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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Refletindo criticamente sobre as necessidades do aluno de inglês instrumental à luz da condição pós-método / Critically reflecting on the needs of the instrumental English student in the light of the post-method condition

Morgana de Abreu Leal 27 March 2013 (has links)
O Inglês para Fins Específicos é a abordagem de ensino que ancora o trabalho feito no instituto federal no qual trabalho. Ele tem como premissa básica o ensino focado em uma análise de necessidades, ou seja, tudo o que é ensinado/aprendido está em alinhamento com o que os aprendizes necessitam em seu ambiente acadêmico e profissional. Por causa de mitos e dogmas enraizados ao longo das décadas, porém, a abordagem transformou-se exclusivamente no ensino de leitura e originou distorções na proposta original. O estudo parte da pergunta de pesquisa: O que o aluno participante desta pesquisa vê como prioridade em sua aprendizagem de inglês na escola? Outras perguntas surgiram após conversar com os dados coletados: Por que os alunos participantes querem um ensino e a escola propicia outro?; O que falta na sala de aula para amenizar essa lacuna entre o desejo dos alunos-participantes e a oferta da escola?; e, O que nós, professores, podemos fazer em relação às propostas pedagógicas para preencher esse espaço, à luz dos dados coletados e da revisão de literatura? Investigo então o posionamento de 65 aprendizes do 3 ano do ensino médio da escola na qual trabalho, através de questionários e entrevista nos moldes de um grupo focal com 5 participantes, sobre o que eles veem como prioridade na aprendizagem de inglês na escola e reflito sobre práticas pedagógicas que poderiam atender às necessidades apontadas pelos participantes. Dentro do espírito (in)disciplinar da Linguística Aplicada e dentro de um paradigma qualitativo, a análise das respostas pautou-se na recorrência de temas nas respostas às perguntas do questionário e participação no grupo focal. Temas que recorreram com frequência alta formaram categorias que serviram de base para a discussão. Selecionei duas perguntas do questionário para a análise: a pergunta (9) como você espera que seja o ensino de inglês no Ensino Médio? e a (10) quais habilidades vocês gostariam de desenvolver?, por sua relação direta com o objetivo da pesquisa. A categoria que emergiu das menções mais recorrentes nos proferimentos dos alunos foi comunicação oral, em um total de 62 menções. Outras oito categorias emergiram do corpus. Considerei frequência alta, e por isso categórica, a quantidade de 17 menções. A partir desses resultados, defendo neste trabalho que a voz do aluno (que grita urgência ao aprendizado da comunicação oral) seja ouvida nesse processo, e que uma nova pedagogia pós-metodológica seja implantada no ensino-aprendizagem de línguas no ensino médio e técnico / English for Specific Purposes is the approach that supports the work done at the federal institute where I teach. Its primary premise is the process of teaching based on a needs analysis, i.e., everything that is taught/learned is in alignment with what learners need in their academic and professional environment. Because of myths and dogmas rooted over the decades, however, the approach became exclusively the teaching of reading and originated distortions from the original proposal. The study starts with the following research question: What do the students that participate in this research see as a priority in their learning of English in school? Other questions arose after dealing with the data: Why do students want to learn something and the school provide something else?; What is missing in the classroom to minimize the gap between the desire of the participant students and what the school provides?; and, What can we, teachers, do in relation to pedagogical proposals to fill this gap, in light of the collected data and the literature review? I then investigate the opinion of 65 apprentices in the 3rd year of high school, through questionnaires and a focal group interview with 5 participants, questioning what they see as a priority in learning English in school and then I reflect on pedagogical practices that could meet the needs identified by the participants. In the spirit of the (in)disciplinary Applied Linguistics and within a qualitative paradigm, the analysis of the responses was based on recurrent themes in the responses to the questions in the questionnaire and participation in the focus group. Themes that recurred frequently formed categories that were the basis for the discussion. I selected two questions for analysis: the question (9) "how do you expect the English teaching to be in high school?" and (10) "what language skills would you like to develop?" because of its direct relationship with the goal of this research. The category that emerged from the most recurrent students utterances was "oral communication" in a total of 62 entries. Another eight categories emerged from the data. I considered the quantity of 17 entries "high frequency", and therefore categorical. From these results, I argue in this paper that the students voice (that screams urgency in learning oral communication) to be heard in this process, and that a new post-methodological pedagogy is implemented in the teaching and learning of languages in high/technical schools

