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RFID在供應鏈物流管理上的創新運用與其發展趨勢–以Wal-Mart為例曾詩雅, Tseng,Grace Unknown Date (has links)
資訊流應達到電腦化、金流應達到即時流通順暢化、商流結構亦應達到完整性大目標外,最其要者即屬物流應達成即時管理。而其顯著的特點是走向系統化及即時化、電腦化的資訊管理使供應鏈物流活動之間的生產資訊控制,訂貨、儲存、搬運、進出庫、發貨、運輸、結算等物流環節之間的自動化資訊控制更為合理及流暢。 因其中物流成本占全部營銷成本的比例極高,因此個人以為降低物流成本應可成為企業第三獲利來源。
數位經濟的時代,在網際網路與資訊科技一日千里進步中,物流資訊化、網路化、全球化、虛擬化、整合化的方向,努力建構具核心競爭力的資訊整合實為當務之急的核心,如何改變手工資料登錄,使輸入的品質和速度提高,條碼就在這樣的環境下應運而生,其中RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)射頻技術的條碼自動識別技術以電腦、光電技術和通訊為發展基礎的綜合性技術最具競爭優勢及潛力。
本研究希望能從企業導入 RFID 現況與發展趨勢、應用於供應鏈所展現之核心競爭力及Wal-Mart 個案來分析,並從以下三重點來探討:
1. 企業導入RFID 對核心競爭力的影響。
2. 供應鏈物流系統如何運用RFID化以提升競爭力。
3. 政府推動RFID計畫以加速臺灣運籌中心之附加價值的建議。 / The era of knowledge economy has emerged. The key success factors are new technology and speed, and the main decision element is operation excellence. The enterprise has to be continually challenged by globalization through integrated information, strategic thinking, future planning, and new business plans, to integrate all the above resources internally and externally.
In addition, the enterprise needs to refresh workable resources, technology, product and strategy and continually make changes with re-modeling, re-engineering, and creativity to promote the competitive strength and operation excellence so as to synergize information flow, material flow, cash flow and business process flow.
Information flow should be computerized, cash flow should be smooth, and business process flow should be to meet the most integrated goal: ON-LINE Management. It is important that these processes are systematically linked with on-line computerized information within the supply chain management model. For instance: ordering, stocking, transportation, warehousing, tracking and cashier etc. Nevertheless, logistics cost constitutes a high percentage of operation cost. As such, I view that logistics cost should be brought down so as to reap enormous benefits from a third resource.
With the advent of the digital economy and the development of web-base technology, logistics information flow has to be systematic, web-based, virtual, and integrated. Striving to build up a competitive information integration is very important. In order to change the data-entering from a manual mode to a systematic mode the quality and speed are highly expected. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) development depends largely on high technology of computers, optoelectronics, electronic, telecommunication. Thus, it has tremendous potential to become a synergistic competitive strength in the market
This research paper will address RFID implementation, status and future development potential, the application in supply chain management and its core competencies. A case review on Wal-Mart’s success with reference to the following points will be discussed in this paper:
1. What are the core competencies required if one applies RFID?
2. How to apply RFID in the field of Supply Chain Management?
3. What is the add-value if Taiwan Government promotes RFID plans?
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射頻功率放大器之最佳屏流角度錢家治 Unknown Date (has links)
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無限射頻辨識系統(RFID)導入的成功關鍵因素探討 / Key Success Factors Analysis in the Implementation of RFID Technology劉俊良, Liu, Eric Unknown Date (has links)
現在越來越多的廠商和美國國防部都需要較好的無限射頻辨識系統(RFID)系統,所以它越來越受到注目,本論文即在探討無限射頻辨識系統(RFID)導入成功的關鍵因素。 / With the driving force from Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer and the US Department of Defense, suppliers are required to integrate Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in their case and pallet shipments to distribution centers in their supply chain. In comparison with traditional bar code labels and magnetic strips for supply chain management, RFID technology offers better visibility and information integration in the supply chain management.
In this paper, a variety of Automatic identification technologies will be compared to demonstrate the advantages of RFID solutions. The introduction of RFID technology will be made as well to detail the components in the RFID systems and the factors taken into account in the RFID selection and design phases. In the technology implementation, the diffusion model is adopted to explain the evolution of new technology implementation process. The strategic model for the adoption of RFID technology in business process and management is presented as a guideline for companies who are considering adopting the RFID solutions. The impact on business management and the practice guideline to the RIFD implementation are illustrated.
