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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resan till naturen och förlorade minnen : En analys av Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives

Jonas, Leo-Jacques January 2012 (has links)
Filmen Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (2010) presenterar ett antal scener som är till synes orelaterade till filmens övergripande handling. Filmens titel antyder att dessa scener möjligen kan vara minnen ur titelkaraktärens tidigare liv, emellertid finns det ytters lite underlag för en sådan tolkning i själva filmen. Syftet blir därmed att närmare undersöka dessa scener, att söka tematiska kopplingar mellan dessa scener och filmen som helhet, samt att försöka komma fram till hur dessa scener kan ses arbeta med minnen.Laura U. Marks bok, The Skin of the Film (2000), har valts som underlag för den följande analysen i förhoppning att de tankar som läggs fram där skall kunna nyttjas för att tolka och diskutera de nämnda scenerna i filmen. I arbetet nyttjas därtill den metod som förespråkas av det hermeneutiska vetenskapsidealet för att erhålla kunskap.Arbetet visar på att filmen inte nödvändigtvis söker att gestalta minnen utan kan ses locka åskådaren till att minnas genom att presentera bilder som bäst förstås genom kroppslig inlevelse i bilden, kort sagt; filmen söker att aktivera åskådarens minne genom bilder med haptiska kvaliteter. Detta görs samtidigt som filmen ständigt återkommer till samma tema; resan till naturen. Åskådaren får alltså både bevittna filmens karaktärers resa och lockas till att själv uppleva detta utifrån sina egna minnen. Naturen är dock inte nödvändigtvis resans mål, filmen ses snarare försöka föra åskådaren till ett visst sinnestillstånd.

Vardagens könsinnebörder under förhandling : om arbete, familj och produktion av kvinnlighet / Everyday negotiations of gender : work, family and the production of femininity

Magnusson, Eva January 1998 (has links)
The subject of this study was Swedish women's experiences of their everyday lives as lived between the demands of work and family. Twenty female civil servants were interviewed six times each over a three and a half year period when their work places underwent organizational changes. One purpose of the study was to investigate how women while managing everyday demands reproduce or transform the meanings of gender in their own lives. A second purpose was to discuss the impact of these processes on women's self-understandings and ways of relating to power and issues of gender equality, as well as the meanings of "femininity" in their lives. The repeated semi-structured interviews were analysed using two qualitative approaches: the first focused on the ways individual women understood and negotiated their everyday lives. It yielded four main areas of negotiation: the personal biography as a dynamic context in which a woman understands her experiences; the balancing between work and family generally managed by women; women's often somewhat ambiguous personal fit at work; and the striving for subject positions at work. In the second approach discourse analysis was used to study how gender is locally reproduced or transformed from personal experiences set in specific discursive contexts. Modes of understanding were in focus; i.e. the different ways women may integrate experiences as parts of their sense of self, depending mainly on social positionings. Important discursive themes were the women's self-presentations, their experiences of gender equality and power differentials, and their ways of relating to femininity. The dissertation also discusses the types of psychological theory best suited to the historically changeable contents of "femininity", in contrast to its more stable relational qualitites of subordination vs. superordination, and argues for theory situated in a feminist social constructionist framework. / digitalisering@umu

Environmental Racism and the Movement for Black Lives: Grassroots Power in the 21st Century

Cleere, Rickie 01 January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores the ways in which the environmental justice movement, which is in opposition to environmental racism, and the Black Lives Matter movement, which is in opposition to police brutality and other forms of racism, are part of the same struggle: a struggle against the neoliberal violence of the state. This struggle against neoliberal violence is at the same time a struggle for communities of color to achieve self-determination on a global scale, a monumental task which might be informed through a revolutionary intercommunalist framework of global grassroots solidarity. State oppression embodies violence in more forms that one, including co-optation—which entails the assimilation of people into a political framework that answers to the gatekeepers of transnational capital. This work includes input from environmental justice activists from Los Angeles County in its exploration of local grassroots struggles.

