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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What happens next? : A study of the action and inaction resulting from active gender equality work in an organisation in a male dominated industry / Vad händer sedan? : En studie om handling och passivitet som resultat av aktivt jämställdhetsarbete i en organisation i en mansdominerad bransch

Boström, Beatrice, Lundberg, Linnea January 2019 (has links)
It is recognised that gender equality and diversity are essential for building successful organisations. To tackle the global challenges characterised by economies today, one must ensure equal opportunities for all, both men and women. Organisations have acknowledged the benefits of a more gender equal workforce and are starting to take action. But what are the results of such actions? We have found that a lot of research is focused on the sources of gender inequality in organisations but little on the efficacy of different actions to counter those inequalities. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how active gender equality work can impact an organisation. A case study of an organisation in the IT consultancy industry in Sweden is carried out where active gender equality work has been initiated through the internal project “the Gender Equality Project”. Empirical data gathered from interviews with employees from all levels of the organisation has been the main source of data collection and has worked as a base for the analysis and discussion. The research question that have guided our work is: How can active gender equality work impact the structure and culture within an organisation in a male-dominated industry? This thesis is based on a subjective approach, assuming that reality can be seen as a social construction and that humans create their own reality. This implies that the social world is viewed as a process which is created and recreated everyday through the usage of language, routines and actions. Further, this thesis argues that organisations should be seen as gendered and that assumptions about gender underlie the construction of organisations, resulting in a marginalisation of women which contributes to the maintenance of gender segregation in organisations. The findings show that active work with gender equality has resulted in structural and cultural impacts in several areas, such as more gender aware recruitment processes and external communication strategies as well as a culture which encourages employees to call out biases and defend gender equality initiatives. The findings also reveal an organisational structure which partly counteract the effects of gender equality work and a deficient communication of the purpose of the project which, currently, prevents it from becoming institutionalised. Much emphasis is put on the many middle managers in the organisation to bring the project forward and continue working with it, without clear expectations and guidance from the top management which has resulted in a halt and an inaction from the middle managers. / Jämställdhet och mångfald anses som essentiellt för att bygga framgångsrika organisationer. För att kunna tackla de globala utmaningarna som världen står inför, måste lika möjligheter för både kvinnor och män kunna säkerställas. Fler och fler organisationer bekräftar fördelarna med en mer jämställd arbetskraft och börjar arbeta mot förändring. Men vad är resultatet av sådant arbete? Vi har funnit att tidigare forskning tenderar att fokusera på orsakerna till ojämställdhet i organisationer, istället för den verkan olika initiativ och arbete för att främja jämställdhet har. Uppsatsens syfte är att utvärdera hur aktivt jämställdhetsarbete kan påverka en organisation. En fallstudie har genomförts på en svensk organisation verksam inom IT-konsultbranschen, där aktivt jämställdhetsarbete har initierats genom ett internt projekt kallat “Jämställdhetsprojektet”. Den främsta källan till empirisk data härrör från intervjuer med anställda på alla nivåer i organisationen och denna data har lagt grunden för analys och diskussion. Den forskningsfråga som guidat oss i vårt arbete är följande: Hur kan aktivt jämställdhetsarbete påverka strukturen och kulturen i en organisation i en mansdominerad bransch? Uppsatsen tar en subjektiv ansats, och utgår från att verkligheten ses som en social konstruktion och att människor skapar sin egen verklighet. Detta medför att den sociala världen ses som en process som skapas och återskapas varje dag genom språkbruk, rutiner och handlingar. Vidare argumenteras det för att organisationer ska ses som könade och att antaganden om kön ligger till grund för konstruktionen av organisationer. Detta medför en marginalisering av kvinnor vilket bidrar till ett upprätthållande av könssegregeringen i organisationer. Resultaten visar att aktivt jämställdhetsarbete resulterar i strukturella och kulturella effekter. Effekterna kan ses genom en mer genusmedveten rekryteringsprocess och strategier för extern kommunikation men även en kultur där anställda uppmuntras till att uppmärksamma och motarbeta fördomar och försvara initiativ för jämställdhet. Resultaten belyser även en organisationsstruktur som till viss del motverkar effekterna av aktivt jämställdhetsarbete och en bristande kommunikation av projektets syfte, vilket i dagsläget hindrar en institutionalisering. Stor vikt läggs på organisationens mellanchefer att driva projektet framåt och fortsätta dess arbete. Det saknas dock klara förväntningar och vägledning från koncernledningen, vilket har resulterat i en stagnering och passivitet från organisationens mellanchefer.

