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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Acciones de la promoción digital en relación con el proceso de compra de ropa Plus Size en mujeres de 18 a 34 años de NSE B de Lima Metropolitana / Actions of digital promotion in relation to the process of buying Plus Size clothing in women from 18 to 34 years of age from NSE B of Metropolitan Lima

Chuquilin Zelada, Fiorella Elizabeth 10 July 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación académica está basado en el análisis de las acciones de la promoción digital en relación con el proceso de compra de ropa Plus Size en mujeres de 18 a 34 años de NSE B de Lima Metropolitana. En primer lugar, se dan a conocer cuales son las estrategias SEO y SEM, así mismo detalla cuales son las acciones comprendidas dentro de estas estrategias. Además, se investiga sobre la reacción del target a estas acciones y estímulos. En segundo lugar, se tomó muy en cuenta el análisis del proceso de compra de las mujeres del segmento, descubriéndose que el target prefiere realizar compras por internet antes que las tiendas físicas. Finalmente, se contrastaron ambas variables y se evaluó la influencia de las diferentes estrategias de marketing digital en las etapas del proceso de compra del segmento Plus Size. Adicionalmente, se presenta el contraste de los resultados con la hipótesis planteada y conclusiones de la investigación. / This academic research work is based on the analysis of the actions of digital promotion in relation to the process of buying Plus Size clothing in women from 18 to 34 years of age from NSE B of Metropolitan Lima. First of all, they are disclosed which are the SEO and SEM strategies, as well as detailing what are the actions included within these strategies. In addition, the target's reaction to these actions and stimuli is investigated. Secondly, I am very aware of the analysis of the purchasing process of women in the segment, discovering that the objective of making purchases online before physical stores. Finally, both variables were compared and the influence of the different digital marketing strategies in the stages of the Plus Size segment purchasing process was evaluated. In addition, the contrast of the results with the hypotheses and the conclusions of the investigation is presented. / Trabajo de investigación

Efectos del social media content en el engagement behaviour dentro de la industria de servicios video streaming / Effects of social media content on engagement behaviour within the video streaming services industry

Rumaldo Calderón, Camila Beatriz, Tupayachi Torres, Yerko Martín 27 November 2019 (has links)
Solicitud de embargo por publicación en revista indexada. / Utilizar Facebook se ha vuelto parte de la vida de las personas, pero dentro de esta plataforma, las personas pueden tener distintos tipos de comportamientos de engagement con diferentes personas o grupos, incluso con las marcas que generan contenido dentro de sus páginas, esta interacción entre el contenido generado y el comportamiento de su audiencia resulta ser una herramienta fundamental para conocer los aciertos y desaciertos del plan de marketing de las organizaciones. Este estudio tomó como ejemplo a las principales marcas de la industria del videostreaming, para entender qué influencia tienen en el comportamiento de engagement de sus fanáticos los diferentes tipos de contenidos que crean diariamente. Este artículo se apoya en la realización de encuestas online en Lima Metropolitana, dirigida a un público joven y busca revelar el impacto positivo de ciertos tipos de contenidos, a favor de las empresas de videostreaming. / Using Facebook has become part of people's lives, but within this platform, people can have different types of engagement behaviors with different people or groups, even with the brands that generate content within their pages. This interaction between the generated content and the behavior of your audience turns out to be a fundamental tool to know the successes and failures of the organizations' marketing plan. This study took as an example the main brands in the video streaming industry, to understand what influence the different types of content they create daily have on the engagement behavior of their fans. This article is based on online surveys conducted in Metropolitan Lima, aimed at a young audience and seeks to reveal the positive impact of certain types of content, in favor of video streaming companies. / Trabajo de investigación

Modelo de mejora para incrementar la competitividad de una PYME mediante el posicionamiento de marca y presencia digital mediante el modelo Lean startup / Improvement model to increase the competitiveness of an sme through brand positioning and digital presence through lean startup model

