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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Užmaskuoto kenkėjiško programinio kodo tinklalapiuose aptikimas pagal jo savybes / Detection of malicious obfuscated code in websites using its characteristics

Ladyga, Linas 20 June 2011 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – sudaryti ir praktiškai realizuoti metodą užmaskuoto kenkėjiško programinio kodo tinklalapiuose aptikimui pagal jo savybes. Darbe nagrinėjamos tinklalapiuose talpinamo užmaskuoto kenkėjiško kodo aptikimo problemos. Išanalizuoti kenkėjiško kodo maskavimo metodai ir jo savybės. Aprašytas užmaskuoto JavaScript kodo aptikimo metodas, paremtas nustatytomis užmaskuoto kodo savybėmis ir pagal jas aprašytais paieškos kriterijais: žodžio ilgiu, simbolių skaičiumi žodyje ir simbolių dažniu žodyje. Metodas pristatytas pranešime 14-oje Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijoje „Mokslas - Lietuvos ateitis“, įvykusioje Vilniuje 2011 m. balandžio 15 d. Remiantis šiuo metodu atliktas tyrimas, kurio rezultatai rodo pasiūlyto metodo veiksmingumą – pasiektas 98% užmaskuoto kodo aptikimo tinklalapiuose tikslumas. Tyrimo rezultatai paskelbti straipsnyje, kuris priimtas spausdinimui recenzuojamame periodiniame mokslo žurnale „Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai“. Darbą sudaro: įvadas, 6 skyriai, išvados, literatūros sąrašas, priedai. Darbo apimtis – 55 p. teksto be priedų, 23 iliustr., 4 lent., 44 bibliografiniai šaltiniai. Atskirai pridedami darbo priedai. / The aim of this thesis is to suggest and practically implement a method of malicious obfuscated code detection using its characteristics. In this thesis we analyze problems of obfuscated malicious code detection in websites, malicious code obfuscation techniques and obfuscated code characteristics. In this paper suggested method of malicious obfuscated code detection in websites using its characteristics is described. Method is based on three search characteristics: word size, number of characters in word and frequency of particular characters. Method was presented in the 14th Conference for Lithuania Junior Researchers SCIENCE FOR FUTURE held in Vilnius, April 15, 2011. An experiment based on this study was made. Results show the effectiveness of the proposed method – 98% accuracy of obfuscated code detection in websites was reached. Experiment results were published in an article, which is being published in a reviewed periodical academic journal "Young Scientists". Structure: introduction, 6 chapters, conclusions and suggestions, references. Thesis consists of – 55 p. text without appendixes, 23 pictures, 4 tables, 44 bibliographical entries. Appendixes included.

A cobrança de multas e indenizações decorrentes das hipóteses de litigância de má-fé previstas pelo artigo 17 do Código de Processo Civil

Muniz, Maristela Cury 07 May 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:30:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maristela Cury Muniz.pdf: 1656153 bytes, checksum: 8211dc796c40735f275c9a07c8034e7c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-05-07 / The aim of this work is to establish a concept of malicious fraud and to systematize the ways of execution of penalties and condemnations of lawsuits for damages, both resulted from the hypothesis described by the article 17th of the Brazilian Civil Procedural Code. The justification of this work is that the lack clarity of the malicious fraud s legislation, its concept, importance and application is embarrassing the repression, by the Judge, of malicious fraud s manifestations, which are each time more commonly verified and aggravated. This circumstance, indirectly, stimulate the practice of malicious fraud and procedural chicanery, offending Justice s dignity. In this manner, this work will examine some aspects of the execution of penalties and condemnations of lawsuits for damages, both resulted from the hypothesis described by the article 17th of the Brazilian Civil Procedural Code, so that it will be demonstrated, here, how simple and practicable its application can be / O objetivo deste trabalho é definir o conceito da litigância de má-fé e sistematizar as formas de efetivação das multas e indenizações decorrentes das hipóteses de litigância de má-fé previstas pelo artigo 17 do Código de Processo Civil. A justificativa de tal estudo é a de que a falta de clareza da lei acerca da litigância de má-fé, seu conceito, sua importância e aplicação, tem dificultado a repressão pelos magistrados das cada vez mais verificadas e agravadas manifestações de litigância de má-fé. A referida circunstância, indiretamente, estimula a prática de atos temerários e de chicanas processuais, em ofensa à dignidade da Justiça. Assim, o trabalho analisar-se-ão os mais diversos aspectos referentes à cobrança das multas e indenizações decorrentes das hipóteses de litigância de má-fé previstas pelo artigo 17 do Código de Processo Civil, de forma a demonstrar o quão simples e viável pode ser a sua aplicação

