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Lidová architektura a její význam v regionálním rozvoji (na příkladu Mladoboleslavska) / Folk architecture and its significance in regional development (with an example of the Mladá Boleslav region)Šimáček, Gustav January 2011 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis refers to a research carried out by the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, under the leadership of Mr. Jiří Vaníček. The goal of this thesis is to determine and evaluate the effects of monument protection of rural mansions on the life and development of villages, to analyze potential problems and to search for opportunities to ensure further improvements. In its theoretical part, the thesis maps the legislation governing monument protection in the Czech Republic, with a focus on the monument protection of works of folk architecture. Its practical part is based on a sociological survey carried out in the Mladá Boleslav region, namely in villages that are subject to flat monument protection (Mužský Rural Monument Reserve (RMR), Víska RMR, Březinka Rural Monument Zone (RMZ), Skalsko RMZ, Loukov RMZ and Kluky RMZ), in the form of a questionnaire survey and focus-group discussions. The respondents were owners of properties in the protected villages, their mayors and public officials responsible for monument care. The results obtained from the questionnaires are compared with the results obtained from a survey conducted by the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. The results of focus-group discussions were then used for a detailed analysis of the attitudes of all groups involved and for the definition of key areas decisive for mutual relationships between the owners of protected properties, local governments and public administration. A principal issue of the entire thesis is to determine to what extent the lives of people residing in the above-mentioned villages are influenced by the fact that their village has become a rural monument reserve or zone.
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Les mises au tombeau monumentales du Christ en France (XVe-XVIe siècles) : enjeux iconographiques, funéraires et dévotionnels / The entombments of Christ in France (fifteenth and sixteenth centuries) : an iconographic, funeral and devotional issueKarsallah, Amina 10 December 2009 (has links)
Les représentations monumentales de la Mise au tombeau du Christ constituent l’un des sujets de prédilection en sculpture aux XVe et XVIe siècles. Longtemps, leur historiographie s’est contentée d’observations stylistiques sans marquer d’intérêt concernant les raisons de leur popularité. Pourtant, l’émergence de ce motif iconographique bien particulier – sans référent direct dans les Écritures – ainsi que la grande diversité des lieux d’implantation (cathédrale et église paroissiale, chapelle seigneuriale ou d’hôpital), allant de pair avec celle des donateurs, incitent à un examen attentif des contextes de commande, d’un point de vue historique, politique, économique mais aussi intime. À partir de l’examen de dossiers choisis pour leur pertinence et la richesse de leur documentation, cette étude propose plusieurs ensembles de réflexions articulés autour des notions de monument funéraire, de l’image de dévotion et de pèlerinage spirituel. Elle met ainsi en lumière l’exceptionnelle polyvalence de ces remarquables groupes sculptés. / The monumental representations of the Christ’s entombment were one of the most sought after sculpted subjects during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Their historiography has long been confined to mere stylistic observations without tackling the issue of the reasons for their immense popularity. However, the emergence of such a distinctive iconographic motif – one that stems from no direct reference in the Scriptures – as well as the great diversity of its locations (cathedral and parish churches, castle or hospital chapels), one which mirrors that of their donators, should lead us to a careful examination of the command contexts, from a historical, political, economic as well as personal viewpoint. By examining several examples chosen for their relevance and their wealth of documentation, the present study offers several chapters of reflections hinging upon such notions as a funeral monument, a devotion image and a spiritual pilgrimage. It thus casts light upon the outstanding polyvalence of these remarkable sculpted groups.
