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A organização e inserção da produção de pequenas unidades agrícolas nos mercados paulistanos: os agricultores do bairro rural de Santo Ângelo / The organization of vegetables production and its comercialization in Metropolitan Region of São PauloAntonio Carlos da Paz Santana 05 May 2006 (has links)
A partir do sistema agrícola, buscou-se compreender como os agricultores de pequenas unidades organizam sua produção e como ela é subordinada aos mercados. O estudo foi realizado no bairro rural de Santo Ângelo onde residem 284 famílias de posseiros produtores de hortaliças. Isso permitiu a compreensão da organização atual do mercado (CEAGESP, CEAAP, CDR, supermercados e outros) com relação à atuação dos agentes econômicos e aos mecanismos de monopólio do capital sobre a produção deste tipo de propriedade. Partindo do pressuposto de que as pequenas unidades são frutos da contradição do modo de produção capitalista, sendo responsáveis por uma parte significativa da produção de alimentos frescos destinados aos grandes centros urbanos, chega-se à conclusão de que à subordinação aos mercados é a principal causa da ocorrência do processo de desintegração que este tipo de propriedade enfrenta. Apesar disso, os agricultores encontraram na organização política a maneira de permanecerem produzindo na localidade onde se encontram / The agriculture development has relegated the cultivate of vegetables, in Brazil, to small familiar production units. The Mogi das Cruzes municipality is the highest producer in Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. Almost all the production is destinated to São Paulo market, where it is comercialized in locals like CEAGESP or CEAAP. From these locals, the vegetables are distributed to other regions of São Paulo state or the country. This study intend to discuss the organization of vegetables production and its comercialization in Metropolitan Region of São Paulo
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Rehabilitation and Blight Remediation: An Analysis of Affordable Housing Policy and Development in New OrleansButcher, E. Michelle 01 May 2017 (has links)
The City of New Orleans (CNO) Office of Community Development approved funding to rehabilitate 81 properties (73 of which were actually used in the project) that were moved from the site of the VA/LSU Medical complex to scattered sites city-wide. These homes, which were located in a proposed historic district, were chosen to be part of a blight remediation initiative monitored by the CNO Office of Performance and Accountability “BlightSTAT” meeting. This research examines the impact of this U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sponsored affordable housing program on the New Orleans blight remediation plan. The case study on the properties moved from the site of the VA/LSU Medical complex provides a lens to examine the progress of the CNO Blight policy and analyze various pitfalls and/or successes. Although the affordable housing plan is in progress as of March, 2017, a total of 39 out of 81 properties have been renovated and 29 of those are now occupied. Focusing on the intersection of affordable housing development, historic preservation and blight remediation in this project creates a model for organizations looking to influence public policy through community development. This study examines if and how an integrated planning process, (using the intersection of affordable housing, blight remediation and historic preservation) reshapes public policy and economic development. The study further looks at the CNO BlightSTAT program and how public administration of city resources post Hurricane Katrina has contributed to economic development and neighborhood stabilization in New Orleans.
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Pedagogers uppmuntran till fysiks aktivitet : En kvalitativ interjuvstudie om hur utemiljön och närmiljön används för att stimulera fysisk aktivitet / Pedagogues’ encouragement in physical activity : A qualitative interview study of how outdoor environment and neighborhood are used to stimulate physical activity.Torgin, Victoria January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur pedagoger upplever att de stimulerar barns fysiska aktivitet på förskolan med fokus på utemiljön. Metoden som användes i denna studie var kvalitativa interjuver där totalt sex pedagoger intervjuades på fyra olika förskolor. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är Reggio Emilia. Tidigare forskning visar att barns fysiska aktivitet har minskat och stillasittande aktiviteter har ökat och som pedagog är det viktigt att man stimulerar barn till fysisk aktivitet i utomhusmiljön. Resultatet visar att pedagoger är medvetna om den fysiska aktivitetens betydelse men att andra bitar får mer fokus som exempelvis matematik. Pedagogerna förklarar att fysisk aktivitet som begrepp, är rörelser som har med kroppen att göra men fysisk aktivitet är även förknippat med lek och vardagsmotion. Pedagogerna har visioner om att besöka olika närmiljöer för att öka den fysiska aktiviteten men beroende på olika perioder besöker man närmiljön mer eller mindre. Min slutsats är att förskolorna saknar en skogslik miljö i närheten för att göra skogen till en naturlig del av förskolans vardag. Resultatet visar på att man upplever att pedagogerna inte är aktiva i barnens utevistelse och att man önskar att fler pedagoger är aktiva med barnen i utemiljön. / The purpose of the study is to analyze how pedagogues perceive that they stimulate children´s physical activity at the preschool, focusing on the outside environment. The method used in this study was qualitative interviews, where a total of six pedagogues were interviewed at four different preschools. The theoretical point of departure of the study is Reggio Emilia. Previous research shows that children's physical activity has decreased and sedentary activities have increased and as an pedagogue it is important to stimulate children to physical activity in the outdoor environment. The result shows that the pedagogues are aware of the benefits of the physical activity, but that other parts get more focus, such as mathematics. The pedagogues explain that physical activity, as a concept, is movements that involves the body but physical activity is also associated with play and everyday activity. They have visions of visiting different neighborhoods to increase the physical activity, but depending on different periods, the visits are more or less frequent. My conclusion is that preschools lack a forest-like environment near the preschool to make the forest a more natural part of the preschool's everyday life. The result shows that the pedagogues are not active in the children’s outside play and that they want more pedagogues to be active together with the children in the outside environment.
