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A abordagem multimodal como estratégia de ensino em um minicurso sobre interações interpartículas / The multimodal approach as a teaching strategy in a course on interparticle interactionsPinto, Danilo José Ferreira 30 September 2016 (has links)
No ensino médio, o conceito de interações interpartículas é sistemático e classificatório em detrimento de um tratamento mais crítico acerca do sistema estudado. A correta compreensão deste conceito é importante para que o aluno possa explicar diversas propriedades físicas das substâncias (MENDES, 2007). Nesta perspectiva, a abordagem multimodal oferece suporte aos métodos de avaliação, elaboração de estratégias e pesquisas na área de ensino, pois o uso de diversas linguagens facilita a compreensão do objeto de estudo pelos seres humanos (MAYER, 2003). Neste trabalho são analisadas as potencialidades e as limitações dos modelos dos estudantes de ensino médio em interações interpartículas e suas interfaces com as propriedades físicas das substâncias em um minicurso oferecido na Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Os modelos expressos pelos estudantes são fomentados pela metodologia de ensino e aprendizagem do minicurso, a qual é suportada pelo uso de diversos modos de comunicação nos moldes da abordagem multimodal (MAYER, 2003). Os modelos são analisados de acordo com a frequência de acionamento de variáveis explicativas utilizadas pelo estudante para explicar e/ou predizer determinado fenômeno no contexto de resolução de problemas, enquanto que as limitações explicativas do modelo são contabilizadas qualitativamente via análise de conteúdo. Os resultados apontam que o uso de múltiplos modos de comunicação e informação se mostrou eficiente no fomento da produção discursiva em uma sala de aula heterogênea e auxiliou os estudantes durante o processo de aprendizagem, pois os modelos expressados evoluíram ao longo do minicurso em termos de complexidade, com cada vez menos limitações. / In high school, the concept of interparticle interactions is systematic and classificatory as opposed to a more critical treatment on the studied system. The correct understanding of this concept is important for the student to explain the physical properties of substances (MENDES, 2007). In this perspective, the multimodal approach supports the methods of evaluation, strategizing and research in the area of education, since the use of different languages facilitates the understanding of the study object by humans (MAYER, 2003). This paper analyzes the potential and limitations of high school students\' models in interparticle interactions and their interfaces with the physical properties of substances in a short course offered at the Faculdade de Educação at Universidade de São Paulo (USP). The models expressed by students are fostered by the teaching and learning methodology of the course, which is supported by the use of different modes of communication in the molds of multimodal approach (MAYER, 2003). The models are analyzed according to the frequency of use of explanatory variables used by the student to explain or predict a given phenomenon in problem solving context, while the explanatory limitations of the model are counted qualitatively through content analysis. The results appoint that the use of multiple modes of communication and information are efficient in fostering the discursive production in a heterogeneous classroom and helped students during the learning process, because the expressed models evolved over the course in terms of complexity and with fewer limitations.