Belastning eller avlastning vid användande av digitala system? : En kvalitativ studie om mellanchefers upplevda belastning, avlastning och gränslösa arbete i relation till digitala system i arbetslivet

Eriksson, Jessica January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how middle managers experience their workload and work relief in relation to the use of digital systems in the work life. Seven people has participated, three women and four men. The interviews were conducted with a semi structured interview guide and the collected data was analyzed with a thematic analysis. The information that emerged from the analysis of the collected data was that almost all the participants have experienced stress when using the digital systems. It also shows that when using the digital systems most of the participants have gotten more tasks and expectations from the management to complete. Some of them also thought that the educations were inadequate for some of the digital systems and there was a desire for more and better educations. This might indicate that they are experiencing more demands due to the increase of tasks but not as high support because of the inadequate educations. Almost all participants said that their knowledge in some of the digital systems were good. Which can indicate that they have a good control when using them. Almost all participants used the digital systems outside of work daily for example to read their email and to reduce the risk of having an overflowing inbox for the next workday. This can indicate that they at some extent have a high workload due to that they check their email daily after work.

Making Sense of Organizational Change: The Impact of Contextual Factors on Middle Managers’ Sensemaking Processes and Room for Negotiation : A Case Study Exploring Organizational Change from a Change Recipient Perspective / Att Förstå Organisationsförändringar: Inverkan av Kontextuella Faktorer på Mellanchefers Meningsskapandeprocesser och Förhandlingsutrymme

Andersson, Hanna, Andtbacka, Anna January 2022 (has links)
Throughout their existence, organizations face endless change. Organizational change programs, despite often being initiated by top management, inevitably involve employees at multiple levels in the organization, including middle managers, which could be argued to play an especially important role as they are both receivers and implementers of the change. The middle managers try to make sense of the changes initiated by top management while they simultaneously are expected to sell it down the organizational line, meaning that the middle managers are forced to balance multiple and sometimes competing roles during change. Moreover, negotiations arise during the unstable times of change for the new social order to be determined and for organizational work to take place. To better understand these phenomena, this study applies a change recipient perspective, specifically that of middle managers. The phenomena were explored through a case study, which included qualitative interviews with managers in an organization that during the study was undergoing multiple changes, with the aim to gain a better understanding of these complex social processes by recognizing the impact from contextual and cultural factors. The findings of the study illustrate that while the middle managers negotiated within themselves to make sense of the change, they did not get the same opportunity to negotiate with their superiors. Further, the middle managers made sense of the change in ways that were unique to them, depending on their individual experiences and backgrounds. Hence, there was no single “best way” to facilitate all middle managers’ sensemaking processes, rather, the middle managers needed differing support at differing points in time. The study concludes that the contextual factors, such as the organizational culture and subcultures, power relations and social dynamics, were what affected the middle manager's sensemaking processes and their room for negotiation. Therefore, these factors could be further addressed in theory and in practice before initiating change. / Organisationer står inför oändlig förändring under hela sin existens. Organisatoriska förändringsprogram, trots att de ofta initierats av högsta ledningen, involverar oundvikligen anställda på flera nivåer i organisationen, inklusive mellanchefer, vilka skulle kunna hävdas spela en särskilt viktig roll eftersom de är både mottagare och implementerare av förändringen. Mellancheferna försöker förstå den uppifrån initierade förändringen samtidigt som de förväntas sälja den längs organisationslinjen, vilket innebär att mellancheferna tvingas balansera flera, ibland konkurrerande, roller under förändring. Dessutom uppstår förhandlingar under den instabila tid som förändringar medför för att den nya sociala ordningen ska kunna bestämmas och för att organisationsarbete ska kunna äga rum. För att bättre förstå dessa fenomen tillämpar denna studie ett “förändringsmottagarperspektiv”, särskilt det av mellancheferna. Dessa fenomen utforskades genom en fallstudie, som innehöll kvalitativa intervjuer med chefer i en organisation som under studien genomgick flera förändringar, med syftet att få en bättre förståelse för dessa komplexa sociala processer genom att vidkänna påverkan från kontextuella och kulturella faktorer. Resultaten av studien illustrerar att medan mellancheferna förhandlade inom sig själva för att förstå förändringen, fick de inte samma möjlighet att förhandla med sina överordnade. Vidare skapade mellancheferna mening av förändringen på sätt som var unika för dem, beroende på deras individuella erfarenheter och bakgrunder. Därför fanns det inget enskilt "bästa sätt" att underlätta alla mellanchefers meningsskapande processer, snarare behövde mellancheferna olika stöd vid olika tidpunkter. Studien drar slutsatsen att de kontextuella faktorerna, såsom organisationskulturen och subkulturer, maktrelationer och social dynamik, var det som påverkade mellanchefens förhandlingsmöjligheter och förmåga att förstå förändringen. Därför kan dessa faktorer uppmärksammas ytterligare i teorin samt i praktiken innan förändringar initieras.