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Kiviksgraven : analys av dess historia och framtid sett utifrån bevaringsfrågor / The Kivik monument : an analysis of its history and future from a preservation angleKlintberger Wändahl, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>This essay focuses upon the Kivik monument and its conservation difficulties, since its discovery at 1748 until modern time. The Kivik monument is found in southeast of Scania, and dated within the Bronze Age period. The perspective of the conservation on the monument has merely been on the monuments inner cist of stone and the rock carvings on the cist-slabs. When the monument was first archaeological examined at 1931, its sizeable cairn (75 m in diameter) had almost vanished and the cist was sheltered by a casing of concrete and metal roof. Between 1932 and 1933 the monument has undergone a large-scale restoration, and this criticized restoration resulted in a low antiquarian value with the responsible authority. With a low antiquarian value, the protection of ancient monuments by national laws is nearly none and the interest by responsible authority is insignificantly. This has lead to substandard preservation of the monument and its surrounding area. By comparing the Kivik monument with the monument Ales stones, who undergone equal restorations, I discovered that Ales stones is still considered an intact ancient monument with a high antiquarian value with the responsible authority and therefore in a good state of preservation. This is probably a result of that the restorations of the Kivik monument contain none authentic material as concrete and its museological construction, which Ales stones is not and therefore perceived as a genuine ancient monument.</p>
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Kiviksgraven : analys av dess historia och framtid sett utifrån bevaringsfrågor / The Kivik monument : an analysis of its history and future from a preservation angleKlintberger Wändahl, Anna January 2009 (has links)
This essay focuses upon the Kivik monument and its conservation difficulties, since its discovery at 1748 until modern time. The Kivik monument is found in southeast of Scania, and dated within the Bronze Age period. The perspective of the conservation on the monument has merely been on the monuments inner cist of stone and the rock carvings on the cist-slabs. When the monument was first archaeological examined at 1931, its sizeable cairn (75 m in diameter) had almost vanished and the cist was sheltered by a casing of concrete and metal roof. Between 1932 and 1933 the monument has undergone a large-scale restoration, and this criticized restoration resulted in a low antiquarian value with the responsible authority. With a low antiquarian value, the protection of ancient monuments by national laws is nearly none and the interest by responsible authority is insignificantly. This has lead to substandard preservation of the monument and its surrounding area. By comparing the Kivik monument with the monument Ales stones, who undergone equal restorations, I discovered that Ales stones is still considered an intact ancient monument with a high antiquarian value with the responsible authority and therefore in a good state of preservation. This is probably a result of that the restorations of the Kivik monument contain none authentic material as concrete and its museological construction, which Ales stones is not and therefore perceived as a genuine ancient monument.
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Francis Ponge : un atelier pratique du "moviment" / Francis Ponge : an application workshop of "moviment"Ayabé, Mami 23 September 2014 (has links)
Resitué dans le contexte original, L’Écrit Beaubourg, le mot «moviment » s’avère emblématique des pratiques poétiques de Ponge. ll incarne en un seul mot deux éléments fondamentaux 1 le jeu de décalage et de rapprochement des choses différentes, et la matérialité du moyen d’expression. Sous le principe de l’éloge paradoxal, ces caractéristiques permettent la synthèse textuelle des éléments contradictoires, notamment le temps et l’espace, l’abstrait et le concret. Ajouté à cette animation intellectuelle, les textes se meuvent dans leur composition comme un corps organique, en tant que composants fragmentaires de l’œuvre du poète. Dans les écrits sur l’art, Ponge procède également à l’éloge paradoxal en corrélation avec son appréhension de l’art plastique qui transforme l’émotion temporelle et personnelle en matière substantielle et communicative. C’est justement dans ces «poèmes de circonstance>> que se manifestent ses poétiques les plus contradictoires, celle de l’abstraction concrète et concise, et celle de la monumentalité dans le mouvement. Entre l’épaisseur des mots et la surface plane de la page, le poète les met en œuvre particulièrement dans ses journaux poétiques sur les objets d’espace 1 La Fabrique du pré et La Table. Suggérant la forme musicale « moment », et la forme spatiale parallélépipédique par le segment « ment », le « moviment » concrétise la poésie à trois dimensions, qui, à l’instar du Centre Pompidou, conserve la mémoire collective langagière en la renouvelant sans cesse par le biais de l’incitation à la mise en pratique de la parole. / Replaced in its original context, L Ecrit Beaubourg, the word “movement” appears to be a symbol of Ponge’s poetical practice. ln one only word it associates two fundamental elements: a play with the divergence and association of various things, and the materialism of the expression mode. On the basis of the paradoxical praise, these characteristics allow the making of a textual synthesis of contradictory elements, in particular of time and space, of the abstract and the concrete. Added to this intellectual vitality, the texts evolve in their composition like an organic body, as fragmentary constituents of Ponge’s work. ln his writings on art, he carries out also the paradoxical praise in accordance with his approach of plastic arts which convert temporal subjective emotions into substantial communicable materials. lt is precisely in his ‘poemes de circonstance’ (occasional poems) that his most contradictory poetics appear: that of concrete concise abstraction and that of monumentality in movement. ln between the thickness of the words and the flat surface of the pages, Ponge makes use of them particularly in his poetic diaries: La Fabrique du pré and La Table. Suggesting the musical form “moment”, and the parallelepiped spatial form by the segment “ment”, “movement” embodies the three-dimensional poetry, which keeps, as the Pompidou Center, the collective memory of words, revitalizing it constantly through the encouragement to practical applications of language.
