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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Profilering i offentliga sektorn : En studie i varför statliga förvaltningsmyndigheter bedriver profileringsarbeten

Bergmark, Rasmus, Backman, David January 2014 (has links)
Title: Branding the public sector Author: Rasmus Bergmark and David Backman Tutor: Magnus Fredriksson Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was to examine branding in the public sector. The frame extends to government agencies and authorities in the Swedish public sphere, and aims to identify ulterior motives for their work with branding. Method/Material: The material used in this thesis consists 102 graphic manuals for government agencies in the Swedish public sector. The examination was based on an inductive survey where we extracted prominent motives among the graphic manuals. Main results: The main results of this survey shows which ulterior motives are more prominent than others, why they are more prominent and correlations between different motives. Number of pages: 53 Course: Media and Communications studies C University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information sience, Uppsala university Period: Fall 2013 Keywords: Corporate branding, public sector, motives, market communication / Denna studies syfte är att undersöka vilka motiv som myndigheter anger vara skäl till att arbeta med profilering och vilka av dessa motiv som är de mest framträdande. Uppsatsen bygger på en övergripande frågeställning och tre stycken mer specificerade frågor som berör den övergripande frågan på en närmare nivå. Den övergripande frågan är: Varför vill man profilera sig som myndighet? Vidare är de tre andra frågorna som uppsatsen ämnar besvara dessa: Hur motiverar svenska myndigheter sitt arbete med profilering? Vilka motiv är vanligast förekommande? Hur beskrivs det att myndigheter arbetar med profilering?   Undersökningen baseras på en kvantitativ studie och genomfördes med hjälp av en innehållsanalys. Studien är utförd på samtliga tillgängliga profilmanualer för statliga förvaltningsmyndigheter i Sverige. Utifrån dessa har vi utformat ett eget ramverk med kategorier baserat på vad vi kunnat utläsa ur manualerna. Genom detta ramverk har vi kunnat ta fasta på vad och hur svenska myndigheter motiverar sitt arbete med profilering.   Undersökningens resultat visade vad som motiverar svenska myndigheter att bedriva arbete med profilering. Resultatet i underökningen visade i vilken utsträckning myndigheterna angav dessa motiv. Majoriteten angav tydlighet som motiv till att bedriva arbetet med profilering och detta motiv tycks även vara grundläggande för resterande faktorer i deras arbete. Vidare kan vi konstatera att det är viktigt att arbetet bedrivs konsekvent då majoriteten av svenska myndigheter angav detta som ett motiv.

Är du privat eller offentlig? : En studie om vad som utmärker marknadskommunikationen i en privat respektive offentlig organisation.

Abrahamsson, Nils-Filip, Blom, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
<p>The market communication in organisations is vital to manage the competition. Studies have shown the importance of market communication in both private and public organisations.</p><p>Since the past decade market communication has been acknowledged as an instrument to provide the organisations target group with valid information.</p><p>This thesis is a study about the differences in market communication between private and public organisations. To manage this we asked ourselves the question:</p><p><em>“- What distinguish the market communication in a private respective a public organisation?”</em></p><p>We have done qualitative interviews to get the best result for our study. We have interviewed both types of organisations and our respondents have leading strategic position in their organisations.</p><p>Our research highlights important differences between private and public organisations in matter of tactics in market communication.</p><p>In conclusion the result shows a great difference in how an organization is managing their communicative strategies all depending on if it is a private owned company or a public organisation.</p>

Är du privat eller offentlig? : En studie om vad som utmärker marknadskommunikationen i en privat respektive offentlig organisation.

Abrahamsson, Nils-Filip, Blom, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
The market communication in organisations is vital to manage the competition. Studies have shown the importance of market communication in both private and public organisations. Since the past decade market communication has been acknowledged as an instrument to provide the organisations target group with valid information. This thesis is a study about the differences in market communication between private and public organisations. To manage this we asked ourselves the question: “- What distinguish the market communication in a private respective a public organisation?” We have done qualitative interviews to get the best result for our study. We have interviewed both types of organisations and our respondents have leading strategic position in their organisations. Our research highlights important differences between private and public organisations in matter of tactics in market communication. In conclusion the result shows a great difference in how an organization is managing their communicative strategies all depending on if it is a private owned company or a public organisation.