“Internt vs. externt” : En kvalitativ studie om mellanchefers förväntningar och upplevelse av arbetsrollen vid interna och externa rekryteringar / “Internal vs. external" : A qualitative study on middle managers' expectations and perceptions of the work role in internal and external recruitment

Wilson, Ella, Persson, Felicia January 2024 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och analysera förväntningar och upplevelser hos internt och externt rekryterade mellanchefer inför och vid rollövertagandet. Studien identifierar skillnader i dessa upplevelser, HR-avdelningens syn, samt belyser fördelar och nackdelar i mellanchefernas anpassning till organisationen. Målet är att öka förståelsen för de olika utmaningar internt och externt rekryterade mellanchefer möter. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer med mellanchefer verksamma inom en nordisk detaljhandelsorganisation.    Genom en noggrann analys av det empiriska materialet har mellanchefernas reflektioner kategoriserats för att sedan jämföras med grundläggande organisations- och roll teorier samt tidigare forskning inom området. Resultaten av studien framhäver tydliga skillnader i förväntningar och upplevelse av arbetsrollen mellan interna och externa mellanchefer. Vidare belyser studien hur mellancheferna anpassar sig till och förstår organisationens kultur och förväntningar kopplade till deras ledarskapsroll. Resultaten indikerar att internt och externt rekryterade mellanchefer står inför både fördelar och nackdelar i att navigera och förstå sin ledarskapsroll i organisationen, vilket i sin tur kan påverka deras prestation på arbetsplatsen. / Abstract The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the expectations and experiences of internally and externally recruited middle managers prior to and upon taking over the role. The study identifies differences in these experiences, the HR department's view, and highlights advantages and disadvantages in the middle managers' adaptation to the organization. The goal is to increase understanding of the various challenges internally and externally recruited middle managers face. The study has a qualitative approach and is based on semi-structured interviews with middle managers operating within a Nordic retail organization.   Through a careful analysis of the empirical material, the middle managers' reflections have been categorized and then compared with basic organizational and role theories and previous research in the field. The results of the study highlight clear differences in expectations and views of the work role between internal and external middle managers. Furthermore, the study highlights how middle managers adapt to and understand the organization's culture and expectations linked to their leadership role. The findings indicate that internally and externally recruited middle managers face both advantages and disadvantages in navigating and understanding their leadership role in the organization, which in turn may affect their performance in the workplace.

Die verwantskap tussen stres en persoonlikheidsweerstandsbronne by bestuurders tydens transformasie

Barnard, Nelia 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Die doel van hierdie navorsingstudie was om te bepaal of daar 'n verwantskap tussen stres en die persoonlikheidsweerstandsbronne koherensiesin, gehardheid en lokus van beheer is. Middelvlakbestuurders (n=103) het selfbeoordelingsvraelyste oor stres, sin vir koherensie, gehardheid en lokus van beheer voltooi. Die resultate van die Pearson produkmoment korrelasie en chi-kwadraattoetse toon dat daar 'n statisties beduidende verwantskap tussen stres en koherensiesin, gehardheid en lokus van beheer is. Dit blyk dat middelvlakbestuurders met 'n sterk koherensiesin beter in staat is om stres te hanteer as bestuurders met 'n lae koherensiesin. Hierdie bestuurders maak dus sin uit werkstressors en beskou lewenseise as betekenisvol en uitdagend. Die resultate dui aan dat bestuurders met 'n hoe inteme lokus van beheer en outonomie minder stres ervaar en beter toegerus is om die negatiewe invloed van stres teen te werk as bestuurders met 'n lae lokus van beheer en outonomie. Volgens hierdie navorsing het gehardheid nie 'n invloed op die ervaring van stress. / The purpose of this study was to determine if a relationship exists between stress and the resiliency sources of sense of coherence, hardiness and locus of control. Managers (N=l 03) at middle management level completed self-report questionnaires on stress, sense of coherence, hardiness and locus of control. Results from the Pearson product moment correlation and chisquare tests, indicate a statistical significant relationship between stress and sense of coherence, hardiness and locus of control. It seems as if managers at middle management level with a strong sense of coherence experience lower levels of stress than managers with a low sense of coherence. These managers derive sense from work stressors and view life's demands as meaningful and challenging. These results indicate that managers with a strong internal locus of control and autonomy will be better equipped to cope with stress than managers with a low locus of control and autonomy. According to this study hardiness does not have an effects on stress. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)

