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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Best Practices for Innovation Management. : A Study on Large Companies in Sweden. / God innovationsledningspraxis. : En studie om stora företag i Sverige.

The overall aim of this thesis was to identify and analyze good innovation management practices in Sweden’s most innovative large companies, excluding governmentally owned organizations. Out of 500 large organizations in Sweden, the top 25 most innovative companies have been ranked based upon over 7,000 printed press articles from 2018 available through Retriever Media. The companies are ranked by their innovations score which is calculated by the number of articles a company is mentioned in, adjusted to the company size, and multiplied with the mean sentiment score. The top 25 companies from the ranking was compared with 25 reference companies, active within the same industry based on the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification (SNI) number, that received a lower innovation score. Good innovation management practices were analyzed based on 14 qualitative interviews in 12 of the top 15 ranked companies and a quantitative survey responded by 20 top ranked and 17 reference companies. The interviews were semi structured with open ended questions to identify used practices, and the reasoning behind them. Spearman’s correlation method has been used to investigate if there was any correlation between the company’s innovation score, the mean performance score, and the mean importance score rated by respondents. The company case studies provide authentic examples on how and when different methods and concepts are used within industry. However, while theoretical frameworks often are strictly defined and described in solitary, the interviews have shown that when used within industry, it is rather the opposite. In many of the interviewed companies, frameworks and methods are modified, combined and constantly evolving. Aspects that the interviewees have expressed as important for an innovative company are: Innovation and change should be iterative, decentralized and started in small scale while receiving full support from top management. Examples of identified practices are: The innovation vision is used in the decision-making process for new ideas. Keywords connected to innovation are used for guiding new aspirations. There is an overall aim to become industry or/and digital leaders. Although the interviewed companies had similar innovation management practices, they were usually modified to fit within the company’s own organization and industry. The interviews contributed with interesting collection of practices within their authentic setting from which other companies could draw inspiration from. Lastly, a handbook was created describing how to conduct the innovation ranking annually, including a description of how to use the software as well as the required script of code. / Det övergripande syftet med denna uppsats har varit att identifiera och analysera hur ett antal stora och framgångsrika bolag bedriver innovationsledning. Av 500 svenska företag har de 25 mest innovativa rankats baserat på hur företagen framställts i över 7000 tryckta artiklar under 2018. I artiklarna som tagits fram via Retriever Media har företagen poängsatts efter antalet artiklar som de omnämnts i, korrigerat efter företagens storlek, multiplicerat med artiklarnas genomsnittliga sentimentvärde. De 25 högst rankade företagen jämfördes sedan med 25 referensföretag aktiva inom samma bransch enligt standarden för svensk näringsindelning (SNI). God innovationsledningspraxis identifierades och analyserades genom 14 intervjuer med 12 av de 15 högst rankade företagen, samt en enkätstudie som besvarades av 20 av de 25 högst rankade företagen och 17 av referensbolagen. Intervjuerna var semi strukturerade med öppna frågor för att identifiera den innovationsledningspraxis som företagen använder sig av samt bakomliggande resonemang. Spearmans rangkorrelation användes för att identifiera eventuella korrelationer mellan företagens innovationsrankning och hur företaget presterar med avseende på olika innovationsaspekter samt hur viktiga dessa aspekter anses. Analysen av innovationsledningspraxis resulterade i praktiska exempel på hur och när olika metoder, verktyg och strategier användes inom företagen. Managementteorier som kan uppfattas som strikta i litteraturen visade sig kombineras, modifieras och utvecklas i flera av de intervjuade företagen. Aspekter som företagen lyfte fram som viktiga var att innovation och förändring behöver ske iterativt, decentraliseras och startas småskaligt med full uppbackning av företagsledningen. Några av de olika sätt att framgångsrikt leda innovation som identifierats är att: Det finns en vision för hur för företaget ska jobba med innovation och denna vision ligger till grund för mycket av den beslutsfattande processen när det kommer till nya idéer. Nyckelord kopplade till olika innovationsmål används frekvent för att leda forskning och utveckling i rätt riktning. Det finns även ett övergripande mål om att bli det ledande företaget inom olika områden och näringsgrenar. Även om många av de intervjuade företagen hade liknande innovationsledningspraxis så var denna ofta modifierade för att passa det enskilda bolaget eller branschen. De intervjuade företagen bidrog med en stor mängd intressanta metoder och insikter som andra företag kan inspireras och dra nytta av för att förbättra sin innovationsledningsförmåga. Slutligen sammanställdes en handbok för att genomföra en innovationsrankning, inklusive hur man använder de programvaror som krävs samt all nödvändig kod för att möjliggöra en återkommande rankning av innovativa företag.

