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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kinetic studies of NS3 and NS5B from Hepatitis C virus : Implications and applications for drug discovery

Dahl, Göran January 2009 (has links)
The aim of these studies was to increase our understanding of the non-structural proteins 3 and 5B (NS3 and NS5B) from the hepatitis C virus (HCV), and thereby contribute to the development of new and better drugs against HCV. By studying NS3 with substitutions identified to be associated with resistance to NS3 inhibitors in clinical trials (R155Q, A156T and D168V) it was found that not all inhibitors were affected, indicating that cross-resistance can be avoided. Substitutions at position 526 and 528 in the helicase domain of this bifunctional enzyme were introduced and the effect on the protease was investigated. These substitutions affected protease inhibition, showing that the helicase can influence the protease. This interplay between the two domains is also involved in the discovered activation of the enzyme at low inhibitor concentrations. Being a case of "enzyme memory", the phenomenon stresses the importance of using full-length NS3 for enzymatic assays. Inhibitors with novel designs, with presumed increased stability in vivo, were developed and, even though they were found to be of low potency, provide alternative ideas of how to design an inhibitor. Detailed information about the interaction between NS3 and its protein cofactor NS4A or several protease inhibitors were determined using a direct binding assay. The rate constants of the inhibitor interactions were affected by NS4A and it was also possible to visualize time-dependent binding inhibitors. A good correlation between interaction data (Kd or koff) and inhibition data (Ki) or replicon data (EC50) was also seen. The same approach was used for studying the interactions between NS5B and several non-nucleoside inhibitors, providing information of the chemodynamics and giving insights into inhibitor design.   Taken together, all these studies have resulted in new information about, and new tools with which to study, NS3 and NS5B. This is of great importance in the struggle to find new and potent drugs, leading to a cure for HCV infection.

Pathogen entry mechanisms and endocytic responses to plasma membrane damage

Nygård Skalman, Lars January 2017 (has links)
Endocytosis is a fundamental cellular process by which cells transport material from the outside to the inside of the cell through the formation of membrane invaginations that bud off from the plasma membrane. This process is important for nutrient uptake, regulating cell surface receptors and the overall plasma membrane composition. Cells have several different types of endocytic pathways where clathrin- mediated endocytosis is the most studied. Importantly, pathogens and secreted virulence factors bind to cell surface receptors and hijack the endocytic pathways in order to enter host cells. Depending on their size and molecular composition, pathogens and virulence factors are thought to make use of distinct endocytic pathways into the cell. This thesis focuses on early host cell interactions with virus, bacterial membrane vesicles and a pore-forming toxin, with a particular emphasis on endocytic mechanisms and plasma membrane repair. During entry of pathogens, it is thought that interactions with specific cell surface molecules drive the recruitment of endocytic proteins to the plasma membrane. Viruses possess a very defined molecular composition and architecture, which facilitate specificity to these interactions. We found that Adenovirus 37, a human ocular pathogen, binds to αVβ1 and α3β1 integrins on human corneal epithelial cells and that this interaction is important for infection. In contrast to viruses, membrane vesicles shed from Helicobacter pylori are heterogeneous in size and molecular composition. These vesicles harbour various adhesins and toxins that may facilitate binding to the cell surface and recruitment of different endocytic pathways. We developed a quantitative internalization assay and showed that the H. pylori vesicles were internalized mainly via clathrin-mediated endocytosis but were also capable of exploiting other endocytic pathways. Damage to the plasma membrane disrupts cellular homeostasis and can lead to cell death if not repaired immediately. Although endocytic mechanisms have been shown to be important for plasma membrane repair, little is known about their specific role. Listeriolysin O (LLO) is a bacterial toxin that can form pores in the plasma membrane and disrupt cellular homeostasis. We developed a reporter system for real-time imaging of the endocytic response to LLO pore formation. We found that two clathrin-independent endocytic pathways were important for plasma membrane repair. However, they were not directly involved in removing LLO pores from the plasma membrane. Our data suggests that these endocytic systems might rather influence membrane repair by their ability to regulate the plasma membrane composition, shape and tension. In conclusion, this thesis describes how pathogens and their virulence factors make use of specific mechanisms to enter host cells as well as revealing new insights on the role of the endocytic pathways in plasma membrane repair.

