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Det bristande föräldraskapet : En kvalitativ analys av föräldrars omsorgsförmåga i LVU-domar / The lack of parenting : A qualitative analysis of parents' caregiving ability in LVU-judgementsFolckner, Ingrid, Fritiof, Olivia January 2024 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa dokumentstudie har som syfte att undersöka hur föräldraskap konstrueras i LVU-domar i förhållande till rekvisitet brister i omsorgen. Studien ämnar att undersöka hur moderskap respektive faderskap porträtteras i förhållande till detta. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar har LVU-domar analyserats utifrån en tematisk analys. Den teoretiska ramen har varit socialkonstruktionism, Hirdmans teori om genussystemet, intersektionalitet samt ett rättssociologiskt perspektiv. Studiens resultat visar att det finns flera olika faktorer som kan ligga till grund för en bristande omsorg och att det i varje specifikt fall görs en bedömning utifrån de omständigheter som kan innebära en påtaglig risk för att barnets hälsa eller utveckling skadas. Föräldrarnas omsorgsförmåga porträtteras följaktligen i förhållande till omständigheterna i barnets liv och till barnets specifika behov. Övergripande har studien också funnit att det generellt skrivs mer om mödrar i domarna. Deras omsorgsförmåga beskrivs mer utförligt, både i negativa och positiva ordalag. Det råder även en variation kring hur domen är utformad, samt hur mycket och hur utförligt det skrivs. I vissa domar skrivs det mycket kortfattat kring omsorgsförmågan, medan det i andra redogörs mycket utförligt. Studien har också funnit att moderskap respektive faderskap till viss del konstrueras på olika sätt. Till exempel konstrueras mödrar som ansvariga för grundläggande och känslomässig omsorg. De konstrueras även som ansvariga för att hantera konflikter och säkerställa säkerheten för barnet. Generellt skrivs det inte mycket kring fäderna och de tillskrivs generellt en mer passiv roll.
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[pt] A dissertação discute políticas de memória e luto em face da violência anti-negro em uma perspectiva transnacional, visando compreender as formas como elas
ocorrem na diáspora negra e voltando o olhar ao Estado Brasileiro. Para isso, tenho
como centralidade familiares que perderam seus filhos para a violência policial,
dando um foco especial para as mães dos movimentos de mães contra a violência,
e a partir dos seus relatos discuto a forma como as famílias são afetadas e lidam
com o trauma da violência racial. O objetivo geral é compreender como em face ao
luto e ao trauma os familiares se tornam ativistas e se engajam numa luta por justiça
e memória. A vista disso, realizo um estudo de caso sobre o memorial da Chacina
do Jacarezinho, onde são discutidas as (im)possobilidades de luto e memória, bem
como as disputas políticas inscritas na sua construção e destruição. / [en] The dissertation discusses memory and mourning policies in the face of anti-black
violence from a transnational perspective, addressing the ways in which they occur
in the black diaspora and returning the gaze to the Brazilian State. For this, I focus
on families who lost their children to police violence, giving a special focus to
mothers from mothers movements against violence, and based on their reports, I
discuss the way in which families are affected and deal with the trauma of racial
violence. The general objective is to understand how, in the face of grief and
trauma, family members become activists and engage in a fight for justice and
memory. Thus, we carried out a case study on the Jacarezinho Mass memorial,
where the (im)possibilities of mourning and memory are discussed, as well as the
political disputes involved in its construction and destruction.
