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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Projeto Pecu?ria Verde: a transforma??o do bin?mio pecu?ria-desmatamento

SILVA, Ana Luiza Clementino da 30 August 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-09-04T21:51:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Ana Luiza Clementino da Silva.pdf: 4524611 bytes, checksum: a4b311efe071f79539552ceee96e3784 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-04T21:51:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Ana Luiza Clementino da Silva.pdf: 4524611 bytes, checksum: a4b311efe071f79539552ceee96e3784 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-30 / The present study lies in the context of ongoing discussions concerning the possibilities of preventing and controlling illegal deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, started with the Decree 6321/07. Therefore, the current study has as its purpose investigating the theme, which involves the cattle-raising-deforestation connection, through the aforementioned economic activity in the city of Paragominas, in Eastern Par?, Brazil. More precisely, it analyzes the project ?Paragominas, A Green Cattle-Raising Model ? Socio-environmental and Production Adequacy,? also known as Green Cattle-Raising. The inquiry into the theme was performed by means of a qualitative approach: interviews with agents directly involved in the study case, in a total of nine interviews. Thus, the research has proposed the analysis of the process of change in the region which, once symbol of deforestation, is currently considered a model of sustainable development to other cities in the Amazon. Hence, the study displays the leading role of the rural farmers and producers union, since the mentioned institution turns out to have a key position in this study, as it is not only the leading agent responsible for the Green Cattle-Raising Project, but also represents society involved in this change. Finally, the study analyzes the assumption Paragominas is effectively a Green City but concludes that it still undergoes a transition process, being on the way to such an achievement. / Este trabalho se insere no contexto das discuss?es sobre as possibilidades de conter e controlar o desmatamento ilegal na Amaz?nia brasileira, iniciada com o decreto 6321/07. Neste sentido, a proposta deste trabalho ? estudar o tema que envolve a quest?o do bin?mio pecu?ria-desmatamento atrav?s desta atividade econ?mica no munic?pio de Paragominas, no leste do Par?, mas especificamente do projeto ?Paragominas, Modelo de Agropecu?ria Verde - Adequa??o socioambiental e produtiva?, mais conhecido como Pecu?ria Verde. A investiga??o do tema foi realizada por meio de m?todos qualitativos, no caso entrevistas com os atores diretamente envolvidos no estudo de caso, totalizando nove entrevistas. Dessa forma, a pesquisa prop?s a an?lise do processo de mudan?a na regi?o, que j? foi sin?nimo de desmatamento, hoje ? tida como modelo de desenvolvimento sustent?vel para outras cidades da Amaz?nia. O trabalho mostra assim, o protagonismo do sindicato de produtores rurais, de tal modo que esta ser? uma institui??o chave neste estudo, uma vez que ao mesmo tempo ? o ator respons?vel pelo projeto Pecu?ria Verde e representa tamb?m a sociedade envolvida com esta mudan?a. Por fim, o trabalho investiga se Paragominas ? de fato um Munic?pio Verde e conclui que apesar da mudan?a, o munic?pio est? em processo de transi??o e ainda caminha para atingir esse t?tulo.

Finan?as p?blicas e federalismo fiscal: uma an?lise da efetividade fiscal dos munic?pios brasileiros

