Spelling suggestions: "subject:"neighborhood""
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Identity, place, power and the 'text' : Kerry's Dale and the "monster" houseMajury, Niall Charles January 1990 (has links)
Since the late 1960's, fundamental changes in Canadian immigration policy, encouraging more middle-class/professional immigration in an effort to create employment and to boost the nation's skill profile, have precipitated a shift in orientation of population and capital flows into Canada. In particular the countries of the Pacific Rim have risen in relative importance as source regions of both international finance and migrants. These trends have had an uneven impact across Canada, and Vancouver in particular has come to play a significant role as a "gateway city". This thesis considers some of the ramifications of the emerging social geography of this elite portion of the wide spectrum of immigrants entering Canada. In focusing on neighbourhood change within the upper middle-class suburb of Kerrisdale, situated on Vancouver's elite West Side, it examines the cultural politics surrounding perceived social change. It explores a contested sense of identity and place, showing how these are informed and invigorated by a diverse set of social struggles evident in conflicting landscape 'tastes' in the neighbourhood of Kerrisdale. / Arts, Faculty of / Geography, Department of / Graduate
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The Relationship Between Academic Emphasis and Academic Achievement for African-American Students in Predominately White Suburban SchoolsOlivo, Julio C., II 01 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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A comparative study on the estate planning of urban and rural public housing in Hong KongLo, Wing-yee., 盧穎儀. January 1995 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Urban Planning / Master / Master of Science in Urban Planning
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Impact of layout design on neighborly interaction in public housing estate, Hong KongDhar, Tapan Kumar. January 2007 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Urban Design / Master / Master of Urban Design
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Neighborhood scale and market-responsive urban design: a study of large-scale suburban private residentialdevelopments in the transitional economy in ChinaChen, Wenzhe, 陳聞喆 January 2008 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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The Barbershop: a photographic documentation and exhibitionHoward, Justin K 01 January 2006 (has links)
In this project I explore the environment that surrounds and frames my life experiences. Interests in form, architecture, vernacular typographyand community blend into a photographic documentationcommunicating my perceptual experience of Richmond barbershops through public exhibition.
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A (re)produção do espaço urbano: os bairros Iraci e Prainha - Itacoatiara - AM / The (re) production of urban space: the neighborhoods of Iraci and Prainha - Itacoatiara-AMBraga, Dilma Barros 08 December 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa de Geografia Urbana, cujo tema é a (Re) produção do Espaço Urbano: os Bairros Iraci e Prainha - Itacoatiara-AM, objetivou analisar o processo de urbanização e o crescimento da cidade de Itacoatiara- AM, para compreender o porquê das políticas de infraestrutura urbana não serem direcionadas nas mesmas proporções para os Bairros Iraci e Prainha. Para essa compreensão, tratou-se dos processos das transformações socioeconômicas e políticas pelas quais passaram e passam Itacoatiara. Notadamente, a partir da década de 1950, pelo êxodo rural e pelas transformações que ocorreram na década de 1960, representadas pela mudança da natureza e do significado da rede urbana na Amazônia, devido à redefinição do papel da região na divisão territorial do trabalho no Brasil e sua incorporação ao processo geral de expansão capitalista pela sua função portuária. É no decorrer desse processo que Itacoatiara tem a reprodução do seu espaço urbano que desencadeou a expansão e o aumento populacional da cidade, surgindo vários bairros, com problemas de infraestrutura urbana. Dentre esses, o Bairro Iraci em 1957, nascido de loteamentos realizados pela Prefeitura, para alocar as famílias que vinham para a cidade, por causa das enchentes do Rio Amazonas e pela redução das atividades tradicionais; o mesmo aconteceu posteriormente com o Bairro da Prainha, no final da década de 1960-1970, que surgiu como fruto de invasão. Considerou-se a cidade enquanto construção humana, produto social, trabalho materializado [...]. O modo de ocupação de determinado lugar da cidade se dá a partir da necessidade de realização de determinada ação, seja de produzir, consumir, habitar ou viver (CARLOS, 2009, p.45). Fundamentando-se na pesquisa de campo, nas observações in loco, nas conversas informais, entrevista e nas literaturas consultadas se pode perceber que na correlação de forças econômicas, políticas e sociais, engendradas pelas políticas publicas de infraestrutura urbana, ocorreram profundas desigualdades na implantação de infraestrutura urbana nos Bairros Iraci e Prainha que estão presentes desde a produção de seus espaços, pois a forma como cada um se apresenta atualmente evidencia as marcas do poder do capital no espaço urbano. Deste modo, as desigualdades sociais, em todos os seus aspectos, têm sido responsáveis por uma produção desigual dos Bairros aqui analisados. Espera-se, como resultado prático da pesquisa, que sejam efetivadas as políticas de infraestrutura urbana para o Bairro da Prainha, nas mesmas proporções que são direcionadas para o Bairro Iraci, o que, indubitavelmente, possibilitará aos moradores da Prainha, o direito a moradia digna, saúde, educação, ou seja, o usufruto da cidade. / The present research