Uma contribui????o ao estudo de gest??o temer??ria nas institui????es financeiras brasileiras

Gomes, Alvaro Edauto da Silva 17 December 2002 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-04T11:45:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alvaro_Edauto_ da_Silva_Gomes.pdf: 493079 bytes, checksum: 343b79fa4aa9e3931c3c075842d6113a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2002-12-17 / The aim of this project is analyze cases relationed with an inadequate financial institutions management in the optic of a Central Bank employ knew as interventor as of stabilization plan - Real Plan (adopted in July, 1994). We will highlight the causes for a irresponsible administration and measures adopted by Brazilian Central Bank, Comiss??o de Valores Mobili??rios like Security and Exchange Comission in EUA , Instituto Brasileiro dos Auditores Independentes and Conselho Federal de Contabilidade to minimize the possibility that facts like this could ocurr again in the previous century. We will adopt an economic-account focus and view the reason for bankers act like this, the way to achieve the objectives and analyze the preventive measures to minimize new facts, and show arguments registered on CPI - Comiss??o Parlamentar de Inqu??rito of PROER Programa de Fortalecimento e Reestrutura????o do Sistema Financeiro Nacional. The financial Institutions which make part of this work are: Banco Econ??mico, Bamerindus, Crefisul, Nacional, Banco Mercantil de Descontos, Banco Garavelo, Banco Vega, Banco Interunion e Atlantis / A presente disserta????o tem por objetivo, analisar fatos relacionados ?? gest??o temer??ria, sob a ??tica do interventor, cometidas em algumas institui????es financeiras brasileiras a partir do Plano Real (Julho de 1.994), as quais sofreram processo de interven????o e liquida????o pelo Banco Central do Brasil. Uma das principais contribui????es ser?? analisar as causas que levaram ?? tal gest??o e elencar as medidas implantadas pelo Banco Central, Comiss??o de Valores Mobili??rios, Instituto Brasileiro dos Auditores Independentes do Brasil e Conselho Federal de Contabilidade para minimizar a ocorr??ncia de tais fatos. Trataremos do assunto sob um foco econ??mico-cont??bil procurando visualizar as raz??es pelas quais os dirigentes dessas Institui????es Financeiras foram levados a cometerem tais ind??cios de atos il??citos, as t??cnicas utilizadas e as medidas preventivas para minimizar a possibilidade de novas ocorr??ncias, assim como apresentar os argumentos dos ex-administradores no depoimento que deram na Comiss??o Parlamentar de Inqu??rito do Programa de Fortalecimento e Reestrutura????o do Sistema Financeiro Nacional (PROER). As Institui????es Financeiras objetos de estudo s??o as seguintes: Banco Econ??mico, Bamerindus, Crefisul, Nacional, Banco Mercantil de Descontos, Banco Garavelo, Banco Vega, Banco Interunion e Atlantis.

O comportamento dos sujeitos processuais como obstáculo à razoável duração do processo / The conduct of the parties involved in a lawsuit as an obstacle to the reasonable length of proceedings

Beraldo, Maria Carolina Silveira 08 June 2010 (has links)
A lentidão processual é um indicador de ineficiência da justiça e também uma de suas causas. A normal duração dos processos cíveis está comprometida por uma série de fatores, tais como o aumento da litigiosidade, a falta de infraestrutura dos órgãos judiciários e insuficiente utilização das novas tecnologias da informação, a deficiente formação dos juízes e advogados e, particularmente, a falta de efetiva repressão às más condutas dos sujeitos processuais. Este trabalho tem por escopo identificar as condutas processuais irregulares causadoras ou contributivas para a morosidade e traçar parâmetros objetivos para sua repressão. Para tanto, foram estudados os principais aspectos relativos ao comportamento abusivo dos sujeitos processuais que violam o direito à razoável duração do processo e trazem prejuízos processuais e extraprocessuais, tanto às partes envolvidas no litígio, quanto à dignidade da jurisdição. O trabalho busca demonstrar, portanto, que ética, compromisso e cooperação são peçaschave na solução do intrincado problema da lentidão processual e que, para resolvê-lo, não são necessárias alterações legislativas: a adequada aplicação dos atuais mecanismos repressores das condutas iníquas, à luz desses valores, é suficiente para a garantia da razoável duração do processo. / The slowness of judicial procedures is a symptom of the inefficiency of justice and is also one of its causes. The usual duration of civil proceedings is jeopardized by a number of factors, such as the increase in litigiousness, the lack of infrastructure of the judiciary bodies and insufficient use of the new information technologies, the deficient educational level of judges and lawyers, and particularly the absence of an effective repression to abusive conducts of the parties to a lawsuit. The scope of this paper is to identify the improper procedural practices that give rise or contribute to the slowness of justice and to establish objective parameters to repress it. For such purpose, a study was performed on the main aspects related to abusive practices carried out by the litigants, which infringe the right to a reasonable length of proceedings, and bring about an adverse effect in court and out of court, both to the parties involved in the litigation and to the dignity of the jurisdiction. Therefore, the paper searches to demonstrate that ethics, commitment, and cooperation are key components to the solution of the intricate problem of procedural slowness, and that no legislative amendments are required to solve it: in light of such values, the proper application of the existing repressive mechanisms for inequitable conducts is sufficient to guarantee the reasonable length of court proceedings.

