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A organização e inserção da produção de pequenas unidades agrícolas nos mercados paulistanos: os agricultores do bairro rural de Santo Ângelo / The organization of vegetables production and its comercialization in Metropolitan Region of São PauloSantana, Antonio Carlos da Paz 05 May 2006 (has links)
A partir do sistema agrícola, buscou-se compreender como os agricultores de pequenas unidades organizam sua produção e como ela é subordinada aos mercados. O estudo foi realizado no bairro rural de Santo Ângelo onde residem 284 famílias de posseiros produtores de hortaliças. Isso permitiu a compreensão da organização atual do mercado (CEAGESP, CEAAP, CDR, supermercados e outros) com relação à atuação dos agentes econômicos e aos mecanismos de monopólio do capital sobre a produção deste tipo de propriedade. Partindo do pressuposto de que as pequenas unidades são frutos da contradição do modo de produção capitalista, sendo responsáveis por uma parte significativa da produção de alimentos frescos destinados aos grandes centros urbanos, chega-se à conclusão de que à subordinação aos mercados é a principal causa da ocorrência do processo de desintegração que este tipo de propriedade enfrenta. Apesar disso, os agricultores encontraram na organização política a maneira de permanecerem produzindo na localidade onde se encontram / The agriculture development has relegated the cultivate of vegetables, in Brazil, to small familiar production units. The Mogi das Cruzes municipality is the highest producer in Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. Almost all the production is destinated to São Paulo market, where it is comercialized in locals like CEAGESP or CEAAP. From these locals, the vegetables are distributed to other regions of São Paulo state or the country. This study intend to discuss the organization of vegetables production and its comercialization in Metropolitan Region of São Paulo
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A crise da cidade em jogo: o futebol na contramão em ruas da Penha / The crisis of the city at stake: football in the opposite direction in streets of PenhaGonçalves, Glauco Roberto 28 June 2011 (has links)
Através do futebol de rua jogado no bairro da Penha em São Paulo, esta pesquisa tentou compreender a crise da cidade e do lúdico no processo de urbanização da sociedade. O entendimento desta problemática foi abordado em duas etapas, a primeira destinou-se à reinterpretação da história do futebol brasileiro dando ênfase ao futebol improvisado, costumeiramente denominado pelada. Na segunda etapa, foi analisada a psicogeografia da infância e do uso da rua na cidade. O que exigiu o estudo do cotidiano na metrópole atrelado ao fim da vida de bairro e ao predomínio do automóvel sobre a rua. / It was through the street football played in the Penha district, São Paulo, that this research attempted to understand the crisis of the city and the ludic in the urbanization of society. The comprehension of this problematic was adressed in two stages, the first one intended to reinterpret the history of brazilian football with emphasis on improvised football, frequently called pelada. In the second stage, the focus was the psychogeographic analysis of childhood and street use in the city. This required the study of everyday life in the metropolis linked to the end of neighborhood life and the car supremacy on the streets.
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Segmentação de pele humana em imagens coloridas baseada em valores das médias da vizinhança em subimagens / Segmentation of human skin in colored images based on the average of neighborhoods in sub-imagesJoão Marcelo Ribeiro 10 March 2008 (has links)
A segmentação de pele humana, em imagens coloridas, tem sido largamente estudada nos últimos anos servindo de fundamento para muitos outros estudos como, por exemplo, a detecção de faces. Dentre as inúmeras aplicações de trabalhos relativos à segmentação de pele humana está a de se localizar uma determinada pessoa em locais de grande concentração humana tais como: avenidas, terminais de ônibus, aeroportos, shopping centers e estádios. Desta forma, a necessidade de se obter um sistema que classifique de forma adequada a pele humana tornou-se a principal motivação para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho. Desta forma, propõe-se uma metodologia para melhorar a segmentação de pele humana em imagens coloridas através de um algoritmo mais eficiente. O algoritmo é baseado na média de vizinhanças cujos valores limites, para definição do intervalo de cor equivalente à pele humana, são obtidos através de uma imagem padrão, gerada a priori, com amostras de pele humana. Esta imagem é chamada de \"colcha de retalhos\". A metodologia tem como base de comparação trabalhos anteriores similares, principalmente o desenvolvido por Kovac et al. (2003). Os resultados mostram um desempenho superior da metodologia proposta. / The segmentation of human skin, in colored images, has been studied broadly for the last years serving as foundation for many other studies as, for instance, the detection of faces. Among the countless applications of works related to the segmentation of human skin it is the one of localizing a certain person in places of great human concentration such as: avenues, bus terminals, airports, shopping centers and stadiums. Therefore, the need to obtain a system that classifies in an appropriate way the human skin became the main motivation for the development of this work. This way, a methodology to improve the segmentation of human skin in colored images through a more efficient algorithm is proposed. The algorithm is based on the average of neighborhoods whose limit values, for definition of the interval of equivalent color to the human skins, are obtained through an image pattern, generated in priori, with samples of human skin. This image is called \"bedspread of remnants\". The methodology has as base of comparison similar previous works, mainly the one developed by Kovac et al. (2003). The results show a superior performance of the proposed methodology.
