Spelling suggestions: "subject:"metalsemiconductor"" "subject:"metalsemiconducteur""
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Studium šumových charakteristik detektorů radioaktivního záření / Analysis of noise characteristics of radioactive emission detectorsŠik, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
The main goal of this Master’s thesis is to describe relationship between low frequency noise spectral characteristics of Cadmium-Telluride radiation detectors depending on applied voltage and detectors reaction to illumination of various wavelengths. Also, the reaction and influence of higher operating temperatures were investigated. The noise measurements shown that the dominant noise type at low frequencies is the 1/f noise. Several samples with different resistivity were tested. By comparing results, we are able to estimate the quality of detectors and their sensibility to illumination and higher operating temperatures. We have found that all the studied CdTe detectors are sensitive to one particular wavelength of 548nm. Resulting data were processed by EasyPlot program that provided graphical representation of spectral noise characteristics. All measured characteristics of tested samples are compared and it’s estimated the similarity between the samples.
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Electronic properties of metal-In 2 O 3 interfacesNazarzadehmoafi, Maryam 08 May 2017 (has links)
Das Verhalten der elektronischen Eigenschaften von gespaltenen, aus der Schmelze gezüchteten In2O3-(111) Kristallen wurde bei Deposition von Edelmetallen, In und Sn mittels winkelaufgelöster Photoelektronen-Spektroskopie untersucht. Die Stöchiometrie, strukturelle Qualität und Kristall-Orientierung, die Oberflächenmorphologie und die Elektronenkonzentration wurden jeweils mittels energiedispersiver Röntgenspektroskopie, Laue-Beugung, Raster Tunnel-Mikroskopie (STM) und Hall-Effekt untersucht. Die Ähnlichkeit der fundamentalen und Oberflächen-Bandlücken kann auf das fast flache Verhalten der Bänder auf der gespaltenen Oberfläche der Kristalle zurückgeführt werden. Die Grenzflächen von Ag und Au/In2O3 zeigen Schottky-Verhalten, während ein ohmscher in Cu, In und Sn /In2O3-Kontakten beobachtet wurde. Aufgrund der Übereinstimmung zwischen optischen und Oberflächen-Bandlücken, der Bildung eines Gleichrichterkontaktes und des Auftretens der Oberflächenphotospannung auf der frischen Kristalloberfläche kann gefolgert werden, dass SEAL nicht eine intrinsische Eigenschaft der gespaltenen Oberfläche der untersuchten Kristalle ist. Des Weiteren wurden bei dicker Au- und Cu-Beschichtung von In2O3 bei Raumtemperatur Shockley-artige Oberflächenzustände beobachtet. Zusätzlich wurde die erste Phase des Wachstums von Cu und In auf In2O3 von der Ausbildung eines 2-dimensionalen Elektrongases (2DEG) begleitet, welches bei dickeren Schichten verschwand, die von dem auf reinen Oberflächen von dünnen In2O3- Filmen gemessenen 2DEG verschieden sind. Nach Messung der Austrittarbeit von In2O3 und den jeweils untersuchten Metallen in situ und unter Verwendung der Schottky-Mott-Regel trat außer bei Ag/In2O3 eine deutliche Abweichung auf. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse stimmen auch mit fortgeschrittenen Theorien, die auf dem Elektronegativitätskonzept und MIGS–Modellen basieren, nicht überein. / The behavior of the electronic properties of as-cleaved melt-grown In2O3 (111) single crystals was studied upon noble metals, In and Sn deposition using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The stoichiometry, structural quality and crystal orientation, surface morphology, and the electron concentration were examined by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Laue diffraction, scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), and Hall-effect measurement, respectively. The similarity of the measured-fundamental and surface-band gaps reveals the nearly flat behavior of the bands at the as-cleaved surface of the crystals. Ag and Au/In2O3 interfaces show Schottky behavior, while an ohmic one was observed in Cu, In, and Sn/In2O3 contacts. From agreement of the bulk and surface band gaps, rectifying contact formation as well as the occurrence of photovoltage effect at the pristine surface of the crystals, it can be deduced that SEAL is not an intrinsic property of the as-cleaved surface of the studied crystals. Moreover, for thick Au and Cu overlayer regime at room temperature, Shockley-like surface states were observed. Additionally, the initial stage of Cu and In growth on In2O3 was accompanied by the formation of a two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) fading away for higher coverages which are not associated with the earlier-detected 2DEG at the surface of In2O3 thin films. The application of the Schottky-Mott rule, using in situ-measured work functions of In2O3 and the metals, showed a strong disagreement for all the interfaces except for Ag/In2O3. The experimental data also disagree with more advanced theories based on the electronegativity concept and metal-induced gap states models.
