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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alcohol Monopoly in Sweden and Wine Properties That Drive the Wine Sales / Alkoholmonopol i Sverige och vinegenskaper som driver vinförsäljningen

Roumi, Roumi January 2020 (has links)
This research study in applied mathematical statistics, and industrial engineering and management aims to determine the wine properties that drive the wine sales in Sweden, while also examining how the monopoly in Sweden affects the alcohol sales and demand. Data were collected from Systembolaget, which is the only alcohol retail store chain in Sweden. A multiple linear regression analysis was performed on 4 931 observations from Systembolaget’s sales statistics of 2019. The covariates were the type of wine, taste, price, size, country of origin, ecologically classified and ethically certified. The final model contained 18 variables where the taste parameters dominated the model. The results conclude that wines from Australia, Italy and Portugal have an advantage when it comes to the wine sales in Sweden, while wines from Sweden have a negative correleation with the volume sold. Other results suggest that wine producers should make ethically produced wines. From an economic perspective, the alcohol monopoly in Sweden is not a regular monopoly. Moreover, the monopoly is considered to has had a negative impact on the alcohol sales by lowering the demand through a strict alcohol law, among other things. The positive aspects of Sweden’s alcohol monopoly is the overall better health of the Swedish society and the in-store consultation that is offered. This study has contributed to previous research and also given the wine producers a better overview of the factors that drive the wine sales in Sweden. / Denna forskningsstudie i tillämpad matematisk statistik och industriell ekonomi syftar till att bestämma de vinegenskaper som driver vinförsäljningen i Sverige, samtidigt som man undersöker hur monopolet i Sverige påverkar alkoholförsäljningen och efterfrågan. Data samlades in från Systembolaget, som är den enda butikskedjan för alkohol i Sverige. En multipel linjär regressionsanalys utfördes på 4 931 observationer från Systembolagets försäljningsstatistik från 2019. Kovariaterna var typen av vin, smak, pris, storlek, ursprungsland, ekologiskt klassificerat och etiskt certifierat. Den slutliga modellen innehöll 18 variabler där smakparametrarna dominerade modellen. Resultaten visar på att viner från Australien, Italien och Portugal har en fördel när det gäller vinförsäljningen i Sverige, medan vin från Sverige har en negativ korrelation med den sålda volymen. Andra resultat tyder på att vinproducenter bör göra etiskt producerade viner. Ur ett nationalekonomiskt perspektiv är alkoholmonopolet i Sverige inte ett vanligt monopol. Dessutom anses monopolet ha haft en negativ inverkan på alkoholförsäljningen genom att bland annat sänka efterfrågan med hjälp av en strikt alkohollag. De positiva aspekterna av Sveriges alkoholmonopol är den övergripande bättre hälsan hos det svenska samhället och konsultationen som erbjuds i butikerna. Denna studie har bidragit till tidigare forskning och även givit vinproducenterna en bättre överblick över de faktorer som driver vinförsäljning i Sverige.

Copper Capitalism: The Making of a Transatlantic Market in Metals, 1870-1930

Delaney, Nathan 31 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Análisis basado en teoría de juegos de modelos de negocio de operadores móviles virtuales en redes 4G y 5G

