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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att ratta eller rata bilen? : En fallstudie på Östra Torggatan i Karlstad med fokus på mobility management

Mattsson, Cecilia, Hermanseter, Ida January 2017 (has links)
Bilens plats har det senaste århundradet förändrat hela samhället med sin betydelse för utvecklingen (Nayak & Jeffrey 2011) och det verkar finnas en enighet bland politiker, planerare och forskare att en blandad och tät stad är mer hållbar än den glesa och transportberoende bebyggelsen som präglade planeringen från 1950-talet och framåt (Stadsliv AB 2015). Därför syftar denna uppsats till att belysa och förstå hur det planeras för, eller emot, bilen kontra fotgängare, cyklister och kollektivtrafik i staden. I denna uppsats är det just Karlstads kommun, med en fördjupning till Östra Torggatan som varit grund för fallstudien. Uppsatsen frågeställningar lyder: -        Vilka visioner har kommunen för Östra Torggatan? -        På vilket sätt använder sig kommunen av mobility management för att påverka människors färdmedelsval? -        Hur uppfattar företagarna längs med Östra Torggatan en eventuell trafikomvandling? Den teoretiska grund uppsatsen vilar på utgår från teorier från postmodernismen, teorier kring tid och rum samt tidigare forskning kring rörelse, bilens utveckling och den påverkan den haft på samhället och den enskilda människan. Som en avslutning av kapitel två redovisas en grund till begreppet mobility management. Metodvalet för denna studie har varit kvalitativ. Detta för att syftet med uppsatsen inte var att få fram ett generellt svar utan att se på det specifika fallet och hur visionerna påverkar den platsen. De intervjuer som genomfördes var semistrukturerade för att på så vis lättare föra en diskussion med respondenter snarare än att låta det vara en utfrågning som det lättare kan bli om intervjun är strukturerad. Empirin består av textdokument skapade av Karlstads kommun. Dessa var Stadsdelsvisionen för Tingvallastaden, trafikplan för Karlstads kommun samt cykelplan för Karlstads kommun. Empirin grundas också i intervjuer med respondenter från kommunen och utvalda företagare längs med Östra Torggatan. Tre intervjuer hölls med kommunrepresentanter och tre intervjuer med utvalda företagare längs Östra Torggatan. Vår slutsats är att relationen mellan bilen och människan måste bejakas i planeringen för bilfria stadskärnor. Kommunikation och information måste ligga till grund för de förändringar som måste ske för att människor ska förändra sitt färdmedelsval.

Analysis and correction of corneal astigmatism in modern pseudophakia

Hamer, Catriona Ann January 2016 (has links)
Toric intraocular lenses (IOLs) are designed to reduce spectacle dependency by correcting corneal astigmatism at the time of surgery. However, these IOLs are reliant on the accurate prediction of post-operative corneal astigmatism through reliable ocular biometry and the accurate calculation of surgically induced astigmatism. In the thesis the repeatability of assessing corneal curvature was assessed using six commercially available keratometers. The results question the validity of corneal biometry and infer that much of the apparent change in corneal shape usually associated with surgically induced astigmatism may be due to measurement error. The use of the oblique cross cylinder formulae for the calculation of post-operative corneal curvature was also investigated. This formula is incorporated into all commercially available toric IOL calculators and is utilised in every toric IOL implantation. The results from this thesis indicate that the formula is not applicable to the human cornea and that the use of the calculator does not increase the effectivity of the toric correction. Furthermore, the thesis queries the assumption that post-operative corneal astigmatism is directly proportional to post-operative refractive error. The disparity between both the magnitude and axis of astigmatism measured by keratometry and manifest refraction in a pseudophakic population was investigated. The axis measurements in particular showed very poor agreement; far outside an acceptable level of misalignment, significantly decreasing the effective correction provided if the lens was aligned with the keratometry readings. Inclusion of the posterior corneal curvature and thickness, along with a smaller chord length may lead to a more accurate assessment of corneal power. Despite the difficulty in providing an effective toric IOL correction, it was found that the correction of corneal astigmatism at the time of cataract surgery might decrease the risks of falls. Uncorrected astigmatism and cataract both cause a reduction in stability when stepping oven an obstacle, which is one of the most common causes of trips and falls in the elderly population.

