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Contribution au catalogage dynamique des manuscrits arabes anciens numérisés / Contribution to dynamic cataloguing of the old Arabic digitized-manuscriptsSoualah, Mohamed 27 November 2015 (has links)
Les manuscrits arabes sont une source d'information inestimable. Trois millions de ces œuvres se trouvent éparpillées à travers le monde. Une prise de conscience réelle sur la préservation de ces œuvres s'est vue naître, ces dernières années, à travers le monde. Beaucoup de projets de numérisation de manuscrits arabes anciens ont été mis en œuvre. Mais, la numérisation est-elle suffisante ? Le véritable but recherché est une diffusion de masse, car rien n'est mieux préservé qu'une ressource partagée. Toutefois, il faut y trouver un moyen d'y accéder facilement. Les bibliothèques sont les lieux de prédilection de sauvegarde et de rangement de manuscrits. Elles ont développé un outil d'accès aux manuscrits qu'elles ont toujours maîtrisé et convenablement mis en œuvre ; il s'agit du catalogue, un support d'utilisation simple et intuitif. Toutes ces œuvres se voient répertoriées selon des protocoles de catalogage non uniformisés, différents d'une institution à une autre, mais pour l'essentiel, utilisant des entrées standards (Auteur, titre de l'œuvre, Sujet). L'idée est de venir au secours du catalogueur qui peine à lui seul à cataloguer autant d'œuvres, sans oublier les différentes difficultés rencontrées tels que le type de calligraphie et l'état du manuscrit. Par conséquent, une autre question se pose à savoir, comment faudrait-il s'y prendre ? A ce niveau se dresse une problématique cruciale, qui consiste à trouver le meilleur moyen d'accès aux images des manuscrits numérisés. En effet, trois solutions d'accessibilité aux manuscrits numérisés sont possibles :• La première consiste en un accès aux manuscrits numérisés en mode image ; cela signifie l'exploitation directe de l'image du manuscrit numérisé par des outils d'indexation appropriés.• La seconde se donne pour objectif de convertir intégralement le manuscrit en texte, ce qui reviendrait à traiter le manuscrit numérisé comme un document texte ordinaire. Par conséquent, l'usage de la recherche d'information deviendra un outil incontournable.• La troisième solution fait appel à un outil efficace utilisé dans les bibliothèques. Il s'agit du catalogue. Le principe de cette solution est élémentaire. Il repose sur l'interrogation du catalogue. L'affichage du manuscrit répondant favorablement à une requête se fait suite au choix de l'utilisateur. Notre travail de recherche ne se positionne pas dans le choix de la meilleure solution parmi les trois sus-citées, nous nous donnons pour objectif de procéder à l'étude des trois modèles de solutions et de procéder à l'évaluation de chaque modèle pour l'optimisation de l'accès en ligne aux manuscrits arabes anciens numérisés... / Arabic manuscripts are a very important source of information. Three million of them are scattered throughout the world. Nowadays, a real awareness rises throughout the world to preserve the old manuscripts.Many digitization projects of old Arabic manuscripts were implemented. But, is this sufficient for the manuscripts preservation? The main goal is the massive diffusion of these resources, because nothing is better preserved than a shared resource. However, it is necessary to make them accessible.Libraries are the most suitable places for storing manuscripts. They have developed an interesting tool for the manuscripts online access: It is about a catalogue, a simple and intuitive user support.the whole of the manuscripts are listed throughout a non-standardized cataloging protocol, which differ from an institution to another, but most of them use standard entries like the "Author", "title" and "subject".The problematic is about finding a way how to help a cataloguer who struggle alone to catalog the manuscripts, which present several problems concerning their state and their calligraphy? Therefore, the answer will be about how to make it.Thus, first we are asked to find a best way to access images of the digitized Arabic manuscripts. Indeed, we can quote three methods to access digitized manuscripts:• The first one consists of accessing to manuscripts in image mode. This is done by images processing with using of suitable indexing tools.• The second one aim to fully convert the manuscript into a text mode, then the manuscript will be processed as textual document. Thus, the information retrieval will be used.• The third solution uses an effective library tool which is the catalogue. The principle of this solution is basic. First, the user makes his query to the catalogue. The latter displays the results, and then the user selects the suitable one.The goal of our research is not to make choice between these three methods to access to digitized manuscripts. Our objective is to use these methods, evaluate them in order to optimize the online access to digitized Arabic manuscripts......