The factor analysis in the driving forces and resistance to the RFID adoption are examined to identify the attributes of its successful implementation and the variables of its adoption. According to the factor analysis, the driving forces are summarized into four major ones, including technology innovation, government and standard organization influence, organizational readiness and inter-organization demands. Two cases of RFID applications are presented to illustrate the factors taken into account in the RFID implementation. These two cases include the health care application and agricultural product process application. Companies gain the benefits of the improvement in the production efficiency and quality control over the business process and management. Information flow and capturing are becoming visible and automatic with the implementation of RFID technology.
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以流程管理方法進行RFID導入之研究 : 以血袋處理流程為例李耿賢, Lee,Keng hsien Unknown Date (has links)
但些許企業廠商導入之後,其效果不彰,究其原因為企業在導入RFID技術往往忽略了流程整合的重要性,造成結果不如預期。這也代表,縱然導入RDID系統技術需要進行許多的IT 技術研究與規劃,但這不代表可以單純地用「IT 建置轉型」的角度來建置RFID系統,企業還是必須從商業營運的角度來思考RFID能夠創造什麼樣的營運模式。
2.採用BPMN為流程模式化標準以及BPMN/BPEL的模式化工具來進行本研究流程之模式化與分析。未來得以藉由BPMN與BPEL之規格對應描述以及使用Web Service的開發工具來建置符合SOA架構之資訊系統。
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無線射頻識別(RFID)應用於檔案典藏單位庫房管理可行性之研究 / A feasibility study of RFID application in archival repository management王鈺蕙, Wang, Yu Hui Unknown Date (has links)
檔案是產生者因其業務活動而產生,視該文件所具有的重要價值、稽憑價值與特殊價值等而被留存於各機關庫房內,當保存期限屆滿時,再將其移轉至適當的檔案典藏單位中典藏,並賦予法律、文化和研究等功用,讓社會大眾加以應用。因此檔案典藏單位是蒐集、整理、儲存與提供檔案資訊之處所,以妥善典藏檔案,並維護檔案安全為主要目的。其中庫房則是檔案典藏單位的中樞命脈。為能達到有效運用人力資源、減少找尋檔案所耗費的時間、即時掌握檔案動態、加速庫房清查等效能,檔案典藏單位可採取無線射頻識別(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)協助管理工作。
由研究結果針對RFID應用於檔案典藏單位庫房管理可行性之研究歸納檔案使用率(utility rate)、館藏數量、庫房管理及撥用經費等四部分建議:一、建議優先使用RFID於檔案使用頻率較高的單位;二、建議優先使用RFID於館藏量較大的典藏單位;三、將RFID控管溫濕度功能應用至庫房管理;四、撥用經費建置RFID於部分檔案。 / Records are created in the process of executing various tasks and activities, whose intrinsic, evidential and special value is used to determine if such items require archiving. Upon expiration of records from these archives, subsequent appraisal and transfer to more suitable public archives allows society to use these records in legal, cultural, or research studies and fields, and also for other future uses. Thus, an archival repository is the ideal entity for the acquisition, organization, storage, and public access supplier for records, as well as serving a primary purpose of maintaining both a proper storage location and the security and preservation of records. Among the various responsibilities in an archival institute, storage is the most important aspect. In order to most efficiently utilize human resources and costs associated with searching and moving records, as well as to reduce collection inventory times, archival repositories can utilize RFID technology to aid in their administration responsibilities.
This study analyzes and compares similarities and differences between RFID in archives and libraries, and also investigates RFID feasibility, and makes appropriate recommendations for RFID usage, applications, administration and usage models in archival repository management. This study used in-depth interviews, six from libraries, compiling their factors for RFID usage, results with the technology, and opinions regarding this new technology. In addition, five archives were interviewed regarding RFID applications and opinions. Based on these interviews, it can be concluded:
First, in libraries, initial deployment of this technology used employees well-versed in information technology fields, RFID enables provision of multiple new user services, implementing department titles varied from place to place, circulation departments benefitted the most from RFID usage, and RFID handheld reader usage needs improved methods and results.
Second, regarding current RFID usage in an archives institution, RFID usage in metal storage shelves has shown signal interference, RFID faces significantly higher cost barriers, funding issues show RFID is better suited for library usage models, government is shifting towards e-documents, and a global information paradigm shift from a physical paper medium to a paperless medium, will effect RFID applications.
