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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impacto da solução de Carnoy no número de linfonodos resgatados em peças cirúrgicas de câncer gástrico: estudo prospectivo randomizado / Impact of Carnoy\'s solution in lymph node retrieval following D2 gastrectomy for gastric cancer: prospective randomized trial

Andre Roncon Dias 25 August 2014 (has links)
Introdução: O adenocarcinoma gástrico é uma doença de elevada incidência e alta mortalidade. A gastrectomia com linfadenectomia é tratamento potencialmente curativo, promovendo controle loco-regional da doença e fornecendo material para análise histopatológica. Para o adequado estadiamento dos pacientes é recomendado que pelo menos 16 linfonodos sejam examinados pela patologia, entretanto, espera-se maior sobrevida quando >= 30 linfonodos são avaliados, mesmo em pacientes com tumores precoces. A justificativa para este achado é o sub-estadiamento de pacientes com poucos linfonodos examinados. Linfonodos pequenos são particularmente difíceis de serem encontrados, mas podem conter metástases e impactar negativamente na sobrevida. Visando facilitar sua identificação, soluções clareadoras de gordura foram propostas, entretanto não há evidência clara de seu benefício clínico. Objetivos: Comparar as soluções de Carnoy e de formalina neutra tamponada em relação ao número absoluto de linfonodos encontrados na peça cirúrgica de pacientes submetidos a gastrectomia. Averiguar se linfonodos retirados cirurgicamente são perdidos com a fixação em formalina e, caso isso ocorra, se este fato é relevante para o estadiamento. Observar se o protocolo de pesquisa influenciou o número de linfonodos encontrados. Métodos: Cinquenta produtos de gastrectomia subtotal com linfadenectomia D2 por adenocarcinoma gástrico foram randomizados para fixação em Carnoy ou formalina com posterior dissecção da peça em busca de linfonodos. Após a dissecção do grupo Formalina, a gordura residual a ser desprezada foi imersa em Carnoy e reavaliada posteriormente. Os dados de 25 gastrectomias D2 operadas previamente ao estudo também foram avaliados. Resultados: A média de linfonodos encontrados nos grupos Carnoy e Formalina foi de 50,4 e 34,8; respectivamente (p < 0,001). Na gordura residual foram encontrados linfonodos em todos os casos (média 16,9 linfonodos), elevando a média do grupo Formalina para 51,7 (valor similar ao do grupo Carnoy, p=0,809). Com exceção de 1 linfonodo de 7mm, todos os demais encontrados na gordura residual mediram <= 3mm. Treze linfonodos metastáticos passaram despercebidos com a fixação em formalina e a revisão da gordura residual determinou a mudança de estadiamento de 2 (8%) pacientes. Os linfonodos encontrados no Carnoy possuíam tamanho significativamente menor quando comparados aos do grupo Formalina (p=0,01). A média de linfonodos encontrados no grupo retrospectivo foi similar ao do grupo Formalina prospectivo (p=0,802). Conclusões: Quando comparada à formalina, a solução de Carnoy permite encontrar número maior de linfonodos no espécime cirúrgico de gastrectomias com linfadenectomia. Linfonodos milimétricos foram perdidos após a fixação em formalina, estes foram identificados com o Carnoy e são clinicamente relevantes, pois podem conter metástases modificando assim, o estádio clínico e prognóstico do paciente. A implementação de protocolo de pesquisa não influenciou o número de linfonodos encontrados neste estudo / Background: Gastric adenocarcinoma is a frequent disease with high mortality ratio. Gastrectomy with lymphadenectomy is potentially curative, allows local control of the disease and provides material for TNM classification. While pathology examination of at least 16 lymph nodes is recommended following surgery, longer survival rates are expected when >=30 lymph nodes are examined, even for early gastric cancer. The understaging of patients with less examined lymph nodes justifies this findings. Small lymph nodes are particularly difficult to identify and fat clearing solutions have been proposed to improve this, but there is no evidence of their clinical benefit. Objectives: Compare Carnoy\'s solution (CS) and formalin in terms of the total number of examined lymph nodes following gastrectomy. Verify if surgically retrieved lymph nodes are lost with the formalin fixation and if this fact is clinically significant. Observe if a research protocol influences the number of examined lymph nodes. Methods: Fifty specimens of gastrectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy were randomized for fixation in CS or formalin with posterior dissection in search for lymph nodes. In the Formalin group, the residual fat to be discarded was immersed in CS and dissected again. Data from 25 D2 gastrectomies performed previously the present study were retrospectively analyzed. Results: The medium number of examined lymph nodes was 50.4 and 34.8 for CS and formalin, respectively (p < 0.001). Lost lymph nodes were found in all cases in the Residual Fat group (medium 16.9), this increased the Formalin group average to 51.7 (which is similar to the CS group, p=0.809). With one exception (7mm), all other examined lymph nodes in the Residual Fat group measured <= 3mm. Thirteen lymph nodes from this group were metastatic, this determined the upstaging of 2 (8%) patients. Lymph nodes from the CS group were smaller than those found in the formalin group (p=0.01). The medium number of retrieved lymph nodes in the retrospective group was similar to the formalin group (p=0.802). Conclusions: When compared to formalin, Carnoy\'s solution increases lymph node detection following gastrectomy with lymphadenectomy. CS identifies small lymph nodes lost with formalin fixation and that are clinically significant, since they may contain metastasis, modifying the TNM classification. No influence of the research protocol over the number of examined lymph nodes was observed in the present study.