Brito, Johnatan Rafael Santana de 21 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-11-22T20:29:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JohnatanRafaelSantanaDeBrito_TESE.pdf: 6965053 bytes, checksum: b36784a50b940bb3f9d85ae77154b541 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-23T21:38:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JohnatanRafaelSantanaDeBrito_TESE.pdf: 6965053 bytes, checksum: b36784a50b940bb3f9d85ae77154b541 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-23T21:38:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JohnatanRafaelSantanaDeBrito_TESE.pdf: 6965053 bytes, checksum: b36784a50b940bb3f9d85ae77154b541 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-21 / A estrutura fiscal-federativa brasileira apresenta algumas peculiaridades que a torna distinta, sobretudo no que diz respeito ?s compet?ncias relativas aos governos locais. O modelo de transfer?ncias e a ocorr?ncia de fen?menos tais como o flypaper effect e a ilus?o fiscal, lan?am quest?es acerca do comportamento da gest?o fiscal dos munic?pios brasileiros. O car?ter aut?nomo dessas esferas de governo ? questionado do ponto de vista or?ament?rio, tendo em vista a depend?ncia existente dos recursos oriundo de transfer?ncias, tanto verticais como horizontais. Al?m disso, o car?ter descentralizado do modelo acentua o n?vel de desequil?brio fiscal nos munic?pios, gerando d?vidas quanto a efetividade fiscal desses entes. Diante desse contexto, questiona-se qual o padr?o funcional do comportamento fiscal derivado da estrutura organizacional do federalismo fiscal brasileiro. O objetivo desta tese ? apresentar uma an?lise acerca do modelo fiscal-federativo brasileiro ? luz da perspectiva dos munic?pios, considerando a autonomia or?ament?ria e o desequil?brio fiscal efetivo, de maneira a compreender as diferen?as no que diz respeito aos n?veis de efetividade fiscal obtido pelos governos locais e assim observar qual o padr?o da gest?o fiscal dos munic?pios em face ? estrutura do modelo brasileiro. A hip?tese levantada ? que os aspectos intr?nsecos ao modelo fiscal-federativo praticado no Brasil, tais como o sistema de transfer?ncias e o flypaper effect, n?o apenas afetam a gest?o fiscal dos munic?pios como s?o fatores preponderantes para o funcionamento do pr?prio modelo, gerando, por consequ?ncia, um padr?o de comportamento quase compuls?rio e pouco aut?nomo. Para observar essas quest?es, foi constru?do um Coeficiente que desempenha a fun??o de par?metro gerencial para identificar do n?vel de efetividade fiscal da menor esfera de governo (Coeficiente de Efetividade Fiscal dos Munic?pios ? CEFM), sendo este uma proxy anal?tica da estrutura do federalismo fiscal brasileiro. Al?m das vari?veis or?ament?rias, considerou-se algumas caracter?sticas socioecon?micas dos munic?pios a aplicou-se uma an?lise de cluster afim de agrup?-los em fun??o de suas semelhan?as e assim poder observar, posteriormente, as mudan?as nos agrupamentos ocasionadas pela inclus?o do par?metro fiscal. Como resultados, verificou-se a ocorr?ncia de n?veis distintos de efetividade fiscal dos munic?pios e a verifica??o do referido padr?o de comportamento ao qual os munic?pios se enquadram em fun??o dos aspectos que o modelo fiscal-federativo imp?e a estes. / The Brazilian fiscal-federative structure presents some peculiarities that make it distinct, especially with regard to the competences related to local governments. The transfer model and the occurrence of the flypaper effect and fiscal illusion raise questions about the fiscal management behavior of Brazilian municipalities. The autonomous nature of these spheres of government is questioned from a budgetary perspective, given the existing reliance on resources from both vertical and horizontal transfers. In addition, the decentralized nature of the model accentuates the level of fiscal imbalance in the municipalities, generating doubts as to the fiscal effectiveness of these entities. Given this context, the research question is: what is the functional pattern of fiscal behavior derived from the organizational structure of Brazilian fiscal federalism. The purpose of this thesis is to present an analysis of the Brazilian fiscal-federative model in the light of the municipalities' perspective, considering the budgetary autonomy and the effective fiscal imbalance, in order to understand the differences in the levels of fiscal effectiveness obtained by the governments localities and thus to observe the standard of the fiscal management of the municipalities in face of the structure of the Brazilian model. The hypothesis raised is that the aspects intrinsic to the fiscal-federative model practiced in Brazil, such as the transfer system and the flypaper effect, not only affect the fiscal management of the municipalities, but are also preponderant factors for the functioning of the model itself, consequence, a pattern of almost compulsory and not autonomous behavior. In order to observe these questions, a Coefficient was constructed that performs the function of managerial parameter to identify the level of fiscal effectiveness of the smallest sphere of government (Fiscal Effectiveness Coefficient of municipalities - CEFM), which is an analytical proxy of the structure of Brazilian fiscal federalism. In addition to the budgetary variables, we considered some socioeconomic characteristics of the municipalities, a cluster analysis was applied in order to group them according to their similarities and thus to be able to later observe the changes in the clusters caused by the inclusion of the fiscal parameter. As results, it was verified the occurrence of distinct levels of fiscal effectiveness of the municipalities and the verification of the mentioned pattern of behavior to which the municipalities are classified according to the aspects that the fiscal-federative model imposes on them.

