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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studies towards high-throughput production of nanofiber yarns

Smit, Eugene A. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Electrospinning is a simple yet versatile method used for producing nanofibers from various materials, including natural and synthetic polymers, polymer blends, ceramics and metals. The high specific surface areas, high aspect ratios (length/diameter), and the biomimicking nature of nanofibers make them ideally suited for application in diverse areas, including high-performance filtration, biomedical materials for tissue engineering scaffolds, wound dressings and controlled drug release, fiber-reinforced composites and highly sensitive nano-sensors. Two of the main requirements that need to be met for electrospun nanofiber materials to become commercially viable are: (1) a process for manufacturing continuous aligned nanofiber yarns, and (2) a drastic increase in the fiber production rate of the electrospinning process. The objectives of this study were to develop a scalable process for making continuous yarns of aligned electrospun nanofibers, and to develop a needleless electrospinning method for the high-throughput production of nanofibers. Three novel processes were developed while exploring innovative ways for making yarns from electrospun fibers. Finally, a fourth process, the so-called the NanoCaterpillar process, was developed. This process can be used as a scalable method for obtaining continuous yarns of aligned nanofibers. Advantages of the process include the requirement for relatively simple equipment, the simple process variations required for obtaining yarns of different linear densities, and the fact that, as a 'dry' process, it can be used to manufacture yarns from most materials that can be electrospun. The second goal of this study was to develop a needle-less electrospinning process, capable of making nanofibers at commercially viable throughput rates. The phenomenon of bubble electrospinning was discovered and developed further. Initial exploratory studies showed that bubble electrospinning could be employed to produce nanofibers from polymers in aqueous as well as organic solutions, and that the process follows similar trends to classic electrospinning such as the dependence of fiber diameter on polymer solution concentration and the possibility of including substances in the formed fibers by including them in the spin solution. A second, more in-depth study of the bubble electrospinning process revealed that fibers could be produced at very high rates with estimates, under ideal spinning conditions, reaching 5 kg/h per square meter of bubble bath surface. Furthermore it was found that fiber yield did not depend on the size or the lifetime per bubble. Investigations into several interesting aspects of bubble and jet behaviour during bubble electrospinning, such as child bubble formation and jet-splitting, led to predictive multiple linear regression models being fitted to the experimental data to describe process variables like yield per bubble, number of jets per bubble and fiber diameters. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die elektrospintegniek is 'n eenvoudige, dog veelsydige metode wat gebruik word om nanovesels van verskeie materiale, insluitend natuurlike en sintetiese polimere, polimeermengsels, keramieke, en ook metale te vervaardig. Die hoë spesifieke oppervlakareas, hoë lengte tot deursnee verhoudings en bio-naboodsende eienskappe van nanovesels maak hulle ideaalgeskik vir toepassing in uiteenlopende velde soos filtrasie, biomediese materiale vir weefselingenieurswese, wondbedekkings en beheerde vrystelling van geneesmiddels, veselversterkte saamgestelde materiale en hoogs-sensitiewe nanosensors. Twee van die hoofvereistes waaraan voldoen moet word, voordat elektrogespinde nanovesels kommersieël-lewensvatbaar kan word, is: (1) 'n proses vir die vervaardiging van kontinuë garings van gerigte nanovesels, en (2) 'n drastiese toename in die vervaardigingstempo van die elektrospinproses. Die doelwitte van hierdie studie was om 'n skalleerbare proses te ontwikkel vir die vervaardiging van kontinuë garings van gerigte nanovesels, en om 'n naaldlose elektrospinmetode te ontwikkel vir die hoë-uitset vervaardiging van nanovesels. Drie nuwe prosesse is ontwikkel tydens ondersoeke na innoverende maniere om garings van elektrogespinde nanovesels te vervaardig. Laastelik is 'n vierde proses, die sogenaamde NanoCaterpillar proses ontwikkel. Hierdie proses kan gebruik word as 'n skalleerbare metode vir die vervaardiging van kontinuë garings van gerigte nanovesels. Voordele van die proses sluit in dat relatief eenvoudige toerusting benodig word om die konsep toe te pas, dat slegs eenvoudige veranderinge aan die proses benodig word om garings van verskillende liniêre digthede te verkry, en dat die proses, synde 'n 'droë' proses, gebruik kan word om garings te maak van meeste materiale wat gespin kan word met die elektrospintegniek. Die tweede doelwit van hierdie studie was om 'n naaldlose elektrospinproses te ontwikkel wat nanovesels kon vervaardig teen kommersieël-lewensvatbare tempo's. Die borrelelektrospin verskynsel is ontdek en verder ontwikkel. Aanvanklike ondersoeke het getoon dat die borrelelektrospinproses gebruik kon word om nanovesels te vervaardig van polimere in water- sowel as organiese oplossings. Dit het ook getoon dat die proses soortgelyke tendense toon as die klassieke elektrospintegniek, soos die afhanklikheid van veseldeursnee aan polimeeroplossingkonsentrasie en die moontlikheid om ander stowwe in die gevormde vesels in te sluit deur dit aanvanklik in die spinoplossing in te sluit. 'n Verdere indiepte ondersoek van die borrelelektrospinproses het onthul dat vesels, onder geïdealiseerde omstandighede, vervaardig kon word teen baie hoë tempo's, na beraming 5 kg/h per vierkante meter borrelbadoppervlakarea. Verder is bevind dat die veselopbrengs nie afhanklik was van die borrelgrootte of -lewensduur nie. Ondersoeke na verskillende aspekte van die borrel- en polimeerstraalgedrag tydens die borrelelektrospinproses, soos die vorming van kind-borrels en polimeerstraalsplitsing, het gelei tot die passing van voorspellende meerfoudige liniêre regressiemodelle op die eksperimentele data, ten einde prosesveranderlikes soos opbrengs per borrel, aantal polimeerstrale, en vesels deursnee te kan beskryf.