Bid Forecasting in Public Procurement / Budgivningsmodeller i offentliga upphandlingar

Stiti, Karim, Yape, Shih Jung January 2019 (has links)
Public procurement amounts to a significant part of Sweden's GDP. Nevertheless, it is an overlooked sector characterized by low digitization and inefficient competition where bids are not submitted based on proper mathematical tools. This Thesis seeks to create a structured approach to bidding in cleaning services by determining factors affecting the participation and pricing decision of potential buyers. Furthermore, we assess price prediction by comparing multiple linear regression models (MLR) to support vector regression (SVR). In line with previous research in the construction sector, we find significance for several factors such as project duration, location and type of contract on the participation decision in the cleaning sector. One notable deviant is that we do not find contract size to have an impact on the pricing decision. Surprisingly, the performance of MLR are comparable to more advanced SVR models. Stochastic dominance tests on price performance concludes that experienced bidders perform better than their inexperienced counterparts and companies place more competitive bids in lowest price tenders compared to economically most advantageous tenders (EMAT) indicating that EMAT tenders are regarded as unstructured. However, no significance is found for larger actors performing better in bidding than smaller companies. / Offentliga upphandlingar utgör en signifikant del av Sveriges BNP. Trots detta är det en förbisedd sektor som karakteriseras av låg digitalisering och ineffektiv konkurrens där bud läggs baserat på intuition snarare än matematiska modeller. Denna avhandling ämnar skapa ett strukturerat tillvägagångssätt för budgivning inom städsektorn genom att bestämma faktorer som påverkar deltagande och prissättning. Vidare undersöker vi prisprediktionsmodeller genom att jämföra multipel linjära regressionsmodeller med en maskininlärningsmetod benämnd support vector regression. I enlighet med tidigare forskning i byggindustrin finner vi att flera faktorer som typ av kontrakt, projekttid och kontraktsplats har en statistisk signifikant påverkan på deltagande i kontrakt i städindustrin. En anmärkningsvärd skillnad är att kontraktsvärdet inte påverkar prissättning som tidigare forskning visat i andra områden. För prisprediktionen är det överraskande att den enklare linjära regressionsmodellen presterar jämlikt till den mer avancerade maskininlärningsmodellen. Stokastisk dominanstest visar att erfarna företag har en bättre precision i sin budgivning än mindre erfarna företag. Därtill lägger företag överlag mer konkurrenskraftiga bud i kontrakt där kvalitetsaspekter tas i beaktning utöver priset. Vilket kan indikera att budgivare upplever dessa kontrakt som mindre strukturerade. Däremot finner vi ingen signifikant skillnad mellan större och mindre företag i denna bemärkning.

