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Measurement of the 2.68-MeV Resonance Interference and R-Matrix Analysis of the <sup>12</sup>C(α,γ0)<sup>16</sup>O ReactionSayre, Daniel B., Jr. 26 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Intelligence financière et statistique zipfienne : deux outils au service de la prise de position des marchés financiers. Application au cas des entreprises vietnamiennes non financières / Financial intelligence and statistics zipfienne : two tools with the service of the standpoint on the financial markets. Application to the case of the Vietnamese not-financial companiesDang, Tran Dong 30 November 2015 (has links)
Dans un contexte économique mondialisé, les prises de position d’achat et/ou de vente sur les marchés financiers obéissent à des logiques qui échappent parfois à la rationalité (bulle spéculative…). Les prévisionnistes et les analystes financiers mobilisent une boite à outil statistique pour connaître les tendances futures à partir de l’étude des tendances passées. Cette boite à outils repose sur l’hypothèse de normalité des lois statistiques sous jacentes ce qui autorise des logiques d’inférence statistique, de test, de corrélation... On a pu observer par le passé que les résultats de ces projections ont souvent été miss à défaut : la crise financière que nous traversons correspond par exemple à un choc difficilement prévisible même s’il fait l’objet d’une rationalisation a posteriori. Notre objectif, partant de ce constat, est de renouveler les approches traditionnelles des prévisionnistes et analystes financiers en mobilisant deux approches complémentaires : l’intelligence économique appliquée au domaine financier et l’utilisation de techniques modernes de gestion de l’imprévisible. Dans ce travail interdisciplinaire, notre approche s’inspire tout d’abord du concept d’image, de réputation d'une entreprise cible et de la démarche du cycle de renseignement issue de l’approche de l’intelligence économique. De plus, nous pouvons compléter notre démarche à travers les travaux de Nassim Nicolas Taleb. Nous mobilisons enfin le concept de force de situation (François Julien) pour renforcer la décision des investisseurs institutionnels en situation d’incertitude. Pour valider notre contribution théorique, nous avons choisi le Vietnam comme terrain de recherche. A partir d’une approche qualitative conduite auprès de gérants de portefeuilles Vietnamiens, nous avons pu connaître mieux leurs pratiques de prises de décisions, les critères d’évaluation d’investissement différents issus des analyses de matrices stratégiques, leur perception de la réputation et le rôle de l’intelligence financière dans leur processus d’investissement. Nous proposons alors une méthode qualitative reposant sur la réputation pour caractériser le degré de robustesse d’une organisation à des chocs et élaborons en outre un système de renseignement financier en prenant en compte la hiérarchie des critères d’évaluation d’investissement des gérants de portefeuilles Vietnamiens. Notre démarche est illustrée par l’étude de cas d'une entreprise aquacole Vietnamienne. / In the context of economic globalization, the stand point of purchase and/or sale on the financial market obeys logics which escape sometimes rationality (speculative bubbles…).The forecasters and the financial analysts mobilize one statistical toolbox in order to know the future trends based on the study of the last trends.This toolbox builds on the assumption of normality of the statistical laws underlying which authorizes logics of statistical inference, test, correlation… We could observe in the past which the results of these projections were often failed:the financial crisis which we pass correspondent to a not easily foreseeable shock even if it is the object of a rationalization a posteriori. Our objective,on the basis of thisreport,is to renew the traditional approaches of the forecasters and financial analysts by mobilizing two complementary approaches: business intelligence applied to the financial field and the utilization of modern technologies of management of the unforeseeable risks.In this interdisciplinary work,our approaches are inspired,first of all concept oftheimage or of the reputation of a target company and approach of the intelligence cycle resulting from the approach of the business intelligence.Moreover,we can complete our approach through the principle of bounded rationality,that of the speculative bubble and that of the logic uncertain suggested by Nassim Nicolas Taleb. Finally, we mobilize the concept of force of situation(François Julien) in order to reinforce the decision of the institutional investors in uncertain situation.To validate our theoretical contribution,we chose Viet Nam as our ground of research.From a qualitative approach and based on experimentation ahead 5 Vietnamese portfolio managers, we could better know their practice of making decision, their different investment evaluation criteria, their perception of reputation and the role of the financial intelligence in their process of investment. Thus, we propose a qualitative method based on the reputation in order to characterize the degree of robustness of an organization faced to shocks and elaborate moreover a system of financial information by taking into account the hierarchy of the investment evaluation criteria of the Vietnamese portfolio managers. Our approach is illustrated through a case study of a Vietnamese aquaculture company.