on Urban Geography, which deals with the Production of Urban Spaces: the neighborhoods of Iraci and Prainha Itacoatiara AM, aims to analyze the process of urbanization and the growth of the city of Itacoatiara-AM in order to understand why the projects of urban infraestrucuture were not equally dimensioned for both places, Iraci and Prainha. Therefore, it discusses the processes of social, economical and political transformations of the region. Since the 1950s the rural exodus and the transformations of the 1960s, seen in the changes of nature and the meaning of the urban network in Amazon, changed the importance the region, as it was incorporated to the general process of capitalist expansion, due to its port position. During this period there happened a great populational growth in the city and, as result the development of various neighborhoods with urban problems. Iraci is one of those neighborhoods, which was created to allocate the families that came to work in the city to escape from the floatings of the Amazon River and for the lack of traditional activities. The same happened with Prainha form 1960 to 1970. The city was considered as a human construction, social product, materialized work because How you occupy a certain place reflects certain living necessities (Carlos, 2009, p. 45). With the support of in field research and in loco observations as well as other academic researches it is possible to understand the economical, political and social forces based on public policies that created unequal social realities that also produced inequalities in the neighborhoods. It is expected, as a practical result, that the same policies start to be adopteds in both places, Prainha and Iraci, what ell improve the life of Prainhas citizens.
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La construction d’un cadre méthodologique pour l’élaboration de projets urbains durables en Syrie / The construction of a methodological framework for the development of sustainable urban projects in SyriaHajjar, Abboud 10 June 2014 (has links)
Après l'apparition de la première génération des projets urbains dans les Pays du Sud et de l'Est de la méditerranée (PSEM), le développement et la formulation des stratégies, outils et normes sont perçus, par les experts et les spécialistes, comme une nécessité absolue pour évoluer la mise en œuvre du développement durable dans les projets urbains, ainsi que l'évolution de sa contribution dans l'action urbaine globale, afin de passer à la « ville durable ». Dans cette perspective, notre thèse se focalise sur le développement de démarches opérationnelles qui permettent de porter une nouvelle réflexion sur la fabrication urbaine en Syrie, et surtout de la ville d'Alep, qui est le terrain d'expérimentation et d'application de cette thèse. Dans ce pays, l'enjeu du développement urbain durable s'est imposé, avant la guerre actuelle, dans les politiques publiques urbaines. Entre les années 2000 et 2011, les autorités nationales syriennes (l'Etat central) et ses instances locales (les autorités publiques locales) ont lancé plusieurs programmes et projets urbains, souvent en collaboration avec des bailleurs du fonds internationaux (Banque Mondiale, GIZ, Union Européenne...).Un des objectifs de cette thèse est de proposer un cadre métrologique à partir des approches françaises de la mise en œuvre des projets de quartiers durables et/ou éco-quartiers, non pas en procédant à un transfert d'expériences totalement inopportunes, mais en effectuant une analyse de la situation de la ville d'Alep, pour la mise en place des outils permettant d'orienter les acteurs locaux de l'aménagement urbain (collectivité locales, bureau d'études, ….) pour la phase post-guerre, et d'accompagner la conception des projets urbains durables à l'interface des problèmes et des enjeux locaux / After the appearance of the first generation of sustainable urban projects in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries (SEMC), the development of strategies, tools and standards are perceived by experts and specialists, as an absolute necessity to move the implementation of sustainable development in urban projects and the evolution of its contribution in the overall urban action to move to the "sustainable city». In this perspective, our thesis focuses on the development of operational procedures that can bring new thinking on urban practices in Syria, and especially the city of Aleppo, which is the experimental site of this thesis. In this country, the issue of sustainable urban development was imposed before the current war in urban public policy. Between 2000 and 2011, the Syrian national authorities (central government) and local authorities have launched several programs and urban projects, often in collaboration with the international donor funds (World Bank, GIZ, European Union ...).One objective of this thesis is to propose a methodological framework from the French approaches to the implementation of sustainable neighborhood projects, not by taking a totally inappropriate transfer of experience, but performing an analysis of the situation of the city of Aleppo, for the implementation tools to guide local actors of urban development ( local community office, .... ) for the post-war, and to support the design of sustainable urban projects at the interface of local problems and issues