McLoughlin, Colleen 02 May 2012 (has links)
Electrospun materials have potential use in many biomedical applications such as soft tissue replacements or as scaffolds to target drug delivery to local sites. Electrospinning is a polymer processing technique that can be used to create materials composed of fibers with diameters ranging from the micron to the nanoscale. We investigated the effects of microfibrous and nanofibrous electrospun polycaprolactone (EPCL) on innate, cell-mediated, and humoral components of the immune system. Results demonstrated that in both young (12 week) and old (6 month) mice, EPCL had no effect on various immune parameters. With its lack of immunotoxicity, EPCL presents an excellent polymer scaffold for use in delivering drugs to local sites. Drug delivery studies focused on using EPCL nanofiber scaffolds with the known immunosuppressive compound dexamethasone (DEX) incorporated within the matrix. The ability of the EPCL-DEX scaffold to suppress cell-mediated immunity (CMI) was evaluated using the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response to Candida albicans. Preliminary studies were conducted following subcutaneous implantation of a single disk (6-mm or 3-mm diameter) with 3, 10, 30, or 100 % w/w DEX in EPCL in the thigh region. Based on footpad swelling, dose -responsive suppression of the DTH was observed based on DEX equivalent units (DEU) at all but the lowest dose. The animals that received the high dose (100% in 6-mm) had decreased spleen weights, however no change in spleen weight was observed at the lower doses. Thymus weights were only affected at the four highest doses. These preliminary results suggest that implantation of a drug-containing electrospun scaffold may achieve local immunosuppression without systemic toxicity. Finally, we evaluated the EPCL-DEX scaffold in an acute inflammatory model (keyhole limpet hemocyanin) and a mouse model of rheumatoid arthritis (collagen induced arthritis). While similar trends were observed in the other models, the EPCL-DEX system achieved greatest success in the DTH model.

In vitro testování buněčných nosičů na bázi nanovláken pro léčbu vitiliga / In vitro testing of carrier system based on nanofibres for vitiligo treatment

Kodedová, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
Vitiligo is a skin disease with 2 % prevalence in a worldwide population. It is characterised by loss or decrease in activity of epidermal melanocytes, which lead to skin and hair depigmentation. It has negative impact on psyche, social relationships of patients and reduces the protection of the organism against UV radiation. One of the treatment methods is autologous transplantation of melanocytes or suspension of melanocytes with keratinocytes. Use of the biocompatible membrane, which allows the cultivation of these cells with resulting transplantation on the depigmented lesion, could improve treatment and make it more efficient. The main goal of this work was to create the biocompatible membrane from nanofiber layers of polyvinylalcohol (PVA) which can stand as a carrier for cell transplants in vitiligo therapy. PVA scaffolds were prepared by electrostatic spinning and later on modified by cold methane plasma (CH4) for lowering their hydrofility. Samples of modified nanofiber carriers were analysed according to their physical and chemical characteristics (visualization fiber morphology by SEM, XPS and surface Zeta potential analysis and contact angle). Consequently, adhesion, proliferation and metabolic activity of cultivating mice cell lines of melanocytes (Melan-a) and keratinocytes (XB2) were examined...

