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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relationship Stability: a qualitative psychological study of long-term lesbian couples

Reuman-Hemond, Elizabeth January 1994 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Bernard O'Brien / This study investigated factors which influenced stable, primary love relationships among twelve lesbian couples who had been together at least fifteen years and had not reared children together. Each participant was interviewed separately in a retrospective, semi-structured interview that assessed the impact of selected factors over the course of the relationship. Each factor was examined to determine its influence in the beginning phase of the relationship (the first 5 years), in the middle phase (5-10 years into the relationship), and most recently (beyond 10 years into the relationship). Interpersonal dynamics as well as the influences of culture, religion, values, finances, and social supports were explored to determine their impact on relationship stability. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 1994. / Submitted to: Boston College. School of Education. / Discipline: Counseling, Developmental Psychology, and Research Methods.

Human Resources i en kontroversiell verksamhet : En studie som visar vikten av anpassning till omgivningen / Human Resources in a controversial business : A study that shows the importance of adaption to the environment

Böckerman, Therese, Forsman, Sara January 2012 (has links)
Background and Problem: Human Resources are considered one of the most important assets when competing with other companies. There are a lot of studies made in general on the subject while studies considering a specific context are missing. To consider the context when adapting a HR-strategy is interesting as the structure of the organization and the environment affects both the organization and the individuals within it. To study how the controversial context affects an organization is particularly interesting as the context is subject for discussion in the society. Aim: The study's purpose is to investigate how Human Resources are handled in a controversial business and to identify success factors when adapting the strategy to the controversial context. Methodology: The study started out by collecting theories connected to the subject with Fombrun, Devanna & Tichys HR-cycle. Interview questions where made based on the theories and answered by three of the case company's employees, whom all are well familiar with the case company's HR-strategy. Conclusion: We have come to the conclusion that there are no remarkable differences when handling Human Resources in a controversial context then in earlier published theories. However the importance of an adjusted HR-strategy to best be able to handle the employees are proven. Some areas must be considered more important when adjusting the HR-strategy to the context. In these situation areas resulting in long-term relationships between the employee and the organization seems to be high valued.Key words: Human Resource, controversial context, gambling company and long-term relationships. / Bakgrund och Problem: Mänskliga resurser anses vara en av de viktigaste tillgångarna som leder till företagets konkurrensfördelar. Många studier har genomförts, främst i generella sammanhang. Men det saknas studier som tar hänsyn till en specifik kontext. Att ta hänsyn till hur en specifik kontext påverkar HR-arbetet är intressant eftersom att organisationens egen uppbyggnad samt omgivningen påverkar såväl organisationen som individerna vilka arbetar i den. Att undersöka hur den kontroversiella kontexten påverkar organisationen är extra intressant då den bidrar till diskussion i dagens samhälle. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur HR-arbetet fungerar i en kontroversiell verksamhet samt att identifiera framgångsfaktorer med utgångspunkt i anpassning till kontexten. Metod: Studien började med insamlande av teorier kopplade till ämnet med utgångspunkt i Fombrun, Devanna & Tichys HR-cykel. Med utgångspunkt i HR-cykeln formades intervjufrågor som sedan ställdes till tre av fallföretagets anställda. Dessa tre är välbekanta med organisationen HR-arbete. Slutsats: Genom studien har vi kommit fram till att det inte finns några markanta skillnader mellan hur HR-arbetet fungerar i en kontroversiell kontext och tidigare publicerade teorier. Däremot bevisas vikten av att anpassa sina HR-strategier för att på bästa sätt hantera sin personal. Från detta kan vi se att vissa områden anses viktigare än andra vid anpassning till kontexten. I denna situation verkar de områden vilka resulterar i långvariga relationer mellan organisationen och medarbetarna vara högt värderade.Nyckelord: Human Resources, kontroversiell kontext, spelföretag och långsiktiga relationer.

