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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ovidkommande dagvatten i spillvattenledningar - En fallstudie av dagvattenhantering i ett bostadsområde i Hok / Irrelevant stormwater in wastewater pipes - A case study of stormwater management in a residential area in Hok

El Masry, Josef, Alkazragi, Miher January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Limit of detection for second-order calibration methods

Rodríguez Cuesta, Mª José 02 June 2006 (has links)
Analytical chemistry can be split into two main types, qualitative and quantitative. Most modern analytical chemistry is quantitative. Popular sensitivity to health issues is aroused by the mountains of government regulations that use science to, for instance, provide public health information to prevent disease caused by harmful exposure to toxic substances. The concept of the minimum amount of an analyte or compound that can be detected or analysed appears in many of these regulations (for example, to discard the presence of traces of toxic substances in foodstuffs) generally as a part of method validation aimed at reliably evaluating the validity of the measurements.The lowest quantity of a substance that can be distinguished from the absence of that substance (a blank value) is called the detection limit or limit of detection (LOD). Traditionally, in the context of simple measurements where the instrumental signal only depends on the amount of analyte, a multiple of the blank value is taken to calculate the LOD (traditionally, the blank value plus three times the standard deviation of the measurement). However, the increasing complexity of the data that analytical instruments can provide for incoming samples leads to situations in which the LOD cannot be calculated as reliably as before.Measurements, instruments and mathematical models can be classified according to the type of data they use. Tensorial theory provides a unified language that is useful for describing the chemical measurements, analytical instruments and calibration methods. Instruments that generate two-dimensional arrays of data are second-order instruments. A typical example is a spectrofluorometer, which provides a set of emission spectra obtained at different excitation wavelengths.The calibration methods used with each type of data have different features and complexity. In this thesis, the most commonly used calibration methods are reviewed, from zero-order (or univariate) to second-order (or multi-linears) calibration models. Second-order calibration models are treated in details since they have been applied in the thesis.Concretely, the following methods are described:- PARAFAC (Parallel Factor Analysis)- ITTFA (Iterative Target Transformation Analysis)- MCR-ALS (Multivariate Curve Resolution-Alternating Least Squares)- N-PLS (Multi-linear Partial Least Squares)Analytical methods should be validated. The validation process typically starts by defining the scope of the analytical procedure, which includes the matrix, target analyte(s), analytical technique and intended purpose. The next step is to identify the performance characteristics that must be validated, which may depend on the purpose of the procedure, and the experiments for determining them. Finally, validation results should be documented, reviewed and maintained (if not, the procedure should be revalidated) as long as the procedure is applied in routine work.The figures of merit of a chemical analytical process are 'those quantifiable terms which may indicate the extent of quality of the process. They include those terms that are closely related to the method and to the analyte (sensitivity, selectivity, limit of detection, limit of quantification, ...) and those which are concerned with the final results (traceability, uncertainty and representativity) (Inczédy et al., 1998). The aim of this thesis is to develop theoretical and practical strategies for calculating the limit of detection for complex analytical situations. Specifically, I focus on second-order calibration methods, i.e. when a matrix of data is available for each sample.The methods most often used for making detection decisions are based on statistical hypothesis testing and involve a choice between two hypotheses about the sample. The first hypothesis is the "null hypothesis": the sample is analyte-free. The second hypothesis is the "alternative hypothesis": the sample is not analyte-free. In the hypothesis test there are two possible types of decision errors. An error of the first type occurs when the signal for an analyte-free sample exceeds the critical value, leading one to conclude incorrectly that the sample contains a positive amount of the analyte. This type of error is sometimes called a "false positive". An error of the second type occurs if one concludes that a sample does not contain the analyte when it actually does and it is known as a "false negative". In zero-order calibration, this hypothesis test is applied to the confidence intervals of the calibration model to estimate the LOD as proposed by Hubaux and Vos (A. Hubaux, G. Vos, Anal. Chem. 42: 849-855, 1970).One strategy for estimating multivariate limits of detection is to transform the