O munic?pio brasileiro e o direito fundamental do acesso ? justi?a: a presta??o da assist?ncia jur?dica municipal ao necessitado

Costa J?nior, Dijosete Ver?ssimo da 08 November 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:27:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DijoseteVCJ_DISSERT.pdf: 592942 bytes, checksum: ff5b545bfea8c57b9a2e42f8bdcbd615 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-11-08 / This scholarly work aims to investigate the feasibility and constitutionality of access to justice through the provision of full and free legal assistance by the Brazilian municipalities. Investigates the historical aspects of federalism in a global context, emphasizing the contributions left by American federalism. In the Brazilian context, emphasizing the importance of municipalities as federal entities and their outstanding characteristics, while addressing regional issues of federalism. Leanings to the more detailed analysis of the Brazilian municipalities, contextualizing its legal status, its independence and its constitutional powers. It is emphasized in the same way, the relevant transformations of Brazilian municipalities over the last twenty years of this Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil in 1988, especially the various constitutional amendments that affected the local autonomy and budgetary aspects, fiscal and skills, bringing significant changes to the municipalities. It is an approach to the concept of justice and deepening the studies on the fundamental right of access to justice in its various connotations. In this vein, it is a study on the legal advice provided in Brazil, especially the powers of the Public Defender of the States and Union, as well as the provision of such public service by Brazilian municipalities and its relevance to citizens in need. At this point, it deepens the relevance of the theme of this dissertation earning the implications of municipal performance in the provision of legal assistance provided to the needy, and the activity of the Municipal Attorney or legal counsel in conducting such a task and its implications for legal and procedural especially on the constitutionality or otherwise of the conduct of such public service, confronting the constitutional articles that are correlated with the subject. Within this context, evaluates the municipal legal assistance under the test of constitutionality, in particular the assistance given by the Executive, through the Municipal Attorney or specialized secretariats and that provided by the Legislature, although it only has the typical functions of legislating and control the municipal accounts, comes in a few municipalities in Brazil deploying sectors with the performance of legal services to the needy. At this point the thesis, one wonders if some important aspects of this activity such as political influence and patronage, very common in day-to-day municipal prosecutors and legal advisers, public employees or occupying commissioned positions within the municipal administrative structure in several municipalities throughout Brazil. Finally, there will be a conclusion as to the constitutionality of the service being done by presenting proposals and recommendations that may improve the municipal legal aid, allowing a constitutional backing to this important service is being provided in capital cities and municipalities throughout the length of Brazil / Esse trabalho acad?mico tem por objetivo investigar a possibilidade e a constitucionalidade do acesso ? justi?a atrav?s da presta??o da assist?ncia jur?dica integral e gratuita pelos munic?pios brasileiros, em especial, ao atendimento ao necessitado. Investiga-se os aspectos hist?ricos do federalismo, no contexto mundial, enfatizando as contribui??es deixadas pelo federalismo norte-americano. No contexto brasileiro, ressaltando a import?ncia dos munic?pios como entes federativos e suas caracter?sticas marcantes, sem deixar de abordar aspectos do federalismo regional. Envereda-se pela an?lise dos munic?pios brasileiros, contextualizando sua natureza jur?dica, sua autonomia e suas compet?ncias constitucionais. Ressalta-se as relevantes transforma??es dos munic?pios brasileiros nos ?ltimos vinte anos da vig?ncia da Constitui??o da Rep?blica Federativa do Brasil de 1988, em especial as v?rias emendas constitucionais que repercutiram na autonomia municipal e nos seus aspectos or?ament?rios, fiscais e de compet?ncias, trazendo significativas altera??es aos munic?pios brasileiros. Faz-se uma abordagem sobre o conceito de justi?a e aprofundando-se os estudos no direito fundamental do acesso ? justi?a. Neste diapas?o, faz-se um estudo sobre a assist?ncia jur?dica prestada no Brasil, destacando-se as compet?ncias das Defensorias P?blicas dos Estados e da Uni?o, bem como a presta??o de tal servi?o p?blico por Munic?pios brasileiros e sua relev?ncia para aos cidad?os necessitados. Neste ponto, aprofunda-se a relev?ncia do tema dessa disserta??o auferindo-se as implica??es da atua??o municipal na presta??o da assist?ncia jur?dica prestada ao necessitado, bem como a atividade do Procurador Municipal ou assessor jur?dico na realiza??o de tal mister e suas implica??es jur?dicas e processuais, especialmente quanto ? constitucionalidade ou n?o da realiza??o de tal servi?o p?blico, confrontando os artigos constitucional que tenham correla??o com o assunto. Neste ponto da disserta??o, questionam-se alguns aspectos importantes desta atividade, tais como as influ?ncias pol?ticas e o clientelismo, muito comum no dia-a-dia dos procuradores e assessores jur?dicos municipais, concursados ou ocupando cargos comissionados dentro da estrutura administrativa municipal em v?rios Munic?pios espalhados pelo Brasil. Por fim, realiza-se a conclus?o quanto ? constitucionalidade ou n?o do servi?o que vem sendo realizado, apresentando-se propostas e recomenda??es que possam aprimorar a assist?ncia jur?dica municipal

