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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A quantitative and qualitative histological assessment of selected organs of Oreochromis mossambicus after acute exposure to cadmium, chromium and nickel

19 April 2010 (has links)
M.Sc. / South Africa is renowned for its exploitable mineral resources and continues to be a major player in the world’s mineral markets. The country is well known for containing the world’s largest gold and platinum repositories and electroplating industries, which is the major cause for delivering by-products such as cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr) and nickel (Ni). Environmental pollution caused by active mining and seepage from closed mines, continuously threatens South African water resources. Such pollution can cause a shift in water chemistry and increase the availability of certain metals to the living organisms of such a system. Even at low concentrations metals are amongst the most toxic environmental pollutants. As a result of their persistence and capacity to accumulate in the environment, metals have a lasting detrimental effect on the ecosystem. Although there is progress in the treatment of metallic wastes, the discharge thereof by industries is still a serious water pollution problem. In the past, chemical analysis of water has proven to be of great use for the detection of pollutants within the environment. The value of chemical analysis alone has become limiting, as chemical analysis supplies information on the levels of chemicals at a certain time. Furthermore, the monitoring of water quality variables often does not reflect long-term events that may play a critical role in determining the ecosystem health. It is now generally understood that measurements of only the physical and chemical attributes of water cannot be used as surrogates for assessing the health of an aquatic ecosystem. The new trend is to incorporate biological monitoring into Abstract existing monitoring strategies. Fish are entirely dependent on the aquatic environment for their survival, rendering them a good monitor of water pollution. Macroscopic changes in organs are preceded by changes at the tissue, cellular or molecular level. These changes are the net result of adverse biochemical and physiological changes within an organism. Histological analysis is a therefore very sensitive parameter and a valuable technique in determining cellular changes in target organs as a result of exposure to stressors. Fish histology can thus be used as an indicator of exposure to contaminants and assess the degree of pollution. Because of the subjective nature of morphological studies correlations with other quantitative studies are difficult. However, incorporation of quantitative methods is essential to the continued development of histopathology as a biomarker of pollution exposure, and to the interpretation of histological responses. The aim of this study is to qualitatively and quantitatively describe the toxic induced histological changes in the selected organs of Oreochromis mossambicus after acute exposure to Cd, Cr and Ni. Fish were exposed to 10% (n=20) and 20% (n=20) of the LC50 concentration of Cd, Cr and Ni respectively under controlled conditions (23 ± 1°C) for 96 hours in an environmental room with a control group (n=5) for each exposure.

Cuamba Municipality, the capital of water? : A case study of the inclusion of female interests in water governance in Cuamba municipality, Mozambique.

Abrahamsson, Therese, Gyllin, Elisa January 2016 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this research is to examine if female interests have been included in different levels of water governance in Cuamba municipality, Mozambique in order to understand if gender equality and women empowerment is being addressed at the grassroots level. In Sub-Saharan Africa women generally have the responsibility of fetching water and are therefore directly affected by the quality and accessibility of water and sanitation services. Though gender mainstreaming and policies addressing gender equality has been adopted in Mozambique, the actual difference that these measures have made to the lives of women in Mozambique is questionable.  A qualitative single case study has been conducted, by interviewing government institutions, the private sector and civil society actors at district and municipality level in Cuamba. The findings reveal that it is the municipality government, FIPAG and the traditional leaders that are the main actors with the power over the distribution of water in Cuamba and through a joint effort the water situation has improved a lot in recent years. The interest in water among women was mainly focused to having a water source while the main interests among men was to have a shorter distance as well as shorter queues to the water source. An abductive method of the analytical framework consisting of four dimensions of water governance and rethinking em(power)ment, gender and development has been used to guide the analysis of the findings in a more comprehensive manner thus investigating the power structures in each dimension of water governance with a focus on women empowerment. The result indicates that women living in the urban areas were more empowered in all notions of power due to better access to information and education thus giving them more time and individual knowledge to collectively and individually demand power over the distribution of water. Due to lack of empowerment among women living in the rural areas, these women demanded less regarding the distribution of water and had less individual understanding of water governance. Furthermore the interests among women living in the rural areas were mostly included in the decision-making processes as it generally concerned having access to a clean water source. As the women in the urban areas demanded more and had more interests in water governance it became clear that the female interests in the urban areas were not included in decision-making. By including more women in decision-making bodies in water governance and putting more emphasis on education for women these issues could be addressed.

