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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fluoreszenzkorrelationsspektroskopie und Rasterkorrelationsmikroskopie molekularer Prozesse in Nervenzellen / Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and scanning correlation microscopy of molecular processes within neurons

Gennerich, Arne 03 November 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Auto-organisation des microtubules sous l'action de champs externes faibles. Comparaisons entre expériences et simulations numériques

Glade, Nicolas 10 October 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail s'intéresse aux processus physico-chimiques sous-jacents à l'auto-organisation du vivant, par lesquels une solution de réactifs chimiques, initialement homogène, s'auto-organise spontanément pour laisser apparaître de l'ordre et des structures macroscopiques. L'auto-organisation peut apparaître lors d'un couplage entre des processus réactifs et de la diffusion moléculaire. La présence ou l'absence d'un champ faible, comme la gravité, à un moment critique, précoce dans le processus d'auto-organisation, détermine l'état qui va se développer. Les préparations de microtubules, éléments essentiels du cytosquelette, s'auto-organisent ainsi, spontanément, par des processus de réaction-diffusion. Les morphologies qui se forment, dépendent de la présence de la gravité à un moment critique, précoce dans le processus. Le travail expérimental présenté a principalement concerné l'étude de l'effet des champs externes sur les préparations de microtubules. J'ai montré que l'on peut obtenir des conditions d'apesanteur au sol et que, dans ces conditions, les microtubules ne s'auto-organisent pas. Ceci peut être corrigé grâce à d'autres facteurs externes. En parallèle, j'ai développé un modèle numérique de réaction-diffusion, fondé sur la dynamique d'une population de microtubules, qui simule l'auto-organisation microtubulaire. Dans ce travail sont présentés les fondements du modèle et nous discutons de la façon dont un dialogue permanent, entre la simulation et les expériences, nous a aidé à développer une compréhension microscopique de ces phénomènes collectifs. Les simulations numériques ont permis de reproduire l'ensemble des observations expérimentales.

Dynamics of Active Filament Systems: The Role of Filament Polymerization and Depolymerization