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Conception d'un circuit intégré en SiC appliqué aux convertisseur de moyenne puissance / Design of an integrated circuit in SiC applied to medium power converterMogniotte, Jean-François 07 January 2014 (has links)
L’émergence d’interrupteurs de puissance en SiC permet d’envisager des convertisseurs de puissance capables de fonctionner au sein des environnements sévères tels que la haute tension (> 10 kV ) et la haute température (> 300 °C). Aucune solution de commande spécifique à ces environnements n’existe pour le moment. Le développement de fonctions élémentaires en SiC (comparateur, oscillateur) est une étape préliminaire à la réalisation d’un premier démonstrateur. Plusieurs laboratoires ont développé des fonctions basées sur des transistors bipolaires, MOSFETs ou JFETs. Cependant les recherches ont principalement portées sur la conception de fonctions logiques et non sur l’intégration de drivers de puissance. Le laboratoire AMPERE (INSA de Lyon) et le Centre National de Microélectronique de Barcelone (Espagne) ont conçu un MESFET latéral double grille en SiC. Ce composant élémentaire sera à la base des différentes fonctions intégrées envisagées. L’objectif de ces recherches est la réalisation d’un convertisseur élévateur de tension "boost" monolithique et de sa commande en SiC. La démarche scientifique a consisté à définir dans un premier temps un modèle de simulation SPICE du MESFET SiC à partir de caractérisations électriques statique et dynamique. En se basant sur ce modèle, des circuits analogiques tels que des amplificateurs, oscillateurs, paires différentielles, trigger de Schmitt ont été conçus pour élaborer le circuit de commande (driver). La conception de ces fonctions s’avère complexe puisqu’il n’existe pas de MESFETs de type P et une polarisation négative de -15 V est nécessaire au blocage des MESFETs SiC. Une structure constituée d’un pont redresseur, d’un boost régulé avec sa commande basée sur ces différentes fonctions a été réalisée et simulée sous SPICE. L’ensemble de cette structure a été fabriqué au CNM de Barcelone sur un même substrat SiC semi-isolant. L’intégration des éléments passifs n’a pas été envisagée de façon monolithique (mais pourrait être considérée pour les inductances et capacités dans la mesure où les valeurs des composants intégrés sont compatibles avec les processus de réalisation). Le convertisseur a été dimensionné pour délivrer une de puissance de 2.2 W pour une surface de 0.27 cm2, soit 8.14 W/cm2. Les caractérisations électriques des différents composants latéraux (résistances, diodes, transistors) valident la conception, le dimensionnement et le procédé de fabrication de ces structures élémentaires, mais aussi de la majorité des fonctions analogiques. Les résultats obtenus permettent d’envisager la réalisation d’un driver monolithique de composants Grand Gap. La perspective des travaux porte désormais sur la réalisation complète du démonstrateur et sur l’étude de son comportement en environnement sévère notamment en haute température (> 300 °C). Des analyses des mécanismes de dégradation et de fiabilité des convertisseurs intégrés devront alors être envisagées. / The new SiC power switches is able to consider power converters, which could operate in harsh environments as in High Voltage (> 10kV) and High Temperature (> 300 °C). Currently, they are no specific solutions for controlling these devices in harsh environments. The development of elementary functions in SiC is a preliminary step toward the realization of a first demonstrator for these fields of applications. AMPERE