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O texto multimodal de autoria indígena: narrativa linear e interculturalidade / The indigenous multimodal text: narrative linear and interculturalityThiago, Elisa Maria Costa Pereira de S. 28 June 2007 (has links)
Dentro de uma abordagem pós-colonial acoplada a um embasamento teórico propiciado pela perspectiva da experiência e guiada por uma metodologia pautada pela Análise do Discurso, investiga-se criticamente o texto multimodal de autoria indígena. Para isso, adotase o conceito de interculturalidade e reconhece-se transculturação na forma de tradução cultural e hibridismo que ocorre no \"espaço intersticial\" da escola para índios no qual o texto multimodal de autoria indígena está inserido, com o intuito de desbancar a \"diferença colonial\". Parte-se do pressuposto de que narrativa é local privilegiado do conhecimento de um grupo social. A narrativa indígena vertida em escrita alfabética é estudada com o intuito de chegar-se a uma apreciação da temporalidade - tempo e espaço - que anima os construtos culturais desse grupo social. Surge, a partir da leitura crítica de narrativas indígenas, a evidência da centralidade que a experiência do corpo inserido em lugar (place) ocupa na episteme indígena. Lugar desbanca a soberania linear de tempo e espaço e implica processos complexos, não-lineares. Em posse de um entendimento dessa lugaridade, o passo seguinte é realizar uma análise crítica do texto multimodal - composto de texto alfabético e texto visual - tendo em vista a dinâmica intercultural encenada no encontro da oralidade com a escrita sobre a superfície do papel. Conclui-se que a cisão tempo-espaço e a cisão oral-escrita, firmemente imbricadas no senso comum que orienta as ações voltadas para o letramento indígena, tendem a uma eliminação da diferença e conseqüente homogeneização do discurso cultural, na contramão, portanto, do objetivo de preservação da cultura indígena tão propalado pelos atores envolvidos com a educação escolar indígena no Brasil. / Within a post-colonial approach associated to a theoretical support found in a phenomenological perspective and guided by a methodology based on Discourse Analysis, the indigenous multimodal text, a by-product of the intercultural dynamic found in the \"contact zone\" of the indigenous school, is here critically investigated in view of the concepts of cultural translation, hibridity and colonial difference. The assumption is that narrative is a privileged local of the knowledge of a social group. The indigenous narrative, translated into alphabetic writing, is studied with the aim of appreciating the temporality - time and space - that animates that social group\'s cultural constructs. From a critical reading of indigenous narratives rises the evidence of the centrality that the experience of the body inserted in place holds for the indigenous episteme. Place dislocates the linear overpowering of time over space and implicates complex, non-linear processes. Once an understanding of place as the organizing centre of indigenous narratives is achieved, the next stage is to carry out a critical interpretation of the multimodal text - compounded by alphabetic text side by side with visual text - from the perspective of the intercultural dynamic as it is played out in the convergence of orality and writing on the surface of the paper. The conclusion is that the time-space chasm and the oral-writing chasm, solidly imbricated in the discourse of common sense that underlies the actions taken in regard of indigenous literacy tend to efface difference and promote cultural homogeneization, counter, therefore, to the goal of preservation of indigenous cultures promoted by the actors involved with indigenous schooling in Brazil.
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Ambiguidade lexical e humor: proposta de atividade para o sétimo ano do Ensino Fundamental II / Lexical ambiguity and humor: a work proposal for the 7th grade of Elementary SchoolSinhorini, Daniela Berciano 22 February 2018 (has links)
Os documentos oficiais e a concretização das propostas no livro didático analisado abordam a ambiguidade lexical como algo a ser evitado e corrigido através de estratégias de desambiguação, ignorando a importância da natureza polissêmica da língua como recurso expressivo na comunicação cotidiana e como instrumento fundamental do humor, especialmente as variantes de humor popular e infantil. O presente trabalho busca abordar a ambiguidade lexical, polissemia e homonímia, no gênero tirinha cômica, texto multimodal e humorístico, visando observar a eficácia da proposta de leitura e produção como exercício de contextualização, levando os alunos a observarem, explicarem e produzirem texto, utilizando-se dos diversos significados possíveis das palavras em uso, em situação concreta de enunciação. A proposta se dá dentro do conceito de multimodalidade, trabalhando a ambiguidade lexical e o letramento visual, objetivando que o aluno não apenas observe e compreenda as tirinhas apresentadas, mas também que produza