Compara??o de ?ndices de vegeta??o no mapeamento da cobertura da terra no semi?rido: estudo de caso no Munic?pio de Martins/RN

Guedes, J?nio Carlos Fernandes 29 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-01-12T14:50:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JanioCarlosFernandesGuedes_DISSERT.pdf: 4148387 bytes, checksum: 9d18aacae04088b9f6e20ef25426e179 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-18T16:08:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JanioCarlosFernandesGuedes_DISSERT.pdf: 4148387 bytes, checksum: 9d18aacae04088b9f6e20ef25426e179 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-18T16:08:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JanioCarlosFernandesGuedes_DISSERT.pdf: 4148387 bytes, checksum: 9d18aacae04088b9f6e20ef25426e179 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-29 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / O contexto atual da rela??o homem e natureza vem exigindo novas configura??es no tocante ao uso adequado dos recursos naturais, baseadas nas premissas do Desenvolvimento Sustent?vel. Nesse sentido, se destacam as geotecnologias, caracterizadas como um suporte instrumental eficiente para caracteriza??o de diversos padr?es ambientais. Os levantamentos de cobertura da terra se constituem como um ex?mio exemplo a ser destacado, pois a partir de ?ndices de vegeta??o ? poss?vel distinguir diferentes classes de cobertura da terra. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa objetivou comparar ?ndices de vegeta??o NDVI e SAVI, quanto a classifica??o e espacializa??o da cobertura da terra no munic?pio de Martins/RN. Para tanto, foram selecionadas imagens do sat?lite Landsat 8 e mapa de uso e cobertura da terra elaborado pelo INPE. Essas imagens passaram por etapas de pr?-processamento, aplicando-se corre??es radiom?tricas e geom?tricas. Posteriormente aplicou-se os ?ndices NDVI e SAVI no software Erdas 9.2, com quantifica??o das classes de cobertura da terra e elabora??o dos layouts no software ArcGis 10.2. A partir destas imagens procedeu-se a pesquisa de campo, onde foram observados e coletados ?s coordenadas de 125 pontos de controle, obtendo-se as seguintes classes de cobertura da terra: Floresta estacional, Savana-Est?pica florestada, Savana-Est?pica arborizada, Agricultura permanente e Tempor?ria, Solo exposto, Zona urbana e Corpo d??gua. As informa??es subsidiar?o a elabora??o da matriz de confus?o, a qual objetivou a avalia??o da acur?cia dos mapas a partir do ?ndice de Exatid?o Global e o ?ndice Kappa para ambos os mapas (NDVI, SAVI, INPE). Diante da matriz de confus?o com um ?ndice Kappa de 66,96%, o ?ndice SAVI apresentou melhores resultados em compara??o com o NDVI para o mapeamento da cobertura da terra do munic?pio de Martins/RN. Na avalia??o da precis?o do mapeamento de cobertura da terra, a partir de uma matriz de confus?o, os ?ndices para avaliar a acur?cia da precis?o dos mapeamentos (?ndice de exatid?o global e Kappa) mostraram-se como ?timas op??es no que diz respeito ? an?lise da vericidade desses dados, obtendo assim melhores resultados para o ?ndice SAVI. Dessa forma, conclui-se que, o uso de imagens de sat?lite provenientes do sensoriamento remoto na aplica??o de ?ndices de vegeta??o, mostrou-se como ferramentas relevantes no estudo da cobertura da terra, juntamente com os ?ndices de Exatid?o Global e o ?ndice Kappa, que por sua vez, mostraram-se como alternativas relevantes no tocante a acur?cia dos mapas de cobertura da terra. / Studies related to sustainable development and proper planning of the use of natural resources is one of the challenges of today's society in the search for instrumental support for the characterization of environmental standards as, for example, the survey of land cover. With the advent of geotechnology, studies about the land cover in the semiarid region from vegetation indices are paramount in the study of natural resources, making it possible to distinguish different types of coverage and land use. Thus it is intended with this work compare the NDVI and SAVI, classification and land cover spatial distribution in Martins / RN. Therefore, satellite images were selected Landsat 8 and a map of land use and land cover developed by INPE. These images have gone through stages of preprocessing, where applied radiometric and geometric corrections, and then applied the NDVI and SAVI index in ERDAS software 9.2, with quantification of the land cover classes and preparation of layout in ArcGIS 10.2 software. In the field, they were observed and collected the coordinates of 125 control points, and then confusion matrix was designed to evaluate the accuracy of the maps from the Global Accuracy index and the Kappa index for both maps (NDVI, SAVI, INPE ). Initially, before the satellite images treatment were observadadas field eight land cover classes in the city of Mantins / RN, as follows: Seasonal Forest, Savannah-Est?pica forested, wooded Savannah-Est?pica, permanent and Agriculture Temporary Soil exposed , urban area and water body. Given the confusion matrix, prepared from 125 control points obtained in the field, with a Kappa index of 66.96%, the SAVI index showed better results compared with NDVI to map Martins municipal land cover / RN. In assessing the accuracy of the land cover mapping from an array of confusion, the indexes to evaluate the accuracy of accuracy of mappings (global and Kappa accuracy Index) showed to be great options with regard to the analysis of vericidade such data, thus obtaining better results for SAVI index. Thus, it is concluded that the use of satellite from remote sensing images in the application of vegetation indices, has proved to be relevant tools in the study of land cover, along with the Global accuracy rates and the Kappa index, which in turn, proved to be relevant alternatives regarding the accuracy of land cover maps.