Sacoto Cabrera, Erwin 10 January 2021 (has links)
[ES] Esta tesis se ha desarrollado dentro del marco de la línea de investigación de Economía y Regulación de las Telecomunicaciones. En el programa de Doctorado de Telecomunicaciones por la Universitat Politècnica de València. Como parte del proceso de investigación se participó en los siguientes proyectos de investigación: Plataforma de servicios para ciudades inteligentes con redes M2M densas (TIN2013-47272-C2-1-R), Entrepreneurship in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks (COHWAN, TIN2010-21378 C02-02) y ATLAS-Dynamic network slicing in 5G Radio Access. Así como, se realizó una estancia doctoral en el IMT Atlantique en Rennes- Francia. Como resultado de estas actividades se publicaron varios artículos científicos que permiten sustentar los modelos de negocio para Operadores Móviles Virtuales (Mobile Virtual Network Operators-MVNOs) presentados en este documento. En este estudio, se plantean modelos de negocio que se sustentan en el desarrollo de las características técnicas de Redes de Cuarta Generación (Fourth-Generation Networks-4G) y Redes de Quinta Generación (Fifth-Generation Networks-5G), que facilitan la compartición de infraestructura de los Operadores Móviles de Red (Mobile Network Operators-MNOs). Al respecto, en este documento analiza el estado del arte que permite sustentar la viabilidad técnica de los modelos basados en la compartición de infraestructura, que ha permitido disminuir las barreras de entrada al mercado y el desarrollo de nuevos modelos de negocio para los MVNOs. Sin embargo, los nuevos modelos que permite la compartición de infraestructura deben ser analizados desde el aspecto económico para determinar la viabilidad de los mismos. Específicamente, en el primer modelo se analiza la viabilidad económica de un MVNO que brinda el servicio a su base de usuarios y divide su tráfico de red a dos MNOs, los que alquilan su capacidad de red al MVNO. En el análisis del modelo se consideran tanto las características del sistema como las económicas. En cuanto a las características del sistema, un MVNO proporciona servicio a los usuarios finales utilizando el soporte de infraestructura de dos MNOs. El servicio proporcionado por el MVNO, se modelada mediante una cola M/M/1, donde cada usuario genera paquetes de forma independiente siguiendo un proceso de Poisson. Los tiempos de servicios de los paquetes, se distribuyen exponencialmente. En el sistema propuesto la métrica de calidad más relevante, es el tiempo medio de servicio. El acuerdo entre el MVNO y los MNOs, es tal que, el MVNO dividirá el tráfico de la red entre los dos MNOs y pagará a cada MNO por el tráfico servido a través de su infraestructura. En cuanto a las características económicas, los incentivos se modelan a través de las utilidades de los usuarios y los beneficios de los operadores. En el segundo modelo, se analiza la viabilidad económica de dos escenarios para un modelo de negocio en el que, un MNO alquila su infraestructura de red al MVNO y cada operador sirve a su propia base de usuarios. El primer escenario denominado monopólico, el MNO presta servicio a las dos bases de usuarios (MNO y MVNO). En el segundo escenario denominado estratégico, el MNO presta servicio a su base de usuarios, así como, alquila su infraestructura al MVNO para que preste servicio a su base de usuarios. Para los dos escenarios, la red se ha modelado por una cola con prioridad, utilizando una disciplina de servicio Compartición Discrimitatoria del Servidor (Discriminatory Processor Sharing-DPS). En el análisis de compartición de infraestructura, se considera un pago al MNO por cada usuario que accede al servicio de MVNO. Finalmente, para determinar la viabilidad económica de los diferentes escenarios propuestos para los modelos de negocio, se utilizan conceptos de microeconomía, teoría de juegos y teoría de colas, la cuales han permitido conocer las decisiones en equilibrio que toman los operadores, así como las decisiones en equilibrio de los usuarios; de esta manera se ha obtenido el efecto de estas decisiones sobre los beneficios de todos los agentes del modelo y se han identificado las condiciones bajo las cuales estos nuevos modelos de negocio son viables en entornos de redes 4G y 5G. Como resultado del análisis de los modelos de negocio para los diferentes escenarios propuestos, se observa que la asociación entre MNOs y MVNOs a través de la compartición de infraestructura es viable económicamente para los modelos propuestos. En relación a los usuarios, su comportamiento es sustancial para determinar la viabilidad económica de los diferentes modelos de negocio propuestos, por lo tanto, resulta imprescindible explorar diferentes funciones de utilidad que expresen el comportamiento de los usuarios en estudios futuros. En cuanto a los operadores, en el primer modelo de negocio se demuestra que, la provisión de capacidad de red es un mecanismo válido para optimizar los beneficios de los operadores. Así como, en el segundo modelo de negocio, se demuestra que, la compartición de infraestructura entre un MNO y un MVNO es deseable desde el punto de vista de los usuarios para el modelo de negocio estratégico, ya que permite un mayor número de usuarios. Mientras que, desde el punto de vista económico el modelo de negocio monopólico es más deseable debido a que ofrece un incentivo mayor a los operadores. En resumen, en esta tesis se demuestra la viabilidad económica de modelos de negocio de compartición de infraestructura entre MNOs y MVNOs, soportados técnicamente por las características tecnológicas de las redes móviles de ultima generación. / [CA] Aquesta tesi s'ha desenvolupat dins del marc de la línia d'investigació d'Economia i Regulació de les Telecomunicacions. En el programa de Doctorat de Telecomunicacions per la Universitat Politècnica de València. Com a part del procés d'investigació es va participar en els següents projectes d'investigació: Plataforma de servicios para ciudades inteligentes con redes M2M densas (TIN2013-47272-C2-1-R), Entrepreneurship in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks (COHWAN, TIN2010-21378-C02-02) i ATLAS -Dynamic network slicing in 5G Radio Access. També es va realitzar una estada doctoral en l'IMT Atlantique en Rennes-França. Com a resultat d'aquaquests activitats es van publicar diversos articles científics que permeten sustentar els models de negoci per a MVNOs presentats en el present document. En aquest estudi, es plantegen models de negoci que se sustenten en el desenrotllament de les característiques tècniques de 4G i 5G, que faciliten la compartició d'infraestructura dels MNOs. També s'analitza l'estat de l'art que permet sustentar la viabilitat tècnica dels models basats en la compartició d'infraestructura, que ha permès disminuir les barreres d'entrada al mercat i el desenvolupament de nous models de negoci per als MVNOs. No obstant això, els nous models que permeten la compartició d'infraestructura han de ser analitzats des-de l'aspecte econòmic per a determinar la viabilitat dels mateixos. Específicament, en el primer model s'analitza la viabilitat econòmica d'un MVNO que brinda el servei a la seua base d'usuaris i divideix el seu tràfic de xarxa a dos MNOs, els que lloguen la seua capacitat de xarxa al MVNO. En l'anàlisi del model es considerentant les característiques del sistema com les econòmiques. Respecte a les característiques del sistema, un MVNO proporciona servei als usuaris finals utilitzant el suport d'infraestructura de dos MNOs. El servei proporcionat pel MVNO, es modelada per mitjà d'una cua M/M/1, on cada usuari genera paquets de forma independent seguint un procés de Poisson. Els temps de servei dels paquets es distribueixen exponencialment. En el sistema proposat, la mètrica de qualitat més rellevant és el temps mitjà de servei, que comprén tant el temps d'espera com el temps mitjà de servei. L'acord entre el MVNO i els MNOs, és tal que el