Omezování Židů ve veřejném a osobním životě za Protektorátu Čechy a Morava - právní předpisy a jejich aplikace v praxi / Restrictions in public and private lives of Jews during the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia - legal regulations and their practical application

Bačová, Jitka January 2018 (has links)
This thesis "Restrictions in public and private lives of Jews during the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia - legal regulations and their practical application" deals with how Jews were excluded from public and private life, after the commencement of Nazi occupation, all this taking place legally. The work is concerned with how the exclusion of Jews was legally anchored. This work is arranged systematically, and it is divided into ten chapters. Specifically, the thesis pays attention to the origins of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and its characteristics, law making in the protectorate, outset of the Solution to the Jewish Question that already appeared in Second Republic, introduction to Jewish politics in the protectorate, definition of the term Jew in the protectorate, exclusion of Jews in public life, racial bans, exclusion of half-Jewish people, as well as husbands or wives of Jews from public life, and concluding with restriction of Jews in private life. Key words Jews Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia Restrictions in public and private lives

Práticas escolares como táticas criadoras: os praticantes nas tessituras de currículos / School practices with creatives tactics: weaving curricula

Nivea Maria da Silva Andrade 30 August 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Através de narrativas sobre as práticas cotidianas de quatro professoras (três brasileiras e uma francesa), acompanhadas de narrativas desenvolvidas entorno de um conjunto de imagens de alunos, esta pesquisa busca pensar como professores e alunos produzem os currículos nos seus cotidianos escolares. Através dos diferentes usos dos materiais disponíveis, dos questionamentos, das histórias de vida e das inúmeras experiências que constituem as subjetividades, os praticantes das escolas tecem, em redes, os seus conhecimentos e suas significações para a vida. Problematizando esta temática, com a professora de artes, Cristiane Costa, busco desenvolver uma discussão metodológica sobre os estudos dos cotidianos, me propondo compreender algumas possibilidades das táticas cotidianas de aprenderensinar. Com uma professora de matemática, Luciana Getirana, acompanhada da narrativa de uma aluna, Maria Nunes, analiso as relações entre conhecimentos científicos e conhecimentos cotidianos. Em seguida, com a professora de língua portuguesa, Cristiane Souza, discuto as demandas de professores por uma fórmula, uma receita de bolo, que contenha algumas soluções para os problemas da educação. Com a professora de história e geografia, Laure Cambos, busco pensar o professor no atravessamento de fronteiras entre culturas e conhecimentos. Neste sentido, elegi duas práticas de mediação cultural presentes no cotidiano desta professora: a primeira é o uso de imagens como prática de aprenderensinar, e a segunda consiste nas atividades de saídas da escola (aulas caminhadas). Por último, reúno fotografias de alunos para desenvolver duas temáticas que entrelaçam os capítulos anteriores: o dentrofora das escolas e as experimentações do mundo. A partir de narrativas sobre estas imagens, procuro pensar os cotidianos dos alunos nas práticas de aprenderensinar. Compreender estes currículos em redes possibilita problematizar as noções que não reconhecem a fragilidade das fronteiras, por perceberem os cotidianos através de relações dicotômicas. Estas fronteiras são habitadas pelos professores, produtores de possibilidades de mediações entre diferentes culturas e conhecimentos. Como práticas de atravessamento de fronteiras, as práticas de aprenderensinar buscam alternativas para a dicotomia que separa o dentro e o fora da escola, os conhecimentos cotidianos e os conhecimentos científicos, bem como os currículos prescritos e os currículos vividos. A pesquisa tem apoio teórico em autores como Nilda Alves, Michel de Certeau, Henri Lefebvre, Boaventura Santos, Nèstor Canclini entre outros. / Through narratives of daily practices of four women teachers (three Brazilian and one French), together with narratives developed around a set of student images, this research aims to reflect on how teachers and students produce curricula in their day-to-day school experiences. Through different uses of available materials, questions raised, life stories, and innumerable experiences that constitute their subjectivities, school practitioners weave, in networks, their knowledges and their meanings for life. Problematizing this theme with the art teacher Cristiane Costa, I seek to develop a methodological discussion on studies of daily life, trying to understand some possibilities of the daily learning-teaching tactics. With mathematics teacher Luciana Getirana, together with the narrative from student Maria Nunes, I analyze the relations between scientific knowledges and daily knowledges. Later, with Portuguese-language teacher Cristiane Souza, I discuss teachers demands for a formula, a cake recipe, which would contain some solutions for the problems of education. With history and geography teacher Laure Cambos, I try to reflect on the teacher, crossing the frontiers between cultures and knowledges. To this extent, I chose two practices of cultural mediation that are present in the daily life of this teacher: the first one is the use of images as a learning-teaching practice, and the second are the out-of-school activities (the walking classes). Finally, I put together photographs of students to develop two themes that interweave the previous chapters: the inside/outside of schools and world experiments. Based on narratives about those images, I seek to reflect on the daily lives of students in their learning-teaching practices. Understanding these networked curricula enables us to call into question notions that do not recognize the fragility of frontiers because they perceive daily life through dichotomous relations. Those frontiers are inhabited by teachers, who produce possibilities of mediation among different cultures and knowledges. As cross-border practices, the learning-teaching practices seek alternatives for the dichotomy separating the inside and the outside of school, daily life knowledges and scientific knowledges, as well as prescribed curricula and experienced curricula. The research sought theoretical support in authors such as Nilda Alves, Michel de Certeau, Henri Lefebvre, Boaventura Santos, Nèstor Canclini, among others.

