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Etisk glass : En semiotisk och kritisk diskursanalys av hur glassföretag varumärkeskommunicerar etiska värden / Ethical Ice Cream : A semiotic and critical discourse analysis of how ice cream companies communicate ethical values through brandingSalla, Jaana January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie är en kritisk diskursanalys av utvalda texter och förpackningar från glassföretagen Järnaglass och Gute Glass. Syftet är att synliggöra hur etiska värden kommuniceras i varumärkeskommunikation och problematisera hur språket kan reproducera social ojämlikhet och föreställningar om etisk konsumtion i en svensk kontext. Studien tar anspråk inom det socialsemiotiska fältet. Tillvägagångsättet har varit att utifrån berättelseanalys samt den multimodala analysen kvalitativt närgranska texternas och förpackningarnas semiotiska resurser. Metoderna synliggör utmärkande värden som företagen väljer att identifiera sig med och diskurser kring etisk glass. Studieresultatet visar att företagen genom varumärkeskommunikation kan skapa identifikation med värden som exempelvis ärlighet, ursprung och framgång. Dessa värden korrelerar med samtida diskurser kring mat som ska betona det personliga, småskaliga och självförverkligande. Utifrån det kritiska perspektivet synliggör studieresultatet att dessa värden och diskurser har möjlighet att reproducera föreställningar och normer om hur konsumenten förväntas agera etiskt och hur vi idag uppnår status. Dessa föreställningar och normer som cementeras genom samtidens varumärkeskommunikation och våra konsumtionsval kan därmed reproducera maktförhållanden som kan bidra till social ojämlikhet i samhället. Slutligen påvisar även studien att samspelet mellan etisk varumärkeskommunikation och människors konsumtionsval kan göra oss passiva i hur vi tar ställning i politiska och miljömässiga utmaningar.
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”Maximum safety for you – minimum impact on nature” - En multimodal kritisk diskursanalys av Klättermusens hållbarhetskommunikation på Instagram / ”Maximum safety for you – minimum impact on nature” – A multimodal critical discourse analysis of Klättermusen’s sustainability communication via InstagramBergquist, Agnes, Olander, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
The climate crisis and the consequences that follow have forced humanity to explore the collective actions that must be taken to curb global warming. As a way to reduce ones carbon footprint, many choose to consume with greater care for the environment, and the interest for sustainable clothing has therefore significantly increased. With a rising interest in sustainable shopping, businesses need to adapt to meet the new customer demands. A sub-genre within the apparel industry that differ from the grand average regarding their sustainability communication is the outdoor brands, where environmental awareness plays a significant role in the brand identity. The outdoor brands clear evidence of sustainable communication and their dependance on consumption creates an interesting paradox that this essay intends to investigate further. This essay intends to investigate how a Swedish outdoor brand with a strong sustainable identity, Klättermusen, exercises sustainable communication through Instagram. The purpose of this essay is more specifically to explore how Klättermusen uses Instagram to create and maintain a sustainable brand identity. To help us do so, we present the following research questions: - How does the brand Klättermusen create a sustainable identity on Instagram?- What discourses can be discerned in Klättermusens marketing via Instagram and how has sustainable communication taken shape within these over time? The theoretical framework for our essay consists out of four theories, including Bauman’s theory about the consumer society, Ulrich Beck’s theory about risk society and reflexive modernity, strategic communications theory and greenwashing. These theories enable an analysis of how and why sustainable communication is conducted in a specific way and what consequences that follow. The essay is carried out methodically through a multimodal critical discourse analysis, that enables both a deep and more comprehensive analysis of the linguistic and semiotic resources used in Klättermusens marketing through Instagram.The result of our analysis presents how Klättermusen with linguistic and semiotic resources creates the eco-friendly identity that they are known for. Through both word choices and visual framing that connotes sustainability Klättermusen places themselves in a green context that goes well along with their core values. The material contains both examples of clear and indistinct sustainable communication, along with occasional elements of strong commercial character that make it possible to question the authenticity of Klättermusen’s true devotion to sustainability. The conclusion of our analysis is that the brand Klättermusen by small semiotic and linguistic measures successfully put themselves in a green context and create a sense of corporate social responsibility with the consumer. We do not believe that Klättermusen need to take drastic measures to maintain their sustainable image in reference to their other well-known environmental efforts. The conclusion further argues that the mix of strong sales marketing and a clear sustainable communication sheds light on the difficulties combining a consumption dependent business with an advocation for minimal environmental impact. Regardless of the challenges a sustainable identity comes with, we want to establish that Klättermusens way of maintaining a sustainable image is a response to a growing interest for environmental issues that also reproduces a general perception of how a brand should communicate to gain the consumers trust and how to be perceived as a brand that values social responsibility.