Marketing Communication in the New Digital World : Take the leap!

Saleh, Leo, Storck, Angelica January 2007 (has links)
<p>Background:</p><p>During the last years, the boom of the Internet has carried along with it new possibilities for communication, in addition, other technological developments of society together act to form a new reality in which companies have to rethink their means for com-municating with consumers.</p><p>Problem and Purpose:</p><p>In a new reality where consumers seem to reap all the benefits of the technological changes, how then, should companies adjust to the changing environment? The authors first investigated the modern media environment and found some trends in how it is evolving, and after listening to what some experts within the field think about the future and of what should be done, they them-selves endeavoured to generate some guidance for companies in this matter.</p><p>Method:</p><p>This thesis is somewhat of a Delphi study, which means that it heavily relies on the statements of experts. What they have said has played a crucial role in the authors’ own formulation of guid-ance. The experts were interviewed either face-to-face, or through the exchange of e-mails.</p><p>Conclusions:</p><p>Major trends in how the media environment is transforming are; technology as an enhancer to rather becoming a determinant, segmentation to fragmentation, decreasing- to increasing returns to scale, an opening for entirely new business concepts and an in-creasing value of intangible assets as a complement to traditional, tangible assets. The authors then presented some elements that would be of crucial significance in this new environment, and they also formulated some more specific guidance in how these ele-ments could be instigated in companies. They were; Speed and flexibility, customization and sustainability. Advice in how they could be instigated where then summarized and illustrated in the “New Digital World Market Communication Diamond”, which basically emphasizes the need for updating the values and the cor-porate culture, the need for streamlining supply chains, the need of truly finding and using information about consumers, and fi-nally, the need for adaptive experimentation.</p>

An Alternative Path to Customer Analysis : A qualitative case study with the aim to investigate the paradigm of segmentation and an alternative path to enhanced customer analysis

Persson, Li, Sigrid, Green Salmonson January 2019 (has links)
Problem: The concept of marketing segmentation was introduced over 60 years ago and have been a central element in the process of conducting customer analysis since then. However, it has barely been criticized. Consequently, companies have constructed their communication strategies upon segmentation criteria’s with the belief of it being the most effective alternative. As digitalization has changed the way in which information is retrieved and the way people communicate with one another, the customer analysis process should be adapted accordingly.   Purpose: This study aimed to explore how customer analysis is performed by professionals in the marketing field today and identify which factors professionals find essential when communicating with their target audience.   Method: To fulfil the purpose of this research and answer the research questions, a qualitative research approach with a case study was conducted. Semi-structured interviews with eight Swedish professionals in the field of marketing was held in the empirical data collection process.   Conclusion:   The analysis of the interviews showed that there is an understanding of new perspectives when conducting customer analysis among professionals today. Furthermore, acknowledgments were made that for marketing communication to be effective, changes in customer demand and individuals life context should be taken into account. Based on these results, we conclude that segmentation criteria’s might be less relevant when identifying prospects and communicating with target audiences today. Moreover, companies should become familiar with their customer's preparatory understandings, as this premise could be used as a complement to segmentation when identifying prospects and performing effective marketing communication.

Varumärkesstrategi : En studie i att bygga framgångsrika varumärken / Brand Strategy : A study on the process of building successful brands