Engineering Cellulose Nanofibers For Better Performance as Nanocomposites

Miran Mavlan (6983801) 15 August 2019 (has links)
<p>In recent decades there has been great interest to produce novel bio-based composites to reduce carbon footprint without sacrificing the necessities that society demands. To achieve a more sustainable future, research in cellulose biopolymers has risen to the forefront. Impressive mechanical, thermal and optical properties along with its abundant biomass has made nanocellulose (NC) the subject of intense research in the area of electronics, drug delivery, sensors, selective filters, and structural materials, to name a few. The practical utility of any cellulose-based materials requires a more complete understanding of how the fundamental structure affects final performance. This thesis examines several avenues to obtain novel materials by considering processing parameters and preparation methods for working with raw nanocellulose materials, and mechanochemical approaches for surface grafting to obtain modified CNs with improved dispersion in organic media. Lastly, the synergy between the two studies and its impact on advanced materials and nanocomposites is discussed.</p> <p>The low cost and wide availability of cellulose nanofibers (CNF), a refined form of cellulose microfibrils, make these an ideal starting material for our studies. However, the aggregated states of freeze-dried CNFs hinder its use as an additive for reinforcing polymer blends or functional films. The use of <i>tert</i>-butyl alcohol (TBA) as a stabilizer in pharmaceutical drugs has been well studied for its effectiveness in facilitating redissolution and extending product shelf life. Lyophilization of aqueous CNF slurries treated with various amounts of TBA produced a more porous material that could be redispersed with superior colloidal stability relative to untreated freeze-dried CNFs. Furthermore, CNFs lyophilized from aqueous TBA mixtures could be subjected to mild mechanochemical reactions (horizontal ball milling) to produce esterified nanofibers with high degrees of substitution (DS) and good dispersibility profiles in organic solvents. This solventless technique allowed for a variety of carboxylic acids to be grafted onto CNF surfaces. Finally, investigations of new materials with technological utility have been explored using networks of CNFs modified with oleic acid. These can be cast into superhydrophobic (SHP) films having a hierarchical structure characteristic of a self-similar material, with a wettability comparable to that of the lotus leaf. The SHP surface can also be regenerated after surface fouling or physical damage. </p>

Desenvolvimento e caracterização de bionanocompósitos pelo método de extrusão / Development and characterization of bionanocomposites by the extrusion method