Apport de l'imagerie en fluorescence au vert d'indocyanine dans le staging et le traitement du cancer colorectal

Liberale, Gabriel 27 March 2017 (has links)
Résumé:IntroductionLa chirurgie reste le seul traitement à visée curative pour les patients porteurs d’un cancer colorectal (CCR) primitif ou métastatique. L’établissement précis de l’extension de la maladie, au niveau de la tumeur primitive, des ganglions loco-régionaux et des métastases à distance représente un élément essentiel pour la prise en charge thérapeutique. Les ganglions locorégionaux et la technique du ganglion sentinellePour les patients présentant un CCR non métastatique, l’analyse pathologique des ganglions (pN) conditionne la décision d’administrer ou non une chimiothérapie adjuvante. Les patients présentant un envahissement ganglionnaire (pN+) recevront un traitement adjuvant, celui-ci n’étant le plus souvent pas indiqué chez les patients sans envahissement ganglionnaire (pN0). Près de 20 à 30% des patients classés pN0 vont cependant développer des récidives tumorales. Parmi ces patients, il est probable qu’une partie ait été sous-classée au moment du diagnostic. La technique du ganglion sentinelle (GS) permet d’identifier les ganglions les plus susceptibles d’être envahis et de réaliser des analyses anatomopathologiques plus approfondies sur un nombre plus limité d’échantillon. Cette technique est recommandée dans le cancer du sein et dans le mélanome, mais son rôle reste discuté dans le CCR. Le premier volet de cette thèse concerne les résultats d’études cliniques que nous avons menées pour évaluer le rôle de la technique du GS au bleu patenté (BP) et de l’imagerie en fluorescence (IF) au vert d’indocyanine ou indocyanine green (ICG) dans le staging ganglionnaire des patients présentant un CCR. Les principaux objectifs de ces travaux étaient d’évaluer la faisabilité de ces techniques et leur apport dans le staging des patients présentant un CCR.Notre première étude sur la technique du GS au BP, représentant la plus grande cohorte monocentrique européenne, a permis de démontrer la faisabilité de la technique. En outre, cette approche a modifié le geste chirurgical dans 12% des cas (technique in vivo) et a permis de reclasser 10% des patients initialement classés pN0 en pN+ par la réalisation de coupes sériées spécifiquement réalisées sur les ganglions démontrés comme GS. Dans une seconde étude sur la technique du GS comparant l’IF-ICG à la technique au BP, nous avons montré que ces 2 techniques étaient complémentaires, permettant d’augmenter la sensibilité globale pour la détection des métastases ganglionnaires. De plus, l’IF-ICG apparaît comme plus sensible chez les patients présentant une surcharge pondérale. En termes de sensibilité, la recherche du GS par IF est supérieure à la technique BP, ces résultats restant cependant limités, notamment en raison d’un taux élevé de faux négatifs (FN) pour les tumeurs localement avancées (pT3-4). Les métastases ganglionnaires et la carcinose péritonéaleDans le CCR, les patients métastatiques, présentant une carcinose péritonéale (CP) et/ou un envahissement ganglionnaire, ont un pronostic sombre. La chirurgie d’exérèse de la CP associée à une chimiothérapie hyperthermique intrapéritonéale (CHIP) et la réalisation de curages ganglionnaires chez les patients porteurs d’une maladie oligométastatique permettent toutefois d’obtenir des survies prolongées et parfois des guérisons, avec des résultats similaires à ceux observés chez les patients opérés pour métastases hépatiques isolées. Pour la CP, l’étendue de la maladie et la radicalité de la résection sont les principaux facteurs pronostiques de survie. La sensibilité des examens d’imagerie conventionnelle et métabolique reste cependant faible pour déterminer l’extension de la maladie péritonéale. L’évaluation de l’étendue de la CP et son exérèse sont donc essentiellement fondées sur la palpation et l’exploration visuelle réalisée durant l’intervention chirurgicale, représentant un facteur limitant pour la radicalité de la chirurgie. De façon similaire, chez les patients présentant une maladie métastatique ganglionnaire limitée, la détection peropératoire est souvent difficile, nécessitant la réalisation de curages étendus de principe, afin de s’assurer de l’exérèse des ganglions pathologiques.L’utilisation de l’IF après injection iv intra-opératoire d’ICG a été rapportée comme une technique permettant la détection de tissu tumoral tant visible que non visible (infraclinique), pouvant potentiellement aider le chirurgien et guider les gestes de résection. Aucune étude n’avait particulièrement analysé le rôle de l’IF-ICG dans la détection de CP et de métastases ganglionnaires de CCR. Le second volet de cette thèse concerne l’évaluation de l’apport de l’IF après injection iv d’ICG pour la détection de la CP et des métastases ganglionnaires dans le CCR. L’objectif primaire était de vérifier si les métastases péritonéales (MP) et ganglionnaires visibles par le chirurgien étaient effectivement détectées par l’IF-ICG peropératoire. En parallèle, nous avons évalué si l’IF-ICG permettait de détecter une maladie infraclinique, non détectée par le chirurgien dans les conditions habituelles. La première étude de cette seconde partie a permis de montrer que les MP étaient visualisées comme hyperfluorescentes à l’IF-ICG pour autant qu’elles ne soient pas d’origine mucineuse. De plus, l’IF-ICG a permis de détecter des MP non visualisées en lumière visible, permettant d’adapter le geste chirurgical et d’augmenter la radicalité de la résection dans près de 38% des cas. Dans une seconde étude, nous avons rapporté que la technique d’IF utilisée in vivo et ex vivo après injection iv d’ICG permettait d’identifier des ganglions métastatiques, détectés ou non par les imageries conventionnelles et métaboliques préopératoires. Les résultats de cette étude constituant une preuve de concept ont été ensuite confirmés dans une étude rétrospective réalisée sur l’analyse ex vivo des ganglions de patients ayant reçu une injection iv d’ICG. Dans ce travail, nous avons montré que les ganglions envahis étaient plus fluorescents que les ganglions non envahis. Toutefois, cette preuve de concept doit encore être confirmée et évaluée plus largement dans une étude prospective. Ces 2 travaux montrent donc le bénéfice potentiel de l’utilisation de l’IF après injection iv d’ICG à 2 niveaux, pour guider la chirurgie en améliorant la détection peropératoire des sites métastatiques infracliniques et pour guider l’analyse histologique, en identifiant des ganglions fluorescents sur la pièce de résection, permettant une étude anatomopathologique plus ciblée et plus approfondie. Conclusions et perspectivesNos travaux sur la recherche du GS dans le CCR par la technique au BP et à l’IF-ICG ont montré que ces techniques étaient faisables mais que leurs sensibilités restaient limitées, en particulier chez les patients porteurs de tumeurs localement avancées. Dans la CP d’origine colorectale, nous avons montré que l’IF-ICG permettait d’améliorer la stadification de la CP des patients opérés de métastases péritonéales non mucineuses, de révéler des lésions non visibles dans les conditions standards et d’améliorer la radicalité de la chirurgie. Pour la détection de ganglions métastatiques, nous avons montré que l’IF-ICG permettait, in vivo, de détecter des ganglions infracliniques durant l’intervention et ex vivo, de guider l’analyse anatomopathologique de la pièce de résection. Enfin, nous pensons que ces observations pourraient nous permettre d’élaborer un nouveau concept de GS systémique par opposition au GS classique correspondant aux ganglions de drainage anatomique de la tumeur. Nous proposons que les capacités particulières de rétention de l’ICG dans les tissus cancéreux après injection par voie systémique pourraient permettre d’identifier des sites ganglionnaires métastatiques en dehors des sites de drainage révélés par les injections de marqueurs au sein ou en périphérie de la tumeur elle-même. Pour vérifier cette hypothèse, nous avons élaboré un nouveau protocole d’une étude clinique prospective dans laquelle la détection du GS systémique après injection iv d’ICG sera comparée aux résultats obtenus suite à l’injection péritumorale de BP. Les ganglions révélés par ces 2 techniques seront recherchés ex vivo sur la pièce de résection et analysés en anatomopathologie. Outre la démonstration de métastases ganglionnaires extra-anatomiques, nous pensons que cette approche systémique pourrait permettre de réduire le taux de FN observé suite à une injection péritumorale, notamment pour les tumeurs localement avancées, celles-ci pouvant perturber le drainage lymphatique selon les voies anatomiques. Summary:This thesis reports several clinical research works on the role of indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence imaging (FI) for the detection of colorectal tumoral tissue. We first evaluate and compare the role of ICG-FI in the detection of sentinel lymph node (SLN) in colorectal cancer (CRC) in view to upstage patients. We have reported that both techniques (blue dye and ICG-FI) are similar in term of sensitivity with a high rate of false negative results. Therefore, we think that new approaches for SLN detection should be developped in CRC. Secondarily, we evaluate the role of ICG-FI after IV ICG injection for the detection of peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) from CRC origin. We have reported that ICG-FI is able to detect non-mucinous PM with a sensitivity of 86%. Moreover, ICG-FI was able to guide surgery modifying the surgical procedure in 38% of patients. Thirdly, we investigate the role of ICG-FI for the detection lymph node (LN) metastases. We have reported that ICG-FI performed after IV ICG injection is able to detect LN metastases both in vivo and ex vivo. These findings have been confirmed in a retrospective study. Fiinally, we propose a new protocol to evaluate a new approach for SLN detection. In comparison with the standard technique using peritumoral injection, we propose a new approach using systemic (intravenous) ICG injection. We have called this approach the 'systemic' SLN detetion. This approach will be compared with the standard one using peritumoral blue dye injection. Sensitivity, specificity of both technique will be compared. In conclusion, the results of these preliminary clinical studies using ICG-FI for tumoral staging and treatment are encouraging and further larger studies should be performed. / Doctorat en Sciences médicales (Médecine) / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Prediction of the skin sensitization potential of organic chemicals through in vitro bioassay and chemoassay information