A tessitura do conhecimento via mídias digitais e redes sociais: itinerâncias de uma pesquisa-formação multirreferencial / The fabric of knowledge in digital media and social networks: research-roaming a multi-referentiality

Rosemary dos Santos 25 November 2011 (has links)
A cibercultura é a cultura contemporânea estruturada pelos usos sociotécnicos e culturais das mídias digitais em rede. Suas dimensões vêm afetando diretamente os cotidianos no ciberespaço e nas cidades. Neste contexto, esta dissertação buscou compreender como os professores vêm utilizando as mídias digitais em rede. Constamos a emergência e a interconexão de práticas, narrativas e aprendizagens mediadas na e pela cibercultura. Para tanto, dialogamos com as abordagens da pesquisa-formação multirreferencial (Ardoino, Macedo e Santos) e com as pesquisas nos/dos e com os cotidianos (Certeau, Alves, Oliveira). Utilizamos uma bricolagem de dispositivos baseada em conversas presenciais e online (ambiente Moodle, via metodologia WebQuest interativa) no contexto formativo da disciplina "Informática na Educação" do EDAI - Curso de Especialização em Educação com Aplicação da Informática - da Faculdade de Educação da UERJ. Além do ambiente Moodle dialogamos com os praticantes via imersão nas mídias e redes sociais da internet (Orkut, Twitter, YouTube, Blogger). Para enunciar tais práticas recorremos, além dos estudos das abordagens multirreferencial e dos cotidianos, aos estudos da cibercultura (Levy, Castells, Lemos , Santaella, Santos, Silva) e da educação online (Santos, Silva). Analisando os rastros das itinerâncias e narrativas dos praticantes, chegamos aos seguintes achados: a) o digital em rede potencializa e faz emergir outros espaçostempos de aprendizagem e formação, proporcionando fazeressaberesfazeres autorais e colaborativos; b) as redes educativas são tecidas dentrofora do ciberespaço, das escolas e de outros espaços multirreferenciais; c) precisamos repensar os currículos em tempo de cibercultura, articulando propostas de formação na escola, na universidade e no ciberespaço. / Cyberculture is contemporary culture structured by sociotechnical and cultural uses of digital media networks. Its dimensions directly affect everyday lives in cyberspace and in cities. It is in this context that this dissertation seeks to understand how teachers have come to use digital media networks. We demonstrate the emergence and interconnection of practices, narratives, and learning mediated within and by cyberculture. We have also instigated a dialogue between the approaches taken in multi-referential educational research (Ardoino, Macedo and Santos) and the research on everyday lives (Certeau, Alves, Oliveira). We employ a medley of devices based on face-to-face and online conversations (Moodle environment, via WebQuest interactive methodology) in the educational context of the IT in Education module of the EDAI (Teacher Training with Applied IT) offered by the Education Faculty at Rio de Janeiro State University. Along with the Moodle environment, we have also conversed with users by immersing ourselves in online social media and networks (Orkut, Twitter, YouTube, Blogger). In studying such practices, along with examining research on multi-referential and everyday life approaches, we have also called on research on cyberculture (Levy, Castells, Lemos, Santaella, Santos, Silva) and online education (Santos, Silva). By analysing users roaming and narratives, we have reached the following conclusions; a) digital networks potentialise and provide other time-spaces for learning and education, stimulating authorial and collaborative know-how; b) educational networks are interwoven inside and outside cyberspace, schools, and other multi-referential spaces; c) we need to reconsider curriculums during this era of cyberculture and outline proposals for education in schools, universities, and in cyberspace.

