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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Equisetum giganteum l. : parâmentros de controle de qualidade, análise química e desenvolvimento de extrato seco por spray drying

Francescato, Leandro Nicolodi January 2012 (has links)
As partes aéreas de Equisetum giganteum L. (Equisetaceae), espécie nativa da América do Sul, denominada cavalinha e rabo-de-cavalo, são utilizadas popularmente sob a forma de infuso ou decocto no tratamento de afecções urinárias e hepáticas e principalmente como diurética, hemostática, adstringente, remineralizante e emagrecedora. Entretanto, poucos estudos científicos foram realizados envolvendo esta espécie. Quanto às propriedades biológicas de seus extratos, têm sido relatadas atividades diurética e antimicrobiana, e ausência de efeitos tóxicos agudos em camundongos, quando administrados por via oral. Considerando a ampla disponibilidade de E. giganteum no mercado brasileiro e o seu potencial terapêutico, torna-se necessária a definição de parâmetros de controle de qualidade para a matéria-prima vegetal, bem como o desenvolvimento de produtos padronizados. Assim, este trabalho objetivou avaliar parâmetros de controle de qualidade e estabelecer critérios químicos que permitam diferenciar E. giganteum de outras espécies do gênero e, a partir de uma solução extrativa aquosa, desenvolver extrato seco por spray drying e caracterizá-lo. Para isso, partes aéreas de E. giganteum e outras espécies disponíveis foram utilizadas. Análises comparativas destas amostras foram realizadas por CCD, CLAE e teor de flavonóides totais. Para E. giganteum, o teor de cinzas, os constituintes fenólicos e flavonóides totais foram determinados por método espectrofotométrico no UV/VIS. Análise por CCD foi realizada em placas de gel de sílica; fase móvel acetato de etila:ácido fórmico:ácido acético glacial:água (100:11:11:26); e detecção com reagente Natural / UV a 365 nm. Análises por CLAE dos extratos metanólicos foram realizadas empregando coluna de fase-reversa (C18) e detector de arranjo de diodos. O material vegetal foi também submetido à hidrólise ácida, a qual foi otimizada empregando Desenho Composto Central Rotacional e Análise de Superfície de Resposta para investigar os efeitos da concentração de HCl e do tempo de hidrólise. As agliconas correspondentes aos flavonóides heterosídicos foram extraídas e analisadas por método de CLAE previamente validado. O teor de flavonóides totais foi avaliado por ensaio colorimétrico com cloreto de alumínio a 425 nm. Análises por CLAE-DAD e CLAE-EM/EM também foram realizadas na intenção de caracterizar os compostos fenólicos presentes em E. giganteum. Uma solução extrativa aquosa foi obtida por decocção a partir da matéria-prima vegetal e posteriormente seca por spray drying empregando equipamento NIRO® atomizer semi-industrial. O extrato seco obtido foi então caracterizado. Os resultados demonstraram para E. giganteum um teor de cinzas totais e insolúveis em ácido (a 600ºC) respectivamente de 20,07 ± 0,21% e 13,75 ± 0,39%. O teor de fenólicos totais foi de 7,27 ± 0,05 mg equivalente a ácido gálico por grama, e de 0,420 ± 0,014 g% para os flavonóides totais. Na análise por CCD de E. giganteum foi verificada a presença de manchas características de polifenóis, sendo que, na análise por CLAE, alguns constituintes apresentaram espectro de UV característicos de derivados do ácido cinâmico e do canferol A diferenciação entre E. giganteum e E. arvense, e em menor extensão para E. hyemale e E. bogotense, foi possível através do perfil cromatográfico obtido nas análises por CCD e CLAE. A possível presença de tiamina foi caracterizada por CCD nestas amostras. Nas condições ótimas de hidrólise determinadas para E. giganteum, canferol e, em menor teor, quercetina foram encontradas. A análise comparativa das agliconas dos flavonóides por CLAE e dos flavonóides totais por espectrofotometria revelou similaridades químicas entre E. giganteum, E. hyemale e E. bogotense, mas não para E. arvense, o qual apresentou um perfil de agliconas distinto. A maior parte dos compostos fenólicos puderam ser caracterizados em E. giganteum por meio da análise por CLAE-EM/EM, sendo encontrado principalmente derivados heterosídicos do canferol, mas também outros compostos fenólicos raros. A obtenção de extrato seco por spray drying a partir de solução extrativa aquosa de E. giganteum mostrou-se viável, com alto rendimento do processo (85,6%). O produto foi caracterizado como um pó fino com baixa densidade, baixa fluidez e alta umidade residual, mas baixa atividade de água. Com relação a sua composição química, o extrato seco apresentou alto teor de minerais e açúcares redutores. A presença na droga vegetal e no extrato seco de E. giganteum de alto teor de minerais, corrobora seu uso como remineralizante. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho representam as primeiras contribuições para o estabelecimento de parâmetros e métodos para a caracterização e o controle de qualidade da droga vegetal de E. giganteum. A viabilidade de produção e a caracterização do extrato seco obtido contribuem para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos farmacêuticos e a avaliação de outras atividades biológicas. / Aerial stems of Equisetum giganteum L. (Equisetaceae, traditional name: ‘‘horsetail’’), a native plant from South America, are used in folk medicine for treating kidney and hepatic illness, due to their diuretic, hemosthatic, adstringent, remineralizant and weight loss properties. However, few scientific studies have been performed regarding this species. Concerning the biological properties, diuretic and antimicrobial activities, as well as no oral acute toxicity in mice have been reported. Considering the large availability of the E. giganteum in the Brazilian market and its therapeutic potential, the definition of the quality control parameters for the raw material, as well as the development of standardized products with well-established biological activities becomes necessary. Thus, the aim of this work was to establish identification methods and to evaluate quality control parameters for the E. giganteum raw material in order to compare this species with others of the genus, as well as to develop and to characterize a spray-dried product from an aqueous E. giganteum extractive solution. Dried aerial stems of E. giganteum and other species available were employed in the comparative analysis by TLC, HPLC and UV/VIS total flavonoid content. The ash content was determined. Total phenolic and flavonoid contents were determined by UV/VIS spectrophotometric method. The TLC analysis was carried out on silica gel plates; mobile phase ethyl acetate:formic acid:glacial acetic acid:water (100:11:11:26); and detection with Natural Product reagent / UV at 365 nm. HPLC analysis of methanol extracts was performed with a C18 column and a diode-array detector. The plant raw material was also submitted to acid hydrolysis which was optimized using Central Composite Rotational Design and Response Surface Analysis for investigate the effects of HCl concentration and hydrolysis time. The corresponding flavonoid aglycones were extracted and analyzed by a previously validated HPLC method. Total flavonoid content was measured also by aluminium chloride colorimetric assay at 425 nm. In attempt to characterize phenolic compounds in E. giganteum, HPLC-DAD and HPLC-MS/MS analysis were performed. An aqueous extractive solution (AES) was prepared by decoction of E. giganteum grounded stems using water. The resulting AES was spray-dried using a Niro Production Minor equipped with rotary atomizer (GEA, Copenhagen, Denmark). The spray-dried extract was then characterized. The content of total ash and acidinsoluble ash (at 600 °C) in E. giganteum stems were 20.07 ± 0.21% and 13.75 ± 0.39% (mean ± S.D.), respectively. The total phenolic content was 7.27 ± 0.05 mg expressed as gallic acid equivalent per gram (GAE/g), and the total flavonoid content was 0.420 ± 0.014 g% (w/w). In the TLC of E. giganteum was verified the presence of spots characteristic of polyphenols. The HPLC fingerprint revealed the existence of some constituents with UV spectra characteristics of cinnamic acid and kaempferol derivatives. The differentiation between E. giganteum and E. arvense, and in a minor extension for E. hyemale and E. bogotense, was possible by the chromatographic profile in TLC and HPLC analysis. The possible presence of thiamine was characterized by TLC in these samples. In the optimum condition found for hydrolysis of E. giganteum raw material, quercetin and kaempferol aglicones were found. The comparative analysis of flavonoids aglycones using HPLC and total flavonoids spectrophotometric methods revealed similarities between E. giganteum, E. hyemale and E. bogotense, but not for E. arvense, which showed a distinct profile of aglycones. The HPLC-MS/MS analysis of E. giganteum hydroethanol extractive solution allowed to characterize some flavonoids heterosides, mainly quercetin and kaempferol derivatives, and other rare compounds. The spray-dried extract (SDE) of E. giganteum was obtained with a high process yield (85.6%) and characterized as a very fine powder with low density, poor flowability and high loss on drying, but low water activity. The high content of reducing sugars and minerals, represented by total ash, was also observed in the SDE and can explain some these characteristics. The high content of sugars and minerals in the SDE also corroborate the traditional use of the plant as remineralizant. The results obtained in this study represent one of the first contributions to the establishment of parameters and methods for the characterization and quality control of raw material of E. giganteum. The feasibility of production and subsequent characterization of dried extract obtained contributes to the development of new pharmaceuticals products and to the evaluation of new biological activities.