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Comparing the Outcomes of Two Decision Support Models: The Analytical Hierarchy Process and Pugh Matrix Analysis : Using an actual multi-criteria decision-making situation / Jämförande av två beslutsstödjande modellers utfall: den Analytiska hierarkiska processen och Pughs matris analys : Med hjälp av en verklig multikriteriebeslutsfattande situationThorén, Lina, Burgren, Madeleine January 2015 (has links)
Since businesses are constantly changing, making right decisions is a critical factor in order to achieve good results. In the thesis, two different decision support models are tested and the outcome is compared. This is done in cooperation with a company, Åmotfors Energi, who is facing a decision on how they can make use of their 30 GWh heat which they today do not have a paying customer for. Nine alternatives are used in the models and evaluated with seventeen different criteria. The purpose of this study is to compare and interpret the outcomes of two decision support models: the Analytical Hierarchy Process and Pugh Matrix Analysis. The purpose is also to investigate the main factors that influence the outcome of the models. The main research strategy was to use experimental design where three experts with various technical skills have scored the alternatives in both models. The alternatives have been carefully developed through an idea generation and idea selection phase. The results show that the models give different result when it comes to ranking the alternatives, both between the models and between the different experts. The empirical findings establish that the outcome from the models should be interpreted that the lowest scored alternatives can be eliminated for further research. The alternatives with the highest score should be further investigated before a decision could be made. Furthermore, what mainly affects the result is based on human factors. / Företag står inför ständiga förändringar och att fatta rätt beslut ses som en kritisk faktor för att uppnå goda resultat. I denna uppsats testas två beslutsstödjande modeller där utfallet av dem jämförs. Detta görs med hjälp av företaget Åmotfors Energi som står inför ett beslut om hur de kan använda deras 30 GWh värme som de i dagsläget inte har någon betalande kund för. Nio alternativ används i modellerna och utvärderas med sjutton uppsatta kriterier. Syftet med denna studie är att testa, jämföra och tolka resultatet från två beslutsstödjande modeller, den Analytiska Hierarkiska Processen och Pughs Matris Analys. Syftet är också att utreda vilka huvudfaktorer som påverkar utfallet av modellerna. Den huvudsakliga forskningsstrategin var ett experiment tre experter med olika tekniska färdigheter har poängsatt de olika alternativen i modellerna. Alternativen är omsorgsfullt framtagna genom en idégenereringsfas och en idéurvalsfas. Resultaten visar att modellerna ger olika resultat när det kommer till att rangordna alternativen, både vid jämförelsen mellan modellerna men även mellan experterna. Den empiriska studien visar att resultatet från modellerna bör tolkas som att de lägst rankade alternativen kan uteslutas, och de högst rankade alternativen bör utvärderas vidare innan ett besluta kan tas. Det som huvudsakligen påverkar resultatet baseras på mänskliga faktorer.