a sua própria, compondo o texto com os elementos verbal e visual. As atividades foram divididas em dez passos: pesquisa e compartilhamento de HQs, atividade diagnóstica, análise da ambiguidade lexical em tirinha cômica no livro didático, jogo digital Quem ri seus males espanta Piadas, consulta às diferentes acepções no dicionário, escrita do glossário de unidades lexicais polissêmicas ou homônimas, elaboração do roteiro da tirinha, autoavaliação, produção final de uma tirinha cômica e apreciação dos trabalhos das turmas. / The analised official papers and textbook proposals approach lexical ambiguity as something to be avoided and correct through desambiguation strategies, ignoring the importance of the polissemic nature of language as an expressive resource of the language in daily communication and as a fundamental tool of comedy and humor, especially popular and childrens jokes and puns. This paper aims to approach lexical ambiguity, polissemy and homonyms, within the comic strip genre, which is a multimodal and comic text genre, with the objetive of observing how effective this proposal of reading and writing can be to help students comprehend, learn and explain lexical ambiguity, by using a word in multiple possible meanings in the comic strip, in concrete enunciation. This proposal uses multimodality, by combining lexical ambiguity and visual litteracy, aiming to enable the student not only to observe and understand the comic strips presented, but also to produce their own by using verbal and visual components. The sequence is divided in ten steps: research and sharing comics, diagnostic evaluation, lexical ambiguity in the textbook, digital game Quem ri seus males espanta Piadas, searching for different meanings of words in the dictionary, writing a glossary of polissemic unities, production of a scratch comic, self evaluation, final production and appreciation of the classes works.
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A critical reflection on eclecticism in the teaching of English grammar at selected Zambian secondary schoolsMwanza, David Sani January 2016 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / English is the official language in Zambia and a compulsory subject from grade 1 to the final year of secondary education. Communicative competence in English is therefore critical to mobility in education and is also central to one’s job opportunities in the country. This implies that the teaching of English in schools is of paramount importance. Eclecticism is the recommended approach to teaching of English in Zambian secondary schools. However, no study had been done in Zambia on eclecticism in general, and on teachers’ understanding and application of the eclectic approach to English grammar teaching in particular. Hence, this study was a critical reflection on Eclecticism in the teaching of English language grammar to Grade 11 learners in selected secondary schools in Zambia. The aim of the study was to establish how Eclecticism in English language teaching was understood and applied by Zambian teachers of English. The study employed a mixed research study design employing both quantitative and qualitative approaches. In this regard, questionnaires, classroom observations, interviews
(one-on-one and focus groups) and document analysis were the main data sources.
Purposeful sampling was used to delineate the primary population and to come up with teachers and lecturers. In total, 90 teachers and 18 lecturers participated in this study. The documentary analysis involved documents such as the senior secondary school English language syllabus and Teacher training institutions’ English teaching methods course outlines. These documents were analysed to establish to what extent they supported or inhibited Eclecticism as an approach to English language teaching. Data was analysed using qualitative data analysis techniques looking for naturally occurring units and reducing them to natural meaning units to check for regular patterns of themes. Data from quantitative questionnaires were analysed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) to generate frequencies and percentages. The documents provided information on the efficacy of using Eclecticism as an approach to English
language teaching in the multilingual contexts of Zambia. Theoretically, the study drew on Bernstein’s Code Theory and Pedagogic Discourse with its notion of Recontextualisation. The Code theory was used to examine power relations in
education while recontextualisation was used to explore the transfer of knowledge from one site to another. The study also used the constructivist theory which views teachers and learners as co-participants in the process of teaching and learning and treats learners’ backgrounds as crucial to effective teaching. Considering recent developments in technology, the study also explored the extent of the use of multimodal tools in the teaching of English grammar, and the contestations around the ‘grammars’ arising from the dialogicality between the so-called ‘British English Grammar’ and home grown Zambian English grammar. The idea here was to explore how English was taught in the context of other English varieties and Zambian languages present in Zambian secondary school classrooms. The findings showed that while course outlines from teacher training institutions and the senior secondary school English language syllabus showed that teacher training was aimed