Framtidens skadliga kod

Andersson, Tommy January 2008 (has links)
<p>Fenomenet skadlig kod är ett problem som blir allt större i vårt moderna samhälle. Detta beror på att användandet av datorer och andra enheter som använder sig av operativsystem ökar hela tiden, samtidigt som skaparna av den skadliga koden i allt högre utsträckning kan slå</p><p>mynt av den. Det är de ekonomiska drivkrafterna som för utvecklingen av den skadliga koden framåt och utsätter användare av datorer och andra enheter som använder sig av operativsystem för säkerhetsrisker.</p><p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur den skadliga kodens värld kan tänkas se ut ur ett antal olika synvinklar år 2013, dvs. fem år framåt i tiden efter att denna uppsats färdigställts. De viktigaste synvinklarna är de tänkbara skillnader som finns mellan dagens och framtidens skadliga kod samt de tänkbara trender och nyheter som förväntas dyka upp.</p><p>Dessa prognoser grundar sig på intervjuer av fyra i Sverige boende experter samt på litteratur.</p><p>De viktigaste slutsatserna som dras i denna uppsats är:</p><p>- Skadlig kod kommer att utgöra ett mycket större hot i framtiden än idag</p><p>- Skadlig kod kommer att bli mycket mer förekommande</p><p>- Kostnaden av dess skadeverkningar kommer att öka</p><p>- Ekonomisk vinning blir en ännu starkare drivkraft för skapandet av skadlig kod</p><p>- Skadlig kod kommer drabba andra enheter än datorer i högre utsträckning än idag</p><p>- Trojaner och Rootkits utgör framtidens största hot</p><p>- Den skadliga koden kommer att fortsätta att ligga steget före antivirustillverkarna</p>

Security issues in Address Autoconfiguration Protocols

Langer, André, Kühnert, Tom 20 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Dynamic address assignment is one of the most important features in wireless ad hoc networks if nodes should be enabled to join and to work in the network by automatically configuring all necessary settings. Different approaches have been developed throughout the last years to achieve this objective of Dynamic Address Autoconfiguration but research primarily focused on efficiency and correctness, less on security issues. Whereas Duplicate Address Detection has become reliable in commonplace scenarios, it is still relatively easy to suspend the whole network functionality in extraordinary situations within the boundaries of a Dynamic Address Configuration Protocol. In this paper, we therefore want to point out shortcomings and weaknesses in existing protocol solutions which address dynamic IP address assignment. We concentrate on a leader-based approach called ODACP and want to propose several solutions which improve the original protocol in such a way that it is safer against malicious host activities. Finally, we will demonstrate the improvements of our solution in a separate test scenario.

Detection of malicious user communities in data networks

Moghaddam, Amir 04 April 2011 (has links)
Malicious users in data networks may form social interactions to create communities in abnormal fashions that deviate from the communication standards of a network. As a community, these users may perform many illegal tasks such as spamming, denial-of-service attacks, spreading confidential information, or sharing illegal contents. They may use different methods to evade existing security systems such as session splicing, polymorphic shell code, changing port numbers, and basic string manipulation. One way to masquerade the traffic is by changing the data rate patterns or use very low (trickle) data rates for communication purposes, the latter is focus of this research. Network administrators consider these communities of users as a serious threat. In this research, we propose a framework that not only detects the abnormal data rate patterns in a stream of traffic by using a type of neural network, Self-organizing Maps (SOM), but also detect and reveal the community structure of these users for further decisions. Through a set of comprehensive simulations, it is shown in this research that the suggested framework is able to detect these malicious user communities with a low false negative rate and false positive rate. We further discuss ways of improving the performance of the neural network by studying the size of SOM's.