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Cálculo de fluxo de potência em alimentadores de distribuião baseado em tensões nodais e de ramos / Distribution power flow based on nodal and branch voltagesTorres Neto, Floriano 07 February 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Anésio dos Santos Júnior / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T14:59:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
TorresNeto_Floriano_M.pdf: 6057035 bytes, checksum: 2cdfde24e040137be367f6b427f6a38e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Propõe-se nesta dissertação uma formulação e um método iterativo de cálculo para o fluxo de potência em alimentadores primários de Distribuição de Energia Elétrica. Este é formulado com base em equações lineares de circuitos elétricos, para alimentadores primários radiais e fracamente malhados. Para tanto, um modelo linear de circuito é inicialmente introduzido para alimentadores radiais e a partir desse modelo é proposto um método para o cálculo das magnitudes de tensão dos nós por meio das correntes de carga. As magnitudes das tensões nodais são iterativamente atualizadas até que as especificações de potência das cargas sejam atendidas. Essa formulação é estendida para os casos de redes fracamente malhadas, isto é, alimentadores que contém um moderado número de percursos fechados em sua configuração. Desta forma unifica-se o modelo de representação e o algoritmo de cálculo para redes radiais e fracamente malhadas. A metodologia proposta foi testada e o comportamento do método é comparado com o apresentado por método similar. Os resultados obtidos com vários sistemas são apresentados / Abstract: It is proposed in this work a formulation and an iterative method for calculating the power flow on feeders of a Primary Electric Power Distribution. This is formulated based on linear equations of electrical circuits, for radial and weakly meshed primary feeders. Thus, a linear model of the circuit is initially introduced for radial feeders and from that model it is proposed a method for calculating the voltage magnitudes of the nodes through the load currents. The magnitudes of nodal voltages are updated iteratively until the power specifications of the loads are met. This formulation is extended to the cases of weakly meshed networks, that is, networks that contain a moderate number of closed paths in your configuration. Thus the model unifies the representation and algorithm for calculating radial networks and weakly meshed. The proposed methodology was tested and compared with a similar method. The results obtained with various systems are presented / Mestrado / Energia Eletrica / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica
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Analise de paredes de contenção atraves de metodo unidimensional evolutivo : Marcelo Tacitano / Earth-retaining structures analysis with the evolutionary one-dimensional methodTacitano, Marcelo 04 July 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Mauro Augusto Demarzo / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-07T08:31:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Tacitano_Marcelo_D.pdf: 8426940 bytes, checksum: 2052cac2233a599ef85b5133ca5ceec4 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: As estruturas de contenção de valas, normalmente de madeira, aço ou concreto, podem ser constituídas por estacas-prancha, estacas com pranchões, estacões, paredes-diafragma entre outras e precisam ser dimensionadas, de que maneira que atinjam adequadamente os requisitos de funcionalidade, exeqüibilidade, segurança e economia a que se propõem. Dentre os métodos para o seu dimensionamento é possível enquadrá-los em três grandes grupos. Os Métodos Empíricos que se baseiam em resultados de medidas experimentais, os Métodos Semi-Empíricos que admitem como carregamento um diagrama de pressões para ambos os lados da parede, em cada fase de escavação, pressupondo o tipo de grandeza dos deslocamentos e considerando as estroncas e tirantes como apoios fixos e, finalmente, os Métodos Analíticos, que levam em conta as características de resistência e rigidez da estrutura e do maciço e possibilitam o cálculo evolutivo em que os esforços e deslocamentos das fases anteriores são efetivamente levados em conta nos cálculos das fases seguintes. Inicialmente uma ampla revisão bibliográfica sobre os métodos de cálculo de paredes de contenções é apresentada. Após, este trabalho adota como foco de estudo o Modelo de Winkler, através de Método Analítico Unidimensional, que tem sua aplicação prática pela construção do programa CEDEVE (Cálculo Evolutivo de Deslocamentos e Esforços em Valas Escoradas). Este método assimila a parede como uma viga de largura unitária, sendo o solo modelado como molas de comportamento elasto-plástico perfeito incluindo histerese. Estroncas e tirantes, de comportamento elástico, com ou sem esforços iniciais, podem ser