Intimate partner violence in long-term relationships of older adults

Dewan-Kryger, Smriti 29 July 2015 (has links)
Increases in the proportion of older people in Canada have focussed needed attention on the issues and concerns for this group. One prevalent issue is the nature of experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV) for older adults. These experiences have been overlooked in the domestic violence theory and research where the focus has been on the needs of younger women and also within the elder abuse research and literature where the emphasis has been placed on aging (dementia) and caregiving. As a result, less is known about the experiences of older adults in intimate relationships and how the power and control dynamics manifest and shift within the context of long-term relationships. How do these dynamics change or remain the same in intimate relationships of older adults? How do the victims resist the violent and controlling tactics of perpetrators and how does this resistance influence and shift the nature of power and control in these intimate relationships? Using techniques borrowed from grounded theory, this study was undertaken with the aim of exploring power and control dynamics in intimate relationships of older adults in long-term abusive relationships. The findings demonstrated by the victims reported that their partners used different forms of violent tactics in the early years of these intimate relationships and typically used more nonviolent coercive controlling tactics in later years. In some of the relationships, control continued past the period of separation and divorce. Victims presented themselves as active agents and demonstrated resistance that was more overt in the early years, which became more subtle and discreet as these relationships matured. For victims, resisting their partners’ efforts to control them provided them with some momentary power in the relationship; however, the participants’ control was mostly situation-specific and temporary. For victims who were still living with their abusive partners, resistance allowed them to set boundaries with their partners and provided them with some space of their own within their relationships to engage in activities of their choice. These boundaries, however, are under constant scrutiny by the abusive partners and although victims demonstrate resistance to assert their dignity, the overarching control continued to be with the abusive partner. Narratives also provided by the participants also demonstrated the impacts of intimate partner violence to their sense of health and well-being. / October 2015

Faktorer för långsiktiga relationer med hyresgäster : En jämförande studie mellan kommunala och privata bostadsföretag

Dage, Hannah, Slydal Thomassen, Sandra January 2015 (has links)
Titel: Faktorer för långsiktiga relationer med hyresgäster - En jämförande studie mellan kommunala och privata bostadsföretag Nivå: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen i företagsekonomi Författare: Hannah Dage, Sandra Slydal Thomassen Handledare: Akmal Hyder Datum: 2015 - Maj Syfte: Syftet med studien är att jämföra kommunala och privata bostadsföretag i deras arbete med förtroende, engagemang och kundnöjdhet för att skapa långsiktiga relationer med hyresgäster. Metod: Studien har omfattat en kvalitativ metod. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med tio respondenter från olika kommunala och privata bostadsföretag i östra Mellansverige samt en respondent från Hyresgästföreningen för att samla in data. Den insamlade datan har därefter presenterats och analyserats mot relationsmarknadsföring för att dra slutsatser om hur företagen arbetar med förtroende, engagemang, kundnöjdhet och långsiktiga relationer. Resultat & Slutsats: Studiens slutsatser visar att bostadsföretagen arbetar med förtroende och engagemang för att uppnå kundnöjdhet och relationer. Den visar att det finns fler likheter än skillnader i kommunala och privata bostadsföretags arbete med hyresgäster. Det har dock framkommit att inga av dessa bostadsföretag konkret arbetar för att bygga långsiktiga relationer med hyresgäster. Förslag till vidare forskning: Genom att det i studien framkommit att medverkande bostadsföretag inte arbetar specifikt för att bygga långsiktiga relationer med hyresgäster kan förslag till vidare forskning vara att undersöka om teorin övervärderar sambanden mellan förtroende, engagemang och kundnöjdhet för att uppnå långsiktiga relationer. Det genom att applicera studien på andra bostadsmarknader alternativt andra tjänsteutövande marknader för att se om relationsmarknadsföring är så pass relevant som teorin utvisar. Studiens bidrag: Studien har bidragit till forskning om relationer i bostadsbranschen och den visar en generell bild av att det finns fler likheter än skillnader mellan kommunala och privata bostadsföretag. Studien har visat att de kommunala och privata bostadsföretagen är likartade i deras arbete med hyresgäster. Den har även framhållit att faktorerna förtroende, engagemang och kundnöjdhet spelar en betydande roll i bostadsföretags arbete med att skapa relationer till hyresgäster.   Nyckelord: Engagemang, förtroende, kundnöjdhet, långsiktiga relationer / Title: Factors for long-term relationships with tenants - A comparative study between municipal and private housing companies Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Authors: Hannah Dage, Sandra Slydal Thomassen Supervisor: Akmal Hyder Date: 2015 - May Aim: The purpose of this study is to compare municipal and private housing companies in their work with trust, commitment and customer satisfaction to create long-term relationships with tenants. Method: The study has involved a qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten respondents from various municipal and private housing companies in eastern central Sweden and one respondent from the tenant association to collect data. The collected data is then presented, analyzed and compared with relationship marketing for drawing conclusions. Result & Conclusions: It has emerged that the housing companies work with trust and commitment to achieve customer satisfaction and build relationships. It shows that there are more similarities than differences in the municipal and private housing companies' work with tenants. It also has emerged that none of these companies specifically works to establish long-term relationships with its tenants. Suggestions for future research: The study has revealed that participating housing companies doesn’t works specifically to build long-term relationships with its tenants. We therefore propose a further study to investigate whether the theory overestimates the relationships between trust, commitment and customer satisfaction to achieve long-term relationships. By applying the study to other housing markets, alternatively other service markets one could see if relationship marketing is as relevant as the theory shows. Contribution of the thesis: This study has contributed to research on relationships in the housing industry by showing there are more similarities than differences between municipal and private housing companies. The study has shown that the municipal and private housing companies is similar in their work with tenants. It also concludes that the factors trust, commitment and customer satisfaction play a significant role in housing companies to create relationships with tenants. Key words: Commitment, trust, customer satisfaction, long-term relationships

