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Mentor Principals’ Perceptions About a Mentoring Program for Aspiring PrincipalsBarnett, Steven Nicholas 11 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to assess the perceptions of principals who serve as mentors for an internship program for aspiring principals at East Tennessee State University. Each mentor was interviewed to gather information about the internship program, the benefits of mentoring in the program, and what the mentors may have learned about their tacit knowledge as a result of the experience. Mentors and the professors in the Educational Leadership Policy Analysis department at ETSU may benefit from the findings as the design of the school leadership program continues to advance.
Mentoring is an important component of training for aspiring and beginning principals because interns learn on the job in a supportive environment where they can take chances. Mentors also learn from the experience of being a mentor. The literature reviewed for this case study supported the need for standard-based mentoring programs. The ISLLC standards are an excellent example of standards that are used to provide structure and coherence for mentoring programs.
Positive and negative outcomes for the mentor were reviewed to support the research. Leadership and the change process were also reviewed to support the importance of the mentor's role in the process we call mentoring. Several themes emerged from the analysis of data provided by mentor principals about mentoring aspiring principals. Mentoring resulted in reflection about the decisions the mentor makes during the day while explaining procedures to the intern. It was also found to be an experience that works best when a positive relationship is developed between the mentor and the intern; often leading to a relationship that lasts long after the internship is over. Principals examined their understanding of tacit knowledge and the possible ways tacit knowledge could be taught to their intern.
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" Where the hope lies.” Therapists’ Perspectives on Mental Health Recovery Work with Survivors of Sex Trafficking in the United States: A Qualitative StudyGruenfeld, Elizabeth A. January 2021 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Thomas M. Crea / Thesis advisor: Scott D. Easton / This qualitative study collected and analyzed original interview data with mental health clinicians and survivor mentors exploring their perspectives on and experiences in aftercare/recovery work with survivors of domestic and international sex trafficking in the United States, through multidisciplinary and multisystemic contexts. This study addresses the significant gap of research on mental health recovery support with survivors of sex trafficking, which exists despite disturbing prevalence rates of sex trafficking, especially amongst girls and women of Color living in the United States. The study examined mental health providers’ perspectives on treatment approaches they employ, the processes they find to be effective, and their views on emancipatory approaches in recovery work. This study collected, transcribed, and analyzed semi-structured interview data with 13 mental health providers (including clinicians and peer/survivor mentors), and employed qualitative conventional content analysis. The study is the first to explore mental health providers’ experiences with service provision/accompaniment with a focus specifically on their work within multidisciplinary and multisystemic environments. It aims to increase understanding about the perspectives and approaches held by multidisciplinary therapists and survivor mentors, who specialize in accompanying survivors of sex trafficking, and may hold important insights into this complex work. The study found that therapists and peer mentors are challenged by barriers, and leverage key opportunities in their work through multidisciplinary and multisystemic contexts, and benefit from partnering with each other in survivor recovery work. It also found that survivor community and peer mentors are central to aftercare/recovery work, and that providers work to employ an intersectional/emancipatory healing lens. Analyses identified fifteen approaches to recovery work, organized into four categories: 1) integrated structural and trauma-sensitive emotional support; 2) community and emancipatory healing approaches; 3) peer mentor as a critical role; and 4) multiple systems challenge recovery. Implications for future research, clinical practice and policy are discussed. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2021. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Social Work. / Discipline: Social Work.
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The Asher and Dane School Districts' Mentoring Models: The Relationship Between Mentoring and Retention of Beginning TeachersChou, Po N. 27 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Diverse mentoring models have been implemented by educational organizations to address teacher retention, but debate continues over which mentoring model is most beneficial. Two school districts in Utah, USA, hereafter referred to as the Asher and Dane (pseudonyms) School Districts, provide distinct approaches to mentoring. Both the Asher and Dane School District have used veteran teachers with full-time teaching loads to mentor beginning teachers. The Dane School District, however, has recently implemented a unique and distinct mentoring model in addition to in-school mentors. In this model, full-time released teacher "coaches" with specialized mentoring responsibilities are assigned by the district to mentor several beginning elementary teachers in one grade band (K-3 or 4-6) throughout the district. This longitudinal research studied the Asher and Dane School Districts' mentoring models to develop a grounded theory to explain how these two distinct mentoring models were related to beginning teacher retention rates. A stratified, random sample was utilized, resulting in 23 participants selected for this study. Interview data were gathered from each participant during their first year of teaching, as well as follow-up survey and interview data in their third year. Beginning teacher attrition data were gathered from both the Asher and Dane School Districts. A constant comparative qualitative analysis method, using NVivo software, facilitated the development of the grounded theory. Findings describe and explain the sources and types of support that beginning teachers in these two distinct mentoring models found most beneficial in their induction, development and retention during their first three years. Beginning teachers reported that key mentoring characteristics included a mentor that had experience and knowledge, particularly in their same grade level, as well as a personal relationship with someone who was open to listening to them and who empowered others. Overall, collaborative teams and in-school mentors were a great source of support for beginning teachers, and teacher retention occurred most often when beginning teachers felt supported by their principals. Beginning teachers also experienced a decrease in stress and increase in both autonomy and confidence with time or years of teaching, experience, and support. Findings suggested that district coaches in the Dane School District lacked proximity, personal relationship, and knowledge of the grade being taught by those they mentored. As a result, they lacked the ability to help induct beginning teachers into their school culture and develop informal networks in the school and ensure retention.
