United States. It shows how the American police force has evolved and its current state, including the factors that influence police brutality in the United States. The analysis of individual books shows, that police brutality is portrayed in a credible way and it shows no distortion of reality for the purposes of fiction. This thesis also highlights the possibility of different interpretation of certain scenes, where the authors attempt to portray racial stereotypes and the interpretation depends on the readers' historical and cultural knowledge, which might result in a slight...
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Hyperheavy Nuclei in Axial Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov CalculationsGyawali, Abhinaya 10 August 2018 (has links)
The existence of highest proton numbers at which the nuclear landscape cease to ex- ist, the end of the periodic table of elements and the limits of the existence of the nu- clei are some of the difficult questions to answer. To explore those questions, we in- vestigated hyperheavy nuclei (Z ≥ 126) using covariant density functional theory. We demonstrate the existence of three regions of spherical hyperheavy nuclei centered around (Z ∼ 138, N ∼ 230), (Z ∼ 156, N ∼ 310) and (Z ∼ 174, N ∼ 410). Also, we explored other properties of hyperheavy nuclei such as octupole deformation, alpha decay half lives, chemical potential, etc.
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[pt] A presente proposta se apoia nos estudos sobre a (não) atratividade docente e no cenário atual da escassez de professores do ensino médio bem como o desinteresse dos jovens de seguirem na docência. O objetivo da pesquisa foi analisar as trajetórias profissionais dos egressos do curso de graduação em Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, examinando em que medida os licenciados podem ou não deixar de ser professores, buscando oferecer elementos que auxiliem na compreensão dessa dinâmica. No que diz respeito à ferramenta metodológica, propus a técnica de snow ball sample para a localização dos sujeitos-alvo. Dentre os participantes, a iniciativa contou com 7 entrevistados, todos professores em exercício com diferentes anos de formação. Para a produção de dados foi aplicado um questionário com questões semiabertas e realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, aplicando o conceito de saturação teórica. Os resultados demonstraram que estes egressos tendem a associar sua escolha para a docência ora de forma pragmática estrita, almejando uma colocação no mercado precocemente, ora de modo pragmática reinventada, sinalizando para o fato de que tornaram-se professores pelo caráter social ou pela nobreza da atividade. Entretanto, deixam transparecer que fracassaram ou tiveram poucas oportunidades em outras áreas dentro ou fora das Ciências Biológicas, aderindo à docência o que não significa adesão. Mas há outros motivos que fazem estes egressos permanecerem ou abandonarem a profissão e que poderiam ser traduzidos principalmente pelas formas criativas para solucionar os problemas advindos do contexto do trabalho docente. Trabalhar com resignação, inventar novas formas de abordar os conteúdos ministrados, tentativa de fuga para novas atividades ligadas à educação bem como a adaptação face à desmotivação dos seus alunos, são modos de resistências desenvolvidos ou não e que acabam por influenciar a perspectiva do abandono ou permanência destes professores no magistério. / [en] This proposal is based on studies about (non) teaching attractiveness and in the current scenario of high school teachers shortages and the lack of interest of young people to teach. The focus of the research was to analyze the professional trajectories of undergraduate course graduates in Biological Sciences at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, examining the extent to which graduates may or may not stop being teachers, seeking to provide information to assist in understanding this dynamic. As regards the methodological step, proposed the snow ball sample technique for locating the target subject. Among the participants, the initiative was 7 respondents, all teachers working with different formative years. For the production of data, I told both with a semi-open questionnaire as to the realization of semi-structured interviews, applying the concept of theoretical saturation. The results showed that these graduates tend to associate their choice for teaching in a strict pragmatic choice, aiming to enter on the market early, sometimes by pragmatic choice reinvented, the finding that have become teachers by the social character or the nobility of activity, but they reveal they failed or had few opportunities in other areas inside or outside the Biological Sciences. Additionally the reasons that make these graduates remain in or leave the teaching could be translated mainly by creative ways to solve problems arising from the teaching work context. Working with resignation, invent new ways of approaching the content taught, attempt of escape for a new activities linked with the education and adaptation to demotivation of the students, are ways of resistances and adaptations that are developed or not and end up influencing the prospect of abandonment or the permanence these teachers in teaching.