Prescribing errors with High Risk Medicines (HRMs) in hospitals

Alanazi, Mahdi January 2018 (has links)
Background: Prescribing errors are the most frequent type of error in the medication use process. High risk medicines (HRMs) are a sub-class of medications that if used erroneously have potentially devastating consequences which defined by Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) as the drugs that bear a heightened risk of causing significant patient harm when they are used in error. Therefore, prescribing errors with HRMs are of concern to healthcare professionals that are responsible for ensuring mitigating patient safety. This thesis examines to what extent prescribing errors with HRMs in hospital occur, the causes of prescribing errors with HRMs and the differences to non-HRMs and the prescribing errors with HRMs during the on-call period. Method: The research adopted a mixed methods approach to explore prescribing errors with HRMs in hospitals and three studies were undertaken. The first study was a systematic review of the literature to explore the prevalence and incidence of prescribing errors with HRMs in hospitals. The second study was a secondary analysis of 59 existing interviews with foundation year doctors to explore the causes of prescribing errors with HRMs and compare them to those for non-HRMs reported in the same interviews. The third study was a qualitative study of the challenges of prescribing HRMs safely during the on-call period. This final study involved six focus groups with foundation year doctors (total participants number was 42). Results: Overall, findings demonstrated that there is paucity of studies that explored the prevalence of prescribing errors with HRMs and this literature showed inconsistency in definitions of prescribing errors, HRMs lists, severity scales and study methods (Study One). This resulted in a very wide range of prevalence of prescribing errors with HRMs. In terms of causes of prescribing errors with HRMs (Study Two), prescribing HRMs was considered a complex task for participants, especially those requiring dosage calculations, errors in the legal prescription requirements for controlled medications occurred with HRMs only and the on-call period was a particularly challenging period to prescribe safely especially with HRMs. In Study Three, the reasons found for this include the nature of the on-call period as a fast-paced environment, the methods of communication such as the bleep system, lack of accessibility to patient information and lack of plan from the primary team. Conclusions: HRMs form part of general medications, meaning they share similar traits, but the potentially devastating consequences of HRMs and the complicated task posed by prescribing them makes errors in their prescription profound. Therefore, HRMs need closer attention and more concern from healthcare professionals, researchers and policymakers. Such attention could result in a significant reduction in adverse outcomes and improved patient safety.

Přechod léčiv s obsahem pseudoefedrinu do skupiny OTC s omezením. / Switching medicines containing pseudoephedrine in OTC group limited

Koníčková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
Goals: Prepare a case study on the transition to the new OTC medicines groups with restrictions. To evaluate the positives and negatives, which brought the introduction of the group - with OTC restrictions. Pick up generally applicable principles and specify non-functional parts of the system. Method: For data processing method was applied theoretical research. Literature was searched in the database of the Czech National Library - Klementinum, WHO database, TRIBUNE and interfaces of News portals. The instrumental case study was processed for a detailed insight into the issues. The case study is also based on the analysis of the legal framework of the Czech Republic. The documents provided by SÚKL are used for financial analysis. As another method the stakeholder analysis was used - analysis of opinions of people involved in the drug policy. Results: The case study shows that switching medicines containing PSE to the limited group of OTC to prevent producers of drugs buing drugs in Czech pharmacies, but it did not reduce the amount of drugs produced in the country. Producers started to import precursors from abroad. The whole new system established in 2009 was correct in principle, but failed in practice. State Institute for Drug Control or other stakeholders in drug policy have not been able to resolve the ensuing complications.

Intercambialidade entre medicamentos genéricos e similares de um mesmo medicamento de referência / Interchangeability among generic and similar drug products of a same reference drug product