MVNO dividirà el tràfic de la xarxa entre els dos MNOs i pagarà a cada MNO pel tràfic servit a través de la seua infraestructura. Respecte a les característiques econòmiques, els incentius es modelen mitjançant les utilitats dels usuaris i els beneficis dels operadors. En el segon model, s'analitza la viabilitat econòmica de dos escenaris per a un model de negoci en què un MNO lloga la seua infraestructura de xarxa al MVNO i cada operador serveix a la seua pròpia base d'usuaris. El primer escenari denominat monopòlic, el MNO dona servei a les dos bases d'usuaris (MNO i MVNO). En el segon escenari denominat estratègic, el MNO dona servei a la seua base d'usuaris, a més a més, lloga la seua infraestructura al MVNO per a que aquest puga prestar servei a la seua base d'usuaris. Per als dos escenaris, la xarxa s'ha modelat per una cua amb prioritat, utilitzant una disciplina de servei DPS. En l'anàlisi de compartició d'infraestructura, es considera un pagament al MNO per cada usuari que accedeix al servei de MVNO. Finalmente, para determinar la viabilidad económica de los diferentes escenarios propuestos para los modelos de negocio, se utilizan conceptos de microeconomía, teoría de juegos y teoría de colas, la cuales han permitido conocer las decisiones en equilibrio que toman los operadores, así como las decisiones en equilibrio de los usuarios; de esta manera se ha obtenido el efecto de estas decisiones sobre los beneficios de todos los agentes del modelo y se han identificado las condiciones bajo las cuales estos nuevos modelos de negocio son viables en entornos de redes 4G y 5G. Como resultado del análisis de los modelos de negocio para los diferentes escenarios propuestos, se observa que la asociación entre MNOs y MVNOs a través de la compartición de infraestructura es viable económicamente para los modelos propuestos. En relación a los usuarios, su comportamiento es sustancial para determinar la viabilidad económica de los diferentes modelos de negocio propuestos, por lo tanto, resulta imprescindible explorar diferentes funciones de utilidad que expresen el comportamiento de los usuarios en estudios futuros. En cuanto a los operadores, en el primer modelo de negocio se demuestra que, la provisión de capacidad de red es un mecanismo válido para optimizar los beneficios de los operadores. Así como, en el segundo modelo de negocio, se demuestra que, la compartición de infraestructura entre un MNO y un MVNO es deseable desde el punto de vista de los usuarios para el modelo de negocio estratégico, ya que permite un mayor número de usuarios. Mientras que, desde el punto de vista económico el modelo de negocio monopólico es más deseable debido a que ofrece un incentivo mayor a los operadores. En resumen, en esta tesis se demuestra la viabilidad económica de modelos de negocio de compartición de infraestructura entre MNOs y MVNOs, soportados técnicamente por las características tecnológicas de las redes móviles de ultima generación. / [EN] This thesis has been developed within the framework of the research line of Economics and Regulation of Telecommunications. In the PhD program of Telecommunications by the Universitat Politècnica de València. As part of the research process, we participated in the following research projects: Service Platform for Smart Cities with Dense M2M Networks (TIN2013-47272-C2-1-R), Entrepreneurship in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks (COHWAN, TIN2010-21378-C02-02) and ATLAS-Dynamic network slicing in 5G Radio Access. A doctoral stay at the ITM Atlantique in Rennes, France, was also arranged. As a result of these activities, several scientific articles were published which support the business models for MVNOs presented in this document. In this study, business models based on the development of the technical characteristics of 4G and 5G are proposed, which facilitate the sharing of the infrastructure of MNOs. In this regard, this document analyzes the state of the art that supports the technical feasibility of models based on infrastructure sharing, which has lowered barriers to market entry and the development of new business models for MVNOs. However, the new models that infrastructure sharing allows, must be analyzed from an economic aspect to determine their viability. Specifically, the first model analyses the economic viability of an MVNO that provides the service to its user base and splits its network traffic between two MNOs, which rent their network capacity to the MVNO. The analysis of the model considers both the characteristics of the system and the economic ones. In terms of system characteristics, one MVNO provides service to end-users using the infrastructure support of two MNOs. The service provided by the MVNO is modelled through an M/M/1 queue, where each user generates packets independently following a Poisson process. The service times of the packages are distributed exponentially. In the proposed system, the most relevant quality metric is the average service time, which comprises both the waiting time and the average service time. The agreement between the MVNO and the MNOs is such that the MVNO will split the network traffic between the two MNOs and pay each MNO for the traffic served through its infrastructure. In terms of economic features, incentives are modelled through user profits and operator profits. In the second model, we analyze the economic viability of two scenarios for a business model in which, an MNO rents its network infrastructure to the MVNO, and each operator serves its user base. In the first scenario, called monopoly, the MNO serves both user bases (MNO and MVNO). In the second scenario, called strategic, the MNO serves its user base, as well as leases its infrastructure to the MVNO to serve its user base. For both scenarios, the network has been modelled by a priority queue, using a DPS discipline. In the infrastructure sharing analysis, a payment to the MNO is considered for each user that accesses the MVNO service. Finally, to determine the economic viability of different scenarios proposed for the business models, concepts of microeconomics, game theory and queuing theory are used, which have allowed us to know the equilibrium decisions made by the operators, as well as the equilibrium decisions made by the users. In this way, the effect of these decisions on the profits of all the agents in the model has been obtained, and the conditions under which these new business models are viable in 4G and 5G network environments have been identified. As a result of the analysis of the business models for the different scenarios proposed, it is observed that the association between MNOs and MVNOs through infrastructure sharing is economically viable for the proposed models. In relation to users, their behavior is substantial to determine the economic viability of the different proposed business models; therefore, it is essential to explore different utility functions that express user behavior in future studies. As for the operators, the first business model demonstrates that the provision of network capacity is a valid mechanism for optimizing operators’ profits. As well as, in the second business model, it is demonstrated that, the sharing of infrastructure between an MNO and an MVNO is desirable from the users’ point of view for the strategic business model since it allows a greater number of users. Whereas, from an economic point of view, the monopolistic business model is more desirable because it provides a greater incentive for operators. In summary, this thesis demonstrates the economic viability of business models of infrastructure sharing between MNOs and MVNOs, technically supported by the technological characteristics of the latest generation mobile networks. / Sacoto Cabrera, E. (2020). Análisis basado en teoría de juegos de modelos de negocio de operadores móviles virtuales en redes 4G y 5G [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/158595