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La Statue dans la ville : littératures européennes, russes et américaines à la rencontre des monuments (XIXe - XXIe siècles). / Statues in cities : European, Russian and American literatures encountering monuments (19th-20th centuries)Gheerardyn, Claire 13 November 2015 (has links)
Traversant un ample corpus textuel rédigé en de nombreuses langues, ce travail interroge les rapports peu explorés entre littérature et sculpture, à partir d’un objet, le monument, « fait social total » mêlant enjeux politiques, idéologiques, religieux et esthétiques. Dispositif autoritaire, le monument exerce une efficace pour dominer et transformer celui qui le rencontre. La littérature accompagne, s’approprie, contre au moyen de stratégies d’iconoclasme textuel, dévoie, et renouvelle les actes accomplis par les monuments : glorifier les héros, signifier l’histoire, édifier la société, répondre à la détresse. Dans l’épreuve du réel, le monument se montre pourtant incapable de tenir ces promesses exorbitantes. La littérature l’en délie et l’allège via l’ouverture d’une finitude et d’une compassion. Le monument est réinventé jusqu’à devenir le lieu d’une nouvelle magie ou d’un élan vers le sacré. La littérature rend ainsi un dispositif monosémique à un pluriel des significations. / Bringing together a broad corpus of texts written in many different languages, this dissertation explores the intersections between literature and sculpture. The starting point is the monument, an object that stands as a “social total fact”, condensing politics, ideologies, religion and aesthetics. Literature can help monuments to alter their beholders, to glorify heroes, to signify history, to build up and edify society, or to respond to distress. More often, it appropriates, subverts or debunks those acts via strategies of “textual iconoclasm”, proving that monuments cannot withstand the test of reality and fail to keep their promises. Literature aims therefore at renewing monuments, making them lighter by opening them to compassion and finitude. Thus recreated, statues in cities can point the beholders towards the sacred, or accommodate magic. Literature manages so to reinvent a polysemy around devices designed to hold an authority, and that were supposed to reinforce a monosemy.
