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Nonparametric Test for Nondecreasing Order Alternatives in Randomized Complete Block and Balanced Incomplete Block Mixed DesignOsafo, Mamfe January 2020 (has links)
Nonparametric tests are used to test hypotheses when the data at hand violate one or more of the assumptions for parametric tests procedures. The test is an ordered alternative (nondecreasing) when there is prior information about the data. It assumes that the underlying distributions are of the same type and therefore differ in location. For example, in dose-response studies, animals are assigned to k groups corresponding to k doses of an experimental drug. The effect of the drug on the animals is likely to increase or decrease with increasing doses. In this case, the ordered alternative is appropriate for the study.
In this paper, we propose eight new nonparametric tests useful for testing against nondecreasing order alternatives for a mixed design involving randomized complete block and balanced incomplete block design. These tests involve various modifications of the Jonckheere-Terpstra test (Jonckheere(1952), Terpstra(1954)) and Alvo and Cabilio’s test (1995). Three, four and five treatments were considered with different location parameters under different scenarios.
For three and four treatments, 6,12, and 18 blocks were used for the simulation, while 10, 20, and 30 blocks were used for five treatments. Different tests performed best under different block combinations, but overall the standardized last for Alvo outperformed the other test when the number of treatments and number of missing observations per block increases.
A simulation study was conducted comparing the powers of the various modification of Jonckheere-Terpstra (Jonckheere(1952), Terpstra(1954)) and Alvo and Cabilio’s (1995) tests under different scenarios. Recommendations are made.
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Women in non-traditional versus traditional occupations : social comparison, job satisfaction and career successWoods, Debra Michelle 03 August 2006
This research investigated the relationships between reference group choice and job satisfaction, and explored womens definitions of career success. Women working in traditional and non-traditional occupations (N = 52) in a mid-sized university in Western Canada participated in personal interviews. The results revealed that significantly more women compared themselves to others when assessing their job satisfaction than those who did not. No significant differences emerged when comparing levels of satisfaction of women in non-traditional occupations with male reference groups and women in traditional occupations with female reference groups. Similarly, no significant differences in levels of satisfaction emerged between women in non-traditional occupations with female reference groups and women in traditional occupations with female reference groups. However, low power may have accounted for the non-significant findings. Other factors, such as job characteristics, that may be influencing levels of job satisfaction are discussed. Content analysis of womens definitions of career success suggested that women in each type of occupations used similar subjective criteria when defining career success, with the two most frequent coded criteria being happy with work and achieving their goals. Organizational implications of the findings are discussed, including possible factors influencing womens levels of satisfaction, and the development of reward systems reflective of the interests of all employees. Future directions for research are proposed, such as continued investigation of the concept of similar comparison others for women, and womens perceptions of the importance of social comparisons in assessing levels of job satisfaction.
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Women in non-traditional versus traditional occupations : social comparison, job satisfaction and career successWoods, Debra Michelle 03 August 2006 (has links)
This research investigated the relationships between reference group choice and job satisfaction, and explored womens definitions of career success. Women working in traditional and non-traditional occupations (N = 52) in a mid-sized university in Western Canada participated in personal interviews. The results revealed that significantly more women compared themselves to others when assessing their job satisfaction than those who did not. No significant differences emerged when comparing levels of satisfaction of women in non-traditional occupations with male reference groups and women in traditional occupations with female reference groups. Similarly, no significant differences in levels of satisfaction emerged between women in non-traditional occupations with female reference groups and women in traditional occupations with female reference groups. However, low power may have accounted for the non-significant findings. Other factors, such as job characteristics, that may be influencing levels of job satisfaction are discussed. Content analysis of womens definitions of career success suggested that women in each type of occupations used similar subjective criteria when defining career success, with the two most frequent coded criteria being happy with work and achieving their goals. Organizational implications of the findings are discussed, including possible factors influencing womens levels of satisfaction, and the development of reward systems reflective of the interests of all employees. Future directions for research are proposed, such as continued investigation of the concept of similar comparison others for women, and womens perceptions of the importance of social comparisons in assessing levels of job satisfaction.