Zhang, Weicheng 18 December 2014 (has links)
Skin sensitization resulting for allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) is an occupational and environmental health issue. The allergic hazard for workers and consumers is a serious problem for individuals, employers and marketing certain products. Consequently, it is necessary to accurately identify chemicals skin sensitization potential. According to the new EU chemical regulation REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals), information of skin sensitization of chemicals manufactured or imported at or above 1 ton/year should be available. Currently, valid approaches assessing skin sensitization rely on animal testing, such as local lymph node assay (LLNA). However, it now ultimately eliminates using animals for this purpose. Based on the fact that a key step in the skin sensitization process is formatting a covalent adduct between allergic sensitizers and proteins and/or peptides in skin, a lot of additional approaches are proposed and developed for replacing or reducing animal used. In this research, three bioassays, 24 h growth inhibition toward Tetrahymena pyriformis, long term (24 h) and short term (30 min) bacterial toxicity (to Vibrio fischeri), and a kinetic glutathione chemoassay are applied for predicting the organic chemicals’ skin sensitization potential. The major results and conclusions obtained are listed as follows: 1. Toxicity enhancement (Te) of 55 chemicals comprising different sensitization potencies were determined and compared with their narcotic toxicity to predict their skin sensitization. Three linear regressions yielded for all allergic sensitizer without nonsensitizers for each bioassay. The linear regressions are improved after classifying sensitizers into five different reaction mechanistic domains. Correspondingly, five different slopes from various reaction mechanisms indicate a decreased sensitivity of toxicity enhancement to skin sensitization potential with order SNAr > SN2 > acylation ≈ Schiff base > aromatic Michael addition. Based on the fact that a key step in the skin sensitization process is forming a covalent adduct between allergic sensitizers and proteins and/or peptides, Te > 10 as a threshold is applied to discriminate these allergic sensitizers, with 100% accuracy for strong (with extreme) and weaker sensitizers, up to 72% accuracy for moderate sensitizers and less than 69% accuracy for nonsensitizers. Compared with these bioassays, a decreasing order of sensitivities is 24 h growth inhibition (Tetrahymena pyriformis) > 24 h growth inhibition (Vibrio fischeri) > 30 min bioluminescence inhibition (Vibrio fischeri). These three bioassays are useful tools for screening sensitization potency of allergic chemicals, and the toxicity enhancement (Te) can be used to discriminate sensitizers from weak or nonsensitizers. However, in this context we should separate aromatic from aliphatic Mas (Michael acceptors). Moreover, metabolic biotransformation should be considered during predicting nonsensitizers’ skin sensitization. 2. Chemical reactivity of selected 55 compounds measuring through kinetic glutathione chemoassay applies to predict their skin sensitization. This chemoassay confirms the fact that the key step of sensitizers eliciting skin sensitization is formatting a covalent adduct between sensitizers and skin proteins or peptides. The chemical reactivity of tested sensitizers strongly relates with their sensitization potential, with strong (extreme) sensitizers presenting the highest reactivity as followed with moderate sensitizers, weak sensitizers as well as nonsensitizers. Moreover, an integrated platform of this chemoassay data and three bioassays data is performed, and this performance shows good sensitivity for monitoring skin sensitization potency, with more rational accuracy for each sensitizing classifications. 3. Thiol reactivity (kGSH) as well as toxicity enhancement (Te) of additional 21 aliphatic α,β-unsaturated compounds are determined for predicting their skin sensitization potential. The linear regressions of skin sensitization versus thiol reactivity and skin sensitization versus toxicity enhancement are significantly improved after classifying these 21 compounds to four chemical subgroups (acrylates, other esters, ketones and aldehydes). Thiol reactivity of these subgroups presented different sensitivity to skin sensitization, with a decreasing order as acrylates (-2.05) > other esters (-1.26) > ketones (-0.43) > aldehydes (-0.21). Moreover, thiol reactivity is confirmed to be a more sensitive tool for predicting skin sensitization, compared with toxicity enhancement. Although the datasets are probably too small to give a definite decision, hydrophobicity reveals contribution to skin sensitization for aliphatic MAs, which is different with literature report. This study suggests that aliphatic MAs should be treated separately into different chemical subgroups for analysis, and their skin sensitization potency can be predicted using kinetic glutathione chemoassay as well as toxicity enhancement bioassay.

