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Turizmo vadybos profesinės praktikos mentoriaus vertinimas / Evaluation of the professional practice mentor of tourism managementMockutė, Justina 20 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – mentoriaus vertinimas. Tikslas - ištirti mentoriaus kaip praktikos vadovo vertinimą turizmo organizacijoje. Uždaviniai: 1. Atskleisti profesinės praktikos teorinius aspektus. 2. Išanalizuoti mentoriaus kaip profesinės praktikos vadovo teorines sampratas. 3. Atlikti „Turizmo ir sporto vadybos“ programos turizmo vadybos profesinės praktikos mentoriaus vertinimą. Darbo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, apklausa anketiniu būdu, aprašomoji statistika. Profesinė praktika yra neatsiejama studijų proceso dalis. Jos metu pagrindinį vaidmenį atlieka praktikos vadovas (mentorius) ir studentas. Mentorius kaip profesinės praktikos vadovas, moko studentą, jį konsultuoja bei padeda spręsti problemas. Jis reikalingas kaip modelis, iš kurio studentas gali semtis praktinės patirties ir tapti puikus tos srities specialistas. Tyrimas parodė, kad studijų programos „Turizmo ir sporto vadyba“ turizmo srities mentoriaus vertinimas yra teigiamas. Tai yra toks žmogus, kuris turi ne mažesnę nei 3 metų darbo patirtį, bendrauja su studentu, juo pasitikėdamas, turi tokias asmenines savybes kaip komunikabilumas, nuoširdumas, humoro ir atsakingumo jausmas ir kt. Tyrime buvo atskleista, kad turizmo srities mentoriai labiausiai vaidina konsultanto vaidmenį, t.y. padeda spręsti iškilusias problemas. Svarbiausias mentoriams aspektas – sutarimas. Kitaip tariant, bendravimo su studentais palaikymas ir formvimas, kuris paremtas abipusia pagarba ir pasitikėjimu. / Object of the research: the evaluation of mentor
The purpose: to analyse the mentor‘s role as a practice manager of tourism organization.
The aims:
1. To reveal theoretical aspects of the professional practice.
2. To analyze mentor‘s theoretical concepts as a supervisor of professional practice.
3. To carry out the study program „Tourism and sport management“ in the field of tourism, the evaluation of profesional practice mentor.
The methods: analysis of the scientific literature, survey used questionnaires, descriptive statistics.
Professional practice is an integral part of the process of study. During this time the supervisor (mentor) and the student perform the main role. The mentor as a professional practice supervisor teaches the student, gives an advice and helps to solve problems. He is needed as a model from which the student can get a practical experience and become a great specialist in a specific field.
The research showed that the study program „tourism and sport management“ in the field of turism evaluation of the mentor is positive. This is a person, who has not less than 3 years work experience, interacts with students by trusting them. Also, he has personally qualities as sociability, sincerity, a sense of responsibility and humor and etc. The research revealed that mentors in the field of tourism play the role of consultant, they help to solve problems. The most important aspect for mentors - agreement. In other words, the support and formation of... [to full text]
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Mentorskapets tre funktioner : En fallstudie på BDO AB / Mentoring and its three functions- A case study on BDO ABAndersson, Marie, Johansson, Emelie January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka mentorskapets tre funktioner, karriärutveckling, social support och som förebild, på en svensk revisionsbyrå, BDO AB. Detta gjordes genom en fallstudie där BDO definierades som fall. Empiri samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med två mentorer och tre lärlingar från organisationen. För djupare kunskap om BDO analyserades även interna och externa dokument från organisationen. Tolkningen av empirin skedde genom en analysmodell som växte fram med hjälp av tidigare forskning.Mentorskapets tre funktioner, karriärutveckling, social support och som förebild, påträffades på revisionsfirman. Efter gjord analys ansåg vi dock att funktionerna på BDO istället bör benämns som social inlärning, förebild och karriärstöd. Det livslånga lärandet som i vår första modell beskrevs som det som knöt ihop mentorskapet har i den nya modellen, som växte fram efter analysen, ersatts med en institutionaliseringsprocess. Detta då vi ser mentorskapet på BDO som en process där mentorskapets funktioner, social inlärning, förebild och karriärstöd, uppkommer i olika skeden av lärlingens första period inom organisationen. Funktionerna knyts samman av en institutionaliseringsprocess där feedback och reflektion görs i varje funktion. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet
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Mentorskap mellan två lärare i skolan : upplevelser och erfarenheter av en adept och en mentorAndersson, Maria, Harrysson, Annelie January 2007 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna undersökning var att få ta del av en nyexaminerad lärare och en mentors erfarenheter och upplevelser av mentorskap. Metoden var att intervjua en adept och en mentor, som tillsammans hade haft en mentorskapsrelation. Intervjuerna gjordes av två personer med öppna och ostrukturerade frågor, vilket ledde till följdfrågor. Resultatet visade att de båda enbart hade positiva erfarenheter och upplevelser av mentorskap. Det visade sig att det viktigaste med ett väl fungerande mentorskap var erfarenhet inom yrket hos mentorn och en vilja och ett engagemang hos alla inblandade parter.</p>
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âMentorsâ perception of the effectiveness of the Big Brother Big Sister mentor training programmeâJano, Rubina. January 2008 (has links)
<p>Mentoring has gained a great deal of popularity across various professional fields and disciplines over the past few years. More recently, planned mentoring has become an important form of intervention with young people (Philip, 2003). Although mentoring can be an effective strategy for dealing with youth, the mentoring is only as good as the relationship that develops out of the process between mentors and mentees and the match that is made between the two parties. The number of mentor programmes that is running continues to grow yet the quality of these programmes remains unknown as this area lacks agreed upon sets of standards and / bench marks that could be used to determine the effectiveness of these programmes (Sipe, 1988 -1995). The primary aim of this study is to evaluate the mentors&rsquo / perceptions of the effectiveness of a mentor training programme run by Big Brother Big Sister South Africa.</p>
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Mentorskap mellan två lärare i skolan : upplevelser och erfarenheter av en adept och en mentorAndersson, Maria, Harrysson, Annelie January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning var att få ta del av en nyexaminerad lärare och en mentors erfarenheter och upplevelser av mentorskap. Metoden var att intervjua en adept och en mentor, som tillsammans hade haft en mentorskapsrelation. Intervjuerna gjordes av två personer med öppna och ostrukturerade frågor, vilket ledde till följdfrågor. Resultatet visade att de båda enbart hade positiva erfarenheter och upplevelser av mentorskap. Det visade sig att det viktigaste med ett väl fungerande mentorskap var erfarenhet inom yrket hos mentorn och en vilja och ett engagemang hos alla inblandade parter.
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Supervision in Mentoringprogrammen : eine empirische Studie /Bausch, Vera. January 2007 (has links)
Universiẗat, Diss.--Hamburg, 2006.
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Mentor and mentee perceptions of the importance and effectiveness of mentor supportHolcomb, Cenira 01 June 2006 (has links)
This mixed-methods action research study explored the congruence between mentor and mentee perceptions of the importance and effectiveness of 12 district-specific focus areas of mentor support. While reviewing current data pertaining to teacher attrition, the researcher observed a limited availability of investigations relating to the perceived role of the mentor teacher based on the experiences and observations of both the novice and mentor teacher.The target population for this study was 70 novice and mentor special education teachers during the 2005--2006 school year employed at 13 middle schools in a school district located in Florida. Of the 70 beginning and mentor teachers, 4 mentor teachers and 2 novice teachers from 4 of the 13 middle schools within the district volunteered to participate.
The mentor and mentee teachers who chose to take part were not mentoring pairs during the 2005--2006 school year.Obtaining Institutional Review Board approval, the researcher contacted middle school principals to attain administrative support for the study. Novice and mentor middle school teachers alike were then contacted via postal mail requesting their participation. Concerted efforts were made to secure mentor--mentee participation.The researcher relied on multiple data collection methods---a demographic and multi-item survey for the novice and mentor teacher (Appendixes D & E) and standardized open-ended interview questions for the novice and mentor teacher (Appendixes F & G).
Lastly, the researcher conducted an analysis of pertinent district documents, more specifically thoroughly examining the information presented in the ESE Mentor Program Resource Manual for mentor and mentee teachers.The major findings of this study include the following: (1) formal and informal mentoring of beginning special education teachers by experienced mentors and colleagues is a useful and productive endeavor; (2) ESE paperwork demands are rigorous for novice teacher; (3) the needs and concerns of ESE teachers vary based on classroom assignment and student population, and (4) the ESE Mentor Program Resource Manual provided useful information referencing the 12 areas of mentor support for beginning special educators, but did little to guide mentor and novice teachers in facilitating the mentoring process.
