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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Single-Molecule Measurements of Complex Molecular Interactions in Membrane Proteins using Atomic Force Microscopy

Sapra, K. Tanuj 01 March 2007 (has links)
Single-molecule force spectroscopy (SMFS) with atomic force microscope (AFM) has advanced our knowledge of the mechanical aspects of biological processes, and helped us take big strides in the hitherto unexplored areas of protein (un)folding. One such virgin land is that of membrane proteins, where the advent of AFM has not only helped to visualize the difficult to crystallize membrane proteins at the single-molecule level, but also given a new perspective in the understanding of the interplay of molecular interactions involved in the construction of these molecules. My PhD work was tightly focused on exploiting this sensitive technique to decipher the intra- and intermolecular interactions in membrane proteins, using bacteriorhodopsin and bovine rhodopsin as model systems. Using single-molecule unfolding measurements on different bacteriorhodopsin oligomeric assemblies - trimeric, dimeric and monomeric - it was possible to elucidate the contribution of intra- and interhelical interactions in single bacteriorhodopsin molecules. Besides, intriguing insights were obtained into the organization of bacteriorhodopsin as trimers, as deduced from the unfolding pathways of the proteins from different assemblies. Though the unfolding pathways of bacteriorhodopsin from all the assemblies remained the same, the different occurrence probability of these pathways suggested a kinetic stabilization of bacteriorhodopsin from a trimer compared to that existing as a monomer. Unraveling the knot of a complex G-protein coupled receptor, rhodopsin, showed the existence of two structural states, a native, functional state, and a non-native, non-functional state, corresponding to the presence or absence of a highly conserved disulfide bridge, respectively. The molecular interactions in absence of the native disulfide bridge mapped onto the three-dimensional structure of native rhodopsin gave insights into the molecular origin of the neurodegenerative disease retinitis pigmentosa. This presents a novel technique to decipher molecular interactions of a different conformational state of the same molecule in the absence of a high-resolution X-ray crystal structure. Interestingly, the presence of ZnCl2 maintained the integrity of the disulfide bridge and the nature of unfolding intermediates. Moreover, the increased mechanical and thermodynamic stability of rhodopsin with bound zinc ions suggested a plausible role for the bivalent ion in rhodopsin dimerization and consequently signal transduction. Last but not the least, I decided to dig into the mysteries of the real mechanisms of mechanical unfolding with the help of well-chosen single point mutations in bacteriorhodopsin. The monumental work has helped me to solve some key questions regarding the nature of mechanical barriers that constitute the intermediates in the unfolding process. Of particular interest is the determination of altered occurrence probabilities of unfolding pathways in an energy landscape and their correlation to the intramolecular interactions with the help of bioinformatics tools. The kind of work presented here, in my opinion, will not only help us to understand the basic principles of membrane protein (un)folding, but also to manipulate and tune energy landscapes with the help of small molecules, proteins, or mutations, thus opening up new vistas in medicine and pharmacology. It is just a matter of a lot of hard work, some time, and a little bit of luck till we understand the key elements of membrane protein (un)folding and use it to our advantage.

Investigation of biological macromolecules using atomic force microscope-based techniques