A critical review of the treatment of dominant firms in competition law : a comparative study

Munyai, Phumudzo S. 10 1900 (has links)
In South Africa compliance with competition law has become a major concern for firms that achieve and maintain certain levels of success and growth in the market, as their actions are often a source of complaints and litigation by rivals and competition authorities. With substantial financial penalties often levied against them for a variety of conduct deemed to constitute an abuse of their market position, dominant firms must constantly be aware of the likely impact of their business strategies and actions on both rivals and consumers. What were once thought to be normal and economically sound business practices and decisions, such as cutting prices to attract customers, have now acquired new meanings, with devastating consequences for dominant firms. So, are dominant firms under attack from competition law? In this study I aim to determine this. I track the historical development of competition law in three jurisdictions: South Africa, America, and the EU, with the aim of identifying traces, if any, of hostility towards dominant firms in the origins of competition law. I further investigate whether the formulation and enforcement of certain aspects of existing abuse of dominance provisions manifest as hostility towards dominant firms. While acknowledging the important role that competition law enforcement plays in promoting competition and enhancing consumer welfare, I conclude that significant unjustified economic and legal prejudice is suffered by dominant firms as a result of the way in which certain abuse of dominance provisions have been formulated and applied. I also offer appropriate recommendations. / Mercantile Law / LL. D.