León Caballero, Shanen Marifer, Lucero Irribarri, Luis Ricardo 28 February 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo presentar y desarrollar un proyecto de implementación del modelo Lean Startup en la empresa Cremoladas L7 a fin de aumentar la competitividad de las PYMES a través del posicionamiento de marca y presencia digital, a fin de incrementar su nivel de exposición a nuevos clientes y generar mayores oportunidades de crecimiento y expansión. En ese sentido, se presenta el trabajo de investigación de artículos científicos que brinden mayor sustento en por qué muchas PYMES no alcanzan un nivel de competitividad adecuado o se quedan en el tiempo y llegan incluso a desaparecer. Seguidamente, se identifica el problema en la empresa del caso de estudio, mediante la realización de diferentes tipos de análisis empleando herramientas de gestión y calidad como FODA, Matriz de Análisis de Factores Externos (Matriz EFE), Matriz de Análisis de Factores Internos (Matriz EFI), Matriz de Perfil Competitivo (MPC) y el Árbol de Problemas. A continuación, se presenta la propuesta de solución que involucra herramientas de gestión como el Business Model Canvas (BMC) y la aplicación de la metodología Lean Startup. Finalmente, se presentan los resultados de la implementación de la propuesta de solución mediante indicadores de gestión y marketing digital para tomar la decisión de continuar con lo propuesto o volver a la fase de creación con lo aprendido. / The objective of this research work is to present and develop an implementation project of Lean Startup model in the company Cremoladas L7 in order to increase the competitiveness of SMEs through brand positioning and digital presence, in order to increase their level of exposure to new customers and generate greater opportunities for growth and expansion. In this sense, the authors present scientific articles that provide greater support on why many SMEs do not reach an adequate level of competitiveness or sticks in time and even disappear. Next, the problem in the company in the case study is identified, by performing different types of analysis using management and quality tools such as SWOT, External Factors Analysis Matrix (EFE Matrix), Internal Factors Analysis Matrix (EFI Matrix), Competitive Profile Matrix (MPC) and the Problem Tree. Then, the authors present the solution proposal that involves management tools such as the Business Model Canvas (BMC) and the application of the Lean Startup methodology. Finally, the results of the implementation of the solution proposal are presented through management and digital marketing indicators to make the decision of continue with what is proposed or return to the creation phase with the lessons learned. / Tesis

Influencia de la personalización en el proceso de compra online de indumentaria femenina en Falabella desde el 2015 hasta el 2020 / Influence of personalization in the online purchase process of women's clothing in Falabella from 2015 to 2020

Perea Lindley, Maria Paz 03 December 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo general explicar la influencia de la personalización en el proceso de compra online de indumentaria femenina a través de la plataforma e-commerce de Falabella durante los años 2015 y 2020. La investigación utiliza una metodología cualitativa, con diseño de estudio de caso. La información recopilada se obtuvo principalmente de árticulos, libros, revistas académicas y tesis relacionadas con la personalización en el proceso de compra online. La técnica a utilizar para la recolección de información es la entrevista semi-estructurada, la cual consiste en la realización de 13 preguntas de tipo abierta a 10 mujeres de 25 a 45 años de edad que trabajen en el área de e-commerce de Falabella, que tengan conocimientos sobre la aplicación de la personalización en el proceso de compra online y que se consideren consumidoras online de indumentaria femenina en Falabella. En estas entrevistas se busca conocer el perfil general, hábitos de compra, el grado de satisfacción con este canal de venta respecto al consumidor y asimismo el nivel de influencia de la personalización en su decisión de compra. Esta investigación sirve como punto de partida para que distintas carreras, no solamente vinculadas al rubro de la moda, puedan conocer el impacto de la personalización en el proceso de compra online del consumidor. / The present research has the general objective of explaining the influence of personalization in the online purchase process of women's clothing through the Falabella e-commerce platform during the years 2015 and 2020. The research uses a qualitative methodology, with study design of case. The information collected was obtained mainly from articles, books, academic journals and theses related to personalization in the online shopping process. The technique to be used to collect information is the semi-structured interview, which consists of conducting 13 open-ended questions to 10 women between 25 and 45 years of age who work in the Falabella’s e-commerce area, who have knowledge about the application of personalization in the online shopping process and who consider themselves online consumers of women's clothing in Falabella. These interviews seek to know the general profile, buying habits, the degree of satisfaction with this sales channel with respect to the consumer and also the level of influence of personalization in their purchase decision. This research serves as a starting point for different careers, not only linked to the fashion industry, to know the impact of personalization in the consumer's online shopping process. / Trabajo de investigación

Agencia en una: servicio de marketing digital deportivo / En una agency: sports digital marketing service