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La plate-forme RAMSES pour un triple écran interactif : application à la génération automatique de télévision interactive / The RAMSES platform for triple display : application to automatic generation of interactive televisionRoyer, Julien 16 December 2009 (has links)
Avec la révolution du numérique, l’usage de la vidéo a fortement évolué durant les dernières décennies, passant du cinéma à la télévision, puis au web, du récit fictionnel au documentaire et de l’éditorialisation à la création par l’utilisateur. Les médias sont les vecteurs pour échanger des informations, des connaissances, des « reportages » personnels, des émotions... L’enrichissement automatique des documents multimédias est toujours un sujet de recherche depuis l’avènement des médias. Dans ce contexte, nous proposons dans un premier temps une modélisation des différents concepts et acteurs mis en œuvre pour analyser automatiquement des documents multimédias afin de déployer dynamiquement des services interactifs en relation avec le contenu des médias. Nous définissons ainsi les concepts d’analyseur, de service interactif, de description d’un document multimédia et enfin les fonctions nécessaires pour faire interagir ceux-ci. Le modèle d’analyse obtenu se démarque de la littérature en proposant une architecture modulaire, ouverte et évolutive. Nous présentons ensuite l’implantation de ces concepts dans le cadre d’un prototype de démonstration. Ce prototype permet ainsi de mettre en avant les contributions avancées dans la description des modèles. Une implantation ainsi que des recommandations sont détaillées pour chacun des modèles. Afin de montrer les résultats d’implantation des solutions proposées sur la plateforme telles que les standards MPEG-7 pour la description, MPEG-4 BIFS pour les scènes interactives ou encore OSGI pour l’architecture générale, nous présentons différents exemples de services interactifs intégrés dans la plateforme. Ceux-ci permettent de vérifier les capacités d’adaptation aux besoins d’un ou plusieurs services interactifs. / The concept developed in this thesis is to propose an architecture model allowing automatic multimedia analysis and inserting pertinent interactive contents accordingly to multimedia content. Until nowadays, studies are mainly trying to provide tools and frameworks to generate a full description of the multimedia. It can be compared as trying to describe the world since the system must have huge description capabilities. Actually, it is not possible to represent the world through a tree of concepts and relationships due to time and computer limitations. Therefore, according to the amount of multimedia analyzers developed all over the world, this thesis proposes a platform able to host, combine and share existing multimedia analyzers. Furthermore, we only consider user’s requirements to select only required elements from multimedia platform to analyze the multimedia. In order to easily adapt the platform to the service requirements, we propose a modular architecture based on plug-in multimedia analyzers to generate the contextual description of the media. Besides, we provide an interactive scene generator to dynamically create related interactive scenes. We choose the MPEG-7 standard to implement the multimedia’s description and MPEG-4 BIFS standard to implement interactive scenes into multimedia. We also present experimental results on different kind of interactive services using video real time information extraction. The main implemented example of interactive services concerns an interactive mobile TV application related to parliament session. This application aims to provide additional information to users by inserting automatically interactive contents (complementary information, subject of the current session…) into original TV program. In addition, we demonstrate the capacity of the platform to adapt to multiple domain applications through a set of simple interactive services (goodies, games...).
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W3 Trust Model (W3TM): a trust-profiling framework to assess trust and transitivity of trust of web-based services in a heterogeneous web environmentYang, Yinan, Information Technology & Electrical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
The growth of eCommerce is being hampered by a lack of trust between providers and consumers of Web-based services. While Web trust issues have been addressed by researchers in many disciplines, a comprehensive approach has yet to be established. This thesis proposes a conceptual trust-profiling framework???W3TF???which addresses issues of trust and user confidence through a range of new user-centred trust measures???trust categories, trust domains, transitivity of trust, fading factor analysis, standalone assessment, hyperlinked assessment and relevance assessment. While others now use the concept of transitivity of trust, it was first introduced by this research in 1998. The thesis also illustrates how W3TF can narrow the gap/disconnection between the hierarchical PKI trust environment and the horizontal Web referral environment. The framework incorporates existing measures of trust (such as Public Key Infrastructure), takes account of consumer perceptions by identifying trust attributes, and utilises Web technology (in the form of metadata), to create a practical, flexible and comprehensive approach to trust assessment. The versatility of the W3TF is demonstrated by applying it to a variety of cases from trust literature and to the hypothetical case study that provided the initial stimulus for this research. It is shown that the framework can be expanded to accommodate new trust attributes, categories and domains, and that trust can be ???weighed??? (and therefore evaluated) by using various mathematical formulae based on different theories and policies. The W3TF addresses identified needs, narrows the gaps in existing approaches and provides a mechanism to embrace current and future efforts in trust management. The framework is a generic form of trust assessment that can help build user confidence in an eCommerce environment. For service providers, it offers an incentive to create websites with a high number of desired trust attributes. For consumers, it enables more reliable judgments to be made. Hence, Web trust can be enhanced.