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âMentorsâ perception of the effectiveness of the Big Brother Big Sister mentor training programmeâJano, Rubina. January 2008 (has links)
<p>Mentoring has gained a great deal of popularity across various professional fields and disciplines over the past few years. More recently, planned mentoring has become an important form of intervention with young people (Philip, 2003). Although mentoring can be an effective strategy for dealing with youth, the mentoring is only as good as the relationship that develops out of the process between mentors and mentees and the match that is made between the two parties. The number of mentor programmes that is running continues to grow yet the quality of these programmes remains unknown as this area lacks agreed upon sets of standards and / bench marks that could be used to determine the effectiveness of these programmes (Sipe, 1988 -1995). The primary aim of this study is to evaluate the mentors&rsquo / perceptions of the effectiveness of a mentor training programme run by Big Brother Big Sister South Africa.</p>
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Stöd till handledare – finns det ett behov? : En kvalitativ studie om stödbehov till handledareHedström, Vilhelm, Mattisson Bäck, Henrik January 2014 (has links)
Förutom att uppfylla gällande regler och riktlinjer för rollen skall den som är verksam som handledare för studenter i deras fartygsförlagda utbildning även känna ett stöd från arbetsgivare och kollegor. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om handledarna upplever att de får detta stöd och även undersöka vad lärosäten, SUI och studenter kan göra för att underlätta handledningen. Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer ansikte mot ansikte. Fem respondenter intervjuades var för sig mellan den 24:e februari och den 11:e mars 2014. Resultatet visade att det finns utrymme för förbättringar i form av olika sorters stöd till handledare. Majoriteten av respondenterna ansåg sig behöva mer stöd i form av utbildning, seminarier, extra avsatt tid för handledning, information om kommande studenter, deras kursplaner och förväntade studieresultat samt även att få återkoppling från studenter vid avslutad praktikperiod. / Except to fulfil the current rules and guidelines, persons that are active in the role as preceptors for students in their on board training shall experience a support from their employer and their colleges. The purpose of this study was to examine if the preceptors experience that they´re getting that support and also to examine what HEIs, internship administration and students themselves can do to support the preceptors. The study was implemented with a qualitative approach through semi-structured interviews. The interviews were carried out face to face with five respondents between February 24th and March 11th 2014. The results showed that there´re room for improvement in form of various kind of support for the preceptors. The majority of the respondents’ experience that they need better support in terms of education, seminars, extra time set aside for tutoring, information about the forthcoming students, their syllabuses and expected learning outcomes as well as receiving feedback from the students on completion of the internship.
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AN ABSRACT OF THE THESIS OF Greg Steinsdoerfer, for the Master of Arts degree in psychology, presented on October 25th, 2011, at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. TITLE: QUALITY OF NATURAL MENTOR RELATIONSHIPS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH OUTCOMES IN A RURAL AFRICAN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT SAMPLE MAJOR PROFESSOR: Kathie, Chwalisz, Ph.D. In response to the general call of the American Psychological Association (APA) for more multicultural and multinational research (APA, 2002), this study is an examination of natural mentor relationships in a rural sub-Saharan African high school student sample. A total of 200 rural Zambian high school students completed a set of self-report questionnaires to test three hypotheses. First, those with a natural mentor were hypothesized to have significantly better psychological health outcomes than those without a natural mentor, as measured by the Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale (RSE), the General Health Questionnaire - 12 (GHQ-12), and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). Second, it was hypothesized that high school students with a natural mentor would report better health risk choices as measured by alcohol, smoking, drug, sexual activity, and bullying behavior. Finally, quality of the natural mentoring relationship (i.e., frequency of contact, emotional closeness, and longevity of the relationship) was hypothesized to be related to better psychological health outcomes. As hypothesized, sub-Saharan African high school students with a natural mentor reported significantly better psychological health outcomes on all measures than those who did not have a natural mentor. High school students with a natural mentor did not have significant differences in health choice behaviors, and the quality of the natural mentor relationship was not a significant predictor for psychological health. These findings have implications for prevention and intervention programs in rural community settings in Zambia. Implications and limitations of the study are discussed.
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