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[pt] A presente tese tem como proposta articular alguns desdobramentos da minha atuação profissional com mulheres moradoras de Pedra de Guaratiba, bairro da zona oeste do Rio de Janeiro, com a questão da maternidade num cenário marcado pela pobreza e exclusão. Considerando que os contextos social e cultural definem diferentes hábitos e costumes, a questão que se coloca é dar visibilidade às mulheres a partir das categorias pelas quais são socialmente construídas as identidades femininas e as vivências de maternidade das moradoras das favelas de Pedra de Guaratiba. Buscamos investigá-la a partir do olhar das
próprias mulheres, e de suas significações a respeito dessas experiências. Para analisar a função da maternidade, fez-se necessário problematizarmos temas relacionais, como: migração, tentativas de aborto, violência doméstica, uso de álcool/drogas, vulnerabilidade social, conjugalidades, contraceptivos e planejamento familiar e as interferências sobre novas formas de relacionamentos, reconhecimentos sociais e de atuação em seu cotidiano. Objetiva-se uma reflexão sobre o lugar da maternidade no processo de subjetivação dessas mulheres, tentando uma abordagem menos homogênea da questão e procurando observar como se insere nos projetos de vida, para, como possibilidade futura, servir de embasamento para a gestão de políticas públicas mais efetivas para a categoria trabalhada. / [en] This present thesis has the proposed intent to articulate some of the development of my professional work with women living in Pedra de Guaratiba, located in the western district of Rio de Janeiro, about the issue of motherhood in a scenario tainted by poverty and exclusion. Considering the fact that social and cultural contexts define different habits and customs, the question that arises is to give visibility to women from the categories for which they are socially constructed identities and women s experiences of maternity residents of the slums of Pedra de Guaratiba. We sought to investigate it from the women s self point of views, and their meanings about these experiences. To analyze the function of motherhood, it was
necessary to discuss subjects related, such as migration, attempted abortion, domestic violence, alcohol / drugs, social vulnerability, conjugalities, contraceptives, family planning and the interference on new forms of relationships, recognition and social activities in their daily lives. It aims to reflect on the place of motherhood in these women s subjective process, trying a less homogeneous approach of the issue while seeking to observe how they place themselves in the projects of life, in order to, as a possibility in the future, serve as the basis for a more effective public policy management to the category under
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[pt] Brenda. Lorena. Bella. Tatiana. O que essas mulheres têm em comum? São
brancas, de classe média, moradoras de grandes metrópoles, têm
aproximadamente 30 anos e, principalmente, não estão certas se desejam ou não
ser mães. Partindo de indagações a respeito dos medos que tais mulheres sentem
acerca da maternidade, esta pesquisa se debruça sobre dados gerados em
entrevistas semiestruturadas (MISHLER, 1986), a fim de compreender as relações
estabelecidas entre os temores apresentados pelas entrevistadas e questões de
gênero, classe e raça. O estudo se insere no campo da Análise da Narrativa,
subárea da Linguística Aplicada, que observa, dentre outros fatores, de que modo
as histórias que as pessoas contam dialogam com os discursos macrossociais.
Diante disso, a presente investigação esquadrinha as pequenas histórias
(BAMBERG; GEORGAKOPOULOU, 2008) narradas pelas entrevistadas por
meio de duas lâminas de análise: uma estrutural e uma discursiva. A primeira
examina a forma como as narradoras estruturam suas narrativas, e a segunda
observa de que modo tais enunciados reafirmam ou contestam discursos
macrossociais. As análises evidenciam, assim, a intensidade com que o discurso
feminista hegemônico se entrelaça com o discurso neoliberal, criando um
contexto sociocultural em que a maternidade – pelo menos para as mulheres
brancas abastadas – vem perdendo o status de outrora, o qual agora passa a
situar-se no sucesso profissional e no poder de consumo. / [en] Brenda. Lorena. Bella. Tatiana. What do these women have in common? They arewhite, middle-class residents of major cities, approximately 30 years old, and,most importantly, they are uncertain about whether they want to be mothers ornot. Starting with inquiries into the fears these women feel regarding motherhood,this research delves into data generated from semi-structured interviews(MISHLER, 1986) to understand the relationships established between the fearspresented by the interviewees and issues of gender, class, and race. The study fallswithin the field of Narrative Analysis, a subarea of Applied Linguistics, whichexamines, among other factors, how the stories people tell interact withmacro-social discourses. In light of this, the current investigation scrutinizes thesmall stories (BAMBERG; GEORGAKOPOULOU, 2008) narrated by theinterviewees through two layers of analysis: a structural one and a discursive one.The first examines how the narrators structure their narratives, and the secondobserves how these statements reaffirm or challenge macro-social discourses. Theanalyses thus reveal the intensity with which the dominant feminist discourseintertwines with the neoliberal discourse, creating a sociocultural context in whichmotherhood – at least for affluent white women – is losing the status it once had,now being situated in professional success and consumer power.