Environmental Change in South Central Chibuto Southern Mozambique 1965-2000

Ombe, Zacarias Alexandre 01 March 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 9707731W - PhD thesis - School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies - Faculty of Science / Southern Mozambique has experienced changes in land-use and land-cover over the last 45 years. South Central Chibuto is a dynamic environmental change ‘hotspot’ of this region, and because of the socio-economic development that is taking place it is unveiling a number of land-use changes in Mozambique. In this research, environmental changes in the region are shown to be a function of various socioeconomic and biophysical drivers of change. A variety of research methods including interpretation of aerial photographs and satellite images, analysis of archival material, Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and structured interviews, have been used to derive some of the drivers of environmental change. These drivers of change include socio-economic factors, the colonial dual economy and the increase in cash crop production that led to negative impacts on some lands in the steep slopes of the ancient dunes, the post-independence policy of nucleation of settlements that has induced extensive conversions of land use together with the war and the recent shifts into a market economy that have led to further intensification of land use. The biophysical drivers include, among others but not limited to, fluctuations in rainfall, with periods of alternating dry and wet spells shaping land-use change, as well as single shock events, such as extreme droughts and floods. New factors, including the HIV/AIDS pandemic and globalization have been identified as having an impact on the livelihoods in the study area. A valuable, local-scale case or place-based case study approach is shown to enable a detailed and rich analysis of the complex trajectory of environmental change. Finally, lessons drawn from this study are shown to have the potential to inform policies for sustainable livelihoods in Mozambique.

A comparative study of associations of people living with HIV/AIDS in Mozambique: The case of Maputo, Manica and Zambezia province

Da Silveira Muianga, Elisa Maria 03 April 2008 (has links)
Abstract This study was inspired by the need to develop awareness about what is going on in Mozambique regarding to the issue of HIV/AIDS. The research examined how and why the organizations of PLWA ( People Living with HIV/AIDS) in Mozambique are emerging and developing, compared the particularities of the existing organizations of people living with HIV/AIDS in three province of this country (Maputo, Manica and Zambezia), and finally examined how they function, and interact with governmental and non- governmental institutions. The study made use of the ethnographic method to design and generate a rapid "picture" of the social culture around this HIV community. The focus on this method provided further in-depth qualitative insights. Behavioral surveys were designed to provide rapid key data on sexual behavior, condom use and STI1s. Together, these sources of data provided a spatial, quantitative and qualitative overview of the research. The results from this study turned that the associations of PLWA and its members face many problems such as discr imination and stigma that is attached to the scourge. But notwithstanding these problems, these associations are showing an incredible dedication to addressing the issue of HIV/AIDS. In the three provinces where this research was conducted it transpired that the associations of PLWHA are a new phenomenon, where the members are looking for their own space in order to tackle the problem that is being posed by HIV/AIDS. The research reveals, furthermore, that there are no significant differences between HIV/AIDS associations in these three provinces. There are more similarities than there are differences. The associations have in common issues such as unemployment, low level of schooling, uncontrolled urbanization, prostitution, lack of resources to support their family members, etc. Other types of similarities are shaped by patterns of formation of these associations which were similar, what invites one to think that may have been formed by the same people. As combating HIV/AIDS seems an important tool in poverty eradication, Government, civil society and the media should step up its efforts of reducing discrimination and stigmatization of PLWA through information campaigns. They should also redesign the messages in the information campaigns to ensure that they achieve the targeted audience, and add messages that promote PLWA associations and the benefits of joining them. 1 Sexual transmitted infections

Does predation or competition shape the home range resources selection by sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) in the Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique

Mamugy, Faruk Pires Semedo January 2016 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Science. Johannesburg, August 2016. / Resource selection by herbivores is driven by processes operating across a multitude of spatial scales and is influenced by a variety of biotic and abiotic environmental conditions and resources across the landscape. Spatial scales levels are crucial in habitat selection studies because they affect the interpretation of results and what may appear important at one level may not be relevant at another. Decisions made by animals at these levels can influence animal movements and hence the spatial distribution of populations. In this way, the use of resources across different scales by individual and groups of animals can be linked to population performance as a whole. Within home ranges, habitat use is mostly influenced by variation of food resources and water availability together with competition and predation risk. The study aimed to determine sable home range extent and habitat use and to test how predation, competition and other environmental factors influenced the selection of areas within these home ranges, in the thriving sable population of the Gorongosa National Park (GNP), Mozambique. Two adult females, one per herd, were fitted with GPS collar providing 5 hours interval GPS coordinates over a year, which were used to determine the annual and seasonal home ranges extents. Home ranges were then overlaid with vegetation map to analyse habitat use. Contrary to expectation, sable home ranges in this study were larger than those found in previous studies. The herds did not limit their habitat use to woodlands, using also open grasslands, drainage lines and bottomlands that retained green grasses during the dry season. Both herds expanded their ranges during the dry season, searching for those areas that still retained green grasses and searching for remaining water sources. For the resources selection within home ranges, I used the same GPS collar coordinates to fit seasonal logistic regression models with biotic factors (predation risk and competition) and with environmental variables (distance from water, distance from roads, elevation, slope, NDVI, vegetation types and landscape). Results show that sable were less prevalent in areas with high predation risk, but herds differed in prevalence with competitors, one herd favouring areas with high reedbuck concentrations and the other favouring low concentrations. Effects of environmental variables were different between seasons and between herds, being distance from water, distance from roads, greenness and elevation the most influential environmental. Both herds, however, avoided low elevation areas during the wet season, probably in order to avoid areas flooded during this period. As conclusion, predation risk and competition influenced selection within home ranges by sable in the GNP, despite low densities of potential competitors and lions. Nevertheless, this influence seems to not be enough yet to limit the success of the population. The herds also showed evidences of being affected by dry season, as demonstrated by the home ranges expansions during this period. With increase of herbivores population other that sable, and consequently increase competition and decrease of availability of resources, this could lead to reduction of growths percentages of the sable population in the park in the future. / MT2018

Os reassentamentos da Vale em Moçambique: um estudo sobre mobilização do trabalho e trabalho supérfluo / The resettlements of mining company Vale in Mozambique: a study about labor mobility and superfluous labor

Vieira, Viviane Alves 27 February 2019 (has links)
Essa pesquisa tem a finalidade de analisar o atual processo de mobilização e crise do trabalho no distrito de Moatize, em Moçambique, a partir da mineração e seus conflitos consequentes dessa atividade. Para isso retomamos a formação da relação capital-trabalho para compreendermos os aspectos da crise dessa relação. O processo de modernização das forças produtivas provocou uma mudança histórica no setor e, em Moçambique, é possível de ser narrada por duas gerações de trabalhadores que acompanharam a produção de carvão mineral. Baseamo-nos em estudos, dados do distrito e relatos de moradores, principalmente de dois reassentamentos: Cateme e 25 de setembro, provocados pela expansão das atividades da mineradora Vale S/A para Moçambique. Nesses reassentamentos muitos dos moradores narraram o processo de mobilização para o trabalho no período colonial e pós colonial, cuja extração do carvão mineral no distrito era feita em galerias subterrâneas. A mudança na técnica de exploração levou à extração à céu aberto o que colocou o conflito pela remoção das pessoas que viviam na área em que o Estado concedeu à multinacional. A extração do carvão avança rapidamente a área de exploração e consequentemente acentuou o processo de expropriação em Moçambique com a perda das áreas para a produção de alimentos. Contraditoriamente, o processo requer menos trabalho humano e coloca limitações para a força de trabalho que deve ser especializada, provocando um desemprego estrutural ou ainda os supérfluos ao sistema, nesse caso os próprios moradores dos reassentamentos. O limite da relação pode ser pensado ainda pela totalidade do processo de acumulação capitalista em que o aumento nos níveis de produtividade se faz necessário pela concorrência no setor e ao mesmo tempo coloca a necessidade de aumento de consumo da mercadoria, pois para realizar o valor, a mercadoria precisa ser comprada. No entanto, o próprio mercado mostra ter um limite. / This research has the purpose of analyzing the current process of mobilization and labor crisis in the district of Moatize, in Mozambique, from the mining and its consequent conflicts of this activity. We have recurred the capital-labor relationship formation to understand the crisis aspects of this relationship. The modernization process of the productive forces has brought about a historic change in the sector and in Mozambique it can be narrated for two generations by the experience of coal production. We are based on studies, district data and residents\' stories, mainly of two resettlements caused by the expansion of the activities of Vale S/A to Mozambique. In these resettlements many of the villagers recounted the process of mobilization for labor in the colonial and postcolonial period, whose extraction of mineral coal in the district was done in underground galleries. The change in the technique of exploration led to the extraction in the open which put the conflict by the removal of the people who lived in the area in which the State granted to the multinational. Extraction of coal rapidly advances the exploitation area and consequently has accentuated the expropriation process in Mozambique causing the loss of areas for food production. In contrast, the process requires less human labor and some limitations for the workforce that must be specialized, causing structural unemployment or even the superfluous to the system, in this case the residents themselves of the resettlement. The limit of the relationship can still be thought of by the totality of the process in which the increase in the levels of productivity is made necessary by the market competition in the sector and at the same time places the need to increase consumption of the merchandise, because to realize the value, the merchandise needs be purchased. However, the market itself shows a limit.