Multiscale object-specific analysis : an integrated hierarchical approach for landscape ecology

Hay, Geoffrey J. January 2002 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

An Analysis of Consequences of Land Evaluation and Path Optimization

Murekatete, Rachel Mundeli January 2018 (has links)
Planners who are involved in locational decision making often use raster-based geographic information systems (GIS) to quantify the value of land in terms of suitability or cost for a certain use. From a computational point of view, this process can be seen as a transformation of one or more sets of values associated with a grid of cells into another set of such values through a function reflecting one or more criteria. While it is generally anticipated that different transformations lead to different ‘best’ locations, little has been known on how such differences arise (or do not arise). Examples of such spatial decision problems can be easily found in the literature and many of them concern the selection of a set of cells (to which the land use under consideration is allocated) from a raster surface of suitability or cost depending on context. To facilitate GIS’s algorithmic approach, it is often assumed that the quality of the set of cells can be evaluated as a whole by the sum of their cell values. The validity of this assumption must be questioned, however, if those values are measured on a scale that does not permit arithmetic operations. Ordinal scale of measurement in Stevens’s typology is one such example. A question naturally arises: is there a more mathematically sound and consistent approach to evaluating the quality of a path when the quality of each cell of the given grid is measured on an ordinal scale? The thesis attempts to answer the questions highlighted above in the context of path planning through a series of computational experiments using a number of random landscape grids with a variety of spatial and non-spatial structures. In the first set of experiments, we generated least-cost paths on a number of cost grids transformed from the landscape grids using a variety of transformation parameters and analyzed the locations and (weighted) lengths of those paths. Results show that the same pair of terminal cells may well be connected by different least-cost paths on different cost grids though derived from the same landscape grid and that the variation among those paths is affected by how given values are distributed in the landscape grid as well as by how derived values are distributed in the cost grids. Most significantly, the variation tends to be smaller when the landscape grid contains more distinct patches of cells potentially attracting or distracting cost-saving passage or when the cost grid contains a smaller number of low-cost cells. The second set of experiments aims to compare two optimization models, minisum and minimax (or maximin) path models, which aggregate the values of the cells associated with a path using the sum function and the maximum (or minimum) function, respectively. Results suggest that the minisum path model is effective if the path search can be translated into the conventional least-cost path problem, which aims to find a path with the minimum cost-weighted length between two terminuses on a ratio-scaled raster cost surface, but the minimax (or maximin) path model is mathematically sounder if the cost values are measured on an ordinal scale and practically useful if the problem is concerned not with the minimization of cost but with the maximization of some desirable condition such as suitability. / Planerare som arbetar bland annat med att fatta beslut som hänsyftar till vissa lokaler använder ofta rasterbaserade geografiska informationssystem (GIS) för att sätta ett värde på marken med avseende på lämplighet eller kostnad för en viss användning. Ur en beräkningssynpunkt kan denna process ses som en transformation av en eller flera uppsättningar värden associerade med ett rutnät av celler till en annan uppsättning sådana värden genom en funktion som återspeglar ett eller flera kriterier. Medan det generellt förväntas att olika omvandlingar leder till olika "bästa" platser, har lite varit känt om hur sådana skillnader uppstår (eller inte uppstår). Exempel på sådana rumsliga beslutsproblem kan lätt hittas i litteraturen och många av dem handlar om valet av en uppsättning celler (som markanvändningen övervägs tilldelas) från en rasteryta av lämplighet eller kostnad beroende på kontext. För att underlätta GISs algoritmiska tillvägagångssätt antas det ofta att kvaliteten på uppsättningen av celler kan utvärderas som helhet genom summan av deras cellvärden. Giltigheten av detta antagande måste emellertid ifrågasättas om dessa värden mäts på en skala som inte tillåter aritmetiska transformationer. Användning av ordinal skala enligt Stevens typologi är ett exempel av detta. En fråga uppstår naturligt: Finns det ett mer matematiskt sunt och konsekvent tillvägagångssätt för att utvärdera kvaliteten på en rutt när kvaliteten på varje cell i det givna rutnätet mäts med ordinalskala? Avhandlingen försöker svara på ovanstående frågor i samband med ruttplanering genom en serie beräkningsexperiment med hjälp av ett antal slumpmässigt genererade landskapsnät med en rad olika rumsliga och icke-rumsliga strukturer. I den första uppsättningen experiment genererade vi minsta-kostnad rutter på ett antal kostnadsnät som transformerats från landskapsnätverket med hjälp av en mängd olika transformationsparametrar, och analyserade lägen och de (viktade) längderna för dessa rutter. Resultaten visar att samma par ändpunkter mycket väl kan vara sammanbundna med olika minsta-kostnad banor på olika kostnadsraster härledda från samma landskapsraster, och att variationen mellan dessa banor påverkas av hur givna värden fördelas i landskapsrastret såväl som av hur härledda värden fördelas i kostnadsrastret. Mest signifikant är att variationen tenderar att vara mindre när landskapsrastret innehåller mer distinkta grupper av celler som potentiellt lockar eller distraherar kostnadsbesparande passage, eller när kostnadsrastret innehåller ett mindre antal låg-kostnad celler. Den andra uppsättningen experiment syftar till att jämföra två optimeringsmodeller, minisum och minimax (eller maximin) sökmodeller, vilka sammanställer värdena för cellerna som är associerade med en sökväg med summanfunktionen respektive maximum (eller minimum) funktionen. Resultaten tyder på att minisumbanemodellen är effektiv om sökningen av sökvägen kan översättas till det konventionella minsta kostnadsproblemet, vilket syftar till att hitta en väg med den minsta kostnadsvägda längden mellan två terminaler på en ratio-skalad rasterkostyta, men minimax (eller maximin) banmodellen är matematiskt sundare om kostnadsvärdena mäts i ordinär skala och praktiskt användbar om problemet inte bara avser minimering av kostnad men samtidigt maximering av någon önskvärd egenskap såsom lämplighet. / <p>QC 20181002</p>