Rodriguez Llanos, Jaiber Humberto 13 April 2018 (has links)
Visando o desenvolvimento de materiais biodegradáveis para embalagens, blendas de amido/quitosana estruturadas com nanopartículas de montmorilonita (MMT) ou nanofibras de bambu (NFBs) em concentrações de (0,0; 0,5 e 1,0) g de NPs/100 g de polímero foram obtidas pelas técnicas de casting e extrusão. Os bionanocompósitos obtidos das duas técnicas foram caracterizados, bem como foi avaliada a influência da dispersão das nanopartículas sobre as principais propriedades físico-químicas dos bionanocompósitos. Para os filmes produzidos de blendas de amido/quitosana por casting, foram avaliadas as proporções de (5/0; 3,75/0,25; 2,5/2,5; 1,25/0,75 e 0/1) g/100 g base polímero, e a adição dos reforçadores na solução filmogênica. Observou-se uma dispersão assim como uma intercalação satisfatória da MMT nos bionanocompósitos, confirmadas pelas mudanças da cristalinidade devido ao deslocamento do pico característico de 7,2 º para 5,2 º; e os filmes estruturados com NFBs apresentaram variações nas frequências vibracionais dos arranjos moleculares indicando a formação de ligações fortes entre as blendas e os reforçadores. A partir da extrusão da mistura de homo pellets e pellets masterbatch, das blendas de amido/quitosana nas proporções de (100/0; 75/25 e 50/50) g/100 g, foram obtidos compósitos em processo contínuo os quais exibiram propriedades qualitativas satisfatórias assim como mudanças de cristalinidade e interações moleculares. Em relação às propriedades mecânicas, os bionanocompósitos apresentaram um aumento da resposta à tensão assim como da elongação e módulo de elasticidade em relação às concentrações dos reforçadores em cada umas blendas avaliadas. Por outro lado, tanto a formação das blendas como as interações dos reforçadores modificaram significativamente a rede tridimensional dos filmes em relação à taxa de transferência de vapor de água, obtendo-se valores de (155 e 139) g m-2 d-1 para os compósitos obtidos da blenda amido/quitosana 100/0 estruturados com (0,5 e 1,0) g MMT/100 g, respectivamente. Os valores de PVA obtidos são inferiores aos reportados por produtos comerciais como o (PBS) Bionolle&trade; (330 g m-2 d-1) e (PBAT) Ecoflex&reg; (272 g m-2 d-1). Neste trabalho foi possível desenvolver um material promissor com características diferenciadas e alta aplicabilidade no setor de embalagens biodegradáveis para uso industrial. / Aiming at the development of biodegradable packaging materials, starch/chitosan blends structured with montmorillonite nanoparticles (MMT) or bamboo nanofibers (NFBs) at concentrations of (0.0,0.5 and 1.0) g NPs/100 g of polymer were obtained by the casting and extrusion techniques. The obtained bio-nanocomposites were characterized, as well as, how the dispersion of nanoparticles influenced the main physicochemical properties of the films. For the films from starch/chitosan blends produced by the casting method, the proportions of (5/0, 3.75/0.25, 2.5/2.5, 1.25/0.75 and 0/1) g/100 g based on polymer, were tested and the introducing of the reinforcers into filmogenic solution were evaluated. Satisfactory dispersion and exfoliation of MMT in bio-nanocomposites were confirmed by changes of crystallinity due to displacement of the characteristic peak from 7.2 ° to 5.2 °. In the same way, films structured with NFBs showed variations of the vibrational frequencies of the molecular arrangements indicating strong bonds between the polymer blends and the reinforcers. By the extrusion from the mixture of homo pellets and masterbatch pellets, from starch/chitosan blends at proportions of (100/0, 75/25 and 50/50) g/100 g, the obtained films have exhibited changes of the crystallinity and the molecular interactions. In relation to mechanical properties, the films presented increase of the tension response as well as the elongation and modulus of elasticity in relation to the reinforcer concentration in each evaluated blend. On the other hand, the formation of polymer blends and the interactions of reinforcers with the matrix changed significantly the three-dimensional network and consequently the water vapor transmission (WVT). Films produced from starch/chitosan 100/0, nanostructured with (0.5 and 1.0) g MMT/100 g, exhibited lower values of WVT 155 e 139) gm-2 d -1, respectively, when compared to commercial products such as Bionolle &trade; (PBS) 330 g m-2 d-1) and (PBAT) Ecoflex&reg; (272 g m-2 d-1). In this work, it was possible to develop a promising material with desired characteristics in the biodegradable packaging sector with wide application in the industry.

Nanocompósitos de poliamida 6,6 reciclada reforçados com nanofibras de celulose para aplicação em peças automotivas / Nanocomposite of recycled polyamide 6,6 reinforced with cellulose nanofibers for application in automotive parts