at producing an eclectic teacher, teacher training was facing a lot of challenges such as inadequate peer teaching, short teaching practice and poor quality of student teachers. These were found to negatively affect the effective training of teachers into eclecticism. Further, while some teachers demonstrated understanding of the eclectic approach and held positive attitudes, others did not leading to poor application and sometimes non application of the approach. In terms of classroom application, of the five teachers whose lessons have been presented in this thesis, four of them used the eclectic approach while one did not, implying that while the policy was accepted by some, others contested it. In
addition, teachers stated that grammar meant language rules and they further stated that they taught formal ‘Standard’ English while holding negative attitudes towards Zambian languages and other varieties of English. The study observed that teachers held monolingual ideologies in which they used English exclusively during classroom interaction. Finally, teachers reported that they faced a number of challenges when using the eclectic approach such as limited time, lack of teaching materials and poor low English proficiency among some learners leading to limited to non use of communicative activities in the classroom. The study concludes that while the eclectic approach is practicable in Zambia, a lot has be to done especially in teacher training in order to equip teachers with necessary knowledge and skills to use the eclectic approach. Among other recommendations, the study recommends that there is need for teacher training institutions to improve the quality of teacher training and ensure that student teachers acquire skills of
resemiotisation, semiotic remediation and translanguaging as a pedagogical practice. The study also recommends refresher courses to already serving teachers to acquaint them with how the eclectic approach can be recontextualised in different teaching contexts. The study contributes to the body of knowledge in the theoretical and practical understanding of the eclectic approach and how it is used in the Zambian context. The study also adds to literature on the eclectic approach. In addition, the findings act as a diagnostic tool among government education officials, teacher educators and teachers of English in Zambia in particular as they can now see where things are done right and where improvement is needed. Other countries where English is taught as a second language can also learn from the Zambian situation as they search for better ways of training eclectic teachers of English and how to teach English in their own respective contexts.
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Spinning the truth on social media: A textual analysis of health-related television advertisementsIsaacs, Nicole January 2015 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / The theory of multimodality (Kress 2010; Kress and van Leeuwen 2006) has impacted major research fields like Linguistics and Education by significantly extending our understanding of what is meant by communication through different modalities and media. More recently, scholars have been paying attention to multimodality in the world of advertising (Lick, 2015; Enli, 2014). Drawing on the work from multimodality scholars like Machin and Mayr (2012), Kress and van Leeuwen (2006) and others, this study explores the multimodal choices that were
strategically made by a major multinational beverage company, Coca Cola. Specifically, these choices relate to its health-related television advertisements that were created in response to health-related criticisms of its products by consumers and health institutions over the years. The purpose of this study is to examine whether the beverage company is ‘spinning the truth’ in response to health-related criticisms by using certain multimodal strategies in its healthrelated television advertisements posted on the YouTube website. The study also critically reviews the reactions of consumers to these specific television advertisements on YouTube and the issues they raised in their on-line comments. The findings of this research study illustrate that Coca-Cola did not admit to its contribution to obesity in its health-related television advertisements and it did not address health-related
criticisms in the comment sections on YouTube. Instead the brand’s common message and stance in all of the health-related television advertisements was that consumers need to lose the calories that they gain from consuming Coke by eating well, being active and exercising in order to avoid obesity and other health issues.
