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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Variabilidade genética de Tetragonisca angustula (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponini) de meliponários / Genetic variability of Tetragonisca angustula (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponini) from meliponaries

Leandro Rodrigues Santiago 10 May 2013 (has links)
Grande parte da flora tropical brasileira é polinizada por abelhas, com destaque àquelas pertencentes à tribo Meliponini (abelhas sem ferrão). A espécie Tetragonisca angustula, conhecida popularmente como jataí, tem sido o alvo principal dos meliponicultores dada a sua abundância, fácil manejo, docilidade e pureza do mel. Contudo as práticas de divisão de ninho nos meliponários podem aumentar a estruturação genética e o isolamento populacional, assim como o endocruzamento. Isso causa a diminuição da heterozigose populacional e da variabilidade genética. Populações naturais desta espécie já foram estudadas, contudo a variabilidade genética de amostras de meliponários ainda não foi avaliada. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a variabilidade genética de Tetragonisca angustula provenientes de nove meliponários, fazendo uma correlação dessa variabilidade com as práticas de meliponicultura. O acesso a variabilidade genética foi realizado por meio da análise de nove lócus de microssatélites e o sequenciamento parcial de dois genes mitocondriais. Um total de 430 indivíduos (um por ninho) foram amostrados em: Pedreira (PED), Amparo (AMP), ambos em São Paulo; Marechal Cândido Rondon (MCR1 e MCR2), São Miguel do Iguaçu (SMI), Santa Helena (SHE1 e SHE2), Entre Rios do Oeste (ERO) e Curitiba (CUR), todos no Paraná. Cem indivíduos (SSB e PNI) coletados na natureza foram usados como controle da variabilidade genética. Os resultados mostraram alta diferenciação genética entre as amostras do Paraná e São Paulo, mas baixa se comparadas \"intra-estado\". Para o DNA mitocondrial (DNAmt) as amostras controle se mostraram diferenciadas em relação aos meliponários. A variabilidade genética nuclear foi alta e a mitocondrial foi baixa para a maioria dos meliponários. Não houve evidências de endocruzamento nos meliponários. A alta variabilidade genética nuclear, ausência de endocruzamento e a baixa diferenciação populacional são explicadas por fluxo gênico através de machos. A moderada diversidade genética mitocondrial em PED e AMP pode ser devido a ausência de práticas de meliponicultura. Em CUR esse mesmo resultado pode ser explicado pelo transporte artificial de colônias para esse meliponário. Para o restante dos meliponários a baixa variabilidade genética mitocondrial pode ser explicada pela prática de divisão de colônias. Esses resultados são importantes para a meliponicultura, pois indicam que as práticas de divisão de ninhos não afetam a variabilidade genética nuclear. Assim os problemas inerentes a baixa variabilidade genética nuclear e a estruturação populacional como endocruzamento e produção de machos diploides são mínimos ou inexistentes. Para isso sugerimos que a implementação do meliponário deva ser feita o mais próximo da mata e o local deve ficar dentro da distribuição da espécie escolhida para garantir o fluxo gênico através de machos / Most of the Brazilian tropical flora is pollinated by bees, especially by those belonging to the tribe Meliponini (stingless bees). Tetragonisca angustula has been aim of Meliponini beekeepers, especially for its well valued honey and easy keeping and abundance. The practices of nest division in meliponaries can increase the genetic structure and population isolation as well as inbreeding, that leads to a decreasing in population heterozygosity and genetic variability. Natural populations of T. angustula have already been studied nonetheless the genetic variability of Meliponaries samples has not been assessed yet. This project aimed to measure the genetic variability of T. angustula maintained in nine meliponaries, correlated it to Meliponini beekeeping practices. The genetic variability will be assessed by nine microsatellite loci analysis and two partial mitochondrial gene sequencing (COI and CytB). A total of 430 individual (one per nest) were sampled in: Pedreira (PED), Amparo (AMP), both in São Paulo state, Marechal Cândido Rondon (MCR1 and MCR2), São Miguel do Iguaçu (SMI), Santa Helena (SHE1 and SHE2), Entre Rios do Oeste (ERO) and Curitiba (CUR), all in Paraná state. A hundred individuals (SSB and PNI) collected from nature were used for comparison. It was found high population differentiation between Paraná and São Paulo samples, but low by \"intra-state\" comparison. High mitochondrial genetic differentiation was found between control samples and meliponaries. The nuclear genetic variability was high and the mitochondrial was low for most of meliponaries. No inbreeding was detected in meliponaries. The high nuclear genetic variability, absence of inbreeding and low population differentiation can be explained by gene flow through males. The moderated mitochondrial genetic diversity in PED and AMP may be related to absence of the Meliponini beekeeping practices. CUR presented the same result that can be explained by artificial transportation of colonies to this meliponary. The low mitochondrial genetic variability detected on rest of the meliponaries may be related to colony division practices. These results are important for meliponiculture, because indicate that colony division practices do not affect the nuclear genetic variability. Thus the issues related to low nuclear genetic variability and population structure as inbreeding and diploid males production are almost absent. For this, we suggest that the meliponary implementation must be done as closest as possible of the forest and this location must be according to geographic distribution of the chosen species, in order to ensure the gene flow through males