Benaducci, Daiane 15 January 2014 (has links)
A busca é cada vez maior por parte das indústrias para encontrar alternativas de uso para seus materiais de descarte. Considerando as vantagens da aplicação da poliamida 6,6 reciclada (PA66Rec), material de descarte da empresa Rhodia Poliamida e Especialidades Ltda, o principal objetivo do trabalho foi a obtenção e caracterização de nanocompósitos a partir desse polímero sintético. Este material possui elevada temperatura de fusão e por esse e outros motivos, como o fato de possuírem mesma polaridade, as nanofibras de celulose (NFC) tornaram-se excelentes candidatas como reforço para essa matriz de poliamida 6,6. As poliamidas 6,6 são amplamente utilizadas na indústria automobilística, porém apesar desse grande interesse tecnológico nas mesmas, poucos estudos de compósitos poliméricos poliamida 6,6/celulose foram publicados. A fim de comparar os resultados obtidos foram preparados também nanocompósitos com matriz de poliamida obtida a partir de resina virgem (PA66) reforçados com NFC. Neste trabalho as NFC foram dispersas em ácido fórmico e a essa suspensão a matriz polimérica foi solubilizada. Foi considerado um branco desse pré-processamento, sem NFC, para comparação. As amostras foram então processadas por extrusão e moldagem por injeção. As propriedades mecânicas, térmicas e morfológicas foram caracterizadas utilizando ensaio de tração, calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), análise termogravimétrica (TG) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Os resultados de TG confirmaram a menor estabilidade térmica das amostras com NFC em relação as sem NFC. Os resultados de DSC das amostras obtidas com a PA66Rec indicaram que o pré-processamento e a adição de 1 e 2% em massa de NFC não modificaram significativamente as temperaturas de fusão e cristalização. O grau de cristalinidade da amostra com maior teor de NFC diminuiu, entretanto as imagens de MEV mostraram as NFC bem ancoradas na matriz e os resultados de ensaio mecânico revelaram que a adição de 1 e 2% de NFC levou a um aumento de 10% do módulo elástico, em média. Para as amostras obtidas com a PA66 a adição de NFC levou a um aumento do grau de cristalinidade de 16 para 23%, em média, justificando o aumento de 15% do módulo elástico encontrado no ensaio mecânico de tração. As imagens de MEV para todas as amostras revelaram a boa incorporação da NFC nas matrizes, bem como a boa dispersão das mesmas. Tanto o pré-processamento como a incorporação das NFC não prejudicou o módulo elástico e a resistência máxima à tração, podendo indicar uma alternativa de uso para poliamida 6,6 reciclada, dependendo da aplicação final do material. / The search by industry to find alternative uses for its materials disposal is increasing. Considering the advantages application of recycled polyamide 6,6 (PA66Rec), disposal material of Rhodia Polyamide and Specialities Ltd company, the main objective of the work was to obtain and characterize nanocomposites from this synthetic polymer. This material has a high melting temperature and for this and other reasons, like the fact that they have the same polarity, the cellulose nanofibers (CNF) have become excellent candidates as reinforcement to the matrix polyamide 6,6. The polyamides 6,6 are widely used in the automotive industry, but despite this great technological interest in them, few studies of polymer composite polyamide 6,6/cellulose were published. In order to compare the results obtained nanocomposites were also prepared with polyamide matrix obtained from virgin resin (PA66) reinforced with NFC. In this work the CNF were dispersed in formic acid and the polymer matrix was solubilized in this suspension. It was considered a control sample without CNF for this preprocessing for comparison. Then, the samples were processed by extrusion and injection molding. The mechanical, thermal and morphological properties were characterized using tensile test, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The TG results confirmed the lower thermal stability of the samples with CNF compared with those without CNF. The DSC results obtained from the PA66Rec samples indicated that preprocessing and the addition of 1 and 2% mass fraction of CNF not significantly changes in melt and crystallization temperatures. The degree of crystallinity of the sample with a higher content of NFC decreased, however the SEM images showed the CNF well anchored in the matrix and the results of mechanical test showed that the addition of 1 and 2% NFC led to a 10% increase in the elastic modulus. For the samples obtained with PA66 the addition of CNF led to an increase in the degree of crystallinity of 16 to 23%, on average, justifying the 15% increase in the elastic modulus found in mechanical tests. The SEM images for all the samples showed good incorporation in the matrix of CNF and the good dispersion thereof. Any preprocessing such as the incorporation of NFC did not impair the elastic modulus and maximum tensile strength, and may indicate an alternative use for recycled polyamide 6,6, depending on the final application of the material.

Nanofibras poliméricas carregadas com oxitetraciclina para tratamento de alveolite seca: estudo em ratos / Oxytetracycline-loaded polymeric nanofibers for the treatment of dry socket: a study in rats

