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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating grade 11 learners’ problem-solving skills and conceptual reasoning on concepts in stoichiometry / Investigating grade eleven learners’ problem-solving skills and conceptual reasoning on concepts in stoichiometry

Kotoka, Love 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate grade 11 learners’ problem solving skills and conceptual reasoning on concepts in stoichiometry. Two theoretical frameworks were used in this study namely, cognitive load theory (CLT) and typology of curriculum representation (levels of curriculum alignment). The explanatory sequential mixed method research design were applied where 410 physical sciences learners in their intact classes and eleven of their teachers participated in the study. The participants completed purposefully designed research instruments consisting of an achievement test (LAT), a teacher and a learner questionnaire (TSQ and LCQ), and a teacher lesson plan on stoichiometry-related concepts (TLP). Other instruments used include a semi-structured interview schedule (LIS), classroom observation schedule (COS) and learner work books (LWB). The study was underpinned by five research questions. Pearson correlations showed that the justifications given by learners for choosing right or wrong objective options were not due to chance and suggested a learner choosing the right objective option has the right conceptual reasoning. Findings indicate that there is a positive correlation between problem-solving skills and conceptual reasoning where conceptual reasoning statistically predicted learners’ problem-solving skills using Regression. Problem solving is an important cognitive activity in everyday and professional contexts. Therefore, it requires teachers to know where to focus their teaching and how to assess learners’ work to avoid unnecessary overloading of the working memory of learners which might affect their performance. Conceptual reasoning and problem-solving errors were made during the problem solving, for example, learners could not apply mole ratio, they were unable to do change of subject and they interchanged the meanings of chemical terms such as mole, molecule, atoms and mass. In terms of possible reasons for the errors, and how it linked to the way learners were taught, the curriculum levels were considered. Findings indicate that there is a mismatch between what is expected in stoichiometry from the CAPS curriculum termed intended curriculum and the implemented curriculum which includes teacher lesson plans, classroom observations and learner workbooks. The classroom observations schedule was designed in line with the teacher lesson plan. There were topics planned in the lessons that were not found in the learner workbooks. The analysis of the content of learners’ workbooks for topics treated under stoichiometry, revealed that 75.7% of concepts were being taught while 24.3% were not. The analysis showed that learners experienced difficulties with calculating the concept of limiting reactant. There is a mismatch between implemented and attained curriculum as well. In the TSQ, teachers indicated that the errors were due to misconceptions, misunderstanding, carelessness and misinterpretation. These were found during marking of the learner achievement test. In conclusion, this study did not find a direct link between the way the learners were taught and the errors they committed during problem solving based on the implemented (TLP, LWB and COS) and attained curriculum (LAT, LCQ, LIS and DoBE report) / Science and Technology Education / Ph. D. (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education)

Making ATLAS Data from CERN Accessible to the General Public : The Development and Evaluation of a Learning Resource in Experimental Particle Physics / Tillgängliggörandet av ATLAS-data från CERN för allmänheten : Utveckling och utvärdering av ett läromedel i experimentell partikelfysik

Ekelin, Svea, Hagesjö, Louise January 2017 (has links)
In 2016, the ATLAS experiment at CERN released data from 100 trillion proton-proton collisions to the general public. In connection to this release the ATLAS Outreach group has developed several tools for visualizing and analyzing the data, one of which is a Histogram analyzer. The focus of this project is to bridge the gap between the general public's knowledge in physics and what is needed to use this Histogram analyzer. The project consists of both the development and an evaluation of a learning resource that explains experimental particle physics for a general public audience. The learning resource is a website making use of analogies and two perspectives on learning: Variation Theory and Cognitive Load Theory. The evaluation of the website was done using a survey with 10 respondents and it focused on whether analogies and the perspectives on learning helped their understanding. In general the respondents found the analogies to be helpful for their learning, and to some degree they found the explanations based on Variation Theory to be helpful. The implementations of Cognitive Load Theory were considered to be helpful by the respondents who noticed them, but the majority did not, implying that improvements of the design are needed. The results indicate that analogies and the two perspectives on learning can be helpful for explaining experimental particle physics, but there might be other learning theories more suitable for this purpose. / ATLAS-experimentet på CERN släppte år 2016 data från 100 biljoner proton-kollisioner fritt till allmänheten. I anslutning till detta har ATLAS Outreach-grupp utvecklat ett flertal verktyg för att visualisera och analysera datan, varav en är en analys med hjälp av histogram. Fokus för detta projekt är att överbrygga klyftan mellan allmänhetens kunskaper i fysik och vad som behövs for att kunna använda Histogram-analysverktyget. Projektet består både av utvecklandet och utvärderingen av ett läromedel som förklarar experimentell partikelfysik med målgruppen allmänheten. Läromedlet är en webbsida som använder sig av analogier och två perspektiv på lärande, Variationsteori och Kognitiv Belastningsteori. Utvärderingen av webbsidan gjordes med en enkät med tio respondenter, med fokus på huruvida analogier och perspektiven på lärande hjälpte deras förståelse. I allmänhet fann respondenterna analogierna hjälpsamma för deras lärande, och de fann Variationsteori hjälpsamt i viss utsträckning. Implementeringarna av Kognitiv Belastningsteori ansågs vara hjälpsamma av de respondenter som lade märke till dem, men majoriteten gjorde inte det, vilket tyder på att förbättringar av implementeringen krävs. Resultaten indikerar att analogier och de två perspektiven på lärande kan vara hjälpsamma för att förklara experimentell partikelfysik, men det kan finnas andra lärandeteorier som uppfyller syftet bättre.