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A trajetória de um monumento na paisagem urbana de Porto Alegre (1866-2013): de Chafariz Imperador para Afluentes do GuaíbaGibrowski, Cristina January 2014 (has links)
Este estudo identifica os fatores relacionados aos deslocamentos espaciais do Chafariz Imperador. Trata-se de um monumento instalado no final de 1866 e início de 1867, na Praça da Matriz em Porto Alegre (RS), pela Companhia Hidráulica Porto Alegrense, em virtude da comemoração do início do fornecimento de água potável aos cidadãos da Capital. Atualmente, algumas peças que restaram dele encontram-se na Praça Dom Sebastião, localizada no centro da cidade. A reconstrução da trajetória histórica do monumento entre o período de 1866-2013 deu-se a partir de uma pesquisa documental de caráter qualitativo nos seguintes locais: Arquivo Histórico de Porto Alegre Moysés Vellinho, Arquivo Histórico do Rio Grande do Sul, Museu da Comunicação Hipólito José da Costa, Museu Joaquim José Felizardo. Além desses, nos acervos digitais da Fundação Biblioteca Nacional e Center Research for Libraries. Ao final deste estudo, identifiquei que as relações entre os deslocamentos espaciais do Chafariz Imperador e as transformações da paisagem urbana de Porto Alegre, estão associadas à Cultura Política dos grupos detentores do poder. Verifiquei que apenas, mais recentemente, as decisões quanto à localização e à preservação do monumento passam a ser tratadas por agentes públicos especializados que se ocupam do Patrimônio Cultural da cidade. / This study identifies factors related to geographical displacements of the Emperor Fountain. It is a monument installed in the late 1866 and in the beginning of 1867, in Matriz square in Porto Alegre (RS), the Porto Alegrense Hydraulic Company due to the celebration of the start of the drinking water supply to Porto Alegre´s citizens. Nowadays, some remaining parts of the fountain are located in Dom Sebastião square, in the city´s downtown. The rebuilding of the historical trajectory of the monument between the periods of 1866-2013 took place from a documental research of qualitative focus in the following places: Vellinho Moyses Historical Archive of Porto Alegre, Historical Archive of Rio Grande do Sul state, Hippolytus José da Costa Museum of Communication, Joaquim José Felizardo Museum. In addition to these places, in the digital collections of the National Library Foundation and in the Center Research for Libraries. At the end of this study, I identified relationships between spatial displacements of the Emperor Fountain and the changes of Porto Alegre´s urban landscape, which are connected to the Political Culture of the most powerful and influent groups of the city. I also noticed that only recently, the decisions regarding the location and preservation of the monument began to be treated by specialized public officials dealing with the city´s cultural heritage.
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A trajetória de um monumento na paisagem urbana de Porto Alegre (1866-2013): de Chafariz Imperador para Afluentes do GuaíbaGibrowski, Cristina January 2014 (has links)
Este estudo identifica os fatores relacionados aos deslocamentos espaciais do Chafariz Imperador. Trata-se de um monumento instalado no final de 1866 e início de 1867, na Praça da Matriz em Porto Alegre (RS), pela Companhia Hidráulica Porto Alegrense, em virtude da comemoração do início do fornecimento de água potável aos cidadãos da Capital. Atualmente, algumas peças que restaram dele encontram-se na Praça Dom Sebastião, localizada no centro da cidade. A reconstrução da trajetória histórica do monumento entre o período de 1866-2013 deu-se a partir de uma pesquisa documental de caráter qualitativo nos seguintes locais: Arquivo Histórico de Porto Alegre Moysés Vellinho, Arquivo Histórico do Rio Grande do Sul, Museu da Comunicação Hipólito José da Costa, Museu Joaquim José Felizardo. Além desses, nos acervos digitais da Fundação Biblioteca Nacional e Center Research for Libraries. Ao final deste estudo, identifiquei que as relações entre os deslocamentos espaciais do Chafariz Imperador e as transformações da paisagem urbana de Porto Alegre, estão associadas à Cultura Política dos grupos detentores do poder. Verifiquei que apenas, mais recentemente, as decisões quanto à localização e à preservação do monumento passam a ser tratadas por agentes públicos especializados que se ocupam do Patrimônio Cultural da cidade. / This study identifies factors related to geographical displacements of the Emperor Fountain. It is a monument installed in the late 1866 and in the beginning of 1867, in Matriz square in Porto Alegre (RS), the Porto Alegrense Hydraulic Company due to the celebration of the start of the drinking water supply to Porto Alegre´s citizens. Nowadays, some remaining parts of the fountain are located in Dom Sebastião square, in the city´s downtown. The rebuilding of the historical trajectory of the monument between the periods of 1866-2013 took place from a documental research of qualitative focus in the following places: Vellinho Moyses Historical Archive of Porto Alegre, Historical Archive of Rio Grande do Sul state, Hippolytus José da Costa Museum of Communication, Joaquim José Felizardo Museum. In addition to these places, in the digital collections of the National Library Foundation and in the Center Research for Libraries. At the end of this study, I identified relationships between spatial displacements of the Emperor Fountain and the changes of Porto Alegre´s urban landscape, which are connected to the Political Culture of the most powerful and influent groups of the city. I also noticed that only recently, the decisions regarding the location and preservation of the monument began to be treated by specialized public officials dealing with the city´s cultural heritage.