Marcia Sayuri Takamatsu Freitas 05 December 2016 (has links)
A implementação de medicamentos genéricos no Brasil e de programas e políticas para garantir o acesso da população a medicamentos com qualidade, segurança e eficácia resultaram em mais de 3.800 medicamentos genéricos de 445 fármacos registrados na Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA) desde 1999. Os medicamentos genéricos comprovaram a sua equivalência terapêutica e, portanto, intercambialidade com seus respectivos medicamentos de referência por meio de estudos de bioequivalência. Em 2014, a ANVISA estendeu a intercambialidade aos medicamentos similares, aumentando o número de medicamentos intercambiáveis para cada medicamento de referência. As normas para prescrição e dispensação permitem apenas a substituição de medicamento de referência por seu medicamento genérico ou similar intercambiável e vice-versa. Entretanto, o que se observa na prática é a substituição entre medicamentos genéricos e similares de um mesmo fármaco, tanto na rede privada onde os descontos chegam até 90% do preço estabelecido para a venda, como na rede pública, em função da disponibilidade dos medicamentos, visto que as compras públicas se baseiam no menor preço ofertado pelos fabricantes. Entretanto, a bioequivalência e a intercambialidade entre os medicamentos genéricos ou similares de um mesmo referência não pode ser garantida pois os mesmos não foram testados entre si. A ausência de bioequivalência entre medicamentos substituídos pode provocar ineficácia terapêutica ou aparecimento de eventos adversos ou até mesmo intoxicação em pacientes. Consequentemente, podem ocorrer desperdício, gastos com tratamento de eventos adversos, abandono do tratamento e adoção de segunda linha de tratamentos. Este trabalho avaliou a bioequivalência entre os medicamentos genéricos e similares de um mesmo medicamento de referência por meio do método de metanálise, empregando dados de estudos de bioequivalência realizados para o registro de medicamentos genéricos e similares na ANVISA. Foram incluídos na análise estudos de aciclovir, amoxicilina, cefalexina, doxazosina, fenitoína, fluoxetina, levofloxacino e quetiapina. Os resultados demonstraram a ausência de bioequivalência entre a maioria dos medicamentos genéricos e similares contendo o mesmo fármaco. os resultados comprovam que medicamentos genéricos e similares de mesmo fármaco não são obrigatoriamente intercambiáveis e a substituição, principalmente para aqueles usados no tratamento de doenças crônicas, podem trazer graves consequências clínicas. Esta preocupação é aumentada para os fármacos com estreita faixa terapêutica e aqueles com alta variabilidade no processo de absorção. A adoção de uma lista de medicamentos não substituíveis, a exemplo de outros países, e o investimento na divulgação de informações sobre intercambialidade de medicamentos, tanto para profissionais de saúde como para a população, podem contribuir para a redução da substituição entre medicamentos não intercambiáveis, a promoção do uso racional dos medicamentos, a redução de gastos com medicamentos e tratamento de eventos adversos e o aumento da adesão do paciente ao tratamento. / The implementation of generic drugs in Brazil, as well as programs and policies to ensure access to medicines with quality, safety and efficacy to the overall population, resulted in more than 3,800 generic drug products of 445 drugs registered in the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) since 1999. Generic drug products proved their therapeutic equivalence in bioequivalence studies and, therefore, the interchangeability with their respective reference drug product. In 2014, ANVISA expanded the interchangeability to similar drug products, increasing the number of interchangeable drug products for each reference drug product. Regulations for the prescription and dispensation of medicine only allow the substitution of a reference drug product for a generic or an interchangeable similar drug product or vice versa. However, in practice, it appears that there is a substitution between generic and similar drug products of a same reference drug product in private pharmacy chains - where discounts reach up to 90% of the selling price - as well as in public pharmacy, depending on the medicine availability, because public purchases are based on the lower price offered by the manufacturers. Nevertheless, the bioequivalence and interchangeability between generic and similar drug products of the same reference drug product cannot be guaranteed because they haven\'t been evaluated. Lack of bioequivalence between substituted drug products may result in therapeutic ineffectiveness or the occurrence of adverse events and even to patient intoxication. As a consequence, there might be waste, expenses due to adverse events treatment, no adherence to the treatment or the adoption of second-line treatment. This study evaluated the bioequivalence between generic and similar drugs of the same reference drug product through a meta-analysis, using data from bioequivalence studies carried out for the registration of generic and similar drug products at ANVISA. The drugs included in the study were acyclovir, amoxicillin, cephalexin, doxazosin, phenytoin, fluoxetine, levofloxacin and quetiapine. Results showed lack of bioequivalence between most of the generic and similar drugs containing the same drug and prove that generic and similar drug products of the reference drug product are not necessarily interchangeable. Moreover, the substitution of drugs used for chronic illnesses could lead to serious clinical consequences. This concern increases for drugs with narrow therapeutic index and those with high variable absorption process. The adoption of a list of non-interchangeable medicines - like in other countries - and investment in the dissemination of information about interchangeability between drug products to health professionals and to the population may contribute to reduce the substitution of drugs which are not interchangeable, promote a rational use of medicines, the reduction of expenses with drugs and adverse effects treatment and to improve treatment adherence.