multivariate model into a univariate one. This strategy has been applied in this thesis in three practical applications:1. LOD for PARAFAC (Parallel Factor Analysis).2. LOD for ITTFA (Iterative Target Transformation Factor Analysis).3. LOD for MCR-ALS (Multivariate Curve Resolution - Alternating Least Squares)In addition, the thesis includes a theoretical contribution with the proposal of a sample-dependent LOD in the context of multivariate (PLS) and multi-linear (N-PLS) Partial Least Squares. / La Química Analítica es pot dividir en dos tipus d'anàlisis, l'anàlisi quantitativa i l'anàlisi qualitativa. La gran part de la química analítica moderna és quantitativa i fins i tot els govern fan ús d'aquesta ciència per establir regulacions que controlen, per exemple, nivells d'exposició a substàncies tòxiques que poden afectar la salut pública. El concepte de mínima quantitat d'un analit o component que es pot detectar apareix en moltes d'aquestes regulacions, en general com una part de la validació dels mètodes per tal de garantir la qualitat i la validesa dels resultats.La mínima quantitat d'una substància que pot ser diferenciada de l'absència d'aquesta substància (el que es coneix com un blanc) s'anomena límit de detecció (limit of detection, LOD). En procediments on es treballa amb mesures analítiques que són degudes només a la quantitat d'analit present a la mostra (situació d'ordre zero) el LOD es pot calcular com un múltiple de la mesura del blanc (tradicionalment, 3 vegades la desviació d'aquesta mesura). Tanmateix, l'evolució dels instruments analítics i la complexitat creixent de les dades que generen, porta a situacions en les que el LOD no es pot calcular fiablement d'una forma tan senzilla. Les mesures, els instruments i els models de calibratge es poden classificar en funció del tipus de dades que utilitzen. La Teoria Tensorial s'ha utilitzat en aquesta tesi per fer aquesta classificació amb un llenguatge útil i unificat. Els instruments que generen dades en dues dimensions s'anomenen instruments de segon ordre i un exemple típic és l'espectrofluorímetre d'excitació-emissió, que proporciona un conjunt d'espectres d'emissió obtinguts a diferents longituds d'ona d'excitació.Els mètodes de calibratge emprats amb cada tipus de dades tenen diferents característiques i complexitat. En aquesta tesi, es fa una revisió dels models de calibratge més habituals d'ordre zero (univariants), de primer ordre (multivariants) i de segon ordre (multilinears). Els mètodes de segon ordre estan tractats amb més detall donat que són els que s'han emprat en les aplicacions pràctiques portades a terme. Concretament es descriuen:- PARAFAC (Parallel Factor Analysis)- ITTFA (Iterative Target Transformation Analysis)- MCR-ALS (Multivariate Curve Resolution-Alternating Least Squares)- N-PLS (Multi-linear Partial Least Squares)Com s'ha avançat al principi, els mètodes analítics s'han de validar. El procés de validació inclou la definició dels límits d'aplicació del procediment analític (des del tipus de mostres o matrius fins l'analit o components d'interès, la tècnica analítica i l'objectiu del procediment). La següent etapa consisteix en identificar i estimar els paràmetres de qualitat (figures of merit, FOM) que s'han de validar per, finalment, documentar els resultats de la validació i mantenir-los mentre sigui aplicable el procediment descrit.Algunes FOM dels processos químics de mesura són: sensibilitat, selectivitat, límit de detecció, exactitud, precisió, etc. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és desenvolupar estratègies teòriques i pràctiques per calcular el límit de detecció per problemes analítics complexos. Concretament, està centrat en els mètodes de calibratge que treballen amb dades de segon ordre.Els mètodes més emprats per definir criteris de detecció estan basats en proves d'hipòtesis i impliquen una elecció entre dues hipòtesis sobre la mostra. La primera hipòtesi és la hipòtesi nul·la: a la mostra no hi ha analit. La segona hipòtesis és la hipòtesis alternativa: a la mostra hi ha analit. En aquest context, hi ha dos tipus d'errors en la decisió. L'error de primer tipus té lloc quan es determina que la mostra conté analit quan no en té i la probabilitat de cometre l'error de primer tipus s'anomena fals positiu. L'error de segon tipus té lloc quan es determina que la mostra no conté analit quan en realitat si en conté i la probabilitat d'aquest error s'anomena fals negatiu. En calibratges d'ordre zero, aquesta prova d'hipòtesi s'aplica als intervals de confiança de la recta de calibratge per calcular el LOD mitjançant les fórmules d'Hubaux i Vos (A. Hubaux, G. Vos, Anal. Chem. 42: 849-855, 1970)Una estratègia per a calcular límits de detecció quan es treballa amb dades de segon ordre es transformar el model multivariant en un model univariant. Aquesta estratègia s'ha fet servir en la tesi en tres aplicacions diferents::1. LOD per PARAFAC (Parallel Factor Analysis).2. LOD per ITTFA (Iterative Target Transformation Factor Analysis).3. LOD per MCR-ALS (Multivariate Curve Resolution - Alternating Least Squares)A més, la tesi inclou una contribució teòrica amb la proposta d'un LOD que és específic per cada mostra, en el context del mètode multivariant PLS i del multilinear N-PLS.