F?sica no cotidiano: da cozinha para a sala de aula relato de uma experi?ncia did?tica no munic?pio de Limoeiro do Norte (CE)

Mois?s, Adriana C?ssia Freitas de 29 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:04:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AdrianaCFM.pdf: 1716142 bytes, checksum: e2b21f66d77aa43c3bc7eeee4b569b16 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-29 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Brazilian high school teaching has passing through important changes. Based on current legislation and other official documents this research focus on the notion of contextualization, discussing the possibilities of a Physics teaching contextualized at a kitchen environment. Given the difficulties presented by students in establishing the relation between the contents discussed in classroom and their own daily lives, we propose the elaboration and application of a didactic unity. This started after the analyses of an initial questionnaire answered by the students. The didactic unity was elaborated based on an earlier proposal made by GREF (Physics Teaching Reelaboration Group) for a Thermal Physics course, and involved situations on students daily lives, in particular, those activities tried to relate formal contents discussed in classrooms to the kitchen environment. The didactic unity was applied to a public high school classroom at Limoeiro do Norte (CE). After evaluation of this experience it is possible to state that contextualization is a challenge that shall be faced, so that students may have a more critical look at physics, understanding that this subject is of relevance to all of us and is present in all world around us / O Ensino M?dio brasileiro vem passando por importantes transforma??es. Partindo da legisla??o em vigor e de outros documentos oficiais que subsidiam essas mudan?as, essa pesquisa focaliza a no??o de contextualiza??o, discutindo as possibilidades de um Ensino de F?sica contextualizado ao ambiente de uma cozinha. Em virtude das dificuldades apresentadas pelos alunos de estabelecerem rela??es dos conte?dos apreendidos em sala de aula com suas viv?ncias e experi?ncias no cotidiano, propusemos a elabora??o e a aplica??o de uma Unidade Did?tica que teve como ponto de partida uma an?lise feita atrav?s de um question?rio inicial. A Unidade foi elaborada com base na proposta do GREF (Grupo de Reelabora??o do Ensino de F?sica) para um curso de F?sica T?rmica, e envolveu situa??es do cotidiano dos alunos, particularmente atividades que buscavam relacionar os conte?dos trabalhados em sala com o contexto de uma cozinha. A Unidade foi aplicada numa turma da segunda s?rie do ensino m?dio de uma escola p?blica do munic?pio de Limoeiro do Norte (CE). A avalia??o da experi?ncia permite afirmar que a contextualiza??o ? um desafio a ser perseguido, no intuito de que os estudantes possam olhar a F?sica de maneira mais cr?tica, compreendendo que essa disciplina ? relevante para n?s e est? presente em todo o mundo ao nosso redor

Práticas escolares como táticas criadoras: os praticantes nas tessituras de currículos / School practices with creatives tactics: weaving curricula