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Ver o presente, revelar o passado e pensar o futuro : a evolução urbana do bairro Belém Novo em Porto Alegre - RSGarcia, Clarissa Maroneze January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como tema a evolução urbana do Bairro Belém Novo, desde a formação do seu núcleo urbano, na segunda metade do século XIX, até os dias atuais e suas tendências futuras. O objeto de estudo está localizado na Região Extremo-Sul de Porto Alegre - RS, nas margens do Lago Guaíba, distante dos principais eixos de expansão urbana e industrial da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Segue para a compreensão de como ocorreu a evolução urbana do bairro dentro do processo de metropolização de sua cidade e quais serão as tendências do seu crescimento e que funções poderá assumir no futuro. O bairro é utilizado como objeto de reflexão acerca do fenômeno da urbanização, visando à percepção de como fatos sucedidos em uma cidade, na região e em outras regiões podem incidir na evolução urbana de um pequeno núcleo urbano. O objeto de estudo ainda permite entender a atuação do crescimento urbano em uma escala diferenciada, compreendendo os fatores que atuam na evolução urbana de uma cidade também na escala de um bairro. O método teórico de análise utilizado neste trabalho é o mesmo utilizado por Souza e Müller (2007) no livro “Porto Alegre e sua Evolução Urbana”. Por meio da aplicação do método se objetiva buscar nos aspectos históricos os fatores socioculturais, político-institucionais, econômicos, populacionais e locacionais que induziram o crescimento do núcleo urbano do Bairro Belém Novo. A periodização do estudo da evolução urbana, possibilitada pelo método, e o inter-relacionamento dos fatores que atuaram em cada uma das fases, conduzem as possíveis tendências futuras de crescimento do núcleo urbano em questão, contribuindo com o seu planejamento urbano. / This work has as its theme the urban evolution of Belém Novo Neighborhood, from the formation of its urban nucleus in the second half of the nineteenth century, to the present day and its future trends. The object of study is located in the Extreme-South Region of Porto Alegre - RS, on the shores of Lake Guaíba, being distant from the main axes of industrial and urban increase in the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre. It is questioned how the urban evolution of the neighborhood occurred within the process of metropolization of its city and what the trends of its increase will be and what functions it may assume in the future. The neighborhood is used as an object of reflection about the phenomenon of urbanization, aiming at the perception of how events happened in a city, in the region and in other regions can affect the urban evolution of a small urban nucleus. The object of study still allows us to understand the performance of urban increase in a differentiated scale, including the factors that act in the urban evolution of a city also in the scale of a neighborhood. The theoretical method of analysis used in this work is the same one used by Souza and Müller (2007) in the book "Porto Alegre e sua evolução urbana". Through the application of the method, the objective is to seek in the historical aspects the sociocultural, political-institutional, economic, population and locational factors that led to the increase of the urban nucleus of Belém Novo Neighborhood. The periodization of the study of the urban evolution, made possible by the method, and the interrelationship of the factors that acted in each of the phases, lead the possible future trends of increase of the urban nucleus in question, contributing to its urban planning.