Motstånd och kommunikation under en organisationsförändring : en kvalitativ fallstudie inom en kommunal verksamhet / Resistance and communication during an Organizational change : a qualitative case study in a municipal enterprise

Johansson, Sara, Wrangenby, Elin January 2017 (has links)
Organisationer påverkas idag av vår föränderliga värld. Kommunala verksamheter är en verk-samhet som ständigt är i kontakt med organisationsförändringar där en av de främsta anled-ningarna till misslyckande är förändringsmotstånd. Det är därför centralt att studera vilka faktorer som orsakar förändringsmotstånd inom en kommunal verksamhet. I en organisationsförändring har ledaren en viktig roll för att genomdriva förändringen lyckosamt. För att ledaren ska ha möjlighet att genomföra en lyckad organisationsförändring krävs en god kommunikation. Det är därför centralt att studera hur en enhetschef kan kommunicera för att hantera det upplevda förändringsmotståndet. Syftet med denna studie är därmed att bidra med kunskap kring varför förändringsmotstånd uppkommer samt hur detta kan hanteras av enhetschefer via kommunikation. Studien har genomförts via en kvalitativ metod där intervjuer samt observationer är underlag för det presenterade empiriska materialet. Intervjuerna genomfördes på en enhet inom vård och omsorg som genomgått en omlokalisering för cirka tre år sedan. Intervju-erna utfördes med hjälp av sammanlagt elva anställda där två var enhetschefer, en projektledare, fyra gruppledare och fyra medarbetare. De anställdas anställningstid varierade för att tillgodose alla perspektiv under omlokaliseringen. Denna studie består av en teoretisk referensram som bland annat behandlar organisationsförändringar, förändringsmotstånd samt kommunikation vid organisationsförändringar. Teorin beskriver nio orsaker till förändringsmotstånd samt identifierar olika former av förändringsmotstånd. För att belysa kommunikationen beskrivs bland annat olika tillvägagångssätt som en organisation kan använda sig av vid förmedling av information samt en strategisk kommunikation. Intervjuerna resulterade i många känslomässiga uttryck där de anställda förmedlade att omlokaliseringen bidrog till många negativa känslor. Vi har identifierat åtta faktorer som orsakar förändringsmotstånd utifrån vår teoretiska referensram. Utifrån vårt empiriska material kan vi även fastställa att kommunikationen var bristande samt att de anställda föredrog en strategisk kommunikation, till följd av den uttryckta kritiken har vi utformat en strategisk kommunikation som är tillämpningsbar inom denna enhet. / Organizations are today affected by our changing world. Municipal enterprises are organiza-tions that are constantly in contact with organizational changes, where one of the main reasons for failure is the resistance to change. It is therefore crucial to study which factors that can cause the resistance to change. In an organizational change, the leader has an important role to make the change successful. In order for the leader to be able to implement a successful organ-izational change, good communication is required. It is therefore crucial to study how a unit manager can communicate to handle the perceived change resistance. The purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge about why resistance to change occurs and how unit managers through communication can manage this. The study has been conducted through a qualitative method where interviews are the basis for the empirical material. The interviews were held on a health and social care unit that had relocation for almost three years ago. A total of eleven employees where interviewed, two were unit managers, one project manager, four group lead-ers and four co-workers. The time of their employment varied to accommodate all perspectives during the relocation. This study consists of a theoretical framework that deals with organiza-tional changes, the resistance to change and the communication during organizational changes. The theoretical framework describes nine reasons why resistance to change occurs and identi-fies different forms of change resistance. In order to highlight the communication, various approaches are described which an organization can use for convey information and strategic communication. The interviews resulted in many emotional expressions where the employees described that the relocation contributed too many negative feelings. We can identify eight factors that causes resistance to change based on our theoretical framework. Based on our em-pirical material, we can also determine that the communication was lacking, and that employ-ees preferred a strategic communication. As a result of the expressed critique we have designed a strategic communication that is applicable within this unit.

Uma an?lise do impacto das emancipa??es sobre a distribui??o or?ament?ria entre os munic?pios ga?chos : 1989 - 2007

Oliveira, Jules Giovane de 29 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:26:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 424097.pdf: 2619987 bytes, checksum: eda1b59f8b6c570f92195ae049b17cab (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-29 / Este trabalho tem por finalidade apresentar as discuss?es sobre as emancipa??es municipais e o federalismo fiscal no Brasil. Ser?o apresentadas algumas caracter?sticas dos 134 munic?pios que se emanciparam no Rio Grande do Sul no per?odo de 1989 a 1997. As referidas caracter?sticas ser?o comparadas com as mesmas caracter?sticas dos 132 munic?pios dos quais estes munic?pios emancipados se originaram, em dois per?odos distintos, 1997 e 2007. Atrav?s da compara??o do ?ndice de Gini estadual de 1989 com o de 1997, se busca saber se as referidas emancipa??es municipais contribu?ram com a distribui??o das receitas or?ament?rias no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. As conclus?es apontam que o federalismo fiscal nacional precisa ser revisto em prol da unidade federativa. Em rela??o ?s emancipa??es municipais no Rio Grande do Sul, se observa que os munic?pios emancipados melhoraram suas arrecada??es de tributos municipais, mesmo recebendo maiores parcelas do Fundo de Participa??o dos Munic?pios (FPM). Em rela??o ?s an?lises do ?ndice de Gini os resultados apontam que a distribui??o das receitas or?ament?rias no Estado melhorou ap?s as emancipa??es ocorridas.

Planejamento urbano em pequenos munic?pios: o caso do Paran? / Urban planning in small municipal districts: the case of Paran?