introduzidos na estrutura. As ações sobre a estrutura advêm dos empuxos de solo, de água e das eventuais sobrecargas presentes na superfície. Os cálculos são conduzidos de acordo com as fases de escavação, retirando-se as ações (empuxos) e molas correspondentes ao solo escavado e introduzindo-se as estroncas e/ou tirantes a serem instalados, sendo que os esforços e deslocamentos ocorridos nas fases anteriores são devidamente considerados nos cálculos das fases seguintes. O reaterro, quando existir, também é considerado. Um diferencial importante do método de cálculo proposto com relação a outros similares é a possibilidade da inclusão dos efeitos de temperatura nos cálculos dos deslocamentos e esforços, sendo que tais efeitos térmicos podem ser considerados sobre as estroncas, o que promove a tendência de seu alongamento, que sendo parcialmente impedido, gera conseqüentes esforços de compressão e também na própria parede de contenção através de gradientes que induzem flexão, e, portanto também influindo nos esforços sobre o sistema de estroncas. Um estudo prático e numérico é conduzido com o intuito de se validar e verificar o programa CEDEVE, primeiramente testando seus resultados com o programa SAP 2000 e, após, comparando os resultados por ele gerados com vários outros programas disponíveis (SPW2003, DEEP e ESTWIN). O efeito da temperatura sobre as estroncas, calculado pelo CEDEVE, é comparado com alguns resultados de instrumentações disponíveis na bibliografia consultada. Além disso, um estudo comparativo com alguns Métodos Empíricos e Semi-Empíricos é conduzido. De uma forma geral, é possível concluir que o Modelo de Winkler utilizado na modelagem do problema gera resultados satisfatórios e sua relação custo benefício é bastante atraente na análise de paredes de contenção / Abstract: The retaining structures, usually of wood, steel or concrete, can be constituted by sheet pile wall, piles with lagging, ¿in cast¿ pile walls and diaphragm walls among others and need to be designed, so that they reach the requirements about functionality, execution, safety and economy an appropriate way. It is possible divide the design methods in three great groups. The Empirical Methods that has been based on results of experimental measures, the Semi-Empirical Methods that admit as loading a diagram of earth pressures for both sides of the wall, in each excavation phase, presupposing the displacements and considering the struts and anchorage as fixed supports and, finally, the Analytical Methods that take into account the characteristics of strength and stiffness of the structure and soil and they make possible the evolutionary calculation of internal efforts (strut forces, bending moments and shear forces) as well as the displacements, so the previous phases are taken indeed into account in the calculations of the following phases. Initially a wide bibliographical revision on the methods of calculation of retaining structures is presented. After that, this work adopts as focus the Winkler¿s Model, through One-Dimensional Analytical Method that bases the development of the CEDEVE program (Evolutionary Calculation of Displacements and Efforts in Braced Trenches). This program assimilates the wall as a beam of unitary width, being the soil modeled as springs with linear perfectly elastic-plastic behavior including histeresis. Struts and anchorages, of elastic behavior, with or without initials forces, can be introduced in the structure. The actions on the structure occur by the soil pressures, water pressures and eventually overloads in the soil surface. The calculations are performed in agreement with the excavation phases, leaving the actions (soil pressures) and springs corresponding to the dug soil as well as introducing the struts/anchorages, so that the efforts and displacements happened in the previous phases are properly considered in the calculations of the following phases. The process of cover the trench with earth, when it exists, is also considered. A important differential of the CEDEVE program regarding other similar ones is the possibility of the inclusion of the temperature effects in the calculations of the displacements and efforts, and such thermal effects can be considered on the struts, what promotes the tendency of its stretch, that being impeded partially, generates consequent compression and also in the own retaining wall through gradients that induce bending and, therefore, also influencing on the loads on the struts system. A practical and numerical study is done with the intention of validate and verify the CEDEVE program, firstly testing their results with the program SAP 2000 and, after that, comparing the results generated with several other available programs (SPW2003, DEEP and ESTWIN). The effect of the temperature on the struts, calculated by CEDEVE, is compared with some results of available instrumentations in the consulted bibliography. Besides this, a comparative study with some Empirical and Semi-Empirical Methods was done. In general, it is possible to conclude that the Winkler¿s Model used in the modeling of the problem generates satisfactory results and its relationship cost benefit is quite attractive in the analysis of retaining structures / Doutorado / Estruturas / Mestre em Engenharia Civil
