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Efektivní provoz moderních jednotek EVO / Effective operation of up-to-date waste-to-energy unitsCafourková, Tereza January 2009 (has links)
The main content of this thesis is a suggestion of computing system for efficient energy manufacture. The introduction devotes to description of up-to-date waste-to-energy units (EVO), it concentrates on Incinerator of municipal wastes of TERMIZO a.s., specifically. In the main body of this work is the data analysis of factory journal that has been implemented, results have been used as mathematical model output value. These activities are necessary for computing system suggestion. Resulting optimization of batch wasting plan with maximum economic effect for entrepreneur is the main output of this work. Conclusion consists of environmental and economic evaluation of operation of up-to-date waste-to-energy units and offers another optimization posibility.
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Analýza odchylek obvyklých cen od cen stanovených dle vyhlášky u rodinných domů v praxi / Analysis of Deviations of Market Values from the Values Set by Decree for Detached Houses in PracticeŽaloudíková, Radka January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the valuation of family homes in Krnov in a manner determined by the decree and by the market value. Using variations of these two prices of family homes, a simplified mathematical model for determining market values of family homes in the area is created.
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Posouzení bezpečnostního celíku u podzemní stavby / The face safety pillar assessment for underground constructionZapletal, Adam January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis parametrically compares different methods to determine the required lengths of the safety pillar when building secondary urban collector in Brno. The analytical calculation by Šedivý is compared with mathematical modeling executed in the program Plaxis 2D 2015.02. version and also in the program Plaxis 3D Introductory 2013 version.
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Temperaturverhältnisse und Reaktionskinetik beim Ziehen und Wärmebehandeln von DrahtMüller, Wolfhart 13 March 1998 (has links)
Die Temperaturverhältnisse beim Ziehen und Wärmebehandeln von Draht werden mit mathematisch-analytischen Methoden auf der Grundlage der FOURIERschen Wärmeleitungsgleichung eingehend untersucht. Insbesondere wird unter den spezifischen Wärmeübergangsbedingungen zwischen Draht und Ziehdüse sowie zwischen Draht und Ziehtrommel deren thermische Wechselwirkung analysiert. Ein Näherungsverfahren zur Berechnung der Drahttemperaturen in Zugfolgen unter Berücksichtigung des Ziehdüseneinflusses wird angegeben und mit einem Beispiel zum Nassziehen stark verzinkten Stahldrahts illustriert. Aus geschwindigkeitsabhängig gemessenen Änderungen des Drahtdurchmessers werden unter thermoelastischer Ziehringdurchmesserkorrektur Schmierfilmdicken bestimmt. Diffusionsgleichungen werden analysiert und ein Zusammenhang zur Reaktionskinetik wird hergestellt. Ein neues reaktionskinetisches Werkstoffmodell, das insbesondere auch im Falle stärker anisothermer Verhältnisse, also bei Kurzzeitwärmebehandlung anwendbar ist, wird vorgestellt.
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Necessary and Sufficient Conditions on State Transformations That Preserve the Causal Structure of LTI Dynamical NetworksLeung, Chi Ho 01 May 2019 (has links)
Linear time-invariant (LTI) dynamic networks are described by their dynamical structure function, and generally, they have many possible state space realizations. This work characterizes the necessary and sufficient conditions on a state transformation that preserves the dynamical structure function, thereby generating the entire set of realizations of a given order for a specific dynamic network.
