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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulations of the hydrogen storage capacities of carbon materials

Zhechkov, Lyuben 23 October 2007 (has links)
Many methods have been proposed for efficient storage of molecular hydrogen for fuel cell applications. However, despite intense research efforts, so far, the industrial parameters of 6.5% mass ratio and 62 kg/m3 volume density are still questionable though the results are obtained by either experimentally or via theoretical simulations on reversible model systems. Carbon-based materials, have always been regarded as the most attractive physisorption substrates for the storage of hydrogen. Theoretical and experimental studies on various model carbon systems, however, failed to reach the elusive goal. In this work, it is shown that insufficiently accurate carbon - hydrogen diatomic interaction potentials, together with the neglect and incomplete treatment of the quantum effects in previous theoretical investigations, led to misleading conclusions for the absorption capacities of different carbon materials. A proper account of the contribution of quantum effects to the free energy and the equilibrium constant for hydrogen adsorption suggest that the industry specifications can be approached in a graphite-based physisorption system. The theoretical prediction can be realised by optimising the topology, the cavity shape and the accessible surface of the carbon structures.

The Impact of the Invite-Only Strategy on Initial User Adoption : An Exploratory Investigation of Social Networking Mobile Applications

Schoenberger, Ronja, Seeburger, Stefanie January 2021 (has links)
Background: Social networking mobile applications are designed to socially connect users among each other to consume but also to produce content. Especially because these apps represent a high potential to acquire revenue streams through advertisements, but also to gain customer insights, companies are interested in entering this market by creating new social networking apps. However, switching costs for users are high due to the varied user base of established social networking apps. Accordingly, marketing strategies need to be created to enter the market to target users’ interests. One concept to do so is distributing invitations for the social networking app that can be shared among users. The invite-only strategy has been successfully used to establish themselves in the market by for example Facebook, but also recently with the social networking app Clubhouse. To apply it effectively the motivators of the users to initially adopt invite-only social networking apps are important to understand. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to generate an in-depth understanding of the motivators that foster the initial user adoption of social networking mobile apps based on the invite-only strategy. To investigate the motivators, it is crucial for this study to gain knowledge from the user perspective. In that case, we will contribute our derived knowledge to the theory of technology acceptance, scarcity in digital marketing, and virtual social networking apps. Research Question: Why do users initially adopt social networking mobile applications using an invite-only strategy? Method: Ontology – Relativism; Epistemology – Social Constructionism; Approach –Inductive; Data Collection – 14 Semi-Structured In-Depth Interviews; Sampling –Purposive, Convenience, Snowball; Data Analysis – Grounded Analysis Conclusion: As a result, a framework was derived depicting the main motivators for users to initially adopt invite-only social networking apps. Through our empirical data, we found out that Artificial Scarcity, Closed Network, and Social Influence motivate users to initially adopt invite-only social networking apps. Additionally, Contributing Factors were identified to influence the initial adoption, although they are not directly influenced by the invite-only strategy. The framework further describes the interrelations between the identified sub-categories affecting the initial adoption. We conclude that the main motivators are desire- and fear-driven. The framework can be used by marketers to design invite-only strategies more effectively and consistently to attract a large group of initial users and establish themselves in the market.

Privacy Within Photo-Sharing and Gaming Applications: Motivation and Opportunity and the Decision to Download

Hopkins, Ashley R. 20 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Využití moderních technologií při výuce školní TV / Use of Modern Technologies in Physical Education at Schools

Palička, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
Pavel Palička - Use of Modern Technologies in Physical Education at Schools Abstract Problem: The use of digital technologies in education is one of the possibilities how to support the pupils' motivation. Physical education (PE) offers a variable environment where various types of actual wearable technology (smart phone, tablet etc.) can be used. No integrated overview of possibilities and practical recommendations for the use of available digital technologies (DT) in physical education has been published. There is also lack of research results measuring impact of their use on everyday school practice. Hypothesis: It was hypothesized that pupils who receive innovated experimental education programme using digital technologies will have better relationship to PE and greater intrinsic motivation to exercise. Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify changes in intrinsic motivation and relationship to physical activity in physical education triggered by an experimental DT- involving education programme. Methods: The research was carried out in form of a quasi-experiment conducted in physical education lessons in school years 6-9. The research sample (N=237) consisted of two groups. A group of 119 pupils in experimental lessons was compared with a control group of 118 pupils who went through...