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Factors Mediating After-School Participation and DelinquencyWhitney, John Andrew 11 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Utilizing Social Control Theory, this study explores the role of participation in After School Programs, mentoring relationships, and commitment to school in reducing adolescent delinquency. This study uses local survey data of 556 youth attending Boys and Girls Clubs collected from 2010-2012. The negative binomial regression results indicate that increased club attendance is associated with reduced delinquency. This effect is mediated by the presence of a mentor and by the youths' commitment to school.
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Beginner's Mind - Four voices on starting off as a teacherBergenfeldt Ising, Elisabeth January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med följande arbete har varit att undersöka hur lärarstarten för fyra avgångsstudenter vid Lärarutbildningen 2005 har sett ut och vad som har påverkat den. I djupintervjuer redogör de för sitt första år. Berättelserna ställs mot utsagor från andra nyutbildade och erfarna lärare; allt för att se vad som är unikt och vad som är allmängiltigt. Resultatet pekar på att faktorerna för en lärarstart är så många att ett allmänt stödprogram för nyanställda lärare måste hanteras med stor varsamhet. Det är osäkert om nyblivna lärares upplevelser ens är unika för just dem. Många av yrkets ljusa och mörka sidor tycks snarare vara yrkesspecifika, även beskrivna av erfarna lärare. Avgörande för lärarstarten är att hitta en balans mellan yrkets möjligheter och begränsningar. Men yrkes- och livserfarenhet spelar också in. / The purpose of the following paper has been to investigate how the teaching start for four graduate students at Lärarutbildningen 2005 has been and what has affected it. In interviews they tell about their first year. The tellings are compared to those of other graduates and of experienced teachers, all for the purpose of spotting what is unique and what is generally applicable. The result indicates that the factors for a teaching start are so many that general support programs for newly employed teachers must be handled with exceptional care. It is uncertain that the experiences of unpracticed teachers are unique for this group. Many of the professions darker and brighter sides seem to be general to all teachers - also described by those who are well experienced. Crucial to a teaching start is finding a balance between the possibilities and the setbacks of the teaching profession. However general professional and life experience also has an impact.
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Mentorskap - en studie av en 7-9 skolaAndersson, Lotta, Svensson, Nina January 2012 (has links)
Uppsatsen är en studie av mentorskapet på en 7-9-skola. Syftet med vår undersökning är att åskådliggöra hur man inom en grundskola arbetar med en företeelse som framförallt är vanlig inom idrott och näringsliv. Vår förhoppning var att vi skulle kunna belysa om det fanns ett behov av en utveckling av mentorskapet i skolan och hur detta skulle kunna se ut. Frågeställningarna vi ville besvara var hur skolledning, lärare och elever uppfattade mentorskapet, hur elevernas skolsituation påverkades av att ha en mentor och hur ett eventuellt nytt begrepp för mentorskap i skolan skulle kunna definieras. Vår undersökning har baserats på både kvalitativa och kvantitativa data i form av intervjuer, fokusgruppsintervjuer, observation och enkäter. Den teori vi använt för att tolka våra resultat är det kommunikativa och relationsinriktade perspektivet, KoRP, som ryms inom det sociokulturella forskningsfältet. Våra resultat visar att mentorskap infördes utan en definition och utan tydlig förankring i forskning kring vilken kunskapsutvecklande effekt detta eventuellt kunde ha. Vidare pekar de på att flertalet av respondenterna är positiva till mentorskapet, men att utfallet av det bygger i mycket hög grad på de enskilda aktörerna och deras bild av uppdraget.