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A model-based design approach for heterogeneous NoC-based MPSoCs on FPGARobino, Francesco January 2014 (has links)
Network-on-chip (NoC) based multi-processor systems-on-chip (MPSoCs) are promising candidates for future multi-processor embedded platforms, which are expected to be composed of hundreds of heterogeneous processing elements (PEs) to potentially provide high performances. However, together with the performances, the systems complexity will increase, and new high level design techniques will be needed to efficiently model, simulate, debug and synthesize them. System-level design (SLD) is considered to be the next frontier in electronic design automation (EDA). It enables the description of embedded systems in terms of abstract functions and interconnected blocks. A promising complementary approach to SLD is the use of models of computation (MoCs) to formally describe the execution semantics of functions and blocks through a set of rules. However, also when this formalization is used, there is no clear way to synthesize system-level models into software (SW) and hardware (HW) towards a NoC-based MPSoC implementation, i.e., there is a lack of system design automation (SDA) techniques to rapidly synthesize and prototype system-level models onto heterogeneous NoC-based MPSoCs. In addition, many of the proposed solutions require large overhead in terms of SW components and memory requirements, resulting in complex and customized multi-processor platforms. In order to tackle the problem, a novel model-based SDA flow has been developed as part of the thesis. It starts from a system-level specification, where functions execute according to the synchronous MoC, and then it can rapidly prototype the system onto an FPGA configured as an heterogeneous NoC-based MPSoC. In the first part of the thesis the HeartBeat model is proposed as a model-based technique which fills the abstraction gap between the abstract system-level representation and its implementation on the multiprocessor prototype. Then details are provided to describe how this technique is automated to rapidly prototype the modeled system on a flexible platform, permitting to adjust the system specification until the designer is satisfied with the results. Finally, the proposed SDA technique is improved defining a methodology to automatically explore possible design alternatives for the modeled system to be implemented on a heterogeneous NoC-based MPSoC. The goal of the exploration is to find an implementation satisfying the designer's requirements, which can be integrated in the proposed SDA flow. Through the proposed SDA flow, the designer is relieved from implementation details and the design time of systems targeting heterogeneous NoC-based MPSoCs on FPGA is significantly reduced. In addition, it reduces possible design errors proposing a completely automated technique for fast prototyping. Compared to other SDA flows, the proposed technique targets a bare-metal solution, avoiding the use of an operating system (OS). This reduces the memory requirements on the FPGA platform comparing to related work targeting MPSoC on FPGA. At the same time, the performance (throughput) of the modeled applications can be increased when the number of processors of the target platform is increased. This is shown through a wide set of case studies implemented on FPGA. / <p>QC 20140609</p>
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Teaching Mathematical Modelling to Tomorrow''s Mathematicians or, You too can make a million dollars predicting football resultsThomas, Kerry J. 20 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Mathematical models of social-ecological systems: Coupling human behavioural and environmental dynamicsSun, Tithnara Anthony 31 March 2020 (has links)
There is an increasing concern for the impact of humans on the environment.
Traditionally, ecological models consider human influence as a constant or linearly varying parameter, whereas socioeconomic models and frameworks tend to oversimplify the ecological system.
But tackling complex environmental challenges faced by our societies requires interdisciplinary approaches due to the intricate feedbacks between the socioeconomic and ecological systems involved.
Thus, models of social-ecological systems couple an ecological system with a socioeconomic system
to investigate their interaction in the integrated dynamical system.
We define this coupling formally and apply the social-ecological approach to three ecological cases.
Indeed, we focus on eutrophication in shallow freshwater lakes, which is a well-known system showing bistability between a clear water state and a turbid polluted state.
We also study a model accounting for an aquifer (water stock) and a model accounting for a biotic population exhibiting bistability through an Allee effect.
The socioeconomic dynamics is driven by the incentive that agents feel to act in a desirable or undesirable way.
This incentive can be represented by a difference in utility, or in payoff, between two strategies that each agent can adopt: agents can cooperate and act in an environment-friendly way, or they can defect and act in an ecologically undesirable way.
The agents' motivation includes such factors as the economic cost of their choice, the concern they feel for the environment and conformism to the collective attitude of the human group.
Thus, the incentive to cooperate responds to the state of the ecological system and to the agents' collective opinion, and this response can be linear, nonlinear and monotonic, or non-monotonic.
When investigating the mathematical form of this response, we find that monotonic non-linear responses may result in additional equilibria, cycles and basins of attraction compared to the linear case.
Non-monotonic responses, such as resignation effects, may produce much more complicated nullclines such as a closed nullcline and weaken our ability to anticipate the dynamics of a social-ecological system.
Regarding the modelling of the socioeconomic subsystem, the replicator dynamics and the logit best-response dynamics are widely used mathematical formulations from evolutionary game theory.
There seems to be little awareness about the impact of choosing one or the other.
The replicator dynamics assumes that the socioeconomic subsystem is stationary when all agents adopt the same behaviour, whereas the best-response dynamics assumes that this situation is not stationary.