Nivea Maria da Silva Andrade 30 August 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Através de narrativas sobre as práticas cotidianas de quatro professoras (três brasileiras e uma francesa), acompanhadas de narrativas desenvolvidas entorno de um conjunto de imagens de alunos, esta pesquisa busca pensar como professores e alunos produzem os currículos nos seus cotidianos escolares. Através dos diferentes usos dos materiais disponíveis, dos questionamentos, das histórias de vida e das inúmeras experiências que constituem as subjetividades, os praticantes das escolas tecem, em redes, os seus conhecimentos e suas significações para a vida. Problematizando esta temática, com a professora de artes, Cristiane Costa, busco desenvolver uma discussão metodológica sobre os estudos dos cotidianos, me propondo compreender algumas possibilidades das táticas cotidianas de aprenderensinar. Com uma professora de matemática, Luciana Getirana, acompanhada da narrativa de uma aluna, Maria Nunes, analiso as relações entre conhecimentos científicos e conhecimentos cotidianos. Em seguida, com a professora de língua portuguesa, Cristiane Souza, discuto as demandas de professores por uma fórmula, uma receita de bolo, que contenha algumas soluções para os problemas da educação. Com a professora de história e geografia, Laure Cambos, busco pensar o professor no atravessamento de fronteiras entre culturas e conhecimentos. Neste sentido, elegi duas práticas de mediação cultural presentes no cotidiano desta professora: a primeira é o uso de imagens como prática de aprenderensinar, e a segunda consiste nas atividades de saídas da escola (aulas caminhadas). Por último, reúno fotografias de alunos para desenvolver duas temáticas que entrelaçam os capítulos anteriores: o dentrofora das escolas e as experimentações do mundo. A partir de narrativas sobre estas imagens, procuro pensar os cotidianos dos alunos nas práticas de aprenderensinar. Compreender estes currículos em redes possibilita problematizar as noções que não reconhecem a fragilidade das fronteiras, por perceberem os cotidianos através de relações dicotômicas. Estas fronteiras são habitadas pelos professores, produtores de possibilidades de mediações entre diferentes culturas e conhecimentos. Como práticas de atravessamento de fronteiras, as práticas de aprenderensinar buscam alternativas para a dicotomia que separa o dentro e o fora da escola, os conhecimentos cotidianos e os conhecimentos científicos, bem como os currículos prescritos e os currículos vividos. A pesquisa tem apoio teórico em autores como Nilda Alves, Michel de Certeau, Henri Lefebvre, Boaventura Santos, Nèstor Canclini entre outros. / Through narratives of daily practices of four women teachers (three Brazilian and one French), together with narratives developed around a set of student images, this research aims to reflect on how teachers and students produce curricula in their day-to-day school experiences. Through different uses of available materials, questions raised, life stories, and innumerable experiences that constitute their subjectivities, school practitioners weave, in networks, their knowledges and their meanings for life. Problematizing this theme with the art teacher Cristiane Costa, I seek to develop a methodological discussion on studies of daily life, trying to understand some possibilities of the daily learning-teaching tactics. With mathematics teacher Luciana Getirana, together with the narrative from student Maria Nunes, I analyze the relations between scientific knowledges and daily knowledges. Later, with Portuguese-language teacher Cristiane Souza, I discuss teachers demands for a formula, a cake recipe, which would contain some solutions for the problems of education. With history and geography teacher Laure Cambos, I try to reflect on the teacher, crossing the frontiers between cultures and knowledges. To this extent, I chose two practices of cultural mediation that are present in the daily life of this teacher: the first one is the use of images as a learning-teaching practice, and the second are the out-of-school activities (the walking classes). Finally, I put together photographs of students to develop two themes that interweave the previous chapters: the inside/outside of schools and world experiments. Based on narratives about those images, I seek to reflect on the daily lives of students in their learning-teaching practices. Understanding these networked curricula enables us to call into question notions that do not recognize the fragility of frontiers because they perceive daily life through dichotomous relations. Those frontiers are inhabited by teachers, who produce possibilities of mediation among different cultures and knowledges. As cross-border practices, the learning-teaching practices seek alternatives for the dichotomy separating the inside and the outside of school, daily life knowledges and scientific knowledges, as well as prescribed curricula and experienced curricula. The research sought theoretical support in authors such as Nilda Alves, Michel de Certeau, Henri Lefebvre, Boaventura Santos, Nèstor Canclini, among others.

A tessitura do conhecimento via mídias digitais e redes sociais: itinerâncias de uma pesquisa-formação multirreferencial / The fabric of knowledge in digital media and social networks: research-roaming a multi-referentiality

