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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Responsiveness and its institutionalisation in higher education

Van Schalkwyk, François January 2010 (has links)
Magister Educationis - MEd / This thesis proposes a typology of responsiveness in order to reduce interpretive ambiguity and to provide a framework which makes possible an assessment of the extent to which responsiveness is likely to be institutionalised in higher education. The typology is tested at two universities. The findings indicate that the typology developed can be deployed to reveal insight into how responsiveness is manifesting at universities. The findings around institutionalisation of responsiveness are less conclusive but indicate that while there is evidence of the institutionalisation of a particular type of university responsiveness, the process is at best partial as the academic heartland of higher education systems remain slow to accept the demands made by the state, university leadership and other stakeholders for more responsive universities. / South Africa

The recognition of language rights under international human rights law: analysis of its protection in Ethiopia and Mauritius

Chere, Mitiku Mekonnen January 2009 (has links)
The recognition of the right to language under international human rights is still an ongoing debate. By examining the nature, extent and adequacy of the protection according to linguistic rights in international human rights laws, this paper offers solutions for this ongoing debate. In addition to resolving the issues in international law, it also discusses the extent of protection accorded to linguistic rights in Mauritius as well as under the express linguistic and ethnic form of Ethiopian federalism. Compares the practice and language policies of Ethiopia and Mauritius in light of international standards and identifies further issues to be addressed. / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2009. / Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Law University of Pretoria, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Masters of Law (LLM in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa). Prepared under the supervision of Bissessur Pramod, Faculty of Law and Management, University of Mauritius. / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/ / Centre for Human Rights / LLM

'The prodigal child': a legal inquiry into the mechanisms for the rehabilitation and reintegration of juvenile detainees: lessons from Mauritius

Atim, Patricia P’Odong January 2009 (has links)
Investigates to which extent the Mauritius government programmes and policies address the need for reform and reintegration of juvenile detainees. The specific objectives of the author are: a) To layout the normative content of both the international and regional legal framework on the reform and reintegration of juvenile detainees. b) To establish to what extent the government of Mauritius has adopted and implemented legislation, policies and practical programmes in the Juvenile Justice System (JJS) that are in conformity with the international principles on JJS and secure successful rehabilitation and reintegration of juveniles in detention. c) To identify the challenges faced by stakeholders in implementing the relevant programmes and d) To suggest steps that can be taken by both Mauritius and other African governments to transform the JJS to guarantee rehabilitation and reintegration of juveniles. / Mini Dissertation (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa))--University of Pretoria, 2009. / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/ / Centre for Human Rights / LLM

Minimising taxes for South African companies investing into Africa using Mauritius as gateway

Boshoff, Septimus Jakobus 18 July 2013 (has links)
Investors constantly seek to secure business ventures and structures that will provide them with the most tax-efficient consequences by utilising loopholes in tax legislation and exploiting them within the legal requirements. With the recent growing interest in the undeveloped markets in Africa, many South African companies aim to invest into Africa in a tax-efficient manner. Mauritius, being a low tax jurisdiction and having a favourable tax treaty network with a large number of African countries, is an attractive choice for South African companies wishing to set up a platform for investing into Africa. The aim of this study was to address the shortcomings of efficient tax planning and the approach to invest into Africa using Mauritius as gateway for South African resident companies. The study focused on the tax implications of an offshore trust and offshore company incorporated in Mauritius for tax-efficient investing in order to minimise taxes. Therefore this study did not focus on using Mauritius for tax evasion purposes and a qualitative approach was applied, using a hypothetical case study to determine the most tax-efficient organisational structure for minimising taxes. The findings of the study revealed that, on a balance of case law and tax legislation, a tax-minimising organisational structure is largely influenced by its residency status and South Africa‟s control foreign company (CFC) legislation. Residency for an offshore trust and offshore company will be at the place where it is effectively managed. The findings revealed that the tax consequences are similar for an offshore trust and offshore company in Mauritius legislation. However, the hypothetical case study revealed that the impact of the CFC legislation can have negative consequences for a structure where only an offshore company is used, and therefore the ideal tax-minimising structure will be where a South African company uses a combination of an offshore trust and offshore company in Mauritius in order to avoid the possibility of CFC legislation having an impact on such a structure. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Taxation / unrestricted