Populace buněk karcinomu prsu. Využití pro stanovení optimálního terapeutického postupu. Prediktivní model. / Breast cancer cell population. Its usage for setting of optimal therapeutical regimen. Predictive model.

Kolařík, Dušan January 2016 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT Background Breast cancer cell population characteristics are used in common clinical practice for estimation of prognosis of the malignant disease (prognostic factors) and for prediction of reactivity of the tumor to certain therapeutic modality (predictive factors). Also axillary lymph node status is an independent prognostic factor in women with early breast cancer. Therefore, surgical excision and following histopathological examination of the nodes is the obligatory part of primary breast cancer surgery. The extension of axillary surgery varies widely, although sentinel lymph node biopsy is considered to be the standard procedure. However, it must be admitted that this type of procedure need not be optimal for all the breast cancer patients. Aims of the study The aim of this study is the verify the hypothesis whether or not the axillary lymph node metastatic affection can be effectively estimated using non-surgical methods - i.e. by evaluation of the combination of prognostic and predictive factors of the primary breast tumor. Statistical model composed on the basis of data of early breast cancer patients is the basic tool for this prediction. Application of this model In everyday practice can enable to adjust the extent of axillary surgery for each individual patient. Patients and methods A...

Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Elderly Patients with Intermediate Thickness Melanoma: A Masters Thesis

Dinh, Kate H. 14 May 2015 (has links)
Background: A landmark study suggested that wide excision of intermediate-thickness melanoma with sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) and subsequent completion lymph node dissection (CLND) for regional disease may improve prognostication and disease-free survival (DFS) compared with those undergoing wide excision alone. However, these benefits were relatively small and not associated with an improvement in disease-specific survival (DSS). It remains unknown if SLNB and subsequent treatments are beneficial in elderly patients who have a decreased overall (OS) due to other causes. Methods: Adults ≥ 70 years of age, who underwent surgical intervention for intermediate-thickness cutaneous melanoma from 2000-2013 were identified from a prospectively-maintained database. Clinicopathologic variables measured included age, gender, anatomic site, histologic type, tumor thickness, ulceration, receipt and result of SLNB, completion of CLND, OS, and DFS. Results: Ninety-one patients underwent excision of an intermediate-thickness melanoma. Forty-nine patients (54%) received a SLNB. Seven of these biopsies (14%) were positive, and five patients went on to receive CLND. Five-year OS was 41% in patients who did not receive SLNB and 52% in patients who did receive SLNB (p=0.11). DFS was similar between groups independent of receipt of SLNB. Conclusion: Among elderly patients with intermediate-thickness melanoma, patients who received SLNB had similar 5-year OS and DFS compared with those who did not receive SLNB. Routine SLNB for intermediate-thickness melanoma patients may not significantly change outcomes for this age group, and clinical decision-making should consider individual patient comorbidities and goals of care.

Caractérisation fonctionnelle des molécules d'adhésion jonctionnelle (JAM) dans l'environnement ganglionnaire et médullaire

