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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sur les représentations automorphes non ramifiées des groupes linéaires sur Q de petits rangs. / About non-ramified automorphic representations of linear groups over Q for low ranks.

Mégarbané, Thomas 12 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude des représentations automorphes algébriques des groupes linéaires découvertes par Chenevier-Renard. On s'intéresse plus particulièrement à leurs paramètres de Satake. Pour cela, nous utilisons la théorie d'Arthur afin de faire apparaître ces représentations par le biais de représentations automorphes discrètes des groupes spéciaux orthogonaux de réseaux bien choisis. Ensuite, on détermine des propriétés d'opérateurs de Hecke agissant sur ces mêmes réseaux, ce qui nous donne de nombreuses informations sur ces paramètres de Satake. On arrive notamment à déterminer la trace dans la représentation standard de nombreux paramètres de Satake des représentations algébriques évoquées, dont les poids peuvent être arbitrairement grands. Ces résultats nous permettent aussi de déterminer de nombreux opérateurs de Hecke, associés aux voisinage de Kneser, vus comme endomorphismes agissant sur les classes d'isomorphisme des réseaux pairs de déterminant 2 en dimension 23 ou 25. / In this these we study the different algebraic automorphic representations discovered by Chenevier-Renard. We focus more particularly on their Satake parameters. To do so, we use Arthur's theory, which enables us to see these representations through discrete automorphic representations for the special orthogonal group of well chosen lattices. Afterwards, we can compute some properties of Hecke operators acting on these lattices. This gives us a lot of information on these Satake parameters. In particular, we can determine the trace in the standard representation for many of these algebraic representations, which weight can be arbitrarily high. These results also enable us to compute many Hecke operators, connected to the notion of neighbourhood developed by Kneser, seen as linear operators acting on the classes of isomorphism of even lattices with determinant 2 in dimension 23 or 25.

Classification of weather conditions based on supervised learning

Safia, Mohamad, Abbas, Rodi January 2023 (has links)
Forecasting the weather remains a challenging task because of the atmosphere's complexity and unpredictable nature. A few of the factors that decide weather conditions, such as rain, clouds, clear skies, and sunshine, include temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed, and direction. Currently, sophisticated, and physical models are used to forecast weather, but they have several limitations, particularly in terms of computational time. In the past few years, supervised machine learning algorithms have shown great promise for the precise forecasting of meteorological events. Using historical weather data, these strategies train a model to predict the weather in the future. This study employs supervised machine learning techniques, including k-nearest neighbors (KNNs), support vector machines (SVMs), random forests (RFs), and artificial neural networks (ANNs), for better weather forecast accuracy. To conduct this study, we employed historical weather data from the Weatherstack API. The data spans several years and contains information on several meteorological variables, including temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed, and direction. The data is processed beforehand which includes normalizing it and dividing it into separate training and testing sets. Finally, the effectiveness of different models is examined to determine which is best for producing accurate weather forecasts. The results of this study provide information on the application of supervised machine learning methods for weather forecasting and support the creation of better weather prediction models. / Att förutsäga vädret är fortfarande en utmanande uppgift på grund av atmosfärens komplexitet och oförutsägbara natur. Några av faktorerna som påverkar väderförhållandena, som regn, moln, klart väder och solsken, inkluderar temperatur, tryck, luftfuktighet, vindhastighet och riktning. För närvarande används sofistikerade fysiska modeller för att förutsäga vädret, men de har flera begränsningar, särskilt när det gäller beräkningstid. Under de senaste åren har övervakade maskininlärningsalgoritmer visat stor potential för att noggrant förutsäga meteorologiska händelser. Genom att använda historiska väderdata tränar dessa strategier en modell för att förutsäga framtida väder. Denna studie använder övervakade maskininlärningstekniker, inklusive k-nearest neighbors (KNNs), support vector machines (SVMs), random forests (RFs) och artificial neural networks (ANNs), för att förbättra noggrannheten i väderprognoser. För att genomföra denna studie använde vi historiska väderdata från Weatherstack API. Data sträcker sig över flera år och innehåller information om flera meteorologiska variabler, inklusive temperatur, tryck, luftfuktighet, vindhastighet och riktning. Data bearbetas i förväg, vilket inkluderar normalisering och uppdelning i separata tränings- och testset. Slutligen undersöks effektiviteten hos olika modeller för att avgöra vilken som är bäst för att producera noggranna väderprognoser. Resultaten av denna studie ger information om tillämpningen av övervakade maskininlärningsmetoder för väderprognoser och stödjer skapandet av bättre väderprognosmodeller.