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Vad är (eko)logiskt? : En multimodal kritisk diskursanalys av hållbarhetens konstruktion / What is eco(logic)? : A multimodal critical discourse analysis of the construction of sustainabilityLandén, Viktor, Ingemann, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Hållbarhet är idag ett välanvänt begrepp som förekommer inom flera områden. Vad hållbarhet anses vara må uppfattas som självklart, men hur begreppet och diskursen konstrueras, är inte lika självklart. Genom att se till två aktörer, med olika ambitioner, inom andrahandsmarknaden undersöker studien hur reklam bidrar till konstruerandet av uppfattandet av hållbarhet på olika sätt. Tidigare forskning visar att medierna formar och speglar samhället och att uttryck av hållbarhet idag används som täckmantel i form av grön retorik. Den visar även att kapitalism och ekologi har naturliga motsättningar, att vi måste konsumera mindre och lära oss se ”skräp” som resurser, något som andrahandsmarknaden kämpar med att förhålla sig till. Vi undersöker i denna studie Tradera och Myrornas förmedlade budskap av hållbarhet, med bakgrund i aktörernas intressen som vinstdrivet och ideellt. Syftet är att se hur reklam inom andrahandsmarknaden bidrar till konstruerandet av hållbarhetsdiskursen. Detta genom en multimodal kritisk diskursanalys av reklamfilmer från respektive aktör. Resultatet visar att de olika aktörernas förmedlade budskap bidrar till hållbarhetsdiskursen på både traditionella och kreativa sätt. Traderas reklamfilm visade sig uttrycka underliggande budskap av ekologi som dessvärre hamnar i skuggan av kapitalistiska och materialistiska värderingar. Myrornas reklamfilm utmanar på många olika sätt dessa traditionellt kapitalistiska och materialistiska värderingar. Dessa olika uttryck av hållbarhet utgör till viss del konstruerandet av hållbarhetsdiskursen. Det visar även att särskilda budskap kan verka ideologiskt gynnsamma och att detta är något som aktörer utnyttjar. Vi drar slutsatsen att hållbarhetsdiskursen innefattar svårtolkade budskap som samexisterar och problematiserar vår relation till ett hållbart agerande. / Modern use of the term ‘sustainability’ is broad and varies across multiple industries. The general idea of sustainability is perceived as certain, yet sustainability discourse and the pillars of the term remain fluid. By looking at two stakeholders, with different ambitions, within the second hand market, the study is examining how advertising contributes to the different ways sustainability perceptions are constructed. Previous studies show that media both shapes and reflects our society, highlighting today’s use of the term sustainability is often to “green wash” communication. Studies also shows that capitalism and ecology have natural contradictions. Second hand markets face the challenge of raising awareness to change perceptions for society's to consumer less and begin to see “waste” as a resource. In this study we examine the message of sustainability, mediated by Tradera and Myrorna, in relation to their role as profit-driven, versus not for profit organisations. The purpose of the study is to examine how advertisement within the secondhand market, contributes to the construction of sustainability discourse. This is carried out through a multimodal critical discourse analysis of commercials. The results show that the different stakeholders' messages contribute to the sustainability discourse in both traditional and creative ways. Tradera’s advertisement expressed underlying statements of ecology, shadowed by capitalistic and materialistic values. However, Myrorna’s advertisement in many ways challenges these traditional capitalistic and materialistic values. To some extent these different expressions construct the discourse of sustainability. This further highlights that ideologically specific messages could work, however this is often exploited by businesses. The conclusion drawn from this study displays that the sustainability discourse involves messages difficult to interpret, which infers parallels to the convoluted relationship of society’s aim to advance sustainable development.
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Den latinamerikanska (under)representationen : En multimodal textanalys av svenskt läromedel för spanskspråkig undervisning / The (under)Representation of Latin America : A Multimodal Text Analysis of Swedish Textbooks for Spanish TeachingSellgren, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to investigate the representation of Latin America in verbal and visual text in Swedish textbooks for Spanish teaching. More specifically, this analysis examines how much of the text is represented by Latin American people in comparison to European people, how Latin Americans are represented and how large the prevalence of each form of representation is, as well as which verbal and visual patterns are present in the textbooks. A quantitative content analysis was used to examine the study's question regarding the extent of the different text forms. The method of the analysis for the remaining questions surrounding the representation of Latin Americans was based on a multimodal critical discourse analysis with a social semiotic approach. The result indicates that Latin Americans comprise a smaller proportion of the extent of text than Europeans. Based on the results of the analysis of representation, the textbooks differed to some extent in the representation of Latin Americans, but the common patterns made visible were that Latin Americans are most often portrayed as impersonal and socially distanced in relation to the recipient. Finally, the result of analysis is problematized in relation to the didactic implications that can be brought about while teaching and the importance of teachers having and teaching critical literacy is highlighted.
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Echoes of Dissent : Unravelling Anti-Government Discourse in Turkish Rap Music (2014-2019)Manni, Michele Erik January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the role of rap music as a platform for articulating anti-government discourse in Turkey between 2014 and 2019. Employing Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis (MCDA) to examine two specific rap songs from the period – Rant Hilafeti (The Caliphate of Profit) by Ozbi and #SUSAMAM (#ICANNOTBESILENT) by Şanışer and eighteen other artists –, the study delves into how the various commodities forming rap music – lyrics, visuals, and musical sounds – collaborate to construct and convey this counter-hegemonic narrative. The thesis posits that rap music gained prominence during this period as a powerful tool for dissent, owing to its ability to resonate with marginalised groups and challenge the dominant narratives propagated by the government. Leveraging CDA and MCDA methodologies, the analysis exposes how the songs utilise linguistic, musical, and visual strategies to critique government policies, challenge authority figures, and galvanise resistance among listeners. The findings underscore the significance of rap music as a form of political expression and its influence on public discourse. The analysis highlights rap's capacity to bridge individual experiences with broader societal issues, fostering a sense of collective identity and resistance among marginalised communities. By examining the specific case of rap music, the thesis contributes to a broader understanding of the nexus between music and social movements in the Turkish contemporary political landscapes.
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