Les commentaires sportifs télévisés en anglais : caractérisation d'un genre de discours spécialisé / Live sports commentary in english : characterisation of a specialised Genre

Thomas, Guillaume 07 November 2015 (has links)
Les commentaires sportifs télévisés en anglais n’ont jamais été envisagés selon les principes de l’analyse du discours, c’est-à-dire en mettant en rapport leurs propriétés formelles avec les conditions dans lesquelles ils sont produits et avec les enjeux sociaux, économiques et culturels qu’ils portent. En nous appuyant sur un corpus transcrit par nos soins, composé de cinq retransmissions sportives de forme et de contenu variés (rugby, football, athlétisme et catch), nous tentons de répondre à la question suivante : les commentaires sportifs télévisés en anglais constituent-ils un genre de discours spécialisé ? Leur nature spontanée, de même que la tension entre information et divertissement qui les traverse, semblent incompatibles avec la conception dominante de la spécialisation, qui fait la part belle à la terminologie et à la transmission de connaissances. L’examen du corpus témoigne pourtant d’une réflexion sur les besoins des téléspectateurs et sur la manière d’y répondre. Ainsi, les commentateurs s’appuient sur les images pour réduire la syntaxe à l’essentiel et mettre en relief la dimension cognitive des procès ; par ailleurs, ils cherchent à refléter au mieux les valeurs du sport commenté et à s’accommoder des contraintes qui pèsent sur eux. En définitive, l’étude des commentaires sportifs télévisés démontre le bien-fondé d’une approche graduée de la notion de spécialité qui, en reposant principalement sur la recherche d’efficacité, présente l’avantage de valoir autant pour les discours « manifestement spécialisés » (Petit : 2010) que pour les sciences humaines. / Live sports commentary in English has never been studied following the principles of discourse analysis, which consist in linking its formal properties with its context of production and social, cultural and economic implications. Using the corpus that I transcribed, composed of five sports broadcasts of diverse forms and contents (rugby, football, athletics and wrestling), I attempt to answer the following question: is live sports commentary a specialised genre? Its spontaneous nature and its constant tension between information and entertainment seem hard to reconcile with the prevailing conception of specialisation, which is based upon such notions as terminology and knowledge transfer. Yet, the corpus study shows evidence of a reflection on the viewers’ needs and on how to address them. Commentators tend to rely on the images to reduce syntax to the essence and to emphasise the cognitive dimension of the situations they describe. They also strive to reflect the values of the sports they commentate and to put up with the constraints they face.The study of live sports commentary substantiates a graded approach of specialisation which, by resting mainly upon the speaker’s search for efficiency, has the benefit of applying to discourses that are “evidently specialised” (Petit 2010) as well as to social sciences.

Necessidades de treinamento de líderes de projeto em empresa de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação / Training Needs of Project Leaders in Research, Development and Innovation Institution