laboratory (France) and the National Center of Microelectronic of Barcelona (Spain) have elaborated an elementary electrical compound, which is a lateral dual gate MESFET in Silicon Carbide (SiC). The purpose of this research is to conceive a monolithic power converter and its driver in SiC. The scientific approach has consisted of defining in a first time a SPICE model of the elementary MESFET from electric characterizations (fitting). Analog functions as : comparator, ring oscillator, Schmitt’s trigger . . . have been designed thanks to this SPICE’s model. A device based on a bridge rectifier, a regulated "boost" and its driver has been established and simulated with the SPICE Simulator. The converter has been sized for supplying 2.2 W for an area of 0.27 cm2. This device has been fabricated at CNM of Barcelona on semi-insulating SiC substrate. The electrical characterizations of the lateral compounds (resistors, diodes, MESFETs) checked the design, the "sizing" and the manufacturing process of these elementary devices and analog functions. The experimental results is able to considerer a monolithic driver in Wide Band Gap. The prospects of this research is now to realize a fully integrated power converter in SiC and study its behavior in harsh environments (especially in high temperature > 300 °C). Analysis of degradation mechanisms and reliability of the power converters would be so considerer in the future.
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Electronic and Magnetic Properties of the Fe/GaAs(110) InterfaceIffländer, Tim 30 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Schottky-Kontakte auf Zinkoxid- und β-Galliumoxid-Dünnfilmen: Barrierenformation, elektrische Eigenschaften und TemperaturstabilitätMüller, Stefan 06 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Untersuchung von Schottky-Kontakten auf halbleitenden Zinkoxid- und β-Galliumoxid-Dünnfilmen. Nach einer kurzen Einführung in die verwendeten Materialsysteme und die Theorie von Schottky-Kontakten werden die Eigenschaften von verschiedenartig hergestellten Schottky-Kontakten auf Zinkoxid aufgezeigt. Dazu werden typischerweise Strom-Spannungs- und Kapazitäts-Spannungs-Messungen genutzt. Für die Zinkoxid-basierten Schottky-Kontakte konnte anhand verschiedenartig hergestellter Schottky-Kontakte gezeigt werden, dass deren Barrierenformation maßgeblich von Sauerstoffvakanzen nahe der Metall-Halbleiter-Grenzfläche beeinflusst wird. Zur Realisierung von Galliumoxid-basierten Schottky-Kontakten wurden zunächst die Eigenschaften von undotierten und Silizium-dotierten Galliumoxid-Dünnfilmen untersucht. Diese Dünnfilme sind mittels gepulster Laserabscheidung auf c-plane Saphir hergestellt. Als Prozessparameter sind in dieser Arbeit die Wachstumstemperatur, der Sauerstoffpartialdruck in der Kammer und der Silizumgehalt bspw. in Bezug auf Leitfähigkeit, Oberflächenmorphologie oder Kristallinität zur Realisierung von Schottky-Kontakten optimiert. Auf diesen Dünnfilmen wurden mit verschiedenen Herstellungsverfahren, wie thermischer Verdampfung, (reaktiver) Kathodenzerstäubung oder (reaktiver) Distanz-Kathodenzerstäubung, Metall- bzw. Metalloxid-Schottky-Kontakte aufgebracht. Dabei werden unter anderem die elektrischen Eigenschaften direkt nach der Herstellung und deren Entwicklung im weiteren zeitlichen Verlauf untersucht. Des Weiteren werden die Temperaturstabilität oder aber die Spannungsstabilität der Schottky-Kontakte studiert. Ein Vergleich zu Schottky-Kontakten auf β-Galliumoxid-Volumenmaterial wird anhand mittels reaktiver Distanz-Kathodenzerstäubung hergestellter Platinoxid-Dioden durchgeführt.