Sustainable Aquifer Management in Small Island Developing States : A case study of Mauritius

Kowlesser, Akshay January 2018 (has links)
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are amongst the most vulnerable states in the world. They are subject to a number of stresses including economical, climatic and spatial restraints. This thesis investigates the effects that certain critical ‘stresses’ will have on the groundwater reserves of SIDS. Mauritius was chosen as the case study for this project because of three main reasons, which were that 1) islands of the Indian Ocean are the least studied compared to the pacific and Caribbean islands, 2) there is no actual groundwater model for the aquifers of Mauritius and finally 3) information and background knowledge was more accessible to the author.  Two critical aquifers of Mauritius were chosen according to their respective vulnerability (extraction rates of groundwater, geological features, and rainfall patterns), Aquifers II and V. The aquifers were calibrated using data that was published by the Mauritian local authorities and through an extensive literature review. Aquifer II and Aquifer V were modelled using the software ModelMUSE and a steady state model (with a time series of 100 years) was used to calibrate the models using limited data that was obtained through the literature review. Aquifer V was successfully modelled while Aquifer II gave inconsistent results. A transient model using four scenarios inspired by the IPCC scenario analysis was used to investigate the salt water intrusion as well as the piezometric levels in both aquifers. The scenarios (run for a period of 100 years, i.e. until 2100) were of varying degrees of severity and included the main drivers of change that were believed to affect the groundwater consumption of Mauritius. The attributes that were targeted in this thesis were: economy, demography, technology and climate. These were then converted into quantifies inputs that were used in the model to assess the migration of the saltwater/freshwater interface in the aquifers. Scenario 4 which involved low recharge rate of the aquifer, high sea level rise, low GDP growth and increasing population subjected the aquifer to a reduced water table, and consequential sea water intrusion of the order 1.5 km across the cross section analysed. Scenario 3, which consisted of investment in green technology, increase in recharge of the aquifers on the other hand gave the more optimistic results with the salt water - fresh water interface moving seawards. Scenario 4 rendered unusable around 50 % of the wells in the aquifer while Scenario 3 on the other had the effects of increasing the freshwater lens of the Aquifer V. Measures such as sustainable urban drainage systems, managed aquifer recharge and Seepcat (a method which involves placing a series of pipes around coastal aquifers to prevent the intrusion of salt water) were recommended to decrease the salt water intrusion risk and eventually increase the fresh water lens of the island on various spatial and time scales. It is suggested that the coarse groundwater model developed for Aquifer V of Mauritius be refined and applied to different aquifers of the island. Moreover it is also recommended for future work that discontinuities in the geology be integrated in the groundwater model. A more detailed and nuanced water balance is also recommended to get more accurate initial conditions for the model. This thesis, by providing a coarse model to tackle the impending challenges that await Mauritius, can support a more sustainable water management of the country. / Small Island Developing States (SIDS), små önationer under utveckling, är bland de mest sårbara staterna i världen. De är utsatta för ett antal stressfaktorer inklusive ekonomiska, klimatrelaterade och rumsliga restriktioner. Detta examensarbete undersöker effekterna av några kritiska stressfaktorer på grundvattenreserverna i dessa önationer. Mauritius valdes som fallstudie för detta projekt på grund av tre huvudsakliga orsaker. Dessa var att öar i Indiska Oceanen är de minst studerade jämfört med atlantiska och karibiska öar, att det inte finns någon riktig grundvattenmodell för akvifererna på Mauritius och slutligen att information och bakgrundskunskap var mer lättåtkomligt för författaren. Två kritiska akviferer på Mauritius valdes utifrån deras respektive sårbarheter (uttagshastighet av grundvatten, geologiska egenskaper och nederbördsmönster). Baserat på detta valdes Akvifer II och Akvifer V. Akvifererna kalibrerades med hjälp av data publicerat av mauritiska lokala myndigheter och genom en omfattande litteraturstudie. Akvifer II och Akvifer V modellerades i programmet ModelMUSE och en steady state-modell (med en tidsserie på 100 år) användes för att kalibrera modellerna med hjälp av begränsad data som erhölls under litteraturstudien. Inmatningsvärdena erhölls från vattenresursenheten på Mauritius, från vilka genomsnittliga värden över en tidsperiod om 15 år togs fram och användes som begynnelsevillkor för steady state-modellen. Akvifer V kalibrerades med framgång medan Akvifer II gav inkonsekventa resultat. Detta hänfördes till de stora skillnaderna i topografin i Akvifer II, vilka bidrog till att fel uppstod under uträkningen. En tidsberoende modell med fyra scenarios inspirerade av FN:s klimatpanels scenarioanalys användes för att undersöka saltvatteninträngningen samt grundvattennivån i båda akvifererna. Scenarierna (körda över en period om 100 år, d.v.s. till 2100) var av varierande viktighetsgrad och inkluderade de främsta drivkrafterna som ansågs påverka Mauritius grundvattenförbrukning. De attribut som fokuserades på i denna avhandling var: ekonomi, demografi, teknik och klimat. Dessa omvandlades sedan till indata som användes i modellen för att bedöma migrationen av saltvatten/sötvattengränsen i akvifererna. Scenario 4 som innebar liten grundvattenbildning i akviferen, hög havsnivåstigning, låg BNP-tillväxt och ökande befolkning utsatte akviferen för en reducerad vattennivå, och påföljande havsvatteninträngning av ordningen 1,5 km över den analyserade tvärsektionen. Scenario 3 gav å andra sidan mer optimistiska resultat då saltvatten/sötvattengränsen rörde sig mot havet. Scenario 4 medförde att ungefär 50 % av brunnarna i akviferen blev oanvändbara. Åtgärder såsom hållbara stadsdräneringssystem, kontrollerad grundvattenbildning och Seepcat (en metod som innebär att man placerar en serie rör runt kustområden för att förhindra saltvattenintrång) rekommenderas för att minska saltvatteninträngningen och så småningom öka öns färskvattenlins på olika rumsliga och tidsrelaterade skalor. Det föreslås att den grova grundvattenmodellen som utvecklats för Akvifer V i Mauritius förfinas och appliceras på olika akviferer på ön. Därtill rekommenderas att diskontinuiteter i geologin integreras i grundvattenmodellen i framtida arbete. Genom att applicera modellen kan viktig information användas för en hållbar vattenförvaltning på Mauritius i framtiden.