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A trajetória de um monumento na paisagem urbana de Porto Alegre (1866-2013): de Chafariz Imperador para Afluentes do GuaíbaGibrowski, Cristina January 2014 (has links)
Este estudo identifica os fatores relacionados aos deslocamentos espaciais do Chafariz Imperador. Trata-se de um monumento instalado no final de 1866 e início de 1867, na Praça da Matriz em Porto Alegre (RS), pela Companhia Hidráulica Porto Alegrense, em virtude da comemoração do início do fornecimento de água potável aos cidadãos da Capital. Atualmente, algumas peças que restaram dele encontram-se na Praça Dom Sebastião, localizada no centro da cidade. A reconstrução da trajetória histórica do monumento entre o período de 1866-2013 deu-se a partir de uma pesquisa documental de caráter qualitativo nos seguintes locais: Arquivo Histórico de Porto Alegre Moysés Vellinho, Arquivo Histórico do Rio Grande do Sul, Museu da Comunicação Hipólito José da Costa, Museu Joaquim José Felizardo. Além desses, nos acervos digitais da Fundação Biblioteca Nacional e Center Research for Libraries. Ao final deste estudo, identifiquei que as relações entre os deslocamentos espaciais do Chafariz Imperador e as transformações da paisagem urbana de Porto Alegre, estão associadas à Cultura Política dos grupos detentores do poder. Verifiquei que apenas, mais recentemente, as decisões quanto à localização e à preservação do monumento passam a ser tratadas por agentes públicos especializados que se ocupam do Patrimônio Cultural da cidade. / This study identifies factors related to geographical displacements of the Emperor Fountain. It is a monument installed in the late 1866 and in the beginning of 1867, in Matriz square in Porto Alegre (RS), the Porto Alegrense Hydraulic Company due to the celebration of the start of the drinking water supply to Porto Alegre´s citizens. Nowadays, some remaining parts of the fountain are located in Dom Sebastião square, in the city´s downtown. The rebuilding of the historical trajectory of the monument between the periods of 1866-2013 took place from a documental research of qualitative focus in the following places: Vellinho Moyses Historical Archive of Porto Alegre, Historical Archive of Rio Grande do Sul state, Hippolytus José da Costa Museum of Communication, Joaquim José Felizardo Museum. In addition to these places, in the digital collections of the National Library Foundation and in the Center Research for Libraries. At the end of this study, I identified relationships between spatial displacements of the Emperor Fountain and the changes of Porto Alegre´s urban landscape, which are connected to the Political Culture of the most powerful and influent groups of the city. I also noticed that only recently, the decisions regarding the location and preservation of the monument began to be treated by specialized public officials dealing with the city´s cultural heritage.