Kompensation till grannar vid genomförande av detaljplan / Compensation to neighbours when implementing a local plan

Ekeroth, Linn, Sörensson, Lovisa January 2017 (has links)
Vi lever i ett samhälle under ständig utveckling där byggnation av fastigheter och infra-struktur är av stor betydelse. Med hjälp av detaljplaner kan exploateringsområden planeras och ligga till grund för utveckling. I samband med genomförande av dessa planer uppstår ofta situationer där de befintliga fastighetsägarna i området inte samtycker. I plan- och bygglagen, vilken reglerar detaljplaneprocessen, finns inte heller någon reglering kring kompensation eller annan ersättning till intilliggande fastigheter som lider skada av detaljplanen.  Syftet med det här arbetet är att utreda om kompensation med stöd i plan- och bygglagen borde utgå till intilliggande fastighetsägare, så kallade grannar, som berörs vid införande av en ny detaljplan. Detta besvaras genom att titta närmare hur grannar hanteras vid genomförande av nya detaljplaner, om de kompenseras då de drabbas negativt samt vilka för- och nackdelar en lagreglering av kompensation till grannar skulle medföra. I studien analyseras detta med hjälp av befintlig lagstiftning, detaljplanefall från verkligheten och intervjuer med verksamma personer inom byggprocessen. Uppsatsen har avgränsats till att endast behandla rättsfall i eller omkring större städer och ger exempel på planers påverkan på grannar, där vissa har resulterat i kompensation.  Sammanfattningsvis visar denna studie på att kommunens tillmötesgående till grannars åsikter kan leda till planförändring, som skulle kunna vara av sådan grad att den skulle anses utgöra en form av kompensation. Samtidigt visar den även på att många drabbas negativt vid plangenomförande utan att ersättas. Ekonomisk kompensation till grannar har visat sig förekomma, trots avsaknat stöd i plan- och bygglagen. Teoretiskt sett hade en lagreglering verkat rättviseutjämnande – inte bara för de fastighetsägare som drabbas utan även sett till de olikheter som finns i rådande lagstiftning. I komplexa och samhällsviktiga detaljplanefall, där vissa betydande olägenheter är svåra att undvika, hade ersättning kunnat utgöra en lösning. I praktiken däremot är det svårare att avgöra om en lagreglering hade lett till en förbättring av det system som redan finns idag. I nödvändiga fall har det, trots uteblivet lagstöd i plan- och bygglagen, visat sig finnas en kompensationshantering i form av överenskommelser, varpå behovet av lagregleringen i praktiken kanske inte är lika stort som i teorin. / We live in a society under constant development where construction of real estate and infrastructure is of great importance. With the help of local plans, exploitation areas can be planned and be the basis for development. In correlation to the implementation of these plans, situations occur where the existing property owners in the area do not agree. The planning and building act, which regulates the local planning process, does not regulate compensation or other remuneration to neighbouring properties that suffer due to the local plan. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether compensation with support in the planning and building act should be given to adjacent property owners, so-called neighbours, who are concerned with the introduction of a new local plan. This is answered by looking closely at how neighbours are handled when implementing new local plans, if they are compensated when they are adversely affected, and what the pros and cons of a legislation of compensation to neighbours would entail. In the study, this is analysed by means of existing legislation, local plan cases from reality and interviews with individuals actively working in the construction process. The approach has been limited to only deal with cases in or around major cities and gives examples of plans' impact on neighbours, some of which have resulted in compensation.  In summary, this study shows that the municipality's courtesy to neighbour’s stand points can lead to change of a plan, which could be of such a degree as to be considered a form of compensation. At the same time, it also shows that many people that suffer negatively due to a plan do not get compensated at all. Financial compensation to neighbors has been shown to exist, despite the lack of support in the planning and building act. Theoretically, law enforcement would be a fair solution - not only for the neighbours who suffer but also the differences in existing legislation. In complex important societal plans, where some significant inconveniences are difficult to avoid, compensation could be a solution. In practice, on the other hand, it is more difficult to determine whether law enforcement would lead to an improvement of today. In necessary cases, despite the lack of legal support in planning and building act, compensation is found in agreements, in which case the need for law enforcement may not be as great as in theory.