Mônica Aun de Azevedo 15 January 2018 (has links)
A gestão dos projetos de Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (PD&I) tem sido objeto de preocupação das organizações em virtude da necessidade de compatibilizar objetivos estratégicos e recursos, assim como assegurar a ênfase no desenvolvimento de projetos prioritários, em virtude das crescentes demandas da sociedade. A literatura sobre gestão de projetos apresenta, de forma recorrente, além da importância da figura do líder no desempenho dos projetos como um dos principais agentes condicionantes para o alcance dos resultados, a necessidade constante de aprimoramento da capacidade de atuação desses atores. O aprimoramento da qualificação de profissionais, campo da gestão de programas de Treinamento, Desenvolvimento e Educação (TD&E), tem na etapa de Avaliação de Necessidades de Treinamento (ANT) o processo essencial para a identificação e a priorização de esforços e investimentos realizados na formação de pessoas. Apesar de sua importância, a ANT ainda é pouco desenvolvida nas organizações e possui carência de pesquisas empíricas. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa objetivou investigar as lacunas de competências de líderes de projeto, com o intuito de conhecer a predição das variáveis características da clientela (sociodemográficas e funcionais) sobre a necessidade de treinamento, no contexto de uma instituição de PD&I. Procurou contribuir, desta forma, com elementos no campo da gestão dos projetos, com o avanço da ANT ao conduzir o processo de investigação para avaliar as necessidades de treinamento dos líderes de projeto, fornecer subsídios para a instituição-alvo, no intuito de propiciar informações para o planejamento e desenvolvimento de programa de treinamento e capacitação mais efetivo, voltado à clientela-alvo da pesquisa. Foram traçados cinco objetivos específicos: construir o instrumento de Competências de Líderes de Projeto (CompLP); verificar evidências de validade do instrumento; identificar as lacunas de competências dos líderes de projeto da Embrapa; conhecer o perfil da clientela; identificar as variáveis que influenciam a aquisição de conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes - CHAs. A partir da identificação das competências características do líder de projeto, e da validação do instrumento, obteve-se um questionário com 25 itens. Obtidos bons índices psicométricos de validação do instrumento, a pesquisa foi aplicada na Embrapa, e contou com uma amostra de 300 indivíduos. Os índices de prioridade geral (IPG) de treinamento apresentaram valores baixos (menores que 13,8) para as 25 competências que integram o instrumento. De acordo com a auto percepção da amostra, não há necessidade de treinamento de ordem superior, no entanto com elevada divergência de opinião entre os respondentes. A partir das análises do modelo de predição com as oito competências identificadas para desenvolvimento (IPG - 10,3 a 10,86), concluiu-se que a área de atuação dos líderes de projeto na Empresa explica a necessidade de treinamento nas competências em geral, e as variáveis que mais significativamente contribuem para o modelo de predição (R2= 7%) são idade, cargo, tempo de trabalho e tempo de experiência como líder de projeto. O objetivo geral e os objetivos específicos do estudo foram alcançados. Ao final, limitações do estudo são discutidas / The management of research, development and innovation projects has been a concern of organizations due to the need to reconcile strategic objectives and resources, as well as to ensure the emphasis in the development of priority projects, in order to assure the growing demands of society. The literature on project management presents, in a recurrent way, besides the importance of the figure of the leader in the performance of projects, as one of the main conditioning agents for the achievement of results, the constant need to improve the capacity of these actors to act. The improvement of the qualification of professionals, field of program management of training, has in the training needs analysis - TNA stage the essential process for the identification and prioritization of efforts and investments made in the training of workers. Despite its importance, the TNA is still underdeveloped in organizations and lacks empirical research. In this sense, this research aimed to investigate the skills gaps of project leaders with the purpose of knowing the prediction of the characteristic variables of the clientele (sociodemographic and functional characteristics) about the need for training, in the context of a research, development and innovation institution. It sought to contribute,with elements in the field of research project management, with TNA advancing in conducting the research process to evaluate the training needs of project leaders, to provide subsidies to the target institution in order to plann and develop effectives training programes, aimed at the target clientele of the research. Five specific objectives were outlined: build the Project Leadership Competency tool (CompLP); check evidence of validity of the CompLP instrument; identify the skills gaps of Embrapa project leaders; know the profile of the clientele; identify the variables that influence the acquisition of CHAs. Based on the identification of competencies characteristic of the project leader, and the validation phases of the instrument, a questionnaire with 25 items was obtained. After obtaining good psychometric indexes of instrument validation, the research was applied at Embrapa, and had a sample of 300 individuals. The general priority-training index (GPI) presented low values (less than 13.8) for the 25 competences that make up the instrument. Thus, according to the self-perception of the sample, there are no higher-order training needs, however with a high divergence of opinion among the respondents. From the analysis of the prediction model with the eight competencies identified for development (IPG - 10.3 to 10.86), it was concluded that the area of performance of the project leaders in the institution explains the need for training in skills in general, and the variables that most significantly contribute to the prediction model (R2 = 7%) are age, position, working time, and time of experience as a project leader. The overall objective and the specific objectives of the study were achieved. At the end, study issues are discussed

Návrh adiktologických intervencí pro zaměstnance Správy železniční dopravní cesty (SŽDC): Analýza potřeb a možností implementace preventivních opatření / Proposal of addiction interventions for employees of Railway Infrastructure Administration (RIA) Needs analysis and implementation possibilities of preventive measures

Pecínová, Alena January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the needs of employer in the field of addictology-side. Secondary targets include: a) analysis of training needs of employees enrolled in the employer's training program for the design of educational-preventive project intended for these RIA (Railway Infrastructure Agency) employees; b) analysis of UIC recommendations addictological interventions aimed for management of safety risks associated with the use of alcohol and other substance abuse at work; c) analysis of implementation possibilities of the recommendations according to the previous point. An analysis of documents - Czech legislation, recommendations UIC - focused on measures regulating the use of alcohol and other substance abuse at work and addictological interventions proposed by UIC. Knowledge questionnaire for employees participated in employer's training program was prepared. Respondents were not informed in advance about the offer to participate in the research, they weren't informed about the addictology knowledge test. During at about 60 minutes there were completed 3100 answers from 31 respondents without training with 40 - 70% correct results (in average 53.4 %). There were differences in correct answers in some parts of questionnaire based on information knowledge of respondents. UIC...