Viera, Patricia Veronica Aulestia 14 May 2018 (has links)
A alveolite seca é uma das complicações pós-operatórias mais comuns e sintomáticas na exodontia, porém, até o momento não possui um protocolo de tratamento definido. A oxitetraciclina (OTC) é um antibiótico de amplo espectro utilizado no tratamento de múltiplas infecções. Entretanto, nos últimos anos as tetraciclinas de primeira geração, tais como a OTC, têm sido evitadas devido ao surgimento de microrganismos resistentes. Afortunadamente, nos últimos anos tem se observado uma tendência contrária graças às medidas de controle no uso de antibióticos. Sistemas de liberação controlada podem evitar o desenvolvimento de resistência bacteriana e diminuir o risco de efeitos adversos. Este estudo teve como objetivo preparar uma nanofibra polimérica de policaprolactona e oxitetraciclina (PCL/OTC), e ainda avaliar suas propriedades físicas e biológicas in vitro e in vivo, visando seu futuro uso no tratamento da alveolite seca. As nanofibras poliméricas carregadas com OTC foram preparadas pelo sistema de eletrofiação, caracterizadas através da microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e avaliadas sobre seu perfil de liberação do fármaco. A atividade antibacteriana da nanofibra sobre um biofilme misto de Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermédia, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Eikenella corrodens, Streptococcus sanguis e Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans foi analisada mediante a contagem das unidades formadoras de colônias viáveis após os tempos de contato de 1, 4, 24, 30 e 48 h. O processo de reparo alveolar induzido pela nanofibra PCL/OTC foi avaliado de forma histomorfológica e histomorfométrica após o tratamento da alveolite seca em molares de ratos, e comparado ao tratamento com nanofibras de PCL pura e Alvogyl®, 7, 14 e 21 dias após a exodontia. Finalmente, foi realizada a identificação e contagem de osteoclastos através da marcação da fosfatase ácida resistente ao tartarato (TRAP), nos mesmos tempos de avaliação. As nanofibras PCL/OTC apresentaram orientação randômica em camadas e morfologia multiforme. O perfil de liberação do sistema apresentou um efeito de explosão nas primeiras 8 horas, seguido por um período de liberação lenta e prolongada da OTC. A nanofibra PCL/OTC (132 ?g de OTC/mL) reduziu mais de 50% das colônias do biofilme nas primeiras horas de liberação, seguido por um período de manutenção em que a porcentagem de colônias bacterianas permaneceu baixa. O grupo tratado com PCL/OTC apresentou a maior porcentagem de tecido conjuntivo no 7º dia (p<0,05) e maior porcentagem de osso neoformado no 14º e 21º dias após a exodontia (p<0,05), em comparação aos outros grupos. O tratamento de alveolite seca com a fibra PCL/OTC permitiu a regeneração tecidual do alvéolo quase em sua totalidade até o 21º dia, sendo que a cronologia de regeneração tecidual com este material foi mais rápida do que com a fibra de PCL pura, e esta última mais rápida que do que o controle positivo Alvogyl®. O grupo PCL/OTC apresentou uma quantidade menor (p<0,05) de osteoclastos por área em relação aos outros grupos nos três tempos experimentais. O perfil de liberação prolongando de OTC e as propriedades biológicas relevantes apresentadas pela nanofibra PCL/OTC, sugerem que esta poderia ser considerada uma alternativa para o tratamento da alveolite seca. / Dry socket is one of the most common and symptomatic postoperative complications in tooth extraction, however, to date, it does not have an established treatment protocol. Oxytetracycline (OTC) is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, employed in the treatment of multiple infections. Nevertheless, in the last few years, first-generation tetracyclines such as OTC, have been avoided due to the development of resistant microorganisms. Fortunately, in recent years there has been a contrary trend thanks to control measures in the use of antibiotics. Controlled release systems can prevent the development of bacterial resistance and decrease the risk of adverse effects. This study aimed to prepare a polymeric nanofiber of polycaprolactone and oxytetracycline (PCL/OTC), and to evaluate its physical and biological properties in vitro and in vivo, aiming its use in the treatment of dry socket at the future. The OTC-charged polymeric nanofibers were prepared by electrospinning, and characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and drug release profile evaluation. The antibacterial activity of the nanofiber over a mixed biofilm containing Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Eikenella corrodens, Streptococcus sanguis, and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans was analyzed by counting the viable colony-forming units after 1, 4, 24, 30 and 48 h of contact. The alveolar repair process induced by the PCL/OTC nanofiber was evaluated histomorphologically and histomorphometrically after the treatment of dry socket in rat molars, and compared to the treatment with plain PCL nanofibers and AlvogylTM, 7, 14 and 21 days after extraction. Finally, the identification and counting of osteoclasts were performed through the tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) staining, at the same evaluation time points. PCL/OTC nanofibers presented random orientation in layers and multiform morphology. The release profile of the PCL/OTC system showed a burst effect within the first 8 hours, followed by a prolonged slow release period. The PCL/OTC nanofiber at a concentration of 132 ?g OTC/mL reduced more than 50% of the biofilm colonies in the first few hours of release, followed by a maintenance period in which the percentage of bacterial colonies remained low. The PCL/OTC group presented the highest percentage of connective tissue on the 7th day (p<0.05), and of newly formed bone on the 14th and 21st days (p<0.05) after dental extraction, compared to the other groups. The treatment of dry socket with the PCL/OTC fiber allowed almost complete tissue regeneration up to the 21st day, and the chronology of tissue regeneration with this material was faster than with the plain PCL fiber, and the latter was more rapid than the positive control AlvogylTM. The PCL/OTC group presented a lower amount (p<0.05) of osteoclasts per area than the other two groups in the three experimental periods. The prolonged release profile of OTC and the relevant biological properties presented by the PCL/OTC nanofibers suggest that these may be considered as an alternative treatment of dry socket.

