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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pareamento BCS em um L?quido de Luttinger em 1D

Eneias, Ronivon Louren?o 20 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:14:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RonivonLE_DISSERT.pdf: 2244591 bytes, checksum: e86660db1b3ec37036777503cc5e8a0d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-20 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / In this work we investigate the effect of a BCS-type pairing term for free spinless fermions, with a propensity to form a condensate of pairs in a 1+1 dimension. Using the of bosonization technique we explore the possible condition of existence of quasiparticles in a superconducting state. Although there is no spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry the propagator of one-particle fermion is massive and, in fact, resembles the one-particle Green s function of conventional quasiparticles / Neste trabalho investigamos o efeito de um termo de emparelhamento do tipo BCS para f?rmions livres sem spins, com propens?o a formar um condensado de pares em uma dimens?o 1+1. Utilizando a t?cnica de bosoniza??o vamos explorar a poss?vel condi??o de exist?ncia de quasipart?culas em um estado supercondutor. Embora n?o haja nenhuma quebra espont?nea de simetria quiral o propagador de 1-part?cula fermi?nica ? massivo e de fato assemelha-se a fun??o de Green de 1-part?cula de uma quasipart?cula convencional

Metallic Ground State of Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes

Rauf, Hendrik 08 June 2007 (has links)
Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are a fascinating material because they exhibit many outstanding properties. Due to their unique geometric structure, they are a paradigm for one-dimensional systems. Furthermore, depending on their chirality, they can be either metallic or semiconducting. The SWCNT are arranged in bundles of some ten nanotubes with a random distribution of semiconducting and metallic tubes. They are thus one-dimensional objects embedded in a three-dimensional arrangement, the bundles. In this thesis, the metallic ground state of one-dimensional (1D) and three-dimensional (3D) systems is investigated on the basis of SWCNTs, using angle-integrated photoemission spectroscopy. In particular, a transition from a 1D to a 3D metallic system, induced by a charge transfer, is studied on SWCNTs and C60 peapods. In general, the metallic ground state of materials is greatly influenced by correlation effects. In classical three-dimensional metals, electron-electron interaction mainly leads to a renormalization of the charge carrier properties (e.g. effective mass), as described in Landau's Fermi liquid theory. One-dimensional metals are influenced to a greater extent by interactions. In fact, the Landau-quasiparticle picture breaks down due to the Peierls instability. Instead, one-dimensional metals are described by Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL) theory which predicts unusual properties such as spin-charge separation and non-universal power laws in some physical properties such as the electronic density of states (DOS). Angle-integrated photoemission spectroscopy provides direct access to the DOS and as such directly addresses the power law renormalization of a TLL. It is first shown, that the bundles of single-wall carbon nanotubes indeed exhibit a power law scaling of the electronic density of states is observed as it is expected from TLL theory. The main part of the thesis is devoted to the investigation of the metallic ground state of SWCNTs upon functionalization. In general, functionalization is a controlled modification of the structural and/or electronic properties of SWCNT. It can be carried out e.g. by doping with electron donors or acceptors, by filling the nanospace inside the tubes with molecules or by substituting carbon atoms. First, the behavior of the SWCNT upon chemical doping was probed. The overall modification of the electronic band structure can be explained well by a rigid band shift model. The one-dimensional character of the metallic tubes in the bundle is retained at low doping, but when the semiconducting tubes in the sample are also rendered metallic by the charge transfer, a Fermi edge emerges out of the power law renormalization of the spectral weight, signifying a transition to a three-dimensional metallic behavior. This can be explained by an increased interaction between the tubes in the bundle. A crossover from a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid to a Fermi liquid is observed. The filling of SWCNTs with C60 molecules leads to the formation of so-called peapods. It raises questions concerning the role of the additional bands originating from the C60 filling in the one-dimensional system. In the pristine state, the states of the C60 filling were found to have no influence on the metallic ground state. The TLL power law scaling of the density of states is observed. The overall interaction between the SWCNT host and the C60 filling is small. Upon doping however, the modified band structure leads to a qualitative change in the crossover from a TLL to a Fermi liquid. Upon doping, also states in the conduction band of the C60 are filled. The evolution of the power law scaling at intermediate doping can be interpreted as an opening of an additional conduction channel of one-dimensional metallic chains of C60 inside the tubes. This is in good agreement with transport experiments. Upon further doping, a Fermi edge similar to the highly doped SWCNTs is observed.