El uso de estrategias multimediales en seis vídeos educativos de YouTube para estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera / The Use of Multimedia Strategies in Six Educational Videos for Students of Spanish as a Foreign Language

Söderlöv, Erik January 2023 (has links)
El propósito de esta investigación es estudiar las estrategias multimediales en seis diferentes vídeos educativos de YouTube que se dirigen a aprendices de español como lengua extranjera. Con este fin, la investigación se basa en la teoría cognitiva del aprendizaje multimedial (TCAM) y diez principios postulados por Mayer (2008) que sirven para mejorar el diseño de mensajes instruccionales multimediales como vídeos educativos. A partir de las preguntas de investigación el propósito es averiguar si los vídeos estudiados siguen los principios en concordancia con la TCAM y si se utilizan diferentes estrategias para cumplir con cada principio. La metodología es cualitativa y consiste en un análisis interpretativo de los vídeos y situaciones concretas de los mismos. Las observaciones muestran que los vídeos no siguen todos los principios y por lo demás se constata que ninguno de los vídeos cumple con los principios de redundancia y modalidad puesto que todos contienen texto añadido. Asimismo, se observa que es posible llevar a la práctica varias estrategias para implementar cada principio. En cuanto a estudios futuros se sugiere que se realizan investigaciones sobre cómo aquellas estrategias afectan a los aprendices en un contexto formal, es decir, en el aula. / The purpose of this essay is to study the multimedia strategies in six different educational videos on YouTube that are made for learners of Spanish as a foreign language. To this end, the study focuses on the cognitive theory of multimedia learning (CTML) and ten principles postulated by Mayer (2008) that serve to improve the design of multimedia instructional messages, for example in educational videos. Based on the research questions, the purpose is to find out if the videos follow the principles in accordance with the CTML and if different strategies can be used to comply with each principle. The methodology is qualitative and consists of interpretative analysis of the videos and specific situations. The observations show that the videos do not follow all the principles and that none of the videos comply with the principles of redundancy and modality, since they all contain added text. Likewise, the study verifies that it is possible to put into practice several strategies to implement each principle. Regarding future studies, it is suggested that research on how those strategies affect learners in a formal context, that is, in the classroom, are carried out.

Är worked examples användbara inom biologi-undervisning? / Are worked examples useful within biology education?

Claesson, Olle January 2023 (has links)
För att lyckas lösa problem och använda kunskap behöver en person först ha lärt sig grundläggande kunskap om problemområdet. Sådant lärande kräver att den lärandes arbetsminne inte överbelastas med oändamålsenlig information. Studien undersöker effekten av lärandetekniken worked examples, som visats vara effektiv för att inte överbelasta arbetsminnet inom ämnen som fysik och matematik. Worked examples kommer från cognitive load theory och här undersöks teknikens effekt inom biologiundervisning, med fokus på ämnesområdet ekologi. Högstadieelevers kunskap inom ekologi mättes, varpå de inom undervisning antingen arbetade med worked examples eller instuderingsfrågor. Därefter mättes deras kunskapsnivå återigen, för att på så vis jämföra metodernas effekt på deltagarnas lärande. Elever som lärts med worked examples visade på en större kunskapsutveckling gällande snarlika uppgifter som de övat på, medan kunskapsutveckling för frågor med andra lösningsmetoder gav tvetydigt resultat. Tekniken worked examples har härmed visats sig vara en användbar teknik inom ämnesområdet ekologi inom biologiundervisningen. Den kan med fördel användas under initial-inlärningsfas inom biologiämnet för att hjälpa elever förvärva kunskap.

An evaluation of the effectiveness of a cognitive load based teaching method in a mixed ability grade 9 class, with special attention to learners' attitudes and engagement / An evaluation of the effectiveness of a cognitive load based teaching method in a mixed ability grade nine class, with special attention to learners' attitudes and engagement

David, Joanne Munro 11 1900 (has links)
Mathematics Education / M. Ed. (Mathematics Education)

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