Frontera, Vincent 06 December 2011 (has links)
L’adhésion, la migration cellulaire et l’environnement stromal sont intimement liés pour garantir l’homéostasie du système immuno-hématopoïétique. Néanmoins, nos connaissances des mécanismes responsables du maintien de ce processus fonctionnel restent fragmentaires. Notre étude a permis de mieux caractériser le stroma ganglionnaire et médullaire dans lesquels nous avons démontré de nouveaux rôles immuno-régulateurs des molécules d’adhésion jonctionnelle JAM-B et JAM-C. Dans la zone T des ganglions lymphatiques, les cellules réticulaires fibroblastiques (FRC) sécrètent des composés de la matrice extracellulaire et des chimiokines homéostatiques, nécessaires à la migration intranodale des lymphocytes T naïfs. La génération de nouveaux anticorps monoclonaux a permis d’identifier une diversité phénotypique et fonctionnelle au sein de la population FRC. L’un d’entre eux reconnaît la Thrombomoduline permettant d’identifier une population de FRC exprimant les protéines JAM-C et PDGFR&#945;. Cette population cellulaire, dénommée FRCDP (Double Positive) sécrète des chimiokines homéostatiques, ce qui la distingue de la population FRCDN (Double Negative). Les souris sauvages traitées avec l’anticorps anti-JAM-C présentent une diminution significative du taux intranodal des chimiokines CXCL12, CCL19, CCL21 affectant la recirculation des cellules T naïves. De façon similaire, les cellules stromales des niches hématopoïétiques fournissent un environnement fonctionnel, nécessaire à l’homéostasie du système hématopoïétique. Les molécules d’adhésion sont connues pour contrôler ces mécanismes. JAM-C est exprimée à la surface des cellules souches hématopoïétiques (CSH) mais son rôle dans l’hématopoïèse reste inconnu. Notre étude montre que la molécule JAM-B est exprimée par l’environnement médullaire et interagit spécifiquement avec JAM-C sur les CSH. Les souris déficientes pour le gène jam-b présentent une diminution du nombre de CSH quiescentes et une réponse accrue aux agents mobilisants, démontrant ainsi que le couple JAM-B/JAM-C est nécessaire au maintien et à la rétention des CSH dans la moelle osseuse. / Homeostasis of the immune and hematopoietic system is dependent of cell adhesion, cell migration and stromal environment. Nevertheless, the molecular mechanisms involved in the crosstalk between hematopoietic and stromal cells have remained elusive. Our studies allowed to better characterize lymph node (LN) and bone marrow (BM) stromal compartments through the demonstration that expression of junctional adhesion molecules (JAM) in these compartments is necessary for the maintenance of immune and hematopoietic homeostasis. In the T cell zone (LN), extracellular matrix and homeostatic chemokines are secreted by fibroblastic reticular cells (FRC) which control naive T cell migration. We have identified new FRC subsets using a monoclonal antibody based approach to identify new cell surface markers of stromal cells. We have found that the FRC population expressing JAM-C, Thrombomodulin and PDGFR&#945; (FRCDP, for Double Positive) secretes homeostatic chemokines such as CCL21, CCL19 and CXCL12. In contrast, FRCDN (Double Negative) that lack JAM-C and Thrombomodulin expression do not. Functionally, we have shown that JAM-C controls the secretion of CCL21, CCL19 and CXCL12 by FRCDP and that anti-JAM-C treated mice exhibit a decrease of intranodal chemokine contents. These results suggest that JAM-C may regulate homeostasis through the control of homeostatic chemokine secretion. We therefore asked the question whether similar function for JAM-C or its ligand JAM-B may be identified in the bone marrow. In the BM, Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSC) are maintained quiescent and undifferentiated in specific stromal structures called HSC niches. HSC/niche interactions via adhesion molecules and chemokines are known to be active player of HSC homeostasis. Recently, JAM-C expression by HSC has been reported, but its role in hematopoiesis has remained elusive. We have demonstrated that HSC interact with JAM-B expressed by BM stromal cells in a JAM-C dependent manner. Moreover, we have observed a decreased pool of quiescent HSC in jam-b deficient mice. Finally, we have found that jam-b deficient mice exhibit an increase in intramedullary CXCL12 content and an exacerbated response to mobilizing agents. Collectively, these data demonstrate that JAM-B and JAM-C play a dual function in lymph node and bone marrow microenvironments through the regulation of leuko-stromal adhesion and chemokine secretion.

Caracterização dos padrões de drenagem linfática nas linfocintilografias de pacientes com câncer de mama / Characterization of the lymphatic drainage of patients with breast cancer

Bernardes, Franciele Cristina 26 January 2012 (has links)
O câncer de mama (CA de mama), com exceção do câncer de pele do tipo não melanoma, é o tumor de maior incidência dentre as mulheres, sendo que no Brasil são encontrados principalmente nas regiões Sul e Sudeste. Seu principal tratamento é o cirúrgico. A disseminação do tumor pode ocorrer por via linfática, acometendo linfonodos regionais. A biópsia do linfonodo sentinela (BLNS) é um procedimento altamente relevante, é altamente sensível na identificação de metástases. A técnica de linfocintilografia (LINCT) pré-operatória é essencial, pois permite avaliar a cadeia linfática acometida e possibilita a visualização do linfonodo sentinela (LNS) durante a cirurgia. O objetivo é descrever os padrões de drenagem linfática e avaliar a contribuição da LCINT na localização dos LNS em pacientes com CA de mama. No período de março de 2009 a agosto de 2011 foram estudados 70 casos sequenciais da rotina clínica, submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico do CA de mama com estudo do LNS através da técnica de LCINT. Na LCINT foram aplicadas 4 injeções intradérmicas contendo 37 MBq (1,0 mCi) do FITATO-Tecnécio99m, ao redor da aréola mamária. Após a localização do LNS foi realizado marcações na pele, nas incidências anterior, oblíqua e lateral, para auxiliar o cirurgião na abordagem cirúrgica ulterior, juntamente com a sonda gama intra-operatória e corante azul patente. Dos 70 casos submetidos ao estudo, todos são do sexo feminino (100%) com faixa etária entre 28 e 77 anos, média de 54 anos. O tamanho médio do tumor encontrado nos pacientes foi de 1,4 cm. Os tipos histológicos mais incidentes foram o carcinoma ductal invasivo com 45 (64,4%) pacientes, seguido de carcinoma ductal in situ com 16 (22,8%). No exame de LCINT, todos os pacientes apresentaram drenagem linfática do radiofármaco a partir do local da injeção. Em 43 (61.5%) pacientes, observamos drenagem para 1 LNS, em 21 (30%) para 2 LNS/LNNS (linfonodo não sentinela), em 5 (7%) para 3 LNS/LNNS e em 1 (1.5%) para 4LNS/LNNS. Dos 70 pacientes, 68 (97%) apresentaram drenagem linfática ipsilateral e 2 (3%) apresentaram drenagem linfática bilateral. Em relação aos territórios de drenagem linfática dos LNS/LNNS, em 68 (97%) pacientes apresentaram drenagem para a região axilar, 1 (1,5%) para a região mamária interna e 1 (1,5%) para as regiões axilar e mamária interna. Os LNS/LNNS presentes na cadeia mamária interna não foram retirados. No intra-operatório, os cirurgiões utilizaram o corante azul patente em 35 (50%) pacientes, destes o corante identificou os LNS/LNNS em 79% dos casos. A técnica de LCINT possibilitou a visualização de todos os LNS e em alguns casos não foi possível a visualização do LNNS, o qual foi localizado e retirado com a sonda gama. Com isso, a técnica de LCINT foi eficaz em 88,5% dos casos. Dos 69 pacientes submetidos à BLNS apenas 13 (18,8%) pacientes apresentaram LNS/LNNS metastáticos, sendo estes submetidos à linfadenectomia axilar. Conclui-se que o exame pré-operatório de LCINT foi muito eficiente para o estudo da drenagem linfática, visualizando os canais linfáticos, linfonodos funcionalmente ativos e seus respectivos territórios de drenagem. Por tanto, esta técnica auxiliou o cirurgião na abordagem cirúrgica juntamente com a sonda gama intra-operatória e corante azul patente para a realização da BLNS. / With the exception of non-melanoma skin cancer, the Breast cancer (breast CA) is the most incident cancer in women. In Brazil, the breast CA is more often found in South and Southeast regions. The main treatment of breast CA is the surgery. The main pathway for the tumor spreading is the lymphatic system, which may affect the regional lymph nodes. The sentinel node biopsy (SLNB) is of considerable importance, once it has a high sensitivity in identifying metastases. The technique of preoperative lymphoscintigraphy (LINCT) is essential because it allows evaluating the lymphatic drainage chain and enables the visualization of sentinel lymph node (SLN) during surgery. We aim here to describe the lymphatic drainage patterns and to evaluate the contribution of LCINT to the location of SLN in patients with breast CA. We evaluated 70 patients sequentially selected from the clinical routine, between march 2009 and august 2011, and that underwent the surgical treatment for breast CA, including the usage of the technique of LCINT for the SLN location. The LCINT were performed by the injection of four periareolar intradermal injections containing 37 MBq (1.0 mCi) of the radiopharmaceutical PHYTATE-99m-Technetium. Based on the LCINT images, we performed skin marks in the dermal projections of the SLN in all anterior/posterior, oblique and lateral views. Additionally, the gamma probe and blue dye were used to help surgeons in the surgical location of the SLN. All of the 70 patients of our study were female, ranging from 28 to 77 years, mean 54 years. The average tumor size was 1.4 cm. The most commonly found histological types were invasive ductal carcinoma (45 patients, 64.4%), followed by the in situ ductal carcinoma (16 patients, 22.8%). All LCINT procedures were well succeeded in demonstrating at least one SLN in our sample of patients. We observed lymphatic drainage for only one SLN in 43 patients (61.5%), for 2 SLN/SLNN in 21 (30%) (non sentinel lymph node), for 3 SLN/SLNN in 5 (7%) and for 4 SLN/SLNN in one patient (1.5%). From the 70 patients, 68 (97%) exhibited ipsilateral and 2 (3%) exhibited bilateral lymphatic drainage. Concerning the lymphatic territories, 68 patients (97%) exhibited drainage to SLN/SLNN in the axillary region, 1 patient (1.5%) in the internal mammary region and another patient (1.5%) in both axillary and internal mammary regions. The two SLN/SLNN found in the internal mammary chain were not removed. Complimentary to the LCINT, the surgeons used blue dye in 35 patients (50%), which enabled them to identify the SLN/SLNN in 79% of cases. On the other hand, LCINT allowed the visualization of all SLN (100%). In some cases, in which was not possible to visualize the SLNN, these ones were found by the use of the gamma probe. Thus, the LCINT technique was effective to localize the SLN in 88.5% of cases. From the 69 patients who underwent SLN biopsy, only 13 patients (18.8%) exhibited metastatic infiltration of the SLN/ SLNN. All these patients were submitted to the axillary dissection. We conclude that the preoperative LCINT was very effective for the study of lymphatic drainage, enabling the visualization of the lymphatic channels, functionally active nodes and their drainage areas. Therefore, this technique helped surgeons in the surgical approach with intraoperative gamma probe and patent blue dye for SLNB.