Palladium telluride quantum dots biosensor for the determination of indinavir drug

Feleni, Usisipho January 2013 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / Indinavir is a potent and well tolerated protease inhibitor drug used as a component of the highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) of HIV/AIDS, which results in pharmacokinetics that may be favourable or adverse. These drugs work by maintaining a plasma concentration that is sufficient to inhibit viral replication and thereby suppressing a patient’s viral load. A number of antiretroviral drugs, including indinavir, undergo metabolism that is catalysed by cytochrome P450-3A4 enzyme found in the human liver microsomes. The rate of drug metabolism influences a patient’s response to treatment as well as drug interactions that may lead to life-threatening toxic conditions, such as haemolytic anaemia, kidney failure and liver problems. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) during HIV/AIDS treatment has been suggested to have a potential to reduce drug toxicity and optimise individual therapy. A fast and reliable detection technique, such as biosensing, is therefore necessary for the determination of a patient’s metabolic profile for indinavir and for appropriate dosing of the drugs. In this study biosensors developed for the determination of ARV drugs comprised of cysteamine self-assembled on a gold electrode, on which was attached 3-mercaptopropionic acid-capped palladium telluride (3-MPA-PdTe) or thioglycolic acid-capped palladium telluride (TGA-PdTe) quantum dots that are cross-linked to cytochrome P450-3A4 (CYP3A4) in the presence of 1-ethyl-3(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride and N-hydroxysuccinimide. The quantum dots were synthesized in the presence of capping agents (3-MPA or TGA) to improve their stability, solubility and biocompatibility. The capping of PdTe quantum dots with TGA or 3-MPA was confirmed by FTIR, where the SH group absorption band disappeared from the spectra of 3-MPA-PdTe and TGA-PdTe. The particle size of the quantum dots (< 5 nm) was estimated from high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) measurements. Optical properties of the materials were confirmed by UV-Vis spectrophotometry which produced absorption iii bands at ~320 nm that corresponded to energy band gap values of 3 eV (3.87 eV) for TGAPdTe (3-MPA-PdTe) quantum dots. The electrocatalytic properties of the quantum dots biosensor systems were studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV) for which the characteristic reduction peak at 0.75 V was used to detect the response of the biosensor to indinavir. Results for indinavir biosensor constructed with 3-MPA-SnSe quantum dots are also reported in this thesis. The three biosensors systems were very sensitive towards indinavir; and gave low limits of detection (LOD) values of 3.22, 4.3 and 6.2 ng/mL for 3-MPA-SnSe, 3-MPA-PdTe and TGA-PdTe quantum dots biosensors, respectively. The LOD values are within the ‘maximum plasma concentration’ (Cmax) value of indinavir (5 - 15 ng/mL) normally observed 8 h after drug intake.

Datová kvalita v prostředí otevřených a propojitelných dat / Data quality on the context of open and linked data

Tomčová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The master thesis deals with data quality in the context of open and linked data. One of the goals is to define specifics of data quality in this context. The specifics are perceived mainly with orientation to data quality dimensions (i. e. data characteristics which we study in data quality) and possibilities of their measurement. The thesis also defines the effect on data quality that is connected with data transformation to linked data; the effect if defined with consideration to possible risks and benefits that can influence data quality. The list of metrics verified on real data (open linked data published by government institution) is composed for the data quality dimensions that are considered to be relevant in context of open and linked data. The thesis points to the need of recognition of differences that are specific in this context when assessing and managing data quality. At the same time, it offers possibilities for further study of this question and it presents subsequent directions for both theoretical and practical evolution of the topic.

Jednoduchý letecký simulátor na Windows Phone 7 / Simple Flight Simulator for Windows Phone 7

Hacaj, Marián January 2011 (has links)
Thesis describes programming of 3D applications, mainly games, on Windows Phone 7 platform and lightly compares this approach with Silverlight platform. It also describes XNA framework in detail and programming plane simulators problems. In the second part of this thesis, reader can find complete description of implementation of a simple airplane simulation for Windows Phone 7 platform, which is based on the XNA framework. The game consists of implementation of terrain, sky, plane, scene and also of physics and the principle of the game.