Mitochondrial damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) in inflammatory bowel disease

Boyapati, Ray Kiran January 2018 (has links)
Background The inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD) are chronic relapsing inflammatory disorders which have a rising incidence and cause significant morbidity. There are currently several treatment options with many more in the drug pipeline, but there are a lack of accurate biomarkers for decisions on treatment choice, assessment of disease activity and prognostication. There is a growing interest and desire for personalised or 'precision' medicine in IBD where novel biomarkers may help individualise IBD care in terms of diagnosis, choice of therapy, monitoring of response and detection of relapse. One class of functionally active biomarkers which have yet to be thoroughly investigated in IBD is damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) including mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). It has been recently shown that gut mitochondrial dysfunction can result in loss of epithelial barrier function and the development of colitis. Mitochondrial DAMPs have recently been described as elevated in several inflammatory diseases. Hypothesis The primary hypothesis of this thesis is that circulating levels of mtDNA is elevated in IBD. Secondary hypotheses are: (a) levels of other mitochondrial DAMPs are elevated in IBD, (b) circulating mtDNA can be used as a novel biomarker in IBD and (c) mtDNA is released locally at sites of inflammation in IBD. Methods Plasma and serum were collected prospectively from recruited IBD patients and non-IBD controls. Faeces and colonic tissue were collected from a subset of these patients. mtDNA in serum, plasma and faeces was measured using qPCR (amplifying COXIII/ND2 genes). Mass spectrometry was used to detect mitochondrial formylated peptides in the plasma of a subset of patients. IBD tissue was assessed for (a) mitochondrial damage using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and (b) TLR9 expression, the target for mtDNA. Results 97 patients with IBD (67 UC and 30 CD), and 40 non-IBD controls were recruited. Plasma mtDNA levels were increased in UC and CD (both p < 0.0001) compared to non-IBD controls; with significant correlations with blood (CRP, albumin, white cell count), clinical and endoscopic markers of severity; and disease activity. In active UC, we detected significantly higher circulating mitochondrial formylated peptides and faecal mtDNA levels (vs. non-IBD controls [p < 0.01 and < 0.0001 respectively]) with demonstrable TEM evidence of intestinal mucosal mitochondrial damage. In active IBD, TLR9+ lamina propria inflammatory cells were significantly higher in UC/CD compared to controls (both p < 0.05). Conclusions Taken together, the findings suggest mtDNA is released during active inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease and is a potential novel mechanistic biomarker.

Caracterização populacional de Aedes scapularis (Diptera; Culicidae): aspectos moleculares, morfofuncionais e morfológicos. / Characterization population of Aedes scapularis (Diptera: Culicidae): aspect molecular, morphological and morphometric.