A case study exploring how middle managers implement deliberate strategy in a government department

Surju, Junitha 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore how the middle manager implements strategy at a South African government department. This study was conducted in response to the call for more research to be done using the strategy-as-practice perspective to explore the involvement of middle managers in a South African government context with regard to strategy. The current study sought to identify the roles that the middle manager undertakes with regard to strategy implementation, inclusive of the barriers that they face on a daily basis. The study aimed at providing feedback on how the middle managers implement strategy, overcome the barriers they face and some changes that participating middle managers proposed to the current practices in strategy implementation in a government context. A single case study, utilising an exploratory qualitative research design, was undertaken at a government department in South Africa. The data was gathered using semi-structured interviews. The researcher used the interviews to provide rich, detailed descriptions of how strategy is implemented by middle managers. The study portrayed the participating middle managers as playing an integral role as interpreters, communicators and implementers of the strategy within the government context. Findings confirmed that most of the middle managers were not involved in the crafting of the high level strategy of the government department. The participating middle manager fulfilled eight key roles in the implementation of the strategy: leadership role, management role, implementation role, monitoring role, reporting role, supporting role, communication role and information-sharing role. The participating middle managers dealt with many barriers with regard to strategy implementation on a daily basis, such as lack of understanding of government work, monitoring, support, skilled personnel, skill development, funding and information. The participating middle managers were found to be innovative and creative in utilising strategy tools to overcome the barriers they faced. Although these results cannot be generalised but may be transferrable to similar contexts. / Business Management / M. Com (Business Management)

Middle managers shaping strategic outcomes within a private higher education institution : a case study / Baokamedi ba mahareng ba bopang diphetho tsa meralo kahare ho setsi sa poraefete sa thuto e phahameng : phuputso