Att bygga framgångsrika varumärken är ingen enkel uppgift. Förutom tålamod och uthållighet kräver det ett enormt engagemang och erfarenhet, breda kunskaper och en stor portion mod och kreativitet. Precis som Aaker (2010) förutser, så är de klassiska kommunikationskanalerna idag inte ensamma om konsumenternas uppmärksamhet. Den tekniska utvecklingen innebär att nya, digitala marknadskanaler växer fram och skapar nya sätt för företagen att kommunicera med konsumenterna. Hur ett företag väljer att bygga sitt varumärke, vilka värden man adderar och vilka sätt man kommunicerar blir därför allt viktigare.Syftet med denna studie är att klarlägga i kombination med teori, vilka dimensioner och arbetssätt som skapat framgångsrika varumärken. Studien syftar också till att sammanfatta hur specifika tillvägagångssätt kan tillämpas på andra företag, för att effektivt kunna arbeta med varumärkesbyggande. Det empiriska materialet har hämtats ifrån fem olika kvalitativa intervjuer som genomförts med företag av varierande storlek, mätt i omsättning och antal anställda. Materialet har sedan jämförts med framstående teorier inom marknadskommunikation för att på så sätt ge läsaren möjlighet att också själv på ett enkelt sätt jämföra teori med empiri.Resultaten ifrån studiens analys tyder på att det finns dimensioner som varit särskilt viktiga i ett företags framgång, däribland ledarskap, långsiktighet och företagskultur. Samtidigt ger resultatet av studien en tydlig antydan om vilka områden som i framtiden kommer att betyda mycket för en marknadskommunikatörs arbete med att bygga starka varumärken. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet

Identitet, profil och image i modets ständigt föränderliga värld. / Identity, profile and image in the changeable world of fashion.

Fälth, Ella, Magnusson, Mathilda January 2012 (has links)
Problembakgrund: I modets föränderliga värld, med nya trender varje säsong, kan det vara svårtför svenska modeföretag att skapa sig en långsiktig stark position på den svenskamodemarknaden. Tre företag aktiva på den svenska modemarknaden har valts ut för attundersöka hur de arbetar med identitet, profil och image för att behålla sin position påmarknaden.Problemformulering: Hur arbetar de utvalda svenska modeföretagen med identitet, profil ochimage?Syfte: Att bidra till förståelse om hur svenska modeföretag kan arbeta med sin identitet, profiloch image för att hålla sig kvar på marknaden.Metod: En kvalitativ studie har genomförts genom djupintervjuer med de tre svenskamodeföretagen Rodebjer, Brixtol och Uniforms for the dedicated. Parallellt har sekundärdataanalyserats för att bidra till en djupare förståelse och en objektivare syn på företagen.Resultat/Slutsats: Det är ett ständigt samspel mellan identitet, profil och image. Där identitet ärvem du är, profil vem du vill vara och image hur du uppfattas. För att lyckas skapa sig enlångsiktig stark position på den svenska modemarknaden krävs en integration mellan begreppen.Utan en tydlig identitet är det svårt att profilera sig samt kommunicera på ett sätt så att enönskvärd image av modeföretaget skapas hos konsumenterna. Nyckeln till en framgångsrikpositionering är att skapa så mycket överlapp som möjligt mellan identitet, profil och image.

CSR from a strategic perspective : - How Swedbank can develop stakeholder confidence and valueMBA-thesis in marketing - MBA-thesis in marketing

Roeck Hansen, Maria January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Aim: </strong><em>Problem background -</em><strong> </strong>CSR has today increased its strategic status and consumer demand of sustainable development has also increased lately. However, there are still companies that have not adjusted their strategies to fit this swift in demand. This study offers a strategic tool, based on sustainable core competencies, for companies to implement in order to use CSR to boost their business.<strong> </strong></p><p><em>Research issue -</em><strong> </strong>How can Swedbank increase stakeholder confidence and value?<strong> </strong></p><p><em>Delimitations -</em><strong> </strong>This study focuses on the concept of integrating CSR work into the strategy and how this could result in added value for the B2B customer of Swedbank Corporate Market. <strong></strong></p><p><strong>Method:</strong> This study has an abductive approach and the author has collected qualitative primary data in the form of interviews with employees at Swedbank, Sparbanken Nord and with five of Swedbank’s customers from the public sector.</p><p><strong>Result & Conclusion:</strong> Swedbank needs to re-position their brand with a differentiated strategy, including a supportive vision and Market Communication, in order to gain a competitive advantage, strengthen their image, stakeholder confidence and financial performance. The author recommends the sustainable core competence, “Sparbankssjälen”, in order to deploy an ethical, economical and environmental responsible strategy to implement into all their activities.</p>

Design som strategisk funktion : En undersökning om design, innovation och publicitet i media

Helmer Engblom, Elina, Kahlin, Emelie January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Social Medias : Do NGOs use these communication tools effectively?

Samuelsson, Frida, Hallberg, Viktoria January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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