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Occupational adaptation in diverse contexts with focus on persons in vulnerable life situationsJohansson, Ann January 2017 (has links)
Introduction. This present thesis focuses on occupational adaptation in the empirical context of vulnerable populations relative to ageing (Study II, III), disability (Study I, II) and poverty (Study IV) and in a theoretical context (V). Aim. The overall aim was to explore and describe occupational adaptation in diverse contexts with a focus on persons in vulnerable life situations. Methods. The thesis was conducted with a mixed design embracing quantitative and qualitative methods and a literature review. The data collection methods comprised questionnaires (Study I, II, III), individual interviews (Study II, IV), group interviews (Study III) and data base searches (Study V). Altogether 115 persons participated in the studies and 50 articles were included in the literature review. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the interviews (Study I, II, III, IV) and the literature review (Study V). Parametric and non-parametric statistics were applied when analysing the quantitative data (Study II, III). Results: Women in St Petersburg, Russia, who have had a minor stroke reported more dependence in everyday occupations than the stroke symptoms indicated and they overemphasized their disability and dysfunction. When the environmental press did not meet their competence, it caused negative adaptive behaviour (Study I). In home rehabilitation for older persons with disabilities, interventions based on the occupational adaptation model was compared with interventions based on well-tried professional experience. The results indicated that the use of the occupational adaptation model increased experienced health and the participants acquired adaptive strategies to manage every day occupations. (Study II). An occupation based health-promoting programme for older community dwelling persons was compared with a control group. The intervention group showed statistically significant improvement in general health variables as vitality and mental health, but there were no statistically significant differences between the groups. A qualitative evaluation, in the intervention group, showed that participation in meaningful, challenging occupations in different environments stimulated the occupational adaptation process (Study III). Occupational adaptation among vulnerable EU citizens begging in Sweden was explored by interviews. The results showed that the participants experienced several occupational challenges when begging abroad. The results show a variety of adaptive responses, but whether they are experienced as positive or negative is a matter of perspective and can only be determined by the participants themselves (Study IV). Finally, the results from a literature review (Study V) showed that research on occupational adaptation was mainly based on Schkade and Schultz’s and Kielhofner’s theoretical approaches. Occupational adaptation was also used without further explanation or theoretical argument (Study V). Conclusion: The surrounding context was shown to play an important role for the participants’ occupational adaptation. There were no general occupational challenges or adaptive responses to the various vulnerable life situations, but some common features in the participant groups’ adaptive responses were found. For example, if the environment put too great demand on the person and social support was lacking, there was a risk of negative adaptation. Moreover, persons with low functional capacity were vulnerable to environmental demands and dependent on a supportive environment for their adaptive response. However, persons living in supportive environments developed adaptive responses by themselves. Further, personal factors needed to be strengthened to meet the demands of the environment. Upholding occupational roles was a driving force in finding ways to adapt and perform occupations. Considering the theoretical context, the occupational adaptation theoretical approaches need to be further developed in relation to negative adaptation and to support use within community-based and health-promotive areas.
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Proposed Nonparametric Tests for the Umbrella Alternative in a Mixed Design for Both Known and Unknown PeakAlsuhabi, Hassan Rashed January 2019 (has links)
In several situations, and among various treatment effects, researchers might test for an umbrella alternative. The need for an umbrella alternative arises in the evaluation of the reaction to drug dosage. For instance, the reaction might increase as the level of drug dosage increases, where after exceeding the optimal dosage a downturn may occur. A test statistic used for the umbrella alternative was proposed by Mack and Wolfe (1981) using a completely randomized design. Moreover, an extension of the Mack-Wolfe test for the randomized complete block design was proposed by Kim and Kim (1992), where the blocking factor was introduced. This thesis proposes two nonparametric test statistics for mixed design data with k treatments when the peak is known and four statistics when the peak is unknown. The data are a mixture of a CRD and an RCBD. A Monte Carlo simulation is conducted to compare the power of the first two proposed tests when the peak is known, and each one of them has been compared to the tests that were proposed by Magel et al. (2010). Also, it is conducted to compare the power of the last four proposed tests when the peak is unknown. In this study, we consider the simulation from exponential, normal and t distributions with 3 degrees of freedom. For every distribution, equal sample sizes for the CRD portion are selected so that the sample size, n, is 6, 10, 16 and 20. The number of blocks for the RCBD are considered to be half, equal and twice the sample size for each treatment. Furthermore, a variety of location parameter configurations are considered for three, four and five populations. The powers were estimated for both cases, known and unknown peak. In both cases, the results of the simulation study show that the proposed tests, in which we use the method of standardized first, generally perform better than those with standardized second. This thesis also shows that adding the distance modification to the Mack-Wolfe and Kim- Kim statistics provides more power to the proposed test statistics more than those without the application of the distance modification.