Étude des Bords des Phases de l’Effet Hall Quantique Fractionnaire dans la Géométrie d’un Contact Ponctuel Quantique / Study of Edges of Fractional Quantum Hall Phases in a Quantum Point Contact Geometry

Soulé, Paul 19 September 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, je présente une étude que j'ai réalisée à l'université Paris-sud sous la direction de Thierry Jolicœur sur les phases des Hall Quantiques Fractionnaire (HQF) dans la géométrie du cylindre.Après une rapide introduction dans le premier chapitre, je présente dans le second quelques concepts de base de l'effet HQF et j'introduit certains aspects de la géométrie cylindrique.Le chapitre 3 est consacré à l'étude de la limite du cylindre fin, c'est à dire lorsque la circonférence du cylindre est de l'ordre de quelques longueurs magnétiques. Dans cette limite, on sait que la fonction d'onde de Laughlin au remplissage 1/q se réduit à un cristal unidimensionnel, où une orbitale sur q est occupée. Dans le but d'étudier un limite intermédiaire, nous conservons les quatre premiers termes du développement de l’Hamiltonien lorsque la circonférence est petite devant la longueur magnétique. On trouve alors une expression exacte de l'état fondamental au moyen d'opérateurs de "squeezing" ou de produits de matrices. Nous trouvons également une écriture similaire pour les quasi- trous, les quasi-électron et la branche magnétoroton.Dans les chapitres 4 et 5, je me concentre sur l'étude des excitations de bord chirales des phases de HQF. Je présente une étude microscopique de ces états de bord dans la géométrie du cylindre, lorsque les quasi-particules peuvent passer d'un bord à l'autre par effet tunnel. J'étudie d'abord dans le chapitre 4 la phase de HQF principale dont l'état fondamental est bien décrit par la fonction d'onde de Laughlin. Pour un échelle d'énergie plus faible que le gap du volume, le théorie effective est donnée par un fluide d'électrons unidimensionnel bien particulier : un liquide de Luttinger chiral. À l'aide de diagonalisations numériques exactes, nous étudions le spectre des états de bord formé de le combinaison des deux bord contre-propageant sur chacun des cotés du cylindre. Nous montrons que les deux bords se combinent pour former un liquide de Luttinger non-chiral, où le terme de courant reflète le transfert de quasi-particules entre les bords. Cela nous permet d'estimer numériquement les paramètre de Luttinger pour un faible nombre de particules, et nous trouvons une valeur cohérente avec la théorie de X. G. Wen.J'analyse ensuite dans le chapitre 5 les modes de bord des phases de HQF au remplissage 5/2. À partir une construction basée sur la Théorie des Champs Conformes (TCC), Moore et Read (Nucl. Phys. B, 1991) ont proposé que la physique essentielle de cette phase soit décrite par un état apparié de fermion composites. Une propriété importante de cet état est que ses excitations émergentes permutent sous une statistique non-abéliène. Lorsqu'elles sont localisées sur les bords, ces excitations sont décrites par un boson chiral et un fermion de Majorana. Dans la géométrie du cylindre, nous montrons que le spectre des excitations de bord est fomé des tours conformes du modèle IsingxU(1). De plus, par une méthode Monte-Carlo, nous estimons les différentes dimensions d'échelle sur des grands systèmes (environ 50 électrons), et nous trouvons des valeurs en accord avec les prédictions de la TCC.Dans le dernier chapitre de ce manuscrit, je présente un travail que j'ai réalisé à UBC (Vancouver) en collaboration avec Marcel Franz sur les phase de Hall quantiques de spin induites dans le graphène par des adatomes. Dans ce système, les adatomes induisent un couplage spin-orbite sur les électrons des la feuille de graphène et introduisent du désordre qui est susceptible de détruire le gap spectral. Nous montrons dans ce chapitre que le gap spectral est préservé lorsque des valeurs réalistes de paramètres sont usités. De plus, au moyen de calculs analytiques à base énergie et de diagonalisations numériques exactes, nous identifions un signal