Identifying the beginning of a kayak race using velocity signal data

Kvedaraite, Indre January 2023 (has links)
A kayak is a small watercraft that moves over the water. The kayak is propelled by a person sitting inside of the hull and paddling using a double-bladed paddle. While kayaking can be casual, it is used as a competitive sport in races and even the Olympic games. Therefore, it is important to be able to analyse athletes’ performance during the race. To study the race better, some kayaking teams and organizations have attached sensors to their kayaks. These sensors record various data, which is later used to generate performance reports. However, to generate such reports, the coach must manually pinpoint the beginning of the race because the sensors collect data before the actual race begins, which may include practice runs, warming-up sessions, or just standing and waiting position. The identification of the race start and the race sequence in the data is tedious and time-consuming work and could be automated. This project proposes an approach to identify kayak races from velocity signal data with the help of a machine learning algorithm. The proposed approach is a combination of several techniques: signal preprocessing, a machine learning algorithm, and a programmatic approach. Three machine learning algorithms were evaluated to detect the race sequence, which are Support Vector Machine (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbour (kNN), and Random Forest (RF). SVM outperformed other algorithms with an accuracy of 95%. Programmatic approach was proposed to identify the start time of the race. The average error of the proposed approach is 0.24 seconds. The proposed approach was utilized in the implemented web-based application with a user interface for coaches to automatically detect the beginning of a kayak race and race signal sequence.

SOLCELLER - MILJÖVÄNLIGTELLER BARA STATUSJAKT? : Är vi som konsumenter tillräckligt upplysta för att kunna göra ett medvetet val? En studie mellan kvasibehov och status / Solar panels – Environmentally friendly or just chasing status?

Hernqvist, John, Eriksson, Sandra January 2024 (has links)
Det som studien vill undersöka är meningen av miljövänlighet i relation till solceller och hur detta koncept generaliseras i samhället, men även hur grannar i ett relativt nära område påverkar varandras motivation till att investera i denna typ av teknologi. Studiens syfte är att ge deltagarna en chans att berätta deras sida av hur de upplever konkurrensen i deras grannskap, med hjälp av intervjuer. Finns det en korrelation mellan granndynamiken och statusjakten, vilket i sin tur skapar köpkraft genom att grannar jämför med varandra? Vi har sett att det inte bara är viljan att ses som miljövänlig som ligger till grunden för individens motivation att investera, utan det är en komplex samling faktorer. Detta bekräftas av vårt teoretiska ramverk, Bourdieus kapitalteori och Habermas kommunikationsteori, som förklarar dynamiken mellan individer som bor i ett grannskap, samt hur kommunikationen blir ett samspel mellan olika aktörers tolkningar. Resultatet visar att individer är mer benägna att investera i solceller om deras granne har gjort det. Vidare visar det på en korrelation mellan de olika samhälleliga värderingarna, och viljan att rätta sig efter de normer som skapats av gruppen. Behovet av att känna sig miljövänlig och samtidigt uppehålla en känsla av status kan ha en större individuell effekt än vad som uppfattas. / The study wants to examine the meaning of environmentally friendly in relation to solar power and how this concept generalizes in society but furthermore how neighbours in are latively narrow circuit affects each other’s motivation to purchase this kind of object. The study has a purpose to give the chosen participants a chance to tell their side on how they experience the competition in their neighbourhood, which is done by interviews. Is there a correlation between the neighbours dynamic and status hunt which creates purchasing power through comparison with the people living nearby? We have found that it’s not simply the drive to be seen as environmentally friendly that builds people’s motivation in such purchases but it’s a complex mix of factors. This is confirmed by our theoretical framework which are Bourdieu's Capital theory and Habermas communication theory, that explains the dynamics between people in distinct circuits and how the language is an interplay of different actors which all have their own interpretation on the concept. The results show that individuals are more prone to invest in solar panels if their neighbours have acquired solar panels. Furthermore, it shows the correlation between the different societal values and the will to conform to the norms created by the group. The feeling of needing to be environmentally friendly and at the same time uphold a sense of status may have a bigger effect on the individual than they perceive.