Devicari, Mariana 15 December 2010 (has links)
A espécie Aedes scapularis é um dos culicídeos de grande importância médica. Está distribuída nas Américas e tem grande competência vetora para diversos arbovírus. No estado de São Paulo, há ocorrência de Ae. scapularis em vários municípios, como em Pariquera-Açu e São Paulo. O objetivo desse trabalho foi testar se há diferenciação genética - morfológica entre essas populações, podendo diagnosticar existência de espécies crípticas em Aedes scapularis. As populações estudadas foram Pariquera-Açu (PAR), Parque Ecológico do Tietê em São Paulo (PET) e Butantã (BUT). Os parâmetros utilizados foram: Morfometria geométrica da asa (forma e tamanho), estudo do gene mitocondrial COI, análise dos espaçadores internos transcritos ITS2 e análise morfológica de ovos. Com os resultados obtidos, podemos concluir que a divergência populacional é atestada por padrões geográficos de forma alar, gene mitocondrial COI e razão comprimento e largura dos ovos, mas extensões de estudos em outras áreas precisam ser feitos para poder atestar espécies crípticas em Aedes scapularis. / The species Aedes scapularis is a culicidae of medical importance. It is distributed in the Americas and has a high vector competence for many arboviruses. In state of São Paulo, have occurrence of Ae. scapularis in many cities, such as Pariquera-Acu and the city of São Paulo. The aim of this study was to determine differentiation genetic- morphology among these populations, being able to diagnose the existence of cryptic species in Aedes scapularis. The populations studied were Pariquera-Acu (PAR), the Tietê Ecological Park in Sao Paulo (PET) and Butantã (BUT). The parameters used were: wing geometric morphometry (shape and size), study of mitochondrial gene COI, analysis of internal transcribed spacers ITS2 and morphological analysis of eggs. With these results, we conclude that divergence population is attested by the geographical patterns of wing shape, and COI mitochondrial gene length and width ratio of eggs, but extensions of studies in other areas need to be made in order to attest cryptic species in Aedes scapularis.

Dinâmica populacional em populações de abelhas africanizadas (Appis mellifera L.) no nordeste brasileiro / Population dynamics in populations of Africanized honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) in northeastern Brazil.

Moretti, Caroline Julio 02 October 2014 (has links)
Em sua distribuição autóctone, as abelhas Apis mellifera apresentam diversas diferenciações morfológicas, comportamentais e ecológicas, que as possibilitam habitar os mais variados ambientes, apresentando grande diversidade de subespécies adaptadas a cada região. Com a introdução das abelhas africanas Apis mellifera scutellata no Brasil, em 1956, surgiram populações polí-hibridas denominadas Africanizadas, sendo que essas abelhas se tornaram interessantes para várias atividades econômicas e essenciais para a apicultura no Brasil. Um local que se apresenta como um bom candidato para o entendimento da dinâmica populacional das abelhas Africanizadas é o Nordeste brasileiro, que, recentemente, tem apresentado grandes avanços na área da apicultura. A análise do DNA mitocondrial tem se mostrado muito útil por permitir a obtenção de polimorfismos genéticos diretamente do DNA, resultando em um rápido e preciso estudo da variabilidade existente. Evidências morfométricas também têm sido utilizadas para estimar a composição genética destas abelhas. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a variabilidade de abelhas Africanizadas em diferentes localidades do Nordeste brasileiro. Foram coletadas 10 operárias por colônia em várias localidades dentro dos Estados do Rio Grande do Norte, Piauí, Alagoas, Paraíba e Sergipe. Foram feitas análises de DNA Mitocondrial do gene COI e análises do padrão de venação da asa através de Morfometria Tradicional e Geométrica utilizando as localidades e os climas das regiões amostradas como marcadores. Para as análises de morfometria foram utilizadas cinco abelhas por colônia epara a análise molecular, foi utilizada uma abelha por colônia. Foram obtidos fragmentos de 624 pb e identificados 11 diferentes haplótipos, correspondentes a 9 sítios variáveis. Os resultados das análises morfométricas e moleculares quando classificados por localidade corroboram entre si, indicando ausência de estruturação populacional na área amostrada. Essa falta de estruturação populacional provavelmente está relacionada ao alto fluxo gênico entre as populações, que tem como principal fator as altas taxas de enxameação durante os períodos de seca no Nordeste. Outros fatores que provavelmente também estão envolvidos são a apicultura migratória existente na região e, em menor escala, o comercio de compra e venda de rainhas e enxames. Os resultados da análise morfométrica usando como classificador o clima da região amostrada, mostra certa estruturação entre os três climas amostrados (Tropical, Litorâneo Úmido e Semiárido), sugerindo grupos relativamente adaptados a estas condições ambientais, apesar de haver fluxo gênico entre eles. Outra explicação para tal fato pode ser a influência do ambiente na formação das características das asas. / In its native distribution, Apis mellifera exhibit various morphological, behavioral and ecological differences that allow them to inhabit various environments and show great diversity of subspecies adapted to each region. With the introduction of African bees Apis mellifera scutellata to Brazil in 1956, emerged hybrid populations called Africanized honey bees, and, overtime, these bees have become important for various economic activities and essential for beekeeping in Brazil. A good candidate for the understanding of population dynamics on Africanized bees is the Brazilian Northeast, which recently has made great advances in the field of beekeeping. The analysis of mitochondrial DNA has proved to be very useful for allowing obtaining genetic polymorphisms directly from DNA, resulting in a fast and accurate method to studies of variability. Morphometric evidence has also been used to estimate the genetic profile of these bees. In this context, this work aims to evaluate the variability of Africanized bees in different localities of Brazilian Northeast. Ten workers per colony were collected at various locations in the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Piauí, Alagoas, Sergipe and Paraiba. Mitochondrial DNA analysis of the COI gene and analysis of the venation pattern of the wing were made through Traditional and Geometric Morphometrics using as markers the localities and climates of the sampled regions. For the analyzes of morphometry were used five bees per colony and for molecular analysis one bee colony was used. Fragments of 624 bp were obtained and 11 different haplotypes were identified, corresponding to 9 variable sites. The results of morphometric and molecular analyzes by location corroborate each other, indicating the absence of population structuration in the sampled area. This is probably related to high gene flow among populations, whose main factor is probably the high rate of swarming during periods of drought in the Northeast. Other factors are probably also involved are migratory beekeeping existing in the region and, to a lesser extent, the trade of buying and selling queens and swarms. The results of morphometric analysis using classifier as the climate of the survey area, showing some structure between the three sampled climates (Tropical, Coastal Humid and Semiarid), suggesting relatively groups adapted to these environmental conditions, although there is gene flow between them. The influence of the environment in shaping the characteristics of the wings is also a possible explanation.