Reino de Gaza: o desafio português na ocupação do sul de Moçambique (1821-1897) / The kingdom of Gaza: a threat to the Portuguese possession of Mozambique (1821-1897)

Santos, Gabriela Aparecida dos 10 August 2007 (has links)
Essa dissertação tem como proposta analisar o desenvolvimento do colonialismo português, com seus avanços e retrocessos, e entender como a formação de uma ordem política africana, centralizada e autônoma, se contrapôs às iniciativas efetivas de colonização portuguesa no sul de Moçambique em 1895. Após a Conferência de Berlim (1884-1885), acirraram-se as disputas pelos territórios africanos e a posse da província de Moçambique viu-se seriamente ameaçada pelo interesse britânico e por seu projeto expansionista de ligar o Cairo ao Cabo. Nesse contexto, o anseio britânico em anexar o sul de Moçambique, escoadouro natural de toda a produção da África do Sul, nessa época uma colônia inglesa, resultou no envio de representantes ao poder que parecia desafiar e sobrepor ao de Portugal na região - o do Reino de Gaza. Diante da ameaça crescente à posse da província, o governo português reuniu esforços concentrados enviando as tropas encarregadas de subjugar o Reino de Gaza e garantir a ocupação efetiva desse território. A pesquisa percorreu o período entre 1821 e 1897 que, submetido à análise, fornece as bases necessárias à compreensão de como a presença portuguesa passou de acuada a ofensiva e de como o movimento migratório nguni no começo do século XIX gerou um Reino africano soberano capaz de ameaçar a posse de Moçambique por Portugal. O objetivo é compreender como, em conjunto, esses processos desenvolveram-se, modificaram-se mutuamente e engendraram transformações profundas tanto para os projetos portugueses como para as populações africanas dessa área. / This dissertation thesis proposes to analyze the development of the Portuguese colonialism and its advances and setbacks and to understand how the formation of a centralized and autonomous political order in Africa opposed to effective initiatives of the Portuguese colonization in the south of Mozambique in 1895. After the Conference of Berlin (1884-1885), disputes for African territories were reinforced and the possession of the province of Mozambique was strongly threatened by the British interest of linking Cairo to Cape Town. In that specific context, the British longing to attach the south of Mozambique, \"natural\" outflow for the whole South African production, at that time, an English possession, had as a result the sending of representatives who seemed to match or even overcome their Portuguese counterparts in the region, that is to say, in the kingdom of Gaza. Facing the growing threat of losing their control over the area, the Portuguese government gathered their military resources, sending them in order to subjugate the kingdom of Gaza and guarantee the effective occupation of that area. This research covered the period from 1821 to 1897 that, submitted to analysis, supplies the necessary basis to the understanding of how the Portuguese presence went from defensive to offensive and how the Nguni migratory flow in the beginning of the 19th century generated an African sovereign kingdom capable of representing a threat to the Portuguese possession of Mozambique. The objective of this study is to understand how, as a whole, those processes mutually unfolded and transformed themselves and also how they represented deep transformations in both the Portuguese projects and the life of the African populations in that area.