Budování aritmetické triády ve dvou matematicko-didaktických prostředích: "Sousedé" a "Barevné trojice" / Building of Arithmetical Triads in Two Mathematical-didactical Environments: Neighbours and Coloured Triples

Otradovcová, Dana January 2012 (has links)
The thesis attends to the mathematical charts constructing of additive triad of pupils on 1st grade of the primary school by means of two mathematical - didactic settings "The Neighbours" and "The Coloured Trio". They occure in mathematical textbooks created by prof. RNDr. Milan Hejný, CSc., RNDr. Darina Jirotková, Ph.D., PhDr. Jana Slezáková, Ph.D. and their colleagues and which are published by Fraus. In my thesis I shall attend to the theoretical pieces of knowledge in the given mathematical area as well as to the reasons for the creation of the new mathematical teaching concept after the czech educational reform. Mathematical tasks from the two appointed settings will be handed in to the pupils to be solved. The pupils will encounter such tasks for the first time. It shall be observed how they are able to cope with the given tasks and if they will be able to infiltrate the problem of the tasks or to invent their own tasks. Further on the thesis shall attend to the means of solutions of similar tasks by the students of The Pedagogical Faculty of the Univerzita Karlova and to the analysis of their comments on the tasks.

L’élaboration de la Politique européenne de voisinage et la gestion du problème des frontières : le rôle des nouveaux États membres (notamment celui de la Pologne) / Elaborating European Neighbourhood Policy and dealing with border problems : the part of new Member States - and Poland's in particular.

Zareba, Wioletta 29 June 2011 (has links)
La politique européenne de voisinage (PEV) est née de la volonté de développer un espace de prospérité et de stabilité aux frontières de l’Union élargie. Elle vise à renforcer la coopération politique, sécuritaire, économique et culturelle entre l’UE et ses nouveaux voisins immédiats ou proches, tout en atténuant le caractère séparatif des frontières européennes en engageant les pays voisins dans une coopération mutuellement avantageuse avec l’UE. La thèse étudie le volet oriental de la PEV qui couvre des Etats de l’Est (Ukraine, Biélorussie, Russie). Ces pays occupent aujourd’hui une place croissante dans la stratégie internationale de l’UE. L’adhésion des nouveaux pays membres de l’Europe centrale en 2004 a apporté une nouvelle fragilité, tout en créant un fort groupe de pression qui demandait un engagement direct de l’Union européenne dans les affaires concernant don voisinage immédiat. Disposant d’une parfaite connaissance de la situation économique de cette région et d’une grande expérience de coopération avec la Biélorussie, la Russie et l’Ukraine, ces pays cherchaient à orienter la politique étrangère de la Communauté vers de nouvelles voies d’actions. L’objectif de recherche concerne l’évaluation globale du rôle et de la contribution des nouveaux pays membres, et plus particulièrement de la Pologne, dans l’élaboration commune de la politique orientale de l’Union européenne dans les années 2004-2007. / The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) was developed in order to insure a zone of stability and prosperity on the borders of the European Union (EU). It aims at strengthening political, economic, cultural, and security cooperation between the EU and its neighbours. Its objective is to engage neighbouring States into a mutually beneficial cooperation with the EU. The present doctorate thesis focuses on the Eastern dimension of the ENP which includes Eastern States like Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. These countries have an important role to play in the EU international straetegy. New Eastern European countries adhering in 2004 brought in a new frailty yet creating a strong pressure group asking for a strong commitment of the EU in matters related to immediate neighbourhood. Those countries are thoroughly aware of the economic situation of the region and have a wide experience cooperating with Belarus, Russia and Ukraine; they sought to have an influence on the Community's foreign affairs policy by means of new paths of action. The aim of this research concerns the global evaluation of the new Members States' - and Poland's in particular - part in and the contribution to jointly elaborating the Eastern European Union's eastern policy for the years 2004-2007.