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Frontières et populations : territoires, mobilités, voisinages européens / Borders and populations : territories, mobilities, European neighbourhoodsCiapin, Etienne 23 August 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse questionne les frontières européennes contemporaines et tente de les penser en échappant à la fragmentation liée aux évènements propre aux standards médiatiques et aux multiples discours politiques polémiques. Il s'agit tout d’abord de contextualiser les tracés actuels et de les resituer au fil de l’histoire. Pour cela, la recherche revient sur la formalisation des États en Europe dans la période moderne, pour comprendre comment sont définies leurs limites territoriales et s’inventent les relations internationales modernes, avant d’étudier les multiples reconfigurations frontalières sur le continent entre le 17ième et le 21ième siècle de façon diachronique. Ainsi, dans une perspective constructiviste, la recherche restitue l’originalité du processus de la construction européenne et aborde l’Union Européenne contemporaine par le prisme de ses frontières et voisinages de façon synchronique. Cette thèse permet de comprendre les enjeux de l’évolution post-westphalienne des relations internationales par le biais de l’intégration européenne et de ses dimensions supranationales. Parallèlement, sont abordées les dynamiques souverainistes et néo-westphaliennes à l’œuvre au moment historique où l’UE est confrontée à une crise de légitimité interne, et doit faire face à de multiples crises géopolitiques dans ses voisinages. Dans un second temps, la thèse propose de revenir sur trois espaces régionaux afin d’interroger, plus particulièrement, les voisinages européens contemporains autant du point de vu des Etats voisins que des populations frontalières qui vivent et agissent dans ces espaces frontaliers. Pour cela, la thèse mobilise des observations et des entretiens compréhensifs issus d’un travail de terrain mené in situ sur chaque espace frontalier à partir des méthodes et outils de la sociologie. Plus précisément, il s’agit du bassin genevois, aux frontières entre la France et la Suisse, de la région du Sud-Est de la péninsule balkanique, où se rencontrent la Bulgarie, la Grèce et la Turquie, et enfin de l’interface entre la Slovaquie, la Hongrie et l’Ukraine en Europe centrale. Ces régions sont successivement remises en contexte puis étudiées à partir de leurs interfaces frontalières. Au-delà des singularités historiques et des diversités empiriques, la thèse souligne l’importance décisive de l’européanisation pour normaliser les relations de voisinages étatiques et intégrer les territoires. Les propriétés frontalières et les « effets-frontières » entre territoires se reconfigurent, les populations frontalières s’adaptent et agissent en mettant en œuvre des stratégies de mobilités différentiées et diversifiées. Cependant, les acteurs frontaliers locaux sont tributaires des États et de l’UE qui gardent la main sur : les propriétés ; les règles et les normes frontalières ; la vie politique et institutionnelle et l’évolution des relations internationales, tous éléments clés qui conditionnent le présent et l’avenir de ces espaces pour leurs habitants. La thèse repose sur une articulation analytique de ces différentes échelles, périodes et acteurs. Elle permet par ces différents axes d’approche de comprendre le fait frontalier de façon historique et relationnelle. Plus généralement, ce travail amène ainsi à comprendre pourquoi le projet européen fait face aujourd’hui à un carrefour politique. / This thesis questions the contemporary European borders and tries to think of them by escaping the fragmentation in events that is specific to media standards and multiple political polemical discourses. First of all, it is a question of contextualizing the current lines and relocating them over the course of history. To that end, the research returns to the formalization of the states in Europe in the modern period, to understand how their territorial limits were defined and modern international relations were invented, before studying diachronically the multiple border reconfigurations on the continent between the 17th and the 21st century. Thus, in a constructivist perspective, this research restores the originality of the process of European construction and approaches synchronically the contemporary European Union through the prism of its borders and neighborhoods. This thesis aims at understanding the challenges of the post-Westphalian evolution of international relations through the European integration and its supranational dimension. At the same time, sovereignist and neo-Westphalian dynamics are approached at the historical moment when the EU is facing a crisis of internal legitimacy, and faces multiple geopolitical crises in its neighborhoods. In a second time, the thesis proposes to dwell on three regional spaces in order to question contemporary European neighborhoods as much from the point of view of neighboring states as from perspective of the border populations living and acting in these border areas. For that purpose, the thesis mobilizes observations and comprehensive interviews from fieldwork conducted in situ on each border area, using the methods and tools of sociology. More precisely, it concerns the Geneva basin, on the border between France and Switzerland, the South-East Balkan Peninsula region, where Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey meet, and finally the interface between Slovakia, Hungary and Ukraine in Central Europe. Beyond the historical singularities and the empirical diversities, the thesis underlines the decisive importance of Europeanization to normalize relations of neighborhoods and integrate territories. Border properties and border-effects between territories are reconfigured, border populations adapt and act by implementing differentiated and diversified mobility strategies. However, local border actors are dependent on the states and the EU who keep control of: properties; border rules and standards; the political and institutional life and the evolution of international relations, all of them key elements that are shaping the present and the future of these spaces for their inhabitants. The thesis is based on an analytical articulation of these different scales, periods and actors. These different axes of approach makes it possible to understand the border principle in a historical and relational way. More generally, this work leads us to understand why the European project is at a political crossroads today.