Statistical Inference

Chou, Pei-Hsin 26 June 2008 (has links)
In this paper, we will investigate the important properties of three major parts of statistical inference: point estimation, interval estimation and hypothesis testing. For point estimation, we consider the two methods of finding estimators: moment estimators and maximum likelihood estimators, and three methods of evaluating estimators: mean squared error, best unbiased estimators and sufficiency and unbiasedness. For interval estimation, we consider the the general confidence interval, confidence interval in one sample, confidence interval in two samples, sample sizes and finite population correction factors. In hypothesis testing, we consider the theory of testing of hypotheses, testing in one sample, testing in two samples, and the three methods of finding tests: uniformly most powerful test, likelihood ratio test and goodness of fit test. Many examples are used to illustrate their applications.

以特徵向量法解條件分配相容性問題 / Solving compatibility issues of conditional distributions by eigenvector approach

顧仲航, Ku, Chung Hang Unknown Date (has links)
給定兩個隨機變數的條件機率矩陣A和B,相容性問題的主要課題包 含:(一)如何判斷他們是否相容?若相容,則如何檢驗聯合分配的唯一性 或找出所有的聯合分配;(二)若不相容,則如何訂定測量不相容程度的方 法並找出最近似聯合分配。目前的文獻資料有幾種解決問題的途徑,例 如Arnold and Press (1989)的比值矩陣法、Song et al. (2010)的不可約 化對角塊狀矩陣法及Arnold et al. (2002)的數學規劃法等,經由這些方法 的啟發,本文發展出創新的特徵向量法來處理前述的相容性課題。 當A和B相容時,我們觀察到邊際分配分別是AB′和B′A對應特徵值1的 特徵向量。因此,在以邊際分配檢驗相容性時,特徵向量法僅需檢驗滿足 特徵向量條件的邊際分配,大幅度減少了檢驗的工作量。利用線性代數中 的Perron定理和不可約化對角塊狀矩陣的概念,特徵向量法可圓滿處理相 容性問題(一)的部份。 當A和B不相容時,特徵向量法也可衍生出一個測量不相容程度的簡單 方法。由於不同的測量方法可得到不同的最近似聯合分配,為了比較其優 劣,本文中提出了以條件分配的偏差加上邊際分配的偏差作為評量最近似 聯合分配的標準。特徵向量法除了可推導出最近似聯合分配的公式解外, 經過例子的驗證,在此評量標準下特徵向量法也獲得比其他測量法更佳的 最近似聯合分配。由是,特徵向量法也可用在處理相容性問題(二)的部份。 最後,將特徵向量法實際應用在兩人零和有限賽局問題上。作業研究的 解法是將雙方採取何種策略視為獨立,但是我們認為雙方可利用償付值表 所提供的資訊作為決策的依據,並將雙方的策略寫成兩個條件機率矩陣, 則賽局問題被轉換為相容性問題。我們可用廣義相容的概念對賽局的解進 行分析,並在各種測度下討論賽局的解及雙方的最佳策略。 / Given two conditional probability matrices A and B of two random variables, the issues of the compatibility include: (a) how to determine whether they are compatible? If compatible, how to check the uniqueness of the joint distribution or find all possible joint distributions; (b) if incompatible, how to measure how far they are from compatibility and find the most nearly compatible joint distribution. There are several approaches to solve these problems, such as the ratio matrix method(Arnold and Press, 1989), the IBD matrix method(Song et al., 2010) and the mathematical programming method(Arnold et al., 2002). Inspired by these methods, the thesis develops the eigenvector approach to deal with the compatibility issues. When A and B are compatible, it is observed that the marginal distributions are eigenvectors of AB′ and B′A corresponding to 1, respectively. While checking compatibility by the marginal distributions, the eigenvector approach only checks the marginal distributions which are eigenvectors of AB′ and B′A. It significantly reduces the workload. By using Perron theorem and the concept of the IBD matrix, the part (a) of compatibility issues can be dealt with the eigenvector approach. When A and B are incompatible, a simple way to measure the degree of incompatibility can be derived from the eigenvector approach. In order to compare the most nearly compatible joint distributions given by different measures, the thesis proposes the deviation of the conditional distributions plus the deviation of the marginal distributions as the most nearly compatible joint distribution assessment standard. The eigenvector approach not only derives formula for the most nearly compatible distribution, but also provides better joint distribution than those given by the other measures through the validations under this standard. The part (b) of compatibility issues can also be dealt with the eigenvector approach. Finally, the eigenvector approach is used in solving game problems. In operations research, strategies adopted by both players are assumed to be independent. However, this independent assumption may not be appropriate, since both players can make decisions through the information provided by the payoffs for the game. Let strategies of both players form two conditional probability matrices, then the game problems can be converted into compatibility issues. We can use the concept of generalized compatibility to analyze game solutions and discuss the best strategies for both players in a variety of measurements.

La prééminence du droit international et de l'arbitrage transnational en droit des investissements étrangers / The pre-eminence of international law and transnational arbitration in foreign investment law