Phonene-based topic spotting on the switchboard corpus

Theunissen, M. W. (Marthinus Wilhelmus) 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The field of topic spotting in conversational speech deals with the problem of identifying "interesting" conversations or speech extracts contained within large volumes of speech data. Typical applications where the technology can be found include the surveillance and screening of messages before referring to human operators. Closely related methods can also be used for data-mining of multimedia databases, literature searches, language identification, call routing and message prioritisation. The first topic spotting systems used words as the most basic units. However, because of the poor performance of speech recognisers, a large amount of topic-specific hand-transcribed training data is needed. It is for this reason that researchers started concentrating on methods using phonemes instead, because the errors then occur on smaller, and therefore less important, units. Phoneme-based methods consequently make it feasible to use computer generated transcriptions as training data. Building on word-based methods, a number of phoneme-based systems have emerged. The two most promising ones are the Euclidean Nearest Wrong Neighbours (ENWN) algorithm and the newly developed Stochastic Method for the Automatic Recognition of Topics (SMART). Previous experiments on the Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology's Multi-Language Telephone Speech Corpus suggested that SMART yields a large improvement over ENWN which outperformed competing phoneme-based systems in evaluations. However, the small amount of data available for these experiments meant that more rigorous testing was required. In this research, the algorithms were therefore re-implemented to run on the much larger Switchboard Corpus. Subsequently, a substantial improvement of SMART over ENWN was observed, confirming the result that was previously obtained. In addition to this, an investigation was conducted into the improvement of SMART. This resulted in a new counting strategy with a corresponding improvement in performance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die veld van onderwerp-herkenning in spraak het te doen met die probleem om "interessante" gesprekke of spraaksegmente te identifiseer tussen groot hoeveelhede spraakdata. Die tegnologie word tipies gebruik om gesprekke te verwerk voor dit verwys word na menslike operateurs. Verwante metodes kan ook gebruik word vir die ontginning van data in multimedia databasisse, literatuur-soektogte, taal-herkenning, oproep-kanalisering en boodskap-prioritisering. Die eerste onderwerp-herkenners was woordgebaseerd, maar as gevolg van die swak resultate wat behaal word met spraak-herkenners, is groot hoeveelhede hand-getranskribeerde data nodig om sulke stelsels af te rig. Dit is om hierdie rede dat navorsers tans foneemgebaseerde benaderings verkies, aangesien die foute op kleiner, en dus minder belangrike, eenhede voorkom. Foneemgebaseerde metodes maak dit dus moontlik om rekenaargegenereerde transkripsies as afrigdata te gebruik. Verskeie foneemgebaseerde stelsels het verskyn deur voort te bou op woordgebaseerde metodes. Die twee belowendste stelsels is die "Euclidean Nearest Wrong Neighbours" (ENWN) algoritme en die nuwe "Stochastic Method for the Automatic Recognition of Topics" (SMART). Vorige eksperimente op die "Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology's Multi-Language Telephone Speech Corpus" het daarop gedui dat die SMART algoritme beter vaar as die ENWN-stelsel wat ander foneemgebaseerde algoritmes geklop het. Die feit dat daar te min data beskikbaar was tydens die eksperimente het daarop gedui dat strenger toetse nodig was. Gedurende hierdie navorsing is die algoritmes dus herimplementeer sodat eksperimente op die "Switchboard Corpus" uitgevoer kon word. Daar is vervolgens waargeneem dat SMART aansienlik beter resultate lewer as ENWN en dit het dus die geldigheid van die vorige resultate bevestig. Ter aanvulling hiervan, is 'n ondersoek geloods om SMART te probeer verbeter. Dit het tot 'n nuwe telling-strategie gelei met 'n meegaande verbetering in resultate.