Samson, Shereen Judith 06 1900 (has links)
This dissertation explores how middle managers use their micro-strategising practices of agency and sense-making to shape strategic outcomes during and after strategic change implementation within an enabling and/or constraining organisational social structure. The researcher examined this phenomenon through the theoretical lenses of strategy-as-practice perspective and sense-making. The qualitative case-study research design with an interpretivist, social constructionist paradigm captured the lived organisational social reality of the administrative middle managers over time at a for-profit educational brand of a private higher education (PHE) provider. A thematic data analysis approach integrated manual coding with electronic coding to analyse data gathered through an emergent research design of text messages and e-mail journals over a four-month period. Data-driven inductive coding was synthesised with structural deductive coding in response to the research questions. The dissertation concludes that administrative middle managers use micro-level strategising practices of retrospective and prospective cognitive and emotional sense-making and the practical coping of agency, or embodied sense-making, to navigate a complex and contradictory organisational socio-cultural context that is both enabling and constraining. A further contribution of the current study speaks to the embedded practices between the two discrete levels of organisation and individual, which has been interpreted through the contradictions following the equivocal signals that these two main levels demonstrate. The porous inter-dependency between the two levels of organisation and individual creates an inter-woven entity where the strands of individual and organisational action are difficult to pull out and name distinctly, without unravelling the tapestry that is the organisational entity. These contributions affirm the intellectual puzzle which sought to understand and/or restore the balance of the individual within an organisational socio-cultural context to attain organisational security and equilibrium after organisational change. The findings of this current study is not generalisable to the other seven educational brands of the PHE provider. / Boithuto bona bo shebana le tsela eo ka yona baokamedi ba mahareng ba sebedisang ditlwaelo tsa ketso ya meralo e menyane (micro-strategising) ya diejensi le ketso ya moelelo ho bopa diphetho tsa meralo nakong ya le kamora ho kenngwa tshebetsong ha phetolo ya moralo kahare ho sebopeho se dumellang le/kapa se thibelang sa setjhaba. Mofuputsi o hlahlobile mohopolo ona ka leihlo la thiori ya moralo-jwalokaketso le ketso ya moelelo. Sebopeho sa dipatlisiso tsa phuputso ya boleng se nang le saense ya setjhaba le paterone ya kgaho ya setjhaba se hapile mokgatlo wa setjhaba wa sebele o phetsweng wa baokamedi ba mahareng ba tsamaiso nako e telele letshwaong la thuto la phaello ho mofani wa thuto e hodimo ya poraefete (PHE). Katamelo ya manollo ya pokello e amanang le thuto e ikgethang e kopantse tokiso ya tokomane ka letsoho le ka elektoniki ho manolla pokello e bokelletsweng ka sebopeho sa dipatlisiso se qalang sa melaetsa ya mongolo le di-emaili nakong ya dikgwedi tse nne. Mongolo wa qaleho o tsamaiswang ke pokello o ile wa hlahiswa ka elektoniki le mongolo o latelang dikarolo tse itseng tsa molao o akaretsang ho araba dipotso tsa dipatlisiso. Thuto e phethela ka hore baokamedi ba bohareng ba tsamaiso ba sebedisa ditlwaelo tsa mekgwa e boemong bo tlase ba ketsahalo ya moelelo boiphihlelong ka ho kgutlela morao le ho nahanela pele ka kellelo le maikutlo le ho sebetsa ho kgonehang ha mokgatlo, kapa ho fana ka moelelo boiphihlelong ho kopantsweng ho batlisisang maemo a rarahaneng le a hananang a moetlo wa mokgatlo a nolofatsang le a thibelang ka bobedi. Monehelo o eketsehileng wa thuto ya morao-rao o bua ka ditlwaelo tse keneletseng dipakeng tsa maemo a mabedi a fapaneng a mokgatlo le a motho ka mong a tolokuweng ka ho hanyetsana ho latela matshwao a ka tolokehang ka ditsela tse fapaneng tseo maemo ana a mabedi a ka sehloohong a di bontshang. Ho emelana hona ho kenellanang ho dipakeng tsa maemo a mabedi a mokgatlo le motho ka bo mong ho theha mokgatlo wa kgokahano oo ho ona dikgwele tsa motho ka bo mong le kgato ya mokgatlo di bang thata ho hulwa le ho reha ka tsela e hlakileng kantle le ho senya lesela leo e leng mokgatlo. Menehelo ena e netefatsa selotho se neng se batla ho utlwisisa le/kapa ho tsosolosa tekanyo ya motho kahare ho maemo a setso sa setjhaba sa mokgatlo ho fumana tshireletso ya mokgatlo le boikgutso kamora ho fetoha ha mokgatlo. Diphumano tsa thuto ena ya morao-rao ha di akareletswe ho matshwao a mang a thuto a supileng a mofani wa PHE / Lolu cwaningo lucubungula udaba lokuthi izimenenja ezisezikhundleni ezimaphakathi zizisebenzisa kanjani izinkambiso zazo zokwenza amaqhinga namasu emazingeni aphansi okusebenzisa ikhono lazo lokuzikhethela nokuthatha izinyathelo ngokuzimela (agency) nokwenza kuzwakale futhi kuqondakale lokho ezikwenzayo nezikushoyo (sense-making) ngenhloso yokubumba imiphumela enobuqhinga ngaphambi kokuba kuqaliswe uguquko olunobuqhinga futhi nangenkathi sekuqaliswa uguquko olunjalo olwenzeka ngaphakathi ohlakeni lwesakhiwo senhlalo esivumelayo kanye/noma esivimbelayo. Umcwaningi wakuhlaziya futhi wakuhlolisisa lokhu esebenzisa indlela yokubheka izinto ngokwethiyori yokusebenzisa iqhingasu njengenkambiso (strategyas- practice perspective) kanye nokwenza kuzwakale futhi kuqondakale lokho okwenziwayo nokushiwoyo. Idizayini yocwaningo lwesigameko olukhwalithethivu olugxile ekutheni izimenenja zibheke izinto njengoba zinjalo ngokweso lezigameko ezidlule kuzona izimenenja, ngokuqhubeka kwesikhathi, ekuxhumaneni nasekusebenzeni kwazo nabanye abantu esikhungweni semfundo ephakeme esithile esizimele esiqhuba umsebenzi wokuqeqesha ngenhloso yokungenisa imali nokwenza inzuzo, phecelezi umhlinzeki we-private higher education (PHE). Ucwaningo lwasebenzisa indlela yokuhlaziya idatha ngokucubungula nokuqopha amaphethini, okuyindlela eyadidiyela ukuhlelwa nokuhlungwa kwedatha ngesandla nangobuchwepheshe bekhompyutha ngenhloso yokuhlaziya idatha eqoqwe kusetshenziswa i-emergent research design yemiqhafazo (text messages) kanye namajenali ama-imeyili esikhathini esiyizinyanga ezine. Ukuze kuhlinzekwe ngezimpendulo emibuzweni yocwaningo kwahlanganiswa indlela yokuhlela nokuhlunga idatha esuselwa kuhlobo lwedatha eqoqiwe (inductive) kanye nendlela yokuhlunga ngokusebenzisa uhlelo olwenziwe ngaphambi kokuqoqwa kwedatha (deductive). Ucwaningo luphetha ngokukhipha umbono wokuthi izimenenja ezisezikhundleni ezimaphakathi zisebenzisa izinkambiso zazo zokuqhamuka namaqhinga namasu emazingeni aphansi okwenza izinto ziqondakale ngokusebenzisa ingqondo nemizwa mayelana nezigameko ezenzeke esikhathini esedlule, nalezo ezingahle zenzeke esikhathini esizayo kanye nokubonela kwikhono lomunye umuntu, njengoba linjalo, lokuthatha izinyathelo nokwenza izinto ngokuzimela noma ukwenza izinto ziqondakale, okuyingxenye yalokho, ngenhloso yokuchusha nokuthubeleza esimweni senhlalo-masiko esiyinkimbinkimbi futhi esiziphikisayo, esikwenza kokubili ukuvumela kanye nokuvimbela. Elinye futhi igalelo lalolu cwaningo lwamanje liphathelene nezinkambiso ezifakwe zagxila emazingeni amabili ahlukene ngokucacile phakathi kwenhlangano kanye nomuntu ngamunye, ahunyushwe ngokuphikisana okulandela izimpawu eziyindida futhi ezingaqondakali kahle eziboniswa yilawa mazinga amabili amakhulu. Ukuncikana nokuxhasana okuntekenteke phakathi kwalawa mazinga, okuyinhlangano kanye nomuntu ngamunye, kwakha uhlaka oluxhumene lapho kunzima ukutomula nokugagula ngokucacile izingxenye ezakhe izenzo nezinyathelo zenhlangano ezingxenyeni ezakhe izenzo zomuntu ngamunye, ngaphandle kokuqaqa nokuhlukanisa ingxenye ngayinye eyakhe inhlangano ebumbene. Lawa magalelo ocwaningo aqininisekisa futhi asekele indida-mqondo (intellectual puzzle) ebihlose ukuqonda kanye/noma ukubuyisa ukuzimelela komuntu ngamunye esimweni senhlalo-masiko yenhlangano ukuze kuzuzwe ukuvikeleka kwenhlangano nozinzo-kulingana (equilibrium) emva koguquko olwenzekile enhlanganweni. Imiphumelangqangi etholakale kulolu cwaningo lwamanje ayinakuthathwa njengemiphumela engaphinde isetshenziswe futhi iqondaniswe nezimo ezitholakala kwezinye izikhungo eziyisikhombisa zomhlinzeki we-PHE. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Die verwantskap tussen stres en persoonlikheidsweerstandsbronne by bestuurders tydens transformasie