Moreira, Vera L?cia Barradas 19 June 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:21:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vera Lucia Barradas Moreira.pdf: 17646248 bytes, checksum: 7188b84f84c5a7fdb0c7a23682a90eea (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-06-19 / Urban planning in Paran? state began before the Constitution of 1988, whose article 182, obliges cities with more than 20 thousand inhabitants to have Director Plans. The regulation of this article came up through the promulgation of the law 10.257/2007, the City Statute which is set in the Magna letter. The State Government, through the decree 2.581/2004, and the law 15.229/2006, has set such obligation for all the cities in Paran?, independently of the population amount. Such paper has the objective of investigating the process of planning carried out before the City Statute in the small towns in three cities of Paran? Midwest. It also brings about the State performance through its urban politics and its position after the City Statute. The process of the plans development is evaluated as well as their implementation by analyzing the current urban situation. Many researches were carried out about the effects of planning in big and average cities and in other countries, although, there s no understanding how planning happens in towns with less than 20 thousand inhabitants / A pr?tica de Planejamento Urbano no Estado do Paran? foi iniciada anteriormente ? Constitui??o de 1988 que, no seu art. 182, determina a obrigatoriedade de que cidades com mais 20 mil habitantes possuam Planos Diretores. A regulamenta??o deste artigo veio atrav?s da promulga??o da Lei 10.257/2001, o Estatuto da Cidade, que reitera o disposto na Carta Magna. O governo do Estado, atrav?s do decreto 2.581/2004, e posteriormente da Lei 15.229/2006, estende esta obrigatoriedade a todos os munic?pios paranaenses, independentemente do n?mero de sua popula??o. Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar o processo de planejamento ocorrido anteriormente ao Estatuto da cidade nos pequenos munic?pios, selecionando para tanto tr?s cidades componentes da Mesorregi?o Centro-Ocidental do Paran?. Discute a atua??o do Estado atrav?s de sua Pol?tica Urbana e qual o seu posicionamento ap?s o Estatuto da Cidade. Avalia-se o processo de elabora??o dos planos e sua implementa??o atrav?s da an?lise da configura??o urbana atual. Muito foi estudado e pesquisado a respeito dos efeitos do planejamento nas grandes e m?dias cidades brasileiras e at? em outros pa?ses, mas, n?o h?, um entendimento de como o planejamento se comporta nas localidades com menos de 20 mil habitantes

Sobre as ru?nas do templo... (porque templo j? n?o ?) : hist?ria municipal de S?o Luiz Gonzaga (1880-1932)

Vieira, Sonia Bressan 29 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:47:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 427550 - Anexo A.pdf: 7270834 bytes, checksum: a647836118a56575f6729666d3637e03 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-29 / Esta pesquisa prop?e-se a reconstruir a hist?ria do munic?pio de S?o Luiz Gonzaga, antiga redu??o jesu?tica da regi?o das Miss?es, no per?odo entre 1880, ano em que a Freguesia de San Luis foi elevada ? categoria de vila, e 1932, momento em que o Col?gio Jesu?tico, um dos pr?dios constru?dos ? ?poca da redu??o, encontrava-se em processo de demoli??o. Defende-se a tese de que, ao longo do processo de urbaniza??o e (re)ocupa??o do lugar da antiga redu??o de S?o Luis, foi sonegada ? cidade que nascia, por iniciativa administrativa e de particulares, a possibilidade de exibir vest?gios de um patrim?nio da humanidade que lhe pertencia, uma vez que o munic?pio integra o conjunto dos Sete Povos das Miss?es.

Panorama dos res?duos s?lidos urbanos nos munic?pios de pequeno porte do Brasil

Arcila, Rafaella Iliana Alves 28 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:54:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RafaellaIAA.pdf: 452615 bytes, checksum: 392df5e1a0bd4b7758c95218a74fc0d0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-28 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The panorama of Urban Solid Waste (USW) in Brazil, in general lacks information, given the immensity of the country. However, it is from available data that the public executives should define the USW management. To contribute to the choice of a model for the management of USW in small municipalities, this study reviews the related literature, showing an overview of the final disposal of USW in small municipalities. Several data and researches are discussed, concluding that the available data, despite being provided by the public managers, who often attenuate the problem, should be considered for the proposition of policies to encourage the waste treatment / O panorama dos Res?duos S?lidos Urbanos (RSU) no Brasil, de maneira geral deixa a desejar face ? imensid?o do pa?s. No entanto, ? a partir dos dados existentes que o gestor p?blico deve embasar a gest?o dos RSU. Visando contribuir para a escolha do modelo de gest?o dos RSU em munic?pios de pequeno porte, o presente estudo revisa a literatura relacionada, mostrando como se d? a disposi??o final dos RSU em munic?pios de pequeno porte. S?o discutidas v?rias pesquisas, concluindo-se que os dados apresentados, muito embora sejam fornecidos pelos gestores, que muitas vezes minoram o problema, h?o de ser considerados para a proposi??o de pol?ticas de incentivo ao tratamento de res?duos