Gettin' It On Vs. Givin' It Up: The Association Between Sexual Goals, Interdependence and Sexual Desire in Long-Term Relationships

Muise, Amy 12 September 2011 (has links)
Love and sex change over the course of a relationship. The current research investigates the factors that contribute to sexual desire and sexual satisfaction in long-term couples. In two studies, the association between motivational goals for sex, interdependence, and sexual outcomes were explored. Study 1 was a cross-sectional survey. The results of Study 1 revealed that participants who engaged in sex more often for approach goals reported higher levels of desire, whereas participants who engaged in sex more often for avoidance goals reported lower levels of desire. Study 2 was a 21-day daily experience study involving a subset of the participants from Study 1. The results of Study 2 indicated that on days when participants reported engaging in sex more for approach goals they reported greater sexual desire, whereas on days when participants reported engaging in sex more for avoidance goals they reported lower levels of sexual desire. Partner-focused, as opposed to self-focused sexual goals, were primarily responsible for these associations. In both studies, relationship satisfaction was also associated with higher desire, and this was mediated by the tendency of people who are more satisfied to engage in sex more often for approach goals. In Study 2, approach goals moderated the impact of avoidance goals on sexual desire, and this association differed by gender. Stronger approach goals buffered against declines in sexual desire associated with avoidance goals for women, but not for men. The findings support the utility of applying a motivational framework to the study of sexuality in established couples and the greater relevance of partner-focused sexual goals in long-term relationships.

Řízení podnikového nákupu ve stavební firmě / Enterprise purchasinng management in a construction company

Jégl, Adam January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with purchasing management in the construction industry and the relationships between suppliers and customers. In the theoretical part are defined basic trade relations, selection and method of evaluation of suppliers, their mode of communication and thoroughly described outsourcing and insourcing. The practical part is a collection of several purchasing activities presenting the advantages of long-term relationships with suppliers customers. Preference is assessed on the basis of time and financial savings.