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L’analyse spectrale des graphes aléatoires et son application au groupement et l’échantillonnage / Spectral analysis of random graphs with application to clustering and samplingKadavankandy, Arun 18 July 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les graphes aléatoires en utilisant des outils de la théorie des matrices aléatoires et l’analyse probabilistique afin de résoudre des problèmes clefs dans le domaine des réseaux complexes et Big Data. Le premier problème qu’on considère est de détecter un sous graphe Erdős–Rényi G(m,p) plante dans un graphe Erdős–Rényi G(n,q). Nous dérivons les distributions d’une statistique basée sur les propriétés spectrales d’une matrice définie du graphe. Ensuite, nous considérons le problème de la récupération des sommets du sous graphe en présence de l’information supplémentaire. Pour cela nous utilisons l’algorithme «Belief Propagation». Le BP sans informations supplémentaires ne réussit à la récupération qu’avec un SNR effectif lambda au-delà d’un seuil. Nous prouvons qu’en présence des informations supplémentaires, ce seuil disparaît et le BP réussi pour n’importe quel lambda. Finalement, nous dérivons des expressions asymptotiques pour PageRank sur une classe de graphes aléatoires non dirigés appelés « fast expanders », en utilisant des techniques théoriques à la matrice aléatoire. Nous montrons que PageRank peut être approché pour les grandes tailles du graphe comme une combinaison convexe du vecteur de dégré normalisé et le vecteur de personnalisation du PageRank, lorsque le vecteur de personnalisation est suffisamment délocalisé. Par la suite, nous caractérisons les formes asymptotiques de PageRank sur le Stochastic Block Model (SBM) et montrons qu’il contient un terme de correction qui est fonction de la structure de la communauté. / In this thesis, we study random graphs using tools from Random Matrix Theory and probability to tackle key problems in complex networks and Big Data. First we study graph anomaly detection. Consider an Erdős-Rényi (ER) graph with edge probability q and size n containing a planted subgraph of size m and probability p. We derive a statistical test based on the eigenvalue and eigenvector properties of a suitably defined matrix to detect the planted subgraph. We analyze the distribution of the derived test statistic using Random Matrix Theoretic techniques. Next, we consider subgraph recovery in this model in the presence of side-information. We analyse the effect of side-information on the detectability threshold of Belief Propagation (BP) applied to the above problem. We show that BP correctly recovers the subgraph even with noisy side-information for any positive value of an effective SNR parameter. This is in contrast to BP without side-information which requires the SNR to be above a certain threshold. Finally, we study the asymptotic behaviour of PageRank on a class of undirected random graphs called fast expanders, using Random Matrix Theoretic techniques. We show that PageRank can be approximated for large graph sizes as a convex combination of the normalized degree vector and the personalization vector of the PageRank, when the personalization vector is sufficiently delocalized. Subsequently, we characterize asymptotic PageRank on Stochastic Block Model (SBM) graphs, and show that it contains a correction term that is a function of the community structure.
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No description available.
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Matrices inversas generalizadas definidas mediante proyectores y su aplicación a órdenes parciales matricialesHernández, María Valeria 05 September 2022 (has links)
[ES] El Análisis Matricial proporciona herramientas muy útiles en la Matemática Aplicada. La teoría de matrices inversas generalizadas constituye una de estas herramientas. Su aplicación a otras áreas de las matemáticas y a otras disciplinas es importante. En esta tesis doctoral se definen e investigan nuevas inversas generalizadas, y se encuentran y caracterizan nuevos órdenes parciales definidos a partir de algunas de ellas. Por lo tanto, esta tesis doctoral se enmarca en dos importantes áreas: el Análisis Matricial y la Teoría de Matrices, y el Algebra de la Lógica (Estructuras Algebraicas Ordenadas).
En la primera parte de esta tesis se define e investiga una nueva clase de inversas generalizadas híbridas, las inversas GDMP (y dualmente, las MPGD inversas) en el conjunto de matrices cuadradas de índice arbitrario, como una extensión de las inversas DMP a una clase más general.