López Ochoa, Gabriela, Quispe Montañez, Rodrigo Antonio, Morales Hupiu, Stefano Jair, Poma Wong, Diego Armando, Romero Peñafiel, Christian Alexander 13 January 2022 (has links)
El presente proyecto es acerca de la implementación de una agencia de Marketing Digital exclusiva para deportistas, esta con la finalidad de crear una marca para cada uno de ellos en sus redes sociales, ser más reconocidos, aumentar su número de seguidores, generar una mayor interacción con su audiencia, trabajar con nuevas marcas y por ende más ingresos para los deportistas por su imagen; además, el reconocimiento en medios de comunicación también les sirve a ellos para poder obtener mejores contratos en sus respectivas disciplinas. La idea de negocio se originó a través de una necesidad por parte de los deportistas, al momento de no saber manejar sus redes sociales, la no capacidad de cerrar acuerdos comerciales, el hecho de no tener un orden estratégico en sus diferentes perfiles, etc. Por último, en este trabajo de investigación se encontrará un contenido relacionado con todo lo que conlleva implementar un negocio como marketing, indicadores de financieros, estados financieros proyectados, entre otros. / This project is about the implementation of an exclusive Digital Marketing agency for athletes, this in order to create a brand for each of them in their social networks, be more recognized, increase their number of followers, generate greater interaction with the followers, working with new brands and therefore more income for athletes due to their image; In addition, recognition in digital media also helps them to obtain better contracts in their respective disciplines. The business idea originated through a need on the part of athletes, at the time of not knowing how to manage their social networks, analyze their metrics, have an order in their different profiles, etc. Finally, in this research work you will find content related to everything that involves implementing a business such as marketing, financial indicators, projected financial statements, among others. / Trabajo de investigación

Importancia del marketing digital para el posicionamiento de marca en las empresas

Cotrina Diaz, Jhuliana Esthefany January 2023 (has links)
Esta monografía tuvo como propósito demostrar la importancia del marketing digital en el posicionamiento de marca de los productos y/o servicios en las empresas. Estudio investigativo de tipo monografico. Se recopiló información teórica de bases de datos científicas actualizadas, como Scopus, Cielo, Dialnet, Redalyc y Doaj; repositorios internacionales, nacionales y libros obtenidos física y digitalmente. Obteniéndose como resultado las siguientes conclusiones: El marketing digital ha cobrado relevancia, debido a que, viene siendo un intercambio en el proceso de planificación y ejecución para el desarrollo de actividades comerciales, en base a un grupo de instrumentos tecnológicos digitales, que fortalecen las acciones del marketing tradicional. Es decir, conservan la relación de las compañías con su target, mediante diversas plataformas virtuales, buscando conectar permanentemente con ellos para posicionar sus marcas. Asimismo, el alcance teórico del marketing digital comprende desde los elementos para ganar visibilidad en internet, para llegar a los clientes y para ser parte de la conversación. Y finalmente, el alcance teórico de posicionamiento de marca, definido como el resultado que se forma de las percepciones de los clientes, respecto a la recordación y asociación de marca, intención de recomendación y de fidelización. / The purpose of this monograph was to demonstrate the importance of digital marketing in the brand positioning of products and/or services in companies. Research study of monographic type. Theoretical information was collected from updated scientific databases, such as Scopus, Cielo, Dialnet, Redalyc and Doaj; international and national repositories and books obtained physically and digitally. The following conclusions were obtained as a result: Digital marketing has gained relevance, due to the fact that, it has been an exchange in the planning and execution process for the development of commercial activities, based on a group of digital technological instruments, which strengthen the actions of traditional marketing. That is, they maintain the relationship of companies with their target, through various virtual platforms, seeking to permanently connect with them to position their brands. Likewise, the theoretical scope of digital marketing includes elements to gain visibility on the Internet, to reach customers and to be part of the conversation. And finally, the theoretical scope of brand positioning, defined as the result that is formed from the perceptions of customers, regarding brand recall and association, recommendation and loyalty intention.