Současné trendy v procesu získávání pracovníků v organizaci. / Current trends in the process of recruiting employees in an organization.

Čálková, Daniela January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of current trends in the process of recruiting employees in the organization. Recruiting employees is an important process for HR professionals and for the entire organization. Recruitment is classified as a personnel activity. First the diploma thesis characterizes personnel activities, especially the process of recruiting staff and the individual steps of the activity. Then the latest trends in the process of recruiting are presented, as the trend in the development of information technology is reflected in recruitment. The current era of digitization and development of information technology brings new conveniences and tools that can be used not only in the actual recruitment, but also in the next steps of recruitment. Attention is also paid mainly to the methods, partial methods and tools that are used in this area for individual methods. Significant attention is focused on building the employer's brand and at the same time personnel marketing. Personnel marketing is an important element for building an employer's brand and is key in the process of recruiting employees. Building an employer's brand is an essential activity for creating a good image and awareness of a potential candidate. Part of the thesis is a description of a research survey, which...

Patientupplevelser av m-hälsa som stöd vid egenvård vid diabetes mellitus typ 2 : en litteraturöversikt / Patient experiences of m-health as support for self-care in diabetes mellitus type 2 : literature review

Hidefjäll, Emilia, Peltoniemi, Emilia January 2023 (has links)
Background Diabetes type 2 is a metabolic disease in which insulin production is either completely absent or too small in relation to the body's needs and/or the body's ability to assimilate the insulin is reduced. Untreated, the disease leads to harmfully high blood sugar levels and subsequent complications such as damage to vital organs and death. The incidence has increased significantly globally during the last thirty years, especially within the group of young adults. Reduced physical activity, overweight and obesity, and increased longevity are the driving factors behind the increased incidence in Sweden. Self-care is an important part of treating the disease and new technological innovations have paved the way for a new type of digital support for patients in their self-care. Aim The aim was to describe patients' experience of self-care with the help of m-health in diabetes type 2. Method The study was done with a non-systematic literature review which included 15 scientific articles from two databases (PubMed and CINAHL). Of the included articles, 13 had a qualitative approach and 2 had a quantitative approach, all of which have undergone a quality review. The result was iterated through integrated data analysis. Results The result generated 3 main themes: perceived enablers for the use of m-health, perceived barriers to the use of m-health, and the experience of interaction and information sharing. The results showed that most participants experienced positive effects from the use such as strengthened self-confidence, increased knowledge, and increased self-care skills. Some of the participants, however, experienced obstacles before use, in the form of prejudices, but also obstacles during use which was identified as a barrier to integrating the application into everyday life. Conclusions The experience of using a mobile application for self-care support largely depends on the individual's personal characteristics, life situation, and possible co-morbidities. The literature review concludes that these insights are important knowledge for the nurse to provide adequate support in self-care to each patient. / Bakgrund Diabetes typ 2 är en metabol sjukdom där insulinproduktionen antingen helt saknas eller är för liten i relation till kroppens behov och/eller att kroppens förmåga att tillgodogöra sig insulinet är nedsatt. Obehandlat leder sjukdomen till skadligt höga blodsockernivåer och följdkomplikationer som skador på vitala organ och dödsfall. Förekomsten har ökat kraftigt globalt under de senaste trettio åren, speciellt inom gruppen unga vuxna. Minskad fysisk aktivitet, övervikt och fetma samt ökad livslängd pekas ut som de drivande faktorerna bakom den ökade förekomsten i Sverige. Egenvård är en viktig del av behandling av sjukdomen och nya tekniska innovationer har banat väg för en ny typ av digitalt stöd för egenvård. Syfte Syftet var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av m-hälsa som stöd för egenvård vid diabetes typ 2. Metod Studien gjordes som en icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt vilken inkluderade 15 vetenskapliga artiklar från 2 databaser (PubMed och CINAHL). Av de inkluderade artiklarna hade 13 av dem kvalitativ ansats och 2 kvantitativ ansats, samtliga har genomgått en kvalitetsgranskning. Resultatet arbetades fram genom en integrerad dataanalys. Resultat Resultatet genererade 3 huvudteman: upplevda möjliggörare för användandet av m-hälsa, upplevda hinder för användandet av m-hälsa och upplevelsen av interaktion och informationsdelande. Resultatet visade att majoriteten av deltagarna upplevde positiva effekter av användandet såsom stärkt självförtroende, ökad kunskap och ökad egenvårdsförmåga. En del av deltagarna upplevde dock hinder inför användandet i form av fördomar, men även hinder under användandet som gav svårigheter att integrera applikationen i vardagen. Slutsats Upplevelsen av användandet beror till stor del på individens personliga egenskaper, livssituation och eventuell samsjuklighet. I litteraturstudien dras slutsatsen att dessa insikter är viktig kunskap för sjuksköterskan för att ge adekvat stöd i egenvården till varje patient.