Zakhour, Georges-Philippe 20 June 2018 (has links)
Établissant une relation entre un État ou l’une de ses émanations, d’une part, et un investisseur d’autre part, le droit des investissements étrangers se meut au-delà de la distinction droit public/droit privé. Compte tenu du fait qu’il se situe à un point de jonction entre le droit international et le droit interne, le droit des investissements pose d’importantes questions relatives à la loi applicable, ainsi qu’aux juridictions compétentes. Conçu comme un ordre juridique spécifique provenant de l’interaction entre les ordres juridiques international et interne, le droit des investissements engendre de multiples répercussions quant à son interférence avec l’ordre juridique interne. Cette interférence, n’étant soumise à aucune hiérarchie de compétence législative ou juridictionnelle, soulève de sérieuses interrogations : quel serait le droit applicable lorsque les droits interne et international ont vocation à s’appliquer dans un même litige ? Dans le même ordre d’idées, quelle serait la juridiction compétente si les institutions juridictionnelles internationales et internes sont toutes les deux compétentes selon leurs propres règles de rattachement pour trancher le litige ? Les réponses à ces interrogations ne sont pas évidentes et continuent de donner lieu à de vifs débats. La question n’ayant pas été tranchée de façon ferme et définitive, la présente étude proposera d’y apporter des éléments de réponse en démontrant la manifeste prééminence du droit international de fond et de l’arbitrage transnational de nature à permettre d’écarter l’application de la loi locale et d’exclure la compétence des juges internes. Cette prééminence fera enfin l’objet d’un examen approprié. / Establishing a relationship between a State or one of its emanations, on the one hand, and an investor, on the other, international investment law moves beyond the distinction between public law and private law. Given the fact that it resides in-between international law and domestic law, international investment law raises important questions about the governing law and jurisdiction. Conceived as a specific legal order arising from the interaction between the international and the national legal orders, international investment law begets controversy with respect to its interference with the national legal order. This interference, which is not submitted to any hierarchy on the legislative or jurisdictional level, raises serious questions: what would be the applicable law when domestic law and international law are both involved in the same dispute? In a similar manner, what would be the competent court if the international and domestic jurisdictional institutions are both competent according to the rules of their own legal order? The answers to these questions are not obvious and continue to give rise to heated debates. As the issue has not been firmly and definitively resolved, the present study aims to provide an answer by demonstrating the pre-eminence of substantive international law and transnational arbitration to the point of clearly excluding the application of the local law and the competence of domestic judges. This pre-eminence will finally be subject to an in-depth examination.

Essays on Spatial Econometrics

Grahl, Paulo Gustavo de Sampaio 22 December 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Paulo Gustavo Grahl (pgrahl@fgvmail.br) on 2013-10-18T05:32:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DoutoradoPG_final.pdf: 23501670 bytes, checksum: 55b15051b9acc69ac74e639efe776fae (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2013-10-28T18:22:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DoutoradoPG_final.pdf: 23501670 bytes, checksum: 55b15051b9acc69ac74e639efe776fae (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2013-10-29T18:24:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DoutoradoPG_final.pdf: 23501670 bytes, checksum: 55b15051b9acc69ac74e639efe776fae (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-10-29T18:25:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DoutoradoPG_final.pdf: 23501670 bytes, checksum: 55b15051b9acc69ac74e639efe776fae (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-22 / Esta dissertação concentra-se nos processos estocásticos espaciais definidos em um reticulado, os chamados modelos do tipo Cliff & Ord. Minha contribuição nesta tese consiste em utilizar aproximações de Edgeworth e saddlepoint para investigar as propriedades em amostras finitas do teste para