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Šumová spektroskopie detektorů záření / Radiation Detectors Noise SpectroscopyAndreev, Alexey January 2008 (has links)
Kadmium telurid je velmi důležitý materiál jak základního, tak i aplikovaného výzkumu. Je to dáno zejména jeho výhodnými elektronickými, optickými a strukturními vlastnostmi, které ho předurčují pro náročné technické aplikace. Dnes se hlavně používá pro jeho vysoké rozlišení k detekci a X-záření. Hlavní výhodou detektorů na bázi CdTe je, že nepotřebují chlazení a mohou spolehlivě fungovat i při pokojové teplotě. To způsobuje efektivnější interakce fotonů než je tomu u Si nebo jiných polovodičových materiálů. Obsahem této práce byla analýza a interpretace výsledků získaných studiem šumových a transportních charakteristik CdTe vzorků. Měření ukázaly že odpor homogenní části CdTe krystalů mírně klesá při připojení elektrického pole na vzorku. Při změně teploty navíc dochází k odlišné reakci u CdTe typu p a n. Právě těmto efektům je v práci věnována pozornost. Pomocí šumové spektroskopie bylo zjištěno, že při nízkých frekvencích je u vzorků dominantní šum typu 1/f, zatímco při vyšších frekvencích je sledován generačně-rekombinační šum a tepelný šum. Všechny měřené vzorky vykazovaly mnohem vyšší hodnotu šumu na nízkých frekvencích než udává Hoogeova rovnice. Byly nalezeny a popsány zdroje nadbytečného šumu.
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Role Of Surface And Inter-particle Spacing On Optical Properties Of Single And Hybrid Nanoparticle AssembliesHaridas, M 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Optical properties of nanoscopic materials have been intensively perused over last couple of decades due to their tunable optical properties. Recent interests in this field have been mainly focused on the preparation of ordered arrays of nanoscopic materials and study of their optical properties. These interests have been motivated by the usability of such systems for nano photonic devices. Theoretical predictions from such systems reveal complex absorption and emission properties, different from individual ones mainly because of energy transfer between them. These properties can be controlled further by preparing hybrid arrays of nanostructures, including nano crystals of different types. Hybrid arrays with semiconducting quantum dots and metallic nanoparticles are an example of such system. Optical properties of such a system can be tuned by controlling the interaction between excitons and plasmons. This the-sis presents the experimental studies on optical properties of polymer capped polymer nanoparticles, quantum dot arrays and hybrid arrays with semiconducting quantum dot and metal nanoparticles. A brief summary of the experi-mental methods and results have been highlighted below.
First chapter deals with the theoretical aspects of confined nanoscopic materials, especially describing the physics of zero dimensional systems and its optical properties. The discussions are mostly focused on two types of nano materials cadmium selenide (CdSe) quantum dot (QDs) and gold nano particles (Au NPs), used for the experimental study. Variation of energy levels of CdSe QDs and its absorption and emission properties under strong confinement regime has been discussed with respect to effective mass approximation (EMA) model. This is followed by the discussion on optical properties of Au NPs, describing absorption properties, based on Mie theory. Size dependent variation of absorption spectra of Au NPs and the modifications based on different models has been discussed. Second part of the chapter describes the physics of QD arrays and theory of exciton plasmon interactions based on the recent literatures. Energy transfer mechanism between semiconducting QDs and metal nanoparticles has been discussed based on numerical method and dipole approximation. Second chapter deals with the discussion on experimental techniques used for the study. Chapter 2 starts with the discussion on the synthesis method for CdSe QDs and Au NPs with different capping ligands. Preparation of QD ar-rays and hybrid arrays using self assembly technique has been discussed in this chapter. Preparation CdSe QD arrays and hybrid arrays with CdSe QDs and Au NPs using block copolymer (BCP) template and Langmuir Blodgett (LB) technique has been the main focus in the discussion. This is followed by the discussion on optical microscopy techniques, confocal, near field scanning microscopy (NSOM), Brewster angle microscopy and electron microscopy techniques, transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.