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O gênero game: possibilidades criativas de leitura / The genre game: creative possibilities of readingCamila Mourão Dias 27 March 2013 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo geral defender o ato de jogar como processo de leitura, concebida como construção de sentido(s), da qual o jogador participa como coautor. Para realização dessa tarefa, sugerimos uma descrição do game como gênero discursivo hipermodal. Teorias da área do estudo de games foram articuladas a teorias da área de Letras, a fim de respaldar com coerência teórica os objetivos aqui pretendidos. O corpus a ser estudado compõe-se de uma transcrição de uma jogada completa do game Heavy Rain e de gravações de cenas fílmicas e controláveis do mesmo jogo. Nesta pesquisa, defendemos a atividade lúdica como um processo de leitura bastante enriquecedor, que exige do jogador uma postura ativa, na qual ele precisa concretizar habilidades diversas para dar conta de construir sentidos a partir da multiplicidade semiótica do game / This research aims to defend the general act of play as the reading process, conceived as the construction of meaning(s) from which the player participates as co-author. To perform this task, we suggest a description of the game as a speech genre hipermodal. Theories of the study area games have been articulated to the area of Humanities in order to endorse theoretical coherence with the objectives pursued here. The corpus to be studied consists of a transcript of a play full game Heavy Rain and records of film scenes and controllable same game. In this research, we advocate a ludic activity as a reading process very enlightening, which requires an active player, in which he must fulfill different skills to realize construct meaning from the multitude of semiotic game
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TradiÃÃo discursiva no anÃncio publicitÃrio de automÃveis: permanÃncias e mudanÃas do impresso ao digital / Discursive tradition in the advertising of automobiles: permanences and changes from printing to digitalMaria Coeli Saraiva Rodrigues 27 April 2016 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo caracterizar os fatores que contribuÃram para as transformaÃÃes dos aspectos multimodais utilizados em anÃncios brasileiros de carros, veiculados nas pÃginas dos sites YAHOO e MSN, na transiÃÃo da Web 1.0 para a Web 2.0. Nossa hipÃtese nos permite pensar que, com a mudanÃa da web 1.0 para a web 2.0, foram agregados novos recursos tecnolÃgicos que permitiram, com o passar do tempo, uma reconfiguraÃÃo multimodal dos anÃncios publicitÃrios de carros publicados em sites, como o YAHOO e o MSN. Diante disso, para alcanÃarmos nosso objetivo, desenvolvemos, inicialmente, uma discussÃo alicerÃada na teoria da multimodalidade, desenvolvida por Kress e Van Leeuwen (1996). Em seguida, para melhor compreendermos as mudanÃas ocorridas ao longo da histÃria do gÃnero anÃncio, tomaremos como base a noÃÃo de reelaboraÃÃo proposta por Bakhtin ([1929] 1997), estudada por AraÃjo (2004; 2006; 2011) em suas pesquisas sobre gÃneros digitais e ampliada em outras categorias por Zavam (2009), e estudada tambÃm por Costa (2010) em seu estudo sobre os gÃneros audiovisuais na era da transmÃdia. Quanto à elaboraÃÃo do corpus, partimos para a seleÃÃo de 20 anÃncios de carros da segunda metade da dÃcada de 1990 e 40 anÃncios da dÃcada de 2000 das empresas Ford, Chevrolet, por terem sido as primeiras empresas de carro do Brasil. / This research aims to characterize the factors that contributed to the transformation of multimodal aspects used in Brazilian cars advertisements, published in the pages of YAHOO and MSN sites, the transition from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0. Our hypothesis allows us to think that, with the change of web 1.0 to web 2.0, were added new technological resources that led, over time, a multimodal reconfiguration of advertising car advertisements posted on sites such as YAHOO and MSN. Therefore, to achieve our goal, we will develop initially a discussion grounded in the theory of multimodality developed by Kress and Van Leeuwen (1996). Then, to better understand the changes that have occurred throughout the history of that genre, we will construct on the concept of transmutation proposed by Bakhtin ([1929] 1997), studied by AraÃjo (2004; 2006) in his research on the chats and expanded in other categories by Zavam (2009); and the notion of rewriting, approached by Costa (2010) in his study on the re-elaboration of audiovisual genres in the era of transmedia. As regards the preparation of the corpus, we leave for the selection of 20 car advertisements in the second half of the 1990s and 40 advertisements of the 2000s from Ford and Chevrolet companies, because they were the first Brazilian car companies.