caractéristique dans la densité d'états locale mettant en évidence la présence d'un gap topologique. Ce signal pourrait être observé au moyen d'un microscope à effet tunnel. / I present in this thesis a study that I did in the university Paris-sud under the supervision of Thierry Jolicœur onto Fractional Quantum Hall (FQH) phases in the cylinder geometry. After a short introduction in the first chapter, I present some basic concept relative to the FQH effect in the second one and introduce some essential features relative to the cylinder geometry, useful for the chapters 3, 4, and 5. The chapter 3 is dedicated to the study of the thin cylinder limit, i.e. when the circumference of the cylinder is of the order of a few magnetic length. In this limit, it is known that the Laughlin wave function at the filling factor 1/q is reduced to a one dimensional crystal in the lowest Landau level orbitals where one every q orbitals is occupied. We Taylor expand the Hamiltonian when the circumference is small compare to the magnetic length in order to study an intermediate limit. When only the first four terms of the development are kept, it is possible to find exact representations of the ground state with "squeezing" operators or matrix products. We also find similar representations for quasiholes, quasielectrons and the magnetorton branch. These results have been published in the article Phys. Rev. B 85, 155116 (2012). In the chapter 4 and 5 I focus onto the gapless chiral edge excitations of FQH phases. I present a microscopic study of those edges states in the cylindrical geometry where quasiparticles are able to tunnel between edges. I first study the principal FQH phase at the filling fraction 1/3 whose ground state is well described by the Laughlin wave function in the chapter 4. For an energy scale lower than the bulk gap, the effective theory is given by a very peculiar one dimensional electron fluid localized at the edge: a chiral Luttinger liquid. Using numerical exact diagonalizations, we study the spectrum of edge modes formed by the two counter-propagating edges on each side of the cylinder. We show that the two edges combine to form a non-chiral Luttinger liquid, where the current term reflects the transfer of quasiparticles between edges. This allows us to estimate numerically the Luttinger parameter for a small number of particles and find it coherent with the one predicted by X. G. Wen theory. We published this work in Phys. Rev. B 86, 115214 (2012). I then analyze edge modes of the FQH phase at filling fraction 5/2 in the chapter 5. From a Conformal Field Theory (CFT) based construction, Moore and Read (Nucl. Phys. B, 1991) proposed that the essential physics of this phase is described by a paired state of composite fermions. A striking property of this state is that emergent excitations braid with non-Abelian statistics. When localized along the edge, those excitations are described through a chiral boson and a Majorana fermion. In the cylinder geometry, we show that the spectrum of edge excitations is composed of all conformal towers of the IsingxU(1) model. In addition, with a Monte Carlo method, we estimate the various scaling dimensions for large systems (about 50 electrons), and find them consistent with the CFT predictions.In the last chapter of my manuscript, I present a work that I did in UBC (Vancouver) in collaboration with Marcel Franz onto quantum spin Hall phases in graphene induced by adatoms. In this system, adatoms induce a spin orbit coupling for electrons in the graphene sheet and create some disorder which might be responsible for destruction the spectral gap. We show in this chapter and in the article [Phys. Rev. B 89, 201410(R) (2014)] that the spectral gap remains open for a realistic range of parameters. In addition, with analytical computations in the low energy approximation and numerical exact diagonalizations, we find characteristic signal in the local density of states highlighting the presence of topological gap. This signal might be observed in scanning tunneling spectroscopy experiments.