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The Role of Neighborhood Organizations in the Production of Gentrifiable Urban Space: The Case of Wynwood, Miami's Puerto Rican BarrioFeldman, Marcos 03 November 2011 (has links)
Partnerships between government and community-based actors and organizations are considered the hallmark of contemporary governance arrangements for the revitalization and gentrification of economically distressed, inner city areas. This dissertation uses historical, narrative analysis and ethnographic methods to examine the formation, evolution and operation of community-based governance partnerships in the production of gentrifable urban space in the Wynwood neighborhood of Miami, FL between 1970 and 2010. This research is based on more than four years of participant observation, 60 in-depth interviews with respondents recruited through a purposive snowball sample, review of secondary and archival sources, and descriptive, statistical and GIS analysis.
This study examines how different organizations formed in the neighborhood since the 1970s have facilitated the recent gentrification of Wynwood. It reveals specifically how partnerships between neighborhood-based government agencies, nonprofit organizations and real estate developers were constructed to be exclusionary and lead to inequitable economic development outcomes for Wynwood residents. The key factors conditioning these inequalities include both the rationalities of action of the organizations involved and the historical contexts in which their leaders’ thinking and actions were shaped. The historical contexts included the ethnic politics of organizational funding in the 1970s and the “entrepreneurial” turn of community-based economic development and Miami urban politics since the 1980s. Over time neighborhood organizations adopted highly pragmatic rationalities and repertoires of action. By the 2000s when Wynwood experienced unprecedented investment and redevelopment, the pragmatism of community-based organizations led them to become junior partners in governance arrangements and neighborhood activists were unable to directly challenge the inequitable processes and outcomes of gentrification.
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A study of image: Maillardville British ColumbiaGoddard, Charles R. 11 1900 (has links)
This study is the result of my curiosity about what makes urban places special and memorable. I believe that if the various physical components distinguishing urban places are identified and analyzed, we can develop principles and policies to preserve and enhance them. I chose Maillardville as the study area because of my familiarity with area, its historical and cultural significance, and because Maillardville is currently undergoing a physical transformation. Although place images may be an intangible urban quality, they are not difficult to study. Careful observation and resident interviews are efficient and economical tools to discover the various components of the urban image. From there it is possible to develop a visual plan for the preservation and enhancement of a particular place's image. In the course of this investigation I discovered that a direct relationship exists between Maillardville's physical components and the public image and that this public image focuses almost exclusively on the early settlement located in the Laval Square area. Recent changes outside this area are not significant to the residents' perception of the public image. Yet changes, such as the new commercial and multi-family redevelopments, when undertaken in a fashion which reflects Maillardville's cultural and historical context, are recognized by residents as supportive elements and with time will likely become significant to the public image. From this it appears that residents prefer to live in a unique environment that reflects a sense of continuity with the past. It is my hope that this study will contribute to the continuation of Maillardville as a unique place by identifying the image elements and illustrating their importance to the existing place image. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Community and Regional Planning (SCARP), School of / Graduate
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Lugar de residência e inserção laboral : faz diferença morar aqui ou lá? / Residency location and labor insertion : does it make a difference to live here or there?Alonso, Raquel Maria de Lima, 1984- 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: José Marcos Pinto da Cunha / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T09:37:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Lugar de residência e inserção laboral se articula de forma bidirecional. De um lado, sabendo-nos em uma sociedade de mercado, vem a nós, com facilidade, a constatação de que as possibilidades de moradia estão atreladas ao desempenho no mercado de trabalho. De outro, pode-se pensar que o lugar de residência, com suas características físicas e sociais, têm influência no desempenho, posição e até mesmo nas aspirações visíveis e acessíveis no mundo do trabalho. Esta dissertação procura discutir, principalmente, a segunda parte dessa articulação. O objetivo principal foi, através da comparação entre distintas áreas da Região Metropolitana de Campinas (RMC), mostrar as diferenças (e similaridades) na inserção laboral dos residentes e contribuir para a reflexão das formas como essas situações se produzem. Especial atenção foi destinada às áreas que abrigam população com baixos atributos socioeconômicos. Foram utilizadas duas fontes de dados: a pesquisa domiciliar do "Projeto Vulnerabilidade" (Nepo/Unicamp), que levantou informações representativas para a RMC e desagregáveis por quatro estratos socioespaciais (as chamadas Zonas de Vulnerabilidade) - definidos segundo atributos da população residente e do local de moradia; e também uma pesquisa de campo própria, de desenho qualitativo, empreendida em duas áreas de baixos atributos socioeconômicos da