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檔案描述編碼格式 (EAD) 在中文檔案應用之研究 / A Study on the Applications of EAD in Chinese Archives賴麗雯, Lai, Li-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
研究結論為:(1)EAD編碼之檔案檢索工具所含資訊豐富,能在網路上直接檢索,便利使用,並能使檢索工具具有較長久的使用時間;(2)中文檔案編製成EAD格式之檢索工具,部份著錄項目可直接使用,部份則需另行輸入;(3)EAD格式可應用於中文檔案;(4)國外地區較易推展EAD的實施使用。建議有六項:(1)EAD DTD依中文檔案之特質需做調整修改或發展中文版EAD;(2)利用EAD製作中文檔案檢索工具;(3)訂定中文檔案描述相關標準;(4)配合相關軟體的使用;(5)應於文件生命週期初期做好文件整編工作;(6)不可輕忽人工分析與檔案整理的工作。
第一章 緒論..............................1
第一節 研究動機........................1
第二節 研究目的........................2
第三節 研究問題........................3
第四節 預期貢獻........................3
第五節 名詞解釋........................4
第二章 文獻探討..........................9
第一節 檔案描述與檢索工具..............9
第二節 檔案描述標準...................26
第三節 SGML...........................30
第四節 XML............................37
第五節 EAD的沿革......................42
第六節 EAD相關研究計畫................50
第三章 研究方法與步驟...................65
第一節 研究方法.......................65
第二節 研究範圍與限制.................66
第三節 研究工具.......................67
第四節 研究步驟.......................67
第五節 研究實施.......................69
第四章 EAD架構與使用現況................71
第一節 EAD架構........................71
第二節 EAD使用現況....................84
第五章 研究結果與討論..................101
第一節 研究結果......................101
第二節 綜合討論......................140
第六章 結論與建議......................145
第一節 結論..........................145
第二節 建議..........................147
第三節 後續研究建議..................149
附錄一 EAD DTD 1.0版標籤.............161
附錄二 中文檔案以EAD編碼之實例.......165
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Framework für Ingest mit Annotation technischer Randbedingungen / A Framework For Media Ingestion - Adding Data About Technical ConstraintsHerms, Robert, Manthey, Robert, Eibl, Maximilian 25 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Dieser Artikel stellt ein Framework zur Generierung von Metadaten der technischen Randbedingungen eines Ingests vor, welches an der Professur Medieninformatik im Rahmen des Projektes ValidAX zur Digitalisierung verschiedener Videokassettenformate entwickelt wurde. Insbesondere werden hierbei die Architektur und der Einsatz näher beleuchtet. / The process of introducing media into an IT-based system during acquisition is called ingest. The appropriate handling of media requires the extraction of additional metadata being realized by automatic extraction and analysis as well as manual annotation. We assume, that metadata about technical constraints of the ingest process itself implies a benefit for the media lifecycle. In this context the challenge is the automation.
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Designing a Griotte for the Global Village: Increasing the Evidentiary Value of Oral Histories for Use in Digital LibrariesDunn, Rhonda Thayer 2011 August 1900 (has links)
A griotte in West African culture is a female professional storyteller, responsible for preserving a tribe's history and genealogy by relaying its folklore in oral and musical recitations. Similarly, Griotte is an interdisciplinary project that seeks to foster collaboration between tradition bearers, subject experts, and computer specialists in an effort to build high quality digital oral history collections. To accomplish this objective, this project preserves the primary strength of oral history, namely its ability to disclose "our" intangible culture, and addresses its primary criticism, namely its dubious reliability due to reliance on human memory and integrity. For a theoretical foundation and a systematic model, William Moss's work on the evidentiary value of historical sources is employed. Using his work as a conceptual framework, along with Semantic Web technologies (e.g. Topic Maps and ontologies), a demonstrator system is developed to provide digital oral history tools to a "sample" of the target audience(s).