detectar a presença de dependência espacial em modelos SAR (autoregressivo espacial), e propor uma nova classe de modelos econométricos espaciais na qual os parâmetros que afetam a estrutura da média são distintos dos parâmetros presentes na estrutura da variância do processo. Isto permite uma interpretação mais clara dos parâmetros do modelo, além de generalizar uma proposta de taxonomia feita por Anselin (2003). Eu proponho um estimador para os parâmetros do modelo e derivo a distribuição assintótica do estimador. O modelo sugerido na dissertação fornece uma interpretação interessante ao modelo SARAR, bastante comum na literatura. A investigação das propriedades em amostras finitas dos testes expande com relação a literatura permitindo que a matriz de vizinhança do processo espacial seja uma função não-linear do parâmetro de dependência espacial. A utilização de aproximações ao invés de simulações (mais comum na literatura), permite uma maneira fácil de comparar as propriedades dos testes com diferentes matrizes de vizinhança e corrigir o tamanho ao comparar a potência dos testes. Eu obtenho teste invariante ótimo que é também localmente uniformemente mais potente (LUMPI). Construo o envelope de potência para o teste LUMPI e mostro que ele é virtualmente UMP, pois a potência do teste está muito próxima ao envelope (considerando as estruturas espaciais definidas na dissertação). Eu sugiro um procedimento prático para construir um teste que tem boa potência em uma gama de situações onde talvez o teste LUMPI não tenha boas propriedades. Eu concluo que a potência do teste aumenta com o tamanho da amostra e com o parâmetro de dependência espacial (o que está de acordo com a literatura). Entretanto, disputo a visão consensual que a potência do teste diminui a medida que a matriz de vizinhança fica mais densa. Isto reflete um erro de medida comum na literatura, pois a distância estatística entre a hipótese nula e a alternativa varia muito com a estrutura da matriz. Fazendo a correção, concluo que a potência do teste aumenta com a distância da alternativa à nula, como esperado. / This dissertation focus on spatial stochastic process on a lattice (Cliff & Ord--type of models). My contribution consists of using Edgeworth and saddlepoint series to investigate small sample size and power properties of tests for detecting spatial dependence in spatial autoregressive (SAR) stochastic processes, and proposing a new class of spatial econometric models where the spatial dependence parameters that enter the mean structure are different from the ones in the covariance structure. This allows a clearer interpretation of models' parameters and generalizes the set of local and global models suggested by Anselin (2003) as an alternative to the traditional Cliff & Ord models. I propose an estimation procedure for the model's parameters and derive the asymptotic distribution of the parameters' estimators. The suggested model provides some insights on the structure of the commonly used mixed regressive, spatial autoregressive model with spatial autoregressive disturbances (SARAR). The study of the small sample properties of tests to detect spatial dependence expands on the existing literature by allowing the neighborhood structure to be a nonlinear function of the spatial dependence parameter. The use of series approximations instead of the often used Monte Carlo simulation allows a simple way to compare test properties across different neighborhood structures and to correct for size when comparing power. I obtain the power envelope for testing the presence of spatial dependence in the SAR process using the optimal invariant test statistic, which is also locally uniformly most powerful invariant (LUMPI). I have found that the LUMPI test is virtually UMP since its power is very close to the power envelope. I suggest a practical procedure to build a test that, while not UMP, retain good power properties in a wider range for the spatial parameter when compared to the LUMPI test. I find that power increases with sample size and with the spatial dependence parameter -- which agrees with the literature. However, I call into question the consensus view that power decreases as the spatial weight matrix becomes more densely connected. This finding in the literature reflects an error of measure because the hypothesis being compared are at very different statistical distance from the null. After adjusting for this, the power is larger for alternative hypothesis further away from the null -- as one would expect.