En esta tesis se presentan las nuevas inversas generalizadas GDMP como cierto producto de matrices que involucra las inversas G-Drazin y la inversa de Moore- Penrose. Se investigan sus propiedades mediante diferentes enfoques y se las caracteriza desde diferentes puntos de vista. Como complemento, se proporciona un algoritmo para hallarlas, que además permite encontrar una inversa G-Drazin.
El estudio de proyectores es un área importante en diferentes ramas de las Matemáticas y en el Análisis Matricial en particular. La teoría de inversas generalizadas se utiliza como herramienta para analizarlos y operar con ellos. En la segunda parte de esta tesis se estudia el comportamiento de ciertos proyectores oblicuos definidos mediante inversas generalizadas. A partir de la definición de una adecuada relación de equivalencia en conjuntos particulares de matrices complejas, se introduce una nueva clase de matrices inversas generalizadas como el representante "más simple" de cada clase de equivalencia. Además, se representan como combinación de una inversa interior y la inversa de Moore-Penrose. Esta es la razón por la que se las ha denominado inversas 1MP y MP1. De manera similar se introducen las inversas 2MP y sus duales, las MP2.
M. Mehdipour y A. Salemi definieron en [53j la inversa CMP de una matriz cuadrada A poniendo el énfasis en la parte core de la propia matriz A. En esta tesis doctoral se realiza un análisis similar, centrando el enfoque en las inversas 2MP. Surgen de esta manera las inversas generalizadas C2MP.
La teoría de inversas generalizadas se relaciona estrechamente con la de órdenes parciales. En esta tesis se retoma el estudio, comenzado en [45], de las propiedades del orden diamante en conjuntos de matrices rectangulares.
Como una aplicación de las inversas generalizadas 1MP y MP1, se definen dos nuevas relaciones de orden en conjuntos de matrices rectangulares.
Esta tesis está organizadas en cuatro capítulos. En el Capítulo 1 se desarrollan algunos antecedentes del tema de la tesis y se presentan los resultados preliminares necesarios para el desarrollo del resto de los capítulos. En el Capítulo 2 se presentan las clases de matrices GDMP y MPGD, se demuestran propiedades de estas inversas y se describe un algoritmo para hallarlas. El Capítulo 3 se aboca al estudio de ciertos proyectores que permiten definir las clases de inversas generalizadas 1MP, MP1, 2MP y MP2. Al tomar un caso particular de inversa exterior, se definen las inversas C2MP. Además, se presentan las inversas definidas en esta tesis como inversas con espacio rango y espacio nulo prescrito. Finalmente, en el Capítulo 4, con la intención de estudiar una aplicación de la teoría de inversas generalizadas, se profundiza el estudio de órdenes parciales, proporcionando nuevas propiedades del orden diamante. También, se presentan e investigan dos nuevas relaciones de orden en el conjunto de matrices rectangulares y se analizan sus propiedades. Algunos de los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis pueden encontrarse en [37, 38, 39, 40, 41j. / [CA] L'Analisi Matricial proporciona eines molt útils en la Matematica Aplicada. La teoria de matrius inverses generalitzades constitueix una d'aquestes eines. La seua aplicació a altres arees de les matematiques i a altres disciplines és important. En aquesta tesi doctoral es defineixen i investiguen noves inverses generalitzades, i es troben i caracteritzen nous ordres parcials definits a partir d'algunes d'elles. Per tant, aquesta tesi doctoral s'emmarca en dues importants arees: l'Analisi Matricial i la Teoria de Matrius, i l' Álgebra de la Lógica (Estructures Algebraiques Ordenades).
En la primera part d'aquesta tesi es defineix i investiga una nova classe d'inverses generalitzades híbrides, les invernes GDMP (i dualment, les MPGD invernes) en el conjunt de matrius quadrades d'índex arbitrari, com una extensió de les invernes DMP a una classe més general.