Studies on variation of band structure of small polymer capped Au NPs, with respect to the size and grafting density of the capping polymer is discussed in chapter 3. Polymer capped Au NPs with sizes 2-5 nm was used for the study. Dielectric constants of Au NPs were extracted from the absorption spectra by fitting the data using modified Mie theory. Dielectric constants of Au NPs were reproduced using an analytical expression, describing the contribution from different transitions in the optical regions. Results indicate systematic variations of the band structure with respect to the particle size and grafting density. The observations have been interpreted in terms of variation of co ordination number and chemical interaction of capping polymer with the surface atoms. Our new method analysis points to the importance of both quantum and surface effects in determining optical and electronic properties of polymer capped gold nanoparticles. Chapter 4 describes the study on morphology of the CdSe QD arrays prepared using different BCP templates and its correlation with optical properties. Spatially resolved spectra from the thin films of QD arrays were collected in near field and the compared with the spectra collected in far field. Spectra collected in near field mode shows sharp features in the emission spectra, possibly indicating the interaction of optical near field with QD excitation. It has been suggested that such fine structure could be induced by coupling between optical near filed and excitons and this coupling seems to be determined by local heterogeneity in QD density and disorder. Variation of exciton life time with respect to QD density and absorption spectra from the QD -BCP system is also described in chapter 4.
Chapter 5 and 6 deals with the experimental studies on exciton -plasmon interaction in hybrid arrays of CdSe QDs and Au NPs. Emission properties hybrid arrays prepared using BCP templates has been the focus of chapter 5. Photoluminescence (PL) and lifetime measurements were performed on hybrid arrays and their variation with respect to the density and dispersion of Au NPs has been described. Optical measurements were performed on two sets of films using two different sizes of CdSe QDs, with the smaller QD emission overlapping with the plasmon resonance of Au NPs, while a red shifted emission peak for larger QDs. PL emission from hybrid arrays with smaller QDs shows en-hancement/quenching with respect to the dispersion of Au NPs, also showing systematic reduction of life time of CdSe QDs with Au NP density. Even though enhancement/quenching of emission properties of hybrid film with large QD shows similar behavior, PL decay measurements from such films shows non monotonic variation of exciton life time with respect to Au NP density. The enhancement/quenching behavior of the PL emission has been explained in terms of two competing mechanism, electromagnetic field enhancement and non radiative energy transfer. However to explain the energy transfer mechanism in hybrid arrays requires more systematic calculations.
Chapter 6 describes the optical properties of highly compact hybrid arrays prepared using LB techniques. Hybrid arrays prepared at the air water inter-face were transferred to a glass substrates. The main focus on chapter 6 is to study the emission properties of highly compact hybrid arrays with respect to the spectral overlap between exciton energy of CdSe QDs and plasmon band of Au NPs with respect to their surface density (inter particle distance). Hybrid arrays were prepared with three types of QDs, with smaller QDs emission peak overlapping with plasmon band of Au NPs and clearly separated exciton and plasmon band for largest QDs. The PL emission from hybrid arrays with smaller QDs shows quenching, compared to strong enhancement in the emission from hybrid films with larger QDs. The disagreement of the observed results with respect to the theoretical calculations based on dipole approximation has been highlighted in the chapter. Chapter 7 includes the summary of the experimental results and the future works to be carried out as a continuation of the work presented in this thesis.