Avaliação morfoquantitativa do miocárdio de ratos Wistar submetidos à subnutrição proteica e à dieta padrão de Moçambique nos períodos pré e pós-natal / Morphoquantitative evaluation of Wistar rat myocardium submitted to protein malnutrition and the standard diet of Mozambique in the pre- and postnatal

Ribeiro, Liliana 26 January 2016 (has links)
O impacto da desnutrição não se processa da mesma maneira nos diversos órgãos e tecidos do organismo, promovendo alterações na estrutura corpórea geral. O coração não é isento das consequências catabólicas da desnutrição. Em Maputo (capital de Moçambique), comprova um aumento na incidência de desnutrição grave, o que faz com que proporcione uma das maiores taxas de mortalidade, chegando a 20%. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar possíveis repercussões morfofuncionais nos cardiomiócitos constituintes dos ventrículos esquerdos de ratos Wistar. Para tanto, foram utilizadas as dietas hipoprotéica (contendo 5% de caseína, e que caracteriza estado de subnutrição - grupo S); padrão de Moçambique (cujo conteúdo proteico vegetal é extraído do amendoim grupo M) e protéica (com 20% de caseína, caracterizando o grupo nutrido ou controle - grupo N). Os animais S, M e N constituíram dois grupos de estudo, sendo avaliados aos 21 dias de vida (época do desmame), e aos 42 dias. Após o desmame, foram mensurados os parâmetros metabólicos de ingestão de água e alimentar, bem como os de excreção de fezes e urina. As amostras dos corações foram processadas com técnicas rotineiras de histologia e submetidas a colorações que permitiram evidenciar o colágeno. Os aspectos ultraestruturais do ventrículo esquerdo também foram analisados. Para as avaliações, os dados foram submetidos a uma Análise de Variância (ANOVA) com dois fatores (idade e dieta) e quando necessário aplicou-se pós-teste de Bonferroni ou Tukey. Os nossos resultados mostram que a subnutrição é capaz de modificar as propriedades biomecânicas do miocárdio, causando atraso no seu desenvolvimento. Quanto às dietas aqui empregadas, mostram que a dieta padrão de Moçambique não atende uma nutrição adequada em comparação ao grupo nutrido, dentro dos parâmetros analisados. Conclui-se que a dieta padrão de Moçambique tem seus efeitos deletérios da subnutrição, nos aspectos metabólicos, estruturais e ultraestruturais do ventrículo esquerdo / The impact of malnutrition is not processed in the same way in various organs and tissues of the body, promoting changes in the general body structure. The heart is not exempt from the catabolic effects of malnutrition. In Maputo (Mozambique's capital), proves an increased incidence of severe malnutrition, providing one of the highest mortality rates, reaching 20%. The aim of this study was to evaluate possible morphological and functional repercussions of the cardiomyocytes of left ventricles from Wistar rats. Therefore, low protein diets were used (containing 5% casein, malnutrition group - S group); standard diet from Mozambique (the vegetable protein content was extracted from the peanut - group M) and protein diet (with 20% casein - fed/control group - N group). Animals S, M and N constituted two study groups and were evaluated at 21 days of life (time of weaning), and at 42 days. After weaning, the metabolic parameters of ingestion of water and food and the excretion of faeces and urine were measured. The samples of hearts were processed and subjected to histological techniques which emphasize collagen. Ultrastructural aspects of the left ventricle were analyzed. Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) with two factors (age and diet) and when required Bonferroni or Tukey post-test were applied. Our results show that malnutrition is capable of modifying the biomechanical properties of the myocardium, causing delay in its development. As for diets employed here, show that the standard diet from Mozambique does not provide adequate nutrition when compared to control group within the parameters analyzed. It concludes that the standard diet from Mozambique has its deleterious effects of malnutrition, metabolic, structural and ultrastructural aspects of the left ventricle

Políticas públicas de promoção turística e desenvolvimento local sustentável: um estudo de caso em Vilankulos/Moçambique / Public policies to promote tourism and local development: a case study in Vilankulo / Mozambique