Law, finance, and the international mobility of corporate governance

Cumming, Douglas, Filatotchev, Igor, Knill, April, Reeb, David Mitchell, Senbet, Lemma January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
We introduce the topic of this Special Issue on the "Role of Financial and Legal Institutions in International Governance", with a particular emphasis on a notion of "international mobility of corporate governance". Our discussion places the Special Issue at the intersection of law, finance, and international business, with a focus on the contexts of foreign investors and directors. Country-level legal and regulatory institutions facilitate foreign ownership, foreign directors, raising external financial capital, and international M&A activity. The interplay between the impact of foreign ownership and foreign directors on firm governance and performance depends on international differences in formal/regulatory institutions. In addition to legal conditions, informal institutions such as political connections also shape the economic value of foreign ownership and foreign directors. We highlight key papers in the literature, provide an overview of the new papers in this Special Issue, and offer suggestions for future research.

Ekonomická analýza změny vozového parku z klasických na alternativní pohony / ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF CHANGE OF VEHICLE FLEET FROM CLASSIC TO ALTERNATIVE FUELS

Růžičková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with clean mobility, which becomes one of the current topics of today's society. Limited oil reserves and the state of the environment leads the goverments of developer countries to introduce alternative fuels in transport. The aim of the thesis is to clarify the economic costs and benefits of the practical application of clean mobility and to answer the question if the using of alternative fuels is economically rational. The Response is influenced by many factors and depends on the type of alternative fuel, the legislative framework of the country, the society awareness and others. Strength of the CNG's alternative fuel is mainly the lower fuel cost as well as for electromobility. The weakness of these fuels is the insufficient accessibility network of filling / charging places. An economic analysis of vehicle fleet modification of the Czech Environmental Inspectorate demonstrates that, under the current conditions, it is less costly to operate a vehicle with CNG alternative fuel. It is valid as well when the social cost of emissions are included.

Mobilité assistée à l'aide d'une canne robotisée / Active cane-assisted mobility

Ady, Ragou 15 July 2015 (has links)
L’assistance à la mobilité est un enjeu majeur, compte tenu de son importance dans l’augmentation de l’autonomie des personnes. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous nous intéressons au moyen d’assistance le plus commun qu’est la canne. Nous avons, dans un premier temps, analysé l’apport des cannes conventionnelles dans l’assistance à des marches perturbées.Cette analyse repose sur des caractérisations expérimentales ainsi que sur la modéli- sation et la simulation de la marche assistée. Nous avons ainsi mis en évidence l’aide au support du poids, au freinage et à la propulsion permises par le point d’appui supplé- mentaire fourni par la canne.Nous avons ensuite introduit le développement d’une canne robotique. Contrairement aux cannes robotiques existantes, notre prototype ne repose pas sur une base mobile statiquement stable. Pour plus de compacité et pour garder les attributs d’une canne conventionnelle, elle est composée d’un axe télescopique et d’une roue à son extrémité, tous deux motorisés. La commande de ce prototype est ensuite décrite. Elle permet de synchroniser les mouvements de la canne robotique avec le cycle de la marche. La canne suit ainsi activement le mouvement de la jambe “invalide” durant la phase de balancement et offre un point d’appui stable pendant la phase d’appui. / Mobility assistance is major challenge since its importance in people autonomy enhancement.In this thesis, we focus on one of the most used assisting device which is the cane.Firstly, we have analyzed the supply provided by conventional canes during impaired gaits.This analyse is based on cane-assisted gait experimental characterizations and simulation.We have highlighted the weight-bearing, braking and propulsion assistance allowed by the additional contact point represented by the cane.Then, the development of a robotized cane is introduced. Unlike existing robotized canes, our prototype does not remain on a stable mobile platform.In order to reduce its volume and keep the shape of a conventional cane, the cane is composed of a telescopic shaft and a wheel at its tip, both motorized.The control of this cane is described. It allows to synchronize the cane motion with its user’s gait. The active cane follows the weakest leg during its swinging phase and offers a stable contact point during the stance phase.