O papel da omentectomia na cirurgia do câncer gástrico / The role of omentectomy in gastric cancer surgery

Barchi, Leandro Cardoso 10 August 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Tradicionalmente, a omentectomia total (OT) é realizada juntamente com a ressecção gástrica associada à linfadenectomia na cirurgia do câncer gástrico (CG). No entanto, evidências sólidas em relação ao seu benefício oncológico são escassas. Este estudo foi elaborado para avaliar a incidência de metástases em linfonodos (LN) do grande omento em pacientes submetidos à gastrectomia potencialmente curativa por CG, assim como, avaliar os fatores de risco para a ocorrência de linfonodos metastáticos no grande omento e a evolução dos pacientes. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 284 pacientes operados pelo Serviço de Cirurgia de Estômago, Duodeno e Intestino Delgado do HCFMUSP, no período de março de 2009 a abril de 2016, com diagnóstico de adenocarcinoma. Critérios de inclusão: pacientes submetidos a cirurgias potencialmente curativas com ressecção R0, com linfadenectomia a D2 ou D2 modificada conforme preconizado pela Escola Japonesa. Foram excluídos os pacientes que apresentaram doença disseminada ou metástases a distância, mesmo sendo submetidos a ressecções paliativas, assim como, pacientes com invasão macroscópica do grande omento, pacientes com neoplasias sincrônicas ou metacrônicas, neoplasia de coto gástrico, cirurgia com menos de 15 LN ressecados e ausência de tumor na análise anatomopatológica. O tempo de seguimento de todos os pacientes variou entre 1 e 89,5 meses, com mediana de 27,6 meses. O tempo de seguimento mediano dos pacientes livres de doença foi de 34,3 meses (mínimo de 1 e máximo de 89,5). A associação entre o acometimento de LN no omento com variáveis categóricas foram investigadas por testes exatos de Fisher ou teste qui-quadrado e com variáveis numéricas por testes de Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney. Adotou-se nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: A média de idade foi 61,8 anos (±11,9; entre 25 e 86). Dos 284 pacientes, cinco (1,8%) tinham LN metastáticos no grande omento (um: pT3N3bM0; dois: pT4aN3bM0; um: pT4aN2M0 e um pT4bN3bM0). Quatro deles faleceram e um estava sob tratamento paliativo com quimioterapia devido à recidiva da doença. Os LN metastáticos no grande omento tiveram correlação significativa com o tamanho do tumor, no qual se encontrou o ponto de corte de 5,25cm (área sob a curva ROC: 0,8072; IC95%: 0,6645 - 0,9498), estádio N (p < 0,001), estádio clínico (p=0,022), invasão venosa (p=0,003), recorrência (p=0,006), local de recorrência (peritôneo: p=0,008; fígado: p=0,023; ovário: p=0,035) e óbito (p=0,008). CONCLUSÃO: A incidência de LN metastático no grande omento de pacientes submetidos à gastrectomia radical por CG é baixa. A OT pode ser evitada em tumores menores que 5,25 cm e estádios T1/T2. Entretanto, a presença de metástases linfonodais no grande omento está associada a recidiva no peritônio, fígado, ovário e óbito / BACKGROUND: Traditionally, total omentectomy is performed along with gastric resection and extended lymphadenectomy in gastric cancer (GC) surgery. However, solid evidences regarding its oncologic benefit still lacks. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of metastatic omental lymph nodes (LN) in patients undergoing potentially curative gastrectomy for GC, as well as its risk factors and patients\' outcomes. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In order to perform this analysis, 284 patients with adenocarcinoma operated at the Department of Surgery of Stomach, Duodenum and Small Intestine at HCFMUSP from March 2009 to April 2016 were reviewed. Inclusion criteria was: patients who underwent potentially curative R0 surgery with D2 lymphadenectomy as recommended by the Japanese School. Patients with disseminated disease or distant metastases, even if undergoing palliative resections were excluded from the study. As well as patients with macroscopic omental invasion, synchronic or metachronous neoplasms, gastric stump neoplasia, surgery with less than 15 harvested LN and absence of tumor in pathological analysis. The follow-up period of all patients ranged from 1 to 89.5 months, with a median of 27.6 months. The median follow-up period of disease-free patients was 34.3 months (minimum of 1 and maximum of 89.5 months). The association between omental LN involvement with categorical variables was investigated by Fisher\'s exact tests or chi-square test and numerical variables by Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney tests. A significance level of 5% was adopted. RESULTS: The mean age was 61.8 years (± 11.9, range 25 - 86). Of 284 patients included, five (1.8%) patients had metastatic omental LN (one: pT3N3bM0; two: pT4aN3bM0; one: pT4aN2M0 and one pT4bN3bM0). Four of them deceased and one was under palliative chemotherapy due relapse. LN metastases in the greater omentum significantly correlated with tumor\'s size in which the cut-off found was 5.25cm (area under the ROC curve: 0.8072; IC95%: 0.6645 - 0.9498), N stage (p < 0.001), clinical stage (p=0.022), venous growth (p=0.003), recurrence (p=0.006), site of recurrence (peritoneum: p=0.008; liver: p=0.023; ovary: p=0.035) and death (p=0.008). CONCLUSION: The incidence of metastatic omental LN of patients undergoing radical gastrectomy due to GC is extremely low and may be avoided in tumors smaller than 5.25cm and T1/T2 tumors. Though, when present is associated with recurrence in peritoneum, liver, ovary and death