Das Volkskommissariat für Außenhandel und seine Nachfolgeorganisationen 1920- 1930

Heubaum, Regine 01 March 2002 (has links)
Die Dissertation untersucht am Beispiel des Volkskommissariates für Außenhandel die Entstehung der frühen Sowjetbürokratie und analysiert administrative und politische Prozesse, die der Herausbildung des Stalinismus vorangingen. Gegenstand der Untersuchung sind die Probleme des staatlich organisierten Außenhandels sowie die Schwierigkeiten bei der Anknüpfung von Handelsbeziehungen zu den kapitalistischen Staaten in der Zeit nach der Revolution. Außenpolitische Faktoren und weltwirtschaftliche Voraussetzungen werden in diesem Zusammenhang ebenso berücksichtigt wie die zum Teil widersprüchlichen Interessen des sowjetischen Außenhandels einerseits und der sowjetschen Diplomatie anderseits. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage nach dem Verhältnis zwischen Parteiapparat und Regierungsbürokratie sowie die Rolle der Volkskommissariate im politischen Entscheidungsprozeß. Die Verfasserin konzentriert sich in diesem Zusammenhang auf drei Themenkomplexe: die Kaderpolitik der KPR(b) gegenüber dem Volkskommissariat für Außenhandel, den organisatorischen Wandel in dieser Behörde während der Neuen Ökonomischen Politik sowie das Zusammenspiel einzelner Partei- und Wirtschaftsbehörden bei der Entscheidung konkreter handelspolitischer Fragen. / This dissertation examines the People´s Comissariat of Foreign Trade as an example of the development of early Soviet bureaucracy and analyses administrative and political processes, proceeding the rise of stalinism. The study deals with the problems of centrally planned foreign trade and the difficulties of establishing trading connections to the capitalistic states in the post-revolutionary period. In this context international factors and conditions, dictated by world economy, are considered as well as the contradictory interests of Soviet foreign trade on one hand and soviet diplomacy on the other hand. The focus is set on decision-making concerning the relationship between party apparatus and the People´s Comissariats. In this context the author concentrates on three aspects: the influence of CK´s Policy of Cadre selection on People´s Comissariat of Foreign Trade, the organizational change in this institution during the New Economic Policy and the cooperation between the various economic and party institutions, concerning the decision on concrete questions of foreign trade.