Molecular epidemiology of coagulase-negative staphylococci in hospitals and in the community

Widerström, Micael January 2010 (has links)
Background Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) and in particular Staphylococcus epidermidis have emerged as major pathogens primarily causing nosocomial infections in patients with indwelling medical devices. These infections are often caused by multidrug-resistant strains of S. epidermidis (MDRSE). Other clinical entities due to CoNS are lower urinary tract infections (UTI) in women and native valve endocarditis. The purpose of this work was to investigate the frequency of antibiotic resistance and the molecular epidemiology of both hospital and community-associated isolates of S. epidermidis in order to examine if certain clones are related to MDRSE infections. Furthermore, we aimed to explore if specific clones of S. saprophyticus are associated with UTI in women. Methods A total of 359 hospital-associated methicillin-resistant isolates of CoNS obtained from 11 hospitals in northern Europe and 223 community-associated staphylococcal isolates were examined. Furthermore, 126 isolates of S. saprophyticus isolated from women with uncomplicated UTI from five different locations in northern Europe were analyzed. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was used for genotyping. Additionally, some of the S. epidermidis isolates were analyzed with multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Antibiotic susceptibility was determined for all isolates by the disc diffusion test. Results 293 of the 359 (82%) hospital-associated and 124 of the 223 (56%) community-associated isolates belonged to the species S. epidermidis. Among the hospital-associated S. epidermidis isolates, two dominating PFGE types (type A and B) were distinguished, comprising 78 (27%) and 51 (17%) isolates, respectively. Type A, which was detected in a Norwegian and eight Swedish hospitals, corresponded with a novel sequence type (ST215). Type B was discovered in a German, a Danish and seven Swedish hospitals and corresponded with ST2. In contrast, community-associated isolates of S. epidermidis were genetically extremely diverse with no predominating genotype, and showed a low rate of antibiotic resistance; only two (1.6%) methicillin-resistant strains were detected. Among 126 analyzed isolates of S. saprophyticus, 47 different PFGE profiles were identified. Several clusters of genetically highly related isolates were detected among isolates obtained from different locations and periods of time. Conclusion We have demonstrated the occurrence, persistence and potential dissemination of two multidrug-resistant S. epidermidis (MDRSE) genotypes, including a novel sequence type (ST215), within hospitals in northern Europe. Community-associated isolates of S. epidermidis showed a low rate of methicillin-resistance and were genetically heterogeneous. These results indicate that MDRSE by large are confined to the hospital setting in our region. Moreover, although the S. saprophyticus population was quite heterogeneous, indistinguishable isolates of S. saprophyticus causing lower UTI in women were identified in different countries 11 years apart, indicating the persistence and geographical spread of some clones of S. saprophyticus.

Cykloserins och ceftazidim/avibaktams effekt på multiresistenta gramnegativa bakterier

Götesson, Åsa January 2018 (has links)
Multiresistenta gramnegativa bakterier (MRGN) som Escherichia coli och Pseudomonas aeruginosa utgör ett globalt hälsoproblem och på grund av resistensutveckling hos bakterierna behövs nya behandlingsalternativ. Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase (ESBL) är vanligt förekommande hos MRGN och det finns olika typer av ESBL (exempelvis ESBLA och ESBLCARBA). Gemensamt är att det finns få behandlingsalternativ för ESBL-producerande MRGN. Syftet med studien var att undersöka effekten av potentiellt nya behandlingsalternativ mot MRGN i form av cykloserin och ceftazidim tillsammans med β-laktamasinhibitorn avibaktam. För att undersöka minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) för cykloserin (CYK) mot E. coli (n=26) användes en egenutvecklad buljongspädningsmetod. Isolat av P. aeruginosa med och utan karbapenemasproduktion (n=25) undersöktes avseende MIC för ceftazidim/avibaktam (CZA) med två kommersiella buljongspädningsmetoder.  För CYK låg medianen för E. coli-stammarnas MIC-värden vid 32 mg/L (16 – 64 mg/L) vilket ligger kring det epidemiologiska cut-off värdet för Mycobacterium tuberculosis (32 mg/L), för vilken CYK idag används som behandling.  För CZA låg medianen för P. aeruginosa-stammarnas MIC-värden vid 8 mg/L (<1 - ≥8 mg/L), och 40% (2/5) av de karbapenemasproducerande isolaten var känsliga enligt kliniska brytpunkter (S≤8 mg/L). Sammanfattningsvis visar studien att CYK har MIC-värden mot non-ESBL- och ESBL-producerande E. coli i nivå med andra patogener där preparatet används. Studien visar också att CZA kan ha effekt mot isolat med nedsatt känslighet mot meropenem eller ESBLCARBA-producerande isolat av P. aeruginosa, men isolaten måste resistensbestämmas innan behandling sätts in. / Multiresistant gramnegative bacteria (MRGN) like Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, constitute a global health issue. Due to the resistance development among bacteria, new options for treatment are needed. Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase (ESBL) is common among MRGN, and there are different types of ESBLs (as ESBLA and ESBLCARBA). The increasing lack of treatment alternatives is mutual for the different ESBLs. The purpose of this study was to examine cycloserine and ceftazidime with the β-lactamase-inhibitor avibactam, two potentially new options for treatments effective against MRGN. To examine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for cycloserine (CYK) against E. coli (n=26) a in-house broth microdilution-method was used. Using two commercial broth microdilution-methods, isolates of P. aeruginosa with and without carbapenemaseproduction (n=23) were examined regarding MIC for ceftazidime/avibactam (CZA).  Regarding CYK, the median MIC-value of the E. coli-strains was 32 mg/L (16 - 64 mg/L), which is around the epidemiological cut-off-value (32 mg/L) for Mycobacterium tuberculosisfor which CYK is being used as treatment. The median of the MIC-values for CZA was 8 mg/L (<1 - ≥8 mg/L) for all P. aeruginosa-strains and 40% (2/5) of the carbapenemaseproducing isolates were sensitive according to the clinical breakpoint (S≤8 mg/L). In summary, this study shows that CYK has MIC-values against non-ESBL- and ESBL-producing E. coli at the same level as other pathogens where CYK is being used. Further, CZA may have effect against the isolates with reduced susceptibility against meropenem and ESBLCARBA-producing P. aeruginosa, although the isolates need to be susceptibility-determined before treatment.

