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A Survey of Teachers’ Media Literacy in Chinese Vocational SchoolsZhang, Xiaohan, Neumann, Jörg, Köhler, Thomas January 2015 (has links)
Media in the context of education, especially new media like Web 2.0, has attracted the public’s attention for more than a decade now. Trendsetting research and publications have been carried out and published in this field and so it remains a popular topic nowadays. This paper focusses on the descriptions of media-pedagogic activities and attitudes of Chinese teachers in vocational education schools. Therefore, the research methodology and main findings of the empirical study, which involved questionnaires at Chinese vocational schools, will be presented.
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Identifikation und Akzeptanz: Eignungskriterien für die medienpädagogische Filmarbeit mit Kindern – ein Seminar-Modell der Fachhochschule Münster (1998)Schäfer, Horst 03 February 2016 (has links)
Dieter Baacke hat in seinem Artikel von 1981 für das Lernen aus Spielfilmen in der Pädagogik argumentiert. Peter Pleyer und Horst Schäfer haben dazu in den 1990er Jahren ein Seminar-Modell konzipiert, das Schäfer hier vorstellt. Das Seminar geht von dem handlungsorientierten Ansatz der Medienpädagogik zur Aneignung von Medienkompetenz – als Teilbereich kommunikativer Kompetenz – aus, die sich als kritischer, reflektierter, selbstbestimmter und kreativer Umgang mit Medien versteht. Kinder sind mit Medien vertraut; ihre Wirklichkeit ist durch die Erfahrung medialer Wahrnehmungen geprägt. Die medienpädagogische Filmarbeit setzt sich mit dieser visuellen Wahrnehmung auseinander und vermittelt über die Rezeption zielgruppengerechter Filme Fähigkeiten ästhetischer Urteilsbildung, Kritikfähigkeit, Erkenntnisse über Medienwirkungen und Hilfen zur Bewältigung medialer Einflüsse. / In his article from 1981 Dieter Baacke has argued for learning from films in pedagogy. In addition, Peter Pleyer and Horst Schäfer have designed a seminar model in the 1990s, which Schäfer introduces here. The seminar is based on the action focused approach of media pedagogy for the acquisition of media literacy (Medienkompetenz) as a critical, reflective, self-determined and creative dealing with media. Children are familiar with media; their reality is shaped by the experience of media perceptions. The media pedagogical film education deals with these visual perceptions by means of the reception of films which are geared to the target group, and it promotes skills of aesthetic judgment, critical faculty, knowledge about media effects, and helps to deal with media influences.
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DESINFORMATION, KOMMUNIKATION OCH KLASSRUMMET : Lärares upplevelser av desinformation i skolanGranberg, Ivan January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine perceptions among civics teachersactive in upper primary and secondary schools in Sweden regardingdisinformation. In particular, the study focuses on ways in which disinformation inthe classroom interacts with media literacy as well as deliberative democraticideals. The study design is based in qualitative research and has been conductedthrough a series of interviews with said teachers, analyzed mainly through thetheory of deliberative democracy with focus also on media literacy. In terms ofresults, perceptions among teachers on the subject of disinformation generally linesup with established research in the fields of disinformation, deliberativedemocracy and media literacy. In particular, teachers of both primary andsecondary school in my sample calls for increased efforts when it comes to medialiteracy as the modern digital media landscape calls for extensive knowledge andskill in discerning credible sources from fake news. / <p>21-01-20</p>
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Sociální média očima studentů gymnázia / Social Media In The Eyes Of Grammar StudentsCharvátová, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the influence of social media on adolescents. The aim is to find out through qualitative survey how the adolescents use social media, how are they affected by influencers, whether they are seen as role models and whether social media content or influencers influence their attitude. Also surveyed is the way adolescents distinguish between advertisement on social networks and their views about unlabeled advertisement. The school subject of social education is examined for its content, emphasis on social media and its contribution to media literacy of the students. Theoretical concepts and terminology are introduced in the theoretical section. Survey methods are described in the methodological section. The case study is a qualitative survey via focus group. Grounded theory methodology is used for analyzing the qualitative data. The outcomes of the survey are described, analyzed and interpreted in the analytical section. The conclusion concludes the outcomes of the survey and provides suggestions for further research.
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Senioři v medializovaném světě / Seniors in the mediated societyLusková, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the relationship between seniors and new media, focusing on the current media impact on society and the increasing interest in a media literacy courses for the seniors. The main goal of this work is to capture experiences and opinions of seniors on the use of new media and to point out the benefits of active aging, which seniors can gain through their safe use. The theoretical part of the thesis first focuses on key concepts that reflects the current shape of the old age and the aging process, the position of the media in society and the specific relationship between seniors and new media with reference to the current media literacy programs. The qualitative part of the research reflects attitudes, opinions and experience of seniors using new information and communication technologies through semi-structured in- depth interviews. These findings are analyzed in seven subchapters, which are based on the interviews. Due to the changing attitudes of seniors and the complex generalization of this category, the work can outline their insight into the use of new media and could also be used as a groundwork for further research of this issue.