A secularização segundo Peter L. Berger e Rodney Stark/William Sims Bainbridge

Provenzi, Anoar Jarbas 19 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T19:20:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Anoar Jarbas Provenzi.pdf: 1155462 bytes, checksum: 48318e7c0a982942ec4541880001698e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study is about the secularization according to Peter L. Berger (theory of secularization) and according to Rodney Stark/William Sims Bainbridge (rational choice theory). Berger (chapter 1) affirms in Sacred Canopy the decrease of religion in modernity, whereas Stark/Bainbridge (chapter 2) supports in A theory of religion its increasing or maintenance. However, both theories have problems (chapter 3). Berger is criticized to affirm the equivalence between modernity and secularization, the belief in a previous age of the faith and the necessity of religious monopoly; Stark/Bainbridge are criticized to defend previous power of rational choice theory, a decontextualized universal rationality and an merely economic approach of religious phenomenon / Este estudo é sobre a secularização segundo Peter L. Berger (teoria da secularização) e segundo Rodney Stark/William Sims Bainbridge (teoria da escolha racional). Berger (capítulo 1) afirma, na obra O dossel sagrado, a diminuição da religião na modernidade, enquanto Stark/Bainbridge (capítulo 2) defendem, na obra Uma teoria da religião, seu aumento ou manutenção. Mas ambas as teorias apresentam problemas (capítulo 3); Berger é criticado porque afirma a equivalência entre modernidade e secularização, a crença em uma pregressa idade da fé e a necessidade de monopólio religioso; Stark/Bainbridge são criticados porque defendem o poder preditivo da teoria da escolha racional, uma racionalidade universal descontextualizada e uma abordagem puramente econômica do fenômeno religioso

Apport de la théorie des options à la valorisation du stock d'invendus / Contribution of option pricing theory to stock of unsold goods valuation