Kommunikationsmechanismen für paralleles, adaptives Level-of-Detail in VR-Simulationen

Schwarze, Tino 05 March 2003 (has links)
Parallel, adaptive Level-of-Detail in VR simulations. Parameters for efficient reuse of already calculated reductions are investigated. Choosen reduction algorithms are evaluated. Parameters for communication within the distributed application are determined. An implementation is introduced. / Paralleles, adaptives Level-of-Detail komplexer Objekten in VR-Simulationen. Die Parameter für eine effiziente Wiederverwendung bereits berechneter Reduktionen werden untersucht. Ausgewählte Reduktionsalgorithmen werden evaluiert. Die Parameter für die Kommunikation in der verteilten Applikation werden ermittelt. Eine Implementation wird vorgestellt.

Electrochemical Aptasensing of B-Type Natriuretic Peptide-A Biomarker for Myocardial Infarction

Oranzie, Marlon January 2019 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / infarction (MI) affects many parts of the western world and in South Africa alone it is estimated that MI is responsible for 1 in 6 deaths (17.3%). Traditional diagnostic methods for MI include an electrocardiograms and blood tests. The problem with these diagnostic methods are that they are time consuming, require large sample volumes, expensive equipment and complicated machinery. To achieve early detection of MI the discovery of specific, sensitive and reliable biomarkers are required. Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) has been identified as a reliable biomarker for MI due to the fact that it has a defined cutoff of 100 pg/ml and it is not susceptible to patient‘s age which could make early detection of BNP complicated. Early detection methods for BNP has been based on immunoradiometric assays but problems associated with immunoradiometric assays are that there is a restricted availability of antigens and incubation of the labeled antibody could take up to two weeks which affects the patients waiting time on results. Electrochemical biosensors are emerging as early detection method for MI because they can be designed to be sensitive, specific to BNP at a low cost. This research study reported for the first the successful fabrication and implementation of highly sensitive mercaptosuccinic acid capped nickel selenide quantum dots (MSA-NiSe2 QDs) aptasensor for the detection of BNP. The poly-dispersed MSA-NiSe2 QDs were synthesized via an inexpensive, simple and reproducible aqueous microwave assisted irradiation method. The prepared MSA-NiSe2 QDs were characterized by Ultraviolet spectroscopy (UV-Vis), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), High Resolution Transmission/Scanning Electron Microscopy (HR TEM/SEM) and Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXSpace). The electrochemical properties of the MSA-NiSe2 QDs were investigated by Cylic Voltammetry (CV) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). HR-TEM revealed the formation of small sized MSA-NiSe2 QDs about 4 nm in diameter which was complemented by SAXSpace. UV-Vis studies showed absorption peaks in the ultraviolet region (100-400 nm) confirming the small size of these QDs as well confirming the direct and indirect bandgap of the QDs. XRD confirmed that the QDs are crystalline and belong to the bulk cubic MSA-NiSe2 QDs phase. FTIR studies confirmed the successful capping of MSA on the QDs due to the disappearance of the thiol peak at 2652 cm-1. Electrochemical studies revealed that the MSA-NiSe2 QDs showed good electrochemical properties on screen printed carbon electrodes (SPCE) which allowed them to be used as a mediating platform between the aptamer and SPCE. The successful detection of BNP was achieved by an incubation process between the aptamer drop coated on the MSA-NiSe2 QDs/SPCE surface overnight. The response of the MSA-NiSe2 QDs based aptasensor towards different concentrations of BNP was studied by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). DPV showed a good linearly with correlation coefficient of R2 = 0.98. DPV also showed a high sensitivity (0.4513 μA/ pg/mL) towards detecting BNP with a detection limit of 11.93 pg/ml. The value of 11.93 pg/ml falls within the negative predictive value range of 10-100 pg/ml for early-stage diagnosis of BNP.

Projektering av odlingsvägg för inomhusbruk som bevattnas med uppsamlad nederbörd från byggnadens tak / Designing an interior wall for cultivation that is irrigated with pre-stored precipitation from the building's roof