Geschlechtsspezifische sexuelle Diskordanzen in lang andauernden Beziehungen

Bohnstädt, Stefanie 21 October 2011 (has links)
Das in der quantitativen Sexualforschung gefundene Gendering sexueller Interessen in lang andauernden Beziehungen unabhängig vom Alter gab Anlass zu dieser Forschungsarbeit. In 23 Interviews wurden heterosexuelle Paare im Alter zwischen 39 und 69 Jahren in lang andauernden Beziehungen zur individuellen und gemeinsamen Bedeutung, zu Bedingungen und erlebten gesellschaftlichen Einflüssen ihrer Sexualität getrennt befragt. In Anlehnung an die Grounded Theory wurden die individuellen, paardynamischen und gesellschaftlichen Mechanismen zur Paarsexualität untersucht. Geschlechtsspezifische sexuelle Diskordanzen kennzeichnen eine von den Befragten zufrieden stellend erlebte Sexualität. Die Betonung dieser Diskordanzen kann als eine Strategie zur Stabilisierung sexueller Beziehung (bei zunehmenden Belastungen und Veränderungen mit Dauer der Beziehung) gewertet werden.

Opdigtede orgasmer

Stavngaard, Lene January 2013 (has links)
This study explores the function of female simulated orgasm in long-term relationships, and its significance for the individual’s perception of their own body and sexuality. Through a series of semi-structured interviews with subjects that have experiences with simulated orgasm, the study utilizes scripting theory to analyze and explain the meaning of the simulated orgasm. Four central themes in the narratives are identified: The demand for orgasm, the mutually rewarding orgasm, the orgasm as strategy, and the ethics of orgasm. The study concludes that several scripts are involved in the decision to simulate one’s own orgasm. Significantly, the study identifies that in some cases simulated orgasms can lead to the experience of a pseudo-orgasm – a state that is neither simulated nor authentic orgasm.

Trust in Swedish Construction industry – obstacles, facilitators and positive outcomes / Tillit i svenska byggindustrin. Hinder, underlättare och positiva effekter.

Freiman, Rickard, Nöjd, Leo January 2017 (has links)
This thesis makes a contribution to the trust literature by analysing and pinpointing specific actions and behaviours that are seen as negative or positive to the building of trust in the construction industry in Sweden today. The thesis therefore aims to look at trust from different perspectives – developer, contractor, consultant and subcontractors in the Swedish construction industry. Specifically, it examines the different notations and definitions of trust from the literature along with a qualitative study aiming at understanding the underlying factors and principles for creating trust. The qualitative data was collected through interviews with seven people. The results show that trust is considered important in all projects and is a prerequisite for a good project. However, there is a lack of trust in the construction industry today, but with a shift of generation and a forthcoming digitisation, a positive trend might be pending. Partnering and other forms of collaboration are seen as facilitating for trust building processes – if implemented in a proper manner. However, partnering is rarely implemented in such a way, why those processes many times fail in ending up in trust. Further, it has been concluded that trust is highly affected in a negative way by changes in standard contracts such as AB/ABT, whereupon such changes should be avoided. Trust is seen as strongly connected with building long-term relationships where opportunism is avoided and future profits rather are given priority. Lastly, trust helps to keep focus on the important things in a project, making the way for a better product in the end. It is also seen as a factor for creating a better work environment and an attractive industry.  The study has identified that the major factors affecting trust in the Swedish construction industry are: changes from the standard contracts (AB/ABT), different collaboration forms and the execution of these (mainly partnering), the digitisation and coming generational change, the focus on cheap constructions and a lack of long-term relationships. / Det här examensarbetet gör ett bidrag till litteraturen om tillit genom att analysera och precisera specifika handlingar och beteenden som kan anses vara negativa eller positiva för tillitsbyggande i den Svenska byggindustrin. Examensarbetet ämnar därför att se på tillit från olika perspektiv – byggherre, entreprenör, konsulter och underentreprenörer i byggbranschen. Mer specifikt så undersöker den de olika benämningar och definitioner av tillit som finns i litteraturen, tillsammans med en kvalitativ studie som har som sikte att förstå de bakomliggande faktorerna och principerna för att skapa förtroende. Den kvalitativa datan har samlats in genom intervjuer med sju personer. Resultatet visar på att tillit anses vara viktigt i alla projekt och att det är en nödvändig förutsättning för ett bra projekt. Dock så finns det en brist på tillit i byggbranschen idag, men med ett kommande generationsskifte samt en växande digitalisering så kan trenden komma att vända. Partnering och andra samverkansformer ses som främjande för tillitsbyggande processer – om de implementeras på ett korrekt sätt. Däremot är detta sällan fallet, varför sådana processer många gånger misslyckas med att skapa tillit. Vidare så har det visat sig att tillit påverkas starkt negativt av ändringar och avsteg från standardkontrakten AB/ABT, varpå sådana avvikelser borde undvikas. Tillit ses starkt kopplat till att bygga långsiktiga relationer där opportunism undviks och framtida vinster istället prioriteras. Slutligen har det visat sig att tillit hjälper till att hålla fokus på det viktiga i ett projekt vilket möjliggör för att skapa en bättre produkt i slutändan. Tillit ses också som en faktor för att skapa bättre arbetsmiljö och en attraktiv bransch. Studien har identifierat att de största faktorerna som påverkar tillit i den svenska byggindustrin är: ändringar och avsteg från standardkontrakten (AB/ABT), olika samverkansformer och hur dessa utförs, digitaliseringen och det kommande generationsskiftet, fokus på att bygga billigt och en brist på långsiktiga relationer.