Irzil, Hayet 26 January 2015 (has links)
L'émergence d'invendus constitue un phénomène de première importance. En effet, il n'y a pas d'entreprise sans invendus. C'est pourquoi les entreprises souhaitent éliminer les invendus en fin de période de vente. Dans ce cadre une nouvelle problématique émerge : comment valoriser un stock d'invendus et optimiser son déstockage ? C'est l'objet du travail doctoral que de répondre à cette question fondamentale du point de vue de la science économique. Pour cela, il faut tout d'abord déterminer à quel prix une firme peut-elle déstocker ses invendus et ensuite dé-terminer quand doit-elle avoir recours au marché du déstockage ou aux soldes directes ? Cette thèse consacre une première partie à un survol de la littérature,à la fois en management et marketing, mais surtout en sciences économiques. La seconde partie propose un modèle original de valorisation des invendus qui adapte en microéconomie les méthodes de couvertures utilisées en finance, notamment les options, dans le cas où la demande est incertaine. Il est montré d'un point de vue théorique qu'il est possible de proposer une couverture contre le risque d'invendus.D'une part la théorie est adaptée au cas de l'approvisionnement, et d'autre part au cas des invendus. Des simulations chiffrées illustrent comment fonctionne concrètement cette méthode dans chacun des cas. La troisième partie est plus générale et développe deux modèles originaux inter-temporels dans le cadre d'un marché monopolistique. Il y a deux types de consommateurs, ceux qui sont sensibles à l'étalage des biens, et ceux qui sont insensibles à cet étalage. Les consommateurs sensibles à l'étalage, choisissent la part qu'ils achètent de cet étalage, cependant que le monopole choisit à la fois le prix et l'étalage. Que la demande soit certaine ou incertaine, il émerge toujours un stock d'invendus. Le monopole peut le revendre, soit directement aux consommateurs insensibles à l'étalage, soit à une firme de déstockage. L'endogénéité du marché du déstockage est alors étudiée. / Since there is not a firm without a stock of unsold goods, the study of this phenomenon is an issue of great importance. Indeed, firms face the stock of unsold goods that they want to clear at the end of the market period. The latter has an impact on not only on the firm's production process, but also on the economy growth. In this context, how to value the stock of unsold goods and when should the firm clears it ? This doctoral work aims to answer to this fundamental question from the standpoint of economics. For this purpose, we must first determineat which price a firm can clear its stock of unsold goods and then determine when it should have recourse to selling-off market or clearance sales ? The first part of this thesis is dedicated to a review of the literature, both related to management and marketing science, but also to economics. The second part focuses on an original model of unsold goods' stock valuation which is adapted to the microeconomic hedging methods used in finance (including options where the demand is uncertain). Results show that it is possible to provide a hedge against the risk of a stockof unsold goods. On the one hand, the theory is adapted to the case of supply and on the other hand, it fits the case of a stock of unsold goods. From the theoretical point of view, the results of numerical simulations illustrate the way this method works in practice for different cases. The third part is more general since it introduces two intertemporal original models under the monopolistic market structure.There are two types of consumers, depending on the degree of their sensitiveness to the display of goods (those who are sensitive versus those who are not). Consumers who are relatively strongly sensitive to the display of goods choose to buy apart from it. Furthermore, the monopoly chooses both the price and the quantityof displayed goods in order to maximize its profit. Under certain or uncertain demand,it always emerges a stock of unsold goods. The monopoly can sell the stockof unsold goods, either directly to consumers who are insensitive to the display ofgoods, or to the selling-off firm. Endogenous selling-off market is then studied.

Accumulation des biens, croissance et monnaie / Accumulation of goods, growth and money

Cayemitte, Jean-Marie 17 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse construit un modèle théorique qui renouvelle l’approche traditionnelle de l’équilibre du marché. En introduisant dans le paradigme néo-classique le principe de préférence pour la quantité, il génère de façon optimale des stocks dans un marché concurrentiel. Les résultats sont très importants, car ils expliquent à la fois l’émergence des invendus et l’existence de cycles économiques. En outre, il étudie le comportement optimal du monopole dont la puissance de marché dépend non seulement de la quantité de biens étalés, mais aussi de celle de biens achetés. Contrairement à l’hypothèse traditionnelle selon laquelle le monopoleur choisit le prix ou la quantité qui maximise son profit, il attire, via un indice de Lerner généralisé la demande à la fois par le prix et la quantité de biens exposés. Quelle que soit la structure du marché, le phénomène d’accumulation des stocks de biens apparaît dans l’économie. De plus, il a l’avantage d’expliquer explicitement les achats impulsifs non encore traités par la théorie économique. Pour vérifier la robustesse des résultats du modèle théorique, ils sont testés sur des données américaines. En raison de leur non-linéarité, la méthode de Gauss-Newton est appropriée pour analyser l’impact de la préférence pour la quantité sur la production et l’accumulation de biens, et par conséquent sur les prévisions de PIB. Enfin, cette thèse construit un modèle à générations imbriquées à deux pays qui étend l’équilibre dynamique à un gamma-équilibre dynamique sans friction. Sur la base de la contrainte de détention préalable d’encaisse, il ressort les conditions de sur-accumulation du capital et les conséquences de la mobilité du capital sur le bien-être dans un contexte d’accumulation du stock d’invendus / This thesis constructs a theoretical model that renews the traditional approach of the market equilibrium. By introducing into the neoclassical paradigm the principle of preference for quantity, it optimally generates inventories within a competitive market. The results are very important since they explain both the emergence of unsold goods and the existence of economic cycles. In addition, it studies the optimal behavior of a monopolist whose the market power depends not only on the quantity of displayed goods but also that of goods that the main consumer is willing to buy. Contrary to the traditional assumption that the monopolist chooses price or quantity that maximizes its profit, through a generalized Lerner index (GLI) it attracts customers’ demand by both the price and the quantity of displayed goods. Whatever the market structure, the phenomenon of inventory accumulation appears in the economy. Furthermore, it has the advantage of explicitly explaining impulse purchases untreated by economics. To check the robustness of the results,the theoretical model is fitted to U.S. data. Due to its nonlinearity, the Gauss-Newtonmethod is appropriate to highlight the impact of consumers’ preference for quantity on production and accumulation of goods and consequently GDP forecast. Finally, this thesis builds a two-country overlapping generations (OLG) model which extends the dynamic OLG equilibrium to a frictionless dynamic OLG gamma-equilibrium. Based on the cash-inadvance constraint, it highlights the conditions of over-accumulation of capital and welfare implications of capital mobility in a context of accumulation of stock of unsold goods.