Desenvolvimento de métodos de análise e estudos de estabilidade de produtos cosméticos contendo dimetilaminoetanol (DMAE) (OU) Desenvolvimento e validação de métodos analíticos e estudos de estabilidade de produtos cosméticos contendo dimetilaminoetanol (DMAE) / Development and validation of analytical methods and stability studies of cosmetic products containing dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE)

Ivani Aparecida Soares de Andrade Batista 06 March 2008 (has links)
Com o aparecimento crescente de diferentes formulações cosméticas a base de dimetilaminoetanol (DMAE) e seus diferentes sais, faz-se necessário desenvolvimento e validação de métodos analíticos para serem empregados controle de qualidade, tanto dos produtos acabados quanto das matérias-primas. O objetivo principal deste trabalho de pesquisa é propor duas metodologias analíticas (ressonância magnética nuclear 1H e eletroforese capilar) como ferramentas no controle de qualidade destes produtos Discutem-se também as técnicas de caracterização de matérias-primas contendo DMAE, bem como resultados obtidos em estudo de estabilidade acelerado. O método por ressonância magnética nuclear 1H foi validado usando água deuterada (amostras contendo DMAE bitartarato e DMAE base) dimetilsulfoxido (amostras contendo DMAE acetoamidobenzoato) como solventes. Os resultados obtidos foram confiáveis para todas as características de desempenho avaliadas na validação. Entre a desvantagem do metodo pode ser destacada a limitação do uso desta técnica nas amostras em creme e gel-creme. O método eletroforético foi completamente validado. Não foram observadas interferências e todos os parâmetros avaliados foram satisfatórios. Este método é simples e não requer tratamentos trabalhosos no preparo das amostras. Entre as vantagens do método destacam-se o pouco impacto ambiental e economia. O estudo de estabilidade acelerado não mostrou mudanças significativas em relação ao teor, porém, nas condições mais drásticas foram observadas mudanças em coloração e viscosidade aparente. / With the increasing amount of different cosmetic formulations containing dimetilaminoetanol (DMAE) and its salts, it is necessary to develop and validate analytical methods to be employed in the quality control of the active substances and commercial products. The primary purpose of this research to propose two analytical methodologies (nuclear magnetic resonance 1H and capillary electrophoresis) as tools to be used in the quality control of these products. It were also performed analysis for characterization of raw materials and stability studies of too cosmetic preparations. The nuclear magnetic resonance 1H method has been validated using deuterium oxide (for samples containing DMAE bitartrate and DMAE base) and DMSQ-d6 (for samples containing DMAE acetamidobenzoate) as solvents. The results were reliable for all the characteristics of performance evaluated in the validation. Nevertheless, the disadvantage of this method is the limited use this technique in the analysis of creams and gel-creams. The electrophoretic method has been fully validated. No interference was observed and all validation parameters evaluated were satisfactory. This method is simple and does not require laborious treatment for sample preparation. Among the advantages of this method is the little environmental impact and economics. The accelerated stability study showed no significant changes with regard to the content; the more drastic changes were observed in color and apparent viscosity.

Avaliação da assistência farmacêutica na atenção primária em saúde como estratégia para o uso racional de medicamentos / Evaluation of pharmaceutical care in primary health as a strategy for the rational use of medicines