Nanofibras eletrofiadas de poliamida 6 e polialilamina hidroclorada funcionalizadas com nanotubos de carbono e nanopartículas de ouro aplicadas em sensores e biossensores / Electrospun polyamide 6/poly(allylamine hydrochloride) nanofibers functionalized with carbon nanotubes and gold nanoparticles applied in sensing and biosensing

Iwaki, Leonardo Eidi Okamoto 05 September 2017 (has links)
Nanofibras poliméricas obtidas por eletrofiação possuem alta relação superfície-volume, e podem ser recobertas com nanomateriais que interajam com os grupos funcionais dos polímeros. Neste trabalho, nanofibras de poliamida 6/polialilamina hidroclorada (PA6/PAH) com diâmetro da ordem de 100 nm e sem defeitos foram recobertas com nanotubos de carbono (CNTs) e nanopartículas de ouro (AuNps) para produzir sensores e biossensores. A versatilidade da plataforma com as nanofibras foi demonstrada com três aplicações distintas. A adsorção de CNTs sobre as nanofibras permitiu a detecção do neurotransmissor dopamina com medidas de voltametria de pulso diferencial com sensibilidade na faixa de 1 a 70 &mu;mol.L-1 e limite de detecção de 0,15 &mu;mol.L-1, sem interferência do ácido úrico e ácido ascórbico. Nos imunossensores para detectar o antígeno CA 19-9, biomarcador para câncer de pâncreas, as nanofibras de PA6/PAH recobertas com CNTs ou AuNPs receberam camada adicional do anticorpo anti-CA 19-9. Usando medidas de espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica, esses imunossensores puderam detectar CA 19-9 em tampão e em soro de sangue de pacientes de câncer com diferentes probabilidades de desenvolver câncer de pâncreas. A seletividade dos imunossensores também foi testada com possíveis interferentes no sangue. Na terceira aplicação, obteve-se sinergia com a codeposição de CNTs e AuNPs sobre as nanofibras para a formação de um biossensor contendo uma camada da enzima tirosinase. Imagens de microscopia eletrônica mostraram uma estrutura 3D interconectada, formada pelas nanofibras de PA6/PAH, AuNPS e CNTs. O biossensor foi usado para detectar bisfenol A com cronoamperometria na faixa de 0,05 a 1,1 &mu;mol.L-1 e limite de detecção de 8 nmol.L-1. Conclui-se que nanofibras poliméricas constituem excelente plataforma para sensores e biossensores pela possibilidade de incorporação de outros nanomateriais para aplicações específicas. / Electrospun polymer nanofibers have a high surface-volume ratio, and can be coated with nanomaterials that interact with the functional groups of the polymers. In this work, defect-free nanofibers of polyamide 6/polyallylamine hydrochloride (PA6/PAH) with a diameter of ca. 100 nm were coated with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and gold nanoparticles (AuNps) to produce sensors and biosensors. The versatility of the platform with nanofibers has been demonstrated with three distinct applications. The adsorption of CNTs on the nanofibers allowed the detection of the neurotransmitter dopamine with differential pulse voltammetry measurements with sensitivity in the range of 1 to 70 &mu;mol.L-1 and detection limit of 0.15 &mu;mol.L-1, without interference of uric acid and ascorbic acid. In the immunosensors to detect CA 19-9 antigen, biomarker for pancreatic cancer, PA6/PAH nanofibers coated with CNTs or gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) received an additional layer of anti-CA 19-9 antibody. Using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements, these immunosensors were able to detect CA 19-9 in buffer and in blood serum from cancer patients with different probabilities of developing pancreatic cancer. The selectivity of the immunosensors was also tested with possible interferents in the blood. In the third application, synergy was obtained with co-deposition of CNTs and AuNPs on the nanofibers for the formation of a biosensor containing a layer of the enzyme tyrosinase. Electron microscopy images showed an interconnected 3D structure, formed by PA6/PAH nanofibers, AuNPS and CNTs. The biosensor was used to detect bisphenol A with chronoamperometry in the range of 0.05 to 1.1 &mu;mol.L-1 and detection limit of 8 nmol.L-1. It is concluded that polymer nanofibers are an excellent platform for sensors and biosensors because of the possible incorporation of other nanomaterials for specific applications.