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O texto e o contexto : do projeto à construção da paisagem da Vila AssunçãoGessinger, Roseli Pantaleao January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação aprofunda a pesquisa histórica sobre o bairro-jardim Vila Assunção, enquanto resultado de um projeto urbanístico e as transformações da paisagem urbana decorrentes do uso e da apropriação dos espaços projetados no bairro. Neste sentido, o objeto de estudo é o bairro-jardim Vila Assunção, localizado na zona sul de Porto Alegre, projetado em 1937, pelo Engº Ruy de Viveiros Leiria. Tomando como ponto de partida o projeto original, tem como objetivo compreender, através do projeto implantado no passado e da memória afetiva de seus moradores, as dinâmicas de apropriação e de ocupação do espaço, como processo histórico e determinante na formação da paisagem. Desta maneira, entende-se como problema central desta pesquisa compreender os motivos que levaram a escolha do modelo cidade-jardim, para a elaboração do projeto urbano da Vila Assunção e como se deu a sua ocupação. / This dissertation deepen the historical research about the neighborhood-garden Vila Assunção, as a result of urban design and the urban landscape changes arising from the use and appropriation of spaces designed in the neighborhood. In this sense, the object of study is the neighborhood-garden Vila Assunção, located on the South zone of Porto Alegre, designed in 1937 by Eng. Ruy de Viveiros Leiria. Taking as a starting point the original project, aims to understand, through the project deployed in the past and the affective memory of its residents, the dynamics of appropriation and occupation of the space, as historic and decisive process in the formation of the landscape. In this way, one understands as the central problem of this research to understand how and why the choice of a Garden City model, for the elaboration and of the urban design of the Vila Assunção and how its implementation occurred.
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Segmentação de pele humana em imagens coloridas baseada em valores das médias da vizinhança em subimagens / Segmentation of human skin in colored images based on the average of neighborhoods in sub-imagesRibeiro, João Marcelo 10 March 2008 (has links)
A segmentação de pele humana, em imagens coloridas, tem sido largamente estudada nos últimos anos servindo de fundamento para muitos outros estudos como, por exemplo, a detecção de faces. Dentre as inúmeras aplicações de trabalhos relativos à segmentação de pele humana está a de se localizar uma determinada pessoa em locais de grande concentração humana tais como: avenidas, terminais de ônibus, aeroportos, shopping centers e estádios. Desta forma, a necessidade de se obter um sistema que classifique de forma adequada a pele humana tornou-se a principal motivação para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho. Desta forma, propõe-se uma metodologia para melhorar a segmentação de pele humana em imagens coloridas através de um algoritmo mais eficiente. O algoritmo é baseado na média de vizinhanças cujos valores limites, para definição do intervalo de cor equivalente à pele humana, são obtidos através de uma imagem padrão, gerada a priori, com amostras de pele humana. Esta imagem é chamada de \"colcha de retalhos\". A metodologia tem como base de comparação trabalhos anteriores similares, principalmente o desenvolvido por Kovac et al. (2003). Os resultados mostram um desempenho superior da metodologia proposta. / The segmentation of human skin, in colored images, has been studied broadly for the last years serving as foundation for many other studies as, for instance, the detection of faces. Among the countless applications of works related to the segmentation of human skin it is the one of localizing a certain person in places of great human concentration such as: avenues, bus terminals, airports, shopping centers and stadiums. Therefore, the need to obtain a system that classifies in an appropriate way the human skin became the main motivation for the development of this work. This way, a methodology to improve the segmentation of human skin in colored images through a more efficient algorithm is proposed. The algorithm is based on the average of neighborhoods whose limit values, for definition of the interval of equivalent color to the human skins, are obtained through an image pattern, generated in priori, with samples of human skin. This image is called \"bedspread of remnants\". The methodology has as base of comparison similar previous works, mainly the one developed by Kovac et al. (2003). The results show a superior performance of the proposed methodology.
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國與家之間: 上海鄰里的市民團體與社區運動的民族志 = Between the family and the state : an ethnography of the civil associations and community movements in a Shanghai lilong neighborhood. / 上海鄰里的市民團體與社區運動的民族志 / Between the family and the state, an ethnography of the civil associations and community movements in a Shanghai lilong neighborhood / Ethnography of the civil associations and community movements in a Shanghai lilong neighborhood / Between the family and the state an ethnography of the civil associations and community movements in a Shanghai lilong neighborhood (Chinese text) / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium / Guo yu jia zhi jian: Shanghai lin li de shi min tuan ti yu she qu yun dong de min zu zhi = Between the family and the state : an ethnography of the civil associations and community movements in a Shanghai lilong neighborhood. / Shanghai lin li de shi min tuan ti yu she qu yun dong de min zu zhiJanuary 2002 (has links)
朱健剛. / 論文(哲學博士)--香港中文大學, 2002. / 參考文獻 (p. 230-252). / 中英文摘要. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Zhu Jiangang. / Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / Lun wen (zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2002. / Can kao wen xian (p. 230-252).