Domingos, Cleotilde Teresa 16 March 2012 (has links)
O papel do turismo vem crescendo significativamente na geração de emprego e renda nas economias nacionais, com particular impacto sobre os países em fase de desenvolvimento. Moçambique, um destes países, vem se tornando um exemplo privilegiado deste fenômeno. Contudo, fazer deste setor um subsídio para a melhoria da qualidade de vida das populações é necessária uma estrutura bem consolidada do mesmo, envolvendo políticas públicas que permitam o alcance de vantagens competitivas. Portanto a presente pesquisa estudou as políticas públicas de turismo na promoção do desenvolvimento das comunidades locais moçambicanas. Para o efeito desenvolveu-se um estudo de caso no distrito de Vilankulos, um destino turístico de Moçambique localizado na província de Inhambane. Numa primeira fase fez-se uma coleta de dados de informações em fontes secundárias como dados oficiais centrais que constassem de arquivos, legislação e relatórios com objetivo de identificar o real estágio do desenvolvimento turístico do destino que se escolheu. Com esta tecnica foi possivel perceber a expressividade s do setor no ambito de desenvolvimento ecomico do pais com particular enfase no distrito de Vilankulos. A posterior, o trabalho de campo realizou-se por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas envolvendo os vários intervenientes do setor turístico, objetivando perceber como é que as políticas e programas definidos pelo governo promovem desenvolvimento da região. Esta decorreu entre os meses de Maio e Outubro de 2011. O esforço de pesquisa pretendia, uma melhor compreensão do grau de sustentabilidade da indústria do turismo e das ações organizadas pelo governo, por forma a subsidiar o processo de elaboração e implantação de políticas públicas de desenvolvimento sustentável local. De uma forma geral a pesquisa mostrou que embora exitentes, as políticas públicas não estão proporcionando um desenvolvimento local sustentável. Esta situação ocorre devido às deficiencias constatadas nas três fases do ciclo de produção das políticas públicas, deficiencias estas, relacionam com limitações na participação das comunidades locais no processo de planejamento e execução das mesmas. O estudo de caso constatou que os investidores são no momento os mais beneficiados pelas políticas públicas. Daí que as análises sugerem uma maior inclusão das comunidades no processo de desenvolvimento turístico através da consideração dos fatores organizacionais locais no processo de formulação e execução de programas públicos, de modo que se possibilite a sustentabilidade e maximização dos benéficos que podem advir do turismo. / The role of tourism has grown significantly in generating employment and income in national economies, with particular impacts on countries in the development. Mozambique, one of these countries, is becoming a example of this phenomenon. However, make this sector one subsidy to improve the quality of living requires a well-established structure, involving public policies that enable the achievement of competitive advantages. Therefore, this project proposes to study public policies related to tourism as a tool for promoting local community development in Mozambique adopting a qualitative research. So we developed a case study in Inhambane province, a tourist destination in Mozambique, at Vilankulos district specifically. Initially made up a data collection of information from secondary sources like official data files, legislation and reports, the objetive here was to identify the actual stage of tourism development of the destination that we chosen. After that, the fieldwork was realized through semi-structured interviews involving the various stakeholders in the tourism industry to understand how public policies and programs set by government are promote development of the region. The research effort intended a better understanding of the degree of sustainability of the tourism and if the actions organized by the government are supporting local sustainable development. Overall the case study showed that public policies are not providing a sustainable local development. This occurs because of the limitations related to the participation of local communities in planning and executing them. We saw that the investors are most benefited by public policies. Hence it is recommended that a greater inclusion of communities in the process of tourism development through the consideration of local rganizational factors in the formulation and execution of public programs, to maximize the suatentabilidade and benefits gained from tourism.

Dimensões do herói moçambicano em As andorinhas de Paulina Chiziane / Dimensions of Mozambican hero in Andorinhas of Paulina Chiziane

Carmo, Igor Fernando Xanthopulo 06 March 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo da representação do herói na obra literária As Andorinhas, de Paulina Chiziane, publicada em Maputo, em 2008, e no Brasil, no ano de 2013. A obra de três contos inspira-se em figuras históricas importantes à constituição da identidade moçambicana. Os heróis nacionais tratados na ficção da autora, entretanto, são narrados como personagens provenientes do universo mitológico. Com o propósito de compreender a finalidade da obra dentro do contexto social e histórico de Moçambique, este trabalho analisa o herói tanto pela sua representação simbólica, como por sua atuação no processo de desenvolvimento de uma identidade nacional em contraposição ao sistema colonial e suas mazelas. Portanto, o tema da busca da liberdade permeia a trilogia de contos e coloca o herói como o representante das transformações sociais no tempo histórico e representante das divindades no tempo mitológico. / The present paper aims to study the representation of the hero in the literary work The Swallows, from Paulina Chiziane, published in Maputo (2008) and in Brazil (2013). The short stories are inspired by important historical figures to the formation of Mozambican identity. These national heroes, however, are narrated as characters from the mythological universe. In order to understand the purpose of the literary work within the social and historical context of Mozambique, this paper analyzes the hero both for its symbolic representation, as for its role in the formation of a national identity in opposition to the colonial system and its ills process. Therefore, the theme of the pursuit of freedom permeates this trilogy and puts the hero as the representative of the social transformations in historical time and representative of the deities in the mythological time.

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