Zumdieck, Alexander 16 December 2005 (has links)
Aktive Filament-Systeme, wie zum Beispiel das Zellskelett, sind Beispiele einer interessanten Klasse neuartiger Materialien, die eine wichtige Rolle in der belebten Natur spielen. Viele wichtige Prozesse in lebenden Zellen wie zum Beispiel die Zellbewegung oder Zellteilung basieren auf dem Zellskelett. Das Zellskelett besteht aus Protein-Filamenten, molekularen Motoren und einer großen Zahl weiterer Proteine, die an die Filamente binden und diese zu einem Netz verbinden können. Die Filamente selber sind semifexible Polymere, typischerweise einige Mikrometer lang und bestehen aus einigen hundert bis tausend Untereinheiten, typischerweise Mono- oder Dimeren. Die Filamente sind strukturell polar, d.h. sie haben eine definierte Richtung, ähnlich einer Ratsche. Diese Polarität begründet unterschiedliche Polymerisierungs- und Depolymerisierungs-Eigenschaften der beiden Filamentenden und legt außerdem die Bewegungsrichtung molekularer Motoren fest. Die Polymerisation von Filamenten sowie Krafterzeugung und Bewegung molekularer Motoren sind aktive Prozesse, die kontinuierlich chemische Energie benötigen. Das Zellskelett ist somit ein aktives Gel, das sich fern vom thermodynamischen Gleichgewicht befindet. In dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir Beschreibungen solcher aktiven Filament-Systeme und wenden sie auf Strukturen an, die eine ähnliche Geometrie wie zellulare Strukturen haben. Beispiele solcher zellularer Strukturen sind Spannungsfasern, kontraktile Ringe oder mitotische Spindeln. Spannungsfasern sind für die Zellbewegung essentiell; sie können kontrahieren und so die Zelle vorwärts bewegen. Die mitotische Spindel trennt Kopien der Erbsubstanz DNS vor der eigentlichen Zellteilung. Der kontraktile Ring schließlich trennt die Zelle am Ende der Zellteilung. In unserer Theorie konzentrieren wir uns auf den Einfluß der Polymerisierung und Depolymerisierung von Filamenten auf die Dynamik dieser Strukturen. Wir zeigen, dass der kontinuierliche Umschlag (d.h. fortwährende Polymerisierung und Depolymerisierung) von Filamenten unabdingbar ist für die kontraktion eines Rings mit konstanter Geschwindigkeit, so wie in Experimenten mit Hefezellen beobachtet. Mit Hilfe einer mikroskopisch motivierten Beschreibung zeigen wir, wie "filament treadmilling", also Filament Polymerisierung an einem Ende mit der gleichen Rate wie Depolymerisierung am anderen Ende, zur Spannung in Filament Bündeln und Ringen beitragen kann. Ein zentrales Ergebnis ist, dass die Depolymerisierung von Filamenten in Anwesenheit von filamentverbindenden Proteinen das Zusammenziehen dieser Bündel sogar in Abwesenheit molekulare Motoren herbeiführen kann. Ferner entwickeln wir eine generische Kontinuumsbeschreibung aktiver Filament-Systeme, die ausschließlich auf Symmetrien der Systeme beruht und von mikroskopischen Details unabhängig ist. Diese Theorie erlaubt uns eine komplementäre Sichtweise auf solche aktiven Filament-Systeme. Sie stellt ein wichtiges Werkzeug dar, um die physikalischen Mechanismen z.B. in Filamentbündeln aber auch bei der Bildung von Filamentringen im Zellkortex zu untersuchen. Schließlich entwickeln wir eine auf einem Kräftegleichgewicht basierende Beschreibung für bipolare Strukturen aktiver Filamente und wenden diese auf die mitotische Spindel an. Wir diskutieren Bedingungen für die Bildung und Stabilität von Spindeln. / Active filament systems such as the cell cytoskeleton represent an intriguing class of novel materials that play an important role in nature. The cytoskeleton for example provides the mechanical basis for many central processes in living cells, such as cell locomotion or cell division. It consists of protein filaments, molecular motors and a host of related proteins that can bind to and cross-link the filaments. The filaments themselves are semiflexible polymers that are typically several micrometers long and made of several hundreds to thousands of subunits. The filaments are structurally polar, i.e. they possess a directionality. This polarity causes the two distinct filament ends to exhibit different properties regarding polymerization and depolymerization and also defines the direction of movement of molecular motors. Filament polymerization as well as force generation and motion of molecular motors are active processes, that constantly use chemical energy. The cytoskeleton is thus an active gel, far from equilibrium. We present theories of such active filament systems and apply them to geometries reminiscent of structures in living cells such as stress fibers, contractile rings or mitotic spindles. Stress fibers are involved in cell locomotion and propel the cell forward, the mitotic spindle mechanically separates the duplicated sets of chromosomes prior to cell division and the contractile ring cleaves the cell during the final stages of cell division. In our theory, we focus in particular on the role of filament polymerization and depolymerization for the dynamics of these structures. Using a mean field description of active filament systems that is based on the microscopic processes of filaments and motors, we show how filament polymerization and depolymerization contribute to the tension in filament bundles and rings. We especially study filament treadmilling, an ubiquitous process in cells, in which one filament end grows at the same rate as the other one shrinks. A key result is that depolymerization of filaments in the presence of linking proteins can induce bundle contraction even in the absence of molecular motors. We extend this description and apply it to the mitotic spindle. Starting from force balance considerations we discuss conditions for spindle formation and stability. We find that motor binding to filament ends is essential for spindle formation. Furthermore we develop a generic continuum description that is based on symmetry considerations and independent of microscopic details. This theory allows us to present a complementary view on filament bundles, as well as to investigate physical mechanisms behind cell cortex dynamics and ring formation in the two dimensional geometry of a cylinder surface. Finally we present a phenomenological description for the dynamics of contractile rings that is based on the balance of forces generated by active processes in the ring with forces necessary to deform the cell. We find that filament turnover is essential for ring contraction with constant velocities such as observed in experiments with fission yeast.