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Mentorskap och "the Strength of Weak Ties" - En fallstudie i hur mentorskap under utbildningen påverkar socionomstudenters sociala nätverkWallström, Sofie, Zarrabi, Nathalie January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att se hur socionomstudenters professionella sociala nätverk påverkas av organiserade mentorskap under utbildningen. Den teoretiska ramen utgörs av the Strength of Weak Ties, en teori om de svaga nätverkens betydelse för en individs professionella utveckling och framgång, samt nätverksteoretiska grunder och en litteraturgenomgång kring fenomenet mentorskap. Studien är genomförd som en fallstudie och fallet ifråga är mentorsprogrammet inom ramen för socionomutbildningen med inriktning verksamhetsutveckling på Malmö högskola. Datainsamlingen har skett genom en enkätundersökning bland de mentorer och adepter som genomfört och avslutat mentorsprogrammet samt intervjuer med nyckelpersoner inom organiseringen av det. Resultatet och analysen visar att det finns många indikationer på att studenternas sociala nätverk utökats med hjälp av mentorskapet. Många studenter har genom sin medverkan i mentorsprogrammet skapat antingen svaga eller frånvarande länkar till sina mentorer och/eller andra inom mentorns organisation. Mentorerna kan genom sin ställning på arbetsmarknaden antas ha ett stort kontaktnät och många egna svaga kontakter och nätverk vars informationsflöde studenterna genom länken till mentorn kommit närmare. Resultatet från enkäterna visar även att mentorerna generellt är mer positivt inställda till mentorskapet än de tillfrågade adepterna och många av adepterna påtalar den brist på praktisk erfarenhet som mentorskap innebär i förhållande till praktik. Mentorerna ser också i högre grad än studenterna till nätverksmöjligheterna som mentorsprogrammet innebär, och sig själv som en kontakt i arbetslivet för studenten.
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The Relationship Of Participation In A Summer Transition Program For At-risk Ninth Grade Students And Their Performance In Algebra ISanchez, Jose 01 January 2013 (has links)
This study examined the Summer Transition Program in a large suburban school district. One of the common concerns of education leaders is the number of students who choose to dropout of high school. The eighth to ninth grade Summer Transition Program has been implemented to address the high school dropout issue and was the focus of this study. The researcher examined if participation in the Summer Transition Program could be predicted by student subgroup, to what extent, if any, participation in the Summer Transition Program had on the academic success in Algebra I, and if there is a relationship with academic success in Algebra I and at-risk factors
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Mentorskap : - I vilken mening kan mentorskap förebygga ohälsa bland pastorer i Equmeniakyrkan? / Mentorship : - Is it possible that mentorship can help pastors in the church to avoid illness?Almén, Lovisa January 2018 (has links)
Jag har genom denna studie undersökt mentorskapets påverkan för pastorer i Equmeniakyrkan. Frågeställningarna arbetet utgår från handlar om ifall mentorskap kan bidra till en mer hälsosam arbetssituation för pastorer. Som metod har jag utgått från en kortare enkät samt strukturerade intervjuer av fem pastorer och två mentorer. Jag använder mig av två teorier, Töres Theorell och Robert Karaseks krav-, kontroll- och stödmodell samt Kathy E. Krams teori om karriärsrelaterat mentorskap och psykosocialt mentorskap. Uppsatsens slutsats lyder att forskning samt intervjuerna pekar på att mentorskap främjar pastorers hälsa.
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Connecting belongingness with institutional practices and academic outcomes: A mixed-methods approachChen, Xi 30 April 2021 (has links)
Higher education institutions are facing a major challenge in retaining 1st-year college students and engaging them in meaningful activities and programs to promote their sense of belonging (Strayhorn, 2012; Astin, 1993). Though a few belonging intervention practices have been studied (Perrell, 2018; Peck, 2011), there is a lack of understanding on the dynamic mechanisms of developing belongingness through a combination of belonging enhancement practices (Yob, 2014). Moreover, there is an urgent need to examine which belonging enhancement practice has the most impact on students' academic performance (Slaten, Elison, Hughes, Youg, & Shemwell, 2015). This study used convergent, parallel mixed-methods design to make meanings from both qualitative and quantitative data on the effect of the service-learning leadership program (SLLP) for 1st-year students at a large, public university on perceived sense of belonging and related academic performance, and the mechanism of the dynamic process. Quantitative data contained 2 parts: the 1st part is university student record data from 2007 to 2018 with total of 2,762 students, and the 2nd part of the data were collected through pre-and post-surveys from total of 262 students in treatment and control groups. Qualitative data were collected from 9 participants through individual interviews, focus group and weekly journals. Quantitative datasets were analyzed through mixed-design MANOVA, mixed-design ANOVA and hierarchical (logistic) multiple regressions, and qualitative data was analyzed through spiral approach. The findings demonstrated that the studied program protected against the decline of sense of belonging in the 1st semester of college year, and it brought more benefits to male and racial minority students as compared to female and racial majority students. Moreover, the findings indicated mentorship and living-learning community practices had the most impact on students' sense of belonging and academic performance, and suggested further improvement for performance feedback, social media and service-learning practice. The results of the study have implications for future institutional interventions and provide comprehensive practical guidelines for belonging enhancement programs for 1st-year students. The conclusions provide recommendations for designing and implementing belonging intervention programs that bring maximum outcomes on students' sense of belonging, retention and academic performance.
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