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"Nyheter och annat kul" : En kvalitativ undersökning om nyhetsjournalistik på TikTok och barns medie- och informationskunnighet på sociala medier.Kotz, Ebba, Wattman, Emil January 2022 (has links)
This study examines how news organizations activity on TikTok can support children’s news consumption, using Lara Schreurs and Laura Vandenbosch’s theory of social media literacy and Birgitta Höijer’s socio-cognitive reception theory. Through focus group interviews with nine participants, aged 10 to 11, the study explores news consumption by first looking at the social media literacy of children and then examining how children interpret the accounts of Lilla Aktuellt and Juniornyheterna. Previous research shows that news organizations need to adapt to digital environments, such as social media platforms, in order to keep their audiences while the range of channels continuously grows. The way children use their critical skills when being faced with news online can affect their opportunities to become informed citizens. In order to avoid risks in these environments, children tend to depend on how relevant people, such as parents, teachers or peers, mediate their use. The main result of this study is that the social media literacy of children aged 10 to 11 is insufficient since their use of TikTok is based on affective reactions and socially constructed preferences. They experience issues with using their critical knowledge in the digital environment in an independent way. They cannot identify what accounts on TikTok that are credible sources of news without previous mediation or experience. News organizations must therefore mediate their credibility through several spheres of children’s lives in order to support them in becoming empowered news consumers on TikTok.
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När verkligheten knackar på – släpper vi in den? : En kvantitativ undersökning i hur och varför geografilärare använder medier i sin undervisning / When reality knocks on our door - do we let it in? : An inquiry into how and why geography teachers use media in their teachingSjödén, Madelene January 2021 (has links)
Geografiämnets komplexa sammansättning gör att det vidrör många aspekter av våra liv och för att detta ska avspeglas i geografiundervisningen måste särskild uppmärksamhet riktas mot livet utanför klassrummet och hur det kan plockas in i undervisningen. Denna studie syftar därför till att undersöka hur och varför geografilärare använder sig av medier i undervisningen. Genom en kvantitativ anonymiserad enkätundersökning för yrkesaktiva geografilärare, har författaren ämnat utforska de didaktiska och pedagogiska val geografilärare gör när de implementerar olika medier i undervisningen. Studien finner att geografilärare främst använder medier i samband med lärarledda moment och då för att förklara och synliggöra svårgripbara fenomen samt att motivera sina elever. Studien visar att elevdelaktighet och elevinflytande tas i beaktande i mycket liten utsträckning då medieanvändandet i undervisningen inte utgår ifrån elevernas egna medieanvändande. För att göra en reell koppling mellan klassrum och verklighet i geografiundervisningen rekommenderas därför att elevernas medieanvändning ska ligga till grund för kopplingen mellan klassrum och verklighet. / The complex composition of the geography subject makes it reach many aspects of our lives, for this to be reflected in geography teaching, special attention must be put on life outside of the classroom and how this can be incorporated in the teaching. The aim of this study is therefore to explore how and why geography teachers use media in their teaching. Through an anonymized quantitative survey with geography teachers, the author’s intentions were to explore the didactic and pedagogical choices made by teachers when using media in their teaching. The study found that geogra-phy teachers mainly use media as a tool in teacher-led activities to explain and make visible abstract phenomena and to motivate their students. The study also shows that student participation and student influence is rarely taken into consideration due to the media-related geography teaching not being based on the students’ own media usage. The author thus recommends student media usage be the foundation in media-usage geography teaching in order to make a palpable connection between classroom and reality.
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"Jag vill bara kunna gå in, koppla upp mig och så ska det funka" : Svensklärares attityder till, och användning av, Powerpoint i undervisningen / "I just want to be able to go in, connect and get things done" : Swedish teachers' attitudes to, and use of, Powerpoint in teachingJohansson, Karl, Guardado, Erika January 2021 (has links)
Den här studien har som syfte att undersöka lärares attityd till användandet av Powerpoint i undervisningen. Vårt fokus har varit på lärares attityd till de presentationstekniska hjälpmedlen Powerpoint och Google Presentation. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt involverar teorier om multimodalitet, IKT samt digital- och media literacy i undervisningen. För att besvara våra frågeställningar har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem verksamma lärare som arbetar på högstadiet respektive gymnasiet. Resultatet av studien visar bland annat att informanterna upplever varierade attityder till användningen av Powerpoint och Google Presentation i undervisningen. Här visade det sig bland annat att lärares kompetens till det digitala hjälpmedlet samt i vilket syfte det används är avgörande faktorer till vilken attityd de har. Informanterna som hade positiv inställning till hjälpmedlet var även de som främst nyttjade olika modus som till exempel bilder, gester och tal i förhoppning att vidga elevernas förståelse. En annan aspekt som lärarna lyfter är svårigheten med att förlita sig på digital teknik och tekniska problem som uppstår. Studien avslutas med en diskussion kring resultatet samt förslag på vidare forskning inom området.
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Mediální výchova očima studentů / Media education from the perspective of studentsTicháček, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with media education and the opinion of students on this subject, especially those who have already graduated. The demand for media literacy and related media education began to be widely discussed with the rise of the Internet, increasing the pressure on schools and teachers to teach this subject). The aim of the thesis is to find out mainly what they would change about it, what alterations would they make in the subject. A questionnaire survey based mainly on open-ended questions is chosen to obtain the data needed for the conslusion. This questionnaire will be distributed to those schools that teach this subject. Subsequently, the answers of the students will be evaluated, as well as what they are interested in and especially how they perceive the meaningfulness and usefulness of the subject.
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Mediální gramotnost očima žáků základních škol a víceletých gymnázií. / Media literacy through the eyes of primary school and eight-year grammar school studentsRadinová, Jolana January 2022 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the issue of media literacy among older school-age pupils. The aim of the thesis is to present how the pupils of the second level of primary schools and grammar schools understand media literacy and the concepts connected with it. The theoretical part of the thesis provides a basic overview of media literacy associated with the definition of terms closely related to this topic and approaches the current form of school media education in the Czech Republic. The empirical part maps the opinions of pupils of two primary schools and pupils of two eight-year grammar schools on this issue. The research was conducted by using a qualitative method of focus group.
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