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Ambiente alimentar urbano em São Paulo, Brasil: avaliação, desigualdades e associação com consumo alimentar / Urban food environments in São Paulo, Brazil: evaluation, disparities, and associations with food consumptionDuran, Ana Clara da Fonseca Leitão 30 July 2013 (has links)
Introdução: Estudos realizados em outros contextos mostram que o acesso a alimentos saudáveis e o consumo alimentar variam conforme o local de residência, podendo contribuir com desigualdades em saúde já existentes em áreas urbanas. Objetivos: O estudo apresenta três objetivos: (1) propor e avaliar a confiabilidade de instrumentos de avaliação do microambiente alimentar urbano adaptado ao contexto do Município de São Paulo, (2) investigar se o acesso a alimentos varia de acordo com o nível socioeconômico da vizinhança, após ajustes para o tipo de estabelecimento, e (3) estudar a associação entre o ambiente alimentar local e o consumo de frutas, hortaliças e bebidas açucaradas dentre amostra da população adulta do município de São Paulo. Métodos: Estudo transversal conduzido em 2010-2011 em 52 setores censitários do Município de São Paulo selecionados de acordo com o nível socioeconômico e densidade de equipamentos de comercialização de alimentos. Dois instrumentos de avaliação do microambiente alimentar foram desenvolvidos e tiveram suas confiabilidades inter- e intra-avaliador testadas: (1) ESAO-s instrumento de avaliação de estabelecimentos de comercialização de alimentos para consumo no domicílio; e (2) ESAO-r instrumento de avaliação de estabelecimentos de comercialização de alimentos para consumo imediato. O acesso a alimentos saudáveis foi medido a partir de índices que resumiram as medidas coletadas acerca da disponibilidade, variedade e promoção de alimentos. Associações entre o nível de educação da vizinhança e o acesso a alimentos foram testadas com modelos de regressão multinível. Dados coletados em amostra de 1842 adultos residentes nos mesmos setores censitários acerca do consumo regular ( 5 vezes/semana) de frutas, hortaliças e bebidas açucaradas foram utilizados em modelos multinível de regressão logística com o intuito de estudar as associações entre características do micro- e macro-ambiente alimentar e o consumo de tais alimentos. Para cada participante, disponibilidade, variedade, qualidade, preço e promoção/propaganda de frutas, hortaliças e bebidas açucaradas foram medidos em todos os estabelecimentos de comercialização de alimentos no setor censitário de residência e em todos os estabelecimentos de comercialização de alimentos em um raio de 1,6 km da residência. Resultados: Os instrumentos foram considerados confiáveis, com coeficientes de kappa para as medidas intra e inter-avaliadores variando de 0,55 a 0,95. Eles também foram capazes de discriminar diferentes tipos de estabelecimentos. Supermercados e feiras-livres, mercados municipais e sacolões apresentaram maior disponibilidade de alimentos saudáveis do que pequenos mercados de bairro. Estabelecimentos de comercialização de alimentos localizados em bairros de maior nível socioeconômico apresentaram um maior número de opções saudáveis, quando comparados a estabelecimentos similares, mas localizados em áreas de menor nível de educação. Após ajustes para medidas individuais de sexo, idade, educação e renda, preços altos de bebidas açucaradas em regiões mais pobres da cidade foram associados a uma menor chance de consumi-las (OR=0,58;IC95%=0,34;0,97); enquanto a associação foi inversa nos bairros mais ricos da cidade (OR=2,33;IC95%=1,12;4,84). Associações significativas entre a disponibilidade e consumo de frutas foram mostradas para três diferentes medidas disponibilidade de frutas próximo à residência; presença de pelo menos um estabelecimento que comercializasse frutas, mesmo que com baixa variedade; e residir em uma área no último quartil do índice de acesso a alimentos saudáveis HFSI. Associações entre medidas de acesso e consumo de hortaliças foram menos consistentes. Conclusão: Encontramos diferenças no acesso a alimentos saudáveis em São Paulo, favorecendo as regiões da cidade de níveis socioeconômicos médio e alto. Aspectos do ambiente alimentar foram associados ao consumo de frutas, hortaliças e bebidas açucaradas. Políticas públicas e intervenções com o objetivo de diminuir as