This demonstrator system is evaluated via two methods: 1) a case study conducted to employ the system in the actual building of a digital oral history collection (this step also created sample data for the following assessment), and 2) a survey which involved a task-based evaluation of the demonstrator system. The results of the survey indicate that integrating oral histories with documentary evidence increases the evidentiary value of oral histories. Furthermore, the results imply that individuals are more likely to use oral histories in their work if their evidentiary value is increased. The contributions of this research – primarily in the area of organizing metadata on the World Wide Web – and considerations for future research are also provided.
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LORESA : un système de recommandation d'objets d'apprentissage basé sur les annotations sémantiquesBenlizidia, Sihem January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Context-aware semantic analysis of video metadataSteinmetz, Nadine January 2013 (has links)
Im Vergleich zu einer stichwortbasierten Suche ermöglicht die semantische Suche ein präziseres und anspruchsvolleres Durchsuchen von (Web)-Dokumenten, weil durch die explizite Semantik Mehrdeutigkeiten von natürlicher Sprache vermieden und semantische Beziehungen in das Suchergebnis einbezogen werden können. Eine semantische, Entitäten-basierte Suche geht von einer Anfrage mit festgelegter Bedeutung aus und liefert nur Dokumente, die mit dieser Entität annotiert sind als Suchergebnis. Die wichtigste Voraussetzung für eine Entitäten-zentrierte Suche stellt die Annotation der Dokumente im Archiv mit Entitäten und Kategorien dar. Textuelle Informationen werden analysiert und mit den entsprechenden Entitäten und Kategorien versehen, um den Inhalt semantisch erschließen zu können. Eine manuelle Annotation erfordert Domänenwissen und ist sehr zeitaufwendig. Die semantische Annotation von Videodokumenten erfordert besondere Aufmerksamkeit, da inhaltsbasierte Metadaten von Videos aus verschiedenen Quellen stammen, verschiedene Eigenschaften und Zuverlässigkeiten besitzen und daher nicht wie Fließtext behandelt werden können. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt einen semantischen Analyseprozess für Video-Metadaten vor. Die Eigenschaften der verschiedenen Metadatentypen werden analysiert und ein Konfidenzwert ermittelt. Dieser Wert spiegelt die Korrektheit und die wahrscheinliche Mehrdeutigkeit eines Metadatums wieder. Beginnend mit dem Metadatum mit dem höchsten Konfidenzwert wird der Analyseprozess innerhalb eines Kontexts in absteigender Reihenfolge des Konfidenzwerts durchgeführt. Die bereits analysierten Metadaten dienen als Referenzpunkt für die weiteren Analysen. So kann eine möglichst korrekte Analyse der heterogen strukturierten Daten eines Kontexts sichergestellt werden. Am Ende der Analyse eines Metadatums wird die für den Kontext relevanteste Entität aus einer Liste von Kandidaten identifiziert - das Metadatum wird disambiguiert. Hierfür wurden verschiedene Disambiguierungsalgorithmen entwickelt, die Beschreibungstexte und semantische Beziehungen der Entitätenkandidaten zum gegebenen Kontext in Betracht ziehen. Der Kontext für die Disambiguierung wird für jedes Metadatum anhand der Eigenschaften und Konfidenzwerte zusammengestellt. Der vorgestellte Analyseprozess ist an zwei Hypothesen angelehnt: Um die Analyseergebnisse verbessern zu können, sollten die Metadaten eines Kontexts in absteigender Reihenfolge ihres Konfidenzwertes verarbeitet werden und die Kontextgrenzen von Videometadaten sollten durch Segmentgrenzen definiert werden, um möglichst Kontexte mit kohärentem Inhalt zu erhalten. Durch ausführliche Evaluationen konnten die gestellten Hypothesen bestätigt werden. Der Analyseprozess wurden gegen mehrere State-of-the-Art Methoden verglichen und erzielt verbesserte Ergebnisse in Bezug auf Recall und Precision, besonders für Metadaten, die aus weniger zuverlässigen Quellen stammen. Der Analyseprozess ist Teil eines Videoanalyse-Frameworks und wurde bereits erfolgreich in verschiedenen Projekten eingesetzt. / The Semantic Web provides information contained in the World Wide Web as machine-readable facts. In comparison to a keyword-based inquiry, semantic search enables a more sophisticated exploration of web documents. By clarifying the meaning behind entities, search results are more precise and the semantics simultaneously enable an exploration of semantic relationships. However, unlike keyword searches, a semantic entity-focused search requires that web documents are annotated with semantic representations of common words and named entities. Manual semantic annotation of (web) documents is time-consuming; in response, automatic annotation services have emerged in recent years. These annotation services take continuous text as input, detect important key terms and named entities and annotate them