Digitizing notes using a moving smartphone : Evaluating Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB) / Digitalisering av notiser med en rörlig smartphone : Utvärdering av Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB)

Wieslander, Johan January 2021 (has links)
This thesis investigates the problem of tracking objects for an Augmented Reality (AR) setting. More specifically, the issue of tracking Post-It® notes to be used in a Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) application using the Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB) keypoint extractor and descriptor, is investigated. This problem explores the relatively new and unexplored territory of tracking specific objects in real-time on mobile devices. Since MAR is becoming more prevalent, this is a field that is likely to be explored in more depth in the future. A solution was implemented in an existing note scanning application. Test sequences, with accompanying ground truth, were created for the applicable scenarios. The test sequences were used to reliably verify and evaluate the implementation with regard to precision, recall, accuracy, and speed. The ground truth was generated in a Mixed-Initiative Computing (MIC) application. The results show that tracking using only ORB is not viable if high precision, recall, or accuracy is needed. While tracking via ORB may not be viable as a standalone solution, the thesis describes methods for using it in a MIC setting, which may be viable. / Denna masteruppsats undersöker spårning av objekt för användning i en AR- miljö. Mer specifikt så undersöks spårning av Post-It®-notiser för användning i en MAR applikation med hjälp av ORB. Det här problemet utforskar det relativt nya och outforksade området rörande spårning av specifika objekt i realtid på mobila enheter. Eftersom MAR blir alltmer vanligt förekommande, så kommer det här forskningsområdet troligtvis att utforskas mer ingående i framtiden. En lösning implementeras utöver en existerande applikation for att skanna notiser. Testsekvenser, med ackompanjerande faktisk data skapades för de relevanta scenarierna. Dessa testsekvenser användes för att kunna verifiera och utvärdera implementationen med avseende på precision, återkall, träffsäkerhet och snabbhet. All faktisk data genererades i en MIC-applikation. Resultaten visar att spårning med enbart ORB är inte genomförbart om höga krav på precision, återkall, träffsäkerhet eller snabbhet behövs. Medan spårning via ORB måhända inte är genomförbart i nuläget som en självstående lösning, så har den här mastersuppsatsen beskrivit metoder för att använda ORB i en MIC-applikation. Något som faktiskt kan vara genomförbart.

Mobile Technology and Civic Engagement: Heuristics and Practices for Developing Mobile Applications for Social and Civic Change