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Navigating Parenthood in a New Culture. Experiences and Challenges ofFirst-Generation Afghan Immigrant Mothers in Malmö, Swedenmeharizgi, Misgana Habtom January 2024 (has links)
AbstractThe study aims to hear and represent the experiences of Afghan immigrant mothers in Malmö, Sweden. By focusing on the individual level, the research seeks to investigate the challenges of raising children and the strategies developed to overcome those challenges. A qualitative research design was chosen for the study, using data from five semi-structured interviews and a focus group. The research is theoretically framed by Berry's acculturation theory and concepts of parenting. The finding indicates that Afghan immigrant mothers face challenges as individuals and as parents during their integration process. The key challenges include adapting to a new way of living, overcoming language barriers, changes in social position and lack of social networks. Additionally, Cultural influence on parenting, the difference between the collective and individualistic parenting styles in Swedish society, and differences in acculturation levels, authority and discipline were significant factors. Finally, the thesis implies immigrant mothers need structural support through access to language classes and community programs to navigate the Swedish system and professional support to integrate successfully into the Swedish community.
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Does single motherhood affect dental caries risk during pregnancy? NHANES 2011-2018Yavari, Roya 14 August 2024 (has links)
INTRODUCTION: This study explores the relationship between single motherhood during pregnancy and dental caries, considering factors like socioeconomic status and oral health practices.
METHODS: This cross-sectional study utilized data from the NHANES cycles 2011-2018. Inclusion criteria were positive pregnancy status, age 20-44 years, complete survey response, and completion of the dental health component. Participants were analyzed based on the presence or absence of active decay. The key independent variable was relationship status (pregnant single mother (single/widowed/divorced) vs. pregnant partnered (married/living with partner). Variables included age, race/ethnicity, poverty income ratio, education level, history of high blood pressure, health insurance status, smoking status, sugar intake, and timing of the last dental visit. Statistical methods included descriptive analysis and crude and adjusted logistic regression models, utilizing SAS-9.4 to account for NHANES' sampling design.
RESULTS: Crude analysis indicated that partnered pregnant individuals had a higher prevalence of untreated dental caries (OR = 1.22, 95% CI: 1.08, 1.39) compared to single pregnant individuals. However, this association was not statistically significant after adjusting for potential confounders (adjusted OR = 1.02, 95% CI: 0.83, 1.26). Significant predictors were lower income, education, and smoking status.
DISCUSSION: After adjusting for confounders, single motherhood alone was not a statistically significant predictor of dental caries. However, lower income, lower education levels, smoking status, and infrequent dental visits were significant predictors. These findings highlight the need for targeted public health interventions that address socioeconomic determinants, improve educational opportunities, provide financial support, and integrate oral health education into prenatal care programs.
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Resurrection Attempts: EssaysAl-Qasem, Ruby 05 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is composed of a critical preface, "Reconciling Art and Account in the Creative Essay," and the essay collection Resurrection Attempts: Essays. The preface situates the following essay collection within the genre of contemporary creative nonfiction. Specifically, it argues that genre-bending or genre hybridity are inherent and unavoidable features of creative nonfiction writing and should be celebrated, rather than denied or lamented. It points to other writers who deliberately challenge the bounds of genre, and discusses some of the collection's innovations in form and other ways it offers experimentation, such as use of unusual or borrowed points of view, disruption of chronology, and adoption of elements from other genres of writing, including fiction, poetry, and academic. Ultimately, embracing the artistic side of creative nonfiction (as opposed to its "purely" journalistic side) allows for heightened intimacy with the reader, a much wider breadth of storytelling, and a more vulnerable—and therefore more truthful—interrogation of legacy and the human experience. Resurrection Attempts is a collection of essays exploring the writer's rural Texas childhood and the early and tragic losses of her parents, including the effect of those experiences on her adult life and performance of motherhood. The voices of the writer's sisters sometimes intertwine with hers, especially as she examines the converging and diverging lenses of their shared experience. She works throughout to "resurrect" her parents and even to resurrect earlier versions of other family members, including herself. The collection is particularly fascinated with dreams, drawing a parallel between the subconscious lives of the dreamer and their waking constructions of their memories and experiences.