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Flipped Classroom, det omvända arbetssättet : En studie om hur inställning, lärande och relationer påverkas av en flippad campuskurs / Flipped Classroom, reverse mode of work : A study of how attitude, learning and relationships are influenced by Flipped ClassroomSödergrann, Mirelle, Pettersson, Anne-Sofie January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att mot bakgrund av ökade digitaliseringen i samhället, öka kunskapen om ett alternativt sätt att genomföra en undervisning vid högskole-/universitetsstudier med hjälp av Flipped Classroom. Studien är en totalstudie genomförd med forskningsstrategin explanatory sequential mixed method. Det innebär att studien i första hand använt kvantitativ metod för att komplettera med kvalitativ metod. Av resultatet framgår att det förekommer både för- och nackdelar med Flipped Classroom, vilket påverkar studenternas inställning och upplevelse. Flipped Classroom ger studenterna flexibilitet. Det framgår att e-lärande ger flera individer möjligheten att studera vid högre utbildning. Oavsett kön, ålder eller tidigare erfarenhet påverkas upplevelsen till viss del. Denna studie har genomförts på uppdrag av Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande (IBL) vid Linköpings universitet. Studiens syfte och frågeställningar avgränsas därmed till det pedagogiska projektet Flipped Classroom som genomförs på tredjeårsstudenter i delkursen HRD: Learning, change and development in organizations vid personal- och arbetsvetenskapliga programmet.
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Novel computational methods for stochastic design optimization of high-dimensional complex systemsRen, Xuchun 01 January 2015 (has links)
The primary objective of this study is to develop new computational methods for robust design optimization (RDO) and reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) of high-dimensional, complex engineering systems. Four major research directions, all anchored in polynomial dimensional decomposition (PDD), have been defined to meet the objective. They involve: (1) development of new sensitivity analysis methods for RDO and RBDO; (2) development of novel optimization methods for solving RDO problems; (3) development of novel optimization methods for solving RBDO problems; and (4) development of a novel scheme and formulation to solve stochastic design optimization problems with both distributional and structural design parameters.
The major achievements are as follows. Firstly, three new computational methods were developed for calculating design sensitivities of statistical moments and reliability of high-dimensional complex systems subject to random inputs. The first method represents a novel integration of PDD of a multivariate stochastic response function and score functions, leading to analytical expressions of design sensitivities of the first two moments. The second and third methods, relevant to probability distribution or reliability analysis, exploit two distinct combinations built on PDD: the PDD-SPA method, entailing the saddlepoint approximation (SPA) and score functions; and the PDD-MCS method, utilizing the embedded Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) of the PDD approximation and score functions. For all three methods developed, both the statistical moments or failure probabilities and their design sensitivities are both determined concurrently from a single stochastic analysis or simulation. Secondly, four new methods were developed for RDO of complex engineering systems. The methods involve PDD of a high-dimensional stochastic response for statistical moment analysis, a novel integration of PDD and score functions for calculating the second-moment sensitivities with respect to the design variables, and standard gradient-based optimization algorithms. The methods, depending on how statistical moment and sensitivity analyses are dovetailed with an optimization algorithm, encompass direct, single-step, sequential, and multi-point single-step design processes. Thirdly, two new methods were developed for RBDO of complex engineering systems. The methods involve an adaptive-sparse polynomial dimensional decomposition (AS-PDD) of a high-dimensional stochastic response for reliability analysis, a novel integration of AS-PDD and score functions for calculating the sensitivities of the failure probability with respect to design variables, and standard gradient-based optimization algorithms, resulting in a multi-point, single-step design process. The two methods, depending on how the failure probability and its design sensitivities are evaluated, exploit two distinct combinations built on AS-PDD: the AS-PDD-SPA method, entailing SPA and score functions; and the AS-PDD-MCS method, utilizing the embedded MCS of the AS-PDD approximation and score functions. In addition, a new method, named as the augmented PDD method, was developed for RDO and RBDO subject to mixed design variables, comprising both distributional and structural design variables. The method comprises a new augmented PDD of a high-dimensional stochastic response for statistical moment and reliability analyses; an integration of the augmented PDD, score functions, and finite-difference approximation for calculating the sensitivities of the first two moments and the failure probability with respect to distributional and structural design variables; and standard gradient-based optimization algorithms, leading to a multi-point, single-step design process.