Globalization and psychology training: Mauritius as a case study

Foo Kune, Natacha M.R. 01 August 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Bairisch in Niedersachsen: Inschriften mit dialektalem „Migrationshintergrund“

Lampe, Jörg H., Wulf, Christine 26 September 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Enhancing the Treatment of Systems Integration in Long-term Energy Models

Welsch, Manuel January 2013 (has links)
Securing access to affordable energy services is of central importance to our societies. To do this sustainably, energy systems design should be – amongst other things – environmentally compliant and reconcile with the integrated management of potentially limiting resources. This work considers the role for so-called 'Smart Grids' to improve the delivery of energy services. It deals with the integration of renewable energy technologies to mitigate climate change. It further demonstrates an approach to harmonise potentially conflicting energy, water and land-use strategies. Each presents particular challenges to energy systems analysis. Computer aided models can help identify energy systems that most effectively meet the multiple demands placed on them. As models constitute a simple abstraction of reality, it is important to ensure that those dynamics that considerably impact results are suitably integrated. In its three parts, this thesis extends long-term energy system models to consider improved integration between: (A) supply and demand through Smart Grids; (B) timeframes by incorporating short-term operating constraints into long-term models; and (C) resource systems by linking multiple modelling tools. In Part A, the thesis explores the potential of Smart Grids to accelerate and improve electrification efforts in developing countries. Further, a long-term energy system model is enhanced to investigate the Smart Grid benefits associated with a closer integration of supply, storage and demand-side options. In Part B, the same model is extended to integrate flexibility requirements. The benefits of this integration are illustrated on an Irish case study on high levels of wind power penetrations. In Part C, an energy model is calibrated to consider climate change scenarios and linkages with land-use and water models. This serves to assess the implications of introducing biofuels on the small island developing state of Mauritius. The thesis demonstrates that too weak integration between models and resource systems can produce significantly diverging results. The system configurations derived may consequently generate different – and potentially erroneous – policy and investment insights. / Säker och prisvärd tillgång till energitjänster är en central fråga för dagens samhällen. För att tillgodose samhällen med hållbara energitjänster bör energisystemen designas för att – bland annat – möta de miljömässiga kraven samt hantera potentiellt begränsade resurser. Den här avhandlingen undersöker de ”smarta” elnätens roll för bättre tillhandahållande av energitjänster. Avhandlingen behandlar integration av förnybar energiteknik för minskad klimatpåverkan samt demonstrerar ett tillvägagångssätt för att förena potentiellt motstridiga energi-, vatten- och markanvändningsstrategier. Dessa uppvisar särskilda utmaningar i energisystemanalyser. Datorstödda modeller kan användas för att identifiera energisystem som på effektivast sätt möter samhällets krav. Datorstödda modeller är, per definition, förenklingar av verkligheten och det är därför viktigt att säkerställa en korrekt representation av det verkliga systemets dynamik. Den här avhandlingen förstärker energisystemmodeller för långsiktsprognoser utifrån tre aspekter: förbättra integrationen av (A) tillgång och efterfrågan genom smarta elnät; (B) olika tidsaspekter genom att inkludera kortsiktiga