Preparação de placas rígidas de polpa celulósica e de nanofibras de celulose com polímeros acrílicos / Preparation and characterization of rigid panels of wood cellulose pulp and nanocellulose with acrilic polymers

Chiromito, Emanoele Maria Santos 28 July 2016 (has links)
No presente trabalho, foram preparados painéis rígidos compostos de polpa celulósica e nanofibras de celulose (NFC), utilizando como materiais aglomerantes o poli (metacrilato de metila) (PMMA) e uma resina acrílica comercial, empregados em suspensões aquosas do material celulósico e emulsões dos polímeros aglomerantes. Foi desenvolvido um novo método para a preparação dos materiais compósitos baseados em um processo de co-precipitação, onde o reforço de fibras de celulose e o polímero em emulsão são coagulados e isolados da fase aquosa. Foram investigadas misturas de resina/fibra contendo 25%, 50% e 75% de fibras em massa. O grande desafio encontrado foi a obtenção de dispersões homogêneas das fibras nas matrizes acrílicas, uma vez que a natureza hidrofílica da celulose em relação a natureza hidrofóbica das matrizes geralmente leva a separação entre os componentes e a formação de materiais heterogêneos. O processo estudado neste trabalho, conduziu à formação de placas espessas e homogêneas que foram moldadas por prensagem à quente. Os materiais foram caracterizados por meio de ensaios de espectroscopia no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR), análise termogravimétrica (TGA), ensaio dinâmico mecânico (DMA), ensaio de tração, absorção de água e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). As micrografias obtidas por MEV mostraram uma boa dispersão e adesão interfacial das NFC com os materiais acrílicos. Os ensaios de DMA e ensaios de tração evidenciaram o efeito de reforço superior NFC em relação a polpa celulósica. O comportamento dos compósitos obtidos com as NFC foi muito superior do que comportamento dos painéis obtidos com a polpa de celulose. O método desenvolvido para a produção de placas de polímeros acrílicos com altos teores de fibras de celulose se mostrou eficaz, sendo demonstrado o potencial das NFC como material de reforço. / In this work, there were prepared rigid panels of poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and a commercial acrylic resin reinforced with wood pulp and cellulose nanofibers (NFC). Wood pulp and cellulose nanofibers were used from its aqueous suspensions and the thermoplastic polymers used as emulsions. A new method for the preparation of composite materials based on a co-precipitation in which the reinforcement fibers of cellulose and polymer emulsion were coagulated and isolated from the aqueous phase has been developed. Thus, mixtures of resin/fiber containing 25%, 50% and 75% by weight fibers have been investigated. The challenge found to obtain homogenous dispersion of fibers in an acrylic resin matrix, since the hydrophilic nature of the cellulose compared to hydrophobic nature of matrices usually leads to separation of the components and the formation of heterogeneous materials. The process studied in this work led to the formation of thick and homogeneous composites in which were molded by hot pressing. The materials was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), dynamical mechanical analysis (DMA), tensile testing, water absorption and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The SEM micrographs showed good dispersion and interfacial adhesion of NFC with acrylic materials. DMA tests and tensile tests showed higher reinforcing effect NFC in relation to pulp. The method developed for the production of acrylic polymers panels with high cellulose fibers content is effective, being demonstrated the potential of NFC as reinforcing material. The behavior of the panels obtained with NFC was very behavior of the composites obtained from the wood pulp cellulose.

Comparative study of brine treatment using a functionalized nanofibre and an ion exchange resin

Omoniyi, Emmanuel Oluseyi January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Chemistry))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2015. / In this study, comparative sorption studies of the major metal ions (Mg2+, Ca2+, K+ and Na+) in the brine wastewater were performed on hydrophilic materials (PAN nanofibre, PAN+TiO2 nanofibre, PAN+ZEOLITE nanofibre) and Purolite S950 resin to investigate their uptake performances. For this purpose, PAN nanofibre was electrospun and subsequently doped with 3 wt% each of titanium dioxide and zeolite respectively, in controlled experimental conditions in order to improve its performance. This was followed by the characterization of the respective hydrophilic materials (PAN, PAN+TiO2 and PAN+ZEOLITE nanofibres) using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR); Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD). SEM showed that the incorporation of titanium dioxide or zeolite into the PAN structure made the surface rougher than that of the ordinary PAN nanofibre and FT-IR revealed the peaks belonging to titanium dioxide and zeolite respectively, showing the inorganic materials are within the PAN structure. The XRD analysis complemented the FT-IR of the nanofibres by revealing the peaks characteristic of titanium dioxide and zeolite are present on the PAN structure.

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