The innovative formulations of statistical moment and reliability analysis, design sensitivity analysis, and optimization algorithms have achieved not only highly accurate but also computationally efficient design solutions. Therefore, these new methods are capable of performing industrial-scale design optimization with numerous design variables.
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L'aplicació de la musicoteràpia en el col·lectiu de les dones maltractades: dos estudis de cas únic i un exemple de retornParra Peñafiel, Clara 23 October 2008 (has links)
L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi doctoral ha estat conèixer l'efecte que pot tenir una intervenció de musicoteràpia en tres dones maltractades, mitjançant tres casos únics (Cas A, B i C), integrats per dues parts cadascun (Estudi 1 i 2). En l'Estudi 1, sobre l'eficàcia de la intervenció en cada cas, s'ha utilitzat el mètode quantitatiu per mesurar les variables autoestima, depressió i assertivitat abans i després del tractament amb qüestionaris estandaritzats (Autoconcepto Forma 5, AF-5, García i Musitu, 2001; Escala de Habilidades Sociales, EHS, Gismero, 2002; i Cuestionario Estructural Tetradimensional para la Depresión, Forma Breve y Escala para el seguimiento CETDE, Alonso-Femández, 1995) i amb fulls de seguiment diaris. En l'Estudi 2, de procés, s'ha utilitzat el mètode qualitatiu de la Grounded Theory (Glaser i Strauss, 1967), amb el qual s'han observat les dimensions sobre el maltractament sorgides de la conversa entre terapeuta i pacient, i la relació entre aquestes dimensions i les tècniques de musicoteràpia utilitzades per a cada cas. També s'ha analitzat el procés portat a terme per les dimensions al llarg del tractament, per a cadascun dels casos. La intervenció la integra un protocol de dotze sessions d'una hora de durada en les quals es va fer ús de diferents tècniques de musicoteràpia. La dona del Cas A, en va rebre 13; la del Cas B, 8 i la del Cas C, tres sessions, després de les quals va retornar al domicili conjugal. Per a l'Estudi 1, els resultats mostren millores en el Cas A, autoestima: 20,24% (qüestionari); 31,11% (full de seguiment); depressió: 41,38% i 10,64%; assertivitat: 11,2% i 21,93%. En el Cas B s'ha observat una millora en la variable depressió: 33,33% (qüestionari, en el seguiment); 3,83% (full de seguiment), però no s'han pogut mesurar els canvis en el post test per a l'autoestima i l'assertivitat. En el Cas C no s'han obtingut mesures en el post test de cap de les tres variables.L'Estudi 2 ha ofert sis dimensions relacionades amb el maltractament, per als tres casos: dimensió corporal, espiritual, metacomunicació relació terapèutica, interpersonal, socio-cultural i emocional/cognitiva i s'ha observat una evolució positiva de les verbalitzacions de les pacients al llarg de las sessions, en els Casos A i B. Per al Cas C s'ha observat cert retrocés en els temestractats, ja que suposa un exemple de retorn al domicili conjugal, després de tres sessions. Quant a les tècniques de musicoteràpia es ressalta, en els tres casos, la relació entre 1'ús de les escenificacions i el sorgiment de la dimensió corporal; 1'ús de la imaginació guiada i el dibuix amb la dimensió espiritual; i l'ús de l'audició amb la dimensió metacomunicació relació terapèutica. Es justifica la tria de les tres variables i l'enfocament de la teràpia en el marc de la Psicologia Humanista i el constructe de la Intel·ligència Emocional i s'exposen les limitacions i els suggeriments de futur d'aquest tipus d'intervenció en el col·lectiu de les dones maltractades. / El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral ha sido conocer el efecto que puede tener una intervención de musicoterapia en tres mujeres maltratadas, mediante tres casos únicos (Caso A, B Y C), integrados por dos partes cada uno (Estudio I y 2). En el Estudio 1, sobre la eficacia de la intervención en cada caso, se ha utilizado el método cuantitativo para medir las variables autoestima, depresión y asertividad antes y después del tratamiento con cuestionarios estandarizados (Autoconcepto Forma 5, AF-5, García y Musitu, 200 1; Escala de Habilidades Sociales, EHS, Gismero, 2002; y Cuestionario Estructural Tetradimensional para la Depresión, Forma Breve y Escala para el seguimiento CET-DE, Alonso-Femández, 1995) y con