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La métaphysique de l’espace : étude philosophique comparative franco-chinoise / Metaphysics of space : Franco-Chinese comparative philosophical studyXiang, Feng 20 June 2017 (has links)
Michel Foucault indique que l’histoire, ou la temporalité, est le thème qui a obsédé le 19e siècle, et que l’époque actuelle serait l’époque de l’espace. C’est une époque qui passe de temps à l’espace. Cependant, l'espace n’est pas un concept abstrait de la spéculation, il se présente toujours auparavant comme un élément du monde de l'expérience perceptive. Cet enracinement dans l’expérience perceptive quotidienne (celle du corps placé dans un environnement, dans un habitat, dans un champ social, etc.) peut paraître incompatible avec le but de la métaphysique qui souvent interroge la structure ultime de l’univers, la cause première du monde, etc. La notion métaphysique d’espace a incorporé des ingrédients empiriques : c’est l’expérience perceptive, l’expérience du corps propre s’orientant dans le monde, habitant le monde, désertant le monde, délaissé etc. qui en définitive détermine la spéculation métaphysique. Cette exploration renouvelée de la spatialité a également modifié le stéréotype de la métaphysique traditionnelle. Du point de vue de la pratique humaine, l'espace est la condition nécessaire pour permettre une liberté individuelle et une coexistence avec autrui dans la société. Au cours de la comparaison des conceptualités en philosophie française et en philosophie chinoise, nous examinerons les significations métaphysiques de l’espace dans les cadres d’ontologie, d’épistémologie et de la théorie de valeur. / Michel Foucault argues that the history or more precisely, the time is the theme that has obsessed in the 19th century. According to Michel Foucault, this is the age of space. However, the space is not an abstract concept of speculation; it is always an element of the world from perceptual experience. Its roots in daily experience such as the space of body placed in an environment, in a habitat, in the social field, etc., may be incompatible with the object and purpose of the metaphysics which often questions the ultimate structure of the universe, the first cause in the world, etc. The concept of metaphysics of space incorporates the ingredients empirical: perceptual experience and the empirical experience of body living in the world which ultimately determines the metaphysical speculation. That is to say, the new exploration of space has also changed the stereotype of traditional metaphysics. From the view of human practice, space is the necessary condition to enable individual freedom and coexistence with others in the society. In the comparison of the conception in both French philosophy and Chinese philosophy, we will examine the metaphysical meanings of space not only ontological, but also in the field of epistemology and the theory of value.
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Responsibility and the traditional Muslim built environment / Responsibility in the traditional Muslim built environmentAkbar, Jamel A January 1984 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1984. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ROTCH / Bibliography: p. 462-466. / This study aims to analyze the effect of the responsibility enjoyed by individuals over the built environment. To understand these effects the study concentrates on the physical state of the property. It is concluded that three claims will affect the physical state of a property: the claim of ownership, the claim of control and the claim of use. These three claims can be enjoyed by one or more individuals at the same time over the same property. A model is developed to explore the relationships between the three claims and the parties involved in sharing them, and it is then used to explain the physical state of a property. For example, given the same circumstances, we may expect a property that is owned, controlled and used by one person to be in a different state than if it is owned by one person, controlled by a second and used by a third. In the first case, responsibility is unified in one person, while in the second, it is dispersed among the three persons. In addition to these two, the developed model recognizes three more patterns of responsibility into which a property may be submitted. These five states of submission of the property are called the "Forms of Submission of Property." The relationship between the individuals sharing the responsibility over a property will affect the state of the property. If the relationships between the responsible parties change, the state of the property will change. The relationship between responsible individuals in the traditional Muslim built environment differs from that of contemporary environments which have changed the physical state of properties. By concentrating on the traditional built environments, this study highlights these differences. It investigates various elements from both traditional and contemporary environments within the different forms of submission. First, the study investigates each form of submission independently, and then it explores the coexistence of the various properties that are in different forms of submission in the traditional built environment. This explains the relationship between the individuals responsible for different properties. From these explorations the conclusion is reached that responsibility in the traditional environments has shifted to outsiders in contemporary environments. In traditional environments the users had more responsibility; in contemporary environments outsiders share the responsibility with the inhabitants through interventions in all claims. The study demonstrates that the structure of the built environment has changed because of the change in the pattern of responsibility. Examples of such changes are: the potential of the physical environment, the conventions of·the society, the social relationships between users and the territorial structure. / by Jamel A. Akbar. / Ph.D.