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Running with DuBoisRose-Cohen, Elizabeth Elaine 31 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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En Furste för vår tid? : En Machiavellisk studie av Donald Trumps presidentskapBengtsson, Andreas January 2023 (has links)
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De vägar som finns att gå : Att hitta sin väg som aromantisk person i ett kärlekscentrerat samhälleEkstedt, Alva January 2022 (has links)
Aromantik är en romantisk läggning som innebär att man känner lite eller ingen romantisk attraktion. För den här studien intervjuades sex aromantiska personer om hur deras läggning påverkar deras vardagsliv samt hur de ser på framtiden i relation till sin läggning. Studiens övergripande ramverk hämtas från Sara Ahmeds queera fenomenologi med fokus på de teoretiska begreppen orientering och linjer. Även Elizabeth Brakes begrepp amatonormativitet används i studien för att analysera informanternas utsagor. Den främsta slutsatsen som dras är att de genom aromantiken blir orienterade vilket öppnar upp för nya möjliga sätt att se på framtiden där den inte måste följa en amatonormativ, rak linje och innehålla exempelvis en romantisk partner. Istället kommer queera linjer inom räckhåll och en framtid där man till exempel bor ensam, med en queerplatonisk partner eller bildar familj med sina vänner blir en möjlighet. / Aromanticism is a romantic orientation meaning someone who experiences little to no romantic attraction. In this study, six aromantic people were interviewed about the ways that their romantic orientation affects their every day lives and how they view the future in relation to their orientation. The main framework used in the analysis is Sara Ahmed’s queer phenomenology and her theoretical concepts of orientation and lines. Another concept used to analyze the informants’ statements is amatonormativity, coined by Elizabeth Brake. The study mainly concludes that it is through aromanticism that the informants can become orientated which offers new possible ways of looking at the future, rather than following an amatonormative line that includes a romantic partner. Instead, queer lines come into reach and a future where one, for example, lives alone, with a queerplatonic partner or sees one’s friends as one’s family becomes seen as a possibility.
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Education Reform in England and the Transformation of School Teachers’ Working Lives: A Labour Process PerspectiveMorrell, Sophie E. January 2020 (has links)
The academy school programme, OFSTED’s use of school performance data,
and performance management and performance related pay reforms are
dramatically transforming the work and employment landscape in teaching. Yet
there is limited knowledge of teachers’ experiences of work in relation to this
context. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the impact of these education
reforms on school teachers’ working lives through a labour process perspective.
A critical realist ethnography of an inner-city secondary academy school was
conducted over four months. This comprised a six-week shadowing phase,
document collection and 26 semi-structured interviews with Teachers, Managers,
HR and Trade Union Representatives. Findings reveal that the removal of a
contextual value added measure from school performance metrics leads to an
increase in teachers’ workloads and an extension of their working hours. This is
compounded by an unofficial erosion of teachers’ directed working time that
infiltrates through the academy trust. Pressures on workload also stem from
management-led initiatives generated by appraisals in leadership programmes.
Furthermore, teachers’ work becomes standardised and re-organised through
the heterarchical multi-academy trust model in an effort to improve the school’s
OFSTED rating. Performance related pay reforms act as a parallel instigator to
the standardisation of work, polarising the creative and mundane aspects of
teaching across the workforce, whilst oppositional orientations to work form as
the majority of teachers align with a shared sense of commitment to work. This
thesis amalgamates labour process theory with the hollowing out thesis, making
key theoretical, conceptual, empirical and methodological contributions,
alongside practical recommendations. / Faculty of Management, Law and Social Sciences at the University of Bradford Scholarship
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Holding Out For A Female Hero: The Visual And Narrative Representation Of The Female FBI Agent In Hollywood Psychological Thrillers From 1991-2008Lafferty, Sarah 05 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Decor-racial: Defining and Understanding Street Art as it Relates to Racial Justice in Baltimore, MarylandStone, Meredith K. 20 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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