Corrélations dans les systèmes quantiques inhomogènes à une dimension / Correlations in inhomogeneous quantum systems in one dimension

Brun, Yannis 27 September 2019 (has links)
Si les systèmes quantiques à une dimension ont longtemps été vus comme de simples modèle-jouets, bon nombre sont à présent réalisés dans les expériences d’atomes ultra-froids. Dans ces expériences, le potentiel de confinement du gaz induit nécessairement une inhomogénéité spatiale. Cette inhomogénéité brise l'invariance par translation qui joue un rôle clé dans les solutions analytiques, notamment celle de l'Ansatz de Bethe. On propose dans cette thèse de développer une théorie des champs effective à même de caractériser ces gaz quantiques inhomogènes, en généralisant la théorie du liquide de Luttinger. Dans ces conditions la métrique de l'action effective est courbe. Sous une hypothèse de séparation des échelles, les paramètres de l'action peuvent néanmoins être fixés par les solutions de l'Ansatz de Bethe. Le problème peut alors se ramener au cas d'un espace plat en faisant appel aux théories conformes. On est ainsi amené à résoudre le champ libre gaussien inhomogène, qui donne accès à toutes les fonctions de corrélations du modèle considéré. Dans cette thèse, on s'intéresse plus particulièrement au modèle de Lieb-Liniger. Les résultats obtenus sont comparés au système simulé par DMRG. / One-dimensional quantum systems have long been seen as simple toy-models but are nowadays often realized in ultracold atoms experiments. In those experiments the confining potential creates a spatial inhomogeneity. This breaks the translation invariance which plays a key role in exact analytical solutions as the Bethe Ansatz. In this thesis, we propose an effective theory generalizing the Luttinger liquid approach for inhomogeneous systems. In this setup, the effective action lives in curved space. However, making the hypothesis of separation of scales allow to compute the action's parameters by using Bethe Ansatz. The problem can then be solved in flat space by using tools from conformal theory. This leads us to solving the inhomogeneous gaussian free field that gives access to all correlation functions of the model under investigation. Here we focus on the Lieb-Liniger model. Our results are tested against DMRG simulations.

Luttinger-liquid physics in wire and dot geometries / Luttingerflüssigkeitsphysik in Quantendraht- und Quantenpunktgeometrien

Wächter, Hans Peter 16 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Étude des transitions de Peierls dans les systèmes unidimensionnels et quasi-unidimensionnels

Bakrim, Hassan January 2010 (has links)
We studied the structural instabilities of one-dimensional (1D) and quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) electron-phonon systems at low temperature through two models, SuSchrieffer-Heeger (SSH) and molecular crystal (CM) with and without spin. The phase diagrams are obtained using a Kadanoff-Wilson renormalization group approach (GR). For the 1D half-filled system the study of the frequency dependence of the electronic gap allowed us to connect continuously the two limits, adiabatic and non-adiabatic. The Peierls and Cooper channels interference and the quantum fluctuations reduce the gap. A regime change occurs when the frequency becomes of the order of mean field gap, marking a quantum-classical crossover that is the Kosterlitz-Thouless type. At this level, the effective coupling behaves in power law function on frequency. For the case with spin, a gapped Peierls state is maintained in the non-adiabatic limit, while for the case without spin, the system transits to ungapped disordered state, namely the Luttinger liquid stat (LL). For the SSH model without spin, the GR confirms the existence of a threshold phonon coupling beyond which the gap is restored. The study of the rigidities of the two models without spin allowed us to trace the main features of the LL state predicted by the bosonization method. The study of the Holstein-Hubbard model has allowed us not only to reproduce the phase diagrams already obtained by the Monte Carlo method, but to highlight two additional phases, namely, free fermions phase and the bond charge-density-wave phase. We have extended this study to the quarter-filled Q1D Peierls systems at finite temperature. Within the SSH model, an unconventional superconducting phase with spin singlet symmetry SS-s emerges at low temperature when the deviation to the perfect nesting of the Fermi surface is strong enough. Peierls-SS transition is characterized by the presence of a quantum critical point at low frequency and by a power law behavior of the transition temperature as a function of frequency with an exponent identical to one of 1D system. This exponent which universality has been verified contrasts with the BCS result. Coulomb interactions have been introduced through the study of the extended SSH-Hubbard model. The extension of this work to half-filled SSH and CM cases was also performed.