O impacto do pagamento da participa??o sobre a produ??o de petr?leo e g?s natural sobre a renda familiar e a propriedade no Munic?pio de Governador Dix-Sept Rosado no per?odo de 1998 a 2004

Lall J?nior, George Indarsane 18 December 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:34:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GeorgeILJ.pdf: 3263814 bytes, checksum: 78754f382a1cd83bfd17c24d33c0ba0c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-12-18 / This scientific study deals about the oil and natural gas production participation payment impact in the county of Governador Dix-sept Rosado, Rio Grande do Norte, between 1998 to 2004, applied to family income and property. To do so, this analysis focus on the ricardian?s theory exposition which merges from the concept of the mineral income, in concern to the legal establishment of royalties. This paper also shows the world evolution oil exploration, inserting Brazil in this scene as a oil and natural gas producter. It identifies the productive site of oil and natural gas in Rio Grande do Norte as the Potiguar Oil Area, characterizing its components in the demographic, physical and social aspects, to reflect in the focus point of observation which is the Governador Dix-sept Rosado county. The participation payment on oil and natural gas is demonstrated in a qualitative analysis both in Brazil as in Rio Grande do Norte. The payments given to the land owners in this federative unity are shown in the period of analysis of this essay. The study tells, based in a field research, the benefaction impact of the payment to the land owners over the income and property. The family income were highly impacted, causing economic social classes change to some land owners. The property had less or none impact. It was found negative externalities as the income utilization to other county uses, not causing a multiplier effect in the studied county. The fact of the not utilization of the properties on productive investments in order to supply the finite characteristic of oil and this source of royalties, contradicts one of the reasons of its establishment which is the payment for its productive exhaustion of a land resource / Este estudo cient?fico identificou o impacto da institui??o do pagamento da participa??o sobre a produ??o de petr?leo e g?s natural no munic?pio de Governador Dix-sept Rosado, Rio Grande do Norte, no per?odo de 1998 a 2004 sobre a renda familiar e a propriedade. Para isso, a an?lise centra-se na exposi??o te?rica ricardiana que deriva o conceito de renda mineral, consubstanciando o estabelecimento legal dos royalties. Mostra a evolu??o da explora??o petrol?fera no mundo, inserindo o Brasil nesse cen?rio como produtor de petr?leo e g?s natural. Identifica a regi?o produtora de petr?leo e g?s natural em terra como ?rea do Petr?leo Potiguar, caracterizando aspectos demogr?ficos, f?sicos, econ?micos e sociais para comparar com o foco da pesquisa, o munic?pio de Governador Dix-sept Rosado. O pagamento da participa??o sobre a produ??o de petr?leo e g?s natural e demonstrada quantitativamente no Brasil e no Rio Grande do Norte. Os pagamentos auferidos a propriet?rios de terra localizados nesta unidade federativa s?o mostrados no per?odo de an?lise deste trabalho. O estudo aponta, com base em pesquisa de campo, o impacto do pagamento do benef?cio aos propriet?rios de terra sobre a renda e a propriedade. A renda familiar foi extremamente impactada, causando mudan?a de classe econ?mica nos propriet?rios. A propriedade sofreu pouco ou quase nenhum impacto. Externalidades negativas como a utiliza??o da renda em consumo em outro munic?pio n?o geraram efeito multiplicador em Governador Dix-sept Rosado. O fato das propriedades n?o serem utilizadas para investimentos produtivos que venham suprir o car?ter finito do petr?leo e dessa modalidade de royalties, contradiz uma das premissas do seu estabelecimento que ? o pagamento pela exaust?o produtiva de um recurso da terra

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