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O afeto al?m dos muros e port?es : o apego a vizinhan?as na cidade do NatalFarias, Tadeu Mattos 19 April 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-04-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Place Attachment is a positive affective bond between people and environments, and its
main characteristic is the desire to maintain closeness to the place of attachment.
Neighborhoods, in turn, are spaces close to the dwelling, which varies according to
environmental, social and cultural characteristics. Facing the contemporary scenario of
diminishment of neighborhood relations and its importance to the understanding of
cities social-environmental context, the present work aimed to investigate the
attachment to neighborhoods at the city of Natal-RN. This study had two stages. The
first stage consisted on investigating, through an experts panel, the main characteristics
of attached neighborhoods, aspects that contributes to the development of these
neighborhoods, the ones that difficult, as well as look for indications of neighborhoods
at the city of Natal that may be identified by these elements. In the following stage I
interviewed 11 residents of two indicated neighborhoods at the district of Alecrim, to
better comprehend the main characteristics of this attachment and the elements of the
context that enable its development. The content of the interviews, categorized and
evaluated by judges, indicated that, due to the 10 participant experts, the main
characteristics of attached neighborhoods encompass elements of socialization,
cooperation, physical space usage, intimacy and identity. According to them, these are
characteristics enabled by temporal and rootedness aspects, by spatial contact,
familiarity between neighbors, and cultural inheritance. The interviews with residents
showed that attachment to the studied neighborhoods is specially grounded on support
and cooperation networks between neighbors, on satisfaction with the proximity of
services, and on the bond to symbolic aspects and local traditions. In addition to be
enabled by spatial organization, by low displacement of residents, and by the district s
history, relations at these neighborhoods are fostered by an intention to establish this
kind of ties, carried by cultural values / O apego aos lugares ? um la?o afetivo positivo entre pessoas e ambientes cuja principal
caracter?stica ? a necessidade de perman?ncia em contato com o lugar de apego. As
vizinhan?as, por sua vez, s?o espa?os pr?ximos ? resid?ncia, que variam em fun??o de
caracter?sticas ambientais, sociais e culturais. Diante do quadro contempor?neo de
enfraquecimento das rela??es de vizinhan?a e de sua import?ncia para o entendimento
do contexto s?cio-ambiental das cidades, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo a
investiga??o do apego a vizinhan?as na cidade do Natal-RN. Este estudo dividiu-se em
duas etapas. A primeira etapa consistiu em investigar, por meio de um painel de
especialistas, quais as principais caracter?sticas de vizinhan?as apegadas, quais fatores
contribuem para o desenvolvimento de tais vizinhan?as, quais dificultam, bem como
buscar indica??es de vizinhan?as na cidade do Natal que possam ser identificadas por
esses elementos. Na etapa seguinte entrevistei 11 moradores de duas vizinhan?as
indicadas no bairro do Alecrim para compreender melhor quais as principais
caracter?sticas desse apego e quais elementos de contexto favorecem seu
desenvolvimento. O conte?do das entrevistas, categorizado e avaliado por ju?zes,
indicou que, para os 10 especialistas participantes, as principais caracter?sticas de
vizinhan?as apegadas contemplam elementos de socializa??o, coopera??o, utiliza??o do
espa?o f?sico, intimidade e identidade. Para eles, s?o caracter?sticas favorecidas por
fatores temporais, de enraizamento, pelo contato espacial, pela familiaridade entre
vizinhos, al?m da heran?a cultural. As entrevistas com moradores mostraram que o
apego ?s vizinhan?as estudadas est? especialmente calcado na rede de suporte e
coopera??o entre moradores, na satisfa??o com a proximidade de servi?os, e no v?nculo
a aspectos simb?licos e tradi??es locais. Al?m de facilitadas pela organiza??o espacial,
pelo pouco deslocamento dos moradores e pela hist?ria do pr?prio bairro, as rela??es
nessas vizinhan?as s?o fomentadas por uma inten??o em estabelecer esse tipo de la?o,
advinda de valores culturais
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