Estudo do metabolismo energético com base na instabilidade do genoma mitocondrial no melanoma / Energetic metabolism analysis based on the instability of the mitochondrial genome in melanoma

Araujo, Luiza Ferreira de 06 October 2017 (has links)
Estudos recentes relataram oncogenes induzindo a reprogramação metabólica no câncer. Essa reprogramação é fundamental para que as células cancerosas tenham nutrientes e biomoléculas suficiente para manter sua alta taxa proliferativa. A mitocôndria tem um papel central no metabolismo energético da célula e alterações no seu genoma, tanto em relação a mutações como em número de cópias, já foram bastante observados em vários tipos tumorais. Além disso, deficiência no fator de transcrição mitocondrial A (TFAM), fundamental para a transcrição e estabilidade do mtDNA, já foi associada com o crescimento tumoral. Diante disso, nosso estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o papel da instabilidade do genoma mitocondrial no metabolismo energético e crescimento do melanoma. Para isso, nós medimos a instabilidade do mtDNA utilizando como parâmetros: o acúmulo de mutações no mtDNA, alterações no mtDNAcn e a expressão do TFAM. O impacto da instabilidade do mtDNA foi avaliado em três modelos diferentes de melanoma: um modelo in vitro de linhagens celulares, dados de expressão gênica de tumores de melanoma metastático proveniente do TCGA e um modelo murino induzível de melanoma (BrafV600E/Ptennull), adicionado a um background alternativo de deficiência para o TFAM/mtDNAcn. Esse modelo murino também nos permitiu avaliar a deficiência do TFAM limitada a células tumorais (Tfamflox) e tanto em células tumorais, como no seu microambiente (Tfam+/-). Nas análises in vitro, nós observamos correlações positivas entre o mtDNAcn e a expressão do TFAM com a taxa de consumo de glicose e produção de ATP, indicando um impacto desses parâmetros na bioenergética celular. Análises de expressão gênica, utilizando tanto as linhagens de melanoma como tumores de melanoma metastático, nos sugeriram que o TFAM regula genes indutores de angiogênese, a resposta imunológica humoral e vias metabólicas de aminoácidos. Nas análises in vivo, nós observamos um aumento dos tumores em camundongos Tfam+/-, indicando que a deficiência de TFAM/mtDNAcn em células tumorais e no seu microambiente induz a tumorigênese, o que confirma os dados de expressão gênica encontrados com linhagens e tecido de melanoma. Além disso, análises de metabolômica e transcriptômica combinadas nos sugeriram que as células de melanoma com deficiência no TFAM/mtDNAcn são mais dependentes do metabolismo de glutamina. Diante disso, nós concluímos que a deficiência do TFAM/mtDNAcn tem um papel importante no crescimento do melanoma, induzindo a expressão de genes pro-tumorigênicos e aumentando o consumo da glutamina para suprir as necessidades proliferativas das células cancerosas. Esses dados são relevantes e podem nos ajudar a entender melhor o papel da mitocondrial na progressão do melanoma. / Recent studies have shown many oncogenes triggering metabolic reprogramming in cancer. The metabolic switch in cancer cells is necessary to supply the high demand for nutrients and biomolecules for proliferative cells. In this context, mitochondria play a central role in the energetic metabolism of the cell and changes in its genome, such as an increased load of mutations and alterations in mtDNA content, have been reported in several cancers. In addition, deficiency in the Mitochondrial Transcription Factor A (TFAM), responsible for transcription and maintenance of mtDNA stability, was previously associated with tumor growth. Based on that, our goal was to evaluate the impact of the mitochondrial genome instability in the energetic metabolism and melanoma growth. mtDNA instability was inferred measuring mtDNA mutations load and content, as well as TFAM expression. Its impact was evaluated in three different melanoma models: an in vitro model using melanoma cell lines, gene expression data from metastatic melanoma tumors, publicly available at TCGA, and an inducible murine model of melanoma (BRAFV600E/PTENnull), crossed onto different TFAMdeficient backgrounds. The murine model also provides us a tractable model to examine the consequences of mtDNA instability limited to cancer cells (Tfamflox) and in both cancer cells and tumor microenvironment (Tfam+/-). In vitro analysis showed us a positive correlation between mtDNA copy number (mtDNAcn) and TFAM expression with glucose consumption and ATP production, pointing an impact of these parameters in cellular bioenergetics. Further gene expression analysis, using both cell lines and metastatic melanoma data, suggested that TFAM could regulate the expression of angiogenesis genes, humoral immunity and amino acid metabolism. In vivo analysis confirmed the gene expression data, and revealed a higher melanoma growth in Tfam+/-. Also, combined metabolomics and transcriptomics data suggested that TFAM/mtDNAcn deficient melanoma cells rely mostly on glutamine metabolism to supply their energetic requirements. In conclusion, these data indicate that TFAM/mtDNAcn influences melanoma growth by triggering pro-tumorigenic signals and inducing metabolic reprogramming towards glutamine metabolism. These results are relevant and might help us understand how mitochondria affect melanoma progression.