The construction of intimacy in heterosexual, longterm relationships in a South African farmworker community

Adams, Arlene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Current mainstream theories of intimacy were derived from studies with primarily White, middle class participants living in developed countries. However, as social contexts shape people’s definitions, meanings and behaviours, it cannot be assumed that mainstream intimacy conceptualisations would apply to other populations. Studies of intimacy should be located in its social and historical context. Previous South African studies of Black and Coloured couples mainly emphasised HIV/Aids, interpartner violence and gender inequality, and neglected to investigate positive aspects of intimate lives of poorer communities. A lack of such context-specific data on how South African men and women construct and experience intimate relationships hinders appropriate and effective interventions. This study addressed this research gap by exploring intimacy experiences of long-term heterosexual adult Coloured couples living in a low-income semi-rural community. The objective of this qualitative study was to gain an understanding of how the participant couples expressed and experienced intimacy. The participants were 15 couples (i.e. 30 participants), between the ages of 23 and 66 years, who had been married or living together for a minimum period of two years. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore: (i) how couples understand intimacy, and (ii) how intimacy is expressed and experienced in committed adult heterosexual relationships. Theoretically, this study was informed by social constructionism and interviews were analysed using Braun and Clarke’s thematic analysis method. The following themes were identified: (i) closeness means being together, (ii) sex and intimacy (iii) closeness in talking (iv) expressions and experiences of intimacy/closeness through acts of care, (v) alcohol disrupts closeness (vi) family of origin and the constructions of intimacy; and (vii) community constructions and norms. Although much of the international literature suggests that mutual self-disclosure is the foundation for intimacy, self-disclosure did not feature prominently in the narratives of this study’s narratives. Closeness was expressed through sharing in practical and tangible ways. Gender was pertinent to these couples’ experiences and gender roles were fundamental to their intimacy perceptions and behaviours. Despite some contestations of hegemonic masculinity and femininity constructions, most of the participants did not demonstrate an active awareness or resistance regarding learned gender roles. They did not seem to consider these gender roles as problematic, limited or limiting, nor did they indicate alternative gender ideas. This was attributed partly to poverty and low education levels, which constrain people’s access to alternative gender perspectives. Religion and community influences also play an important role in their understanding of their role as partner. Although Christianity endorses traditional gender ideas, the participants themselves felt that their religious beliefs and practices facilitated intimate experiences, and prevented alcohol abuse and domestic violence. In conclusion, implications for policy and practice in terms of gender inequality and alcohol abuse are discussed, as are the limitations of the study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Huidige hoofstroom teorieë van intimiteit is afgelei van studies met hoofsaaklik Wit, middelklas-deelnemers. Aangesien sosiale konteks mense se definisies, betekenis en gedrag met betrekking tot intimiteit vorm, kan dit egter nie aanvaar word dat die hoofstroom konseptualisering van intimiteit ook van toepassing sal wees op ander bevolkingsgroepe nie. Studies van intimiteit moet geleë wees in die sosiale en historiese konteks. 