Seberealizace seniorů v domově s pečovatelskou službou / Self-realization Seniors in a Nursing Home

ŠIMEČKOVÁ, Irena January 2016 (has links)
The issue of age and aging is for each of us increasingly topical theme. Many seniors did not expect to live to such an old age. It is understandable that older people gradually decrease forces and concluded that they wish to be placed into the residence facilities. It should be added that senior decision must be voluntary, surely it cannot be enforced. His family and friends can be supportive them. In a situation where a senior is quite independent, but his health is deteriorating and it is expected that she will need help in coping with common activities, you may submit an application for placement in a nursing home. Seniors and the municipalities that own nursing home conclude a proper tenancy agreement and a nursing proposes what specific steps they need. In order to better adapt the senior in a nursing home, he can take the furniture from his home, pictures or photographs. The advantage for the senior may be that there live his friends in the home and he knows its surroundings. Often it is in a nursing home better for access to health care services and transport than in his previous residence. Another advantage is the program that a nursing home for the elderly creates. It is self-evident that even seniors can create their own program. Even seniors can find self-fulfillment. They attend clubs for the elderly, educated at the universities of the third age, going to the theatre, visiting places of interest or going for walks. The topic of my thesis is Self-realization of Seniors in a Nursing Home. The aim is to map the factors that influence the fulfillment of seniors in a particular nursing home. It was established a major research question: How do seniors feel self-fulfillment with support for care services? To answer the main research questions were four research questions. It was used strategy to qualitative research method of questioning and semi-structured interview technique. The research was conducted in a nursing home in Tyl Street in Czech Budweis. Nursing services are provided Ledax, o.p.s. The research showed that seniors feel safe and know their rights. Seniors indicated that they are satisfied with the nursing home, on the other hand they want to remain independent as long as possible. Interviewees agreed that their health is not perfect but they are trying to take everything easy. They fear that they will become totally dependent on the care of others. Furthermore, it´s very difficult to cope with the loss of neighbors, with whom they established friendships, reported that seniors who live here more than a decade. They also agreed that there were neighborly relations better organized before and used to have much more social events. Seniors who are at home a shorter period of time said that neighborly relations are good. All seniors are in regular contact with their family and friends. They prefer personal visit, but if there´s the worst, they call their friends up. Seniors take part in leisure activities organized by the nursing home, especially women. The research also showed that seniors would welcome more leisure activities. During the interview some of elderly said that they tried to invent various leisure activities for the others, but unfortunately- without success. On answering the main research question - how older people perceive self-fulfillment with support for care services? I can say that for the elderly is an important support for care services both in their daily affairs and leisure activities. In case they have a problem, some of the respondents agreed that it is the care service where they turn for advice. The results of this work will be handed over to social workers and seniors in nursing homes in Tyl Street in Czech Budweis.

Vyhodnocení ekonomických závislostí mezi EU a sousedskými zeměmi východní Evropy / Assessing Economic Linkages between the EU and the Eastern Europe Neighbours

Moisei, Daniela January 2018 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Social Sciences Institute of Economic Studies MASTER'S THESIS Assessing Economic Linkages between the EU and the Eastern Europe Neighbours Author: Bc. DanielaMoisei Supervisor: Prof. Roman Horváth, Ph.D. Academic Year: 2017/2018 Abstract The proposed study analyses the economic linkages between five Central and Eastern European countries (Czech Republic, Romania, Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine) and the euro area, in the period 2006-2017, applying the block-restriction vector autoregression model. It allows evaluating the amplitude and persistence of the domestic vs. euro area shocks on four macroeconomic indicators: real GDP, short-term interest rate, CPI, and FX rate. The main findings emphasize that EU members are more economically synchronized with the euro area, responding to external factors in less than 10 months. Nevertheless, the Central Banks of the East European countries react extensively to the ECB monetary policy shocks, following broadly its short-term interest rate. Eastern Neighbourhood countries and Central EU members demonstrated tight connections with the euro area, in terms of international transmission of price shocks and economic activity synchronization. Thus, Czech Republic and Romania could be relevant models for the Eastern European countries, reaching...

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