operativa begränsningar; samt (C) resurssystem genom att sammanlänka olika modelleringsverktyg. I del A utforskades de smarta elnätens potential för att förbättra elektriska system i utvecklingsländer. En befintlig energisystemmodell förstärktes för att behandla smarta elnät och kan därmed fånga fördelarna förknippade med energilagring och energianvändning. I del B utvidgades en energisystemmodell för långsiktsprognoser med flexibilitet för kortsiktiga operativa begränsningar. En fallstudie fokuserad på ett vindkraftsdominerat irländskt elnät genomfördes för att demonstrera fördelarna av modellutvecklingen. I del C kalibrerades en energisystemmodell för att ta klimatscenarier i beaktande samt energisystemets kopplingar till markanvändning och vattenresurssystem. En fallstudie fokuserad på Mauritius energisystem genomfördes för att undersöka konsekvenserna av en potentiell introducering av biobränslen. Avhandlingen demonstrerar att undermålig integration av energimodeller och resurssystem kan leda till avsevärda avvikelser i resultaten. Slutsatser som dras utifrån dessa resultat kan därmed leda till vitt skilda – och potentiellt felaktiga – underlag för investeringar och energipolitiska rekommendationer. / <p>QC 20131118</p>

Does primary resource-based industrialisation offer an escape from underdevelopment?

Ali, Fatimah January 2006 (has links)
It is commonly believed about sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) that the region has a comparative advantage in primary resources as reflected by its high share of primary exports to total exports. In acknowledging the region's comparative advantage, the study tries to put the determinants from the Wood and Mayer (1998, (999) (W-M) Heckscher-Ohlin based model in the context of two relatively diversified countries (South Africa and Mauritius) and two commodity-export-dependent countries of sub-Saharan Africa (Nigeria and Cô̌̌te d'Ivoire). The study finds that the skill and land resource measures used in the W -M (1998, 1999) thesis do not explain why Nigeria, having a similar level of skill per worker ratio to South Africa, has not diversified. Further, Mauritius having relatively the highest skill per land ratio specialises in low-skill textiles and clothing, while South Africa specialises in the more human capital-intensive "other manufactures" group. The other measure, a low land per worker ratio that explains Mauritius' relatively higher share of manufacturing exports, also fails to apply to Nigeria. The thesis thus concludes that the W-M land and skill measures could only be rough proxies in determining comparative advantage in manufacturing exports. However, employing the Dutch disease hypothesis recognises the potential of land abundance as a natural resource, namely minerals in South Africa, oil in Nigeria, and cocoa in Cǒ̌te d'Ivoire. The Dutch disease is a dynamic process of structural economic and political development that will permit an understanding of why natural resource abundant countries do not have a comparative advantage in manufacturing, at least in the short to medium term. The study therefore investigates commodity dependence and the Dutch disease effects to examine whether primary resource- based industrialisation offers an escape from underdevelopment. It establishes that South Africa, a mineral resource rich country, diversified based on a broad mineral-energy-complex (MEC) reinforcing the notion that land abundant countries will first invest in capital- intensive primary resource processing. However, the thesis concludes that in Nigeria and Cǒ̌te d'Ivoire where external shocks are more predominant probably because of single commodity export reliance, the manufacturing sector lags behind more due to resource and spending effects that a natural resource boom generates in these economies.