Bippes, Christian Alexander 18 August 2009 (has links)
The atomic force microscope (AFM) provides a powerful instrument for investigating and manipulating biological samples down to the subnanometer scale. In contrast to other microscopy methods, AFM does not require labeling, staining, nor fixation of samples and allows the specimen to be fully hydrated in buffer solution during the experiments. Moreover, AFM clearly compares in resolution to other techniques. In general, the AFM can be operated in an imaging or a force spectroscopy mode. In the present work, advantage was taken of this versatility to investigate single biomolecules and biomolecular assemblies. A novel approach to investigate the visco-elastic behavior of biomolecules under force was established, using dextran as an example. While a molecule tethered between a solid support and the cantilever tip was stretched at a constant velocity, the thermally driven oscillation of the cantilever was recorded. Analysis of the cantilever Brownian noise provided information about the visco-elastic properties of dextran that corresponded well to parameters obtained by alternative methods. However, the approach presented here was easier to implement and less time-consuming than previously used methods. A computer controlled force-clamp system was set up, circumventing the need for custom built analogue electronics. A commercial PicoForce AFM was extended by two computers which hosted data acquisition hardware. While the first computer recorded data, the second computer drove the AFM bypassing the manufacturer's microscope control software. To do so, a software-based proportional-integral-differential (PID) controller was implemented on the second computer. It allowed the force applied to a molecule to be held constant over time. After tuning of the PID controller, response times obtained using that force-clamp setup were comparable to those of the recently reported analogue systems. The performance of the setup was demonstrated by force-clamp unfolding of a pentameric Ig25 construct and the membrane protein NhaA. In the latter case, short-lived unfolding intermediates that were populated for less than 10 ms, could be revealed. Conventional single-molecule dynamic force spectroscopy was used to unfold the serine:threonine antiporter SteT from Bacillus subtilis, an integral membrane protein. Unfolding force patterns revealed the unfolding barriers stabilizing structural segments of SteT. Ligand binding did not induce new unfolding barriers suggesting that weak interactions with multiple structural segments were involved. In contrast, ligand binding caused changes in the energy landscape of all structural segments, thus turning the protein from a brittle, rigid into a more stable, structurally flexible conformation. Functionally, rigidity in the ligand-free state was thought to facilitate specific ligand binding, while flexibility and increased stability were required for conformational changes associated with substrate translocation. These results support the working model for transmembrane transport proteins that provide alternate access of the binding site to either face of the membrane. Finally, high-resolution imaging was exploited to visualize the extracellular surface of Cx26 gap junction hemichannels (connexons). AFM topographs reveal pH-dependent structural changes of the extracellular connexon surface in presence of HEPES, an aminosulfonate compound. At low pH (< 6.5), connexons showed a narrow and shallow channel entrance, which represented the closed pore. Increasing pH values resulted in a gradual opening of the pore, which was reflected by increasing channel entrance widths and depths. At pH > 7.6 the pore was fully opened and the pore diameter and depth did not increase further. Importantly, coinciding with pore gating a slight rotation of the subunits was observed. In the absence of aminosulfonate compounds, such as HEPES, acidification did not affect pore diameters and depths, retaining the open state. Thus, the intracellular concentration of taurine, a naturally abundant aminosulfonate compound, might be used to tune gap junction sensitivity at low pH.

Production of ganglioside biosynthetic membrane enzymes for biochemical and functional studies : Expression, purification and crystallization optimization of Thermococcus onnurineus Dolicho l-phosphate mannose synthase, Homosapiens and Branchiostoma floridae Glucosylceramide synthase