Barnard, Nelia 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Die doel van hierdie navorsingstudie was om te bepaal of daar 'n verwantskap tussen stres en die persoonlikheidsweerstandsbronne koherensiesin, gehardheid en lokus van beheer is. Middelvlakbestuurders (n=103) het selfbeoordelingsvraelyste oor stres, sin vir koherensie, gehardheid en lokus van beheer voltooi. Die resultate van die Pearson produkmoment korrelasie en chi-kwadraattoetse toon dat daar 'n statisties beduidende verwantskap tussen stres en koherensiesin, gehardheid en lokus van beheer is. Dit blyk dat middelvlakbestuurders met 'n sterk koherensiesin beter in staat is om stres te hanteer as bestuurders met 'n lae koherensiesin. Hierdie bestuurders maak dus sin uit werkstressors en beskou lewenseise as betekenisvol en uitdagend. Die resultate dui aan dat bestuurders met 'n hoe inteme lokus van beheer en outonomie minder stres ervaar en beter toegerus is om die negatiewe invloed van stres teen te werk as bestuurders met 'n lae lokus van beheer en outonomie. Volgens hierdie navorsing het gehardheid nie 'n invloed op die ervaring van stress. / The purpose of this study was to determine if a relationship exists between stress and the resiliency sources of sense of coherence, hardiness and locus of control. Managers (N=l 03) at middle management level completed self-report questionnaires on stress, sense of coherence, hardiness and locus of control. Results from the Pearson product moment correlation and chisquare tests, indicate a statistical significant relationship between stress and sense of coherence, hardiness and locus of control. It seems as if managers at middle management level with a strong sense of coherence experience lower levels of stress than managers with a low sense of coherence. These managers derive sense from work stressors and view life's demands as meaningful and challenging. These results indicate that managers with a strong internal locus of control and autonomy will be better equipped to cope with stress than managers with a low locus of control and autonomy. According to this study hardiness does not have an effects on stress. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)