\"Enyalius (Leiosauridae, Squamata): o que os dados moleculares e cromossômicos revelam sobre esse gênero de lagartos endêmico do Brasil\" / Enyalius (Leiosauridae, Squamata): molecular and chromosomal data of this endemic genus of lizards from Brazil

Bertolotto, Carolina Elena Viña 06 November 2006 (has links)
Estudos citogenéticos e moleculares realizados em 116 exemplares de lagartos do gênero Enyalius, provenientes de 58 localidades do Brasil, revelam grande variação cariotípica (2n=36 a 2n=46) e significativa diversidade de espécies. Segundo a última grande revisão, o gênero Enyalius estaria composto por seis espécies, duas delas politípicas: E. bilineatus, E. brasiliensis (E. b. boulengeri e E. b. brasiliensis), E. catenatus (E. c. catenatus, E. c. bibroni e E. c. pictus), E. iheringii, E. leechii e E. perditus. A partir de reconstruções filogenéticas utilizando seqüências combinadas de regiões parciais dos genes mitocondriais cyt b, ND4 e16S e do gene nuclear c-mos, com os métodos de máxima parcimônia, máxima verossimilhança e inferência bayesiana, é proposta uma hipótese filogenética para o gênero. Dois grandes clados são observados: clado 1 composto pelas espécies E. brasiliensis, E. iheringii e E. perditus e o clado 2 formado por E. bibroni, E. bilineatus, E. catenatus, E. leechii, E. pictus e três novas espécies. Delimitando geograficamente a ocorrência desses 2 clados está o Rio Doce: ao sul deste está o clado 1 e ao norte, o clado 2. Os rios Jequitinhonha e o Rio São Francisco também delimitam a ocorrência das espécies E. pictus e E. catenatus, respectivamente. De acordo com essa filogenia molecular, associada a dados morfológicos, o gênero Enyalius está composto de, pelo menos, 11 espécies, considerando as subespécies de E. catenatus como espécies válidas e as populações de Mucugê (BA), Serra da Jibóia (BA) e Ibateguara e São José da Laje (AL) como três espécies novas. Resultados cariotípicos inéditos são apresentados para duas espécies deste gênero: E. pictus (2n=36, 12M+24m) e a espécie nova de Mucugê (BA), com o surpreendente número diplóide 2n=46, 22M+24m. Este cariótipo é muito distinto da maioria das espécies de Enyalius, sendo composto por 22 macrocromossomos acrocêntricos e 24 microcromossomos. / Cytogenetic and molecular studies were performed in 116 lizard of the genus Enyalius, from 58 localities of Brasil. A large karyotype variability with diploid number ranging from 2n=36 to 2n=46 and a conspicuous diversity of species were detected. Based on the last major revision on the genus, six species, two of the them with subspecies, were recognized: E. bilineatus, E. brasiliensis (E. b. boulengeri and E. b. brasiliensis), E. catenatus (E. c. catenatus, E. c. bibroni and E. c. pictus), E. iheringii, E. leechii and E. perditus. Here, a molecular phylogeny was reconstructed for the genus using mitochondrial (cytochrome b, ND4 and 16S) and nuclear (c-mos) DNA sequences. Maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood criteria, as well as Bayesian analyses, were carried out on separate and combined sequences. According to this hypothesis, the species of Enyalius are grouped into two major clades: clade 1 assembling E. brasiliensis, E. iheringii and E. perditus, and clade 2 that includes E. bibroni, E. bilineatus, E. catenatus, E. leechii, E. pictus and three new species. The geographical distribution of these two clades coincides with the limits of Rio Doce at south (clade 1) and north (clade 2). The Jequitinhonha and São francisco rivers also delimit the occurrence of E. pictus and E. catenatus respectively. Based on our phylogenetic hypothesis and morphological data, we propose that the genus Enyalius is actually comprised of, at least, 11 species. Chromosomal results for two species are here described for the first time: E. pictus (2n=36, 12M+24m) and a new species from Mucugê (BA) that present a surprising diploid number 2n=46, 22M+24m. This karyotype with 2n=46 formed by 22 acrocentric macrochromosomes is very distinct from those found in most species of the genus.


Yonutas, Heather M. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Mitochondrial dysfunction is a phenomenon observed in models of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Loss of mitochondrial bioenergetics can result in diminished cellular homeostasis leading to cellular dysfunction and possible cellular death. Consequently, the resultant tissue damage can manifest as functional deficits and/or disease states. Therapeutic strategies to target this mitochondrial dysfunction have been investigated for models TBI and have shown promising effects. For this project, we tested the hypothesis that mitoNEET, a novel mitochondrial membrane protein, is a target for pioglitazone mediated neuroprotection. To test this, we used a severe Controlled Cortical Impact (CCI) injury model in mitoNEET null and wild-type mice. We then dosed these animals with pioglitazone or NL-1, which is a compound that has a similar structure to pioglitazone allowing us to hone in one the importance of mitoNEET binding. Wild-type animals treated with the mitoNEET ligands, both pioglitazone and NL-1, had improved mitochondrial function, tissue sparing and functional recovery, compared to mitoNEET null animals. In addition to this specific hypothesis tested, our experiments provided insight casting doubt on the central dogma that mitochondrial dysfunction following TBI is the result of vast oxidative damage and consequential irreversible mitochondrial loss. The data from these studies show that when mitoNEET is targeted with pioglitazone at 12 hours’ post-injury, mitochondrial dysfunction can be reversed. Additionally, when bypassing proteins upstream of Complex I with an alternative biofuel, such as beta-hydroxybuterate (BHB), TBI related mitochondrial dysfunction is once again reversed. This leads to novel hypothesis for future work which posits mitoNEET as a redox sensitive switch; when mitoNEET senses changes in redox, as seen in TBI, it inhibits mitochondrial respiration. When targeted with an agonist/ligand or bypassed with a biofuel TBI mitochondrial dysfunction can be reversed. These studies support the role of mitoNEET in the neuropathological sequelae of brain injury, supporting mitoNEET as a crucial target for pioglitazone mediated neuroprotection following TBI. Lastly, these studies propose a mechanism of TBI related mitochondrial dysfunction which can reversed with pharmacological agents.