Análise histológica dos linfonodos broncopulmonares na asma fatal / Histological analysis of bronchopulmonary lymph nodes in fatal asthma

Cagnoni, Erika Feltrini 12 May 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Asma é uma doença inflamatória crônica das vias aéreas que envolve diversos tipos de células, especialmente eosinófilos, células T, macrófagos, células epiteliais e células dendríticas. Durante a exposição alérgica, células dendríticas migram para os linfonodos broncopulmonares e iniciam a resposta imune na asma. Em asma humana, poucas informações sobre células dendríticas, células B, células T, eosinófilos, VCAM em linfonodos broncopulmonares são conhecidas. Poucos estudos também descrevem a interação celular entre linfonodos e vias aéreas na asma durante exacerbações. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados por método histoquímico, imuno-histoquímico e análise de imagens as expressões de Vermelho Congo, FatorXIIIa+, CD83+, CD207+, CD1a+, CD23+, CD20+, CD4+, CD8+, VCAM, em vias aéreas grandes e linfonodos broncopulmonares de 11 indivíduosnão asmáticos falecidos por asma e 8 controles não asmáticos. A análise dos marcadores foi realizada na região cortical dos linfonodos e em três regiões das vias aéreas: camadas interna, muscular e externa. RESULTADOS: Os indivíduos asmáticos apresentaram maior expressão de eosinófilos nos lifonodos broncopulmonares e nas três camadas das vias aéreas. Os marcadores FatorXIIIa+, CD23+, CD20+, CD4+ e CD8+ apresentaram aumento na camada externa das vias aéreas dos indivíduos asmáticos. CONCLUSÕES: Os eosinófilos estão aumentados nos linfonodos broncopulmonares e nas vias aéreas dos asmáticos. Alguns marcadores como o FatorXIIIa+, CD20+, CD4+, CD8+ e CD23+ estão aumentados apenas na camada externa das vias aéreas dos asmáticos. VCAM, CD83+, CD207+, CD1a+ não apresentaram aumento nos asmáticos. Este resultado sugere que esses marcadores não estão relacionados ao evento da asma fatal nos indivíduos estudados. As correlações encontradas entre vias aéreas e linfonodos nos asmáticos sugerem que na asma fatal ocorra um fluxo celular direcionado. Nossos resultados fornecem novas evidências para a participação do linfonodo broncopulmonar na exacerbação da asma / INTRODUCTION: Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways that involves many different cells, specially mast cells, eosinophils, T cells, macrophages, epithelial cells and dendritic cells (DCs). During allergen exposure, pulmonary DCs migrate to bronchopulmonary lymph nodes (LNs) and prime the immune cells that will characterize the immune response in asthma. In human asthma, there is no information about the composition of DCs, B cells, T cells, and vessels in the regional LNs involved in the immune responses to inhaled antigens. Also, there is little information about the lung - LN cells trafficking occurring in asthma during exacerbations. METHODS: Using histochemistry, immunohistochemistry and image analysis, we investigated the expression of Congo Red+ (eosinophil), factor XIIIa+, CD23+, CD4+, CD8+, CD20+, CD207+, CD83+, CD1a+ cells and VCAM-1+ in the large airways and bronchopulmonary lymph nodes of 11 non-smoker patients that died due to an asthma exacerbation and compared with 8 deceased non-asthmatic controls. The analysis of the markers was carried out in the cortical área of the lymph nodes and three layers of the airways: internal, airway smooth muscle and outer layer. RESULTS: The LNs of asthmatics had increased expression of eosinophils when compared to controls. The large airways of asthmatics had increased expression of eosinophils in all the layers and factor XIIIa+, CD4+, CD8+, CD20+ and CD23+ had increased in the outer layer. CONCLUSIONS: A fatal asthma episode is associated with an altered expression of eosinophils in LNs and large airways.Factor XIIIa+ monocyte dendritic cel, CD4+, CD8+, CD20+, CD23+ cells had increased in the large airways without a concomitant increase in the expression of these cells in bronchopulmonary LNs.However, some DC cell trafficking between the airway mucosa and LNs seems occurs in this severe fatal asthma exacerbation