hojas de seguimiento diarias. En el Estudio 2, de proceso, se ha utilizado el método cualitativo de la Grounded Theory (Glaser y Strauss, 1967), con el que se han observado las dimensiones sobre el maltrato surgidas de la conversación entre terapeuta y paciente, y la relación entre estas dimensiones y las técnicas de musicoterapia utilizadas. También se ha analizado el proceso llevado a cabo por las dimensiones a 10 largo del tratamiento, para cada uno de los casos. La intervención la integra un protocolo de doce sesiones de una hora de duración en las que se utilizaron diferentes técnicas de musicoterapia. La mujer del Caso A, recibió 13 sesiones; la del Caso B, 8 Y la del Caso C, tres, después de las cuales retomó al domicilio conyugal. Para el Estudio 1, los resultados muestran mejoras en el Caso A, autoestima: 20,24% (cuestionario); 31, II% (hoja de seguimiento); depresión: 41,38% y 10,64%; asertividad: 11,2% y 21,93%. En el Caso B se ha observado una mejora en la variable depresión: 33,33% (cuestionario, en el seguimiento); 3,83% (hoja de seguimiento), pero no se han podido medir los cambios en el post test para la autoestima y la asertividad. En el Caso C no se han obtenido medidas en el post test de ninguna de las tres variables. El Estudio 2 ha ofrecido seis dimensiones relacionadas con el maltrato, en los tres casos: dimensión corporal, espiritual, metacomunicación relación terapéutica, interpersonal, socio-cultural y emocional/cognitiva y se ha observado una evolución positiva de las verbalizaciones de las pacientes a 10 largo de las sesiones, en los Casos A y B. Para el Caso C se ha observado cierto retroceso en los temas tratados, ya que supone un ejemplo de retorno al hogar conyugal, después de tres sesiones. En cuanto a las técnicas de musicoterapia se resalta, en los tres casos, la relación entre el uso de las escenificaciones y el surgimiento de la dimensión corporal; el uso de la imaginación guiada y el dibujo con la dimensión espiritual; y el uso de la audición con la dimensión metacomunicación relación terapéutica. Se justifica haber escogido las tres variables y el enfoque de la terapia en el marco de la Psicología Humanista y el constructo de la Inteligencia Emocional y se ofrecen las limitaciones y sugerencias de futuro de este tipo de intervención en el colectivo de las mujeres maltratadas. / The purpose of this doctoral dissertation was to determine the possible effect that a music therapy intervention can have on three battered women, through three case studies (Case A, B, and C). In Study 1, which main purpose was to determine the effect of the intervention for each of the case studies, quantitative methodology was used to measure the variables of self-esteem, depression and assertivity, before and after the treatment through standardized questionnaires (Autoconcepto Forma 5, AF-5, García i Musitu, 2001; Escala de Habilidades Sociales, EHS, Gismero, 2002; and Cuestionario Estructural Tetradimensional para la Depresión, Forma Breve and Escala para el seguimiento CET-DE, Alonso-Fernández, 1995). AIso, observation fonns and diaries were used for daily follow-up. In Study 2, which looked at the process, qualitative methodology was used, specifically the Grounded Theory method (Glaser i Strauss, 1967) which has allowed to observe the dimensions on the maltreatment that carne out from the conversations between therapist-patient, and the relationship between these dimensions and the specific music therapy techniques used. Also, the process followed by de dimensions throughout the treatment, for each of the case studies, was analyzed. The intervention included a total of 12 l-hour sessions in which several music therapy techniques were used. The subject of case study A received a total of 13 sessions; the subject of case study B, 8, and the subject of case study C, 3, after which the subject returned to the intimate partner's home. Results of Study l showed improvements for Case A, self-esteem: 20, 24% (test); 31,11% (observation form); depression: 41,38% and 10,64%; assertivity: 11,2% and 21,93%. For Case B, improvements were observed in the depression variable: 33,33% (test in the follow-up); 3,83% observation form. However, it was not possible to measure changes in the post-test for self-esteem and assertivity. For Case C, no post-test measures