Sangiorgi, Thaís Martins Carneiro 11 September 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T13:10:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Thais Martins Carneiro Sangiorgi.pdf: 2354688 bytes, checksum: d649343266029e25d19abc7069bf47a1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-11 / User satisfaction is a way to evaluate the quality of health service and this information serve to improve the structure, the process and the result, improving treatment adherence and therefore reflecting the rational use of medicines. This study aims to assess the current situation of pharmaceutical care provided in care at the primary level of health care in the city of Sorocaba-SP, as well as the dimensions of the structure, process and outcome, based on the Donabedian Model. The design of the methodology used in this study was exploratory, analytical and crosssectional descriptive and quantitative approach. The questionnaire presented semistructured questions in Likert scale, applied to the pharmacists, pharmaceutical residents of the Multidisciplinary Residency Program and users of the Basic Health Unit Jardim Simus and Municipal Polyclinic of Sorocaba-SP. The user group featured a total interest of 38 respondents in their own established units, chosen at random. Referring to pharmacists the full participation was four professionals. As a result, we obtained a unanimous vote on the responses of users regarding the lack of guidance given pharmaceutical. Pharmaceutical professionals when approached about the capabilities, ensuring the improvement and professional stimulation also revealed the absence of activity. Because a small number of pharmacists present, the statistical calculations gave no significance in the outcome. Conclusion: The pharmaceutical care in the municipality is lacking, requiring greater investment in human, physical and material. Even if the absence of the pharmacist in the health team is an important factor, there is also a fragmentation in the execution of the steps of pharmaceutical care cycle. It is believed that these findings may contribute to a possible change in the quality of pharmaceutical services in primary health care, aimed at full care and rational use of medicines / A satisfação do usuário é uma maneira de avaliar a qualidade do serviço em saúde e estas informações servem para aprimorar a estrutura, o processo e o resultado, melhorando a adesão ao tratamento e refletindo por consequência no uso racional de medicamentos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a situação atual da assistência farmacêutica prestada no atendimento em nível primário de atenção à saúde no município de Sorocaba-SP, bem como as dimensões da estrutura, processo e resultado, tendo por base o Modelo Donabediano. O delineamento da metodologia utilizado neste estudo foi do tipo exploratório, analítico-transversal e descritivo, de abordagem quantitativa. O questionário apresentou questões semiestruturadas em escala de Likert, aplicados aos profissionais farmacêuticos, farmacêuticos residentes do Programa de Residência Multiprofissional e aos usuários da Unidade Básica de Saúde Jardim Simus e Policlínica Municipal de Sorocaba- SP. O grupo de usuários contou com uma participação total de 38 entrevistados nas próprias unidades estabelecidas, escolhidos aleatoriamente. Referente aos farmacêuticos a participação total foi de quatro profissionais. Como resultados, obteve-se uma unanimidade nas respostas dos usuários em relação a falta de orientação farmacêutica prestada. Os profissionais farmacêuticos quando abordados a respeito das capacitações, garantindo o aprimoramento e estímulo profissional, revelaram também a ausência da atividade. Devido ao fato de um número reduzido de profissionais farmacêuticos presentes, os cálculos estatísticos não deram significância no resultado final. Conclusão: A assistência farmacêutica no município é deficitária, exigindo maiores investimentos em recursos humanos, físicos e materiais. Mesmo que a ausência do farmacêutico na equipe de saúde seja um fator importante, nota-se também uma fragmentação na execução das etapas do ciclo da assistência farmacêutica. Acredita-se que estes achados possam contribuir para uma possível transformação na qualidade dos serviços farmacêuticos na atenção primária à saúde, visando o cuidado integral e ao uso racional dos medicamentos

Análise das relações municipais de medicamentos essenciais de municípios do estado de São Paulo e aplicação dos critérios de beers / Analysis of the municipal lists of essential medicines of municipalities of the state of São Paulo and application of the criteria of beers