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A Study on Digestive Ripening Mediated Size and Structure Control in Nanoparticles Prepared by Solvated Metal Atom Dispersion MethodBhaskar, Srilakshmi P January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Recent advancements in nanotechnology and emerging applications of nanomaterials in various fields have stimulated interest in fundamental scientific research dealing with the size and structure controlled synthesis of nanoparticles. The unique properties of nanoparticles are largely size dependent which could be tuned further by varying shape, structure, and surface properties, etc. The preparation of monodisperse nanoparticles is desirable for many applications due to better control over properties and higher performance compared to polydispersity nanoparticles. There are several methods for the synthesis of nanoparticles based on top-down and bottom-up approaches. The main disadvantage of top-down approach is the difficulty in achieving size control. Whereas, uniform nanoparticles with controllable size could be obtained by chemical methods but most of them are difficult to scale up. Moreover, a separate step of size separation is necessary in order to achieve monodispersed which may lead to material loss. In this context, a post-synthetic size modification process known as digestive ripening is highly significant. In this process, addition of a capping agent to poly disperse colloid renders it highly monodisperse either under ambient or thermal conditions. In addition to size control, digestive ripening is also effective in controlling the structure of nanoparticles in colloidal solution comprising two different elements. Use of co-digestive ripening strategy in conjunction with solvated metal atom dispersion (SMAD) method of synthesis resulted in hetero structures such as core–shell,
alloy, and composite nanoparticles. Despite the versatility of digestive ripening process, the underlying mechanism in controlling size and structure of nanoparticles are not understood to date. The aim of this thesis is to gain mechanistic insight into size control of digestive ripening as well as to investigate structure control in various binary systems.
Study digestive ripening of Au nanoparticles using various alkyl amines to probe the mechanism
Study co-digestive ripening of binary colloids consisting of two metals, Pd and Cu prepared separately by SMAD method
Study co-digestive ripening of binary colloids consisting of a metal (Au) and a semiconductor (CdS) prepared separately by SMAD method
Study vaporization of bulk brass in SMAD reactor and analyse phase, structure, and morphology of various Cu/Zn bimetallic nanoparticles obtained from bulk brass under various experimental conditions
Significant results
In chapter 1, fundamental processes of nanoparticle formation and common synthetic techniques for the preparation of monodisperse nanoparticles are briefly discussed. Chapter 2 presents a mechanistic study of digestive ripening process with regard to size control using Au nanoparticles as a model system. Three long chain alkyl amine molecules having different chain length were used as digestive ripening agents. The course of digestive ripening process was analysed by UV-visible spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The experimental conditions such as concentration of digestive ripening agent, time, and temperature were found to influence the size distribution of nanoparticles. The average particle size was found to be characteristic of metal-digestive ripening agent combination which is considered as the optimum size preferred during digestive ripening under a given set of experimental conditions. This study discusses stabilization of optimum sized particles, surface etching, and reversibility in digestive ripening.
Chapter 3 describes the synthesis and characterization of PdCu alloy nanoparticles by co-digestive ripening method. Syntheses of individual Pd and Cu colloids were carried out by SMAD method. Pd nanoparticles obtained using THF as solvent and in the absence of any capping agent resulted in an extended small Pd nanowire network assembly. Morphological evolution of spherical Pd nanoparticles from Pd nanowire network structure was observed with the use of capping agent, hexadecyl amine (HDA) in SMAD method. Co-digestive ripening of Pd and Cu colloids was studied at various temperatures. This study revealed temperature dependent diffusion of Cu atoms into Pd lattice forming PdCu alloy nanoparticles.
Next, co-digestive ripening of a colloidal system comprising a metal and a semiconductor was explored. Au-CdS combination was chosen for this study owing to its interesting photocatalytic properties. Chapter 4 deals with the synthesis of Au and CdS nanoparticles by SMAD method and Au/CdS nanocomposite by co-digestive ripening. CdS nanoparticles of size 4.0 + 1.2 nm and Au nanoparticles of size 5.6 + 1.1 nm were obtained as a result of digestive ripening process. Au/CdS nanocomposite obtained by co-digestive ripening was characterized by a matrix-like structure made up of CdS nanoparticles in which Au nanoparticles were embedded. CdS nanoparticles were found to establish an intimate surface contact with Au nanoparticles and the matrix of CdS surrounding Au was developed via aggregation during digestive ripening.