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Spoken and embodied interaction in facilitated computer-supported workplace meetingsGherman, Tatiana I. January 2018 (has links)
Almost 25 years ago, Clawson, Bostrom, and Anson (1993) drew attention to the fact that the ability to facilitate diverse human and technological interactions will be one of the most essential skills for leading and contributing to all levels of the organization in the future (p. 547). Today, there is an increased interest in studying facilitated meetings, wherein facilitation is most commonly understood as the process of helping groups work effectively to accomplish shared outcomes. Nevertheless, little of the existing research has provided empirically-grounded insights into the practice of facilitation. This thesis aims to close this gap by means of providing a detailed analysis of how facilitators go about doing facilitation work in facilitated computer-supported workplace meetings. The data comprise 53 hours of audio- and video-recorded multi-party interactions among facilitator(s) and participants, occurring during facilitated meetings in a business setting. The data were analysed using conversation analysis to examine the talk and embodied conduct of facilitators and meeting participants, as these unfold sequentially. The first analytic chapter reveals the macro-organization of the facilitated meetings, and it contrasts the practice view with the theoretical approach towards the organization of the facilitated meetings. The second analytic chapter investigates the interactional practices used by the facilitators to unpack participation that has already been elicited, captured, and displayed graphically on the public screen via the use of technology. In the third analytic chapter, I explore how the facilitators use computer software to build visual representations of the participants contributions. In the final analytic chapter, I investigate the practices of decision-making in meeting settings with multiple participants. Overall, this thesis makes innovative contributions to our understanding of the practice of facilitated computer-supported workplace meetings. It challenges existing literature on facilitation by finding that facilitators can orchestrate participant input, questioning the facilitator s role as content-neutral , as proposed by leading practitioners in the field of facilitation (e.g., Kaner et al., 2014). At the same time, it shows how the manipulation of computer software is an accountable action and how the decision-making process occasions or constrains the production of alignment between participant(s) and facilitator(s). The thesis also contributes to conversation analytic research on questioning, as well as the action of unpacking participation. I show that the notion that open-ended questions better elicit participation than interrogatives is generally not supported empirically, at least in this context. The thesis contributes to existing literature on multi-party meeting interaction, showing how the departure from the canonical next-speaker selection technique which involves the use of address terms and address positions in an utterance takes place. Further, it enhances our understanding of how computer software constrains and/or affords progressivity in interaction. In this sense, I enhance our understanding of the concept of agency of artefacts. Finally, I contribute to knowledge on group decision-making, an under-researched yet core activity in facilitated and other types of meetings. Here, I contribute to the body of work on the interplay between deontics and epistemics in interaction. This thesis shows the applicability of conversation analysis to the study of facilitation. By analysing talk and embodied conduct, communicative practices for accomplishing successful facilitated meetings are revealed and these should be of core interest to both professional and novice facilitators.
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Cultivating Uncertainty Through a Multimodal Perspective on Process to Encourage TransferZepeda, Ariel 01 December 2018 (has links)
This thesis considers the ways in which a multimodal approach to teaching writing process can help students better understand the choices available as they navigate first-year writing and beyond. Such an approach destabilizes their understanding of what counts as writing, beyond the strictly text-based practices they may normally associate with writing. This destabilization emphasizes the uncertainty of writing as a productive frame of mind, as it encourages a more critical approach for students as they develop and adapt their writing processes. A multimodal perspective on writing process encourages a more proactive approach to students’ development of a repertoire of writing knowledge and practice to increase their chances of transfer.
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Genres of Children's Websites: A Comprehensive Methodology for Analyzing Digital TextsWelsh, James L. 27 October 2014 (has links)
This study establishes a comprehensive methodology for analyzing children's website content, based on both linguistic and rhetorical data, by employing defensible criteria to evaluate both qualitative and quantitative data. By employing genre theory as a prism for examining form, substance, and rhetorical action within children's websites, this study applies that methodology to a purposeful sample of five children's websites. Results of the analysis document the complex multimodal and multilinear nature of the websites studied and identify a possible new genre, the pop culture carousel website.
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