Chiaroti, Rosiane 07 December 2017 (has links)
Estados e municípios puderam definir seu próprio elenco de medicamentos a ser ofertados aos seus cidadãos com a Política Nacional de Medicamentos (1998), e a consequente descentralização da Assistência Farmacêutica. Percebeu-se a oportunidade de realizar um estudo para analisar peculiaridades de um conjunto de Relações Municipais de Medicamentos Essenciais (Remumes) de municípios paulistas, visando a racionalidade das listas como instrumento norteador da aquisição, distribuição, prescrição e planejamento da AF municipal. Considerou-se as possibilidades de diferentes cenários, dependente da qualidade da gestão, organização e do perfil dos recursos humanos locais e que uma equipe farmacêutica competente e qualificada prove uma melhor gestão da AF. Além disso, considerando os impactos da transição demográfica e epidemiológica da população brasileira em que os idosos utilizam mais medicamentos, gestores e profissionais da saúde precisam selecionar medicamentos criteriosamente para atender necessidades dessa faixa etária. O emprego de medicamentos potencialmente inapropriados (MPI) para idosos requer cuidado e estudos tem procurado lista-los e criar instrumentos de seleção. Aqueles inclusos nos critérios Beers definidos com apoio da Sociedade Americana de Geriatria encontram-se associados a desfechos desfavoráveis de saúde e mortalidade. OBJETIVOS: Analisar Remumes disponibilizadas para este estudo visando alertar profissionais de saúde e gestores sobre MPIs que podem comprometer a segurança dos pacientes no processo de utilização de medicamentos. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo transversal de análise das Remumes dos municípios sedes dos 17 Departamentos Regionais de Saúde (DRSs) e das Remumes dos 27 municípios do Departamento Regional de Saúde (DRS) XIII enfatizando aqueles MPIs contidos nelas. Obtiveram-se 100% das 17 Remumes dos municípios sedes dos DRSs e 92,3% das 27 Remumes dos municípios do DRS XIII, formando um banco de dados com 9063 medicamentos, discriminados pela classificação ATC e pelos diversos critérios de Beers. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: Os municípios sedes apresentaram Remumes contendo de 128 (Piracicaba) a 396 (Santos) medicamentos, com média de 272,3 (DP=71,1) medicamentos. As Remume dos municípios da DRS XIII apresentaram entre 32 (Luiz Antônio) e 403 (Cássia dos Coqueiros) medicamentos, com média de 198 (DP=111,4). Predominaram os medicamentos que atuavam no sistema nervoso seguidos pelos cardiovasculares e anti-infecciosos sistêmicos. Quando os medicamentos contidos nas Remumes foram submetidos à aplicação dos critérios de Beers, foram identificados 59,9% de MPIs, sendo que do total de 77 classes terapêuticas 39 (53,6%) classes tinham pelo menos um representante na lista dos Critérios de Beers. Os achados foram discutidos comparando dados dos municípios, outros critérios para medicamentos inapropriados para idosos, à luz de evidências clíncas mais recentes. CONCLUSÃO: As Remumes mostraram elevada variação no número de medicamentos e grupos farmacológicos e elenco considerável de medicamentos dos critérios de Beers. Apontou para necessidade de qualificação da assistência farmacêutica municipal e a elaboração de um guia norteador que contribuam para o fortalecimento da Atenção Básica e da Assistência Farmacêutica. Este aprimoramento da utilização de medicamentos em geral e para idosos, envolvendo a prescrição, dispensação, administração e uso pelo paciente, reduzem morbimortalidade relacionada aos medicamentos. / States and municipalities were able to define their own list of medicines to be offered to their citizens with the National Drug Policy (1998) and the consequent decentralization of Pharmaceutical Assistance (PA). It was noticed the opportunity to carry out a study to analyze the peculiarities of a set of Municipal Lists of Essential Medicines (Remumes) of São Paulo state municipalities, aiming at the rationality of lists as a guiding instrument for the acquisition, distribution, prescription and planning of the municipal PA. Consideration was given to the possibilities of different scenarios, depending on the quality of management, organization and the profile of local human resources, and that a competent and qualified pharmaceutical team provides a better management of PA. In addition, considering the impact of the demographic and epidemiological transition of the Brazilian population in which the elderly use more drugs, managers and health professionals need to select medicines carefully to meet the needs of this age group. The employment of potentially inappropriate medications (PIM) for the elderly require care and studies have sought to list them and develop screening tools . Those included in the Beers criteria, defined with support from the American Society of Geriatrics, are associated with unfavorable health and mortality outcomes. OBJECTIVES: To analyze Remumes made available for this study in order to alert health professionals and managers about MPIs that may compromise patients\' safety in the medication use process. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study of the Remumes of the municipalities of the 17 Regional Health Departments (DRSs) and of the Remumes of the 27 municipalities of the Regional Health Department (DRS) XIII emphasizing those MPIs contained in them. 100% of the 17 Remumes of the municipalities of the DRSs and 92.3% of the 27 Remumes of the municipalities of the DRS XIII were formed, forming a database with 9063 medicines, discriminated by the ATC classification and by the diverse criteria of Beers. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The municipal districts presented Remumes containing from 128 (Piracicaba) to 396 (Santos) medications, with an average of 272.3 (SD = 71.1) medications. Remume of DRS XIII municipalities presented medications between 32 (Luiz Antônio) and 403 (Cássia dos Coqueiros), with a mean of 198 (SD = 111.4). Predominant drugs that worked in the nervous system followed by cardiovascular and systemic anti-infectious. When medicinal products contained in Remumes were submitted to the Beers criteria, 59.9% of PIMs were identified. Of the total of 77 therapeutic classes, 39 (53.6%) classes had at least one representative in the list of Criteria of Beers. The findings were discussed comparing data from the municipalities, other criteria for PIMs for the elderly, in light of more recent clinical evidence. CONCLUSION: Remumes showed high variation in the number of drugs and pharmacological groups and considerable list of drugs of the Beers criteria. He pointed to the need for qualification of municipal pharmaceutical assistance and the elaboration of a guiding guide that contribute to the strengthening of Primary Care and Pharmaceutical Assistance. This improvement in the utilization of medications in general and for the elderly, involving prescription, dispensing, administration and use by the patient, reduces drug-related morbidity and mortality.