Investigation of the biophysical basis for cell organelle morphology

Mayer, Jürgen 09 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
It is known that fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe maintains its nuclear envelope during mitosis and it undergoes an interesting shape change during cell division - from a spherical via an ellipsoidal and a peanut-like to a dumb-bell shape. However, the biomechanical system behind this amazing transformation is still not understood. What we know is, that the shape must change due to forces acting on the membrane surrounding the nucleus and the microtubule based mitotic spindle is thought to play a key role. To estimate the locations and directions of the forces, the shape of the nucleus was recorded by confocal light microscopy. But such data is often inhomogeneously labeled with gaps in the boundary, making classical segmentation impractical. In order to accurately determine the shape we developed a global parametric shape description method, based on a Fourier coordinate expansion. The method implicitly assumes a closed and smooth surface. We will calculate the geometrical properties of the 2-dimensional shape and extend it to 3-dimensional properties, assuming rotational symmetry. Using a mechanical model for the lipid bilayer and the so called Helfrich-Canham free energy we want to calculate the minimum energy shape while respecting system-specific constraints to the surface and the enclosed volume. Comparing it with the observed shape leads to the forces. This provides the needed research tools to study forces based on images.

Investigation of the biophysical basis for cell organelle morphology

Mayer, Jürgen 12 February 2008 (has links)
It is known that fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe maintains its nuclear envelope during mitosis and it undergoes an interesting shape change during cell division - from a spherical via an ellipsoidal and a peanut-like to a dumb-bell shape. However, the biomechanical system behind this amazing transformation is still not understood. What we know is, that the shape must change due to forces acting on the membrane surrounding the nucleus and the microtubule based mitotic spindle is thought to play a key role. To estimate the locations and directions of the forces, the shape of the nucleus was recorded by confocal light microscopy. But such data is often inhomogeneously labeled with gaps in the boundary, making classical segmentation impractical. In order to accurately determine the shape we developed a global parametric shape description method, based on a Fourier coordinate expansion. The method implicitly assumes a closed and smooth surface. We will calculate the geometrical properties of the 2-dimensional shape and extend it to 3-dimensional properties, assuming rotational symmetry. Using a mechanical model for the lipid bilayer and the so called Helfrich-Canham free energy we want to calculate the minimum energy shape while respecting system-specific constraints to the surface and the enclosed volume. Comparing it with the observed shape leads to the forces. This provides the needed research tools to study forces based on images.

Characterization of Hepatitis C Virus Infection of Hepatocytes and Astrocytes

Liu, Ziqing January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Approximately 2.8% of the world population is currently infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). Neutralizing antibodies (nAbs) are often generated in chronic hepatitis C patients yet fail to control the infection. In the first two chapters of this study, we focused on two alternative routes of HCV transmission, which may contribute to HCV’s immune evasion and establishment of chronic infection. HCV was transmitted via a cell-cell contact-mediated (CCCM) route and in the form of exosomes. Formation of HCV infection foci resulted from CCCM HCV transfer and was cell density-dependent. Moreover, CCCM HCV transfer occurred rapidly, involved all four known HCV receptors and intact actin cytoskeleton, and led to productive HCV infection. Furthermore, live cell imaging revealed the temporal and spatial details of the transfer process. Lastly, HCV from HCV-infected hepatocytes and patient plasma occurred in both exosome-free and exosome-associated forms and the exosome-associated HCV remained infectious, even though HCV infection did not significantly alter exosome secretion. In the third chapter, we characterized HCV interaction with astrocytes, one of the putative HCV target cells in the brain. HCV infection causes the central nervous system (CNS) abnormalities in more than 50% of chronically infected subjects but the underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. We showed that primary human astrocytes (PHA) were very inefficiently infected by HCV, either in the free virus form or through cell-cell contact. PHA expressed all known HCV receptors but failed to support HCV entry. HCV IRES-mediated translation was functional in PHA and further enhanced by miR122 expression. Nevertheless, PHA did not support HCV replication regardless of miR122 expression. To our great surprise, HCV exposure induced robust IL-18 expression in PHA and exhibited direct neurotoxicity. In summary, we showed that CCCM HCV transfer and exosome-mediated HCV infection constituted important routes for HCV infection and dissemination and that astrocytes did not support productive HCV infection and replication, but HCV interactions with astrocytes and neurons alone might be sufficient to cause CNS dysfunction. These findings provide new insights into HCV infection of hepatocytes and astrocytes and shall aid in the development of new and effective strategies for preventing and treating HCV infection.

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