Do they deserve it? The effect of consumer envy on brand attitude and choice

Ferreira, Kirla Seronni Cardoso January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Kirla Ferreira (kirlacardoso@outlook.com) on 2018-03-27T13:51:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Final.pdf: 1734762 bytes, checksum: 58702523e1dfcfd8be1d38bc6cab44aa (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Debora Nunes Ferreira (debora.nunes@fgv.br) on 2018-03-28T15:55:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Final.pdf: 1734762 bytes, checksum: 58702523e1dfcfd8be1d38bc6cab44aa (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzane Guimarães (suzane.guimaraes@fgv.br) on 2018-03-28T16:08:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Final.pdf: 1734762 bytes, checksum: 58702523e1dfcfd8be1d38bc6cab44aa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-28T16:08:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Final.pdf: 1734762 bytes, checksum: 58702523e1dfcfd8be1d38bc6cab44aa (MD5) / Envy has become popular as a marketing tool, and marketers are not only trying to evoke envy but also trying to convince consumers to use their products and brands to provoke envy in other consumers, so brands are strengthened. However, I demonstrate that malicious envy leads consumers to be more likely to choose a competing brand (analysis 2), and while benign envy increases consumers’ attitude toward a brand, malicious envy decreases their attitude toward a brand (analysis 3). Moreover, analysis 1 demonstrates that the effects of deservingness on malicious envy has a moderator factor (type of relationship) that affects how undeservingness is perceived, in terms of luck and deceit. The objective is to investigate the influence of deservingness and type of relationship (like or dislike a person) on benign and malicious envy, and the role of such envy subtypes on brand choice and brand attitude. The findings introduce a more nuanced view of the undeservingness effects and type of relationship, and contribute to the literature on brands and emotions, showing that each envy subtype brings different consequences for brands. / A inveja tornou-se popular como uma ferramenta de marketing, e os profissionais de marketing não somente tentam evocar inveja como também tentam convencer os consumidores a usar seus produtos e marcas para provocar inveja em outros consumidores, de modo que as marcas sejam fortalecidas. No entanto, eu demonstro que a inveja maligna leva os consumidores a serem mais propensos a escolher uma marca concorrente (análise 2), e enquanto a inveja benigna aumenta a atitude dos consumidores em relação a uma marca, a inveja maligna diminui a atitude em relação a marca (análise 3). Além disso, a análise 1 demonstra que os efeitos do merecimento na inveja maligna têm um fator moderador (tipo de relacionamento), que afeta como o merecimento é percebido, em termos de sorte e engano. O objetivo é investigar a influência do merecimento e do tipo de relacionamento (gostar ou não de uma pessoa) sobre a inveja benigna e maligna, e o papel dos subtipos de inveja na escolha de marca e na atitude de marca. Os resultados introduzem uma visão mais detalhada dos efeitos do merecimento e tipo de relacionamento, e contribuem para a literatura sobre marcas e emoções, mostrando que cada subtipo da inveja do consumidor traz diferentes conseqüências para as marcas.

Skadlig kod och sårbarheter i Windows : En studie i virusens historia och nutidens olika säkerhetsrisker