Rosemary dos Santos 25 November 2011 (has links)
A cibercultura é a cultura contemporânea estruturada pelos usos sociotécnicos e culturais das mídias digitais em rede. Suas dimensões vêm afetando diretamente os cotidianos no ciberespaço e nas cidades. Neste contexto, esta dissertação buscou compreender como os professores vêm utilizando as mídias digitais em rede. Constamos a emergência e a interconexão de práticas, narrativas e aprendizagens mediadas na e pela cibercultura. Para tanto, dialogamos com as abordagens da pesquisa-formação multirreferencial (Ardoino, Macedo e Santos) e com as pesquisas nos/dos e com os cotidianos (Certeau, Alves, Oliveira). Utilizamos uma bricolagem de dispositivos baseada em conversas presenciais e online (ambiente Moodle, via metodologia WebQuest interativa) no contexto formativo da disciplina "Informática na Educação" do EDAI - Curso de Especialização em Educação com Aplicação da Informática - da Faculdade de Educação da UERJ. Além do ambiente Moodle dialogamos com os praticantes via imersão nas mídias e redes sociais da internet (Orkut, Twitter, YouTube, Blogger). Para enunciar tais práticas recorremos, além dos estudos das abordagens multirreferencial e dos cotidianos, aos estudos da cibercultura (Levy, Castells, Lemos , Santaella, Santos, Silva) e da educação online (Santos, Silva). Analisando os rastros das itinerâncias e narrativas dos praticantes, chegamos aos seguintes achados: a) o digital em rede potencializa e faz emergir outros espaçostempos de aprendizagem e formação, proporcionando fazeressaberesfazeres autorais e colaborativos; b) as redes educativas são tecidas dentrofora do ciberespaço, das escolas e de outros espaços multirreferenciais; c) precisamos repensar os currículos em tempo de cibercultura, articulando propostas de formação na escola, na universidade e no ciberespaço. / Cyberculture is contemporary culture structured by sociotechnical and cultural uses of digital media networks. Its dimensions directly affect everyday lives in cyberspace and in cities. It is in this context that this dissertation seeks to understand how teachers have come to use digital media networks. We demonstrate the emergence and interconnection of practices, narratives, and learning mediated within and by cyberculture. We have also instigated a dialogue between the approaches taken in multi-referential educational research (Ardoino, Macedo and Santos) and the research on everyday lives (Certeau, Alves, Oliveira). We employ a medley of devices based on face-to-face and online conversations (Moodle environment, via WebQuest interactive methodology) in the educational context of the IT in Education module of the EDAI (Teacher Training with Applied IT) offered by the Education Faculty at Rio de Janeiro State University. Along with the Moodle environment, we have also conversed with users by immersing ourselves in online social media and networks (Orkut, Twitter, YouTube, Blogger). In studying such practices, along with examining research on multi-referential and everyday life approaches, we have also called on research on cyberculture (Levy, Castells, Lemos, Santaella, Santos, Silva) and online education (Santos, Silva). By analysing users roaming and narratives, we have reached the following conclusions; a) digital networks potentialise and provide other time-spaces for learning and education, stimulating authorial and collaborative know-how; b) educational networks are interwoven inside and outside cyberspace, schools, and other multi-referential spaces; c) we need to reconsider curriculums during this era of cyberculture and outline proposals for education in schools, universities, and in cyberspace.