Elsebti, Isabella, Ljungdal, Ida January 2013 (has links)
I takt med att klimathoten mot vår planet ökar raskt, ökar också människors egna engagemang för att lösa problematiken. I städerna finns det initiativ med målsättningen att skapa en bättre framtid för jorden än den som idag spås. Problem med överbelastade dagvattensystem och långa mattransporter i städerna är två klimathot som bl.a. kan avhjälpas med lokalt omhändertagande av dagvatten respektive stadsodling. Därför kommer följande rapport att avhandla hur det på bästa sätt kan utformas en odlingsvägg inomhus som tar hand om nederbördsvatten från byggnadens tak i projektet Haningeterrassen. För att lösa uppgiften har litteraturstudie, studiebesök och intervjuer varit underlag för arbetet som även har innehållit en fallstudie. Detta för att få en bättre inblick i hur hela väggen och systemet bör utformas för en specifik byggnad, i vårt fall ett hus i projektet Haningeterrassen. Målet med projekt har varit att ta fram ett förslag på en byggteknisk lösning på en grön vägg inomhus som kan hantera nederbörd m.h.a. planterade nyttoväxter exempelvis sallad, tomat och basilika. Där följande frågor har besvarats för den utvalda byggnaden i Haningeterrassen: Hur kan en grön vägg bli ett verktyg för människor att använda som en del i den hållbara staden? Hur utformas en grön vägg som bevattnas med nederbörden från byggnadens tak? Nyttoväxterna bidrar till stadens hållbara utveckling genom att minska mattransporter till staden för väggens brukare. Och utnyttjandet av nederbörd bidrar till stadens hållbara utveckling genom att minska belastningen på stadens dagvattensystem. Viktigt att poängtera är att denna vägg enbart är en förslagsskiss och en fortsättning på projektet är önskvärd. / Whilst the climate threat on earth increases, people’s own involvement in the issue increases with it. Several initiatives exist in the cities with the objective to create a better future for the earth than what is predicted today. Problems with overburdened stormwater systems and long transport distances for food are two of these climate threats that can be decreased with local management of stormwater respectively urban farming. Therefore the following report will examine the preferable way to create an interior wall for cultivation that is irrigated with pre-stored precipitation from the roof of a specific building in the project Haningeterrassen. For solving the task, literature studies, study visits and interviews have been the foundation for the work, which also have included a case study. This to get a better insight in how the whole system and a green wall should be designed for a specific building, in our case a house in the project Haningeterrassen. The goal with the project has been to form a proposal of a design solution of a green inner wall that can manage precipitation with planted culturing plants for example lettuce, tomato and basil. The following questions have been answered for the chosen building in Haningeterrassen: How can a green wall become a tool for the average person to use as a part of the sustainable city? How is a green wall best designed for managing the precipitation that lands on its building’s roof by being irrigated with it?  The culturing plants in the wall contribute to the city’s sustainable development by reducing long transport distances for food for the users of the wall. And the usage of precipitation contributes to the city’s sustainable development by reducing the burden on the city’s stormwater systems. It is important to acknowledge that this green wall only is a proposal sketch. A continuation of the project is desirable.

Evaluation of Error Metrics Used for Quality Assessment of Simplified Meshes

Udd, Dennis January 2022 (has links)
Level of Detail (LOD) is an important area in game development and it is a term used to describe the complexity of 3D models. Complex 3D models that are rendered from a far distance can often be simplified, to minimise rendering costs. The visual appearance of a simplified model should be as close to the original model as possible. This process requires metrics that can produce a similarity score or a distance value between meshes of different quality.  In this report, four different metrics are evaluated on a dataset with models of different qualities. The metrics are the MSDM2, Chamfer Distance, Hausdorff Distance and Simplygon's internal distance called Maximum Deviation. The dataset is already annotated with subjective scores from an earlier experiment, and the metrics are evaluated using the Spearman and the Pearson Correlations between metric values and subjective scores. The metrics are evaluated on the whole model set, and on different categories of models. The correlation scores are calculated using three different regression techniques. These are a per-dataset regression, a scaled per-dataset regression, and an averaged per-model regression. In addition to this, the metrics are also evaluated on the same dataset but where the LOD:s are created using a different simplifying algorithm, Simplygon's own reducer.  The results show that MSDM2 is the best metric in correlation with subjective scores when using a per-dataset regression. It is also noticed that the other metrics are all quite similar. The difference between the MSDM2 metric and the other metrics is also much larger on categories like "Hard surface"- and "Complex" models. When using the less common regression techniques, MSDM2 has the worst correlation, and Chamfer Distance correlates the best.  When comparing the results from the two datasets, Simplygon's own reducer seem to have a greater correlation with the MSDM2 metric. There was no clear difference in scores for the other metrics.  The end result is that one metric is not always the best metric. The type of model, and the simplification algorithm used to create the LOD, can both affect the result. The evaluation technique also changes the result.

Rozpočtování staveb jako součást informačního modelování budov (BIM) / Building budgeting as part of building information modeling (BIM)

Průša, David January 2022 (has links)
The main aim of this task deals with analysis of the possibility of valuing building budgets in the building information model (BIM). The work is divided into two parts. The first, research part, presents the necessary definitions and concepts, such as definitions of BIM, LOD, CDE, which are needed for working with (BIM) software. The second, practical part, analyses possible ways to determine building budgets using the building information model on one building, which was modeled in the student version of Graphisoft ArchiCAD 24.

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