Sustainable Implementation of Photovoltaic Technologies in Mauritius : A study on the energy system in Mauritius and the effect of solar power generation on frequency stability / Hållbar implementering av solceller på Mauritius : En studie av energisystemet på Mauritius och inverkan av solkraft på frekvensstabilitet

Bang Jensen, Maria Isabel, Lundberg, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Mauritius is an isolated island with ambitious targets for renewable energy generation and plans to invest in more solar power. The aim of this study is to assess how the implementation of photovoltaic technologies might affect the frequency stability in Mauritius and thus assess whether solar power can help the country obtain their targets for green energy generation. The research question is answered by conducting a literature study and simulating relevant scenarios in Matlab and Simulink. By simulating the frequency response for a production disturbance with different values for system inertia and PV capacity, the inertia requirements for frequency stability is assessed. Mauritius appears to have a high potential for increasing solar power generation. Based on the simulations, their electrical grid seems to be able to maintain frequency stability with PV capacity corresponding to the generation targets for 2020, 2025 and 2030, even for low amounts of system inertia. However, the significance of these results are called into question because of the varying quality of input data. With more accurate, specific data, the applicability of the results can be improved. Nevertheless, the study can be used as a guideline on how to use the given model to evaluate frequency stability in isolated power systems in island states. Ways to further this study is to evaluate other stability challenges related to PV production such as the reactive power in the system, voltage stability and rotor angle stability. / Mauritius är en isolerad ö som har sett en stor ekonomisk växt de sista åren. För att möta en ökande efterfrågan på el på ett hållbart sätt har Mauritius satt ambitiösa mål för förnybar energiproduktion som bland annat innebär betydande investeringar i solkraft. Målet med denna studie är att utvärdera hur implementeringen av utökad solcellskapacitet skulle kunna påverka frekvensstabiliteten i nätet på Mauritius och således fastställa ifall solenergin kan bidra till deras mål om ökad grön energiproduktion, utan att öka risken för strömavbrott. Frågeställningen besvaras genom att först utföra en litteraturstudie och sedan använda en matematisk modell, utvecklad av Danilo Obradovic från KTH, för att simulera relevanta scenarier i Matlab och Simulink. Simuleringarna visar frekvenssvaret vid produktionsbortfall som relateras till den mängd svängmassa som behövs för att säkerställa frekvensstabilitet vid olika mängder solceller. Litteraturstudien visar att Mauritius har god tillgång på solinstrålning och solceller verkar vara en lämplig teknologi för att utnyttja denna energin. Enligt de simuleringar som genomförts verkar Mauritius kunna bibehålla frekvensensstabilitet om den installerade solcellskapaciteten ökas till de planerade nivåerna i 2020, 2025 och 2030, även för låga värden på systemets svängmassa. Slutsatserna bör dock analyseras kritiskt då indatan som används för simuleringarna är av varierande kvalitet. Med bättre och mer specifik indata kan den föreslagna metodiken och modellen användas för att dra mer relevanta slutsatser för Mauritius. Metodiken som använts i denna studie kan därav ses på som en riktlinje för hur frekvensstabiliteten i isolerade elnät kan undersökas. Vidare kan studien utökas genom att utvärdera sociala och ekonomiska aspekter och även andra stabilitetsfrågor relaterade till en ökad mängd solceller, så som den reaktiva effekten i systemet, spänningsstabilitet och rotorvinkelstabilitet.

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