From these conclusions, four recommendations arise regarding the utilization rate of RFID, quantity of departments, storage administration, and sufficient funding:
1. RFID is more suitable in higher usage archival institutions.
2. RFID is more suitable in repositories with larger quantities of records.
3. RFID temperature and humidity features can be enabled for greater control and management in storage administration.
4. Sufficient funds must be allocated to implement RFID for important records.
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化合物半導體產業於無線通訊領域之產業矩陣分析與策略形態分析 / Industrial Matrix and Strategic Posture Analysis of Compound Semi-Conductor Industry in Wireless Communication郭建華 Unknown Date (has links)
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從世界各國RFID產業發展看未來台灣產業推動政策洪志仁 Unknown Date (has links)
RFID(無線射頻技術)產業發展一直政府所支持與關注的重點,隨著近年來我國政府持續執行RFID 公領域推動辦公室及2008 RFID 加值應用旗艦示範計畫,再再顯示政府重視RFID 產業發展成效,並將RFID列為政府施政重點,如何有效推動產研合作、落實技術開發、移轉成果予產業界,進一步透過技術創新,提升我國RFID產業持續發展與落實成果效益,是本研究主要的研究課題。
本研究藉由文獻探討之回顧,從RFID 技術介紹、全球RIFD 產業現況分析、我國RFID 產業現況、我國RFID 公領域推動辦公室計畫、各國 RFID 創新應用實例介紹,進而討論各國RFID 產業推動政策,最後,以未來我國RFID 產業發展機會與政府推動政策建議為結論。
本研究針對RFID 全球、區域、日本、我國市場分析,並將美國、歐盟、日本、韓國等各國RFID 產業推動政策彙總整理,探討RFID 台灣未來發展機會,進而提出未來我國政府RFID 推動政策之主要問題與挑戰,作為後續我國RFID 產業發展之參考。 / The government always supports and concern about the development of RFID industry. Recently, RFID promotion office of public region and Value-added application of RFID flagship model program in 2008 are main projects of our government. Obviously, the government pays much attention to the RFID industry development, and regards RFID as a policy focus. However, how to promote collaboration between research institutions and industries effectively, the implementation of technology development, through technological innovation to enhance the sustainable development of RFID industry and the implementation of the outcome of effective are main topics in this paper .
According to the literature Review, we discuss the RFID technology, global RFID industry analysis, domestic RFID industry analysis, domestic RFID promotion office of public region, global RFID innovation case study. Moreover, we discuss the RFID policy of all over the world. Finally, we offer the conclusion that is the opportunity of Taiwan RFID industry development and the recommend of government’s policy in the future.
This research is aimed at the analysis of RFID’s global market. and combine with the RFID industry policy in America, European Union, Japan, and Korea to discuss the opportunities of RFID industry in Taiwan for the near future. Pointing some main problems and challenges of the RFID industry policy that could be useful f domestic RFID industry development in the near future.
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以雲端支援架構建置RFID為基礎之個人化無所不在學習系統 / A cloud-supported framework for implementing RFID-based personalized ubiquitous learning system林彥志, Lin, Yen Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究提出一項無所不在的學習系統架構改變傳統數位學習之教育傳遞的方式,讓學習者能在任何時間、任何地點透過行動裝置,連結雲端上的學習系統便能自動取得數位化的教學課程及輔助教材等教學資源,並結合RFID標籤之唯一性及無線辨識功能,除了可感測、讀取周遭環境物件資訊以外,更作為學習者個人辨識登入的方法,進而驗證以取得個人所屬的學習課程或學習進度規劃等功能,創造個人化無所不在學習,期許改善目前數位學習在散播教育資源這塊領域,仍有不足之處所造成的數位落差。系統架構本身採用雲端運算作為後端開發技術,將系統、數位學習課程與資料庫分散在各地,以減少單一系統之資源負載量過大及頻寬不足等問題,讓學習者接受即需的教學服務。 / This paper proposes a ubiquitous learning system framework, in order to improve traditional e-learning method for delivering education. Learners could connect to the learning system on the cloud by mobile devices at any time and any place. It could automatically access digital educational resources such as learning courses and supplementary materials. Using the RFID tag for uniqueness and radio frequency identification function. In addition to context-aware and reading the information of objects around the enviroment. It also can be a personalised identify for learners to login and access one’s own function of learning courses or learning scheduling to create personalized ubiquitous learning. There is lack of education due to digital divide which calls for improvement of distributing educational resources. The proposed system architecture incorporates cloud computing for back-end development technology. In order to reduce resource overload of the single system and lack of bandwidth, distributing the learning system, e-learning course and database to several places enable learners to take on-demand educational services.