Schnell, David M. 01 January 2018 (has links)
Vitamin D has been connected with increased intramyocellular lipid (IMCL) mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle. It is also shown to prevent lipotoxicity in several tissues, but this has not yet been examined in skeletal muscle. Perilipin 2 (PLIN2), a lipid droplet protein upregulated with vitamin D treatment, is integral to managing IMCL capacity and lipid oxidation in skeletal muscle. Increased lipid storage and oxidation is associated with increased tolerance to a hyperlipidic environment and resistance to lipotoxicity. Therefore, I hypothesized that vitamin D increases β-oxidation and lipid turnover though a PLIN2 mediated mechanism, thereby preventing lipotoxicity. This hypothesis was divided into two specific aims: 1) Characterize the effect of vitamin D and PLIN2 on lipid turnover and β-oxidation in mature myotubes, and 2) Determine the role of vitamin D and PLIN2 in regulating key markers of lipotoxicity. To address these aims, cells were treated with or without vitamin D, palmitate, and PLIN2 siRNA in an eight group, 2x2x2 design. Key experiments included quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction for markers of lipid accumulation, lipolysis, and lipotoxicity; Seahorse oxygen consumption assay; 14C-palmitate oxidation assay; and analyses of lipid accumulation and profile. Failure of the palmitate treatment to produce a reliable model for lipotoxicity resulted in negative data for Aim 2 of this dissertation and a focus on vitamin D and PLIN2 knockdown treatments as a four group, 2x2 model. Aim 1 showed that vitamin D reliably increases markers of lipolysis and lipid accumulation. Most of these markers were in turn decreased after PLIN2 knockdown, and DGAT2 exhibited an interaction effect between the two treatments. Contrary to our hypothesis and some published research, PLIN2 knockdown did not prevent lipid accumulation. Vitamin D increased oxygen consumption, especially consumption driven by mitochondrial complex II. PLIN2 knockdown decreased oxygen consumption and demonstrated an interaction effect specific to mitochondrial complex II. Data in this dissertation show that vitamin D increases mitochondrial function, and these effects are at least in part accomplished through a PLIN2 mediated mechanism. However, this work lacks the data required to make specific claims regarding β-oxidation and lipid turnover. This research is some of the first to show that PLIN2 knockdown carries negative impacts for skeletal muscle mitochondria and makes valuable contributions to general knowledge of how vitamin D and lipid storage impact muscle health and function. This ultimately provides additional evidence to advocate for vitamin D supplementation as a means of improving musculoskeletal health and function. Future research should investigate how vitamin D and PLIN2 impact markers of lipotoxicity in skeletal muscle.

Implication de CLUH dans la distribution des mitochondries et le métabolisme cellulaire / Deciphering CLUH function in mitochondrial distribution and cell metabolism

Wakim, Jamal 07 July 2017 (has links)
La dynamique et la distribution mitochondriale sont essentielles pour l’homéostasie énergétique cellulaire. CLUH est une protéine indispensable à la distribution mitochondriale, dont la déplétion provoque une agrégation mitochondriale périnucléaire. Afin de comprendre le rôle de CLUH dans le métabolisme cellulaire, nous avons généré des cellules knockout CLUH par la méthode CRISPR-cas9. Nos résultats montrent que l’agrégation mitochondriale est associée à la diminution de la taille cellulaire et à la réduction quantitative des complexes de la chaîne respiratoire, menant ainsi à des défauts de la phosphorylation oxydative. Cette déficience énergétique est due à la perturbation de la traduction mitochondriale, et provoque un shift métabolique vers la glycolyse. Le profil métabolique des cellules KO montre un dysfonctionnement du cycle de Krebs et une altération de l’oxydation des acides gras. Dans ce sens, nous avons déterminé une fonction cruciale de CLUH dans le couplage de la distribution mitochondriale au contrôle de l’état cellulaire énergétique et métabolique. Pour approfondir l’analyse de la fonction de CLUH, nous avons effectué une étude de prédiction des domaines fonctionnels in silico, et avons identifié cinq domaines évolutivement conservés au sein de la séquence primaire de CLUH. De plus, nous démontrons que CLUH oligomérise en tétramères et en octomères, qui sont déstabilisés par l’expression ectopique de formes tronquées de CLUH dépourvues des domaines Clu-Nou TPR, par un effet dominant négatif. En résumé, nos résultats montrent l’importance de CLUH dans le maintien de l’homéostasie métabolique cellulaire, et une régulation potentielle de ses fonctions par oligomérisation. / Mitochondrial dynamics and distribution are critical insupplying ATP in response to energy demands. CLUHis a highly conserved protein involved in mitochondrial distribution, whose dysfunction leads to mitochondrial clustering around the nucleus. To gain insight into the role of CLUH in cellular metabolism, we generated CLUH knockout cells using CRISPR/Cas9. We show that mitochondrial clustering is associated with a smaller cell size and with decreased abundance of respiratory complexes, resulting in OXPHOS defects. This energetic impairment was found to be due to the alteration of mitochondrial translation, leading to a metabolic shift towards glucose dependency. Metabolomic profiling by mass spectrometry disclosed a dysfunctional Krebs cycle and an alteration of fatty acidoxidation. Thus, we established a clear function of CLUH in coupling mitochondrial distribution to the control of cellular energetic and metabolic status. To further analyze CLUH function, we performed in silico the prediction of the functional domains of this protein, disclosing 5 evolutionary conserved domains within the CLUH primary sequence. We reveal an oligomerization of CLUH into tetramers and octamers, and show a dominant negative effect associated to the expression of CLUH truncated forms missing Clu-N or TPR domains. Taken together, our studies reveal the importance of CLUH in maintaining cellular metabolism homeostasis and the potential regulation of its function through oligomerization.