Lindholm, Ellinor January 2018 (has links)
Glycolipids play important roles in the biology of prokaryotes and eukaryotes, including humans, and although theyare found on the cell-membrane surface of all eukaryotic cells, not much is known about their biosynthesis. The aim ofthis project was to characterize two enzymes: glucosylceramide synthase (GCS) which is involved in the biosynthesisof glycolipids such as gangliosides that are abundant in the membranes of nerve cells; and dolicholphosphate mannosesynthase (DPMS), involved in the synthesis precursor for protein glycosylation. Both GCS and DPMS have been shown play a role in cancer as well as in congenital disorders of glycosylation, and are therefore interesting targets tostudy from a therapeutic perspective.With the goal to identify a suitable expression system for GCS, the genes coding for GCS from lancelet (Branchiostoma floridae) and human (Homo sapiens) were cloned and tested for expression in Escherichia coliBL21(DE3)T1 and C41(DE3) using different vectors. Cloning into three different vectors was successful and initial expression testing was performed. SDS-PAGE analysis confirmed initial expression of proteins. Although the correctsize of the protein could be confirmed by Western blot, no fluorescence of the GFP-fusion protein could be detected.DPMS from Thermococcus onnurineus (ToDP) was expressed in E. coli C41(DE3) and purified by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography and gel filtration. Crystallization optimization was performed for ToDP produced from the vector pNIC28-Bsa4 and plate-like crystals were obtained. X-ray intensity data analysis indicated that thesecrystals contained lipid rather than protein. Crystallization screening for ToDP produced from the vector pNIC-CTHO construct was successful. Crystallization screening using the commercially available MemGold-HT96 crystallization kit resulted in initial crystallization that yielded protein crystals that diffracted to 10 °A resolution. / Glykolipider är viktiga biologiska byggstenar hos prokaryoter och eukaryoter, även människor. Trots att glykolipider finns på cellmembran ytan hos alla eukaryota celler är inte mycket känt kring syntesen av glykolipider. Målet med detta projekt var att karaktärisera två enzym: glukosylceramidsyntas (GCS) som är involverat i biosyntesen av glykolipider som gangliosider vilka förekommer i cellmembranet hos människors nervceller; och dolikolfosfatmannossyntas (DPMS) som är involverat i syntesen av substrat för proteinglykosylering. Både GCS och DPMS harvisat sig spela en roll i cancer och medfödda glykosyleringssjukdomar och är därför intressanta enzym att studera ur ett medicinskt perspektiv.Med målet att identifiera ett lämpligt expressionssystem för GCS, klonades gener från lansett (Branschiostomafloridae) och människa (Homo sapiens) och testades för expression i Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)T1 och C41(DE3)med olika vektorer. Kloning av tre olika vektorer lyckades och expressionstester utfördes. Analys med SDS-PAGE bekräftade expression av protein. Trots att korrekt storlek av proteinet kunde bekräftas med Western blot, detekterades ingen fluorescens från GFP-fusionsproteinet. DPMS från Thermococcus onnurineus (ToDP) i två olika konstrukt uttrycktes i E. coli C41(DE3) och renades med immobiliserad metalljonaffinitetskromatografi och gelfiltrering. Kristalliseringsoptimering utfördes för ToDP uttryckt i vektorn pNIC28-Bsa4 och skivliknande kristaller erhölls. Diffraktionsdata indikerade dock att kristallerna innehöll lipider och inte protein. Kristallisering av ToDP uttryckt i vektorn pNIC-CTHO lyckades och initiala kristallingsförhållanden hittades genom att använda det kommersiellt tillgängliga kristalliseringskitet MemGold-HT96. Diffraktionsdata visade på upplösning ner till 10 Å.

Spectroscopic Investigation of Conformational Transitions in the Copper-transporting P1B-ATPase CopA from Legionella pneumophila