La mobilité du salarié / The mobility of employees

De brier, Henrik 14 December 2015 (has links)
Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, une volonté s’exprime de construire la paix sur une mise en commun des intérêts économiques. La paix entre les nations a donc pour conséquence une internationalisation des échanges économiques. Nous sommes alors passés d’une volonté politique à une réalité économique. Les entreprises se sont développées en même temps qu’elles ont dû faire face à une nouvelle concurrence. Les travailleurs salariés sont devenus des maillons indispensables, mais aussi, quelque part, des pions, sur ce nouvel échiquier économique. Les entreprises sont donc, de plus en plus, à la recherche de souplesse dans la gestion de leurs effectifs. Face à la prétendue rigidité du contrat de travail, l’on assiste, notamment, à une montée en puissance de l’accord collectif, dans le but de flexibiliser la relation de travail ; la mobilité s’entend, alors, de plus en plus, comme une mobilité sur le marché du travail, et non plus seulement dans l’entreprise. Ainsi, naît un besoin indispensable de sécuriser la mobilité de ces salariés, notamment à travers le contrôle des trajectoires professionnelles, en créant, notamment, un véritable droit de la formation professionnelle. / After the Second World War, a desire to build peace based on common economic interests is formulated. Consequently, this shared wish of peace influences economic exchanges by making them international. We reach now a new step: passing from a political willpower to an economic reality. The companies had to manage their own development facing new competitors at the same time. Workers became essential links, but also, paws on this new economic chess game. Hence, the companies look progressively for more flexibility to manage their human resources. In response to the alleged rigidity of the employment contract, the society is witnessing an important and increasing spread of collective agreement, providing flexibility in the relationship between employer and employee at work. In this way, the mobility is more and more thought as mobility of labor market, and not just as a mobility within individual establishments. Thus, ensuring the safety of employee’s mobility becomes an essential need, particularly through the control of career paths, creating a genuine right of vocational training.

Contribution à l'étude de la relation mobilité, justice organisationnelle, employabilité : une approche par les trajectoires. / Contribution to the study of mobility relationship, organizational justice, employability : an approach based on trajectories.

Bahlagui, Najet 14 January 2016 (has links)
L'employabilité présente de réels enjeux pour les organisations, les institutions et les individus. Ces enjeux multiples couvrent plusieurs sphères à la fois économiques, politiques, et sociales. L'employabilité s'impose aujourd'hui comme la pierre angulaire permettant de réduire les tensions qui naissent de la synergie de ces trois sphères. Ces tensions englobent la montée du chômage, la pénurie de main d'œuvre, l'évolution des métiers, l'attractivité des salariés, les restructurations, la recherche de polyvalence, etc... de fait, l'employabilité alimente les discours et les pratiques managériales pour se revendiquer comme le nouveau modèle social du XXI ème siècle Gazier (2003), Guerrero (2003), St Germes (2007).Cette recherche propose d'étudier la mobilité, souvent désignée comme un moyen d'assurer le maintien en emploi, l'évolution de la carrière et in fine la sécurisation des trajectoires professionnelles (Hategekimana, 2002; Bader, 2007; Othman, 2011). Toutefois celle-ci doit nécessairement s'accompagner de conditions adéquates (Sardas et Gand, 2009; Amossé et al.,2012; St Germes et al.,2013).Notre problématique générale entend répondre à la question suivante : Quel impact peut avoir la justice organisationnelle dans le fondement de la relation mobilité-employabilité des salariés?La méthodologie qualitative choisie s'appuie sur des entretiens semi-directifs auprès de 75 acteurs (salariés et praticiens) au sein de l’hôpital, des télécommunications et des startups. L'approche subjective par les trajectoires professionnelles fournit des éclairages scientifiques sur les logiques existantes pour saisir cette relation.Mots clés: Employabilité, mobilité voulue, mobilité intentionnelle, mobilité partagée,mobilité subie, justice organisationnelle, motivations individuelles et organisationnelles. / Employability presents real challenges for organizations, institutions and individuals. These multiple issues cover several areas at once economic, political, and social and employability is becoming the corne stone for reducing pressures arising from the synergy of these three spheres. These pressures include rising unemployment, labor shortages, the development of skills, attractiviness of employees, restructuring, research versatility, etc... In fact, employability feeds speeches and managerial pratices to claim as the new social model of the XXI century Gazier (2003), Guerrero (2003), St Germes (2007).This research aims to study mobility, often referred to as a means of ensuring the continued employment, career development and ultimately securing career paths (Hategekimana, 2002; Bader, 2007; Othman, 2011). However, it must necessarily be accompanied by appropriate conditions (Sardas and Gant, 2009; Amossé et al., 2012; St Germes et al., 2013).Our general problem answers the question : What impact organizational justice in the foundation of mobility and employability of employees relationship?The chosen methodology is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with 75 stakeholders (employees and practitioners) in the hospital, telecommunications and start ups. The subjective approach career paths provide scientific insights into existing logical to take this relationship.Key words : Employability, voluntary mobility, willingness mobility, shared mobility, forced mobility, organizational justice, organizational and individual motivations.