were obtained for any of the three variables. Study 2 offered six dimensions related to the maltreatment for the three cases: body, spiritual, metacomunication therapeutic relation, interpersonal, social-cultural and emotional cognitive, and a positive evolution was observed in the patients' verbalizations throughout the sessions, in Cases A and B. In Case C, a certain regression was observed in the aspects treated since it was an example of a return to the intimate partner's home after three sessions. In regards to the music therapy techniques used, it is stressed for the three cases, the relationship between the use of role-playing and the appearance of the body dimension; the use of guided imagery with drawing with the emergence of the spiritual dimension; and the use of music auditions with the dimension of metacomunication therapeutic relation. The choice of the three variables and the focus of the therapy within the Humanistic Psychology paradigm and the construct of Emotional Intelligence is argumented, and the limitations of the study as well as suggestions for future interventions and research studies with this population are stated.
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Sociologický pohled na zdravotnickou záchrannou službu / Sociological insight into the emergency medical serviceKoudela, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
This paper brings critical sociological analysis of contemporary situation on the EMS field in Czech Republic and discovers several topics which seemed to be less emphasized at that time. The result of the study is complex description of the EMT's personality, particular types, the population as a whole, specific relationships between variables and a few problems identified during the survey. Using mixed design research methods, the author deals with the emergency medical services in Czech Republic and it's employees. Based on the narrative data collected in speeches with the EMS staff, the typology of EMT's was created, considering their work attitudes, and a set of hypothesis was created as well. On this basis the continuing quantitative research was designed, verifying the validity of previous findings. The paper offers possible directions, how to continue in forthcoming research.
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Développement, mise à l'essai et évaluation d'une intervention de pratique réflexive avec des infirmières oeuvrant auprès de personnes âgées hospitaliséesDubé, Véronique 03 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche visait à développer, mettre à l’essai et évaluer les effets d’une intervention de pratique réflexive (IPR) avec des infirmières œuvrant auprès d’aînés hospitalisés. Fondée sur la théorie du Human Caring de Watson (1979) et sur le modèle de réflexion structurée de Johns (2006), l’étude a été réalisée au moyen d’un devis mixte. Le développement et la mise à l’essai de l’IPR ont été réalisés au moyen d’une approche qualitative de type recherche-action. L’évaluation de l’intervention a été effectuée à l’aide d’une approche qualitative et d’une approche quantitative de type quasi-expérimental avec groupe de comparaison (GC). Au terme de l’IPR, les infirmières étaient invitées à décrire les retombées perçues de cette intervention, soit les habiletés et les savoirs infirmiers développés suite à une pratique réflexive (PR), ainsi que leur perception de la PR comme moyen d’amélioration de leur pratique professionnelle. De plus, comparativement à un GC, trois hypothèses étaient formulées : les infirmières du groupe expérimental (GE) ayant bénéficié d’une IPR amélioreraient significativement leurs attitudes et leurs connaissances à l’égard des aînés; identifieraient davantage d’interventions infirmières adaptées à la clientèle âgée hospitalisée, et obtiendraient un niveau de réflexion supérieur.
L’étude a été effectuée auprès de 43 infirmières (GE = 22; GC = 21) travaillant dans un centre hospitalier universitaire. L’IPR s’est déroulée sur une période de 22 semaines. Elle comprenait huit ateliers thématiques d’une durée de 75 minutes chacun, dispensés aux trois semaines, combinés à des lectures et à des exercices individuels. L’IPR portait sur trois thèmes centraux du séjour hospitalier des aînés : la médication, la mobilisation et la planification du congé.