Vad är känt om Zikavirusets spridning, dess kliniska bild, patogenes, morfologi, diagnostik samt behandling?

Frejd, Rebecka January 2017 (has links)
Zikaviruset är ett virus som fått stor uppmärksamhet i framför allt Sydamerika från 2015 och framåt då allt fler fall uppmärksammats. Detta arbete har utförts som en litteraturstudie med mål att sammanfatta kunskapsläget kring Zikavirusets morfologi, spridning, historia, komplikationer, diagnostik samt rådande behandlingsmöjligheter. Som källor används information från Folkhälsomyndigheten, CDC, PAHO och WHO samt MeSH-sökningar via PubMed. Viruset tillhör familjen Flaviviridae. Liknande andra virus i samma grupp kan infektionen ge feber, makulopapulösa hudutslag, konjunktivit, ledvärk, huvudvärk och myalgi. Det beskrevs först redan på slutet av 1940-talet i Afrika och har sedan rapporterats ha spridit sig till Asien, Oceanien, Stilla havsöarna och nu senast med utbrott i Sydamerika. Virusinfektionen har blivit mycket omdiskuterad då allt mer bevis kunnat läggas fram för att den kan leda till Guillain-Barrés syndrom samt även utöva teratogena effekter med mikrocefali som följd. Man har kartlagt spridning framför allt via myggarten Aedes men bevis finns även för att sexuell spridning kan ske samt att sjukdomen förefaller även kunna spridas från mor till foster. Diagnostiken baseras på RT-PCR och serologiska tester. I nuläget finns ingen aktiv behandling. Sammanfattningsvis har Zikavirus spridit sig snabbt genom Syd- och latinamerika sista åren och visat sig utgöra ett hot mot folkhälsan i dessa områden varför ett framtagande av ett fungerande vaccin är önskvärt.

Tbc, ett globalt hot : Sjuksköterskans arbete för att främja följsamhet och minska resistensutveckling av mykobakterium tuberkulosis / TB, a global threat : Nurse´s work to promote compliance and reduce resistance development by mycobacterium tuberculosis