Linfonodectomia retroperitoneal e pélvica lateral guiada por radiotraçador e azul patente no estadiamento do adenocarcinoma do reto / Retroperitoneal and lateral pelvic lymphadenectomy mapped by lymphoscintigraphy and blue dye for rectal adenocarcinoma staging

Quadros, Claudio de Almeida 18 September 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A excisão total do mesorreto é o procedimento cirúrgico padrão para o tratamento do adenocarcinoma do reto. Resultados satisfatórios, em termos de prognóstico, alcançados com a associação da linfonodectomia retroperitoneal e pélvica lateral questionam se somente a excisão total do mesorreto seria suficiente para um estadiamento adequado, podendo afetar decisões relacionadas ao tratamento adjuvante. Este estudo avaliou o impacto das metástases em linfonodos retroperitoneais e/ou pélvicos laterais na mudança do estadiamento de pacientes com adenocarcinoma do reto e a acurácia da identificação de metástases em linfonodos das cadeias retroperitoneais e/ou pélvicas laterais com o uso de tecnécio-99m-fitato e/ou azul patente. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo prospectivo de janeiro de 2004 a agosto de 2008, composto por 97 pacientes com adenocarcinoma do reto extraperitoneal submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico curativo com excisão total do mesorreto e linfonodectomia retroperitoneal e pélvica lateral, com pesquisa de linfonodos das cadeias retroperitoneais e pélvicas laterais identificados com tecnécio-99m-fitato e/ou corados em azul patente. Os linfonodos radioativos e/ou azuis, quando negativos ao exame histopatológico com hematoxilina-eosina, foram submetidos à multisecções histológicas com uso de técnicas imunohistoquímicas com anticorpos anticitoqueratinas (AE1/AE3). RESULTADOS: A média de linfonodos nas peças de excisão total do mesorreto foi de 11,5 (1119/97) e nas cadeias retroperitoneais e pélvicas laterais foi de 11,7 (1136/97). A linfonodectomia retroperitoneal e pélvica lateral identificou metástases em 17,5% dos pacientes do estudo e promoveu aumento do estádio TNM II para III em 8,2% dos pacientes. As variáveis relacionadas à presença de linfonodos retroperitoneais e/ou pélvicos laterais metastáticos foram o estádio III estabelecido na peça cirúrgica da excisão total do mesorreto (P < 0,04); a classificação pT3/pT4 do tumor primário (P = 0,047); níveis elevados de antígeno carcinoembrionário, com média de 30,6 ng/ml e mediana de 9,9 ng/ml (P = 0,014); e grandes tumores, com tamanho médio de 5,5 ± 3,2 cm (P = 0,03). A migração do tecnécio e/ou azul patente para linfonodos retroperitoneais e/ou pélvicos laterais ocorreu em 37,1% (36/97), modificando o estadiamento em 11,1% dos pacientes estudados. A acurácia do uso do tecnécio e/ou azul patente na detecção de metástases nos linfonodos retroperitoneais e pélvicos laterais foi de 100%, com sensibilidade de 100%, valor preditivo negativo de 100% e zero de falso-negativos. CONCLUSÕES: Deve-se aprimorar o uso de marcadores na identificação de metástases para indicação seletiva da linfonodectomia retroperitoneal e pélvica lateral em adenocarcinoma retal. / BACKGROUND: Total mesorectal excision is the standard surgical procedure for rectal adenocarcinoma treatment. Good prognostic results achieved with retroperitoneal and lateral pelvic lymphadenectomy have questioned that total mesorectal excision might not be satisfactory for adequate patient staging, affecting adjuvant therapeutic definitions. The aims of this study were to define the upstaging impact of metastasis to retroperitoneal and/or lateral pelvic nodes in patients with rectal adenocarcinoma and the accuracy of dye and/or probe search in the detection of metastatic retroperitoneal and/or lateral pelvic nodes. METHODS: A prospective study was carried on from January of 2004 to August of 2008, composed of 97 extraperitoneal rectal adenocarcinoma patients submitted to curative intent surgeries with total mesorectal excision and retroperitoneal and lateral pelvic lymphadenectomy, with retroperitoneal and lateral pelvic nodes mapping using technetium-99m-phytate and/or patent blue. The radioactive and/or blue nodes, when negative to histopathological hematoxylin-eosin staining, were submitted to step-sectioning and immunohistochemical examination with antibody against cytokeratin (AE1/AE3). RESULTS: Mean node count of the mesorectal excision specimen was 11.5 (1119/97) and of the retroperitoneal and lateral pelvic lymphadenectomy was 11.7 (1136/97). Retroperitoneal and lateral pelvic lymphadenectomy identified metastasis in 17.5% of the studied patients and modified TNM stage II to III in 8.2% of the patients. Factors related to metastatic retroperitoneal and lateral pelvic nodes were stage III defined by examination of the surgical specimen of the total mesorectal excision (P < 0,004); tumor pT3/pT4 classification (P = 0,047); high levels of carcinoembryonic antigen, with average of 30.6 ng/ml and median of 9.9 ng/ml (P = 0,014); and large tumors, with mean size of 5.5 cm ± 3,2 cm (P = 0,03). Technetium and/or patent blue migration to retroperitoneal and/or lateral pelvic nodes occurred in 37.1% (36/97), upstaging 11.1% of the studied patients. Technetium and/or patent blue accuracy in the detection of metastasis to retroperitoneal and/or lateral pelvic nodes was of 100%, with sensibility of 100%, negative predictive value of 100% and zero false negatives. CONCLUSIONS: The use of markers should be improved in the identification of metastasis for selective indication of retroperitoneal and lateral pelvic lymphadenectomy.

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