Strategy implementation practices and processes in defence evaluation and research institutes in South Africa

Van Rensburg, Hendrik Lodewicus Jansen 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the practices and processes executed by middle managers as practitioners during the implementation of strategy. In order to do that, this study investigated the problem of strategy implementation, analysed existing literature, identified the gaps, and explored the roles of middle managers in terms of strategy practices and processes, specifically in the South African Defence Evaluation and Research Institutes (DERI) context. Resources, time and effort are applied to formulating strategy but less of these to the execution of the strategy which includes the emotions, motivations and actions that are intangible during the implementation of strategy. The study therefore attempts to answer the following research question: What practices and processes are employed in strategy implementation in DERIs in South Africa? The literature study was undertaken with the objective of mapping the research problem and to highlight, through critical discussion, the latest work done on the subject of this study. The gap in relation to research work was identified and the contribution is clear that not much work has been done in this environment. Research is a systematic process where information on a specific topic is gathered in order to increase understanding of that phenomenon. A qualitative study was performed and data was obtained from several institutes through interviews, documents and questionnaires in order to build a rich database that could be analysed for the required output. Engagement with the first level of management as well as the next level management teams ensured that a representative population group was used during this study. The data was organised, categorised, interpreted, identified, synthesised and generalised. The quotations identified from the text were coded through inductive coding and grouped into categories until a logical theme, category and concept was formed. The objective of this research was to investigate, identify and understand what the strategy practices and processes are that make highly technical and scientific institutes execute strategies successfully. The study provided insight into and clarity on the complexity of the strategy implementation process as executed by middle managers, particularly in the South African context. The link was explored between formulation and implementation as applied by middle managers as practitioners and the practices and processes in use were identified. It was demonstrated that the outcome of this research is applicable to the research problem and also provides an understanding of the phenomenon, namely strategy practices and processes in use at the Defence Evaluation and Research Institutes. It can therefore be concluded that the research objective was achieved. / Business Management / D.B.L.

Factors impacting on corporate entrepreneurial behaviour within a retail organisation - a case study

Kamffer, Lindi 30 November 2004 (has links)
Entrepreneurship is generally defined as the creation of new businesses - yet, nowhere is it more important than in large, established organisations. Product life cycles are contracting and businesses need to stay ahead of competition. Organisations need innovative and creative employees to respond to the changing needs of the market. Corporate entrepreneurship can be defined as entrepreneurial activities within an organisation, using the resources of the organisation to achieve innovative results. Corporate entrepreneurship (also referred to as intrapreneurship) is not confined to a particular size or stage of an organisation. This study focuses on the corporate entrepreneurial behaviour of middle managers inside a large retail organisation. The uniqueness of this study is the focus on the middle managers instead of senior management. The study aims to make management aware of the concept of corporate entrepreneurship and to identify the factors which influence entrepreneurial behaviour in an established organisation. / Business Management / M. Com (Business Management)

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