Sayed, Ahmed 22 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
All cells maintain essential metal nutrients at optimal levels by metal homeostasis. P-type ATPases, a crucial superfamily of integral membrane proteins, are involved in the active transport of metal ions across biological membranes driven by the motive force of ATP- hydrolysis. The PIB-type ATPase subfamily, also called CPx-ATPases, fulfills a key role in heavy metal homoeostasis among the most widespread species from bacteria to human. In humans, the defect in copper transporters is the direct cause of severe neurological and hepatic disorders such as Wilson and Menkes diseases, therefore, understanding the molecular function of these pumps is of paramount importance in human health. Cu+-ATPases have two transmembrane metal binding sites (TM-MBS) and three cytosolic domains, namely the actuator (A-domain) and phosphorylation and nucleotide-binding domain (PN), and regulatory N-terminal heavy metal binding domain (HMBD). Here, we have studied the Legionella pneumophila CopA (LpCopA) and its isolated cytosolic domains to improve our understanding of the functional interaction of the protein domains during metal transport relate this to the known structure of this ATPase. To elucidate how cytosolic ligands (Cu+ and nucleotide) stimulate the interactions among the cytosolic domains and may transmit conformational changes to the TM-MBS, the interactions among recombinant isolated cytosolic domains were first examined biochemically by co-purification and spectroscopically by circular dichroism, time-resolved fluorescence and site-directed fluorescent labeling assays. The Cu+-dependent interaction between the A-domain and HMBD has been postulated as a mechanism for activating the ATPase cycle. This question was addressed here by studying copper-dependent interactions between the isolated expressed domains. Spectroscopic evidence is provided that an HMBD-A complex is formed in the presence of Cu+ which binds with 100-200 nM affinity to the recombinant HMBD. In contrast, the A-domain interacts with the PN domain in a nucleotide-dependent fashion. This molecular recognition is required for the dephosphorylation step in the catalytic cycle. The interaction was investigated in more detail by the use of a decameric peptide derived from the PN-binding interface of the A-domain and carrying the conserved TGE-motif involved in dephosphorylation. Its binding to the isolated PN domain in a weakly nucleotide-dependent manner, is demonstrated here by stopped-flow fluorescence spectroscopy. Several ATPase assays were modified to assess the functionality of the PN-domain and full length LpCopA. The peptide was found to reduce the catalytic turnover of full length LpCopA. This agrees with the expected slowing down of the reformation of the PN-A-domain interaction since the peptide occupies their binding interface. Thus, the synthetic peptide provides a means to study specifically the influence of PN-A-domain interactions on the structure and function of LpCopA. This was done by time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) method. The time-dependent Stokes shift of the environmentally sensitive fluorophore BADAN which was covalently attached to the conserved CPC-motif in the TM-MBS was measured. The data indicate that the interior of the ATPase is hydrated and the mobility of the intra-protein water varies from high to low at C382 at the “luminal side” and C384 at the “cytosolic side” of the TM-MBS, respectively. This finding is consistent with the recent MD simulation of LpCopA, bringing the first experimental evidence on a luminal-open conformation of E2~P state. The A-domain-derived decapeptide, although binding to the cytosolic head piece, induces structural changes also at the TM-MBS. The peptide-stabilized state (with a disrupted PN-A interface) renders the C384 environment more hydrophobic as evidenced by TCSPC. Taken together, the data from cytosolic domain interactions, ATPase assays and of time-dependent Stoke shift analyses of BADAN-labeled LpCopA reveal the presence of hydrated intramembraneous sites whose degree of hydration is regulated by the rearrangement of cytosolic domains, particularly during the association and dissociation of the PN-A domains. Copper affects this arrangement by inducing the linkage of the A-domain to the HMBD. The latter appears to play not only an autoinhibitory but also a chaperone-like role in transferring Cu+ to the TM-MBS during catalytic turnover.

Crystalline, membrane-embedded, and fibrillar proteins investigated by solid-state NMR spectroscopy / Untersuchung kristalliner, membranständiger und fibrillärer Proteine mittels Festkörper-NMR-Spektroskopie

Schneider, Robert 30 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Structural characterization of membrane proteins by solid-state NMR spectroscopy / Strukturelle Charakterisierung von Membranproteinen mittels Festkörper-NMR-Spektroskopie

Seidel, Karsten 19 February 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Spectroscopic Investigation of Conformational Transitions in the Copper-transporting P1B-ATPase CopA from Legionella pneumophila