The replicator dynamics has formal game theoretical foundations, whereas best-response dynamics comes from psychology.
Recent experiments found that the best-response dynamics explains empirical data better.
We find that the two dynamics can produce a different number of equilibria as well as differences in their stability.
The replicator dynamics is a limit case of the logit best-response dynamics when agents have an infinite rationality.
We show that even generic social-ecological models can show multistability.
In many cases, multistability allows for counterintuitive equilibria to emerge, where ecological desirability and socioeconomic desirability are not correlated.
This makes generic management recommendations difficult to find and several policies with and without socioeconomic impact should be considered.
Even in cases where there is a unique equilibrium, it can lose stability and give rise to sustained oscillations.
We can interpret these oscillations in a way similar to the cycles found in classical predator-prey systems.
In the lake pollution social-ecological model for instance, the agents' defection increases the lake pollution, which makes agents feel concerned and convince the majority to cooperate.
Then, the ecological concern decreases because the lake is not polluted and the incentive to cooperate plummets, so that it becomes more advantageous for the agents to defect again.
We show that the oscillations obtained when using the replicator dynamics tend to produce a make-or-break dynamics, where a random perturbation could shift the system to either full cooperation or full defection depending on its timing along the cycle.
Management measures may shift the location of the social-ecological system at equilibrium, but also make attractors appear or disappear in the phase plane or change the resilience of stable steady states.
The resilience of equilibria relates to basins of attraction and is especially important in the face of potential regime shifts.
Sources of uncertainty that should be taken into account for the management of social-ecological systems include
multistability and the possibility of counterintuitive equilibria,
the wide range of possible policy measures with or without socioeconomic interventions,
and the behaviour of human collectives involved, which may be described by different dynamics.
Yet, uncertainty coming from the collective behaviour of agents is mitigated if they do not give up or rely on the other agents' efforts, which allows modelling to better inform decision makers.
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Necessary and Sufficient Conditions on State Transformations That Preserve the Causal Structure of LTI Dynamical NetworksLeung, Chi Ho 01 May 2019 (has links)
Linear time-invariant (LTI) dynamic networks are described by their dynamical structure function, and generally, they have many possible state space realizations. This work characterizes the necessary and sufficient conditions on a state transformation that preserves the dynamical structure function, thereby generating the entire set of realizations of a given order for a specific dynamic network.
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Influencia de la composición y de la temperatura de secado en la calidad de un producto de naranja liofilizado. Propuesta de un modelo mecanístico para la modelización de la cinética del procesoUscanga Ramos, Mariana Aziyadé 28 February 2022 (has links)
[ES] Existen muchos estudios que relacionan el consumo regular de frutas con importantes beneficios para la salud. Esto es debido a la gran cantidad de fibra, vitaminas y otros compuestos bioactivos presentes en ellas, los cuales pueden ser de gran ayuda en la prevención de algunas enfermedades. En los últimos años, el consumidor se ha decantado por consumir productos con alto valor nutricional y, como consecuencia del estilo de vida actual, existe una alta demanda de productos con fácil manejo para su consumo. Algunos de los principales inconvenientes de las frutas son su estacionalidad y corta vida útil, por lo que resulta interesante ofrecer productos de fruta de alto valor nutritivo y sensorial, estables y fácil manejo. La liofilización es una técnica que permiten obtener productos altamente estables microbiológicamente, debido a su bajo contenido de humedad, y con una máxima calidad sensorial, nutritiva y funcional. Sin embargo, se trata de un proceso largo y energéticamente costoso. Con base a lo anterior, el objetivo de esta tesis ha sido seleccionar las mejores condiciones de liofilización para la obtención de dos productos de naranja, uno la propia torta liofilizada y otro el polvo obtenido por trituración de la misma.
Así, la sección uno se centra en evaluar la influencia tanto del contenido de agua como de la composición en solutos de un producto naranja en algunas propiedades de la torta liofilizada y del polvo correspondiente. Las propiedades analizadas se seleccionaron teniendo en cuenta tanto la retención de los compuestos bioactivos, como la porosidad, el color y las propiedades mecánicas de la torta obtenida y del polvo conseguido tras su trituración, además de las propiedades de flujo del polvo y su comportamiento frente a la rehidratación. En base a los resultados obtenidos se ha podido concluir que el puré de naranja es más recomendable a los efectos de obtener un producto tipo snack crujiente y el zumo cuando se desee un polvo para rehidratar, en este caso evitando cualquier tratamiento térmico antes de la liofilización.