Comprehensive Analysis of Emerging New Psychoactive Substances by Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Mass Spectrometry

Gwak, Seongshin 17 September 2015 (has links)
In the new era of drug abuse, the proliferation of new psychoactive substances (NPS), commonly referred to as designer drugs or legal highs, has been a global concern. These substances are produced to circumvent current legislation for controlled substances with minor modifications in their chemical structure. Although many efforts have been made previously, the characterization of such substances are still challenging because of (1) the continual emergence of newly identified substances, (2) the lack of a universal screening test for NPS that are structurally similar to each other, and (3) the complex and time-consuming chromatographic techniques currently used. Therefore, it is necessary to develop novel analytical methods that can be readily adapted by forensic laboratories to overcome these challenges. In this dissertation, various analytical techniques have been evaluated for qualitative analysis of these emerging NPS. For rapid screening purposes, a commercial ion mobility spectrometry with a 63Ni ion source (63Ni-IMS) and also direct analysis in real time coupled to a quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer (DART-QTOF-MS) were investigated first. The results showed that rapid detection by 63Ni-IMS and identification by DART-QTOF-MS can be achieved with sub-nanogram detection capability and high speed total analysis time less than two minutes. In recent developments of gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS), gas chromatography (GC) has been coupled to state-of-the-art mass spectrometers, including triple quadrupole (MS/MS) and quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF). It was revealed that the application of GC-MS/MS and GC-QTOF facilitates the unambiguous identification of emerging NPS with a chemical ionization (CI) source. In addition, constitutional isomers of NPS were differentiated with the capabilities of product ion scan and multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) modes. Finally, the coupling of IMS with a mass spectrometer (IMS-MS) was investigated as an alternative confirmatory technique. With the development of an optimal solvent system in the electrospray ionization (ESI) process, the rapid analysis and identification of synthetic cathinone was successfully achieved less than five minutes. As a proof-of-concept, seized drugs samples provided by a local forensic laboratory were analyzed using these developed methods by various analytical techniques. The results from these seized samples are also presented in this evaluation.

Residential patterns of the Chinese in Vancouver, British Columbia

Cho, George Chin Huat January 1970 (has links)
This study examines the residential patterns of the Chinese within the city of Vancouver. The Chinese are the single largest Asian minority ethnic group in Vancouver arid have a uniquely concentrated pattern of distribution. The study first summarises the general history of Chinese immigration into Canada, particularly British Columbia, over the past 100 years, and also examines the growth of Vancouver's Chinatown. Using published and unpublished census data the changing patterns of Chinese settlement within the City of Vancouver are described. Next, drawing on census data and on material collected through a Sample. Survey of 125 Chinese families in 1969, some overall characteristics of the Vancouver Chinese community are described, in terms of such factors as age-sex structure, education, period of immigration, and residential patterns. It is hypothesised that there are basic differences between the Chinatown and suburban Chinese in Vancouver. This hypothesis was tested and it showed that there were significant differences between the Chinese living in these different locations in terms of demographic, economic, residential and social factors, in conclusion, the study suggests that inquiries of this nature could be profitably repeated with other ethnic groups within the city. / Arts, Faculty of / Geography, Department of / Graduate

Vehicular Movement Patterns: A Sequential Patterns Data Mining Approach Towards Vehicular Route Prediction

Merah, Amar Farouk January 2012 (has links)
Behavioral patterns prediction in the context of Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs)has been receiving increasing attention due to enabling on-demand, intelligent traffic analysis and response to real-time traffic issues. One of these patterns, sequential patterns, are a type of behavioral patterns that describe the occurence of events in a timely-ordered fashion. In the context of VANETs, these events are defined as an ordered list of road segments traversed by vehicles during their trips from a starting point to their final intended destination, forming a vehicular path. Due to their predictable nature, undertaken vehicular paths can be exploited to extract the paths that are considered frequent. From the extracted frequent paths through data mining, the probability that a vehicular path will take a certain direction is obtained. However, in order to achieve this, samples of vehicular paths need to be initially collected over periods of time in order to be data-mined accordingly. In this thesis, a new set of formal definitions depicting vehicular paths as sequential patterns is described. Also, five novel communication schemes have been designed and implemented under a simulated environment to collect vehicular paths; such schemes are classified under two categories: Road Side Unit-Triggered (RSU-Triggered) and Vehicle-Triggered. After collection, extracted frequent paths are obtained through data mining, and the probability of these frequent paths is measured. In order to evaluate the e ciency and e ectiveness of the proposed schemes, extensive experimental analysis has been realized. From the results, two of the Vehicle-Triggered schemes, VTB-FP and VTRD-FP, have improved the vehicular path collection operation in terms of communication cost and latency over others. In terms of reliability, the Vehicle-Triggered schemes achieved a higher success rate than the RSU-Triggered scheme. Finally, frequent vehicular movement patterns have been effectively extracted from the collected vehicular paths according to a user-de ned threshold and the confidence of generated movement rules have been measured. From the analysis, it was clear that the user-de ned threshold needs to be set accordingly in order to not discard important vehicular movement patterns.

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