'n Gebrek aan sodanige konteks-spesifieke data oor hoe verskillende groepe Suid-Afrikaanse mans en vroue intieme verhoudings verstaan en beleef, kan toepaslike en effektiewe verhouding ingrypings belemmer. Verder het vorige Suid Afrikaanse studies oor Swart en Kleurling paartjies hoofsaaklik gefokus op HIV/VIGS, paartjie geweld en geslags ongelykhede en het nagelaat om positiewe aspekte van die intieme lewe van paartjies in arm gemeenskappe te ondersoek. Hierdie studiehet hierdie navorsing leemte aangespreek deur te verken hoe hoe langtermyn, heteroseksuele, volwasse paartjies in 'n lae-inkomste semi-landelike gemeenskap intimiteit verstaan, beleef en uitdruk. Die deelnemers was 15 paartjies (d.w.s 30 deelnemers), tussen die ouderdomme van 23 en 66 jaar, wat getroud was of saamgewoon het vir 'n tydperk van ten minste twee jaar. Kwalitatiewe semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is gevoer om die volgende te verken: (i) hoe paartjies intimiteit verstaan, en (ii) hoe intimiteit betoon en ervaar word in toegewyde volwasse heteroseksuele verhoudings. Die studie is teoreties geskoei op sosiale konstruktiwisme en onderhoude is ontleed met behulp Braun en Clarke se tematiese analise metode. Die volgende temas is geïdentifiseer uit die onderhoude: (i) nabyheid beteken om saam te wees, (ii) seks en intimiteit, (iii) nabyheid deur gesels (iv) uitdrukkings en ervarings van intimiteit deur dade van sorg, (v) alkohol ontwrig saamwees, (vi) die invloed van die familie van oorsprong op die konstruksie van intimiteit, (vii) gemeenskap konstruksies en norme. Alhoewel die internasionale literatuur aandui dat wedersydse selfonthulling die grondslag vir intimiteit vorm, het self-onthulling nie prominent in die deelnemers se vertellings voorgekom nie. Nabyheid is eerder beleef en betoon deur praktiese en tasbare dade en gebare. Geslagsrolle was fundamenteel in paartjies se belewing en uitvoering van intimiteit. Ten spyte daarvan dat sommige individuele deelnemers hegemoniese geslagsrolle bevraagteken het, het die meerderheid deelnemers nie ‘n aktiewe bewustheid of weerstand getoon rakende geleerde geslagsrolle nie. Hulle het skynbaar nie hierdie geslagsrolle as problematies, of beperkend gesien nie. Hulle het ook nie aangedui dat hulle alternatiewe geslagsrol idees het nie. Dit word gedeeltelik toegeskryf aan armoede en lae vlakke van onderrig wat mense se toegang tot alternatiewe geslagsrolle en perspektiewe beperk Godsdiens en gemeenskap invloede speel ook 'n belangrike rol in hul begrip van hul rol as lewensmaat. Alhoewel Christenskap tradisionele geslag idees onderskryf, het die deelnemers gevoel dat hulle godsdienstige oortuigings en praktyke intieme ervarings fasiliteer, asook die misbruik van alkohol en huishoudelike geweld verhoed. Dit impliseer dat godsdiens bydra by tot die skepping en instandhouding van manlikheid en vroulikheid idees in hierdie gemeenskap. Ten slotte, is implikasies vir beleid en praktyk in terme van geslagsongelykheid en alkoholmisbruik bespreek, asook die beperkinge van die studie.

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