desigualdades de acesso da população a alimentos saudáveis devem considerar o impacto de aspectos do ambiente alimentar disponibilidade, preço, variedade e qualidade de alimentos saudáveis e não saudáveis / Introduction: Previous studies carried out in different settings have shown that access to healthy foods and diet patterns vary across neighborhoods, contributing to already present health disparities within urban settings. Objectives: This study comprises three objectives: (1) to develop and examine the reliability of two observational tools to measure the availability, variety, quality, pricing, and signage/promotion of healthy and unhealthy foods in retail food stores, specialized fruits and vegetables (FV) markets/stores, open-air food markets, and restaurants; (2) to examine whether food access varies across neighborhoods of different socioeconomic statuses, adjusted by store types; and (3) to examine the relationships between the neighborhood food environment and the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) among an adult sample from the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted in 2010-2011 across 52 census tracts in Sao Paulo city. We selected tracts according to socioeconomic characteristics and density of retail food stores and fast food restaurants. Two comprehensive microlevel food environment tools were developed and had their inter-rater and test-retest reliability tested: (1) ESAO-s to assess retail food stores and open-air food markets; and (2) ESAO-r to assess all types of restaurants. Food access was measured as the availability, variety, and promotion/signage of healthy and unhealthy foods, and was summarized into two indexes developed for retail food stores and restaurants. Multilevel models were used to examine associations of store type and neighborhood characteristics with food access indexes. Data on food intake of 1842 adults from the same sampled 52 different census tracts were collected. For each participant, the availability, variety, quality, price, and promotion/signage of fruits, vegetables, and SSB were directly assessed in all food stores/restaurants within 1.6 km of their residence. Multilevel logistic regression models were used to examine the associations of consumption of fruits 5 days/week, vegetables 5 days/week, and SSB 5 days/week with stores density and fresh fruits, vegetables, and SSB in-store measures. Results: Tools were reliable and able to discriminate across store types. Kappa coefficients varied from 0.55 to 0.95. Supermarkets and FV specialized stores/markets had a higher availability of healthy foods than corner stores/local grocery stores. Fast-food restaurants, bars and, corner stores were more likely to be located in low socioeconomic level neighborhoods, though supermarkets and FV specialized markets/stores were more likely to be located in neighborhoods in the 2 tertile of education. Multilevel analyses showed that supermarkets and full-service restaurants carried more healthy items adjusted for local and surrounding education levels. Stores with better food access, regardless of the type, were more likely to be found in high socioeconomic status neighborhoods. After adjustment for age, gender, income, and education, a higher price of SSB in low-income neighborhoods was associated with a lower odds of consuming SSB (OR=0.58;95%CI=0.34,0.97), whereas for those living in a high-income neighborhood, an inverse pattern was found (OR=2.33;IC95%=1.12,4.84). A positive association between fruit availability and consumption was consistent and significant using three different measures of neighborhood fruit availability. Living near retail food stores in the upper HFSI quartile increased in 52% the odds of consuming fruits (OR=1.52;95%CI=1.03,2.26). We observed less consistent associations for vegetables. Conclusion: We found differences in the accessibility of healthy foods in Sao Paulo, favoring middle and high socioeconomic status neighborhoods. Our findings suggest that the neighborhood food environment influences fruit, vegetable, and SSB consumption. Policies and interventions aimed at reducing disparities in food access in the city should consider characteristics of the food environment availability, price, variety, and quality of healthy and unhealthy foods
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