Coffey, Kathleen M. 18 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

A high-performance API for smart content-driven mobile applications

Fonteneau, Félix January 2022 (has links)
Nowadays, smartphones are one of the main mediums to transfer content to clients and they provide a good interface for the delivery of digital therapeutics (DTx). Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are keystones for any service-based mobile application to manage the data transfer between the clients and the server(s). At the time of writing, REST and GraphQL are arguably the most popular API types. These APIs provide simplicity, efficiency, and scalability for data-driven applications. However, we can question the validity of these qualities when it comes to content-driven applications such as DTx apps for example. The objective of this project is to decide whether common data-driven API types are suitable for products where the content is not created by the users, but by content creators, or if a new API type could be developed which is more suitable for this use case. Useful insights are presented on how standard APIs should be adapted to address this problem. Moreover, this document presents a new prototype of API that is supposed to help content creators with content creation while providing high performance. Additionally, an advanced test platform is introduced in order to help the comparison of the implementation in terms of performance. This thesis shows that GraphQL is not a suitable method for the initial problem. It also shows that REST is a good standard adapted for scalability in the present scope. The prototype displayed guarantees great performances by means of preloading, thus, suffers high concurrency in terms of performances when scaled up. However, potential solutions are given in order to counter this. / Smartphones är idag ett av de viktigaste verktygen för företag att leverera innehåll till användare och de utgör ett bra gränssnitt för digitala terapier (DTx). API:er (Application Programming Interfaces) är en grundsten i alla tjänstebaserade mobilapplikationer för att hantera dataöverföringen mellan klienterna och servern/servrarna. I skrivande stund är REST och GraphQL de mest populära API-typerna. Dessa API:er anses vara enkla, effektiva och skalbara för många tillämpningar, däremot är de inte nödvändigtvis optimala för innehållsdrivna applikation såsom DTx-appar. Syftet med det här projektet är att avgöra om vanliga datadrivna API-typer är lämpliga för produkter där innehållet inte skapas av användarna utan av innehållsskapare, eller om en ny API-typ kan utvecklas som är mer lämplig för detta tillämpningsområdet. I denna rapport presenteras insikter om hur standard-API:er bör anpassas för att lösa detta problem. Dessutom presenteras i en ny prototyp av API som hjälper innehållsskapare att skapa innehåll samtidigt som den ger hög prestanda. Dessutom presenteras en avancerad testplattform för att underlätta prestandajämförelser. Denna avhandling visar att GraphQL inte är en lämplig metod för innehållsdrivna applikationer, emedan REST är det. Den prototyp som presenteras garanterar bra prestanda med hjälp av så kallad pre-loading, även om prestandan försämras väsentligt vid hög belastning, även om potentiella lösningar föreslås för att åtgärda detta.

The Paradox of User Perceived Performance : An Empirical Study on User Experience in a Digital Platform Ecosystem / Det motsägelsefulla med användarupplevd prestanda : En empirisk studie av användarupplevelsen i ett digitalt plattformsekosystem

Granhed, Anna, Söderlund, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
User experience is today widely known but the complexity of this phenomenon is rarely left unnoticed. It is righteous to claim that the mobile application landscape is characterized by tough competition and high demands from users. To meet these demands the performance of the application is essential. There appears to exist consensus in existing literature regarding the importance of performance attributes for the user experience of mobile applications. However, there is limited research on how startup time is perceived and its effects on the user experience. Hence, this thesis aims to contribute to this field by investigating the formulated research question: To what extent does startup performance affect the user experience for a mobile application? Using a mixed method approach, this research aims to deepen the understanding of how end users of mobile applications perceive performance. The quantitative part of this study investigates what proxy variables that affect the performance during the startup process of a mobile application. The qualitative part aims to assess how users perceive startup time with respect to influencing factors and the effects on user experience. / Användarupplevelse är idag ett välkänt men komplext fenomen. Marknaden för mobila applikationer karaktäriseras av hård konkurrens och höga krav från användarna där tidigare studier har fastställt att prestanda-attribut har betydelse för användarupplevelsen. Det finns däremot begränsad empirisk litteratur kring hur prestanda uppfattas av användarna och effekterna på användarupplevelsen. Det är inom detta område som denna uppsats syftar till att bidra med kunskap. Detta genom att undersöka och besvara den formulerade forskningsfrågan: I vilken utsträckning påverkar start-prestandan användarupplevelsen för en mobilapplikation? Genom att använda en kombination av kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder, syftar studien till att öka förståelsen kring hur användare av mobila applikationer uppfattar prestanda. Den kvantitativa studien undersöker vilka proxy-variabler som påverkar starttiden för en mobilapplikation. Den kvalitativa studien syftar följaktligen till att utvärdera hur användare uppfattar starttiden för en mobilapplikation med hänsyn till externa faktorer och dess effekt på användarupplevelsen.

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