Alcohol marketing and young people's drinking : the role of perceived social norms

Kenny, Patrick January 2014 (has links)
There has been substantial scientific debate about the impact of alcohol marketing on consumption. Relying mainly on econometric studies, the alcohol industry has traditionally maintained that alcohol marketing does not influence consumption, but is merely limited to brand level effects. Public health advocates, on the other hand, point to consumer-level research that shows a relationship between exposure to marketing and alcohol consumption, especially amongst the young. Recent longitudinal research has firmly established a causal relationship between alcohol marketing and alcohol consumption, giving the upper hand to the public health critics of alcohol marketing. The new consensus forged by these recent cohort studies has led to two separate, but related, debates. In the first instance, having answered the question of whether marketing influences drinking behaviour, there is a need to establish how and when such effects occur. Secondly, in the face of the mounting longitudinal evidence on the effects of marketing, representatives of the alcohol industry have sought to move the debate away from marketing by explicitly highlighting peer influence as a more significant causal factor in problematic youth alcohol consumption. This thesis tackles both of these new questions simultaneously by harnessing insights developed from social norms theory. An online survey (N = 1,071) was administered to undergraduates of the Dublin Institute of Technology in Ireland, and mediation relationships were tested with logistic and multiple linear regression methods as appropriate. Amongst other findings, the main contributions of this thesis are: (1) that marketing may play a key role in establishing perceived social norms around alcohol consumption, and that these perceived norms may act as an indirect pathway for the influence of marketing on behaviour and (2) that the association between alcohol marketing and consumption may increase as levels of engagement with marketing increase; this engagement appears to be at its most potent when marketing facilitates simultaneous interaction between the consumer, the brand and the consumer’s peers in an online social media environment. This thesis helps to move the field of alcohol marketing scholarship beyond questions of whether marketing influences alcohol consumption to how and when that influence occurs. By showing how peers may act as perpetuators and magnifiers of marketing influence it also undermines the argument that peers matter more than marketing, and suggests that peer norms can act as a powerful marketing tool.

Strategie digitálního marketingu-kombinace kanálů digitálních médií / Digital Marketing Strategies - Combination of Digital Media Channels

Turazová, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Digital Marketing Strategies - Combination of Digital Media Channels" examines how the three telecom operators dominating the Czech market - T-Mobile Czech Republic, O2 Czech Republic and Vodafone Czech Republic - use the digital media channels within the communication with the customers. More specifically, it identifies and describes which channels do the companies involve into their marketing communication, how do they use them and why they have integrated them into the communication strategy. It also examines how the companies interconnect these digital media channels and how the channels can be combined to form an effective digital media strategy. By using the method of case study the companies ' digital marketing activities were examined. It was found that each company uses for its marketing communication the similar set of digital media channels, but the usage is different across the companies studied. Based on these findings I have identified three specific strategies - Diversified Content Strategy, Interactive Channel Strategy and Standardized Content Strategy. Each of the strategies has its advantages and disadvantages, which have been described and the strategies were compared. The findings also indicate that it is better to study the digital media channels as a whole,...

As fraudes no Internet Banking e sua evolução para o Social Banking / Internet Banking fraud and its trends to Social Banking