Automatické testování projektu JavaScript Restrictor / Automatic Testing of JavaScript Restrictor Project

Bednář, Martin January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to design, implement and evaluate the results of automatic tests for the JavaScript Restrictor project, which is being developed as a web browser extension. The tests are divided into three levels - unit, integration, and system. The Unit Tests verify the behavior of individual features, the Integration Tests verify the correct wrapping of browser API endpoints, and the System Tests check that the extension does not suppress the desired functionality of web pages. The System Tests are implemented for parallel execution in a distributed environment which has succeeded in achieving an almost directly proportional reduction in time with respect to the number of the tested nodes. The benefit of this work is detection of previously unknown errors in the JavaScript Restrictor extension and provision of the necessary information that allowed to fix some of the detected bugs.

Řešení dopravy v centru Havlíčkova Brodu / Traffic situation in the city centre of Havlíčkův Brod and its solution

Tobek, Miroslav January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is the solution of the traffic situation in the city center of Havlíčkův Brod. Mainly the ground road number II/150 adjustment, which consist in the modification of the two-way traffic to one-way traffic organization in the streets Dolní, Žižkova and Na Ostrově by using the analogy of a roundabout layout, is solved within this thesis. All mentioned modifications simplify the traffic situation, improve the orientation and increase the security and the traffic flow mainly in relation to pedestrians and cyclists. Another part of this thesis is focused on revitalization of the public spaces in front of the community center called Ostrov and junction of existing cycle tracks situated on the both banks of the Sázava river. In relation to this topic the adjustment of rainwater sewerage system, low-voltage above ground network, public lighting, communication electric cables, fire brigade signal lights and low-pressure gas pipeline is also solved.

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