En aquesta tesi es presenten les noves invernes generalitzades GDMP com a cert producte de matrius que involucra les invernes G-Drazin i la inversa de Moore-Penrose. S'investiguen les seues propietats mitjanc;ant diferents enfocaments i es caracteritzen des de diferents punts de vista. Com a complement, es proporciona un algorisme per a trabar-les, que a més permet trabar una inversa G-Drazin.
L'estudi de projectors és una area important en diferents branques de les Matemati ques i en l' Analisi Matricial en particular. La teoría d'inverses generalitzades s'utilitza com a eina per a analitzar-los i operar amb ells. En la segona part d'aquesta tesi s'estudia el comportament d'uns certs projectors oblics definits mitjanc;ant invernes generalitzades. A partir de la definició d'una adequada relació d'equivalencia en conjunts particulars de matrius complexes, s'introdueix una nova classe de matrius invernes generalitzades com el representant "més simple" de cada classe d'equivalencia. A més, es representen com a combinació d'una inversa interior i la inversa de Moore Penrose. Aquesta és la raó per la qual se les ha denominades invernes lMP i MPl. De manera similar, es defineixen les inverses 2MP i els seus duals, les MP2.
M. Mehdipour i A. Salemi van definir en [53] la inversa CMP d'una matriu quadrada A posant l'emfasi en la part core de la propia matriu A. En aquesta tesi doctoral es realitza una analisi similar, centrant l'enfocament en les inverses 2MP. Sorgeixen d'aquesta manera les inverses generalitzades C2MP.
En aquesta tesi es reprén l'estudi, començat a [45], de les propietats de l'ordre diamant en conjunts de matrius rectangulars.
Comuna aplicació de les inverses generalitzades lMP i MPl, es defineixen dues noves relacions d'ordre en conjunts de matrius rectangulars. Finalment, es troba una altra caracterització de l'ordre diamant.
Aquesta tesis esta organitzada en quatre capítols. En el Capítol 1 es desenvolupen alguns antecedents del tema de la tesi i es presenten els resultats preliminars necessaris per al desenvolupament de la resta dels capítols. En el Capítol 2 es presenten les classes de matrius GDMP i MPGD, es demostren propietats d'aquestes inverses i es descriu un algorisme per a trobar-les. El Capítol 3 es dedica a l'estudi d'uns certs projectors que permeten definir les classes d'inverses generalitzades lMP, MPl, 2MP i MP2. Particularitzant la inversa exterior considerada, es defineixen les inverses C2MP. A més, es presenten les inverses definides en aquesta tesi com a inverses amb espai rang i espai nul prescrit. Finalment, en el Capítol 4, amb la intenció d'estudiar una aplicació de la teoría d'inverses generalitzades, s'aprofundeix en l'estudi d'ordres parcials, proporcionant noves propietats de l'ordre diamant. També, es presenten i investiguen dues noves relacions d'ordre en el conjunt de matrius rectangulars i s'analitzen les seues propietats. Alguns dels resultats obtinguts en aquesta tesi poden trobar-se en [37, 38, 39, 40, 41]. / [EN] The Matrix Analysis provides with very useful tools for the Applied Mathematics. The theory of Generalized Inverse Matrices constitutes one of these tools. Its application is important for other areas of mathematics and other disciplines. In this PhD. thesis, new generalized inverses are defined and investigated, and new partial orders defined by sorne of them are found and characterized. Therefore, this PhD. thesis is based on two important areas: the Matrix Analysis and the Theory of Matrices, and the Algebra of Logic (Ordered Algebraic Structures).
In the first part this PhD. thesis, a new kind of hybrid generalized inverse is defined and investigated, the GDMP-inverses (and their duals, the MPGD-inverses), in the setting of square matrices of an arbitrary index, as an extension of the DMP inverses to a more general class.
In this PhD. thesis, generalized GDMP-inverses are introduced as a certain product of matrices that involve the G-Drazin inverse and the Moore-Penrose inverse. The pro perties are investigated by different methods and characterized from different points of view. As a complement, it is provided an algorithm to compute them, which also allows to find a G-Drazin inverse.