Pulp fictions : the CCF government and the promise of a pulp industry in Saskatchewan, 1944-1964

Novosel, Tom Goran 11 June 2007
This thesis brings together for the first time, in an organised account, Saskatchewans search for a pulp industry. This thesis will show that, in a fundamental tension between goals of fiscal prudence and of economic growth, fiscal prudence won out again and again, to the point that the CCF governments could be characterised as risk-averse where pulp production was concerned. The cautious approach is in contradiction both to the activist reputation of the CCF governments and to their aggressive development of other resources, notably mining. Pulp offers an example of the contradictions that plagued the CCF governments and their policies for the north, contradictions that included disagreements between moderates and radicals over the roles of public and multinational enterprise, colonial attitudes towards the north, and risk aversion despite bold rhetoric and announcements.<p>The methodology used in this thesis has generally maintained an economic policy and political discourse, and incorporates mostly a top-down governmental approach. The personal papers of Tommy Douglas and Woodrow Lloyd provided CCF government correspondence and departmental memos that included premiers, ministers, deputy ministers, and departmental directors involved with the Department of Natural Resources, the Timber Board, the Industrial Development Office, and the Economic Advisory and Planning Board, and with pulp company officials. Furthermore, pulp reports, surveys, and studies helped contextualise all of the interrelated correspondences. To supplement government discourse I utilised the Prince Albert Daily Herald to gain an understanding of what issues the public was debating and found to be most important.

Pulp fictions : the CCF government and the promise of a pulp industry in Saskatchewan, 1944-1964

Novosel, Tom Goran 11 June 2007 (has links)
This thesis brings together for the first time, in an organised account, Saskatchewans search for a pulp industry. This thesis will show that, in a fundamental tension between goals of fiscal prudence and of economic growth, fiscal prudence won out again and again, to the point that the CCF governments could be characterised as risk-averse where pulp production was concerned. The cautious approach is in contradiction both to the activist reputation of the CCF governments and to their aggressive development of other resources, notably mining. Pulp offers an example of the contradictions that plagued the CCF governments and their policies for the north, contradictions that included disagreements between moderates and radicals over the roles of public and multinational enterprise, colonial attitudes towards the north, and risk aversion despite bold rhetoric and announcements.<p>The methodology used in this thesis has generally maintained an economic policy and political discourse, and incorporates mostly a top-down governmental approach. The personal papers of Tommy Douglas and Woodrow Lloyd provided CCF government correspondence and departmental memos that included premiers, ministers, deputy ministers, and departmental directors involved with the Department of Natural Resources, the Timber Board, the Industrial Development Office, and the Economic Advisory and Planning Board, and with pulp company officials. Furthermore, pulp reports, surveys, and studies helped contextualise all of the interrelated correspondences. To supplement government discourse I utilised the Prince Albert Daily Herald to gain an understanding of what issues the public was debating and found to be most important.

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