Sayed, Ahmed 23 March 2015 (has links)
All cells maintain essential metal nutrients at optimal levels by metal homeostasis. P-type ATPases, a crucial superfamily of integral membrane proteins, are involved in the active transport of metal ions across biological membranes driven by the motive force of ATP- hydrolysis. The PIB-type ATPase subfamily, also called CPx-ATPases, fulfills a key role in heavy metal homoeostasis among the most widespread species from bacteria to human. In humans, the defect in copper transporters is the direct cause of severe neurological and hepatic disorders such as Wilson and Menkes diseases, therefore, understanding the molecular function of these pumps is of paramount importance in human health. Cu+-ATPases have two transmembrane metal binding sites (TM-MBS) and three cytosolic domains, namely the actuator (A-domain) and phosphorylation and nucleotide-binding domain (PN), and regulatory N-terminal heavy metal binding domain (HMBD). Here, we have studied the Legionella pneumophila CopA (LpCopA) and its isolated cytosolic domains to improve our understanding of the functional interaction of the protein domains during metal transport relate this to the known structure of this ATPase. To elucidate how cytosolic ligands (Cu+ and nucleotide) stimulate the interactions among the cytosolic domains and may transmit conformational changes to the TM-MBS, the interactions among recombinant isolated cytosolic domains were first examined biochemically by co-purification and spectroscopically by circular dichroism, time-resolved fluorescence and site-directed fluorescent labeling assays. The Cu+-dependent interaction between the A-domain and HMBD has been postulated as a mechanism for activating the ATPase cycle. This question was addressed here by studying copper-dependent interactions between the isolated expressed domains. Spectroscopic evidence is provided that an HMBD-A complex is formed in the presence of Cu+ which binds with 100-200 nM affinity to the recombinant HMBD. In contrast, the A-domain interacts with the PN domain in a nucleotide-dependent fashion. This molecular recognition is required for the dephosphorylation step in the catalytic cycle. The interaction was investigated in more detail by the use of a decameric peptide derived from the PN-binding interface of the A-domain and carrying the conserved TGE-motif involved in dephosphorylation. Its binding to the isolated PN domain in a weakly nucleotide-dependent manner, is demonstrated here by stopped-flow fluorescence spectroscopy. Several ATPase assays were modified to assess the functionality of the PN-domain and full length LpCopA. The peptide was found to reduce the catalytic turnover of full length LpCopA. This agrees with the expected slowing down of the reformation of the PN-A-domain interaction since the peptide occupies their binding interface. Thus, the synthetic peptide provides a means to study specifically the influence of PN-A-domain interactions on the structure and function of LpCopA. This was done by time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) method. The time-dependent Stokes shift of the environmentally sensitive fluorophore BADAN which was covalently attached to the conserved CPC-motif in the TM-MBS was measured. The data indicate that the interior of the ATPase is hydrated and the mobility of the intra-protein water varies from high to low at C382 at the “luminal side” and C384 at the “cytosolic side” of the TM-MBS, respectively. This finding is consistent with the recent MD simulation of LpCopA, bringing the first experimental evidence on a luminal-open conformation of E2~P state. The A-domain-derived decapeptide, although binding to the cytosolic head piece, induces structural changes also at the TM-MBS. The peptide-stabilized state (with a disrupted PN-A interface) renders the C384 environment more hydrophobic as evidenced by TCSPC. Taken together, the data from cytosolic domain interactions, ATPase assays and of time-dependent Stoke shift analyses of BADAN-labeled LpCopA reveal the presence of hydrated intramembraneous sites whose degree of hydration is regulated by the rearrangement of cytosolic domains, particularly during the association and dissociation of the PN-A domains. Copper affects this arrangement by inducing the linkage of the A-domain to the HMBD. The latter appears to play not only an autoinhibitory but also a chaperone-like role in transferring Cu+ to the TM-MBS during catalytic turnover.