região, mas com distintas situações em termos do seu entorno imediato - em uma delas o entorno tem baixos atributos socioeconômicos e na outros altos atributos. Sendo assim, na pesquisa de desenho qualitativo, as áreas escolhidas vivenciam, respectivamente, uma situação de homogenia e uma situação de heterogenia, de tipo enclave. Portanto, sem esquecer que a própria inserção laboral determina a residência, a contribuição deste texto está em refletir sobre os mecanismos através dos quais o lugar de residência se articula de forma ativa com essa inserção / Abstract: Residency location and labor insertion are interconnected. In one way, in our market society, the possibilities of place of residency are largely determineted by our performance at labor market. In another way, we can propose that the place of residency, with his physics and social features, has influences at performance, position, and even at visible and really accessible aspirations at labor world. This dissertation tries to discuss, mainly, this second way of interconnection. The main objective is, through comparisons among some areas in Greater Metropolitan area of Campinas (GMC), to show the differences (and similarities) at labor insertion of the residents and to contribute to the discussion about the ways how those situations are produced. Special attention was given to areas where is found a low socioeconomic status population. Two sources of information's were used: a survey of "Vulnerability Project" (Nepo/Unicamp), which has representative information's about GMC and about four sociospatial divisions (the Vulnerabities Zones, VZs), being the later defined according to features of resident population and of the physical residence location; and also, it was used a qualitative research, done at two areas where lives people under low socioeconomic status, but with a different condition of social composition of the immediate around - in one area, the immediate around has a population with low socioeconomic status, while in the other, it is observed a high socioeconomic status population. Therefore, in the qualitative research, the chosen areas are, respectively, homogeneous and heterogeneous. In short, not forgetting that the labor insertion determines the place of residency, the contribution of this text is thinking about the mechanisms through which the place is actively interconnected with the insertion / Mestrado / Demografia / Mestra em Demografia
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Accounting for residential and non-residential environments to measure contextual effects on health behavior : the case of recreational walking behavior / Prise en compte des environnements résidentiels et non-résidentiels pour mesurer les effets du contexte sur les comportements de santé : le cas de la marche récréativePerchoux, Camille 15 June 2015 (has links)
Les études portant sur les effets de l'environnement sur la santé ont essentiellement examiné les effets de l'environnement résidentiel. Cette approche a été critiquée pour son absence de prise en compte des environnements géographiques de vie non-résidentiels. L'objectif général de cette thèse est d'évaluer si la prise en compte des lieux d'activité dans lesquels les individus se déplacent et sont régulièrement exposés permet de mieux estimer l'impact de l'environnement sur la pratique de la marche récréative. Trois études transversales ont été conduites sur la seconde vague de la Cohorte RECORD. La première étude a permis d'identifier une typologie des comportements de mobilité individuels et les déterminants sociodémographiques de ces mobilités. Les résultats de la deuxième étude montrent que l'exposition à des caractéristiques environnementales facilitant la marche diffère entre le quartier de résidence, le quartier résidentiel perçu, et l'espace d'activité. L'erreur de mesure liée à la seule prise en compte de mesures d'exposition résidentielle varie en fonction des groupes socio-économiques et des degrés d'urbanisation de la résidence dans la région Île-de-France. Dans la troisième étude, une densité de destinations élevée, la présence de lacs ou de voies d'eau et un niveau d'éducation élevé du quartier sont associés à une augmentation de la pratique de la marche récréative. Cette thèse souligne l'importance de prendre en compte les environnements géographiques de vie résidentiels et non-résidentiels pour mieux approximer l'exposition environnementale réelle, et évaluer les effets de l'environnement sur les comportements de santé. / Previous studies on place effect on health focused on the residential neighborhood. This approach was criticized for not considering non-residential geographic life environments. The overarching aim of this dissertation is to estimate whether accounting for people’s network of activity places and their resulting exposure allows improving the understanding of environmental influences on recreational walking behavior. Three cross sectional studies were conducted on the second wave of the RECORD Cohort Study. In the first study, I identified a typology of individuals’ patterns of mobility and related socio-demographic correlates. Results from the second study provide evidence that exposure to environmental characteristics supportive to walking highly differs between the residential neighborhood, the perceived residential neighborhood and the activity space. The measurement error resulting from the sole use of residential measures of exposure varies among SES groups and among categories of the degree of urbanicity of the residence. In the third empirical study a high density of destinations, the presence of a lake or waterway, and a high neighborhood education are associated with recreational walking. This dissertation strengthen the conceptual grounds and empirical evidence that accounting for both residential and non-residential geographical environments individual get exposed is required to better proxy the true environmental exposure, and to estimate environmental influences on health behaviors.