Návrh adiktologických intervencí pro zaměstnance Správy železniční dopravní cesty (SŽDC): Analýza potřeb a možností implementace preventivních opatření / Proposal of addiction interventions for employees of Railway Infrastructure Administration (RIA) Needs analysis and implementation possibilities of preventive measures

Pecínová, Alena January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the needs of employer in the field of addictology- side. Secondary targets include: a) analysis of training needs of employees enrolled in the employer's training program for the design of educational-preventive project intended for these RIA (Railway Infrastructure Agency) employees; b) analysis of UIC recommendations addictological interventions aimed for management of safety risks associated with the use of alcohol and other substance abuse at work; c) analysis of implementation possibilities of the recommendations according to the previous point. An analysis of documents - Czech legislation, recommendations UIC - focused on measures regulating the use of alcohol and other substance abuse at work and addictological interventions proposed by UIC. Knowledge questionnaire for employees participated in employer's training program was prepared. Respondents were not informed in advance about the offer to participate in the research, they weren't informed about the addictology knowledge test. During at about 60 minutes there were completed 3100 answers from 31 respondents without training with 40 - 70% correct results (in average 53.4 %). There were differences in correct answers in some parts of questionnaire based on information knowledge of respondents. On the...

Fastighetsutveckling : Utveckling av projektprocessen i tidiga skeden / Property development : Development of the project process in early stages

Andersen, Sarah, Kuznecova, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Statens fastighetsverk (SFV) är en förvaltarmyndighet som har i uppdrag att förvalta, vårda och utveckla det statliga kulturhistoriska arvet. SFV är i dagsläget inne en utvecklingsprocess efter att en omorganisation har ägt rum. Ett av utvecklingsområdena är byggprojekt inom fastighetsutveckling och där projektprocessen är under pågående utredning. Syftet med rapporten var att utreda hur SFV kan effektivisera projektprocessen med avgränsning till tidiga skeden. Under utredningen användes metoden benchmarking på övriga fastighetsverksamheter: Locum, Akademiska Hus, SISAB, Vasakronan, samt Fortifikationsverket, i syfte att erhålla kunskap som kan anpassas till SFV för att kunna utveckla verksamhetens befintliga arbetsmetoder. Under studien har det konstaterats att det finns utvecklingspotential hos SFV. Införande av en behovsanalys och rutiner kring denna samt implementering av strategisk styrning i tidiga skeden, är några av rapportens slutliga rekommendationer som kan leda SFV till att bli en mer proaktiv verksamhet. / The national property Board (SFV) is a managing authority which is responsible to manage, nurture and develop the State cultural and historical heritage. SFV is currently in a process of development after reorganization has taken place. One of the developments is building projects in property development and where the project process is under current investigation. The purpose of the report was to examine how SFV could streamline their project process with demarcation to the crucial early stages. During the investigation the benchmarking method was used on other real estate organizations: Locum, Akademiska Hus, SISAB, Vasakronan, as well as the Swedish fortifications Agency, with the purpose of obtaining knowledge that can be adapted to the SFV in order to develop the company's existing practices. Through benchmarking, it has been confirmed that there is potential for development in SFV. Introduction of a needs analysis, its’ surrounding procedures and the implementation of strategic management in the early stages, are some of the report's final recommendations that can lead SFV to become a more proactive organization.