Fluctuations hors équilibre dans l'effet Hall quantique et dans les circuits hybrides

Chevallier, Denis 30 September 2011 (has links)
Un conducteur est bien caractérisé par sa conductance donnée par la formule de Landauer. Toutefois, le bruit contient davantage d'informations. Il mesure les fluctuations temporelles du courant autour de sa valeur moyenne. De plus, le signe des corrélations croisées est lié à la statistique des porteurs de charge. Cette thèse aborde deux principaux thèmes à savoir le transport dans les liquides de Luttinger et dans les structures hybrides. Dans la première partie, nous commençons par donner une vision détaillée des liquides de Luttinger et des systèmes qu'ils modélisent. Nous parlons également du formalisme de Keldysh permettant de traiter des problèmes hors équilibre. Puis, nous rentrons dans le vif du sujet en étudiant l'effet de la largeur d'un contact ponctuel quantique sur le courant de rétrodiffusion entre les deux états de bords de l'effet Hall quantique. L'augmentation de la largeur du contact ponctuel quantique entraîne une forte diminution du courant de rétrodiffusion. Dans un autre chapitre, nous développons une technique permettant l'utilisation d'un circuit RLC couplé inductivement au circuit mésoscopique pour détecter les corrélations de courant en régime photo-assisté. La mesure de ces corrélations s'effectue à travers la charge aux bornes du condensateur. Dans une deuxième partie, nous consacrons notre étude au transport non-local dans les structures hybrides supraconductrices. L'étude de la réflexion d'Andreev croisée y est détaillée. Finalement, nous étudions une structure en double point quantique reliée à deux électrodes en métal normal et une supraconductrice. Nous mettons en avant la séparation des paires de Cooper en mesurant simultanément les courants de branchement et les corrélations croisées. Nous démontrons que dans le régime antisymétrique, c'est-à-dire lorsque les deux points quantiques ont des niveaux d'énergie opposés par rapport au potentiel chimique du supraconducteur, la réflexion d'Andreev croisée est optimisée. / The conductance is the most natural quantity to characterize a quantum conductor. It is given by the Landauer Formula. However, noise contains more information. It measures the current fluctuations around its average value. Moreover, the sign of the crossed correlations is related to the statistics of carriers. This thesis broaches two main topics which are the transport in the quantum Hall effect and in hybrid circuits.First, we start by introducing the Luttinger liquid and the systems which are modelized by them. Also, we discuss the Keldysh formalism in order to treat nonequilibrium problems. Then, we study the effect of the width of a quantum point contact on the backscattering current between two edge states of the quantum Hall effect. By increasing the width of the quantum point contact, we show that the backscattering current is strongly reduced. In another chapter, we develop a technique to use a RLC circuit inductively coupled to a mesoscopic circuit in order to measure the current correlations in the photo-assisted regime. The measurement of these correlations is performed through the charge on the capacitor plates.Secondly, we present the non-local transport in hybrid structures. The mechanism of Crossed Andreev Reflection is explained. Finally, we study a double quantum dot connected to two normal leads and a superconducting lead. We introduce the separation of the Cooper pair by measuring together the branching currents and the crossed correlations. We demonstrate that in the anti-symmetric regime (the energy level of the two quantum dots have opposite values with respect to the chemical potential of the superconducting lead), crossed Andreev reflection is optimized.