En la sección dos, se ha estudiado el impacto de la temperatura del secado, 30 y 50 °C, sobre los compuestos bioactivos del producto obtenido a partir del zumo de naranja formulado con goma Arábiga y fibra de bambú, así como sobre las mismas propiedades antes descritas de la torta liofilizada y de su correspondiente producto en polvo. En este caso, además, se llevó a cabo una evaluación sensorial de los productos rehidratados. Los resultados obtenidos permiten recomendar 50°C para el secado de este producto por liofilización. Esta temperatura acorta el tiempo del proceso en un 64 %, favorece la extracción de la vitamina C sin afectar al contenido total de fenoles y carotenoides, mejora las propiedades mecánicas de las tortas y no afecta a la fluidez ni a la rehidratación del producto en polvo.
Finalmente, en la sección tres, se ha trabajado en la aplicación de una solución analítica basada en la ley de Darcy para modelar la cinética de pérdida de agua durante la liofilización. La solución analítica debe complementarse con una solución numérica de las ecuaciones de Fourier para la transferencia de calor. El modelo se ha ajustado a la dinámica experimental de liofilización de un producto a base de naranja formulado a partir del zumo. La pseudo-permeabilidad de Darcy obtenida fue de 2,0X10-12 con un índice de desviación de la conducta ideal de 0,5. Las ecuaciones propuestas, resueltas con la pseudo-permeabilidad de Darcy ajustada y el índice de desviación ideal, permiten reproducir la dinámica de liofilización experimental del mismo producto a diferentes temperaturas. / [CA] Existeixen molts estudis que relacionen el consum regular de fruites amb importants beneficis per a la salut. Això és degut a la gran quantitat de fibra, vitamines i altres compostos *bioactivos que es troben elles, els quals poden ser de gran ajuda en la prevenció d'algunes malalties. En els últims anys el consumidor s'ha decantat per consumir productes amb alt valor nutricional i, a conseqüència de l'estil de vida actual, existeix una alta demanda de productes amb fàcil maneig per al seu consum. Alguns dels principals inconvenients de les fruites són la seua estacionalitat i curta vida útil, per la qual cosa resulta interessant oferir productes de fruita d'alt valor nutritiu i sensorial, estables i fàcil maneig. La liofilització és una tècnica que permeten obtindre productes altament estables microbiologicament, a causa del seu baix contingut d'humitat, i amb una màxima qualitat sensorial, nutritiva i funcional. No obstant això, es tracta d'un procés llarg i energèticament costós. Amb base a l'anterior, l'objectiu d'aquesta Tesi ha sigut seleccionar les millors condicions de liofilització per a l'obtenció de dos productes de taronja, un la pròpia coca liofilitzada i un altre la pols obtinguda per trituració d'aquesta.
Així, la primera part de la Tesi se centra en avaluar la influència tant del contingut d'aigua com de la composició en soluts d'un producte taronja en algunes propietats de la coca liofilitzada i de la pols corresponent. Les propietats a analitzar es van seleccionar tenint en compte tant la retenció dels compostos bioactius, com la porositat, el color i les propietats mecàniques de la coca obtinguda i de la pols aconseguida després de la seua trituració, a més de les propietats de flux de la pols i el seu comportament enfront de la rehidratació. Sobre la base dels resultats obtinguts s'ha pogut concloure que el puré de taronja és més recomanable a l'efecte d'obtindre un producte tipus snack cruixent i el suc quan es desitge una pols per a rehidratar, en aquest cas evitant qualsevol tractament tèrmic abans de la liofilització.