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數位時代博物館經營模式探討-國立故宮博物院個案研究 / The Study of Museum Business Models in Digital Era -A Case of National Palace Museum郭鎮武, Kuo, Chen Wo Unknown Date (has links)
RFID 運用於博物館館務作業,不但可節省人力、時間,還可以將資料做妥善的應用,增加擴大博物館的服務範圍層面。本研究就應用 RFID 全方略導入博物館經營模式,建議基本上可分為下列五項:門禁管理、自動導覽、典藏管理、盤點管理及出版發行管理。研究指出 RFID 應用於博物館的魅力在於協助導覽、增進學習效果、加速盤點作業與安全管理上,皆充分的展現出其優異之特性。因之,博物館業界,當應善加運用 RFID技術,並融合資訊科技,設計出適合博物館各自的經營模式與功能需求,以嶄新且多面向的展示,呈現予觀眾。 / The cultural relic preservation at National Palace Museum (herein referred to as NPM) is the essence of Chinese arts and crafts and the critical treasury of historical research. Under the U-Taiwan project, by establishing the basic equipment of a u-NPM (providing mobile appliances, RFID, wireless sensor networks and etc.,), digital contents and critical information and communication technology related to graphical user interface, NPM expects to: set readily available network service systems, cooperate with the application of NPM cultural ID sensor internet access, popularize the tag application of NPM-related value-adding products, construct the u-NPM products and the mechanism of service safety and trust, advance the equipment of wireless sensor networks in NPM and the application service industries, develop the key u-technologies, promote the digital contents of u-NPM and the daily applying penetration of value-added products to assist in reinforcing the competition of how museums making use of information technologies.
The high quality demonstrative park of u-NPM will be created in the coming future so that the exquisite cultural relics with u-technologies in NPM will be closer to people and seen by the world. The achievements of u-technologies and applications in museums in Taiwan will be shown to the people in Taiwan and abroad.
“Ubiquitous” represents a concept which means “God exists everywhere”. At the era of information technology, by using all kinds of information products and networks, the word represents that the ubiquitous information ideal world can be realized. To harmony with the U-Taiwan project, the u-construction in Taiwan is mainly based on the technologies of wireless sensor and RFID. With RFID being applied in the management at museums, manpower and time can be saved and the data can be properly used to increase and enlarge the service ranges of museums. The research introduces the full application of RFID into museum management models. Five basic suggestions are listed: entrance guard management, tour guide, preservation management, inventory management and publication management.
Indicated by the research, the amazing parts of RFID application in museums are assisting tours, enhancing learning effects, and accelerating the inventory and safety management which all fully represents its outstanding characteristics. Therefore, the industry of museums should take a good use of the RFID technology and integrate information technology into RFID to design the management models and function needs fit for museums respectfully and display with new and multi-dimensions for audience.
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供應商攻入與穩固客戶關係之研究 / Establishing and Solidifying Relationships with Clients谷裔凡, Ku, Yi Fan Unknown Date (has links)
透過本研究結果作為供應商訂定營業策略時的參考,藉以提升供應商能力,增加攻入客戶的機會,並加強客戶與供應商的互動,提高客戶忠誠度並維繫客戶關係,以期獲致最大利益。 / The case company specialize in sale agent in microwave communications components, and supporting complete solution. Currently, the company extend its marketing range to the commercial and consumer markets, it has partners in Taiwan, mainland China, Europe and the United States. Companies face global competition, each of them wants to play an important role on the world economic stage. The key is to establish a close relationship to supply chain partners.
This study explores how the case company meets clients needs by their own ability and value on the basis of Resource-Based theory. The relationship between companies and their clients is a special “strategic partnership”. The relationship let company make good use of the core competitiveness in procurement process, maintain a dominant position, thereby affect the clients or industry.
This study using case analysis has the following conclusions: (a) There are five points in establishing relationships with clients by supplier, including “our own ability and value”, “clients need”, “the consensus with clients and develop solutions with clients” and “expand the services and products”. (b) There are five points in solidifying relationships with clients by supplier, including “product quality”, “product price”, “product delivery”, “service and relationship of trust”, “barriers to entry”.
Suppliers can formulate strategies through the conclusion to enhance its capability, increase the chance of establishing clients, enhance interaction between clients and suppliers, increase clients loyalty, maintain relationship with clients and earn more profit.
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