Transport In Quasi-One-Dimensional Quantum Systems

Agarwal, Amit Kumar 03 1900 (has links)
This thesis reports our work on transport related problems in mesoscopic physics using analytical as well as numerical techniques. Some of the problems we studied are: effect of interactions and static impurities on the conductance of a ballistic quantum wire[1], aspects of quantum charge pumping [2, 3, 4], DC and AC conductivity of a (dissipative) quantum Hall (edge) line junctions[5, 6], and junctions of three or more Luttinger liquid (LL)quantum wires[7]. This thesis begins with an introductory chapter which gives a brief glimpse of the underlying physical systems and the ideas and techniques used in our studies. In most of the problems we will look at the physical effects caused by e-e interactions and static scattering processes. In the second chapter we study the effects of a static impurity and interactions on the conductance of a 1D-quantum wire numerically. We use the non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) formalism along with a self-consistent Hartree-Fock approximation to numerically study the effects of a single impurity and interactions between the electrons (with and without spin) on the conductance of a quantum wire [1]. We study the variation of the conductance with the wire length, temperature and the strength of the impurity and electron-electron interactions. We find our numerical results to be in agreement with the results obtained from the weak interaction RG analysis. We also discover that bound states produce large density deviations at short distances and have an appreciable effect on the conductance which is not captured by the renormalization group analysis. In the third chapter we use the equations of motion (EOM) for the density matrix and Floquet scattering theory to study different aspects of charge pumping of non-interacting electrons in a one-dimensional system. We study the effects of the pumping frequency, amplitude, band filling and finite bias on the charge pumped per cycle, and the spectra of the charge and energy currents in the leads[2]. The EOM method works for all values of parameters, and gives the complete time-dependences of the current and charge at any site of the system. In particular we study a system with oscillating impurities at several sites and our results agree with Floquet and adiabatic theory where these are applicable, and provides support for a mechanism proposed elsewhere for charge pumping by a traveling potential wave in such systems. For non-adiabatic and strong pumping, the charge and energy currents are found to have a marked asymmetry between the two leads, and pumping can work even against a substantial bias. We also study one-parameter charge pumping in a system where an oscillating potential is applied at one site while a static potential is applied in a different region [3]. Using Floquet scattering theory, we calculate the current up to second order in the oscillation amplitude and exactly in the oscillation frequency. For low frequency, the charge pumped per cycle is proportional to the frequency and therefore vanishes in the adiabatic limit. If the static potential has a bound state, we find that such a state has a significant effect on the pumped charge if the oscillating potential can excite the bound state into the continuum states or vice versa. In the fourth chapter we study the current produced in a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL) by an applied bias and by weak, point-like impurity potentials which are oscillating in time[4]. We use bosonization to perturbatively calculate the current up to second order in the impurity potentials. In the regime of small bias and low pumping frequency, both the DC and AC components of the current have power law dependences on the bias and pumping frequencies with an exponent 2K−1 for spinless electrons, where Kis the interaction parameter. For K<1/2, the current grows large for special values of the bias. For non-interacting electrons with K= 1, our results agree with those obtained using Floquet scattering theory for Dirac fermions. We also discuss the cases of extended impurities and of spin-1/2 electrons. In chapter five, we present a microscopic model for a line junction formed by counter or co-propagating single mode quantum Halledges corresponding to different filling factors and calculate the DC [5] and AC[6] conductivity of the system in the diffusive transport regime. The ends of the line junction can be described by two possible current splitting matrices which are dictated by the conditions of both lack of dissipation and the existence of chiral commutation relations between the outgoing bosonic fields. Tunneling between the two edges of the line junction then leads to a microscopic understanding of a phenomenological description of line junctions introduced by Wen. The effect of density-density interactions between the two edges is considered exactly, and renormalization group (RG) ideas are used to study how the tunneling parameter changes with the length scale. The RG analysis leads to a power law variation of the conductance of the line junction with the temperature (or other energy scales) and the line junction may exhibit metallic or insulating phase depending on the strength of the interactions. Our results can be tested in bent quantum Hall systems fabricated recently. In chapter six, we study a junction of several Luttinger Liquid (LL) wires. We use bosonization with delayed evaluation of boundary conditions for our study. We first study the fixed points of the system and discuss RG flow of various fixed points under switching of different ‘tunneling’ operators at the junction. Then We study the DC conductivity, AC conductivity and noise due to tunneling operators at the junction (perturbative).We also study the tunneling density of states of a junction of three Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid quantum wires[7]. and find an anomalous enhancement in the TDOS for certain fixed points even with repulsive e-e interactions.