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Řízení o určení a popření rodičovství / Legal Proceeding of Establishment and Disputing ParentageSvobodová, Petra January 2018 (has links)
Legal Proceeding of Establishing and Disputing Parentage The topic of this thesis is the legal proceedings of establishing or disputing parentage. The aim of the thesis is to provide complex description and analysis of current framework of the proceedings for establishing or disputing parentage in relation to the substantive measures, point out problematic areas and weak spots of the legislation and provide possible solutions de lege ferenda. The text is divided into eight chapters. First chapter deals with the term "parentage" from various perspectives - biological, social, legal and the link between them, mainly with the case law of the Supreme Court, Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights in mind. Second chapter provides the historical evolution of the legal framework for establishing and disputing parentage, going all the way back to the ancient Rome, Austrian Civil Code, the Family Law Code and the Family Code, to the present, where the civil law underwent re-codification and the whole area of family law has been included within the new Civil Code. The third chapter is devoted to the analysis of the substantive measures regarding the establishing and disputing of parentage as described in the Civil Code, because the substantive measures and procedural measures are closely...
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Zakládání rodiny u vysokoškolaček v souvislostech české rodinné politiky / Starting a family of czech university-educated women in the context of czech family policyKnotová, Rudolfína January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis "Undergraduates establishing their families in the context of the family policy in the Czech Republic" offers a new view upon a dilemma of college-educated women within the Czech society in establishing their families - it is focused on the parenthood strategy during the university studies. The thesis provides analysis of both positive and negative aspects of the parenthood decision and it investigates what sort of support is given to the undergraduate mothers in the Czech Republic. Measures that could be introduced to the framework of family policy in order to create suitable conditions for the undergraduates establishing their families during the studies are proposed. Subjective views of seven respondents, describing their life as an undergraduate mothers, are included in the analytical part to help approach the undergraduate parenthood strategy development. The key underlaying basis for this thesis is the assumption that undergraduate parenthood could be a suitable life strategy for a number of women undergraduates, should the government support improve.
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Encountering maternal silence: writing strategies for negotiating margins of mother/ing in contemporary Canadian prairie women's poetryHiebert, Luann E. 11 April 2016 (has links)
Contemporary Canadian prairie women poets write about the mother figure to counter maternal suppression and the homogenization of maternal representations in literature. Critics, like Marianne Hirsch and Andrea O’Reilly, insist that mothers tell their own stories, yet many mothers are unable to. Daughter and mother stories, Jo Malin argues, overlap. The mother “becomes a subject, or rather an ‘intersubject’” in the text (2). Literary depictions of daughter-mother or mother-child intersubjectivities, however, are not confined to auto/biographical or fictional narratives. As a genre and potential site for representing maternal subjectivities, poetry continues to reside on the margins of motherhood studies and literary criticism.
In the following chapters, I examine the writing strategies of selected poets and their representations of mothers specific to three transformative occasions: mourning mother-loss, becoming a mother, and reclaiming a maternal lineage. Several daughter-poets adapt the elegy to remember their deceased mothers and to maintain a connection with them. In accord with Tanis MacDonald and Priscila Uppal, these poets resist closure and interrogate the past. Moreover, they counter maternal absence and preserve her subjectivity in their texts. Similarly, a number of mother-poets begin constructing their mother-child (self-other) relationship prior to childbirth. Drawing on Lisa Guenther’s notions of “birth as a gift of the feminine other” and welcoming the stranger (49), as well as Emily Jeremiah’s link between “‘maternal’ mutuality” and writing and reading practices (“Trouble” 13), I investigate poetic strategies for negotiating and engaging with the “other,” the unborn/newborn and the reader. Other poets explore and interweave bits of stories, memories, dreams and inklings into their own motherlines, an identification with their matrilineage. Poetic discourse(s) reveal the limits of language, but also attest to the benefits of extra-linguistic qualities that poetry provides. The poets I study here make room for the interplay of language and what lies beyond language, engaging the reader and augmenting perceptions of the maternal subject. They offer new ways of signifying maternal subjectivities and relationships, and therefore contribute to the ongoing research into the ever-changing relations among maternal and cultural ideologies, mothering and feminisms, and regional women’s literatures. / May 2016
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