Efeitos do laser de baixa potência de emissão infravermelha (&lambda;=780nm) em células de melanoma murino e humano / Effects of near infrared laser (&lambda; = 780nm) on murine and human melanoma cells

Contatori, Carolina Gouvêa de Souza 17 June 2019 (has links)
O câncer de pele pode ser do tipo melanoma ou não melanoma, sendo comum em pessoas acima de 40 anos, de pele clara ou com doenças cutâneas prévias. A incidência do melanoma é baixa, porém, é considerado o mais agressivo e mortal devido ao seu alto poder metastático. A cirurgia ainda é a forma de tratamento mais empregada para a doença, sendo muito invasiva e, portanto, terapias coadjuvantes estão sendo empregadas a fim de melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes, como o laser de baixa potência (LBP). Sabe-se que o LBP pode desencadear efeito bioestimulatório em culturas celulares crescidas sob déficit nutricional, porém em linhagens tumorais sua ação é controversa. Dessa forma, o objetivo desse estudo consiste em investigar os efeitos inibitórios do LBP no comportamento de células de melanoma murino B16F10 e humano SKMEL 37 utilizando um laser de emissão infravermelha (&lambda; = 780 nm) com diferentes densidades de energia. Foram adotados 4 grupos experimentais: G0 (grupo controle), G30 (30 J.cm-2), G90 (90 J.cm-2) e G150 (150 J.cm-2) a fim de verificar a viabilidade celular, através do ensaio de MTT e vermelho neutro; o comportamento de invasão celular, obtido através do ensaio de invasão transwell; e o papel do LBP na expressão do fator de crescimento endotelial vascular (VEGF), verificado através do ensaio imunoenzimático ELISA. Os resultados mostraram que a densidade de energia de 30 J.cm-2 estimulou o comportamento de invasão da linhagem celular B16F10. Por outro lado, o LBP não exerceu influência na expressão do fator de crescimento endotelial vascular, na viabilidade celular, e na atividade mitocondrial de ambas as linhagens celulares, em nenhuma das densidades de energia utilizadas, em comparação ao controle. / Skin cancer can be melanoma or non-melanoma type, being usual in people over 40 years of age, caucasian and with previous skin diseases. Its incidence is low, however, it is considered the most aggressive and fatal due to its great capacity of metastasis. Surgery is the most commonly treatment, nonetheless is highly invasive and therefore coadjuvant therapies, such as low level light (LLL) are being employed to improve patients quality of life. It is known that LLL has a biostimulatory effect in cell cultures growing in nutritional deficit, however in tumor cell lines its effects remain controversial. Thus, the aim of this study is to evaluate the inhibitory effect of LLL on the behavior of murine and human melanoma cells using an infrared LLL (&lambda; = 780nm) delivering different energy densities. For this purpose, four experimental groups were designed: G0 (control group), G30 (30J/cm2), G90 (90J/cm2), G150 (150J/cm2) to verify cell viability by MTT and neutral red assay; the cell invasion behavior, obtained through the transwell invasion assays; and the role of LLL in the vascular endothelial growth factor expression, as verified by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The results showed that the lowest energy density stimulated the invasion behavior of B16F10 cells. On the other hand, LLL had no influence in the vascular endothelial growth factor expression, cell viability or in the metabolic activity of both cell lines in any energy density used when compared to control group.

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