The study of projectors is an important area in different branches of Mathematics and particularly in the Matrix Analysis. The theory of generalized inverses is used as a tool to analyze them and operate with them. In the second part of this PhD. thesis, the behaviour of certain oblique projectors defined by generalized inverses is studied. From the definition of an adequate equivalence relation in particular sets of complex matrices, a new class of generalized inverse matrices is introduced as the "simplest" representant of each class of equivalence. Besides, they are represented as a product of an inner inverse and the Moore-Penrose inverse. This is the reason why they have been named lMP and MPl inverses.
Both the core inverse and the DMP inverse are expressed as an adequate product involving a specific outer inverse and the Moore-Penrose inverse. Similarly, the 2MP inverses and their duals, the MP2 inverses, are defined.
M. Mehdipour and A. Salemi defined in [53] the CMP inverse of a square matrix A, emphasizing the care part of the A matrix itself. In this PhD. thesis, a similar analysis is done, focusing on the care part of 2MP inverses. In this way, the generalized C2MP inverses are investigated.
The study of the diamond order properties in sets of rectangular matrices is inves tigated in this PhD. thesis. Two new order relations in sets of rectangular matrices are defined as an application of the generalized lMP and MPl inverses. Finally, another characterization of the diamond order is investigated in this PhD. thesis.
This PhD. thesis is organized into four chapters. In Chapter 1, sorne introduction of the PhD. thesis topic are developed and the preliminary results needed for the development of the rest of the chapters are presented. In Chapter 2, the classes of GDMP and MPGD matrices are presented, properties of these inverses are proved and an algorithm to find them is described. Chapter 3 is focused on the study of certain projectors that allow to define the classes of generalized lMP, MPl, 2MP and MP2 inverses. When taking a particular case of outer inverse, the C2MP inverses are defined. Moreover, the inverses defined in this PhD. thesis are presented as inverses with prescribed range and null space. Finally, in Chapter 4, the partial orders are studied in more detail, providing new properties of the diamond order, with the purpose of studying an application of the theory of generalized inverses. Finally, two new order relations are presented and investigated in the set of rectangular matrices and their properties are analyzed. Sorne of the results obtained in this PhD. thesis can be found in [37, 38, 39, 40, 41]. / Hernández, MV. (2022). Matrices inversas generalizadas definidas mediante proyectores y su aplicación a órdenes parciales matriciales [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/186007
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電子連接器產業經營策略之研究-以個案公司為例王世明, Wang , Hans Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在針對電子連接器產業進行探索性研究,期能發現占據相當重要關鍵零組件地位的連接器,其產業態勢與競爭條件。本研究固然與傳統的研究方法相同,運用Aaker的策略分析架構進行探討,但亦頗多創新之處,譬如納進Porter的國家競爭力分析模型,討論產業與政府等因素間的相互依賴狀況,又納入司徒達賢的策略矩陣分析構面,討論個案公司與其他同業之間的競爭模型。本研究雖以個案公司為研究對象,但旁及其他競爭性公司共同討論,以了解個案公司的產業定位與遭遇的挑戰。 / This study is exploring the advantage of competition in Connector industry. It adopted Aaker’s model, which designed by strategic method to depict a SWOT to overall analysis of connector industry as well as Case Study Company. The main contribution is to offer a position within industry where has a vital network can help others to sustain the strong power. However, the environment is not as good as past, the trend will bring a move to mainland China, and the new competitors will appear, the Industry ought to encounter more challenge than have been met in Taiwan.
This study has some characters involve in the National competitive model and the strategic matrix analysis method from Dr. Seeto. There are many persons were called on to the Case interview, However, only certain firms would be selected as delegation out of this industry.
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化合物半導體產業於無線通訊領域之產業矩陣分析與策略形態分析 / Industrial Matrix and Strategic Posture Analysis of Compound Semi-Conductor Industry in Wireless Communication郭建華 Unknown Date (has links)
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