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Understanding Agrihoods: An Exploration into the Growing Trend of Farm-to-Table Communities Across the United StatesBreger, Benjamin 15 July 2020 (has links)
Agrihoods are a recent trend in real estate development that integrate agricultural amenities - such as working farms, orchards, or community gardens - into residential or mixed-use communities. As an emergent trend, agrihoods have the potential to enhance farmland preservation and local and regional food systems, making them a ripe area for research. However, very little scholarly research has been carried out to characterize, contextualize or evaluate agrihood developments. Thus far, the development model has primarily been detailed in popular media sources. This thesis serves as a baseline study that seeks to understand how neighborhood food systems operate within agrihood developments and how residents engage with their agricultural amenities.
A mixed-methods approach utilized an online survey for agrihood residents and interviews with developers and farm managers to describe a subset of agrihoods as case studies. Seventy-eight agrihoods were identified; six were selected for case study analysis, three of which provided results for the resident survey (n=388). Survey results indicate that the character of the community was a more important motivator for agrihood residents to move to their community compared to the agricultural amenities. While all vi case study agrihoods sell produce directly to consumers through a CSA, farm store, or both, few survey respondents indicated they were CSA members or regularly shopped at the neighborhood farm store, with cost and convenience identified as the biggest barriers.
While resident engagement with the neighborhood farm may be limited, charging an annual resident fee to support the farm – an approach taken by four out six case study communities – may provide a guaranteed revenue source to the farm amidst low levels of resident engagement with the agrihoods’ sales outlets. Interviewees provided insight into the nuances of operating agrihood farms, enhancing resident engagement, and the spatial design of communities. The results of this thesis can help agrihood developers and managers, and land-use regulators to further understand this new development model. Furthermore, the findings in this thesis provide avenues for future research on how agrihoods contribute to farmland preservation and local and regional food systems.
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Multifactorial Determinants of Change in Mental Disorder and Happiness among Older AmericansAdaralegbe, Adeleye Ayinde 08 1900 (has links)
Mental health is an intrinsic capability that constitute an essential component of healthy aging. Mental health is constituted by positive constructs such as happiness and negative constructs (mental disorders) such as depression. As people grow older, they become more prone to developing mental disorders which are linked to poorer quality of life, increased disability, increased utilization and cost of health services, and higher rates of suicide. This dissertation involved three studies that focused on factors that predict change in mental disorders and happiness of older Americans over a period of five years. Two waves of publicly available national representative data from the National Social Life Health and Aging Project (NSHAP) collected in 2010 and 2015 were used. A total of 2210 older adults within the ages 62-90 years were used in the analyses. Mental health measures were CES-Depression scale, HADS anxiety scale, and self-rated happiness. Essay 1 aimed to identify the important aspects of older adults' interaction with their neighborhood that predict the presence of mental disorder and happiness. Essay 2 evaluated the psychosocial factors that predict change in mental disorder and happiness of older adults, whereas essay 3 investigated the multifactorial determinants of change in mental disorder and happiness of older adults. These three essays provide insight into the impact of mental health in old age and the role of environmental, social, and demographic factors in successful aging. It also provides gaps for future research in the field of mental health and aging.
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How Street Features and Lighting Affect Neighborhood WalkabilityZhang, Xin 17 October 2019 (has links)
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