En la segona part de la Tesi, s'ha estudiat l'impacte de la temperatura de l'assecat, 30 i 50 °C, sobre els compostos bioactius del producte obtingut a partir del suc de taronja formulat amb goma Aràbiga i fibra de bambú, així com sobre les mateixes propietats abans descrites de la coca liofilitzada i del seu corresponent producte en pols. En aquest cas, a més, es va dur a terme una avaluació sensorial dels productes rehidratats. Els resultats obtinguts permeten recomanar 50 °C per a l'assecat per liofilització d'aquest producte. Aquesta temperatura acurta el temps del procés en un 64%, afavoreix l'extracció de la vitamina C sense afectar el contingut total de fenols i carotenoids, millora les propietats mecàniques de les coques i no afecta a la fluïdesa ni a la rehidratació del producte en pols.
Finalment, en la tercera part de la Tesi, s'ha treballat en l'aplicació d'una solució analítica basada en la llei de Darcy per a modelar la cinètica de pèrdua d'aigua durant la liofilització. La solució analítica ha de complementar-se amb una solució numèrica de les equacions de Fourier per a la transferència de calor. El model s'ha ajustat a la dinàmica experimental de liofilització d'un producte a base de taronja formulat a partir del suc. La pseudo-permeabilitat de Darcy obtinguda va ser de 2,0X10-12 amb un índex de desviació de la conducta ideal de 0,5. Les equacions proposades, resoltes amb la pseudo-permeabilitat de Darcy ajustada i l'índex de desviació ideal, permeten reproduir la dinàmica de liofilització experimental del mateix producte a diferents temperatures. / [EN] There are many studies linking regular fruit consumption with important health benefits. This is due to the large amount of fibre, vitamins and other bioactive compounds found in them, which can be of great help in the prevention of some diseases. In recent years, consumers have become more inclined to consume products with high nutritional value and, as a consequence of today's lifestyle, there is a high demand for products that are easy to handle for consumption. Some of the main disadvantages of fruits are their seasonality and short shelf life, so it is interesting to offer fruit products of high nutritional and sensory value that are stable and easy to handle. Freeze-drying is a technique that makes it possible to obtain highly microbiologically stable products, due to their low moisture content, and with maximum sensory, nutritional and functional quality. However, it is a long and energy-intensive process. Based on the above, the aim of this Doctoral Thesis has been to select the best freeze-drying conditions for obtaining two orange products, one the freeze-dried cake itself and the other the powder obtained by crushing it.
Thus, the first part of the Thesis focuses on evaluating the influence of both the water content and the solute composition of an orange product on some properties of the freeze-dried cake and the corresponding powder. The properties to be analysed were selected taking into account the retention of the bioactive compounds, the porosity, the colour and the mechanical properties of the cake obtained and of the powder obtained after grinding, as well as the flow properties of the powder and its behaviour against rehydration. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that orange puree is more recommendable for obtaining a crunchy snack-type product and juice when a powder for rehydration is desired, in this case avoiding any heat treatment before freeze-drying.
In the second part of the Thesis, the impact of the drying temperature, 30 and 50 °C, on the bioactive compounds of the product obtained from orange juice formulated with gum Arabic and bamboo fibre, as well as on the same properties described above of the freeze-dried cake and its corresponding powdered product, has been studied. In this case, a sensory evaluation of the rehydrated products was also carried out. The results obtained allow to recommend 50°C for the freeze-drying of this product. This temperature shortens the processing time by 64 %, favours the extraction of vitamin C without affecting the total phenol and carotenoid content, improves the mechanical properties of the cakes and does not affect the flowability and rehydration of the powdered product.
Finally, in the third part of the Thesis, we have studied the application of an analytical solution based on Darcy's law to model the kinetics of water loss during freeze-drying. The analytical solution must be complemented with a numerical solution of the Fourier equations for heat transfer. The model has been fitted to the experimental dynamics of freeze-drying an orange-based product formulated from the juice. The Darcy pseudo-permeability obtained was 2,0X10-12 with an index of deviation from ideal behaviour of 0,5. The proposed equations, solved with the adjusted Darcy pseudo-permeability and the ideal deviation index, allow to reproduce the experimental freeze-drying dynamics of the same product at different temperatures. / Uscanga Ramos, MA. (2022). Influencia de la composición y de la temperatura de secado en la calidad de un producto de naranja liofilizado. Propuesta de un modelo mecanístico para la modelización de la cinética del proceso [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181238
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