Microcompartmentation of cell wall integrity sensors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Mikrokompartimentierung von Zellwandintegritätssensoren in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Kock, Christian 05 August 2016 (has links)
The ability to adapt to changing environments is a key feature of living cells which is usually mediated by signal transduction pathways. One of these pathways in Saccharomyces cerevisiae maintains the proper cell wall composition under cell wall remodeling and stress conditions which ensures cell shape and integrity. The pathway is hence commonly referred to as cell wall integrity (CWI) pathway. Five plasma membrane sensors detect surface stress and activate a conserved MAPK cascade through Rom2, Rho1 and Pkc1. Downstream of the cascade, Slt2 activates the transcription factors Rlm1 and SBF. These regulate the expression of genes which are involved in cell wall synthesis and cell cycle control, respectively. The sensors can be grouped into two protein families with Wsc1, Wsc2 and Wsc3 on the one hand and Mid2 and Mtl1 on the other hand. They all contain a highly mannosylated extracellular serine/threonine-rich region (STR), a single transmembrane domain and a cytoplasmic tail. Whereas Wsc-family sensors carry an additional cysteine-rich domain (CRD) headgroup, Mid2 and Mtl1 are N-glycosylated at an asparagine (Kock et al., 2015). A strain deleted in all five sensor genes is not viable and WSC1, WSC2 and MID2 are the main sensor genes to mediate the stress response. Wsc1 and Mid2 show non-overlapping spot-like and network-like localization patterns in the plasma membrane, respectively, whose formation is not governed by their transmembrane domains. Colocalization studies with marker proteins of the known yeast plasma membrane domains “membrane compartment occupied by Can1” (MCC), “membrane compartment occupied by Pma1” (MCP) and the “membrane compartment of the TOR2 complex” (MCT) revealed that Wsc1 forms a distinct plasma membrane domain which is here introduced as “membrane compartment occupied by Wsc1“ (MCW). This microcompartment depends on the cysteine-rich domain (CRD) as sensors mutated in this headgroup accumulate in the vacuole. Blocking endocytosis either by an end3 deletion or by mutation of the NPFDD endocytosis signal in the cytoplasmic tail of Wsc1 restores its signaling function but displays an altered pattern of membrane distribution, changing from spot-like in wild-type to network-like in the mutants. This indicated that clustering may protect the sensor from endocytosis. In addition, Wsc1 has amyloid-like properties suggesting a role in clustering. Accordingly, protein aggregation (clustering) is lost in a mutant of a predicted amyloid motif within the CRD, which also impairs Wsc1 signaling.

Impact of cholesterol and Lumacaftor on the folding of CFTR helical hairpins

Schenkel, Mathias, Ravamehr-Lake, Dorna, Czerniak, Tomasz, Saenz, James P., Krainer, Georg, Schlierf, Michael, Deber, Charles M. 07 December 2023 (has links)
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by mutations in the gene that codes for the chloride channel cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). Recent advances in CF treatment have included use of small-molecule drugs known as modulators, such as Lumacaftor (VX-809), but their detailed mechanism of action and interplay with the surrounding lipid membranes, including cholesterol, remain largely unknown. To examine these phenomena and guide future modulator development, we prepared a set of wild type (WT) and mutant helical hairpin constructs consisting of CFTR transmembrane (TM) segments 3 and 4 and the intervening extracellular loop (termed TM3/4 hairpins) that represent minimal membrane protein tertiary folding units. These hairpin variants, including CF-phenotypic loop mutants E217G and Q220R, and membrane-buried mutant V232D, were reconstituted into large unilamellar phosphatidylcholine (POPC) vesicles, and into corresponding vesicles containing 70 mol% POPC +30 mol% cholesterol, and studied by single-molecule FRET and circular dichroism experiments. We found that the presence of 30 mol% cholesterol induced an increase in helicity of all TM3/4 hairpins, suggesting an increase in bilayer cross-section and hence an increase in the depth of membrane insertion compared to pure POPC vesicles. Importantly, when we added the corrector VX-809, regardless of the presence or absence of cholesterol, all mutants displayed folding and helicity largely indistinguishable from the WT hairpin. Fluorescence spectroscopy measurements suggest that the corrector alters lipid packing and water accessibility. We propose a model whereby VX-809 shields the protein from the lipid environment in a mutant-independent manner such that the WT scaffold prevails. Such ‘normalization’ to WT conformation is consistent with the action of VX-809 as a protein-folding chaperone.

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