Des données qualitatives et quantitatives ont été colligées par le biais de questionnaires ouverts (vignettes, écrit réflexif) et standardisés (Kogan’s Attitudes Toward Old People Scale, Palmore’s Facts on Aging Quiz) pré et post intervention pour les deux groupes. Les infirmières du GE ont également complété un questionnaire sur l’expérience de la PR et certaines d’entre elles ont participé à des groupes de discussion focalisée. Une analyse de contenu thématique, selon l’approche de Miles et Huberman (2003), a été réalisée sur les données qualitatives, alors que des tests de classement de Wilcoxon ont été effectués sur les données quantitatives.
Les résultats soulignent que les infirmières ont développé différentes habiletés nécessaires à une PR telles que l’introspection, l’ouverture aux autres et l’analyse critique. Les participantes reconnaissent que l’IPR leur a notamment permis de développer des savoirs empirique, éthique, esthétique, personnel et émancipatoire. De plus, elles perçoivent que l’IPR est un moyen d’amélioration de la pratique professionnelle puisqu’elle peut, entre autres, contrer la routinisation des soins. Par ailleurs, comparativement au GC, les infirmières du GE ont amélioré significativement leurs attitudes et leurs connaissances à l’égard des aînés. Cependant, aucune différence significative entre le GE et le GC n’a été révélée suite à l’IPR quant au nombre d’interventions adaptées aux situations vécues par les aînés hospitalisés et au niveau de réflexion atteint. Les hypothèses de recherche ont ainsi été partiellement soutenues.
Cette étude démontre le potentiel d’une IPR comme approche de développement professionnel novateur qui valorise l’expérience des infirmières, tout en leur permettant de modifier positivement leurs attitudes à l’égard des aînés et d’ajuster leurs connaissances aux besoins de cette clientèle hautement fragile et vulnérable. / The purpose of this research was to develop, field-test and evaluate the effects of a reflective practice intervention (RPI) with nurses who care for hospitalized elders. Based on the theory of Human Caring put forth by Watson (1979) and on the Model for Structured Reflection developed by Johns (2006), the study used a mixed design. A qualitative action-research approach was used for the development and testing of the RPI. The evaluation of the intervention used a qualitative approach and a quantitative quasi-experimental approach with a comparison group (CG). Upon completion of the RPI, the nurses were invited to identify the benefits of the intervention on their skills and nursing knowledge and on their perception of the RP as a way of improving their professional practice. Three hypotheses were advanced: following this RPI and compared with the CG, nurses in the experimental group (EG) would improve their attitudes and knowledge regarding elders, identify a larger number of nursing interventions adapted to the hospitalized elder clientele, and achieve a higher level of reflection.
The study was carried out with 43 university-hospital nurses (EG = 22; CG = 21). The RPI spanned a 22-week period. It included eight thematic workshops each 75 minutes long, delivered at three-week intervals, combined with reading assignments and individual exercises. The RPI focused on three themes central to elder hospitalization: medication, mobilization, and discharge planning.
Qualitative and quantitative data were collected through questionnaires, both open-ended (vignettes, reflective essays) and standardized (Kogan’s Attitudes Toward Old People Scale, Palmore’s Facts on Aging Quiz), completed pre- and post intervention by both groups. Nurses form the EG also completed a questionnaire on the RP experience and some took part in focus groups. A thematic content analysis was carried out on the qualitative data using the approach proposed by Miles and Huberman (2003), and Wilcoxon rank tests were run on the quantitative data.
Results show that the nurses developed different skills and abilities required for a RP, including introspection, openness to others, and critical analysis. The participants recognized that the RPI allowed them, among other things, to develop empiric, ethical, esthetic, personal and emancipatory knowledge. Moreover, they saw the RPI as a means of improving professional practice, particularly thanks to its potential for countering the routinization of care. Furthermore, compared with their CG counterparts, the EG nurses significantly improved their attitudes and knowledge regarding elders. However, no significant inter-group differences emerged following the RPI in terms of either the number of interventions adapted to situations experienced by hospitalized elders or the level of reflection achieved. Research hypotheses were partly supported.
This study demonstrates the potential of a RPI as an innovative professional development approach that valorizes the experience of nurses while allowing them to change their attitudes towards elders in a positive fashion and to adjust their knowledge according to the needs of this frail and vulnerable clientele. Possible avenues of pursuit are proposed for clinical practice, training, management and research.
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