Chapter 5 describes a comprehensive study on various Cu/Zn bimetallic nanoparticles obtained from bulk brass. Vaporization of bulk brass in SMAD reactor led to a deploying
process and further growth of nanoparticles from phase separated Cu and Zn atoms formed a composite structure. The characterization of Cu/Zn nanocomposite revealed covering of composite surface with Cu resulting in a core-shell structure, Cu/Zn@Cu. Post-synthetic digestive ripening of these core-shell composite particles showed diffusion of Zn atoms to the composite surface in addition to size and shape modification. Annealing of Cu/Zn nanocomposites prepared in THF resulted in α-CuZn alloy nanoparticles via sequential transformation through η-CuZn5, γ-Cu5Zn8, and β-CuZn (observed as marten site) phases.
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Šumová spektroskopie detektorů záření na bázi CdTe / The Noise Spectroscopy of Radiation Detectors Based on the CdTeZajaček, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
The main object of this work is noise spectroscopy of CdTe radiation detectors (-rays and X–rays) and CdTe samples. The study of stochastic phenomenon and tracing redundant low-frequency noise in semiconductor materials require long-term measurements in time domain and evaluate suitable power spectral densities (PSD) with logarithmic divided frequency axes. We have used the means of time-frequency analysis derived from the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and we have designed the effective algorithm for PSD estimation, which is comparable with an original analog method. CdTe single crystal with Au contacts we can imagine as a series connection of two Schottky diodes with a resistor between them. The bulk resistance at constant temperature and other constant parameters changes due to the carrier concentration changing only. The p-type CdTe sample shows metal behavior with every temperature changes. Semiconductor properties of the sample begin to dominate just after some period of time. This behavior is caused by the hole mobility changing. The voltage noise spectral density of 1/f noise depends on the quantity of free carriers in the sample. All the studied samples have very high value of low frequency noise, much higher than it should have been according to Hooge’s formula. The excess value of low frequency noise is caused by the low carrier concentration within the depleted region.
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Transportní, šumové a strukturální vlastnosti detektorů vysokoenergetického záření na bázi CdTe / Noise, Transport and Structural Properties of High Energy Radiation Detectors Based on CdTeŠik, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
Poptávka ze strany vesmírného výzkumu, zdravotnictví a bezpečnostního průmyslu způsobila v posledních letech zvýšený zájem o vývoj materiálů pro detekci a zobrazování vysokoenergetického záření. CdTe a jeho slitina CdZnTe. jsou polovodiče umožnují detekci záření o energiích v rozsahu 10 keV až 500 keV. Šířka zakázaného pásma u CdTe / CdZnTe je 1.46 -1.6 eV, což umožňuje produkci krystalů o vysoké rezistivitě (10^10-10^11 cm), která je dostačující pro použití CdTe / CdZnTe při pokojové teplotě. V mé práci byly zkoumány detektory CdTe/CdZnTe v různých stádiích jejich poruchovosti. Byly použity velmi kvalitní spektroskopické detektory, materiál s nižší rezistivitou a výraznou polarizací, detektory s asymetrií elektrických parametrů kontaktů a teplotně degenerované vzorky. Z výsledků analýzy nízkofrekvenčního šumu je patrný obecný závěr, že zvýšená koncentrace defektů způsobí změnu povahy původně monotónního spektra typu 1/f na spektrum s výrazným vlivem generačně-rekombinačních procesů. Další výrazná vlastnost degenerovaných detektorů a detektorů nižší kvality je nárůst spektrální hustoty šumu typu 1/f se vzrůstajícím napájecím napětí se směrnicí výrazně vyšší než 2. Strukturální a chemické analýzy poukázaly, že teplotní generace detektorů způsobuje difuzi kovu použitého při kontaktování a stopových prvků hlouběji do objemu krystalu. Část mé práce je věnována modifikaci povrchu svazkem argonových iontů a jejímu vlivu na chemické složení a morfologii povrchu.
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