Damiano, André Luis 28 June 2013 (has links)
A tecnologia da informação e comunicação é um fator importante no desenvolvimento futuro da indústria de serviços financeiros, com especial atenção ao setor bancário. A maioria dos bancos utiliza a Internet como um canal estratégico de distribuição onde seus serviços e produtos possuem uma relação muito próxima com o conceito mais amplo possível de marketing, aquele que descreve plenamente um ambiente e um nicho de negócio e onde o desenvolvimento e evolução deste canal associa-se diretamente a própria evolução do marketing em si. O tema central deste trabalho é apresentar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o canal Internet Banking analisando as principais questões e desafios referentes às fraudes eletrônicas e suas ameaças, além de descrever o impacto das mídias sociais que estão ocasionando dentro das corporações. Realiza-se também um paralelo de como os serviços e produtos bancários acompanharam de perto a evolução do marketing e como, hoje, neste momento de transição de um paradigma econômico para outro, estes dois modelos se relacionam em um ponto específico: a tendência das fraudes no ambiente de Internet Banking e sua evolução para o Social Banking. Analisam-se também quais caminhos serão abertos dentro do novo paradigma de economia e marketing sociais para este tipo de ocorrência. Para atenuar de forma eficaz o risco de fraude, é importante implementar um amplo programa decisório para prevenção, que se estenda além de um conjunto de controles internos sofisticados em todos os níveis e divisões de uma organização. Finalmente, a conclusão e perspectivas futuras da evolução do Internet Banking para o Social Banking com uma análise da evolução das ameaças e fraudes eletrônicas neste novo canal. / Information technology and communication is an important factor in the future development of the financial services industry, with particular attention to the banking sector. Most banks use the Internet as a strategic distribution channel where its services and products have a very close relationship with the broader concept of marketing, one that fully describes an environment and a niche business and where the development and evolution of this channel is directly associated with the evolution of the marketing itself. The central theme of this work is to present a literature review on the Internet Banking channel analyzing key issues and challenges related to electronic fraud and threats, and describes the impact of social media is causing in corporations. Additionally to the threats on the Internet Banking, this work brings an analyze of how the banking products and services are closely followed by the marketing evolution and how at this moment of transition from a economic perspective to another, these two business models are co-related to a specific aspect: The future and trends of the electronic fraud on the Internet Banking towards the evolution to the Social Banking. It also analyzes which paths will also open within the new paradigm of economics and social marketing for this type of occurrence. To effectively mitigate the risk of fraud, it is important to implement a comprehensive decision-making prevention program that extends beyond a sophisticated set of internal controls at all levels and divisions of an organization. Finally, the conclusion and future prospects of the development of Internet Banking for Social Banking with an analysis of the evolution of electronic fraud and threats in this new channel.

As fraudes no Internet Banking e sua evolução para o Social Banking / Internet Banking fraud and its trends to Social Banking

André Luis Damiano 28 June 2013 (has links)
A tecnologia da informação e comunicação é um fator importante no desenvolvimento futuro da indústria de serviços financeiros, com especial atenção ao setor bancário. A maioria dos bancos utiliza a Internet como um canal estratégico de distribuição onde seus serviços e produtos possuem uma relação muito próxima com o conceito mais amplo possível de marketing, aquele que descreve plenamente um ambiente e um nicho de negócio e onde o desenvolvimento e evolução deste canal associa-se diretamente a própria evolução do marketing em si. O tema central deste trabalho é apresentar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o canal Internet Banking analisando as principais questões e desafios referentes às fraudes eletrônicas e suas ameaças, além de descrever o impacto das mídias sociais que estão ocasionando dentro das corporações. Realiza-se também um paralelo de como os serviços e produtos bancários acompanharam de perto a evolução do marketing e como, hoje, neste momento de transição de um paradigma econômico para outro, estes dois modelos se relacionam em um ponto específico: a tendência das fraudes no ambiente de Internet Banking e sua evolução para o Social Banking. Analisam-se também quais caminhos serão abertos dentro do novo paradigma de economia e marketing sociais para este tipo de ocorrência. Para atenuar de forma eficaz o risco de fraude, é importante implementar um amplo programa decisório para prevenção, que se estenda além de um conjunto de controles internos sofisticados em todos os níveis e divisões de uma organização. Finalmente, a conclusão e perspectivas futuras da evolução do Internet Banking para o Social Banking com uma análise da evolução das ameaças e fraudes eletrônicas neste novo canal. / Information technology and communication is an important factor in the future development of the financial services industry, with particular attention to the banking sector. Most banks use the Internet as a strategic distribution channel where its services and products have a very close relationship with the broader concept of marketing, one that fully describes an environment and a niche business and where the development and evolution of this channel is directly associated with the evolution of the marketing itself. The central theme of this work is to present a literature review on the Internet Banking channel analyzing key issues and challenges related to electronic fraud and threats, and describes the impact of social media is causing in corporations. Additionally to the threats on the Internet Banking, this work brings an analyze of how the banking products and services are closely followed by the marketing evolution and how at this moment of transition from a economic perspective to another, these two business models are co-related to a specific aspect: The future and trends of the electronic fraud on the Internet Banking towards the evolution to the Social Banking. It also analyzes which paths will also open within the new paradigm of economics and social marketing for this type of occurrence. To effectively mitigate the risk of fraud, it is important to implement a comprehensive decision-making prevention program that extends beyond a sophisticated set of internal controls at all levels and divisions of an organization. Finally, the conclusion and future prospects of the development of Internet Banking for Social Banking with an analysis of the evolution of electronic fraud and threats in this new channel.

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