Bedarfsanalyse zur Darstellung von Daten im Bereich Learning Analytics aus Lernenden-Sicht

Kammer, Dietrich, Müller, Mathias 31 May 2023 (has links)
Learning Analytics beschreibt das Messen, Sammeln, Analysieren und Berichten von Daten, um Lernprozesse verstehen und verbessern zu können (Siemens und Long 2011). Eng verwandt mit Learning Analytics sind die Bereiche Academic Analytics und Educational Data Mining, die mit jeweils unterschiedlicher Ausrichtung ebenso die datenbasierte Überprüfung, Vorhersage und Änderung von akademischen Prozessen untersuchen (Baepler und Murdoch 2010). In diesem Beitrag fokussieren wir entsprechende Benutzungsschnittstellen, welche die gesammelten Daten visualisieren und verfügbar machen. ... [Aus: Einleitung]

Exploring Motivation and Practice: A Needs Analysis of a University Intensive English Language Classroom

Waber, Zachary J. 14 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Determining the academic reading needs of teacher trainees of English at ISCED-Huila, Angola

Cacumba, Joaquim Sapalo Castilho 2014 April 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation was to implement a needs analysis and on the basis of the findings come up with a framework consisting of practical stages and processes, for determining the academic reading needs of teacher trainees of English, at Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação da Huíla (hereafter, ISCED-Huíla), a higher teacher training institution in Lubango, in southern Angola. The investigation was initially prompted by the lecturers’ perceptions that the academic reading level of undergraduate teacher trainees in Angola was inadequate for the demands of tertiary level study. A scientific approach to investigating the needs of these students was thus adopted. A needs analysis was undertaken in order to determine, in a systematic manner, the academic literacy levels of the students, their attitudes towards reading, the reading strategies they claimed to use when reading academic texts, their academic reading lacks and needs, and the teacher trainers’ perceptions and opinions on the students’ reading competence in specific reading sub-skills, and on university needs analysis procedures. In all, 45 first-year teacher trainees and 5 teacher trainers were involved in the main study. The teacher trainees were required to answer the Accuplacer test, an academic literacy standardized assessment. Both teacher trainees and teacher trainers completed a corresponding questionnaire survey. The findings showed that, among others, first, teacher trainees’ academic literacy levels were below expected from a tertiary level reader; second, there were certain discrepancies between what teacher trainees and teacher trainers considered to be the needs, skills and lacks of the teacher trainees; and third, academic literacy and academic reading skills should be developed in both L1/Portuguese and L2/English. Therefore, a framework for determining the academic reading needs of teacher trainees, for syllabus and programe development and evaluation is presented. It is hoped that the results of the study will be of assistance to English for Academic Purposes (EAP) reading professionals and to teacher educators, especially those in developing countries, involved in selecting, adapting and designing teacher training programmes, materials and tasks in order to improve academic literacy levels in their countries, schools and universities where English is taught as a foreign language. / English Studies / M.A. (Applied Linguistics)

Determining the academic reading needs of teacher trainees of English at ISCED-Huila, Angola

Cacumba, Joaquim Sapalo Castilho 4 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation was to implement a needs analysis and on the basis of the findings come up with a framework consisting of practical stages and processes, for determining the academic reading needs of teacher trainees of English, at Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação da Huíla (hereafter, ISCED-Huíla), a higher teacher training institution in Lubango, in southern Angola. The investigation was initially prompted by the lecturers’ perceptions that the academic reading level of undergraduate teacher trainees in Angola was inadequate for the demands of tertiary level study. A scientific approach to investigating the needs of these students was thus adopted. A needs analysis was undertaken in order to determine, in a systematic manner, the academic literacy levels of the students, their attitudes towards reading, the reading strategies they claimed to use when reading academic texts, their academic reading lacks and needs, and the teacher trainers’ perceptions and opinions on the students’ reading competence in specific reading sub-skills, and on university needs analysis procedures. In all, 45 first-year teacher trainees and 5 teacher trainers were involved in the main study. The teacher trainees were required to answer the Accuplacer test, an academic literacy standardized assessment. Both teacher trainees and teacher trainers completed a corresponding questionnaire survey. The findings showed that, among others, first, teacher trainees’ academic literacy levels were below expected from a tertiary level reader; second, there were certain discrepancies between what teacher trainees and teacher trainers considered to be the needs, skills and lacks of the teacher trainees; and third, academic literacy and academic reading skills should be developed in both L1/Portuguese and L2/English. Therefore, a framework for determining the academic reading needs of teacher trainees, for syllabus and programe development and evaluation is presented. It is hoped that the results of the study will be of assistance to English for Academic Purposes (EAP) reading professionals and to teacher educators, especially those in developing countries, involved in selecting, adapting and designing teacher training programmes, materials and tasks in order to improve academic literacy levels in their countries, schools and universities where English is taught as a foreign language. / English Studies / M.A. (Applied Linguistics)

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