RMN haut champ et bas champ pour l'analyse de produits de santé / Low and High Field NMR for the analysis of health products

Assemat, Gaëtan 10 December 2018 (has links)
L'objectif de ces travaux a été de démontrer l'intérêt d'appliquer la Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire (RMN) à des problématiques analytiques dans le domaine des produits de santé. Deux axes principaux ont été abordés. Le premier cible principalement les compléments alimentaires adultérés. Les études ont été menées par RMN à haut champ. Diverses expériences de RMN mono et bidimensionnelles ont permis de mettre en évidence la présence illicite, dans des compléments alimentaires déclarés comme naturels, de médicaments à visée érectile et/ou de leurs analogues structuraux. Ces substances actives peuvent induire, à l'insu du consommateur, des risques importants pour sa santé. De plus, des analyses menées par RMN 1H et 13C ont permis de révéler des cas d'adultération de compléments alimentaires pour sportifs par des substances considérées comme dopantes par la règlementation en vigueur. Le second axe a été mené en explorant les potentialités de la RMN à bas champ pour l'analyse de médicaments. Cette technique, moins onéreuse et plus adaptée à des analyses de routine que la RMN à haut champ, s'est avérée très efficace pour mettre en évidence des cas de médicaments falsifiés par de simples expériences RMN 1H monodimensionnelles. Des expériences bidimensionnelles de diffusion (DOSY : Diffusion Ordered SpectroscopY), qui permettent d'obtenir la séparation virtuelle des constituants d'un mélange complexe, ont été mises au point et appliquées, pour la première fois, à la dé-formulation d'un médicament. / The purpose of this research was to demonstrate the interest of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) to deal with analytical issues in the field of health products. The studies focused on two main axes. The first one targeted adulterated dietary supplements and the studies were conducted with high-field NMR. Various mono and bidimensional experiments revealed the illegal presence in dietary supplements claimed as natural, of erectile drugs and/or their structural analogues. These active substances can induce, without the consumer's knowledge, significant risks to his health. Moreover, analyses conducted with 1H and 13C NMR, highlighted cases of adulteration of dietary supplements for exercise and athletic performance with doping substances. The second axis explored the potential of low-field NMR for drug analysis. This technique, which is less expensive and more suitable for routine analyses than high-field NMR, has proved very effective in detecting cases of falsified medicines by simple one-dimensional 1H NMR experiments. Two-dimensional diffusion experiments (DOSY: Diffusion Ordered Spectroscopy), which provide virtual separation of the constituents of a complex mixture, were developed and applied for the first time to the de-formulation of a drug.

Knowledge and practices of patent medicine vendors in the use of artemisinin based combination therapy in the treatment of malaria in an urban community in Lagos.

Momodu, Rametu Omamegbe. January 2008 (has links)
<p>Malaria is a health, social and economic burden in Nigeria and consistently ranks amongst the four most common causes of childhood deaths. Treatment of malaria is usually started at home / care is only sought from the health facility when the treatment is ineffective (McCombie, 1996). Patent medicine vendors (PMVs) have been identified as a widely patronized source for drugs used in the home treatment of malaria (Breiger et al, 2001 / Goodman, et al, 2007 / Salako et al, 2001). Inadequate or poor knowledge and practices in the use of anti-malaria drugs (AMDs) increases morbidity and mortality, undermines therapeutic efficacy, and promotes the emergence and spread of drugresistant malaria. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe and quantify the knowledge and self-reported practices of PMVs in the use of antimalarials, particularly artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs), in a poor urban community in Lagos state, Nigeria.</p>

Substance Use, Abuse and Dependence in Germany

Perkonigg, Axel, Lieb, Roselind, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 03 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
To provide background information about previous findings about the prevalence of use, abuse and dependence of various substances (nicotine, alcohol, prescription and illicit drugs) findings of available epidemiological studies in Germany from the 1980s and 1990s are summarized and critically evaluated. Focusing on findings of substance use surveys in adolescents and young adults the review indicates: (a) a considerable number of large scale questionnaire surveys in general population samples documenting the frequency of use and patterns of use of most substances; (b) indications of increasing rates of drug use particularly in East Germany; (c) high rates of illicit drug use, mainly of cannabinoids, but also stimulants and hallucinogens, among young age groups. No data are available from substance use surveys or from clinical epidemiological studies allowing the determination of how frequent substance abuse and substance dependence diagnoses are in the general population or in adolescents and young adults. Priorities for future research to ameliorate this unsatisfactory situation are outlined with emphasis on research in adolescents and young adults.

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