with semantic entities contained in widely used semantic knowledge bases, such as Freebase or DBpedia. Metadata of video documents require special attention. Semantic analysis approaches for continuous text cannot be applied, because information of a context in video documents originates from multiple sources possessing different reliabilities and characteristics. This thesis presents a semantic analysis approach consisting of a context model and a disambiguation algorithm for video metadata. The context model takes into account the characteristics of video metadata and derives a confidence value for each metadata item. The confidence value represents the level of correctness and ambiguity of the textual information of the metadata item. The lower the ambiguity and the higher the prospective correctness, the higher the confidence value. The metadata items derived from the video metadata are analyzed in a specific order from high to low confidence level. Previously analyzed metadata are used as reference points in the context for subsequent disambiguation. The contextually most relevant entity is identified by means of descriptive texts and semantic relationships to the context. The context is created dynamically for each metadata item, taking into account the confidence value and other characteristics. The proposed semantic analysis follows two hypotheses: metadata items of a context should be processed in descendent order of their confidence value, and the metadata that pertains to a context should be limited by content-based segmentation boundaries. The evaluation results support the proposed hypotheses and show increased recall and precision for annotated entities, especially for metadata that originates from sources with low reliability. The algorithms have been evaluated against several state-of-the-art annotation approaches. The presented semantic analysis process is integrated into a video analysis framework and has been successfully applied in several projects for the purpose of semantic video exploration of videos.
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W3 Trust Model (W3TM): a trust-profiling framework to assess trust and transitivity of trust of web-based services in a heterogeneous web environmentYang, Yinan, Information Technology & Electrical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
The growth of eCommerce is being hampered by a lack of trust between providers and consumers of Web-based services. While Web trust issues have been addressed by researchers in many disciplines, a comprehensive approach has yet to be established. This thesis proposes a conceptual trust-profiling framework???W3TF???which addresses issues of trust and user confidence through a range of new user-centred trust measures???trust categories, trust domains, transitivity of trust, fading factor analysis, standalone assessment, hyperlinked assessment and relevance assessment. While others now use the concept of transitivity of trust, it was first introduced by this research in 1998. The thesis also illustrates how W3TF can narrow the gap/disconnection between the hierarchical PKI trust environment and the horizontal Web referral environment. The framework incorporates existing measures of trust (such as Public Key Infrastructure), takes account of consumer perceptions by identifying trust attributes, and utilises Web technology (in the form of metadata), to create a practical, flexible and comprehensive approach to trust assessment. The versatility of the W3TF is demonstrated by applying it to a variety of cases from trust literature and to the hypothetical case study that provided the initial stimulus for this research. It is shown that the framework can be expanded to accommodate new trust attributes, categories and domains, and that trust can be ???weighed??? (and therefore evaluated) by using various mathematical formulae based on different theories and policies. The W3TF addresses identified needs, narrows the gaps in existing approaches and provides a mechanism to embrace current and future efforts in trust management. The framework is a generic form of trust assessment that can help build user confidence in an eCommerce environment. For service providers, it offers an incentive to create websites with a high number of desired trust attributes. For consumers, it enables more reliable judgments to be made. Hence, Web trust can be enhanced.
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Automatic genre classification of home pages on the web /Kennedy, Alistair. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (B.C.S.)--Dalhousie University, Halifax. / "Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of bachelor of computer science with honours at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, April 2004." Includes bibliographical references (p. 33-35). Also available in PDF via the World Wide Web.
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