Hellström, Sandra, Nyberg, Frida January 2010 (has links)
Tuberkulos (tbc) är en luftburen droppsmitta orsakad av mykobakterium tuberkulosis. Tbc är den sjukdom som efter AIDS orsakar flest dödsfall, trots att botande behandling finns. Behandlingen är krävande för den tbc-smittade att genomgå och bygger på en kombination av en rad antibiotika som måste intas under minst sex månader. Ett avvikande i behandlingen kan resultera i att mykobakterium tuberkulosis blir resistent mot de ordinerade antibiotika. Följsamhet av långtidsbehandlingar som tbc-behandling graderas till 50 %. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att ur ett globalt perspektiv beskriva hur sjuksköterskan kan påverka följsamhet vid tbc-behandling i syfte att minska resistensutvecklingen av mykobakterium tuberkulosis. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie där 12 vetenskapliga artiklar granskades och analyserades. Resultatet visar tydligt att specifika faktorer påverkar följsamhet och därigenom resistensutvecklingen. Faktorerna innefattar patientundervisning, behandlingsstrategier, omgivningens påverkan och stöd.  Undervisningen resulterar i att patienten får ökad förståelse för behandlingen. För att minska stigmatiseringen och det lidande den innebär för den tbc-smittade är även omgivningen i behov av ökad kunskap och information om tbc. Ett flertal studier visar att DOTS-strategin är betydelsefull för ökad följsamhet vid antituberkulos behandling. Litteraturstudien medför ett förslag om att sjuksköterskeprogrammet ska öka fokuseringen på följsamhet vid läkemedelsanvändning. Sjuksköterskan är i behov av att redan under grundutbildningen få kunskap om ansvarsfull antibiotikahantering som leder till en följsamhetsomtanke. / Tuberculosis (TB) is an airborne droplet infection caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. TB is the disease after AIDS that is most deadly, even though curative treatment exists. The treatment is demanding for the TB-infected to undergo and consists of a combination of a number of antibiotics that must be administered for at least six months. A dissenting in anti-tuberculosis treatment might result in mycobacterium tuberculosis strains that are resistant to antibiotics. As adherence to long-term treatment is graded at a low percentage (50 %) the aim of the literature study was from a global perspective to develop a working-strategy for nurses that promote compliance in TB-treatment in order to reduce resistance development of mycobacterium tuberculosis. The study was conducted as a literature study where 12 research articles were reviewed and analyzed. The results describe specific factors that are essential to compliance. These factors comprise patient education, treatment strategies, social influences and support. As knowledge gives the patient a better understanding for the treatment it provokes compliance. The social environment of the TB-infected patient demands increased knowledge in order to reduce stigma. Several studies show that the DOTS strategy is important for increasing compliance in anti-tuberculosis treatment. The literature study results in a proposal for the nursing program to focus more on compliance in taking medication. The nursing program’s attendants need to gain knowledge about prudent antibiotic treatment that leads to a compliance concern.

Gårdsbaserad biogas på Nya Skottorp : utvärdering och optimering av anläggningen och uppgradering av biogasen

Kalén, Jonas, Åkerlund, Nathan January 2013 (has links)
Biogas is an expanding sector within the broad field of agriculture and animal production. Small-scale biogas offers local combined power and heating production and the substrate is transformed into high-quality biological fertilizer. This bachelor thesis focuses on a pig farm in south-western Sweden, where biogas is produced from pig manure, evaluates and suggests ways of optimizing the process and investigates whether investing in an upgrading plant would be a feasible and more cost-efficient option. The results show that the biogas plant is working well, although the production differs from the original plans. This shows in turn that planning and examining the basic conditions before making the investment is of great importance, as well as monitoring and keeping detailed statistics of the running process. Logistical factors make optimizing the process through additional substrates difficult. The thesis shows that investing in a Biosling upgrading plant would be a profitable option, supposing that the upgraded gas is sold via the natural gas infrastructure. Furthermore, many farmers are interested in producing their own fuel for tractors and other machines, which offers more future alternatives for the upgraded biogas. However, biogas producers in Sweden today are not offered any particular subsidies, which makes it especially hard for small-scale producers.

Development of cell culture assays for identification of potential Zika virus inhibitors

Radic, Vesna January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Amino acid naphthylamidase isozymes in human cells grown in vitro : Hormonal regulation and isozyme differentiation in cancer cells and normal cells

Lundgren, Erik January 1972 (has links)
The elucidation of regulatory mechanisms in higher organisms represents a front line problem in biochemical genetics. In Man the only material available for experimental studies of regulatory mechanisms is cells cultured in vitro. Enzymes which are differentiated into isozymes may have a complexgenetic background involving the action of more than one gene locus. The study of isozyme systems in cultured cells has developed into a valuable tool of increasing importance for the understanding of the genetic regulatorymechanisms in normal cells as well as in cancer cells. The purposes of this investigation were: 1. to elucidate the isozyme differentiation of amino acid naphthylamidasein cultured human cancer cells and normal cells. 2. to study the regulatory effects of steroid hormones especially hydrocortisoneon the levels of the different isozymes. / digitalisering@umu.se

Expression of the Majastridin-like protein from Streptococcus pneumonia for crystallization and antibody production

Persson, Josefin January 2009 (has links)
The F1 part of F0F1-ATP synthase in the proteobacterium Rhodobacter blasticus contains five different proteins, but when the DNA was sequenced a sixth gene was found in the operon. The protein that corresponds to the sixth gene has been named Majastridin. When an amino acid BLAST search is performed with the Majastridin sequence, protein sequences have been found that are similar to Majastridin in other bacterial strains, and one of them is Streptococcus pneumonia. The hypothetical protein from Streptococcus pneumonia contains 242 amino acids and has a molecular weight around 30 kDa.   In this work the Majastridin-like protein from Streptococcus pneumonia was expressed in E. coli cells and purified with nickel affinity chromatography and size exclusion chromatography. The result was verified with SDS-PAGE and western blot. The purified protein was then crystallized with the hanging drop method, where crystals were formed and optimization was made. The protein was also used to produce antibodies.

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