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Expérimenter le monument par la fiction : De la médiation en situation aux produits des industries culturelles à destination des enfants / Experience the historical monument through fiction : From cultural mediation to cultural industries products for childrenPasquer -Jeanne, Julie 02 December 2016 (has links)
Quel rôle est tenu par la fiction dans la relation qui s’établit entre des enfants - âgés entre 6 et 12 ans - et des monuments ? Financée par la région PACA, cette recherche s’intéresse aux formes prises par le monument dans sa « circulation triviale » (Jeanneret, 2008) et aux appropriations qu’en font les enfants. Partant du constat que la fiction nourrit les médiations proposées aux jeunes dans les monuments mais aussi que l’exposition médiatique de ces derniers est importante dans les fictions enfantines - notamment à travers le motif du château , trois niveaux de recherche ont été pensés. Le premier consiste à identifier, via une analyse sémiotique, les opérateurs de la fiction dans les médiations éducatives des monuments désignées explicitement comme telles - audioguides, livrets de visite, ateliers. La fiction mobilisée dans un tel contexte occupe des fonctions qui s’entrecroisent : didactique, ludique et expressive. Dans une démarche similaire, le second niveau propose d’analyser les processus de fabrication de monuments stéréotypés circulant massivement dans les fictions des industries culturelles - en prenant pour exemple, deux monographies : celle du château rêvé de Disney et de l’école Poudlard dans la saga Harry Potter. Le monument y agit principalement de façon cathartique, axiologique et diégétique. De fait, ces deux premiers niveaux mettent en exergue l’opérativité socio-culturelle de la fiction dans la relation proposée au monument. Mais que produisent ces opérateurs fictionnels ? Comment circulent-ils, se réinscrivent-ils et quelles valeurs confèrent-t-ils à la monumentalité ? Pour répondre à ces questions, le dernier niveau s’intéresse à leur réinscription dans les discours d’enfants sous une forme singulière de production de sens - appelés microliens. Ces derniers sont entendus comme des connexions infimes créées par analogie par des sujets entre des opérateurs de dispositifs actualisés dans des expériences sociales - la visite par exemple - et participant à l’élaboration d’un « être culturel » - la monumentalité. Les résultats montrent que la fiction permet des appropriations singulières du temps et de l’espace du monument et différentes formes d’immersion fictionnelle prises et de réflexivité de l’expérience vécue chez les enfants. Pour ces raisons, les expériences liées au monument seraient « polychrésiques » c’est-à-dire objets de constantes réappropriations et « prises(e) sans cesse dans un large spectre de logiques sociales différentes » (Jeanneret, op.cit. : 83). Le décloisonnement des domaines de la vie sociale que propose l’étude de la « trivialité », en tant que circulation des savoirs, montre que la naissance ou le développement d’une pratique pourrait se concevoir dans et avec un « ailleurs » imprégné de discours circulant comprenant des moments, des objets, des discours en dehors des monuments, autrement dit dans un espace ventilé.. / Which role is played by fiction in the relationship established between children - aged from 6 to 12 years old - and historical monuments? Funded by the PACA region, this research focuses on the forms taken by the historical monument in its « trivial circulation » (Jeanneret, 2008) and the appropriations that children do. Noting that fiction feeds mediations offered to young people in the monuments but also that the media exposure of these is important in children’s fictions - particularly through the pattern of the castle – three levels of search are thought. The first is to identify, through a semiotic analysis, operators of fiction in educational mediations of monuments explicitly designated as such – audio guides, visit booklets, workshops. Mobilized fiction in this context holds positions that intersect themselves: didactic, playful and expressive. In a similar move, the second level offers to analyse the manufacturing processes of stereotyped monuments massively flowing in the fictions of cultural industries - taking for example, two monographs: the dreamed castle of Disney and the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Harry Potter saga. The monument mainly acts in a cathartic, axiological and diegetic way. In fact, these two first levels highlight the socio-cultural operability of fiction in the proposed relation to the monument. But what do these fictional operators produce? How do they run, re-enroll themselves and what values do they give to “monumentality”? To answer these questions, the last level is interested in their re-enrollment in children’s speeches in a singular form of sense of production - called microlinks. These are understood as tiny connections created by analogy by subjects between updated devices operators in social experiences - the visit for example - and participating in the development of a « cultural being » - monumentality. The results show that fiction allows singular appropriations of time and space of the monument and different forms of fictional immersion taken and of reflexivity of the experience lived by children. For these reasons, the experiences linked to the monument would be « polychrésiques » which means objects of constant reappropriations and « taken constantly in a wide spectrum of different social logics » (Jeanneret, op.cit.: 83). The compartmentalisation of areas of social life that includes the study of the « triviality » as knowledge circulation, shows that the birth or the development of a practice can be conceived in and with an « elsewhere » imbued with running speech including moments, objects, speeches outside monuments, in other words in a ventilated space.
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