Novel properties of interacting particles in small low-dimensional systems.

Romanovsky, Igor Alexandrovich 11 July 2006 (has links)
This work is about the properties of several low dimensional, small systems of interacting particles. We demonstrate that interaction between particles in the low dimensional small systems can lead to many unexpected effects. We considered electrons in a Luttinger liquid, in a superconducting state, and atoms in a magneto-optical trap. Using bosonization techniques we calculated the thermopower of a Luttinger liquid wire with an impurity. We predicted the appearance of a phase dependent force and resonant phase dependent magnetization in the nanoscopic superconductor - normal metal superconductor (or superconductor - two dimensional electron gas - superconductor) junction. We also considered plasma oscillations inside thin superconducting tubes and rings and predicted that the velocities of the plasmons in these systems are periodic functions of the magnetic flux. By considering neutral atoms in a harmonic trap we discovered that strongly repelling atoms do not form Bose-Einstein condensate at zero temperature but tend to occupy different orbitals with small mutual overlap, forming crystallite structures similar to Wigner molecules of electrons inside a quantum dot.

Etude théorique des fluctuations de courant, de l'admittance et de la densité d'états d'un nano système en interaction / Theoretical study of current correlations, admittance and density of states of an interacting nano-system.

Zamoum, Redouane 27 September 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous avons étudié les fluctuations de courant, l'admittance quantique ainsi que la densité d'états pour un nano système en interaction. Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous avons étudié les fluctuations de courant et l'admittance pour un conducteur unidimensionnel, en décrivant le système par un liquide de Tomonaga-Luttinger. Les techniques de bosonisation et de refermionisation permettent d'avoir des résultats exacts. Ces résultats sont appliqués à un conducteur cohérent couplé à un quantum de résistance, et aux états de bord dans le régime de l'effet Hall quantique fractionnaire. Dans le cas d'un conducteur cohérent, le bruit non symétrisé à fréquence finie exhibe un profil différent de celui de la théorie de la diffusion, et la conductance à fréquence finie est directement liée au courant. Dans le cas des états de bord, nous avons établi une relation entre les corrélations de courant et l'admittance dans certaines limites. En particulier, les singularités qui apparaissent dans les corrélations de courant sont celles de l'admittance. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons étudié un fil quantique connecté à deux réservoirs représentés par deux impuretés. Le système est décrit par un liquide de Tomonaga-Luttinger. Nous avons établi et résolu l'équation de Dyson pour la fonction de Green retardée. Ce qui permet de calculer la densité d'états pour un fil quantique homogène puis inhomogène. Dans le cas d'un paramètre d'interaction homogène, l'effet des impuretés modifie le profil de la densité d'états. Dans le cas d'un paramètre d'interaction inhomogène, le calcul de la densité d'états est plus difficile et une approche numérique est indispensable. / In this thesis we focus on the study of the current fluctuations, quantum admittance and density of states of an interacting nano system. The first part of the thesis is related to the calculation of current fluctuations and admittance for one dimensional conductor. The system is described by a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid. The use of bosonization and refermionization procedures allows us to obtain exact results, valuable whatever the value of the applied voltage, for all frequencies and all temperature regimes. Tow cases are studied. In the first one, we consider a coherent conductor coupled to a quantum of resistance. We find that the finite frequency noise behavior differs from that of the scattering theory, and the finite frequency conductance is directly related to the current. In the second case, we study edge states in the fractional quantum Hall regime. We establish a relationship between the current correlations and the admittance in certain limits. Thus, the singularities observed in the current correlations are those of the admittance. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the study of an interacting quantum wire connected to tow leads modeled as two impurities. The system is described by a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid. We derived and solved an exact Dyson equation for a retarded Green function. Than we calculate the density of states in two cases, homogeneous quantum wire, and next inhomogeneous one. The effect of the impurities changes the behavior of the density of states for the homogeneous case. In the case of a position depending interaction parameter, the calculation of the density of states is more difficult and a numerical approach is needed.

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