Quem vivenciou o que? Memórias e histórias de infância em Rio Novo

Vaccarini, Emmanuelle Dias 31 March 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-03-22T14:09:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 emmanuellediasvaccarini.pdf: 2900978 bytes, checksum: c369c3904c728480b3254baa10fb70fa (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-03-22T14:56:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 emmanuellediasvaccarini.pdf: 2900978 bytes, checksum: c369c3904c728480b3254baa10fb70fa (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-03-22T14:57:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 emmanuellediasvaccarini.pdf: 2900978 bytes, checksum: c369c3904c728480b3254baa10fb70fa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-22T14:57:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 emmanuellediasvaccarini.pdf: 2900978 bytes, checksum: c369c3904c728480b3254baa10fb70fa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-31 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O foco desta pesquisa foi investigar, através do relato oral das histórias de vidas de algumas professoras aposentadas da cidade de Rio Novo - localizada na Zona da Mata Mineira -, os elementos vivenciados na educação infantil de cada uma. A idéia de realizar a pesquisa em Rio Novo intensificou devido a um pré-conhecimento da história de que a cidade já foi considerada a segunda com o melhor ensino do estado, no início do século XX e a falta de pesquisa que analisa a educação da cidade, a partir do olhar do professor sobre sua trajetória. A proposta foi fazer com que essas professoras rememorassem os elementos que fizeram parte da educação que tiveram na infância, desde brincadeiras, família e alfabetização até o primário, ou seja, acontecimentos que de alguma forma deixaram marca e influenciaram na formação. Na minha busca, não pretendi colocar em xeque o emprego dos termos rural/urbano e popular/erudito, a proposta foi justamente me manter voltada para as histórias, para conhecer elementos que fizeram parte do processo educacional, vivenciados na infância. Meu objetivo aqui, não é julgar a veracidade dos fatos narrados, e sim conhecê-los e registrálos para fins acadêmicos, sociais e históricos. Essa pesquisa foi o meio que encontrei de colaborar na revisão das práticas pedagógicas a partir do olhar do professor de Rio Novo, sobre sua trajetória. Minha intenção foi colaborar na ampliação dos estudos sobre a educação e do conhecimento de um ensino que não é o ensino no qual fui criada, mas sempre ouvia falar. Na pesquisa por mim realizada, busquei como principais referenciais teóricos Ecléa Bosi, Maurice Halbwachs, Pierre Nora, Walter Benjamin, Maria Teresa Assunção Freitas, Manuel Sarmento e Manuel Pinto que serviram como embasamento teórico para que pudesse construir meus passos, pois são pesquisadores preocupados com memória, narrativas, história de vida e infância. Para a realização desta pesquisa, tive contato com algumas professoras que estavam dispostas a rememorar suas trajetórias, com intuito de contribuírem no avanço da educação, pois a partir dessas memórias narradas, elas próprias fizeram uma reflexão do processo educacional familiar e escolar, até o primário, que foi o recorte por mim definido. Para registrar essa pesquisa, utilizei como estratégia o recurso fílmico, no qual temos a possibilidade de perceber os gestos e as feições das narradoras de forma muito próxima, como se estivéssemos presentes no momento que aquela história foi contada. Trabalhar reconstruindo a memória dessas professoras foi permiti-las voltar no tempo e refazer momentos que ficaram marcados. Para mim, foi importante compreender os elementos vivenciados na infância, até o primário e conseqüentemente conhecer a educação ensinada/aprendida na cidade e apreciar um passado que poderia ter desaparecido, com os poucos registros em documentos impressos, já desgastados. / The main focus of this research was to investigate through verbal stories of histories of lives of some retired teachers from Rio Novo - In Zona da Mata Mineira -, the elements who lived deeply the infantile education of each one. The idea of this research in Rio Novo intensify due to a pre recognition of the city history already been considered the second best teaching method, of the State, on the beginning of 20th century and the missing research where analyses the city education, through a teacher path. The purpose was to make these teachers remembered the elements that were part of their education, in other words, moments that in some way left marks and influenced their graduation. On my research, I don‟t pretend to name the job on terms of rural/urban and popular/scholar, the purpose was just to maintain the educational procedured, lived on childhood. My objective here, it‟s not to judge the reality of the told facts, but to know and register them for academic, social and historical reasons. This research was a way I found to collaborate on the reviewing of the pedagogic practice since the teacher‟s point of view of Rio Novo, through their own path. My intention was to collaborate on the expansion of the studies on education and knowlodge of teaching in which it is not similar to what I was taught, but I‟ve always heard. On this research done by me, I put as theoretical reference Bosi, Maurice Halbwachs, Pierre Nora, Walter Benjamin, Maria Teresa Assunção Freitas, Manuel Sarmento and Manuel Pinto who helped as theoretical basement so that I could follow and build my own steps, because they are researchers worried with narratives memories, life history and childhood. For the accomplishment of this research, I contacted some teachers who were willingly remembering their own path, with the intention to contribute on the advance of the education, because since those narrative memories, they could make a reflection of the familiar educational and school process, until elementary school, where it was set the end defined by me. In order to register this research, I used some strategies of filmic resources, in which we have the possibily to see the gestures and the features of the narrators in a very close way, as if we were present on the moment that story was told. Working on reconstructing memories of these teachers was allowing them go back time and remake moments that were significant. To me, it was important to understand the elements lived on the childhood until the elementary and consequently know the taught education/learned of the city and appreciate the past which could have disappeared, with so few registers documents printed, already worned-out.

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