Lejdemalm, Roger, Andreasson, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
I dag kan man oftast läsa om olika säkerhetshot och risker en datoranvändare måste tänka på för att inte ge någon utomstående möjlighet att komma åt känslig och/eller privat information. Här talas det om nya virus och nya typer av trojaner som sprids som epidemier över Internet, och i bland handlar det om ett spionprogram som följer med en nedladdad fil. Det är svårt att hålla reda på alla typer av skadlig kod som nämns fast med ökad förståelse ökar också chanserna för att klara sig från smitta. Det har visat sig att utvecklingen av skadlig kod är lika stark som den inom kommersiella mjukvaror. Från persondatorns uppkomst i början av 80-talet och fram till i dag, har utveckling skett i alla områden av den skadliga kod det handlar om strategi, syfte och framförallt ren kodkomplexitet. Dagens ledande leverantör av operativsystem och webbläsare, Microsoft, lovar allt mer sofistikerade säkerhetslösningar varje gång en ny version av ett program släpps. Framförallt nämndes det i samband med lanseringen av Windows Vista att säkerheten var det som stod högst på listan. Vi har tillsammans med WM-data i Stockholm tagit fram en programvara för fjärradministration av Windows. Huvudmålet var att med hjälp av våra baskunskaper i programmering skapa ett program för Windows XP och Windows Vista där en rad funktioner skulle kunna fjärrstyras utan att en användare vid den drabbade datorn upptäckte intrånget. I denna rapport beskrivs utvecklingen av programvaran och de tester som gjorts på de båda operativsystemen. Vidare delas begreppet ”skadlig kod” upp i kategorierna virus, maskar, trojaner samt rootkits och förklaras mer ingående tillsammans med en historisk bild över hur utvecklingen av skadlig kod har sett ut. / In media today, you often read about different security threats and risks that one has to be aware of. Many things must be taken into consideration in order to maintain your integrity and information secrecy. It might be new virus outbreak, a new trojan or some kind of spy ware that undetected finds the way to your computer. It’s hard to keep track of all terms and types of malicious code, and with greater understanding, the risk of infection decreases. The development when it comes to malicious code is as strong as the one in commercial software development. From the 80’s until present day, every area in the development of malicious code has evolved, from strategy and purpose to the pure complexity of the code. Microsoft, the worlds leading supplier of operating systems and web browsers, ensure us with every new release, that measures has been taken in order to enhance the security features. As the new operating system Windows Vista was released, spokesmen said that the security was now the highest priority. We have, together with WM-data in Stockholm, developed software for remote administration of Windows. The objectives where by using our limited programming skills only, to come up with a program for Windows XP and Windows Vista, where a number of functions could be remotely executed without alerting a user at the infected computer. This report describes the development of the software together with test results of execution on both operating systems. Further on, the report discusses different types of malicious code, such as viruses, worms, Trojans and root kits, together with a historical study of the development of malicious code.

O comportamento dos sujeitos processuais como obstáculo à razoável duração do processo / The conduct of the parties involved in a lawsuit as an obstacle to the reasonable length of proceedings

Maria Carolina Silveira Beraldo 08 June 2010 (has links)
A lentidão processual é um indicador de ineficiência da justiça e também uma de suas causas. A normal duração dos processos cíveis está comprometida por uma série de fatores, tais como o aumento da litigiosidade, a falta de infraestrutura dos órgãos judiciários e insuficiente utilização das novas tecnologias da informação, a deficiente formação dos juízes e advogados e, particularmente, a falta de efetiva repressão às más condutas dos sujeitos processuais. Este trabalho tem por escopo identificar as condutas processuais irregulares causadoras ou contributivas para a morosidade e traçar parâmetros objetivos para sua repressão. Para tanto, foram estudados os principais aspectos relativos ao comportamento abusivo dos sujeitos processuais que violam o direito à razoável duração do processo e trazem prejuízos processuais e extraprocessuais, tanto às partes envolvidas no litígio, quanto à dignidade da jurisdição. O trabalho busca demonstrar, portanto, que ética, compromisso e cooperação são peçaschave na solução do intrincado problema da lentidão processual e que, para resolvê-lo, não são necessárias alterações legislativas: a adequada aplicação dos atuais mecanismos repressores das condutas iníquas, à luz desses valores, é suficiente para a garantia da razoável duração do processo. / The slowness of judicial procedures is a symptom of the inefficiency of justice and is also one of its causes. The usual duration of civil proceedings is jeopardized by a number of factors, such as the increase in litigiousness, the lack of infrastructure of the judiciary bodies and insufficient use of the new information technologies, the deficient educational level of judges and lawyers, and particularly the absence of an effective repression to abusive conducts of the parties to a lawsuit. The scope of this paper is to identify the improper procedural practices that give rise or contribute to the slowness of justice and to establish objective parameters to repress it. For such purpose, a study was performed on the main aspects related to abusive practices carried out by the litigants, which infringe the right to a reasonable length of proceedings, and bring about an adverse effect in court and out of court, both to the parties involved in the litigation and to the dignity of the jurisdiction. Therefore, the paper searches to demonstrate that ethics, commitment, and cooperation are key components to the solution of the intricate problem of procedural slowness, and that no legislative amendments are required to solve it: in light of such values, the proper application of the existing repressive mechanisms for inequitable conducts is sufficient to guarantee the reasonable length of court proceedings.

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